The purpose of The Bridge is simple: lead people to fall more in love with Jesus Christ. Regardless of your background, baggage, or present situation, we believe God has something great for your future. Therefore, we want to provide a safe place to enounter God without all the rules, rigidity, and meaningless rituals that religion offers. But we do have one rule... NO PERFECT PEOPLE ALLOWED!
Thu, March 17, 2022
The ultimate true friend is Jesus. He died for us when we didn’t deserve it. So what now? How are we supposed to live with that type of freedom? Being a true friend is understanding the grace and power we have through the Holy Spirit, and pouring that out in our relationships.
Thu, March 17, 2022
Relationships can be messy. Disagreements and fights are inevitable. So how do we reconcile? Jesus shows us himself how a relationship can be restored, despite what has happened in the past.
Thu, March 17, 2022
Jesus gave us a new commandment: love one another … the way he loves us.
Thu, March 17, 2022
Intimacy is impossible without being vulnerable. The challenge with being vulnerable is we might get hurt. But when we are reminded of our origin, and who we are in Christ, our relationships can experience intimacy. Because we are okay with being vulnerable.
Thu, March 17, 2022
Why should I keep following Jesus?
Thu, March 17, 2022
How do I follow Jesus?
Thu, March 17, 2022
What does “follow” really mean?
Thu, March 17, 2022
Who can follow Jesus?
Wed, November 10, 2021
What caused David, the man after God’s own heart, to commit adultery and murder? In this message we follow the small compromises that lead to David’s demise and establish three truths to help counteract the same mistakes in our own lives.
Wed, November 10, 2021
In Genesis 4 we see someone who could have killed the baby monsters in his life while they were still small, but didn’t. Huge horrible deeds come from tiny seeds - if we’re not victors over our sin we’ll become victims of it.
Wed, November 10, 2021
Judas wasn’t always known as the man who betrayed Jesus. But sin that is allowed to grow can change our identity without us realizing. In observing his betrayal, we are given two truths that can lead us from a path of our own destruction and we see the faithfulness of Jesus to always offer a way to redemption.
Wed, November 10, 2021
As we follow the life of Samson, we see how his small compromises lead to big mistakes. But God is faithful to redeem a humble heart. No one is ever too far gone. Our greatest days can come after our greatest failures.
Wed, November 10, 2021
Is your happiness grounded in your circumstances and achievement, or in a steadfast relationship with Christ? Like a fish out of water cannot improve its quality of life with things, our happiness cannot be complete without the foundation of the love of Christ. Only by dying to ourselves and living in Christ can we experience fullness of happiness and joy.
Wed, September 29, 2021
Have you ever had a time in your life when you felt overwhelmed? Certainly we all have. Maybe someone's even told you, "God won't give you more than you can handle." In this message, we learn why it's good for us to feel like we can't handle every overwhelming situation in our lives because God uses those circumstances to bring us closer to Him.
Wed, September 29, 2021
There is perhaps no more misquoted verse in the Bible than Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that you be not judged.” In this message, we look at three wrong ways Christians go about judging, as well as the right way Christians are called to navigate these tricky waters without becoming hypocrites.
Wed, September 29, 2021
Some Christians will say, “You just need to forgive and forget.” “Move on. Get over it. Shake it off.” But how do you shake off something like abandonment, abuse, betrayal or lies? In this message, we see what the Bible really has to say about forgiving and forgetting.
Tue, September 14, 2021
Parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do. Most of us feel overwhelmed, discouraged and completely unprepared. The Struggle is Real is a parenting series designed to connect you with practical values that will help your family flourish and equip you to be better parents. During this series, you will learn how to invite others to invest in your children to help shape and determine the quality and direction of their lives. You will also learn how to create a culture of unconditional love in your home that will lead to healthy relationships and will discover the power of quality moments together that will shape the future of your family.
Tue, September 14, 2021
Parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do. Most of us feel overwhelmed, discouraged and completely unprepared. The Struggle is Real is a parenting series designed to connect you with practical values that will help your family flourish and equip you to be better parents. During this series, you will learn how to invite others to invest in your children to help shape and determine the quality and direction of their lives. You will also learn how to create a culture of unconditional love in your home that will lead to healthy relationships and will discover the power of quality moments together that will shape the future of your family.
