Design Critique: Products for People
July 02, 2023 1:41pm
Dushyant Kunungo joins Timothy Keirnan for a discussion about enterprise UX.
* Duhsyant's professional background
* The importance of user experience to employees working in an enterprise--both to their morale and their productivity.
* Dushyant and Tim share eyebrow-raising anecdotes from enterprise user experience projects they have been on. Employees need effective, efficient, and enjoyable products/tools as much as external customers do.
* Dushyant talks about his book, UX Decoded: Think and Implement User-Centered Research Methodologies, and Expert-Led UX Best Practices.
You can reach Dushyant at his LinkedIn page. His book's publisher is at this link:
Tim recommends everyone listen to this episode of Dushyant's excellent podcast, UX Banter, with Neal Ford discussing authenticity in branding: