Listen each week as Pastor Rod Loy teaches from our Guidebook for Living - the Bible.
Mon, March 10, 2025
There is a common saying, "Show me your friends and I will show you your future." Although it's a cheesy cliche, the lesson is true - your future can be predicted by your relationships. In this message, we continue learning from the greatest jailbreak in history! Paul and Silas were faced with extreme difficulty and responded with worship and praise - it was a powerful display of faith. But the decision to connect with each other before being thrown in prison is a key part of the story. When you face difficult times, being chained to the right people makes a difference.
Mon, March 03, 2025
What has been the hardest day of your life? Out of all the difficult moments you could have picked, why that one? Did someone close to you pass away? Did you lose your job? Did your kids walk away? Whatever it was, we've all faced seasons of difficulty. In this message, we begin a new series focusing on an incredible story from the life of Paul and Silas. We will look at one of the most amazing prison breaks in history and learn key principles for surviving life's most difficult moments! Spoiler: It all starts with your response to pain and hardship.
Mon, February 24, 2025
In this message, we will learn a biblical command that may seem unreasonable and difficult to follow: Rom. 12:14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. As we conclude our study of Romans 12, this counter-cultural command will give you a life-changing way to think!
Mon, February 17, 2025
We live in a world obsessed with pride. You are told to stand out, be the best, and never admit weakness. Culture celebrates self-promotion, competition, and the need to prove your worth. Pride is ugly and has devastating effects. In this message, as we continue looking at Romans 12, we come to a verse where Paul confronts pride and challenges you to live a life of humility. In a world of self-promotion, humility points people to Jesus!
Mon, February 10, 2025
Everyone experiences moments of victory and moments of defeat. No matter who you are, there will be times of pain and times of celebration. The difference for the follower of Jesus is, you are not alone! This message continues our series, "Buckle Up". You will be challenged to: Rom. 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. You will discover practical and effective ways to do both!
Mon, February 03, 2025
As we continue looking at Romans chapter 12, we come to verses 13 and 14: Rom. 12:13 Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Paul's words are a clear and straightforward command for each of us - it's time to be generous and hospitable. In this message, you will learn practical ways to follow Paul's command. You will also be presented with the opportunity to put generosity in action!
Mon, January 27, 2025
In this message, as we continue “Buckle Up”, we look at Romans chapter 12, verses 11 and 12: Rom. 12:11 "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Get ready, this message is going to be very, very challenging. It could also be absolutely life changing. We pray you will discover or re-discover a passionate love for Jesus!
Mon, January 20, 2025
In the Church, we all play a role in reaching lost people and making life-long followers of Jesus. There are no superheroes, A-listers, or lone warriors - we come together to form a team that Paul calls "the body of Christ" (1 Cor. 12). This message continues our series, "Buckle Up". We learn how God designed His Church to accomplish His mission by using people just like you! Buckle up - we've got a job to do and you play an important role!
Mon, January 13, 2025
When someone says, "Buckle Up", you know there is something ahead you need to prepare for. It may be a challenge, a difficulty or a hard truth, but no matter what it is, you need to buckle up! This message kicks off a new series: “Buckle Up”. At FirstNLR we believe in being Biblical Christians - the Bible should guide how we talk, act, and treat others. In this series, we dive deep into Romans chapter 12, where we will raise the bar for how followers of Jesus are supposed to live. We challenge you to live up to the biblical standard! It's your choice - will you accept the challenge?
Mon, January 06, 2025
Since becoming pastor, Pastor Rod has taught from the same passage in Acts chapter two at the start of each year. From this passage, we can identify twelve signs of a healthy, growing church. Whether you are new to our church family or have been a faithful member for years, this message is an important reminder that we all play a role in keeping our church healthy. This is the perfect message to share with someone - they will learn who we are and what we believe!
Mon, December 30, 2024
Are you ready to step into lasting freedom? In this message, we’ll explore how to break free from the chains of addiction, shame, and struggle. Discover hope, healing, and the promise of transformation in Christ. This is your chance to embrace a new way of living and make 2025 your Year of Freedom.
Mon, December 23, 2024
Christmas service features beautiful music, a meaningful moment of communion and the life changing message of Christmas. We would love for you to share this message with your family. You are going to love the start of service. It features all your favorite Christmas songs in eleven minutes!
Tue, December 17, 2024
This message we will finish the 23rd Psalm by looking at the final verse. It's an incredibly encouraging message that will remind you of God's goodness and mercy and our forever home! It's one you won't want to miss.
Mon, December 09, 2024
Sometimes, the problems and difficulties of life are overwhelming. Everything seems to go wrong, and you can't find a solution. When that happens, what do you do? In this message, you will learn verse 5 of the 23rd Psalm. In life's most challenging moments, your Good Shepherd watches over you, prepares a way, and cares for you. This verse is a beautiful picture of God's love!
Mon, December 02, 2024
When you are surrounded by difficulty and trouble, you find yourself in a valley. No one gets a free pass from hard times in life! When you know that valleys will come, how do you prepare? In this message, we learn verse 4 of the 23rd Psalm. When you find yourself in a valley, your Good Shepherd is there to lead you through. It's an encouraging message you need to hear!
Mon, November 25, 2024
In this message, as we continue the 23rd Psalm, you’ll learn how to discover and follow God’s plan for your life. We will also celebrate God’s plan for restoration and redemption. You will be encouraged and grateful.
Mon, November 18, 2024
In this message, as we continue to memorize Psalm 23, we focus on a verse that is encouraging if you are busy, stressed, anxious, and worried. If you find yourself facing pressure and searching for peace, this message is for you!
Mon, November 11, 2024
This message focuses on the powerful first line of Psalm 23: "The Lord is my Shepherd." As you watch and learn insights into the life of a shepherd, you’ll see how this verse shows God’s love, presence, and commitment to us. It’s a reminder that we’re never alone or without help—God is with us every step of the way.
Mon, November 04, 2024
At FirstNLR, the idea that Every Soul Matters to God is our guiding principle. We believe every person. -no matter their skin color, background, race, economic status, or geographical location - matters to God. In this message, we will look at 6 different levels of that belief. It will be challenging and inspiring - you don't want to miss it!
Mon, October 28, 2024
In this message, you will get the chance to hear incredible stories of miracles from around the world! Your faithful and regular missions giving has made it possible for hundreds of missionaries and projects to tell people about Jesus. Watch this video to hear how you have helped us capitalize on these windows of opportunity!
Mon, October 21, 2024
A window of opportunity is a limited period of time when your actions, decisions and circumstances all work together for the best possible impact. Taking advantage of a window of opportunity often involves sacrifice. Action must be taken quickly or the window will close. In this message, we begin a new series and discuss how you can capitalize on windows of opportunity for God's Kingdom. Taking advantage of these moments will have an eternal impact!
Mon, October 14, 2024
In this message, we finish by talking about kindness. For followers of Jesus, kindness should be the normal way to talk. Pastor Rod will share 7 ways to help your words be kind!
Mon, September 30, 2024
In this message, as we learn to THINK, we discover the power of inspiring words. Your words have the potential to inspire an individual, a group, or even an entire generation to achieve big things for God's Kingdom. It's up to you, will your words inspire and encourage or will they tear down and destroy?
Mon, September 23, 2024
If you list the qualities of your favorite person to spend time with, chances are. the word"helpful" will be included. We all love spending time with helpful people. But being helpful is not just about your actions, it's also based on your words! In this message, we continue learning how to THINK before we speak. As we get to letter H, you will be challenged. Are your words helpful or harmful?
Mon, September 16, 2024
The Bible has a lot to say about the power of telling the truth and the dangers of lying. In this message, we will look at some passages that make the difference clear. As we continue to learn how followers of Jesus should speak and post, you will learn the value of truth in your words.
Mon, September 09, 2024
Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” Your words have power – to hurt and to heal. In this message, we start a new series that will challenge you to speak and post differently, and to THINK before you speak! What do your words reveal about you?
Mon, September 02, 2024
In this message, we finish looking at the life of Joseph. The story of Joseph's rise to the top is encouraging and inspiring - God can bring success from a terrible situation. As we come to the end of his story, you will discover Joseph's true path to success came from his commitment to being faithful in every moment. You will be challenged by Joseph's example!
Mon, August 26, 2024
In this message we will consider a question that all believers wrestle with - "Why do bad things happen to good people?" It's a question people try to cover up with cliches because they don't have a genuine answer. It may be one you are currently facing! As we continue learning from the life of Joseph, we will stop and consider the terrible situations he faced throughout his life. From his response to trouble, you will gain a new perspective when bad things happen to you!
Mon, August 19, 2024
When someone hurts you, the world tells you to get revenge. Some call it getting even or making things right. But what does the Bible tell you to do? As we continue to learn from the life of Joseph, we pick up the story where Joseph had the opportunity to pay his family back for the years of misery they caused. His example will challenge how you respond when others hurt you!
Mon, August 12, 2024
Jesus makes it clear, in this world we will have trouble! (Jn. 16:33) Because we have this promise, it shouldn't be a surprise when stuff goes wrong. As a follower of Jesus, how should you respond when a crisis comes? In this message, we pick up the story of Joseph when his family is in a complete moment of crisis - everything is going wrong. By looking at their response to difficulty, you will learn important lessons for how you should handle a crisis when it comes!
Mon, August 05, 2024
In this message, we want you to consider the question, "Who is the least likely person to accept Jesus?" Is there a person in your family, at your work, or in your life that even Jesus can't change? As you consider this question, you will learn the life pattern of people we often consider unreachable and God's plan to reach them anyway. The lesson comes from an epic moment in the life of Joseph.
Mon, July 29, 2024
No one likes to wait. Whether you are waiting at the doctor's office, for your food to be ready or for the latest movie to be released, having to wait is frustrating. But the worst kind of waiting is when you are left wondering when God will fulfill His promise and dream for your life. In this message, we will look at a moment in Joseph's life when he was left waiting for God to come through. If you feel alone and forgotten, this message will be incredibly encouraging. In a season of waiting, God is still working!
Mon, July 22, 2024
Have you ever asked “Why Me?” You’ve been faithful and obedient, but things are still going wrong. In those moments, what do you do? How do you respond? In this message, looking at the life of Joseph, we’ll consider this difficult theological question. You’ll discover some encouraging principles and God’s purpose through your pain. It’s going to be a great weekend!
Mon, July 15, 2024
We live in a sin-sick world. Since we are constantly surrounded by. sin,we have become used to it and - in some cases - even tolerated it. What is the answer? In this message, as we continue to study the life of Joseph, we will look at a crucial moment in his journey where he faced extreme temptation but remained faithful to God. Through Joseph’s example, you will learn practical principles to help you resist sin!
Mon, July 08, 2024
From the earliest age, every child dreams of achieving something special. But just as soon as the dream emerges, someone is there to kill the dream and push them to be "realistic". If you have given up on your dreams and settled for something less, God can still use you! In this message, we will continue looking at the life of Joseph and discover God's dream for your life is not limited by imagination or ability. He can do more than you ask, imagine, or dream!
Mon, July 01, 2024
This message begins a new series on the life of Joseph. You will learn powerful lessons from the heartache Joseph faced and the faithfulness God displayed. In spite of the twists, turns, and tragedy, God helped Joesph overcome unbeatable odds and become a powerful leader. We kick it off by learning how Joseph's dysfunctional family and past mistakes did not stop God from using him. If you have a past - or any excuse that is holding you back - this message is for you!
Mon, June 24, 2024
In this message you will hear an incredible story about the redeeming power of God. If someone you love feels helpless, hopeless and at rock bottom, send them this video! They will discover that through Jesus, there is hope for a new beginning! And, if you need your hope restored, watch it now!
Mon, June 17, 2024
It’s an election year. Our country is struggling; it’s overwhelming to think about everything broken and going wrong. As we approach November, I get a lot of pressure to endorse candidates, make statements, etc. People on all sides get angry. This message will be Pastor Rod's only public political statement for the year. You might be surprised to learn that God’s answer for our country is not found in any political party or candidate. Instead, it will come when God’s people follow God’s plan. As you watch, you will discover the role you play.
Mon, June 10, 2024
Conflict is inevitable – at home, work and even at church. Unhealthy approaches to conflict harm your witness and damage those around you. It’s important you learn how to handle things the right way – the biblical way. In this message, we will look at a story in the book of Acts and discover the power of our Core Value: Resolve Conflict Biblically.
Mon, June 03, 2024
In this message, we’ll look at a Bible story that highlights the value of working together. It’s a great, encouraging story that will remind you just how big a difference you make!
Mon, May 27, 2024
In this message, we continue our Core Value series and talk about developing and maintaining a strong relationship with God. If you’ve been feeling distant or disconnected, this message is perfect for you!
Mon, May 20, 2024
Life often has a way of presenting new challenges and unique struggles for you to figure out and solve. Living in a sin-sick, broken world makes things difficult! In this message, we will continue our "Core Values" series by talking about how the Bible is our guidebook for living. When you face trouble in this life, you can look to God's Word for the solution!
Mon, May 13, 2024
This message continues our "Core Values" series by discussing the importance of building healthy families! You will learn important principles for building a healthy family and the excuses people make to keep them from doing so.
Mon, May 06, 2024
This message kicks of our new series: “Core Values”. In this series, we’ll look at the values that are foundational at FirstNLR – and influence everything we do. Whether you are new to the church or have been coming for years, you’ll enjoy this one! We start with the value that has become the slogan for our church. When you believe that “Every Soul Matters to God”, it influences your words, actions and behavior.
Mon, April 29, 2024
This message is the conclusion of our series on stewardship. We cover a challenging principle and idea - sacrifice. As Americans, we hate the thought of going without comfort and preference. But Jesus calls His followers to a standard that destroys those expectations. You will learn a radical new way to live.
Mon, April 22, 2024
In this message, we continue talking about stewardship as we move to level two of the pyramid - generosity. You will discover what generosity really means and what God can do with a church full of generous believers.
Mon, April 15, 2024
In this message we continue our series on stewardship by talking about the most basic level - obedience. Obeying what God says about your money is the first step in experiencing the blessings He promises. If money is a major cause of stress, this message will point to the answer!
Mon, April 08, 2024
This message is the start of our new series, "Stewardship". Because there is a lot of confusion about giving, this is a topic we need to talk about. We will explore the steps of stewardship and God's response. The lessons you will learn can change your life!
Mon, April 01, 2024
In this message, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and share the story of His love. Jesus is knocking. Will you answer?
Mon, March 25, 2024
This message concludes our series, "No Name". We look at the story of an unnamed servant who led an unlikely candidate to receive God's healing power. You will learn the goal is not to be known, but to put God's power on display.
Mon, March 18, 2024
In this message, we look at an entire family of no names and their decision to hold on to their sinful past. Through their failure, you will learn how to avoid the pain and heartache of repeating the past. It will be a powerful and challenging message!
Mon, March 11, 2024
In this message, we will look at another passage where the main character has no name. It’s an incredible story, with an even more remarkable ending. You’ll learn lessons about being grateful!
Mon, March 04, 2024
In this message, as we continue our series, "No Name", we look at one of Jesus' most famous miracles. In spite of the miracle's popularity, the hero of the story is an unknown little boy. Through this young boy's willingness to give towards an overwhelming need, you will learn an important lesson about God's desire to use you to achieve the miraculous.
Mon, February 26, 2024
In this message, we look at a woman who modeled outrageous trust in God. When she had nothing, she gave God everything. Her simple and obedient act was enough to catch the attention of Jesus. Her story will challenge you and remind you that Jesus knows your story!
Mon, February 19, 2024
This message is the start of our new series, "No Name." Over the next six messages, we will look at some familiar stories from the Bible where the hero is never named. Although we don't know their name, we learn a lot from their faith! We start by looking at a marginalized man who Jesus included - it's an amazing story!
Mon, February 12, 2024
Mon, February 05, 2024
In this message, we continue our series on forgiveness by talking about one of the most difficult aspects of forgiveness - forgiving yourself. Ugly mistakes, painful failures, and past regrets have kept you trapped for too long - it's time to experience the freedom Jesus offers by starting the forgiveness journey. In spite of your painful past, you can move forward!
Mon, January 29, 2024
In this message, we continue by looking at some practical steps for how to forgive. It is possible! Be ready to learn principles that will change your forgiveness journey.
Mon, January 22, 2024
In this message, we look at some very practical reasons why you should forgive. You will understand just how much depends on your decision to forgive. This is a life-changing message for you.
Mon, January 15, 2024
Over the next five weeks, we will talk about forgiveness and consider five key questions to help us understand the importance of forgiveness. Here’s a sneak preview: everything depends on it! If you have pain from your past or are struggling to forgive - this message is for you!
Mon, January 08, 2024
At FirstNLR, our goal is to be a healthy church – functioning as God intended and designed. In this message, we will look at the 12 signs of a healthy church found in Acts, chapter 2. It is a great message to share – they will learn who we are and what matters most. Pastor Rod also talks about some changes to expect in 2024. It’s going to be a special year.
Mon, January 01, 2024
Did everything go as planned in 2023? If not, don't worry - 2024 can be a better year! In this message, we will look at the story that follows the birth of Jesus and learn together some practical things to do during a season of waiting. If you want to see a change in 2024, watch this message!
Sun, December 24, 2023
Mon, December 18, 2023
Are you tired, weak, and worn down? In the busyness of the holiday season, exhaustion often reveals itself. Watch the final message of our "Overcoming" series. With God's help, you can overcome exhaustion!
Mon, December 11, 2023
In this message, we will continue our series by learning how God can help you overcome loneliness.
Mon, December 04, 2023
This weekend, we will continue our series, "Overcoming", by talking about how God's power can help you overcome depression. If you or a loved one struggles with depression, we encourage you to watch or share this video!
Mon, November 27, 2023
In this message, will continue our series, "Overcoming", and learn how to overcome an issue that affects all of us - fear. With God's help, you can overcome the fears that control you!
Mon, November 20, 2023
In this message, we will continue our series, “Overcoming,” and talk about how to overcome low self-worth with God’s help!
Mon, November 13, 2023
In this message, we are discussing anxiety. This life-controlling issue is impacting all generations. It doesn't matter how old you are, how much money you have, or what color your skin is - anxiety can affect you. But just because anxiety is common, doesn't mean it has to control you. With God's power, you can learn to overcome anxiety!
Mon, November 06, 2023
In this message, we will discover another limitless aspect of God - His reach. No place is too difficult, and no person is too lost to be reached by the love and power of God. You will hear incredible stories of God's relentless desire to have His love shared with all people.
Mon, October 30, 2023
In this message, we will learn another limitless aspect of God – His power. No issue, conflict, or attack of the enemy is too difficult for God's power to defeat! You will hear one of the craziest stories and leave in awe at God's miraculous power.
Mon, October 23, 2023
Everything in this world is limited. Nothing lasts forever because - ultimately - our time on Earth doesn't last forever. No matter how much money, time, or energy you have, eventually it runs out. In this message, we will look at a characteristic of God that is limitless.
Mon, October 16, 2023
It is easy to see where people place their trust. What people trust in and rely on is what the rest of their life is centered around. Whether it is money, success, or popularity, everyone places their trust somewhere. But as followers of Jesus, we are called to fully trust in God. In this message, we will look at the story of Jesus' interaction with a very successful man. By common standards, he had achieved great things. But when fully following Jesus required him to trust God instead of his money, he couldn't commit. The idea of giving God complete control of his life caused him to walk away. How will you respond when God calls you to fully trust in Him?
Mon, October 09, 2023
Have you ever looked at a person with a series of horrible life decisions and said, "There is no hope for them"? Have you ever given up on someone because their past mistakes continue to be their present choices? Maybe you have done that to yourself. If so, the story we look at in this message will challenge your view on grace and highlight how God sees those people. You will discover no matter who you are or what you have done, it is never too late for Jesus!
Mon, October 02, 2023
In this message, we will look at the story of Jesus' interaction with a man who was controlled by something he couldn't defeat. Every aspect of his life was dictated by this issue - he didn't go a day without the pain of being held captive. No matter what he tried, he couldn't break free. But when Jesus arrived, everything changed! You will learn that Jesus can bring you that same freedom!
Mon, September 25, 2023
In this message, as we continue One-On-One with Jesus, we’ll look at a fascinating story of grace and forgiveness. Lessons from this story will teach you about the restoration and forgiveness God extends to you.
Mon, September 18, 2023
The disciple Matthew is viewed as a strong leader in the early church. He faithfully followed Jesus, assisted in ministry, and wrote a book of the Bible. For many people, Matthew is a biblical hero. But when Jesus called Matthew to follow Him, it was shocking. To the people who knew Matthew, his past should have disqualified him from following Jesus. In this message, we will look at Jesus' interaction with Matthew and His simple call to "follow." You will see no matter who you are, what you have done, or how far you have run from God, you are the perfect candidate for Jesus. Just like with Matthew, Jesus is calling you to "follow."
Mon, September 11, 2023
Have you ever doubted God? Maybe a tragedy in life or a season of difficulty caused you to question your faith. If you are facing doubt right now, you may have so many questions that you aren't sure how you could ever believe in Him again. How can you believe in God and still deal with doubt? In this message, we will learn from the most famous doubter of all time - Thomas. Jesus' interaction with Thomas highlights how easy it is to doubt God and teaches key lessons we can all apply in seasons of doubt. Whether you are currently in that season or not, this is a great opportunity to learn how to deal with doubt!
Mon, September 04, 2023
Have you ever known someone who had a shameful, sinful, public past? You look at those people and eliminate their chances of ever finding Jesus - you think they've done too much or gone too far. Maybe that's how you look at yourself. You remember past mistakes and allow them to disqualify you from God's love. In this message, we will look at Jesus' interaction with a woman who everyone counted out. She knew what people thought of her past but didn't allow anything to keep her from Jesus. Instead of responding with shame and condemnation, Jesus welcomed the woman and extended undeserved grace.
Mon, August 28, 2023
In this message, we will look at another encounter Jesus had with an unlikely individual. During the busyness of His ministry, Jesus went out of His way to change the life of an outcast. The story of this rejected and helpless woman will cause you to find hope in your desperate situation and realize you can never outrun God's love! It will be a powerful weekend.
Mon, August 21, 2023
With this message, we start a new series, "One on One with Jesus." During Jesus' time on Earth, He captivated and inspired people from all walks of life. Jesus performed miracles and taught large crowds of desperate listeners, but he was never too busy for one person in need. We will learn powerful lessons from His interactions with unlikely individuals. We’ll start with one of the most amazing miracle stories! You will be encouraged to believe for your miracle!
Mon, August 14, 2023
Who is your master? What has control of you? For many, the answer would be drugs, technology, toxic relationships, or excessive spending. Unhealthy and dangerous habits can quickly trap you in the chains of toxicity and sin. So how do you escape? As we finish our series looking at passages in the Bible that challenge our usual way of living, we discover a key lesson from Paul. Paul knew the captivating power of sin. He recognized the danger of being controlled by the wrong master. By learning from his words to the Romans, you will discover that making Jesus your master leads to true freedom!
Mon, August 07, 2023
If you were offered a large sum of money, chances are you would take it. No matter how much you have or don't have, more money always seems like the best option. Money attracts people, drives people, and pushes people over the edge. More money seems nice, but what does Jesus say? As we continue to look at principles in the Bible that go against the traditional way of thinking, we come across a challenging lesson from Jesus. Jesus knows money has the power to control you and cause you to worry. He sees the stress and anxiety that your finances create. In a world that pushes you to have and make more, Jesus releases you from that pressure in an unexpected way.
Mon, July 31, 2023
When you think about the word, "enemy", who comes to mind? No matter who they are or how you know them, at some point in life, they hurt you deeply. Just picturing that person causes your blood pressure to go up, your fists to clench, and your mind to dream of revenge. If you could delete anyone from your life, this person would be your first choice. As we continue our series, "Upside Down", you will discover another passage from the Bible that will help you stand out and point others to Jesus. In a world where revenge is common - and often approved - Jesus offers a countercultural command. Instead of targeting your enemy, He calls you to love them. This "upside down" statement is another key to being a life-long follower!
Mon, July 24, 2023
Some people make following Jesus sound easy. They claim being a Christian will result in an easy life, low stress, and big barrels of money. All of that sounds great - everyone would sign up for that deal. But is it true? As we continue our series, "Upside Down", we will take a look at another unconventional statement in the Bible. In a moment where Jesus was teaching His disciples, we discover the true price of being a "life-long follower." Jesus' death on the cross puts following into perspective.
Mon, July 17, 2023
In today's world, winning matters. More than that, winning is the only thing that matters. On the sports team, your child needs to be the best. In school, your grades need to be the highest. At work, your production needs to outshine the competition. People push and pressure each other to be first. As we continue our series, "Upside Down", we will continue looking at unconventional passages in the Bible. In this message, you will learn a principle from Jesus that flies in the face of today's "must win" culture. According to Jesus, true success is achieved when you intentionally place yourself last. In order to be first, put others before you.
Mon, July 10, 2023
One of my favorite thinking exercises is to approach a problem from a completely different perspective. I take my assumption or knowledge, turn it upside down and force myself to find a new, creative solution. I call it "upside-down thinking." As we begin our new series, "Upside Down", you will discover some upside-down statements in the Bible and learn how to apply them to your life. In this message, you will learn to embrace your weakness so God's strength can be made perfect.
Mon, July 03, 2023
Pastor Parker, Pastor Randy, and Missionary JT Espejo were trapped in Sudan. For 13 days we prayed and believed the Lord would miraculously deliver them to safety. God did exactly that! Pastor Rod learned numerous lessons from the journey during and after the team's time trapped in a warzone. This journey taught him about parenting, what truly matters, and his relationship with the Lord. In this message, he will share his lessons so you can be prepared before your crisis.
Mon, June 26, 2023
Everyone lives with expectations. You have expectations for your children, future, and career. Your plans and dreams are based on those expectations. But what happens when your expectations aren't met? What do you do when reality disappoints you? In this message, you'll discover how David's emotions in a disappointing season led to an unrealistic reaction. His extreme disappointment exposed his misplaced trust. When you trust the Lord, you don't have to be disappointed when reality doesn't meet your expectations!
Mon, June 19, 2023
Everyone dreams of what their life and family will be like. How many kids will you have? What position will you accept? When will you retire? You often dream about the future and God's plan for your life. But what happens when your world falls apart and your dreams die? In this message, we will continue to learn from the life of David. Looking at a moment in David's life where his greatest dreams seemed to be slipping away, you will see how easy it is to forget God's faithfulness in the middle of difficulty. But David's reaction to his dying dreams will teach you common mistakes to avoid. When all hope seems to be lost, God still has a plan for your life!
Mon, June 12, 2023
Everyone loves to win. Celebrating an accomplishment or experiencing a victory seems to make every minor inconvenience in life disappear. But experiencing a great loss or walking through a painful season emphasizes the struggles you already face. What do you do when you lose? In this message, we will look at a story where David suffered a tragic loss. Instead of rejoicing in the victory of battle, David found himself discouraged because of his unimaginable circumstances. But in spite of the tragedy that surrounded him, David prioritized his relationship with the Lord. You will learn what to do in the face of life-changing loss.
Mon, June 05, 2023
As Pastor Parker and Pastor Randy have told the story of our team's escape from Sudan, God's divine intervention has been on full display. Miracle after miracle prove that their safe return is one only God could have orchestrated. If you missed either of the first two messages, we encourage you to watch them. In this message, Missionary JT Espejo will finish the story with his unique perspective on their time in Sudan. You will celebrate the goodness of God!
Mon, May 29, 2023
In this message, Pastor Randy will pick up the story when our team had two major obstacles between them and safety - the desert and the Red Sea. Their faith was strong because they believed what God had done once, He could do again! You will be moved by the story of supernatural favor and divine protection.
Mon, May 22, 2023
We prayed, we cried, and we believed. Now we get to hear the miraculous story of Pastor Parker, Pastor Randy, and JT's escape from Sudan. You will be inspired and reminded of God's faithfulness in spite of difficult and uncertain circumstances. The moments of unexplainable rescue and protection will cause you to say, "Only God."
Mon, May 15, 2023
When someone does you wrong, revenge can be very tempting. You aren’t alone in that temptation. In the story we look at in this message, David was consumed by the thought of revenge. We will learn the consequences of revenge and how to overcome the desire for it.
Mon, May 08, 2023
Decisions can be difficult. Deciding where to eat and what to wear may seem challenging, but it pales in comparison to major life decisions. When the question is who you should marry, which position you should accept, or where you should move, you look for a sign from God. Major decisions cause you to search for God's will. In this message, we will look at a story where David was faced with an incredibly difficult decision. He was on the run when an opportunity arose that could have set up the future he had dreamed of. But instead of acting off of his emotions, David aligned his decisions with God's vision and plan. You will discover how David's story can help with your next major life decision.
Mon, May 01, 2023
At some point in life, we all face discouragement. Whether it's a heartbreaking doctor's report or an unexpected family crisis, life includes discouraging challenges. No matter how hard you try, at some point, you will be discouraged. In this message, we continue our series, "Running on Empty". We will look at a story where David was trapped in a cave and fighting for his life - nothing was going according to plan. As he awaited his uncertain future, we see his response to God's faithfulness in spite of his despair. No matter your situation or circumstance, you will be reminded the Lord is faithful!
Mon, April 24, 2023
Have you ever been in a desperate situation? Maybe you are in one right now. You feel stuck, overwhelmed, and helpless. When you find yourself in a desperate situation, you make decisions you never thought you would. In this message, we begin our new series, "Running on Empty". We will learn lessons from the life of one of the most famous people in the Bible - David. Throughout his life, David experienced some amazing victories. But he also faced many difficulties. We begin with David in a place of desperation and learn the destructive pattern of desperate people.
Mon, April 17, 2023
Have you ever been betrayed? Have hateful words or actions changed your life? Maybe you've learned the people closest to you can hurt you the most. Facing the attack of a once-trusted friend and learning to move on is painful. In this message, we will rewind to Jesus' final moments before His crucifixion and the Easter story. Understanding the pain Jesus experienced at the hands of His closest followers makes His decision to die on the cross extraordinarily powerful. You will be comforted and challenged by Jesus' actions.
Mon, April 10, 2023
Do you feel like things in your life are finished? Does it seem like you have no hope? In the case of Jesus, what looked like the biggest possible loss was really a win. The end was really only the beginning. In this message, we look at the one day that changed the world forever!
Mon, April 03, 2023
What do you do when challenging times come? What is your response to the unexpected? In this message, we look at the faithfulness of God. No matter what challenge has come your way, no matter what difficulty you face, whether expected or unexpected, you can lean on the faithfulness of God. He is always with you!
Mon, March 27, 2023
At First NLR, we believe the Bible is our guidebook for living - the entire Bible. Every section of Scripture holds key lessons and meaningful words that God wants His people to learn. As a biblical Christian, you can't ignore verses, chapters, or books that include difficult truths. In this message we continue our series, "One Day that Changed the World." We look at a lesson Jesus gave His disciples right before He was crucified. As it was one of the final things Jesus taught, it's an important part of being a biblical Christian. This is a lesson we all need to hear!
Mon, March 20, 2023
Following Jesus and making it to Heaven often seems difficult and complex. How many prayers must you pray? How much of the Bible must you memorize? Sometimes it seems daunting! But if the path to Heaven was held in a single sentence - only 19 words - would it seem easier to reach? In this message, we will continue to learn from the final 24 hours Jesus spent with His disciples before His crucifixion. As the disciples were faced with the fear of Jesus' death, Jesus gave them 19 life changing words. In a single sentence, Jesus provided the answer that our lost world needs today!
Mon, March 13, 2023
Has there ever been a day that changed your life? In a matter of moments your life was different - things would never go back to the way they were. You look back on that day with pain or happiness. Either way, those life-altering moments tell a monumental part of your story. This message starts our new series - "One Day that Changed the World." We look at the final 24 hours Jesus spent with His disciples before His crucifixion. His final moments were filled with historic events, extraordinary lessons, and extreme heartbreak. We begin by learning how Jesus displayed true leadership in controversial fashion - it isa challenging lesson for us all.
Mon, March 06, 2023
In this message, we finish our series by looking at the blessings God makes available to each of us through His Holy Spirit. If you are in a season of difficulty, this message will encourage you to keep going and challenge you to trust the Lord. In spite of your hurt and pain, the Holy Spirit can guide you through.
Mon, February 27, 2023
In this message, we will learn about the gifts of the Spirit and how God uses His people to accomplish His plan. Many people are confused about what the gifts of the Spirit are and how they work because they approach this topic through the lens of their tradition instead of looking at what the Bible says. we encourage you to watch ready to learn and prepared to be inspired!
Mon, February 20, 2023
In this message, we will take a look at Jesus' final words to his disciples and the events that directly followed. Many people have a variety of opinions about these events, but we look at what the Bible says! We encourage you to watch with an open mind and prepared heart!
Mon, February 13, 2023
This message kicks off our new series: "The Holy Spirit." Over the next four messages, you’ll learn about The Holy Spirit and His role in your life. Depending on your church background, you may have different ideas. We’ll base our study on the Bible! In this message, we start with a look at the practical role The Holy Spirit should play in the life of a biblical Christian. From the words of Jesus, you will discover how The Holy Spirit can strengthen your walk with God.
Mon, February 06, 2023
In this message, we’ll conclude our series on healing by tackling some difficult questions: Does miraculous healing actually happen? Why don’t we see more miracles here in America? Why are some people healed when others aren’t? Why isn’t everyone healed? What are some things that keep you from a miracle? Is going to a doctor or taking medication a lack of faith? How do you restore your faith after praying so hard for a loved one that died in spite of those prayers?
Mon, January 30, 2023
The common cold comes and goes - life goes back to normal. But what about the lingering sickness, chronic pain, or uncontrollable anxiety that just won't go away? If you have been battling sickness and pain for far too long, healing is available for you. In this message, we will take a look at the story of a lady who battled a disease for 12 years with no hope to be healed. When all hope is lost and solutions can't be found, Jesus' healing touch is available for you!
Mon, January 23, 2023
When you think of healing, you often think of sickness, disease, or chronic pain. But some of the most painful parts of life that cause you to cry for God's healing touch aren't diagnosable or easily seen. Broken hearts and shattered dreams can be life-controlling - your world comes crashing down with no hope in sight. In this message, you will hear a remarkable story of God’s healing power as we continue our series on healing.
Mon, January 16, 2023
Have you ever prayed for healing? If you have, you know how hopeless of a feeling it can be to have little control over your situation. As Americans, we want a plan or formula to fix our sickness and discomfort. But that isn't how healing works - you can't limit God to one miraculous method. With this message, we begin a 4-week series on healing. We will learn what the Bible says about healing and set aside time to pray for a miracle in your life. I encourage you, if you or a loved one needs healing, don't miss a single message! As we look at two miraculous stories of healing from the Bible, you will see we serve a God powerful enough to heal in a multitude of ways!
Mon, January 09, 2023
At FirstNLR, our goal is to be a healthy church. A healthy church is made up of healthy, biblical Christians working together in unity. In this message, we will look at the 12 signs of a healthy church from the first church in the Book of Acts. It’s an important reminder for all of us!
Mon, January 02, 2023
As the New Year approaches, people all over the world take the opportunity to make changes in their life. Often called resolutions, these changes highlight areas of life that need to be different. With the New Year comes a new opportunity to be a new you! In this message, we will take a look at the life of Moses. Early in Moses' life, he made a mistake that drove him from God and off the right path. But in spite of his sin, God used him in miraculous ways. You will see how past mistakes, pain, and sin cannot stop God's plan. You will be inspired to leave the past behind and embrace the new life God has for you!
Sun, December 25, 2022
This message is fast-paced, filled with beautiful music and times for worship, and we will learn from the life-changing message of Christmas.
Mon, December 19, 2022
When times are tough and prices are up, it's hard to feel joyful. Thankfully, true joy - the joy God gives - can surprise you in your most difficult season. In this message, we will continue our series, "Songs of Christmas" and talk about a Christmas classic - "Joy to the World." From the moment He came to Earth as a baby, Jesus surprised people with joy. The powerful message Jesus brings is a cause for joy in all situations!
Mon, December 12, 2022
In our chaotic and busy world, a peaceful night of sleep seems rare. Whether it's stress, sickness, or insomnia many people struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake up rested. If you are struggling with sleep, you don't want to miss this message. As we continue our "Songs of Christmas" series, we will talk about "Silent Night" and how you can sleep in Heavenly peace. Instead of telling you about the latest trend or convincing you that you have the wrong mattress, we will take a look at stories from the Bible where people rested peacefully in the face of trouble. At the end of my message, we will pray for you to sleep!
