The Rural Medic Podcast

E3: Who Are You?


October 25, 2024 5:00am


This week, Chris continued to build on last week's discussion about identifying where you want to go and what you want in life by introducing a second crucial component: understanding who you are and what your core values are. This shift in focus encourages deeper self-reflection to explore the principles and beliefs that define you as an individual and prehospital provider. 

Knowing your destination in life is essential, but equally important is knowing the foundation on which you stand. When you have a clear vision of your values, you cultivate resilience that is grounded in purpose. This not only strengthens your ability to navigate the challenges you face in EMS but also enhances your overall sense of happiness and fulfillment. With a defined direction and a solid understanding of who you are, your purpose becomes a guiding force.

The Rural Medic Podcast