Design Critique: Products for People

DC119: Apple iOS10 Upgrade UI Trickery


November 15, 2016 10:25pm


2016 has been a bad year of manufacturers trying to force customers into upgrading their devices by user interface trickery. First Microsoft and their Windows 10 deceptions, and now Apple with iOS10 reminders that cannot be refused. In this episode, Tim describes Apple's failure to provide a "No" response in the iPhone's UI and the "nag screen" that repeatedly makes an offer the customer can't refuse.

It's not quite as bad as the Windows 10 manipulation scheme was, but the increasing lack of respect for device owners is concerning. Tim's proposed Upgrade Bill of Rights says the following:
1. Respect the owner of the product in all ways. All update dialogs must contain a No response. The owner decides what and when to upgrade, not the manufacturer.
2. Enable the owner to control notifications of updates. Enable turning off reminders messages for specific upgrades.
3. Enable the owner to schedule reminders and updates on their own schedule.

Between family support, new house projects, and other life details, the new responsive website for the show is still not up. Thanks for your patience.