Mon, December 05, 2022
This message kicks off our new series: “Songs of Christmas”. In this series, we’ll look at some of the most well-known and loved Christmas songs. We’ll learn about their origin and the lessons that apply to us. We’ll start with “Go, Tell it on the Mountain”. Christmas is a time people are open to visiting church and hearing the gospel. They will come, but they must be invited and told. You will be challenged to take the good news and share it!
Mon, November 28, 2022
In this message, we conclude our study over the book of Jude. We will take a look at Jude's closing words - a powerful lesson on how biblical Christians should treat others. You will learn three principles for helping others and making a difference. We’ll also enjoy some laughter and fun - it’s going to be a great weekend!
Mon, November 21, 2022
It's easy to tell when someone has a destructive person speaking into their life. If someone is angry, frustrated, and rude - often they are surrounded by angry, frustrated, and rude people. If someone is generous, loving, and intentional - often they are surrounded by the same type of people. The people who speak into your life, influence how you act and what you value. In this message, we continue our study over the book of Jude - a letter written to a church influenced by false teachers sharing a false gospel. It was a dangerous situation for the church because the false teachers provided a low commitment, "do what feels good" religion. You will learn how to detect false teachers and choose the right voices to speak into your life!
Mon, November 14, 2022
Have you ever believed something that turned out to be fake? Maybe you were led down the wrong path by a business partner, spouse, or family member. Knowing that someone you trusted misguided or intentionally took advantage of you hurts. These people - false teachers - are selfish and destructive. In this message, we begin a new series on the book of Jude. Even though Jude is a short book, it holds many lessons on how you can defeat false teachers. As a biblical Christian, you must learn what it takes to resist temptation and remain faithful to God!
Mon, November 07, 2022
Have you ever made a purchase and then instantly regretted it? Maybe it was an unreliable car, an outfit you thought was trendy, or a trip that ended up being a disappointment. What did you learn from that purchase? Some things aren't worth it - they are worthless, not priceless! In this message, you will hear amazing stories of what God is doing around the world! You will learn the value God places on people and will be challenged to do the same. The opportunity you receive to express God's love to hurting people will be completely worth it - it will be priceless!
Mon, October 31, 2022
Every day you make value decisions - you decide what's worth the price and what's not. People around you can tell what you value by looking at what you spend money on and how you spend your time. When something is valuable, you don't think twice when it comes to time and money. In this message, we will learn about the most valuable thing of all. It's worth more than a new house, a nice car, or a long vacation. When we align our values with God's, it's absolutely worth the time and money.
Mon, October 24, 2022
What do holding your child for the first time, having the entire family together for Christmas, and watching your grandchild chase their dreams have in common? They are all priceless moments. Whether it is a sentimental moment, a family heirloom, or a silly drawing your kid made in class, there are things worth more than money. This message is the start of our new series, "Priceless." We talk about the most precious, priceless moment of all! We will take communion together and remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
Mon, October 17, 2022
How many times have you been angry this week? Maybe you yelled at a co-worker for missing a detail or punched the steering wheel after being cut off in morning traffic. Whatever the situation, anger caused you to lash out in an unhealthy way. In this message, we finish our series "Life Lessons from a Loser." Saul was known for being a hothead - he couldn't control his anger. You will learn the root causes of anger and how you can defeat it when it rises in your spirit. Because anger is common and dangerous, you must learn to control it before it's too late.
Mon, October 10, 2022
Have you ever been jealous of someone's family, success, or popularity? When someone else is living the life you have always dreamed of, it can be difficult to deal with. This feeling is common for many people. Even though jealousy is common, it is also dangerous - it has the power to destroy you and your future. In this message, we continue to study the life of King Saul. In spite of everything he had been blessed with, Saul couldn't stand when David was blessed. You will learn from Saul's actions that jealousy has the power to ruin your life.
Mon, October 03, 2022
Everyone wants to live a blessed life. You dream of a big house, a perfect family, and a long life. Living a blessed life sounds wonderful - but as a biblical Christian, you must recognize that blessings are the result of your obedience to God's commands. In this message, we continue to study "Life Lessons from a Loser." We learn from a moment in Saul's life when he directly disobeyed God's instructions and had to face the consequences. Saul's actions expose the pattern and results of disobedience.
Mon, September 26, 2022
If you are like most, failing terrifies you! You don't want to fail so you work your hardest to be seen as a winner. Winners - people who succeed in life - are liked and looked up to. Losers - people who fail - are ridiculed and forgotten. This message is the start of our new series called "Life Lessons from a Loser." We will learn from the life of a guy in the Bible who seemed to have everything going right. Even though he had great potential, his choices and actions propelled him towards failure and the legacy of being a loser. There are valuable lessons in his story and mistakes to avoid!
Mon, September 19, 2022
In this lesson, we will look at the message to the seventh church in Revelation. Jesus' words show you that being a biblical Christian is not simply following God when it is convenient or beneficial - it requires a commitment that lasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Jesus calls you to commit your entire life and follow Him.
Mon, September 12, 2022
Have you ever been in a season where everything seems to go wrong? Your family is struggling, your finances are suffering, your job is in jeopardy, and your health is going downhill. Maybe you are there right now. If so, Jesus' message in Revelation 3:7-12 will give you the hope you need. In this message, you will learn the powerful lesson that nothing can stop God's plan. No sickness, rumor, or attack of the enemy can stop God's will from being accomplished. In the season where you can't seem to catch a break, this is an important promise to remember.
Mon, September 05, 2022
If you are like most, you care about your reputation. You don't want others to believe you are a bad person, so you work hard to put yourself in a good light. But a reputation means nothing if you don't live up to it. In this message, we will look at Jesus' message to the church in Sardis. Jesus' words in Revelation 3:1-3 show that you cannot truly follow Him based on the reputation of a relationship that you once had. A healthy relationship with Jesus must be active and genuine.
Mon, August 29, 2022
In a world where your time, habits, and values are pulled in multiple directions, it can be hard to remain faithful to God. Cultural Christianity tries to convince you that your ethical code can change based on the situation you are in. As a biblical Christian, fight this temptation! In this message, we will look at Jesus' words. They are a strong warning for those who fail to remain faithful to Him. But His words also provide a promise for those who do remain faithful - there is a reward waiting!
Mon, August 22, 2022
Have you ever felt alone in your walk with God? Maybe you feel like your faith is being pried away by the people around you. If so, Jesus has a message for you. In this message, you will discover comforting words and a powerful promise from Jesus' message in Revelation 2:12-17. When you are surrounded by evil, remember, God has not forgotten you!
Mon, August 15, 2022
In this message, you will learn powerful principles every Christian needs to know. If you are going through a challenging time and feel like people are against you, this will be a great message for you! No matter what is going on, stay faithful.
Mon, August 08, 2022
This message is the beginning of our series, 7 Churches of Revelation. In this series, we focus on God’s message to these churches and to us. We start by looking at God’s message to Ephesus. Pastor Parker teaches about the warning signs of someone drifting away from God and about how to get back on track. If you feel like your relationship with God has not been growing, this is an excellent message for you!
Mon, August 01, 2022
Watch Pastor Shelby speak on his life vers, 2 Chronicles 7:14. If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Mon, August 01, 2022
Watch Timothy Espejo speak on his life verse, Psalm 91:1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Mon, August 01, 2022
Watch Pastor Tim Hill speak on his life verse, Nehemiah 8:10 ...the joy of the Lord is your strength!
Mon, August 01, 2022
Watch Yvette Rivera speak on her life verse, Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Mon, July 25, 2022
Listen to Derick Brooks speak on his life verse, Ephesians 4:31-32 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Mon, July 25, 2022
Listen to Phyllis Brents speak on her life verse, Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Mon, July 25, 2022
Listen to Morganne Jumper speak on her life verse, James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Mon, July 25, 2022
Listen to Jacob speak on his life verse, Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Sun, July 17, 2022
Listen to Charity Workman speak on her life verse, Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
Sun, July 17, 2022
Listen to Pastor Gary Tomlinson speak on his life verse, John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing."
Sun, July 17, 2022
Listen to Michael Holland speak on his life verse, Psalm 1:1-3 "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers."
Sun, July 17, 2022
Listen to Richard Tatum speak on his life verse, Psalm 116:1-2 "I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live."
Mon, July 11, 2022
Listen to Donnivane Hall speak on his life verse, 1 John 4:4. "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
Mon, July 11, 2022
Listen to Melody Jones speak on her life verse, Romans 15:13. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Mon, July 11, 2022
Listen to Ronnie Ruple speak on his life verse, John 12:24. "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds."
Mon, July 11, 2022
Listen to James Decanter speak on his life verse, Philippians 1:6. "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
Mon, July 04, 2022
In this message, Pastor Parker will share his life verse. If you - or someone you love - battle fear and anxiety, this is the perfect message to watch! Pastor Parker's life verse will encourage and remind you that God is with you.
Mon, June 27, 2022
This is the start of our new series – “Life Verse”. Pastor Rod will kick it off by sharing his life verse and how it has guided him and his family through life's most difficult moments. The music is powerful in this message!
Mon, June 20, 2022
In this message, we’ll consider some of your questions about the Family Farm and deal with some difficult painful truths. Here are some of the questions we will consider: How do you not reproduce bad seeds that were planted in you? How do you avoid passing negative things down to the next generation? How do you deal with the regrets of planting the wrong things? You’ll discover how making the decision to change your harvest can transform your family’s legacy. You can’t change the past, but you can control your future.
Mon, June 13, 2022
In this message, we continue "Family Farm" and the study over the right seeds to plant in your family! By now, you understand that whatever seed you plant grows - good or bad. The three seeds that we will look at in this message don't just work in your family - they work in your job, with your friends, and even in our church!
Tue, June 07, 2022
In this message, we’ll talk about the right seeds to plant. You will learn characteristics and behaviors that will cause your family to grow into everything you imagined and everything God planned they could be. It’s time to plant the right seeds! If you don't yet have a family or don't plan on having one, these principles will still impact the way you approach other relationships.
Mon, May 30, 2022
At First NLR we believe in building healthy families. In fact, it is one of our Core Values! But building a healthy family, raising healthy children, and fostering a healthy marriage is much easier said than done. It takes work - hard work. In this message, you will discover principles that have the power to change your family's legacy for the better. No matter where your family is at on this journey, We challenge you to watch each message. We want your family to be healthy, whole, and life-long followers of Jesus. If you are single, don't click away! The principles we will learn are easily transferable to other relationships. And, you’ll discover the important role you play as together we raise the next generation of leaders.
Mon, May 23, 2022
In this message, we’ll look at a passage that covers the most difficult teaching of Jesus’ entire ministry, but one that is absolutely necessary to be His follower. It’s a clear command, that ends with a difficult question and forces a decision. This will be challenging and convicting. We praying that you will rise to the challenge as you discover just how high a price there is to obey and follow Jesus.
Mon, May 16, 2022
Our world is more independent than ever! With self-help books, tutorials on YouTube, and DIY projects the emphasis is doing it on your own. But Jesus tells us that in this world, we will face trouble - trouble that we cannot conquer alone. In this message, we will discover the power behind seeking God's help. When you ask, God responds!
Mon, May 09, 2022
The fear of being judged is something that keeps people away from church. There is no doubt that the Church in America has the reputation of being judgmental - but this is not how it should be. In this message, as we continue to study the commands of Jesus, we will see the biblical view on judgment. Nobody is perfect, therefore nobody has the place to judge. When you judge others from a place of imperfection, you fall into the vicious trap of hypocrisy. Together we will learn how to escape this cycle of judgment.
Tue, May 03, 2022
Jesus said, Mt.28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” In this message, we’ll consider our response to that command. You’ll enjoy some incredible stories of how the seed you have planted has resulted in an incredible harvest. It’s going to be a fun look at how God has used your generous giving in remarkable ways.
Mon, April 25, 2022
In this message, we continue our study of the commands of Jesus. There is no question where Jesus stands when it comes to forgiveness - we must forgive everyone. That's hard when our world values revenge and retaliation over biblical restoration. But as biblical followers of Jesus, we know that the price for failing to forgive is clear.
Mon, April 18, 2022
When you think of Easter, you may not think of it as a love story. In this message, we explore the remarkable love of Jesus and His commands for us regarding love. It really is the ultimate love story!
Mon, April 11, 2022
An important part of living as a biblical Christian is obeying Jesus’ commands. You’ll be challenged to obey and to grow in the new series we start: “Obeying Jesus”.
Mon, April 04, 2022
In this message, we conclude Lessons from Ephesians with a look at the very real battle between good and evil. You’ll learn powerful principles that will help you fight and defeat Satan!
Mon, March 21, 2022
In this message, we will continue our study of Ephesians with a particularly interesting command from Paul in: “Be imitators of God…” (Eph. 5:1). Ephesians 5:1-9 is a powerful passage that will help you learn what it means to live like Jesus.
Mon, March 14, 2022
In this message, we continue our study of Ephesians with instructions from Paul about living as the new you and leaving the old you behind. We finish with a life-changing principle from Scripture that will fill you with hope for the future.
Mon, March 07, 2022
In this message, our study of Ephesians will continue with a look at Paul’s instructions regarding living worthy of your calling. We look at another powerful passage in this incredible book that is helping us learn to live as biblical Christians.
Mon, February 28, 2022
In this message, you will learn from one of the most beautiful passages Paul wrote to the Ephesians. Pastor Rod teaches you how biblical passages can be extraordinary prayers!
Mon, February 21, 2022
Our series over Ephesians has been both challenging and encouraging. The last three weeks have pushed us to become better followers of Jesus - biblical Christians. In this message, we'll look at the kind of people God uses. It’s an awesome, uplifting passage. If you feel useless or like God's plan for you has failed, this is the perfect message for you! Don't miss your chance to find hope!
Mon, February 14, 2022
In this message, we’ll look at a passage where Paul challenged his audience to put aside their differences and rally around what they had in common – Jesus, His sacrifice on the cross, His love, and His grace. It’s a passage that contains powerful lessons that hit close to home and will likely make you uncomfortable. We challenge you – watch until the end! We are all part of the solution. Every Soul Matters!
Mon, February 07, 2022
What word do you put before “Christian” to define yourself? Black Christian? White Christian? Conservative Christian? Liberal Christian? Evangelical Christian? We cannot and will not allow culture, political parties, or society to define Christianity. The Bible is our guidebook for living. We must follow its teaching.
Mon, January 31, 2022
Watching American Christians the last couple of years can be concerning. Many have re-defined Christianity to match their political preferences, personal opinions or how they wish things would be. Often, they panic and freak out over the very things Jesus told us would happen. Their actions and reactions don’t represent Jesus well and their social media posts are an absolute embarrassment to the kingdom. If we are going to impact our world for Jesus, something has to change. In this message, you are going to be really, really challenged by the shift we must make – what the Lord is calling us to become. Don’t worry – it’s not an opinion; it’s straight from Scripture.
Mon, January 24, 2022
What would you do with a time machine? You could use it to get rid of debt or make amazing investments. Sadly, you don’t have the benefit of a time machine. You can’t undo the past. However, you can approach the future with a different mindset, and a changed perspective on money. In this message, we conclude our series, Money Talks, with an important message that will change your financial life.
Mon, January 17, 2022
In “Money Talks”, we are learning three principles that will radically change your financial life and financial future. In the last message, we learned the first word and principle: obey. If you obey God in any area of your life – including your finances – He responds with blessing. If you missed part one, watch it before you watch this message. In this message, you will learn the second life-altering principle. This concept will be simple to understand but may be difficult to apply. Be ready to learn and willing to change.
Fri, January 14, 2022
Money is in the news a lot. Gas prices are going up. Groceries cost more. Everything seems to cost more. You can’t watch the news or go online without seeing something about money and the economy. Because money is a natural part of the world, it should be natural that we talk about how to handle money wisely according to the Bible. In this message, we will begin our series by talking about the first of three words that will help you to be wise with your finances.
Mon, January 03, 2022
At the beginning of the year, people are thinking about and making New Year’s Resolutions – their plans for growth and change in 2022. The typical resolutions focus on starting healthy habits and stopping unhealthy habits. As you set your goals, don’t just focus on weight, working out, and quitting unhealthy stuff. Make spiritual goals for 2022. Ask God what He would have you to do, and become. Decide to make this New Year your best year with Jesus! Growing with God best occurs in the context of a healthy church. In this message, we will talk about what a healthy church looks like, and how you can be a part.
Mon, December 27, 2021
The day after a special occasion - Christmas, a birthday, graduation - always seems to be a letdown. The "day after" can never live up to the "day of". But this isn't just true for special occasions - sadly, it can be true for our relationship with God. In this message, you will learn that you don't serve a distant, unfamiliar God. You follow a personal God and from His life, you will learn important lessons about how to live yours. God calls you to be an imitator of Jesus - to be Christlike. Together, we will learn to approach our world as Jesus did.
Mon, December 20, 2021
Are you searching for the perfect gift? Good news! The perfect gift has already been given to you. God sent His son, Jesus to save you. It was the ultimate display of love and care. In this message, we will celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Mon, December 13, 2021
How well do you know the Christmas story? The real story - not the commercialized one where Santa comes to visit baby Jesus before he is off to stuff our stockings. Who was really at the manger that silent night? In this message, you will learn from the story of the most and least influential characters in the Christmas story - the shepherds and wise men. You will see from the drastic social difference between the shepherds and wise men that Jesus is for everyone - Every Soul Matters to God.
Mon, December 06, 2021
Every good story has some sort of villain. Disney movies, marvel comics, and even Hallmark Christmas classics all have someone who you would consider the villain. In this message, we will take a look at a Christmas story character that often is not focused on. King Herod – the villain of our story – was a ruthless and self-centered ruler who tried to stop Jesus’ life at its very beginning. But Herod’s power was temporary and his kingdom faded away – just like every force that is intent on destroying Jesus and His kingdom. You will be encouraged that we serve the King of Kings who will reign forever.
Mon, November 29, 2021
When the Christmas story is told, Mary always gets top billing. But Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, also played a meaningful role. In this message, we’ll learn powerful lessons from Joseph. You’ll be challenged and encouraged to obey God and be part of His plan for the world.