Tue, September 14, 2021
Parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do. Most of us feel overwhelmed, discouraged and completely unprepared. The Struggle is Real is a parenting series designed to connect you with practical values that will help your family flourish and equip you to be better parents. During this series, you will learn how to invite others to invest in your children to help shape and determine the quality and direction of their lives. You will also learn how to create a culture of unconditional love in your home that will lead to healthy relationships and will discover the power of quality moments together that will shape the future of your family.
Tue, September 14, 2021
Parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do. Most of us feel overwhelmed, discouraged and completely unprepared. The Struggle is Real is a parenting series designed to connect you with practical values that will help your family flourish and equip you to be better parents. During this series, you will learn how to invite others to invest in your children to help shape and determine the quality and direction of their lives. You will also learn how to create a culture of unconditional love in your home that will lead to healthy relationships and will discover the power of quality moments together that will shape the future of your family.
Tue, September 14, 2021
Parenting is the hardest thing you will ever do. Most of us feel overwhelmed, discouraged and completely unprepared. The Struggle is Real is a parenting series designed to connect you with practical values that will help your family flourish and equip you to be better parents. During this series, you will learn how to invite others to invest in your children to help shape and determine the quality and direction of their lives. You will also learn how to create a culture of unconditional love in your home that will lead to healthy relationships and will discover the power of quality moments together that will shape the future of your family.
Tue, September 14, 2021
When we make Christ supreme in our lives, it will change our marriage, how we treat our kids, how we respond to our parents, how we work and how we interact with our friends.
Tue, September 14, 2021
God calls us to live a life that makes Jesus famous. That means learning how to honor God in everyday life.
Tue, September 14, 2021
The secret to following Jesus is not to try hard to keep all the rules or expectations, but to live in deep connection with Jesus himself.
Sat, May 29, 2021
Whether you’re religious or not, you probably have some idea of Jesus in your head. This message in Colossians will give you a more complete picture.
Sat, May 29, 2021
The message of Jesus has been changing lives for over 2000 years, and it’s as powerful today as it was the first time it was spoken. This message gives you a life worth living.
Mon, May 03, 2021
No one likes a bully. However, most of us have been pushed around, harassed, and intimidated by the same ones for years. You may have tried to fight back and stand your ground only to give in and settle for living in defeat. But not anymore. In this series, You’re Not the Boss of Me , we will discover that most of the bullies we face have no real power over us at all. In fact, like most bullies, they tend to cower when confronted. Enough is enough. Learn how to overcome and conquer what has beaten us down for far too long!
Thu, April 29, 2021
No one likes a bully. However, most of us have been pushed around, harassed, and intimidated by the same ones for years. You may have tried to fight back and stand your ground only to give in and settle for living in defeat. But not anymore. In this series, You’re Not the Boss of Me, we will discover that most of the bullies we face have no real power over us at all. In fact, like most bullies, they tend to cower when confronted. Enough is enough. Learn how to overcome and conquer what has beaten us down for far too long!
Thu, April 29, 2021
No one likes a bully. However, most of us have been pushed around, harassed, and intimidated by the same ones for years. You may have tried to fight back and stand your ground only to give in and settle for living in defeat. But not anymore. In this series, You’re Not the Boss of Me, we will discover that most of the bullies we face have no real power over us at all. In fact, like most bullies, they tend to cower when confronted. Enough is enough. Learn how to overcome and conquer what has beaten us down for far too long!
Mon, April 12, 2021
No one likes a bully. However, most of us have been pushed around, harassed, and intimidated by the same ones for years. You may have tried to fight back and stand your ground only to give in and settle for living in defeat. But not anymore. In this series, You’re Not the Boss of Me, we will discover that most of the bullies we face have no real power over us at all. In fact, like most bullies, they tend to cower when confronted. Enough is enough. Learn how to overcome and conquer what has beaten us down for far too long.
Tue, April 06, 2021
Tue, April 06, 2021
How would you fill in the blank, God is _________. Some people may say Father, loving, and kind. Others may say cruel, distant, or nonexistent. What you think about God is the most important thing you think about. In this series, we will discover what the Bible has to say about the holiness, love, and justice of God. And how these three character traits, not only describe God, but have an impact on our lives as well.
