Tiny little Joshua Milton only wants one thing in life; to be strong like his dead parents. When an encounter with an imprisoned demon whisks him from his life mining diamonds in his Evil Uncle's golden mansion to a wizarding academy full of little secrets and big mysteries, Joshua may just find a way to get big muscles and achieve his big dream. An improvised writing back-and-forth between Alex Mankin and David Kinne. No discussion, no planning, just a lot of magic and, for some reason, a lot of diamonds!
S1 Enull · Thu, December 20, 2018
Despite joining a team that prefers to hide from their problems, Joshua Milton has only one option; to lead them into the heart of chaos! Meanwhile, the Chaos Witch reveals the sick tricks she's been keeping up her wicked sleeves!
S1 Enull · Tue, September 25, 2018
The Chaos Witch Darkovkar is just a diamond away from returning to power and flinging the world back into chaos! Only Tiny Joshua Milton can stop this from happening, somehow, according to at least one mysterious weird guy anyway.
S1 Enull · Tue, September 25, 2018
As the House War finally begins, Joshua Milton becomes increasingly frustrated at the growing number of menial quests that continue to fall into his tiny lap.
S1 Enull · Tue, September 25, 2018
Joshua's academic adventure kicks off with a bizarre school, bizarre new friends, and some fairly run-of-the-mill enemies!
S1 Enull · Tue, September 25, 2018
Tiny little orphan Joshua Milton wants to be strong and/or muscular, just like his dead parents! Does an ancient and mysterious artifact known as The Big Cup possess the magical capabilities he needs to make his little wish come true?