Mon, November 29, 2021
Have you ever wanted to be used by God, but wondered if He could really use you? This message is the start of our new series: "The Real Christmas Story!" We will slow down and take a closer look at the main characters in the Christmas story. The first person we are studying is Mary – a simple, ordinary girl who was used by God in an extraordinary way. You will be encouraged to believe that God can and will use you!
Mon, November 15, 2021
Have you felt overwhelmed? Does it seem like there is a spirit of heaviness in your life? You feel like something is wrong, but you aren't sure what. You have a sense of burden and pressure. One day you feel great, but the next day, without anything changing, you are ready to give up. If that's how you feel, this message is for you. God has a word for you.
Mon, November 15, 2021
Have you ever seen someone rescued? Maybe they were drowning and the lifeguard pulled them out of the water in time. Maybe they had to be pulled out of a car after a bad wreck. People have to be rescued from "life-or-death" situations all of the time. In this message, you will have the opportunity to hear about some of the amazing work that Project Rescue is doing to rescue women and children from sexual slavery! You will hear about their "life-or-death" situations and be challenged to run to their rescue.
Mon, November 15, 2021
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to be rescued? If it hasn't happened yet, it will. Maybe the small arguments in your marriage have turned volatile and it seems like it is heading for disaster. Maybe the city shut off your power and you aren't sure how you will make it through the winter. Whatever the situation may be, you are bound to be in need of a rescue. In this message, you will see how the enemy strikes in our lowest times. You will be encouraged to stand with your brothers and sisters in Christ during times of need.
Mon, October 25, 2021
Have you ever felt trapped? Don’t give up – there is hope! In this message, we will start a new series exploring some of the greatest rescues found in the Bible. We will start by seeing how we all need to be rescued from the trap of sin. You will learn how the love of Jesus saves you in even the most impossible situations. You’ll also be challenged to share that love with others!
Mon, October 18, 2021
Have you ever received bad advice? At times bad advice is funny to laugh at, but other times it is devastating. Maybe someone convinced you to do a business deal. It fell through and you lost everything. Maybe you listened to your friends and now your reputation is damaged. Maybe you followed the wrong crowd and now you no longer follow God. In this message, you will hear a story from the life of Joshua that will give you the directions back to God. If you are following the wrong directions, you do not want to miss this hope-filled weekend!
Mon, October 11, 2021
Have you ever failed? Has a decision you made caused people around you to suffer horrible consequences? No doubt, you wish you could take it back, but the damage was done! In this message, we will look at the story of one man’s failure that brought an entire nation to its knees. When all hope was lost, God made his plan of restoration known to all of His people. You will be challenged to inspect your heart for the things that can often lead to failure.
Mon, October 04, 2021
Have you ever dealt with something difficult and it seemed like it would never go away? Maybe you find yourself in that position right now! How long do you trust God to make it right? Why should you keep trusting when nothing is happening? Is it even worth it at this point? In this message, we see that Joshua and the Israelites found themselves in a similar situation. After a long process that required them to trust God's plan and timing, they received their miracle with a shout of praise. Don't give up yet - this could be your miraculous moment!
Mon, September 27, 2021
Have you ever felt God tell you to do something that you didn't think would work? Maybe you even thought God could be wrong this time! What do you do when God's instructions don't seem to make sense? In this message, we continue to walk through the life of Joshua. We will look at one of the most famous stories in the Bible. You will see that God can provide extraordinary miracles through unconventional ways.
Mon, September 20, 2021
Have you ever kept something, not because it is valuable, but because it is a reminder of a special moment? The thing isn’t really special, but the memory is priceless. In this message, as we continue our study of Joshua, we will look at a story where even though the circumstances said “No way”, God made a way. Joshua and the Israelites did something special so the moment would never be forgotten. You’ll learn how to mark special moments in a way that will remind you of God’s promises and power.
Mon, September 13, 2021
Have you ever been in a place where God’s Word doesn’t seem to match your current circumstances? What do you do when God says “Go," but everything around you seems to say “No”? In this message, we’ll look at an amazing moment where the Israelites confronted an impossible obstacle. There seemed to be no way to obey God’s word to “Go”. It’s a story that will let you know how God responds when you take a step of faith. You’ll be encouraged to move forward in obedience!
Mon, September 06, 2021
It seems like there’s a lot to be afraid of in our world today. Every day brings more bad news. What do you do? How do you respond to the fear? In this message, as we continue our study of Joshua we’ll take a look at a fear-filled moment in Joshua’s life. You’ll learn God’s answers to your fears. It’s an exciting, encouraging message that will help you move forward with confidence and faith!
Mon, August 30, 2021
We all face fear. In this message, as we continue our study of Joshua, we’ll look at a story where Joshua led the people of Israel past their fear and toward their promised reward. You’ll learn a powerful principle about perspective and how to change your focus.
Mon, August 23, 2021
This message kicks off our new series on Joshua. There is so much to learn from his life and leadership! We start our study with an often-overlooked four verse story – that contains the key to Joshua’s success as a leader and victory in battles. You will be challenged to change!
Mon, August 16, 2021
In this message, we’ll look at an amazing story from the book of Acts where Paul spoke truth to power in the place of power. It’s going to challenge you to consider what truth you speak and encourage you to boldly share your faith.
Mon, August 09, 2021
When you pick and choose what the Bible has to say, you lose key passages that can help you through difficult seasons of life. In this message, you will learn important pieces from God's Word that will give you the keys to persevere through difficulty and struggle. It will be an eye-opening look at often-ignored Scriptures.
Mon, August 02, 2021
When the Bible specifically addresses something, your decision is clear and easy. But what do you do when the decision you face is not specifically addressed? How do you decide and live in a way that honors God? In this message, we look at "How to Make Decisions in Life’s Grey Areas”.
Mon, August 02, 2021
If you have grown up in church, you may be familiar with the term "holiness." But how can you live a holy life in a world where standards are always shifting? In this message, you will discover that you must empty the trash from your life if you wish to be the "salt and light" of the world - just as Jesus has called you to be.
Mon, July 19, 2021
In this message, we look at a time when Jesus was criticized for sharing a meal with lost people. He wasn’t afraid to spend time with even the worst sinners—and He provides an example for us to follow. You’ll be reminded of the importance of putting lost people first, and you’ll learn some practical ways of introducing them to Jesus.
Mon, July 12, 2021
It’s easy to see the needs of others around you and be moved to do something about them. But trying to meet them based on your own strength, time, and resources can be overwhelming—or even impossible. In this message, we’ll look at a time when Jesus used a little to make a huge difference. We'll discover how Jesus modeled what His followers should do in the face of overwhelming need. He can do a lot with a little!
Mon, July 05, 2021
In a culture that didn’t value children, Jesus not only welcomed them—He said adults should be more like them. In this message, we look at what it means to have childlike faith.
Mon, June 28, 2021
In this message, we look at a story Jesus told that demonstrates His heart for people who are lost and hurting. In this story, Jesus gives specific instructions to His followers to partner with Him in filling every seat at the table. There’s room for everyone!
Mon, June 21, 2021
Eating together is just as important as the eating. We gather around kitchen tables to share meals—but more importantly—to talk, laugh, learn, and even make decisions. In this message, we study a time when Jesus gathered His disciples for one last meal before His crucifixion. We get a clear picture of who Jesus is and how we should relate to Him.
Mon, June 14, 2021
Do you feel surrounded and overwhelmed? In this message we look at a passage of Scripture that illustrates God’s attentive care for you in the middle of your most desperate circumstances.
Mon, June 07, 2021
This weekend Pastor Rod and Cindy celebrate 20 years as the senior pastors of First NLR. In these 20 years they have learned a lot - from victories, mistakes, and from you. In this message Pastor Rod will share the biggest lessons he's learned in the last 20 years and how you can apply them to your life.
Mon, May 31, 2021
Do things just keep getting worse? The Bible tells us that trouble is part of living in this world. In this message, we look at a story in the Bible of a man who suffered a series of devastating losses—and stayed full of faith through it all. In his comeback story, you’ll discover principles for making it through difficulty to find blessing and victory on the other side.
Mon, May 31, 2021
Are you discouraged? Depression and anxiety can seem to come out of nowhere. And, even committed followers of Jesus experience times of discouragement and fear. In this message, we'll break down the story of an Old Testament prophet who faced intense depression on the heels of an incredible victory. If you have been struggling to find hope, you are not alone! God knows where you are, and He’ll help you make a comeback.
Mon, May 17, 2021
Do you get angry and lose your temper? Have you lost influence because of your angry outbursts, or have you been hurt by the outbursts of others? In this message we look at the story of an Old Testament hero whose anger had devastating consequences for him and the people around him. Through this story you will see that there is hope. You can come back from anger, form new habits, and walk in healing!
Mon, May 10, 2021
Are you in a hopeless situation? You're not seeing answers to your prayers. You can’t remember the last time you expected something good to happen. Over a period of time, you've lost all belief that your situation could change. In this message we look at a story from the book of Luke, where all hope was gone. If you are in a hopeless situation, this story will help you re-discover hope. It’s never too late for Jesus!
Thu, May 06, 2021
Are you looking to mend a broken relationship? In this message we will look at a letter the Apostle Paul wrote to a friend named Philemon, who was in conflict with another friend of Paul’s. Paul was caught in the middle. In Paul’s letter, you’ll discover principles to make broken relationships whole—principles not just for the offended and the offender, but also for those of us caught in the middle.
Tue, April 27, 2021
When you are in the middle of a defeat, it’s difficult to believe victory is coming. Other people might be able to make a comeback, but you just don’t believe it’s going to happen for you. As you watch this video we will look at a time when God’s people were in crisis. The incredible story of their comeback will give you hope that victory is still possible for you, too!
Wed, April 14, 2021
How should you respond to people that you don’t agree with? In this message we answer that question by looking at the end of Jonah’s story. What Jonah did once he got out of the whale serves as a good grid for checking whether your concerns line up with God’s concerns.
Mon, March 22, 2021
Three days inside the belly of a fish? The Bible says Jonah spent three days inside the fish that swallowed him! But it was inside that fish that Jonah found his way back to God. Jonah’s story has important lessons for each of us. In this message you will be reminded of the deep love of your Heavenly Father, and His desire to see you restored. He still has a plan for you!
Thu, March 18, 2021
Remember that story about Jonah getting swallowed by a giant fish? Well, there's more to that story... Jonah was a runner. When God called him to go to Nineveh, he decided to run the opposite direction. He thought he could outrun God...but God orchestrated events to get him back on track. He will do the same for us. Don't run. Follow.
Mon, March 08, 2021
Conflict inevitably happens. Even at church, we are going to disagree occasionally. It happens! The true test of our faith and maturity is—How will we conduct ourselves, and how will we resolve those issues? In this message we learn how to handle conflict the right way.
Mon, March 01, 2021
Ready to experience freedom? In this message we look at a story during a time where the early church was facing intense persecution. Some disciples were put to death, but Peter was put in prison. It wasn't long until God freed Peter - and that same freedom can be yours today!
Mon, February 22, 2021
Do you need a miracle? Have you been praying and asking God for years? Don't give up! Our God is faithful. Today could be your day! In this message you will hear the story of Peter healing a man who had been waiting for his miracle for a long time. It's a faith building message!
Mon, February 08, 2021
Is failure avoidable? Absolutely! In this message we look at a time when Peter failed big. You'll learn the warning signs of failure, and how to recognize those red flags in your own life. There is hope!
Sun, January 31, 2021
Is there a price for following Jesus? In this message, we study a moment when Jesus had to speak clearly and directly to prepare His disciples, His closest followers, for persecution. This wasn’t an easy message then, and isn’t any easier now. It's a key lesson for every follower of Jesus!
Mon, January 25, 2021
In this episode, we look at one of the best-known Bible stories in our series on Lessons from the Life of Peter. Through Peter’s story of facing a storm, you’ll learn what to do and how to survive when you face storms in your own life. You'll be encouraged by the reminder that Jesus is with you in the storm!
Mon, January 18, 2021
Blessing Follows Obedience. In this message we look at a story from the Bible when God provided for Peter in a miraculous way. In it you'll learn important principles for opening the door to God’s blessing in your own life.
Sun, January 10, 2021
Peter learned some pretty tough lessons while following Jesus as one of His disciples. In this message, we take a hard look at what it cost Peter to follow Jesus—and how that applies to anyone who accepts Jesus as Lord of their life.
Sun, January 03, 2021
Mon, December 28, 2020
He is on your side, and He’s going to watch over you, protect you, and see you through. Through songs and videos, along with a message on the final promise of the year, we reflect on all the promises we’ve learned throughout 2020.
Mon, December 14, 2020
For unto us a savior was born, and His name is Jesus! We celebrate Christmas because of His birth and gift of salvation ✨
Mon, December 07, 2020
Are you ready for the sights and sounds of Christmas? This service is full of incredible music, exciting elements, and an incredible story about God’s Promise of joy given at the first Christmas in Bethlehem. There may be sadness and discouragement around us, but because of Jesus, you can have joy!
Mon, November 30, 2020
In this message, we study God’s Promise to answer your prayers. If you have loved ones visiting for Thanksgiving—bring them with you, or tune in together online! The service is engaging and high-energy, full of music and testimonies that demonstrate the faithfulness of our God.
Wed, November 25, 2020
In this message, we study God’s Promise of salvation. If you have been on the edge of completely surrendering control to Jesus, this for you! If you have been praying for unsaved friends and loved ones, share this with them. It’s a powerful message full of testimonies and music, all pointing to the incredible redeeming power and love of our God.
Mon, November 16, 2020
In this episode, we study God’s Promise to strengthen you and protect you. If you’ve been going through a tough time and are feeling defeated, this message is for you. You’ll be encouraged by the promise that you serve a supernatural God who is greater than your enemy!
Mon, November 09, 2020
In this message, we’ll study one of God’s Promises you can stand on in times of sickness. Pastor Rod will answer common questions about healing. Whether you’ve been waiting on a miracle for days, years, or decades—God’s healing power is real, and it’s available to you. Our team is looking forward to praying with you to receive it!
Mon, November 02, 2020
In this message, we look at one of God’s Promises that demonstrates how His blessings correspond to your generosity. Getting ahold of this promise is THE antidote to anxiety and frustration about your finances!
Mon, October 26, 2020
This weekend, we’ll look at God’s Promise of hope—of a new beginning, a clean slate, a fresh start. And, once you really grasp this promise, there’s no way you’ll be able to keep it to yourself! It is life-changing hope, and it’s for everyone.
Tue, October 13, 2020
In this message, we will look at one of God’s Promises that addresses the issue of prejudice. It’s found at the end of one of the most remarkable stories in Scripture. You will be challenged to think, and act differently. Come with an open heart, an open mind. This promise is an incredible opportunity to become more like Jesus—to see like He sees and love like He loves.
Mon, October 05, 2020
"Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy." {Psalm 126:5} Nothing is wasted with God. You may be enduring a tough trial, or even a tough season, but on the other side of this trouble is victory! Today we look at a promise of God found in Psalm 126:5 that gives us peace for exactly this type of season.
Mon, September 28, 2020
In this message as we study a promise Jesus gave His disciples shortly before His crucifixion. You’ll learn an important truth that will help you not only keep going, but walk in victory—no matter what this life throws at you!
Mon, September 28, 2020
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." {Matthew 11:28} Feeling weary? Burdened? Carrying a heavy load? Ready to give up? Just tells us to come to Him, allowing His strength to help us carry whatever we are facing. His burden is light. He can, and will, bring you rest!
Mon, September 14, 2020
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." {Philippians 4:6-7} In this message, we study a promise that will help you maintain a sense of peace, in spite of the chaos around you. You’ll hear a powerful story that demonstrates God’s peace in tough circumstances, and Pastor Rod will share a way of looking at troubles that can absolutely change your worries into calm confidence in your Heavenly Father.
Tue, September 08, 2020
Worry and peace? How do you overcome the worries, stresses, and anxieties of this world? How do you find the constant peace that God can provide? Join us this morning as we look at the first promise of God that answers these questions!
Tue, September 01, 2020
"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." {2 Corinthians 9:6} The Bible doesn’t mince words about even the most difficult topics—including what you should do with your possessions. If you’ve suspected God’s commands about giving are just a ploy to get your money or control you, join us as we take a look at one of God’s Promises about generosity, and a time in scripture when His people were unbelievably, selflessly giving. You’ll learn principles that could radically change the way you view your resources!
Mon, August 24, 2020
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." {John 8:36} The word “freedom” brings different concepts to mind for everyone. Maybe you think about walking around without a mask, or turning on your TV without seeing another depressing news story or political ad. You don’t have to live captive to sin, bad habits, worry, doubt, or others’ opinions. Our God promises freedom!
Wed, August 19, 2020
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[a] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” {Revelation 21:4} Do you get excited when you think about going to Heaven one day? You should - because Heaven is the goal - and what a home Heaven will be! Check out this message, where Pastor Rod breaks down Revelation 21:4 and reminds us that heaven is the goal!
Sun, July 19, 2020
" weapon formed against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me," declares the Lord. In a battle? Lost hope? We have a promise that no weapon formed against us will prevail. The Lord has given us victory!
Sat, July 11, 2020
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” {Joshua 1:9} Feeling afraid? Been discouraged recently? There's a promise for that! Listen to Pastor Rod as he breaks down a promise found in the book of Joshua that teaches us to be strong and courageous!
Sun, July 05, 2020
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." {Isaiah 40:31} Been tired recently? Feeling weary? Today's promise is for you! It's time to look up and let God renew your strength.
Tue, June 30, 2020
You don't have to live in worry or fear - our God supplies all of our needs. Whether in a season of plenty, or a season of little, God is watching over you and providing for you!
Tue, June 30, 2020
We serve a God who delivers us from ALL our troubles! In this message, Pastor Rod breaks down God's promise from Psalm 34. Watch along with us and tell us what you learned down in the comments below!
Tue, June 30, 2020
Sometimes life can just feel like too much. Don't give up though. God has promised you that He will bring you through. Join us as we look at one of God's promises found in the book of James!
Tue, June 30, 2020
In the book of Isaiah, we find a story of the Israelites when they stopped worshipping - they stopped singing. In this message, Pastor Rod breaks down the story and challenges us to keep singing, regardless of the season we are in! You will be encouraged by God's Promise from this story!
Tue, June 30, 2020
In the good seasons - and the bad - God promises to be our place of refuge. In Him we find strength and peace. Watch the message to learn more about a promise of God found in the book of Psalms!