Tue, April 06, 2021
How would you fill in the blank, God is _________. Some people may say Father, loving, and kind. Others may say cruel, distant, or nonexistent. What you think about God is the most important thing you think about. In this series, we will discover what the Bible has to say about the holiness, love, and justice of God. And how these three character traits, not only describe God, but have an impact on our lives as well.
Tue, April 06, 2021
How would you fill in the blank, God is _________. Some people may say Father, loving, and kind. Others may say cruel, distant, or nonexistent. What you think about God is the most important thing you think about. In this series, we will discover what the Bible has to say about the holiness, love, and justice of God. And how these three character traits, not only describe God, but have an impact on our lives as well.
Tue, April 06, 2021
We were made for relationships. In fact, when God made us, He knew that we would enjoy life more with other people. We know this is true, even though we don’t always get it right. But that’s why God gave us a relational guide that contains over 50 “one another” statements! Join us on this “one another” journey as we look at four that could take your relationships to an exciting new level.
Tue, April 06, 2021
We were made for relationships. In fact, when God made us, He knew that we would enjoy life more with other people. We know this is true, even though we don’t always get it right. But that’s why God gave us a relational guide that contains over 50 “one another” statements! Join us on this “one another” journey as we look at four that could take your relationships to an exciting new level.
Tue, April 06, 2021
We were made for relationships. In fact, when God made us, He knew that we would enjoy life more with other people. We know this is true, even though we don’t always get it right. But that’s why God gave us a relational guide that contains over 50 “one another” statements! Join us on this “one another” journey as we look at four that could take your relationships to an exciting new level.
Tue, April 06, 2021
We were made for relationships. In fact, when God made us, He knew that we would enjoy life more with other people. We know this is true, even though we don’t always get it right. But that’s why God gave us a relational guide that contains over 50 “one another” statements! Join us on this “one another” journey as we look at four that could take your relationships to an exciting new level.
Tue, April 06, 2021
A look at the values of The Bridge, what they mean and how they apply to our lives.
Tue, April 06, 2021
A look at the values of The Bridge, what they mean and how they apply to our lives.
Tue, April 06, 2021
A look at the values of The Bridge, what they mean and how they apply to our lives.
Tue, April 06, 2021
A look at the values of The Bridge, what they mean and how they apply to our lives.
Tue, April 06, 2021
A look at the values of The Bridge, what they mean and how they apply to our lives.
Tue, November 03, 2020
The Prodigal Son. Probably the most famous of all Jesus’ parables. It’s the story of a family: a wayward child… a jealous brother… a compassionate father. It’s a story of rebellion. It’s a story of redemption. It’s a story of restoration. It’s a story of our Heavenly Father saying the two words we all long to hear, “ Welcome Home !”
Tue, November 03, 2020
The Prodigal Son. Probably the most famous of all Jesus’ parables. It’s the story of a family: a wayward child… a jealous brother… a compassionate father. It’s a story of rebellion. It’s a story of redemption. It’s a story of restoration. It’s a story of our Heavenly Father saying the two words we all long to hear, “ Welcome Home !”
Tue, November 03, 2020
Tue, November 03, 2020
Thu, October 01, 2020
Mon, September 28, 2020
Mon, September 28, 2020
Deuteronomy 6 shows us that it is the parent’s responsibility to teach and impress upon their children the Word of God. Too often, we delegate this to other people, for good or bad. However, intentional parenting is a calling from God to every parent, no matter their area of expertise. Parents, don’t lose hope, you can do this!
Thu, September 03, 2020
Thu, September 03, 2020
Thu, September 03, 2020
Thu, September 03, 2020
Thu, September 03, 2020
Tue, July 28, 2020
Tue, July 21, 2020
Tue, July 21, 2020
There’s nothing wrong with having money. And if you have a bunch of money, then praise God. But don’t forget about those who aren’t as fortunate as you. God loves it when we share. And the best part is, He gives us a plan on how to be wise with our wealth.
Tue, July 21, 2020
Have you ever wondered why arguments happen? Or, have you ever wanted to quit having the same arguments with the same person? In this message, we’ll discover the answer to both. And the answer may actually surprise you.
Fri, July 03, 2020
Our words determine the course of our lives and affect the environment and course of the lives of others. We need to realize the positive and negative potential of our words and how what we say affects others. By managing our mouth, it’s possible to bring life to our relationships.