Tue, June 30, 2020
Life may not be fair, but thank God He isn't fair when it comes to what we deserve! In this message, we learn a promise from God found in 2 Corinthians that speaks to exactly this. "We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us."
Tue, June 30, 2020
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." In this message, Pastor Rod breaks down this promise from 2 Corinthians. It's a powerful truth that will change how you look at yourself and the way you approach life!
Tue, June 30, 2020
"For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." [Philippians 4:13" In this message, Pastor Rod breaks down this promise from Philippians! It's a well known promise from scripture, but you might just find it has a deeper meaning to it that might change your perspective!
Tue, June 30, 2020
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. [Psalm 27:5] This promise of God will be an encouraging, life changing promise to hold on to! The Lord is faithful and He will keep you safe when you take refuge in His presence.
Tue, June 30, 2020
2 Chron. 20:15 Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. Pastor Rod breaks down this powerful promise and reminds us it's not our battle, but the Lord's! He is fighting for us!
Tue, June 30, 2020
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. {Galatians 6:9} Pastor David Wiggington - who pastors Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Bloomington, Indiana - shares his story and how he discovered how faithful the Lord is, when we choose to be faithful. Just because you don't see fruit now, doesn't mean to Lord isn't faithful. Keep being faithful. Keep being obedient. Watch how faithful the Lord is!
Tue, June 30, 2020
"The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still." {Exodus 14:14} It's against our nature, but being still before the Lord is Biblical. It reminds us the the Lord is in control, and invites Him to fight our battles for us. Try it this week, be still before the Lord!
Tue, June 30, 2020
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." {Isaiah 41:10} You are not alone. Whatever you are facing, the Lord is your strength! He is with you and He is always faithful. So do not fear!
Tue, March 17, 2020
In this episode, we look at a promise from God found in Matthew 6. If you're facing uncertainty, take comfort in the reminder that God knows exactly what you need!
Sun, March 08, 2020
"...and He will give you the desires of your heart." One of the most quoted verses in the Bible...but what if it's also one of the most misunderstood? In this sermon we will discover how we can apply this promise. It could change your life!
Sun, March 01, 2020
God has a plan for each of us--including our kids. Whether or not you have children of your own, you likely have influence in the life of a child. Raising others to know and follow Jesus is an awesome privilege--and responsibility. In this message we will tackle a promise many parents cling to when their kids are far from God, but it's really a promise for all of us!
Sun, February 23, 2020
People have a lot of questions, doubts and misunderstanding about God. But, this is the biggest one of all. This is the question people who don't know Jesus wrestle with. And - to be honest, this is the question people who do know Jesus wrestle with. It's a tough one - "Why do bad things happen to good people?
Sun, February 16, 2020
No matter what stage of life you're in, you have plans for your future--where you'll go, what you'll do, who you'll be with. But what if those plans don't work out? Or, what if your plans turn our to be no good at all? Thankfully God promised He has plans for you, too--and they are good!
Sun, February 09, 2020
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Jesus has promised to be our good shepherd.
Sun, February 02, 2020
Today we explore one of the most-quoted promises in the Bible about God's trustworthiness. Do you have questions about how to trust the Lord or what He promises to do in return? If you have been struggling to trust the Lord about and area of your life, this message is for you.
Sun, January 26, 2020
We continue "God's Promises," by looking at an incredibly encouraging promise made by Jesus--you don't have to walk in darkness, but can walk in light. It's absolutely life-changing!
Sun, January 19, 2020
God promises that He has a plan for our future, and that includes the future of our nation. This weekend, we will look at one of God's promises that includes specific actions and behavior on our part, in order to see the nation strong and healthy. We will look to God's word to define the position of our hearts and guide our interactions with others. It's not a message you want to miss!
Sun, January 12, 2020
What began twelve months ago as a staff discussion about which of God's promises meant the most to us has turned into what could be the most encouraging year you've ever spent in church! This weekend, we start a year long series on God's promises. Get ready to be encouraged as we learn and memorize a new promise of God each weekend here at First NLR!
Sun, January 05, 2020
What is a healthy church? This message is critical for all of us--whether you've been part of the First NLR family for days, or decades. We'll examine what the Bible defines as a healthy church, and recommit to those principles together!
Sun, December 29, 2019
With the year coming to an end, many people are deciding on their resolutions for the new year. What's the one big thing you're planning to work on? We will look at how to commit to change, but more importantly start the new year fresh and more like Jesus!
Sun, December 22, 2019
Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Sun, December 08, 2019
I have forgiven my peers, but what do I do if I have to forgive myself? How do I get rid of the self shame I have brought onto myself? This weekend, we will look at the Bible and take a look at what it says about how to forgive ourselves.
Sun, December 01, 2019
Sun, November 24, 2019
How do we forgive, and how can we move past major hurts? How can I just move on? This weekend, we'll use scripture to figure out the biblical way to forgive those who hurt us most.
Sun, November 17, 2019
Why should you forgive, when the hurt may not even be your fault? Shouldn't the offending person make the first move? This weekend, we'll take a look at Scripture to determine why forgiveness is not only a good idea--but imperative for every believer.
Sun, November 10, 2019
Forgiveness is a practice at the heart of our faith. This weekend, we'll start a new series on forgiveness by exploring what it means--and doesn't mean--to forgive.
Sun, October 27, 2019
As a church family, we understand that because every soul matters to God, every soul must matter to us. But, what does that look like in everyday life? This weekend, we'll look at practical ways of applying this guiding principle to your life.
Sun, October 20, 2019
"Every Soul Matters to God" is a phrase you hear a lot around here. ESMTG. We print it on t-shirts, cups, pens--everything imaginable! But, it's more than a catchy saying. It is a core value.
Sun, October 13, 2019
In today's sermon, Pastor Rod recounts the story of the prophet Elijah at an incredibly low point in his life. It is a model for overcoming discouragement and depression.
Sun, October 06, 2019
Naaman's is the story of an unexpected miracle and an unexpected hero. Even if you have heard this story before, you might be surprised!
Sun, September 29, 2019
Wed, September 25, 2019
Sun, September 15, 2019
Pride comes at a high price. In this sermon we will study one of the most prideful men in the Old Testament - King Nebuchadnezzar.
Sun, September 08, 2019
Pastor Rod Loy sits down with missionaries Derek and Tammy Walker to discuss their important work in Africa.
Sun, September 01, 2019
Do you ever feel like God isn't making sense? In this message, we study the story of a man who obeyed God even when it didn't make sense.
Sun, August 25, 2019
We continue our series Great Bible Stories by looking at the story of a lesser known character from the Bible - Ehud. This story of obedience and faithfulness reminds us that God uses unlikely people to do amazing things.
Sun, August 18, 2019
Every family is different, and sadly, today we see a lot of families who have ongoing conflict! This weekend we study one of the most famous stories from the Bible surrounding conflict within the family, and learn how to end those family feuds. It's time to resolve conflict biblically and bring unity to the family.
Sun, August 11, 2019
In this new series called "Great Bible Stories", we look at Josiah, the youngest boy to rule Judah. It is an encouraging message that will remind us that we are never too young to be used by God.
Sun, August 04, 2019
We conclude our series "Teach Us To Pray" with the last line of the Lord's prayer. It is a powerful lesson on how to maintain a healthy God-dependence, recognizing that everything we have and everything we are comes from Him!
Sun, July 28, 2019
"and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil..." In a society that normalizes sin, how do we recognize temptation? How do we prepare ourselves for battle and ask the lord to give us strength to stand against temptation? Today we look at the fifth line of the Lord's prayer as Pastor Rod breaks down how to pray this way.
Sun, July 21, 2019
Forgiveness isn't an easy subject, but it is an incredibly important one. In the fourth part of his Teach Us To Pray series, Pastor Rod will discuss the key components of one of the toughest lines of the Lord's prayer. "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors..."
Sun, July 14, 2019
We continue our series, Teach Us To Pray, by looking at the third line of the Lord's Prayer which asks us to depend upon God for our daily needs. Pastor Rod's message will challenge you to let go and fully depend upon God for the strength you need.
Sun, July 07, 2019
We continue our series, Teach Us To Pray, by looking at the second line of the Lord's Prayer. Pastor Rod will break down this powerful sentence, teaching what it means to seek after the will of God, allowing Him to be in control. #FirstNLR #RodLoy #TeachUsToPray #ESMTG
Sun, June 30, 2019
In this first message of the Teach Us to Pray series, Pastor Rod explores the opening of the Lord's Prayer as a model for beginning our daily time with our Heavenly Father.
Sun, June 23, 2019
All followers of Christ should make the pursuit of the presence of God their first priority. Powerful blessings accompany Gods presence. In this message, Pastor Rod finishes our series on worship by talking about preparing for the presence of God.
Sun, June 16, 2019
King David made a big mistake when he tried to bring the arc of the covenant to Jerusalem the first time, and he learned a hard lesson. Pastor Rod teaches us how we can learn about effective worship through Kind David's second try. David got it right that time, and we can too.
Sun, June 09, 2019
King David, on a mission to bring the Arc of the Covenant back to Jerusalem, made a mistake in judgement that separated him and his people from the presence of God. In this message, Pastor Rod teaches how David's mistake and later his realization is a lesson to all of us about the great value of staying in the presence of God.
Sun, June 02, 2019
If you grew up in church, you probably were taught about the story of The Good Samaritan. What was Jesus really trying to teach us from this parable? What does "love your neighbor" mean to a follower of Jesus?
Sun, May 26, 2019
Watching the way we live, it appears we believe "My life consists of what I have -- my stuff." Jesus warns us about the dangers of a life consumed by greed in a parable that you may not have heard before.
Sun, May 19, 2019
One of the most confusing stories Jesus told was the parable of the talents. In this message Pastor Rod reveals how Jesus's story illustrates God's approach to his resources and our responsibilities.
Sun, May 12, 2019
From one of Jesus' parables we learn that God loves everyone and heaven celebrates when someone makes the decision to follow Jesus. From another story, we learn that God seeks after those who are lost.
Sun, May 05, 2019
There is a seat at the table for you! You are welcome to be a part of God's family. Pastor Rod looks at an incredible story Jesus told and what it means for you. #firstnlr #esmtg #parable
Sun, May 05, 2019
Have you ever looked down on people who don’t have “as much of God" as you? Maybe you've seen someone who is new to faith and struggling with addiction and thought, “They just need to clean themselves up.” Pastor Brian teaches what to do if you struggle with spiritual pride.
Sun, April 21, 2019
One missing piece can ruin things. A nine-thousand piece puzzle with one missing piece is worthless. Sports teams, businesses, and relationships routinely fail because of some vital, missing element. In this Easter message, Pastor Rod discusses the importance of finding that important, missing piece in our lives.
Sun, April 14, 2019
Pastor Rod concludes our series on Healing. One touch from Jesus can change everything. Regardless of your situation, Jesus can and wants to heal you.
Mon, April 01, 2019
What is the "right" way to be healed? Do miracles only happen if you follow a formula? Who has to pray if you want to be healed? Pastor Rod Loy walks through these questions and more.
Sun, March 24, 2019
Looking at stories from the Bible, Pastor Rod shares practical ways to care for someone battling long-term illness and things to remember if you are battling a long-term illness.
Sun, March 17, 2019
Pastor Rod begins our new series looking at stories from the Bible when people were miraculously healed by Jesus.
Sun, March 10, 2019
We finish our series on The Fruit of the Spirit with the final fruit, one that seems to be increasingly rare in our angry, out-of-control society: self-control.
Sun, March 03, 2019
Society doesn't often reward the gentle over the harsh or the humble over the judgmental. It has even become common for Christians to match the world's harsh injustice with a kind of "righteous" harshness. In this eighth lesson on the fruit of the Spirit, we explore the gentle attitude that Jesus expects of his followers.
Sun, February 24, 2019
What does faithfulness look like for the follower of Jesus? What is the evidence of a life of faithfulness? Join us today as Pastor Rod answers those questions.
Sun, February 17, 2019
The word "good" might be the most overused word in the English language. We use it to describe our children's behavior, our food, even our dog. To be "good" has come to mean "not bad", but in the scripture, good means much more. In this message on the sixth Fruit of the Spirit, we learn what the Bible teaches about goodness.
Sun, February 10, 2019
One of the most difficult fruit of the spirit to develop is patience. As members of an instant society, it can be difficult to tolerate the the aspects of life that develop more slowly. In today's lesson we explore why patience is such an important fruit for followers of Christ to produce, and how we might cultivate patience in our lives.
Sun, February 03, 2019
Kindness has become rare in our society. For followers of Jesus, kindness should be a normal, everyday, all the time priority. In this message we explore the importance of this fourth fruit of the spirit.
Sun, February 03, 2019
Kindness has become rare in our society. For followers of Jesus, kindness should be a normal, everyday, all the time priority. In this message we explore the importance of this fourth fruit of the spirit.
Sun, January 27, 2019
In today's world peace can be a rarity - It doesn't have to be though! God wants us to experience the peace He can provide on a daily basis. Learn how you can have peace regardless of your circumstances. Share and Invite your friends who need peace.
Sat, January 19, 2019
We continue our study of the Fruit of the Spirit with a look at Joy. The Apostle Paul tells us that followers of Christ should be filled with the Joy of the Lord. How can we find and live a life full of joy?
Sat, January 12, 2019
This weekend, we start a brand new series "The Fruit of the Spirit." Each week, we will look in depth at one of the Fruits of the Spirit, and be challenged to grow. We kick off our study with the dominant theme in Paul's letters... love.
Sun, January 06, 2019
God created the church and it belongs to Him. Our goal is to please Him in who we are and what we do. Your quest and mine should be for a biblically functioning community - a healthy church that fulfills the purposes of a church as laid out in Scripture.
Sun, December 30, 2018
When starting a new goal, like running a marathon, losing twenty pounds, or writing a book, there are two important components - starting and finishing. Both are critical to success. How can we ensure that our goals for 2019 are successful?
Sat, December 08, 2018
Pastor Rod Loy teaches how to be an encourager and why it is important for you to lift others up.
Sun, December 02, 2018
Do you struggle with unhealthy relationships? Pastor Rod Loy concludes "Come to the Table" with some keys for recognizing harmful relationships.
Sun, November 25, 2018
Pastor Rod continues our series Come to the Table with a powerful message on God's Grace.
Sun, November 18, 2018
We continue our study of David and Mephibosheth in the next installment of our series, Come to the Table. It is a powerful message stressing the importance of serving.
Sat, November 17, 2018
How do we move past our pain to be able to experience all that God has planned for us?
Sat, October 20, 2018
When your pritiories are out of order, you risk forgetting what matters to you and more importantly God. Have you forgotten the things and people that matter to God?
Sat, October 13, 2018
We bring our series, The Ten Commandments, to a close with the tenth commandment, Don't Covet. It will be a powerful exploration of the sinful desires of the heart.
Sat, October 06, 2018
We continue our series, The Ten Commandments, with the ninth commandment, a powerful message about how lies destroy relationship with God, relationship with others, and unity in the body of Christ.
Sun, September 30, 2018
Messages devoted to the eighth commandment - Do Not Steal are rare. This one is powerful, and you might be surprised how much it applies to all of us.
Sun, September 23, 2018
We continue our series on The Ten Commandments by studying the seventh commandment - Do Not Commit Adultery. We might think this is a straight forward commandment, but what did Jesus have to say about it?
Sun, September 16, 2018
We continue our series, The Ten Commandments, with the sixth commandment - Do Not Murder. It sounds like an easy commandment to follow, but the application might surprise you.
Sat, September 08, 2018
We continue our series with the fifth commandment, Honor Your Father and Mother. Parents, you may be surprised that this isn't just for the kids!
Sat, September 01, 2018
The fourth commandment, "keep the Sabbath holy", seems like an easy commandment, but in reality it is about much more than going to church on Sunday or Saturday.
Sat, August 25, 2018
The third commandment, "You Shall Not Use the Lord's Name in Vain" is not only about profanity. You will be challenged by this thought provoking message on our responsibility to revere the name of the God.
Sun, August 19, 2018
We continue our series, The Ten Commandments, by looking at the second commandment, "You shall have no other gods before Me." You might think, "I'm too smart to fall for that kind of trick. No golden calves for me!" But, I'm afraid we are often guilty of worshiping other types of idols.
Sun, August 12, 2018
The first commandment is, "You shall have no other gods before Me." The temptation is to say, "I've got this one down, I don't pray to evil spirits. I love Jesus." If that is your response, then you've missed the intent of this commandment.
Sun, August 05, 2018
looking at the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego we learn how Jesus helps us when we walk through the fire.
Sun, July 29, 2018
When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar, they knew they would be facing the fire. It wasn't a figure of speech, but an actual furnace in which they were to be burned alive. Christians must endure big problems in life, and from this story we can learn what we should remember when we are in the fire.
Sun, July 29, 2018
Everyone faces challenges in life - some easy, some hard. What do you do when you are faced with difficult circumstances and it seems like there is no way out? Pastor Rod walks through the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den and how God can help you through anything you face.
Sun, July 15, 2018
Who are the people in your life that influence your decisions? Today, we will continue our series, Daniel: Dare to Be Different by looking at a remarkable story from Daniel's life. It will be a powerful lesson on how to know who the Daniels in your life are.
Sat, July 14, 2018
At some point, every parent has hears the excuse, "But, everyone is doing it!", prompting the obligatory response "If everyone was jumping off of a cliff...". Even as adults it can be difficult to follow God's commands when the world around us expects otherwise. In today's lesson we learn from Daniel how to to the right thing even though everyone is doing it.
Sun, July 08, 2018
Sat, June 30, 2018
Satan wants you to be known not for who you are but for what you do and what you have done. He wants your sin and your past to define you. God wants you to see yourself as He sees you--to give you a brand new name
Sun, June 17, 2018
How does God respond when you ask Him to forgive you? What does God do when you decide to come home?
Sun, June 10, 2018
Have you ever been given useless driving directions like, "Turn left four streets before the dead end." or "If you see Walmart you've gone to far."? It is maddening to be lost and helpless. When you are lost on the road or when you have lost your way spiritually, what you really need is clear directions that tell you HOW to find your way home.
Sun, June 03, 2018
We will kick off a brand new series, Come Home with a study of the prodigal son, and welcome home those who have been away from God. Come ready to be challenged to be grace filled and love more.
Sun, June 03, 2018
We will kick off a brand new series, Come Home with a study of the prodigal son, and welcome home those who have been away from God. Come ready to be challenged to be grace filled and love more.
Sun, May 27, 2018
In this conclusion of the "I Choose Joy" series, we learn Paul's secret for possessing joy in any circumstance. This one is life-changing!
Sun, May 27, 2018
While facing unbelievable circumstances, the Apostle Paul talks about having a "peace that passes all understanding." Where did he find that peace? In a world full of chaos, violence and unrest - How can you get that same level of peace?
Sat, May 26, 2018
Paul gives the answers to the “what ifs”. If you feel stuck and you can’t seem to get moving in the right direction, or if you keep repeating the same mistakes, this is absolutely life-changing! Today can be the start of a whole new way of thinking and living.
Tue, May 08, 2018
In your life, what matters the most? There are a lot of different answers to that question, but what should the answer be? From the words of Paul, you find what the Bible says should be the most important thing in your life.
Sun, April 29, 2018
Pastor Randy continues our series and talks about how to deal with negative people. We will also look at ways we can choose joy over negativity .
Sun, April 22, 2018
Paul wrote the book of Philippians from prison as a letter to the struggling and discouraged church. Paul could have written, "Hey Guys, I know things are tough. Just do the best you can." Instead, Paul dramatically raised the bar - for them and for us. The entire letter is filled with instructions and commands that are almost breathtaking in their challenge.
Sun, April 22, 2018
Are you in a difficult time of life? Are you dealing with pain struggle? We continue our study of the book of Philippians and learn lessons from Paul's pain. It will change the way you view difficulty and struggles and help you discover God's purpose through the pain.
Sun, April 08, 2018
These days, the phrase "I'll be praying" and all of its variations is as common among Christians as the question "How are you?" when we encounter someone we know in passing. Praying for others should not be simply something we say; it should be something we do. When we say, "I'm praying for you", what should we pray? How should we pray? For the answer to that we look at the first eleven verses of the book of Philippians.
Sat, March 31, 2018
One thing you can expect in life is the unexpected. No matter how carefully you plan your future, things change. Good, bad, or devastating; life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Unfortunately, some people expect that following God will result in a life without struggle, trouble, heartache or problems; and they become disillusioned and mad at God when things don't go as they expect. If that is you, perhaps God hasn't let you down, but instead, perhaps what you were expecting wasn't what He promised.
Sat, March 24, 2018
When you are in a storm, survival instinct takes over. That's human nature. However, on the other side of the storm, the adrenaline is gone. Survival mode doesn't work anymore. What should be your response when the storm has gone and the rain is done?
Sat, March 17, 2018
Often, it happens without warning. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't avoid it. But, suddenly, you find yourself in a storm. It feels like it will never end - that there is no way out. In life we must experience storms, but the story of Noah teaches us how we can survive life's biggest storms and emerge stronger that before.
Sun, March 11, 2018
Sun, March 11, 2018
Sun, March 11, 2018
Sun, February 18, 2018
If you had a time machine would you use it to go back in time to change your current financial situation? We don't have the benefit of a time machine; however, we can approach the future with a different mindset and a changed perspective on money.
Tue, February 13, 2018
Sun, February 11, 2018
When it comes to money, who is the right leader? Who you follow will determine whether you end up in the right place or the wrong place. Today we discuss four Biblical principles that you can follow to ensure that God is leading your financial decisions.
Sun, February 04, 2018
Have you decided that you are a failure? From the story of Adam and Eve, the first failure of all time, God revealed the pattern of His relationship with man; and how he will respond to your failures.
Sun, January 28, 2018
Wouldn't things be different if Adam and Eve had resisted the temptation of the serpent? From their failure in the garden, we can learn how to handle temptation when it comes.
Sun, January 21, 2018
Last year, in our series titled "Jesus Is Worth It", we discussed the cost, worth, and value associated with following Christ, but there is another side to that coin. Through Adam's disobedience in the garden, we learn that sin carries a high price.
Sun, January 14, 2018
You know that God has a plan for your life, but there is one other factor in the equation -- one other plan that exists. Satan has a plan for your life as well. Being able to recognize his tactics will help you avoid falling into his trap.
Sun, January 07, 2018
Unfortunately, many people struggle spiritually because of past hurts they received in church. No church can be perfect because people are involved, but using the first century church as a guide, we can work to display these twelve characteristics of a healthy church.
Sun, December 31, 2017
Pastor Rod tells how to avoid making 2018 a New Year and a NEW YOU!
Sun, December 03, 2017
If the thought of spending Christmas with your family fills you with dread, or if you don't have family to send Christmas with. Remember that You are part of God's family. Because He is your "Everlasting Father", you are His forever daughter or His forever son. You are part of His family!
Tue, November 28, 2017
Sun, November 26, 2017
When we are reluctant to worship, perhaps we have simply forgotten what Jesus has done for us. He is bigger than anything we face. He is strong, mighty, great and powerful... Jesus is Mighty God!
Mon, November 20, 2017
Sun, November 19, 2017
This is the first message in a series entitle Jesus Is... We must keep in mind during the holiday season that Jesus IS wonderful.
Sun, November 19, 2017
The Bible teaches us that it is wise to seek good counsel. While there are many wonderful sources of good counsel--professional therapists, mature believers, spiritual mentors--there is none better than our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Counselor who holds our future in is hands.
Sun, November 05, 2017
What do we value? Worth and value are directly tied to priorities, so others are able determine our priorities by watching where we put our time and money. Since we decide what we value, we should make sure that we are prioritizing the things that matter to God.
Sun, October 29, 2017
Have you ever bought something from an unknown seller to save a few dollars only to find out later that it would have been better to spend the extra money to deal with someone who could be trusted? Trust and value are connected. The more you trust, the more willing you are to pay the price.
Sun, October 22, 2017
Have you ever looked at what someone else paid for something and said, "That's not worth that kind of money!"? How about being mid-way through a frustrating job and thought, "Is it worth all of this stress?" Likewise, we observe the difficult life of Paul the Apostle and wonder why he would be willing to face imprisonment, torture, and possible death time after time in so many places? Paul believed that Jesus is worth it!
Sun, October 15, 2017
When you have the courage to defeat your Giant, you also inspire others to do the same. Young David's triumph over Goliath and the Philistine army, teach us a valuable lesson about the contagious nature of courage.
Sat, October 07, 2017
We all love a powerful speech from a great leader. Young David gave perhaps the greatest speech of them all while standing toe to toe with Goliath, and through his words we learn how to face down the giants in our life.
Sun, October 01, 2017
Have you ever faced a challenge that makes you think: "There's no way. I can't do this. I don't have a chance"? This week, we continue "Giant" with an encouraging message that will restore your hope!
Sun, September 24, 2017
Young David was the only person willing to fight Goliath, and yet he still had to deal with critics. We all face critics, and David's response to his critics help us understand how we can silence ours.
Sun, September 17, 2017
David, a simple messenger boy from the country, was the least likely person to end the forty-one day stand-off with Goliath. God can make a giant killer out of anyone, regardless of age or size... anyone who is willing to fight.
Sun, September 10, 2017
In one of the Bible's most epic stories, the army of Israel faced a enormous, terrifying giant. Goliath was unstoppable as long as no-one was willing to fight. From David we learn that if we are to ever defeat the giants in our life, we must decide that it's time to fight.
Sun, September 03, 2017
Titus was a young leader in training, assigned by Paul to look after the new church in Crete. We can learn much about leadership from Paul's letter to Titus, in which he lists the qualities of a great leader.
Sun, August 27, 2017
As we see in sports, television, politics, and even in how we use our social media accounts, popular culture rewards those that self-promote. As we learn from our study of Paul's instructions to the people of Crete, Christians are supposed to stand out by being humble.
Sun, August 20, 2017
To some so-called Christians, the concept of grace has been interpreted as permission to live how we want to live. But, we learn from studying Paul's letter to Titus and the church on the island of Crete, that we must live as an example to others.
Sun, August 13, 2017
You only live once, and you intend to make this life count, but when your plans go wrong it is easy to think that maybe God isn't planning to use you like you thought? Through the story of Mordecai and Esther you can find assurance that God is still preparing you for your moment.
Sun, August 06, 2017
Esther had a lot to lose when her cousin asked her to approach King Xerxes to save her people. From the story of Esther we learn how to recognize when the moment that God has been preparing us for arrives.
Sun, July 30, 2017
What can we learn from one of the most ruthless and evil dictators in history? In todays message we learn how not to be like Xerxes, one of the biggest jerks in the Bible.
Tue, July 25, 2017
Pastor Randy continues our Elephant in the Room on the subject of Extremes of Grace. Grace is God’s wonderful gift to his followers, yet some overemphasize the power of grace to excuse sinful living. Others rob grace of its power by adding requirements to grace resulting in legalism. In this message on Radical Grace, Pastor Randy lays out a biblical view of grace that avoids these extremes.
Sun, July 23, 2017
Anger and bitterness are destructive forces as we learn from the story of Haman in the book of Esther.
Sun, July 16, 2017
In this lesson we learn how the right actions of a compassionate, Jewish man in exile honored God, earned the gratitude of his king, and ultimately saved his people.
Sun, July 09, 2017
Sun, July 02, 2017
Do you feel too insignificant for your needs to matter to God or anyone else? We learn from the story of two blind beggars that Jesus is interested in those who others ignore. Ask anyway.
Mon, June 26, 2017
What does the Bible tell us about Sexuality? Dr. Ryan Darrow lays it out for us Biblically.
Sun, June 25, 2017
In this message, Pastor Rod teaches about the freedom and protection that comes from submitting to Gods authority.
Sun, June 18, 2017
Pastor Rod Loy teaches us the steps to be truly forgiven.
Wed, June 14, 2017
What does the Bible say about Alcohol? Find out what it says and also find out what our stance as a church is.
Sun, June 11, 2017
Becoming a Christian isn't a free pass to a storm-free life. On the contrary, Jesus warned that His followers will have difficulties in this life. Thankfully, as Jesus's disciples discovered one evening on the Sea of Galilee, we can weather the storms of life as long as Jesus is in the boat with us.
Sun, June 04, 2017
We continue the Never Forget series with a beautiful story of four men who risked everything to bring their friend to Jesus.
Sun, June 04, 2017
By looking at the life of Zacchaeus in the Bible, we see that Jesus has a plan for everyone.
Mon, May 22, 2017
Mon, May 15, 2017
Sun, May 07, 2017
After being caught in sin, consequences come. It seems like every time you turn around, there is another consequence. Does it feel like God's plan for you has been ruined forever? In this message, we learn from King David's response to his own failure that God has provided a path to complete restoration.
Sun, April 30, 2017
Sun, April 23, 2017
As we begin a new series called "I've Got A Secret", we discuss secret sin and the destructive nature of secrets, as well as the pattern of thinking that leads to sin, and some safeguards you can put in place.
Sun, April 09, 2017
This message Pastor Rod teaches us one of the most difficult lessons he has ever had to preach on. We are raising the bar on attitude and behavior.
Sun, April 02, 2017
We continue our "Ouch!" series with Jesus's radical teaching about how you are supposed to act toward your enemies. It is a completely different way to live!
Sun, March 26, 2017
We continue our series by looking at a command of Jesus that is often difficult to follow. This one is life-changing! You will be challenged to make things right with other believers and to learn to forgive.
Sun, March 19, 2017
Unfortunately, some people avoid church because they fear encountering "judgmental church people". Whether their fear is based on reality or just perception, it is still a problem. In fact, it is an old problem that Jesus addressed in his day.
Sun, March 12, 2017
Did Jesus really say, "If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off"? Ouch!, that sounds extreme! What did Jesus really mean, and how can this passage help us eliminate sin from our lives?
Sun, March 05, 2017
It isn't a matter of if we will face difficulty as followers of Jesus, but when. However, Jesus told us that we should be happy when we suffer for His sake. How can we rejoice and be glad when we suffer because of Jesus?
Sun, February 26, 2017
When your reality is far from your expectation, the result is disappointment. In this message, Rod Loy talks about how to deal with it. There is hope!
Sun, February 19, 2017
What do you do when your dreams have died - when it's obvious that what you hoped for and dreamed for isn't going to happen?
Sun, February 12, 2017
What you do when you've lost it all? When everything you've worked for is gone? When everything is falling apart? The answer might surprise you!
Sun, February 05, 2017
If you've been hurt and want to lash out or get even, check out this message first. It will make you think in a different way about revenge.
Sun, January 29, 2017
“How do I know God’s will for my life?” is a difficult and important question. It’s not always easy or clear. In this message, we look at a situation in David’s life and three questions that kept him from missing God. If you are trying to make key decisions or determine God’s direction, this is an important message for you!
Sun, January 22, 2017
At some time or another, everyone faces discouragement, even depression. In this message, Pastor Rod Loy continues the Under Pressure series by talking about how to deal with discouraging times. You will learn some of God's awesome promises!
Sun, January 15, 2017
When you are desperate, there is a predictable pattern of mistakes. In this message, we learn how to recognize those mistakes and how to escape the pattern. This message could change your life!
Sun, January 08, 2017
God's desire for us to be a healthy church. How many people attend? Not the point. How cool is our building? That's not the goal. Our goal and our purpose is to create life long followers of Jesus. What does a healthy church do? What does it look like? Why is it important for a church to be healthy?
Sun, January 01, 2017
Many people make long lists of New Year's resolutions, only to abandon them by mid-February. If we ever want to change, and change in the right direction, maybe it's time for a new approach. What would happen if you could discover the one thing that God wants for you this year?
Sun, December 25, 2016
Why was Jesus born in a stable? Why are shepherds and wise men part of the story? What is the real significance of this story that we revisit every year at Christmas time?
Sun, December 11, 2016
Anyone can be a great person and wonderful Christian when things are going well. When everyone likes you, you have plenty of money, you are healthy, and life is smooth, it's easy to be positive, faith-filled, and energetic. But what about when the road is rough? What will you be like then? What will be revealed about you when the pressure is on?
Sun, December 04, 2016
Even as a follower of Jesus, we will experience hardship and difficulty in this life. Expect it and decide ahead of time how you will react. Now is the time to attach yourself to good people who will stay with you when times get hard. How can these connections affect your life?
Sun, November 27, 2016
In this message, we begin looking at the most famous prison break in the Bible. It’s an incredible story of courage and determination in the face of an impossible situation. If you are facing difficulty or hardship, the lessons will be life changing!
Mon, November 21, 2016
In this message, Pastor Rod continues our series with an incredible freedom story. You'll be inspired and encouraged to believe for your miracle!
Mon, November 14, 2016
This is the live version of Pastor Brad Russell's song, performed at First Assembly of God in North Little Rock, Arkansas, on November 14, 2016. Pastor Brad has had some requests for the song and wanted to make it available to you!
Sun, November 13, 2016
Most of us have never been in prison. But, there may be an addiction or a problem in your life that is holding you captive. Maybe there is a situation or relationship that you don't know how to escape. In this series, Pastor Rod Loy looks at prison stories from the Book of Acts, and uncovers some valuable lessons about freedom.
Sun, November 06, 2016
Missionary Steve Pennington ends our series with what is one of the best missions messages we've ever heard! Steve shared some stories from Africa and gave us some new insight on a familiar Bible story.
Sun, October 30, 2016
In this message, Pastor Rod Loy continues our series Dangerous Road Ahead with two key principles that will help you keep going when things look uncertain and dangerous. You'll be encouraged!
Sun, October 23, 2016
In this message, Pastor Rod Loy talks about making it through life's dangerous roads. We'll also hear about some amazing people who choose to face danger while serving Jesus.
Sun, October 16, 2016
Pastor Rod Loy finishes our "Only God" series with the story of an unlikely candidate for a miracle, who received his healing in an unusual way. You can still believe for your miracle!
Sun, October 09, 2016
Are you in a season of life where there is just never enough? Never enough money, time, energy? In this message, Pastor Parker Loy looks at two miracles from Scripture and the message for you. You will be encouraged to believe God for miracles!
Sun, October 02, 2016
What should we do when we can't "feel" God? In these spiritual dry times, what does it mean to dig a ditch?
Sun, September 25, 2016
Have you ever had a problem that was too big to handle? It doesn't look like you have a chance. In this message, Pastor Rod Loy looks at the story of an upset victory by an underdog. We can learn what to do when the odds are against us!
Sun, September 18, 2016
Have you given up on your prayers being answered? Has your dream died? Do you think it's too late for your miracle? In this message, Rod Loy looks at a story of a miracle in the Bible and a mother who would not give up. You can get your hopes up!
Sun, September 11, 2016
When you have big problems, but no answers; big needs, but little left, it can be frightening and discouraging. You wonder if there is any answer, any hope. Where is God in this situation?
Sun, September 04, 2016
In this message, Pastor Rod Loy looks at the question, "Do we keep it all for ourselves, or do we share with everyone else?"
Sun, August 28, 2016
Everyone wants to be a leader. There are many books and resources about becoming a leader. But, the Bible is also filled with faithful followers. In this message, Pastor Rod Loy looks at the story of a famous follower.
Sun, August 21, 2016
Too many Christians look at the world around us and only see the negative: they fret and worry about dark days ahead for the Church. While we should be aware of what is happening in the world, the Bible tells us the end: We Win! The Bible tell us to be confident in our faith, because God wins in the end. We should walk in victory, and not fear!
Sun, August 14, 2016
The word "holiness" brings to mind a lot of different definitions, depending on your age or where you live. Is it a certain way of dressing, or rules about where you can go and what you can do? What does the Bible mean when it says that followers of Christ should be "separate" from the world?
Sun, August 07, 2016
We are used to shouting, cheering, and celebrating after a sports win, but many of us have forgotten that all throughout the Bible, God's people celebrate His goodness in the same way. The modern American church seems to have lost its shout.
Sun, July 31, 2016
One of the things we seem to have lost over time is our song. Sometimes life gets us down. How can we have joy, how can we sing with the way the world seems to be going today? Have you been there? What do you do when you lose your song?
Sun, July 24, 2016
It's an interesting time in America right now. It seems like a lot of people have lost their sanity. They are going crazy, giving in to fear and believing some of the most ridiculous things. Remember, we serve a God who is everywhere. He is bigger, stronger, and mightier than any crisis or political party. What can Christ followers do to restore some sanity on our culture? You may not like the answer.