Fri, July 03, 2020
When we’re under stress, our natural biases start to rise, and we tend to be less tolerant of differences and more prejudice toward others. In this message, we’ll see why God hates prejudice and learn how to treat people how He desires for us to treat them.
Fri, July 03, 2020
God has a purpose for our problems. In this message, we will be reminded that our faith makes it possible to handle difficulties. Adversity in our lives is not evidence of a lack of God's faithfulness. This is God's way of building faith in us.
Fri, July 03, 2020
Our lives and relationships are changed when we do something with what we believe. In this message, we’ll learn that God will use what you believe to preserve your life, finances, and family through applying what you believe.
Fri, July 03, 2020
In every field, there’s someone known as the GOAT - the “Greatest of All Time.” Regardless of the sport, someone has to be the Greatest of All Time. Well, when it comes to finding comfort and encouragement in times of trouble, you could make a case for Psalm 23 being the GOAT. In the middle of what feels like a world turned upside down, we can look to the words of Psalm 23 to be reminded that no matter what we face, God is present and at work for us and in us. Join us this weekend and learn the hope, wisdom, and insight that makes #23 the Greatest of All Time!
Fri, July 03, 2020
In every field, there’s someone known as the GOAT - the “Greatest of All Time.” Regardless of the sport, someone has to be the Greatest of All Time. Well, when it comes to finding comfort and encouragement in times of trouble, you could make a case for Psalm 23 being the GOAT. In the middle of what feels like a world turned upside down, we can look to the words of Psalm 23 to be reminded that no matter what we face, God is present and at work for us and in us. Join us this weekend and learn the hope, wisdom, and insight that makes #23 the Greatest of All Time!
Fri, July 03, 2020
In every field, there’s someone known as the GOAT - the “Greatest of All Time.” Regardless of the sport, someone has to be the Greatest of All Time. Well, when it comes to finding comfort and encouragement in times of trouble, you could make a case for Psalm 23 being the GOAT. In the middle of what feels like a world turned upside down, we can look to the words of Psalm 23 to be reminded that no matter what we face, God is present and at work for us and in us. Join us this weekend and learn the hope, wisdom, and insight that makes #23 the Greatest of All Time!
Fri, July 03, 2020
Fri, July 03, 2020
This is a fundamental life question during times of crisis: Is there hope? And if so, what do I do to find it? In this series, we’ll discover how you can have hope knowing God is in control, he will bring good out of bad, and that you can trust him in the journey. Find out how God wants to get us through what we’re going through.
Fri, July 03, 2020
This is a fundamental life question during times of crisis: Is there hope? And if so, what do I do to find it? In this series, we’ll discover how you can have hope knowing God is in control, he will bring good out of bad, and that you can trust him in the journey. Find out how God wants to get us through what we’re going through.
Fri, July 03, 2020
This is a fundamental life question during times of crisis: Is there hope? And if so, what do I do to find it? In this series, we’ll discover how you can have hope knowing God is in control, he will bring good out of bad, and that you can trust him in the journey. Find out how God wants to get us through what we’re going through.
Mon, March 16, 2020
Kenny Dean shares what the Bible says about fear.
Tue, March 03, 2020
Thu, February 27, 2020
Tue, February 25, 2020
Mon, February 17, 2020
Anger and Forgiveness
Mon, February 17, 2020
“Marriage is Complicated!”—marriage is a complicated relationship
Tue, January 28, 2020
Chuck Butler speaks
Mon, January 27, 2020
Thu, January 23, 2020
Tue, January 21, 2020
Mon, January 13, 2020
Mon, January 13, 2020
Mon, January 13, 2020
Mon, January 13, 2020
"Stuck Between Presents and Gifts!" We love the Christmas season-the songs, the smells, the food and the festivities-It really is the most wonderful time of the year! In fact, we can get so caught up in the season that we forget it is only the middle of the story. The Christmas Story, that little baby in a manger, falls right in the middle of the Old Covenant and New Covenant...Guilt and Grace...Presenting Sacrifices at the Temple and Receiving the Gift of Salvation! The good news of Christmas is not that a baby was born in the city of David but that a SAVIOR was born bringing peace on earth!