Sun, July 17, 2016
It's a horrible feeling to lose something special and important to you. In this message, Pastor Rod Loy talks about something many Christians seem to have lost - something special, important, that Scripture commands. Too many Christians have lost their smile. They don't display the joy of knowing, following, and serving Jesus.
Sun, July 10, 2016
The American church hasn't always been willing to talk about suffering. But we can't avoid the topic - the Bible spends a fair amount of time on this subject. How should a believer face suffering?
Sun, July 03, 2016
Loneliness can affect all of us. Sometimes it is for a moment, and sometimes it seems like it will never end. What can we do at these times of life?
Sun, June 26, 2016
Sometimes, it seems like the storms of life just drag on and on. Then, you think maybe things are settling down. But then there's one more thing. Sometimes, it's the one more thing that tips you over the edge. You survived a major storm, but now, here you go again. What can we do when one more thing pops up in our lives?
Sun, June 19, 2016
When you are in a storm of life, you deal with so many emotions, like fear, loneliness, and anger. When the storm drags on, you may deal with discouragement or depression. So, what do you do? How do you survive life's storms?
Sun, June 12, 2016
We all go through storms in our lives. We're not talking here about natural storms: thunderstorms, hurricanes, or blizzards. We all face storms of life: divorce, sickness, sorrow, or death. It's like there is no way out and no hope. You don't always know where to turn, but you definitely want the storm to end! What should you do when you find yourself in a storm?
Sun, June 05, 2016
When you look at the title of this message, you may think, "I don't need any help making bad decisions. I'm good at that on my own!" But in this story from the Bible, we learn the patterns of bad decision making so we can recognize it in our lives and change our approach.
Sun, May 29, 2016
The lostness of our world should break our hearts. What is our reaction supposed to be to all the hurt and pain? Sin should break our hearts and move us to tears. We are supposed to share our faith! In this message, Pastor Parker Loy looks at the story of the Apostle Paul in Athens, and how he shared his faith with that culture. What he did applies to us in our culture, too!
Sun, May 22, 2016
One of life's biggest problems is something most people don't see as a problem at all - success. We've all failed, but many times the more difficult test of an individual is how they handle success.
Sun, May 15, 2016
You should be able to walk in the door of church and feel loved and accepted. But any time people live, work, or spend lots of time together, conflict inevitably happens. Even at church, people can disagree. The true test of faith and maturity is - how will we conduct ourselves, and how can we resolve these issues? What does it mean to resolve conflict Biblically?
Sun, May 08, 2016
In this message, we look at one of the most incredible stories in the Bible. Two guys, as different from each other as they could be, both had incredible visions from God. One was a Christian, and the other was a Christian killer. It's a story filled with danger, intrigue, surprise, and adventure.
Sun, May 01, 2016
Do you have conflict, tension or broken relationships in your family? In this message, we learn reconciliation lessons from a touching, powerful story in the Bible. Families can be healed!
Sun, April 24, 2016
If you have credit card debt, it's one of, if not the biggest, sources of stress in your life. It affects your health, your marriage, and your family. You can change your thinking and patterns in your financial life! In this message, Pastor Rod Loy looks at causes of debt, and ways we can pay it down and live debt free.
Sun, April 17, 2016
People spend a lot of time planning for weddings and honeymoons, but don't often spend a lot of time planning for a successful marriage. In this message, Pastor Rod Loy shares some principles that will make a marriage thrive, regardless of what stage of life you are in.
Sun, April 10, 2016
We're all getting older. We have a choice. Do we want to be a good old person who encourages younger generations and shows them the way to go, or will we be grouchy and negative in our older years? What can we do to ensure that we will be a good old person?
Sun, April 03, 2016
Families come in all shapes and sizes. One of our core values is We Must Build Healthy Families. How can we make our families spiritually healthy?
Wed, March 30, 2016
We live in an instant society. Everything has to be done right now. But life is not always instant. God isn't instant. We want immediate answers, instant results and on-demand blessings. But God doesn't operate on our timeline. For many people, this is a big challenge - why they walk away from God and give up on faith.
Sun, March 20, 2016
The result of all the scams and lies in our culture today is that we don't know who or what to trust. Does the way we trust people affect how we trust God?
Sun, March 13, 2016
For the follower of Jesus, success is to be faithful. That's the goal - faithful to God, faithful to your family, faithful to your spouse, faithful to your job. God promises His blessings, what the world views as success, in response to your faithfulness. But how can we be faithful in everything?
Sun, March 06, 2016
People have a lot of questions, doubts, and misunderstandings about God. This is a question that people who are believers and people who don't know God wrestle with. It's a tough one. Why do bad things happen to good people?
Sun, February 28, 2016
It's easy to forgive someone who cuts you off in traffic, or the bully from Third Grade. You can get past things like that. The people closest to you are more difficult to forgive. The hurts are deep. The memories stay fresh. What is forgiveness, and what is it not?
Sun, February 21, 2016
Negative thinking is the pull to see everything and everyone through a critical, cynical grid. This pattern of thinking holds you back, diminishes your influence and keeps you from developing relationships with others. In this message, Pastor Brian Dollar examines how to get rid of "stinking thinking."
Sun, February 14, 2016
How does God get through to someone whose conscience has been seared, who no longer feels or knows the difference between right and wrong?
Sun, February 07, 2016
Pastor Brad's new song from the February 6,7 weekend services: I Remember You
Sun, February 07, 2016
We all hate to wait. The worst waiting is when you have a dream, or a promise from God that hasn't come to pass yet. You know what should happen. But it's not happening. This is the place where many people give up on His promise, their assignment, or their dream. But what is happening while we wait?
Mon, February 01, 2016
When you are faithful in how you treat others and are generous, you can expect to be blessed. You can't expect to be blessed when you are disobedient. We all understand that. But, how do you respond when you've been faithful and things still go wrong?
Sun, January 24, 2016
If you know you are capable of sin - that's the tug of the human heart - then you need to know how to handle temptation - the impulse to sin. You need to learn boundaries, safeguards, and strategies to overcome Satan and His agenda to destroy you.
Sun, January 17, 2016
Dreaming looks into the future and visualizes the world as God meant it to be. Dreaming is about seeing reality through God's eyes.
Sun, January 10, 2016
Sometimes when we have a dream from God, we feel like the path should be smooth and easy sailing. But often, life is not that way. In the story of Joseph, we can learn some important principles from a very complicated life.
Sun, January 03, 2016
What does it mean to be a healthy church? What makes a church healthy? What principles are important to make sure our church is healthy and growing?
Mon, December 28, 2015
In this final message of our Year with Jesus, Pastor Rod examines Jesus: what can we learn from His interactions with people about His character, His priorities, and His values? What does it really mean to follow Jesus?
Mon, December 21, 2015
No telling of the Christmas story is complete without the star: Jesus. But He is more than just a baby born long ago. He is the Savior.
Mon, December 07, 2015
The arrival of Jesus changed everything. Jesus did not come as a savior for one selective group of people. Jesus came for all people.
Mon, November 30, 2015
When we tell the Christmas story, we don't spend a lot of time dwelling on Herod the Great, who brutally ruled the area where Jesus was born. But his story is an important part of the real Christmas story.
Sun, November 22, 2015
The Bible doesn't say much about Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. But we can learn a lot about what it takes to be a person of integrity by his actions. He was wiling to give up his own plans and dreams in order to further God's plan for our world.
Mon, November 16, 2015
Our society is once again racing headlong into the Christmas season. But for the next 40 days, we are going to slow down and really consider the first Christmas. We're going to look closer and learn from the main characters in the story. Perhaps the most famous woman in the Bible is Mary, the mother of Jesus, who was fantastically used by God.
Mon, November 09, 2015
Closed, locked doors do not stop God! Pastor Rod finishes our missions series with more stories about the Gospel reaching into impossible places, and how one 5 year old boy made a difference in a distant country.
Sun, November 01, 2015
There are countries all over the planet that are closed to the Gospel. But closed and locked doors don't stop God!
Wed, October 28, 2015
Doors can be used to let people in, but they can also be used to keep people out. Or keep people in. We're not talking about literal doors in this series, but figurative ones. People and people groups, and in some cases, entire countries that are closed to the Gospel.
Mon, October 19, 2015
Have you ever been in a situation where your supply was just not enough? Have you ever totaled your expenses and your income just didn't cut it? Pastor Brian Dollar looks at one of Jesus' most unusual miracles, which reminds us that God knows our needs.
Mon, October 12, 2015
Maybe you feel like your situation is hopeless - like you don't have a chance - that all hope is gone? Maybe you just feel like giving up. It's a horrible feeling. But with Jesus, even in our darkest moments, it's never too late!
Sun, October 04, 2015
Your biggest crises reveal your best friends: the people you can always count on, someone you can trust. Sometimes, we need someone to lean on. We give up on people who reject us and move on. But not Jesus. He comes back over and over. He wants relationship with you.
Mon, September 28, 2015
There is likely something in your life that is out of control. It didn't start that way, you didn't plan on losing control, but you have. Regardless of what has you trapped, you can be free.
Sun, September 20, 2015
We have been taught that faith is a formula. If we'll just pray the right prayer, do the right things, give in the right offering, or go to the right church, God will heal and bless us. But is that the case? How much is up to you, and how much is up to God?
Sun, September 13, 2015
In our culture, we've devalued the word "miracle." But a real miracle is not something that people can do, it's something only God can do. You may think that you or something in your life is too far gone. It's too late to change. But your opinion of when it is over and too far gone is not necessarily right.
Sun, September 06, 2015
After Jesus physically left the earth, His disciples accomplished amazing things! The reason was not their ability or accomplishments. It was through the power of the Holy Spirit -- the Helper who worked in them and through them. The Holy Spirit still works in and through us today!
Mon, August 31, 2015
This world is not our home. Not our permanent one, anyway. We are citizens of Heaven!
Mon, August 24, 2015
What does peace mean to you? A lot of people think of peace as an absence of trouble, but life isn't like that very often. When Jesus talked about peace, what did He mean?
Sun, August 16, 2015
Jesus said "I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly." What does that mean? What are things that keep us from having abundant lives today?
Sun, August 09, 2015
Why did God send His Son, Jesus, to earth? What was so important that Jesus would leave Heaven and all its perfect wonder to come to flawed, me
Mon, August 03, 2015
In life, you are going to experience conflict. It's inevitable. How we deal with conflict makes the difference. Jesus had another radical idea about go through your conflicts. In this message, Pastor Randy Jumper examines how Jesus said we should restore broken relationships.
Sun, July 26, 2015
This is one of Jesus' most challenging statements. But we can't avoid it. We must deal with it, because for many people, this is the single biggest issue in their lives. It's an issue that keeps people locked in the past - in a cycle of bitterness, anger, hurt, and regret.
Sun, July 19, 2015
We say it often, Every Soul Matters to God. But do we really believe that? Did Jesus really die for all people? Or, are there some people who are just too bad, even for God? It is possible to disqualify yourself from His love and forgiveness?
Sun, July 12, 2015
Jesus said we are supposed to love our enemies and do good to those who curse us. What in the world? How are we supposed to do that? In this message, Rod Loy examines one of Jesus' most counter-cultural statements.
Mon, June 29, 2015
Worry isn't a new problem, and these days there is never any shortage of things to worry about. Thankfully, Jesus was not silent on the subject. He knew our struggles and offered a solution - a completely different way to approach daily concerns.
Mon, June 22, 2015
Our world tells us it's all about ME. But Jesus has a different take on things. In this message, Pastor Brian Dollar talks about another of Jesus's teachings that seem so out of step with our world.
Sun, June 14, 2015
In life, it can sometimes seem like we are stuck in impossible situations. Our human minds struggle to understand because a lot of things are impossible, or seem impossible, but the Bible tells us over and over, that nothing is impossible with God.
Sun, June 07, 2015
In this series, we are looking at bold, counter-cultural teachings of Jesus that have changed the way people view life, circumstances, relationships, and problems. In this message, Pastor Rod Loy looks at Jesus' teachings on money. Jesus said we should be more concerned with treasures in Heaven than on earth. What does that mean? How should we do that?
Sun, May 31, 2015
Are you a doubter? You can read so many crazy stories, hoaxes, and conspiracies on the Internet these days, it's hard to believe if anything is the truth anymore. Thomas, one of Jesus's disciples, had a hard time believing that Jesus had actually risen from the grave. The way Jesus showed him the truth is the same way He helps us when we doubt.
Sun, May 24, 2015
We are studying Jesus' encounters with unlikely people. In this message, we look at a lifetime loser with multiple failures. Life was empty, she couldn't find fulfillment. Then, in an instant, everything changed.
Mon, May 18, 2015
In the short time Jesus was in active ministry on earth, you'd think He would choose the best and the brightest to be his disciples, but that wasn't the case. In some cases, he chose people you'd never think would make good followers. But He saw the potential in people like Matthew, and He sees the potential in you, too.
Sun, May 10, 2015
The church is the one place where you shouldn't have to fear being judged and rejected for your past. We should be able to bring our hurts, sins, and our pasts to church and receive acceptance and forgiveness. But, it can be a real fear. Will people condemn me? Will God even accept me?
Mon, May 04, 2015
In the ancient world, children were considered to be very low status, valuable to families only if it was thought they could be productive. Jesus had a radical attitude about children: that all of them were priceless treasures who had a part in God's Kingdom.
Sun, April 26, 2015
Many people picture God sitting up in Heaven with a big stick, waiting for you to do wrong so He can punish you. He can't wait to catch you. In this message, we see that Jesus tells us things are very different.
Sun, April 19, 2015
Do you have questions about God and Christianity? The greatest verse in the Bible was originally said to someone who was curious and had questions.
Sun, April 12, 2015
It's a tough place to be, in the middle of a crisis. When it doesn't turn out the way you thought it would, it's easy to give up. It's easy to pack your bags and walk away. But when things seem to be going wrong, God's plan for your life still applies. In this message, Pastor Randy Jumper examines the story of the road to Emm
Sun, April 05, 2015
The value of something is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for it. At Easter, we celebrate that God made the decision to value us.
Mon, March 30, 2015
Everything in Jesus' life pointed to this one event. From day one, this was Jesus' purpose on Earth. Saving the world was Jesus' assignment, His purpose, and God's plan. For that to be accomplished, He had to die.
Sun, March 22, 2015
Jesus was betrayed, not just by Judas, but the other disciples abandoned Him as well. His closest friends let Him down. If you feel like you've let God down, like He could never forgive you, and no longer has a plan for you, you need to hear the full story of the night Jesus was betrayed and how He responded.
Sun, March 15, 2015
At the Last Supper, Jesus didn't give the disciples a pep talk. He knew what was coming. He knew the disciples were in for the fight of their lives. Life with Jesus is not worry and trouble free. He never promised that. But He also promises to be with us through it all.
Mon, March 09, 2015
Week after week, people who are burned out, stressed out, and worn out come staggering into church. They need to be introduced to Jesus, He alone is the way, the truth, and the life and we have been looking for.
Sun, March 01, 2015
At the Last Supper, Jesus humbled Himself and served the disciples. What would happen if we all had an "others first, me last" mindset?
Sun, February 22, 2015
Jesus said we should love our neighbor as ourself. So the question is: who is my neighbor? Pastor Parker Loy takes a look at one of the most famous stories in the Bible to see how Jesus answered this question.
Mon, February 16, 2015
Like the Pharisees of the Bible, we often make up rules that have little to do with Scripture. Too often, love seems to give way to judging. Grace has been replaced by score keeping. What did Jesus have to say about this? How should we respond?
Sun, February 08, 2015
Are you in a storm? We're not talking about weather, but a life storm - when it feels like your life is crashing all around you. It may seem impossible, unending, and devastating. Jesus, on the other hand, isn't frightened in the least by your storm.
Sun, February 01, 2015
Often, we think we don't have any talents to use for God, but the Bible says that He can use our particular gifts, even when they seem small to us.
Sun, January 25, 2015
Are you grateful? It's not enough for us just to be obedient to God. He also commands us to be grateful. What does a grateful life look like?
Mon, January 19, 2015
Following Christ is not a free ticket to everything we've always wanted. Jesus tells us that in order to follow him we must be willing to pay the price he requires of us. What is the price tag for following Jesus?
Mon, January 12, 2015
Just like a tree, the product of your life reveals what's in your heart. You can't claim to be good and do evil. Your heart reveals itself in your words and actions.
Mon, January 05, 2015
What makes a church healthy? In this message, Rod Loy looks at the model we should follow for building a healthy church.
Mon, December 29, 2014
Most people make big plans for the New Year - life-altering decisions called resolutions. Most of the time, though, we waste these opportunities at "do overs." This struggle is not new. And just like everything else we face, the Bible has some answers.
Mon, December 22, 2014
Over the week of Christmas, business will shut down, schools will let out and stores will be absolutely packed. In an increasingly secular society, everything still stops for Christmas. Why? What's the big deal about Christmas?
Sun, December 07, 2014
Worry is fear about things that haven't happened yet or are already in the past. Worry is toxic. It affects your relationships, your energy, and your health. It can dominate your thinking. No one enjoys worrying. But, how do you stop? What's the answer? Is there a cure?
Mon, December 01, 2014
Loneliness isn't discussed in church very often. Even talking about loneliness can be uncomfortable. But it's important to talk about it because at some point, everybody feels alone. Feeling lonely isn't a sin and it doesn't mean that you are a failure or are flawed. What does the Bible have to say about loneliness?
Tue, November 25, 2014
The dictionary definition of weary is: physically or mentally exhausted by hard work, exertion, strain; faitgued; tired. Does this describe you? What do you do? Is there an answer? Is there hope?
Sun, November 16, 2014
We all like to receive gifts. But in this message, Pastor Rod talks about a gift from God - a gift we really need in life's most difficult, stressful times.
Mon, November 10, 2014
Long-term illness is a topic the church doesn't often address. In this message, Pastor Rod answers some questions about long-term illness as we look at a famous healing in the Bible.
Mon, November 03, 2014
You can't "kind of" follow Jesus. It's all or nothing. Reaching out to others is part of the deal - whether that's here in the US, or some remote corner of the world. That's what missions is about. We creatively build bridges and strategically partner with other bridge builders in order to lead people to Jesus.
Mon, October 27, 2014
Our mission as followers of Jesus is to be "bridge builders", to share the Good News about Jesus, whose death on the cross bridged the gap between God and man. Having walked across that bridge ourselves and discovered the love of God, we have an obligation and an assignment to help others walk across the bridge, too.