Tue, January 07, 2020
Thu, January 02, 2020
"Stuck Between Presents and Gifts!" We love the Christmas season-the songs, the smells, the food and the festivities-It really is the most wonderful time of the year! In fact, we can get so caught up in the season that we forget it is only the middle of the story. The Christmas Story, that little baby in a manger, falls right in the middle of the Old Covenant and New Covenant...Guilt and Grace...Presenting Sacrifices at the Temple and Receiving the Gift of Salvation! The good news of Christmas is not that a baby was born in the city of David but that a SAVIOR was born bringing peace on earth!
Fri, December 20, 2019
"Stuck between Shattered Dreams and Strengthened Hope!" What do you do when life does not go as planned? You lose your dream job, receive news of an unexpected diagnosis, or your spouse walks out on you-what then? Mary and Joseph were a young engaged couple with dreams of starting a family and experiencing an incredible life together. Those dreams were shattered when Mary became pregnant though she and Joseph had never slept together. As a result, Joseph learned an invaluable lesson about trusting God-impossible life choices often reflect the middle of the story not the end. Because Joseph refused to get stuck in the middle of the Christmas story, Christ was born, the world was blessed, God was glorified, and his hope was strengthened.
Thu, December 19, 2019
What do you do when life does not go as planned? You lose your dream job, receive news of an unexpected diagnosis, or your spouse walks out on you—what then? Mary and Joseph were a young engaged couple with dreams of starting a family and experiencing an incredible life together. Those dreams were shattered when Mary became pregnant though she and Joseph had never slept together. As a result, Joseph learned an invaluable lesson about trusting God— impossible life choices often reflect the middle of the story not the end. Because Joseph refused to get stuck in the middle of the Christmas story, Christ was born, the world was blessed, God was glorified, and his hope was strengthened.
Wed, December 11, 2019
When God is silent, we are tempted to think He is absent or still. The people associated with the first Christmas likely felt this way because God had been silent for some time! From the end of the Old Testament to the opening chapters of the New Testament were 400 years of Silent Nights leaving the Jewish people to wonder if God had abandoned them. When Silent Night was interrupted by Joy to the World, it was a critical reminder that even when God seems silent, He is always present and active.
Mon, December 09, 2019
"Stuck between Silent NIght and Joy to the World!" When God is silent, we are tempted to think He is absent or still. The people associated with the first Christmas likely felt this way because God had been silent for some time! From the end of the Old Testament to the opening chapters of the New Testament were 400 years of Silent Nights leaving the Jewish people to wonder if God had abandoned them. When Silent Night was interrupted by Joy to the World, it was a critical reminder that even when God seems silent, He is always present and active.
Tue, December 03, 2019
Mon, December 02, 2019
Mon, December 02, 2019
Mon, November 25, 2019
Thu, November 14, 2019
Tue, November 12, 2019
The starting point for any construction project is determining the cost of the project and whether the necessary resources are available. In order for us to continue being a Bridge of Hope around the world, God has asked us to be generous with our finances. What would happen if each Christ-follower that calls The Bridge their church home willingly gave their best gift this Christmas toward our Do Good efforts? How might that radically change our opportunity to be a Bridge of Hope?
Tue, November 05, 2019
As time passes, it seems people are increasingly dissatisfied with various aspects of life. We are dissatisfied relationally, professionally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. Maybe more than ever before, those who cross our paths need hope—hope for a better life and a more fulfilling future. God has perfectly positioned The Bridge to meet this challenge. As we Do Good for others, God will use us as a Bridge of Hope throughout the world!
Mon, November 04, 2019
As time passes, it seems people are increasingly dissatisfied with various aspects of life. We are dissatisfied relationally, professionally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. Maybe more than ever before, those who cross our paths need hope—hope for a better life and a more fulfilling future. God has perfectly positioned The Bridge to meet this challenge. As we Do Good for others, God will use us as a Bridge of Hope throughout the world!
Mon, October 28, 2019
The Apostle Paul challenges believers to be filled with the Spirit-to live under the influence of the Spirit as opposed to alcohol. What does it look like to live daily under the influence of the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit gives extraordinary power to ordinary people. He prays for us, comforts us during times of pain, helps us in our weaknesses, and leads us into all truth.