Mon, October 13, 2014
It's often hard to tell someone the truth. Really, we should be grateful that someone loves us enough to tell us the truth. But that's not always the way it is in life, is it? The old saying, "the truth hurts," is often true.
Sun, October 05, 2014
Are you trying to live your life without God? Are you wondering why life isn't going like it seems it should? Just like a car, we can't run on empty...
Mon, September 29, 2014
In life, in business, in society, even in the church world, there's a subtle, and sometimes not so subtle pull toward self-promotion. But there's a principle: you can't exalt Jesus while promoting yourself.
Mon, September 22, 2014
When you spend time with God, you act differently, you feel different, and people can notice the change. But God's presence has a purpose!
Sun, September 07, 2014
Have you been fighting a major battle? You've been trying to win on your own and failing miserably. Why? There are some battles you just can't win by yourself. We need each other.
Sun, August 31, 2014
Have you ever felt lost, not on the road, but in life? The times, the seasons in your life when nothing seems to make sense, when things aren't coming together and you can't seem to find direction. God knew we would have times in our lives when we feel lost, lonely, confused, and afraid - full of questions and searching for answers.
Mon, August 25, 2014
This episode examines how Moses reacted when his people dissappointed him and turned away from God.
Sun, August 17, 2014
Who is your enemy, or what is your enemy? It could be depression, sickness, or fear. When things are going wrong, when we are under attack, we have an alarming tendency to become enemy-focused. We focus on our enemies instead of on God. But God has a plan for our enemies!
Sun, August 10, 2014
When the circumstances in your life are overwhelming, when it looks like there is no way out, keep going! God has something to say to you!
Sun, August 03, 2014
God is a God of mercy and love. But, looking at the Word of God, it is clear there is also a time when God judges wickedness. What are some things we can learn from Moses and the plagues that struck Egypt?
Sun, July 27, 2014
We want God's plan as long as it is easy, and makes sense. We want it to be logical, detailed, and complete with every step clearly laid out in advance. But what happens when we don't know all the details? Like Moses, will we find it hard to obey God at first?
Sun, July 20, 2014
Sometimes we all have "wilderness" times: when we feel horribly alone and forgotten. We might wonder if God even knows where we are...
Mon, July 14, 2014
We are obsessed with speed. We want what we want - and we want it now! Are we that way with God, too? Are we even impatient with our Heavenly Father who knows what is best for us? In this message, Pastor Patrick Lander continues the story of Moses and his impatience with God's plan.
Sun, July 06, 2014
We often wonder "why?" We search to find a reason, meaning or purpose in difficult circumstances, unjust decisions, and unreasonable people. When there are no good answers, it forces a difficult decision: Will you trust God despite circumstances?
Sun, June 29, 2014
There is a final level of stewardship that we don't often see in America - sacrifice. What does it mean to sacrifice?
Sun, June 22, 2014
Sometimes, Christians mistake obedience for generosity. If you tithe, you are simply being obedient to what the Bible teaches. But being generous takes you to the next step!
Mon, June 16, 2014
Stewardship acknowledges: everything I have comes from God. What is the starting point of stewardship? What must we do first if we want to be good stewards of what God has given us?
Sun, June 08, 2014
Jesus taught a lot about money and stewardship. 15% of Jesus' teaching was on the subject of money and our possessions, more than all His teachings on Heaven and Hell combined. He spent so much time on the subject because He knew that the whole area of money and finances is a difficult area for people to obey God. There are some powerful Kingdom principles about money that can and will alter your life and future.
Sun, May 25, 2014
If you are a Christian, you are a square peg. You will never quite fit with society because you live by a different set of values. No matter how hard you try, you won't ever completely fit - and you're not supposed to. But, what does that look like? How do you live that out?
Mon, May 19, 2014
Real love - putting others first - caring about others - sacrificing your own interests, opinions and agendas for the sake of others - is a counter-culture way to live. What does God say about love in the Book of First John? It's one of the hardest, most convicting passages in the entire Bible.
Sun, May 11, 2014
Our world is obsessed with love and the search for love. Songs, TV shows, books, and movies have covered the topic over and over. We were designed by God for relationship, and we long for it. But so many people look in the wrong places.
Sun, May 04, 2014
Sin isolates you. But the good news is, even in that isolation of sin, Jesus sees you. He does more than just see you. He comes to your aid. In this message, Pastor Patrick Lander continues our look at the book of First John.
Mon, April 28, 2014
There are many different kinds of people, but Jesus brings us together. We may not have anything else in common, but we have Jesus in common. It's all of us - together. Connected by Jesus. We are family - the family of God!
Sun, April 20, 2014
When you think of Easter, what image or picture comes to mind? It's OK to think about food, family, and fun. But the day honors something so much more important than that. In this message, Pastor Rod Loy talks about three pictures that tell the story of Easter.
Mon, April 14, 2014
In this final message in the series, Pastor Rod Loy looks at the final section of the 23rd Psalm - a promise of what the Good Shepherd has prepared for us.
Mon, April 07, 2014
The Lord protects you from enemies and harm and positions you for blessing. Your Good Shepherd prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Jesus even faced death before you, so you would not have to fear death. What a wonderful, Good Shepherd.
Sun, March 30, 2014
When things are going your way, if feels like anything you try is going to succeed. You love those times and wish you could make it last forever. But, inevitably, something comes wrong. Difficulty comes. Challenges and obstacles arise. You're in a deep, dark valley that seems like it will go on forever. What do you do? How do you survive? Will you survive?
Sun, March 23, 2014
No matter how far you've wandered and left the flock, the Good Shepherd seeks you out. The word "restores" is present tense, not past tense. It's something God does now, immediately. There's not a waiting period to be restored by God.
Sun, March 16, 2014
Are you stressed? The world today is a busy, stressful place. But we can find rest. Jesus, our Shepherd, prepared the way for us so you can find rest and peace.
Sun, March 09, 2014
The 23rd Psalm might be the best known chapter in the Bible. This Psalm is on greeting cards, crafts, rugs, pictures, and paintings. The words are very familiar. But familiar words don't always mean understood words. In this series, Pastor Rod Loy will transform a passage that can seem rote and remind us that it is one that is rich with meaning.
Sun, March 02, 2014
We should look at life with a "long lens." A long lens, like a telescope, lets you see what you can't see at a casual glance. A long lens lets you see trouble or opportunity way out on the horizon that you can't see now.
Mon, February 24, 2014
Accountability is vital to growth and change. But if you want to ruin your life, avoid accountability. Don't let anyone challenge your decisions and actions. Don't allow anyone to ask you the tough questions. What is the result when we live without accountability?
Sun, February 16, 2014
Our society encourages us to compare ourselves with others - the way we look, how much stuff we have, the products we use. But the problem with comparison is - whether you win or lose, in the end you'll always lose.
Sun, February 09, 2014
Your words have power. When you open your mouth before you engage your brain, it leads to disaster. In this message, Brian Dollar talks about the power of our words, and some steps we can take to help us think before we speak.
Mon, February 03, 2014
In our world today, there is an epidemic of selfishness. Everywhere you look, people are consumed with living for themselves. Why is this a problem?
Sun, January 26, 2014
Holding onto a grudge is refusing to forgive. Instead of forgiving, you carry the hurt or offense with you. This one issue keeps people locked in the past - in a cycle of bitterness, anger, hurt, and regret. What steps can we take to forgive?
Sun, January 19, 2014
Many of us make chasing what feels good their life strategy. The thought is, if it feels good, how could it be wrong? "If it feels good, do it" could be the theme of our society. We are a culture motivated by convenience and feeling, instead of principle. What does this produce in the long run? How are we supposed to live?
Sun, January 12, 2014
Do you want to ruin your life? Do you want to be miserable and unhappy? Probably nobody would answer "yes" to those questions. But, every day, we all face decisions and choices that could lead to that end. In this series, we are going to look at eight of the most common mistakes people make. In this message, Rod Loy talks about what the Bible says about authority, and what happens when we take ourselves out from under it.
Sun, January 05, 2014
What makes a church healthy? We can look to the church in the Book of Acts for an example of what a church is supposed to be.
Sun, December 29, 2013
The gap between expectation and reality is where people become disappointed and disillusioned. When reality doesn't match your expectation, that's when you struggle the most. So what do you do when life is disappointing?
Sun, December 22, 2013
In the crazy hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, slow down and give yourself some gifts.
Sun, December 08, 2013
God speaks to us many ways: through the Bible, through impressions, through emotions, dreams, and many other ways. You can't limit God or the way He speaks. He still speaks to His people. But some people may say "Why don't I hear from God? Why isn't God speaking to me?" In this message, Pastor Rod Loy looks at some possible answers to those questions.
Sun, December 01, 2013
When God speaks to us, what does He say? In this message, Pastor Rod Loy looks at what else God says when he speaks to us.
Sun, November 24, 2013
When God speaks to us, what does He say? While we can't tell specifically what God will say to an individual, we can look at His pattern of interacting with people through Scripture.
Sun, November 24, 2013
Leah Campbell's song from our series, God Speaks.
Mon, November 18, 2013
God is speaking. God wants you to listen for and hear His voice. God wants you to know Him and His plan for your life. If you are ready and willing to listen, you can hear Him. But how does God speak? Is it a booming voice from the heavens? He actually uses several different ways to speak to us.
Mon, November 11, 2013
We know that God spoke to people in Bible times. What if God spoke to us in our every day lives? What if God wants to tell you something - personally, individually, specifically, just for you? Is that possible? What if God is actively speaking to His people and would speak to you? Would you like that? How does God speak to us today, and how can we listen?
Sun, November 03, 2013
Can one person make a difference? In the Bible, and in our lives, we can see how one person, who is dedicated to a cause, can change the world. If we don't do anything, will it stop God's plan? No, but it would rob us of the chance to be involved in what God is doing.
Sun, October 27, 2013
A Rube Goldberg machine is a deliberately complicated way to perform a simple task. It is a chain reaction that starts with something simple. We can all be part of God's process. We are a strategic link in a chain reaction that can and will touch and change the world.
Mon, October 21, 2013
One person can make a huge difference for God in the world. If we could see in advance how we could make a difference, we would sign up in a heartbeat. But we have to choose obdedience, knowing that God will use us in ways we cannot even imagine right now. In this series, Pastor Rod will look at the power of one person to set in motion a chain of events that can have a powerful effect on the world.
Sun, October 13, 2013
What is normal? Are you normal? Society and church have changed a lot over the years, but what is supposed to be normal? What does a normal family look like, according to the Bible?
Mon, October 07, 2013
What is normal for a church? What is God's definition of what is normal for a church? What can we do to get back to and preserve that?
Mon, September 30, 2013
Christians are called to be the representatives of Jesus in a sin-filled world. The Apostle Paul told the church to live a life worth of that calling. He described what that looks like in Ephesians chapters 4, 5, and 6. One of the biggest challenges in the church today is that too many Christians act normal instead of the new normal Paul describes. In this message, Rod Loy talks about what Paul has to say about greed and immorality in our lives.
Sun, September 22, 2013
When you live a life worthy of the calling, if you are truly committed to Jesus, it shows in the way you speak. People should be able to listen to you and know something is different. But what is supposed to be normal for a Christian?
Sun, September 15, 2013
What is "normal"? What you consider normal is different depending on where you are, and who you are with. What is normal in one place would be weird somewhere else. What used to be normal no longer is. What is normal for a person who is a follower of Christ?
Sun, September 08, 2013
What you are concerned about says a lot about your values. What are you concerned about? How does it line up with what God is concerned about?
Sun, September 01, 2013
It's funny, isn't it? We should be able to learn from other people's mistakes and failures. We should be able to read a story or see it as it happens with someone else and apply it to our own lives. We should, but often we don't. What does it usually take for us to learn life lessons? What can we do about it?
Sun, August 25, 2013
Life on the run - running from God. It's not a physical thing - you aren't literally sprinting. It's more of a decision to ignore His plan for your life. There is a predictable pattern that develops in the life of a person who runs from God. Looking at a famous story in the Bible, we'll see this pattern and what it means for us.
Sun, August 18, 2013
What is a hypocrite? Someone who pretends to be something they are not. They seem to practice religion, but really, they are just playing games. Jesus calls them lukewarm.
Mon, August 12, 2013
No circumstance, attack, or pressure is greater than the power of God. No enemy can stop God's plan for you! Quit letting news channels, politicians, and gloomy Facebook posts determine your outlook on life. They aren't the ones that are in control!
Sun, August 04, 2013
When a Christian becomes soley focused on doing things for God rather than being a child of God, it can become dangerous. While we should work for Him, we were *designed* for relationship with Him!
Sun, July 28, 2013
Our culture tells us that a little sin is okay. It won't hurt us. But small compromises lead to major failures. What can we learn from Jesus' message to the church in the ancient city of Pergamum?
Mon, July 22, 2013
When you find yourself in the middle of a battle, when you are facing your biggest struggle, Jesus is there. He's right there with you - reminding you He is greater than anything you face.
Sun, July 14, 2013
Have you ever been more in love with Jesus than you are right now?
Sun, July 07, 2013
Struggling with depression? You're not alone! In this message, we conclude Roller Coaster Living with Elijah's lowest moment. You'll be encouraged.
Sun, June 30, 2013
Sometimes, the roller coaster of life wears you down. You don't think you can take it anymore. The lows make you forget the highs. In moments of dispair, it's hard to remember everything God has done. How should we handle these dips in our life's roller coaster?
Tue, June 25, 2013
It's one of the most famous stories from the Bible. Elijah vs. the prophets of Baal. How was Elijah able to have the confidence to face what seemed to be overwhelming odds in this showdown?
Mon, June 17, 2013
When things are going from bad, to good, to bad, to great, to worse, it's a roller coaster of life that can wear you out. Some of us have been there. Some of us are there. Every time it seems like things are going to get better, something else happens. How do you deal with the lowest of the low points of life?
Mon, June 10, 2013
The roller coaster of life can be unpredictable, and it can be easy to lapse into fear and worry. We explore how God sustained the prophet Elijah through an impossible situation.
Sun, June 02, 2013
Dr. Beth Grant, founder of Project Rescue, a ministry that rescues, educates, and supports women and children who were ensnared in the human trafficking industry. Her message is challenging and convicting! We cannot sit on our hope!
Sun, May 26, 2013
You can't "kind of" follow God's plan, or "kind of" pursue His vision. If you serve Him with half your heart, you're not serving Him. God wants a monopoly on your life. He wants exclusive possession and total control.
Sun, May 19, 2013
One decision or action can set in motion a series of events that ends up in you being trapped. In this message, we hope to help you open your eyes and see the process - how Satan tricks and traps you.
Sun, May 12, 2013
Just like the game of Jenga, our lives are carefully balanced. What happens when you take Jesus out of your life?
Sun, May 05, 2013
Christians are supposed to think and act differently from the rest of the world. How we respond to adversity, our reaction when we don't get our way, how we treat others - all of these should be different from the cultural norm. But we live, work, and go to school in this culture. It's easy to fall into the accepted patterns, isn't it? So how do you do it? How do you renew your mind and not conform to culture?
Sun, April 28, 2013
Are we careful with the words we use? Do our words lift people up or tear them down?
Sun, April 21, 2013
Battleship is a simple, fun game that many of us played as kids. But some people seem to make Battleship a way of life. They shoot with words, looking to see where they can hurt and what damage they can cause. Children, adults, even people in churches wage battle with their words. It's inevitable that in life, we'll sometimes disagree. When that happens, how should we handle it?
Sun, April 14, 2013
In games, you want to win the game by beating your opponents. But in real life, when you win by making someone else lose, you don't win. You might think you win, but you don't. No one does. Unresolved conflict hurts the heart of God.
Sun, April 07, 2013
In this series, we will use simple, fun games that we remember to learn some important principles. Remember Hungry Hungry Hippos? The object of the game is to get your hippo to eat as much as possible. We can be physically hungry, but there's also spiritual hunger. Are you hungry?
Mon, April 01, 2013
The phrase "Been There, Done That" can have several different meanings. It can be a badge of courage or accomplishment, or it can be funny. It basically means someone has been there before. Sometimes in life, it seems like we are facing things alone. But in every area of our lives, we know that Jesus has "been there, done that" for us.
Tue, March 26, 2013
This is a free audio download of Pastor Brad's new song he wrote for our series about people who are away from God.
Sun, March 24, 2013
We've already talked about the prodigal son who came home, the father who welcomed him. But there is another family member in Jesus' parable: the older brother, who does not react in the same way as his father when he finds out his wayward brother has returned home. Why did Jesus tell this story? Who is the older brother, and what can Christians learn from him?
Sun, March 17, 2013
What is God's response when you run away and then come home?
Sun, March 10, 2013
When you are spiritually lost, lots of people tell you what you need to do, but how? When you have completely messed up your life, how do you start over? How can you ever be right and whole again? How do you find your way home?
Sun, March 03, 2013
A lot of us have funny stories about running away - little kids loading their backpack and not even making it to the front door. But there are also some horribly sad and tragic stories. Maybe you did it. You left home and started running. Life on the run was filled with mistakes, failures, and regrets. It's the same whether you run from your physical home, or are running from your spiritual home - from God, and faith. Life as a runaway is not all it's cracked up to be.
Mon, February 25, 2013
There are 160 million people in our country who do not attend church. But only two percent of Christians invited an unchurched person to church last year. Something has to change!
Sun, February 17, 2013
To worship something or someone is to feel passionate about it or them, to the point it influences your behavior and choices and is obvious to others. Worship is an attitude, a mindset, and a way of life.
Sun, February 10, 2013
Sometimes, we try to face decisions, challenges, and just life in general based on our own wisdom and experience. The whole time, we have the instruction manual, our guidebook for living, the Bible, with us, and we don't read and learn from it like we should. Why is the Bible important to a life that follows Christ?
Sun, February 03, 2013
After Jesus rose from the dead, He spent 40 days with his followers. His final words to His followers were the key - what they needed to follow Him and lead the church. And His words are key to us today.
Sun, January 27, 2013
Everything affects everything. You don't, and can't, compartmentalize your life. A significant change in one area affects every other part. A relationship with Jesus will affect the way you approach your family, your job, and even your money.
Sun, January 20, 2013
Depending on your background, prayer is either something you've never done, something you do before meals and not many other times, or something you use when you are in trouble. For others, prayer is a regular, normal part of your day. What is prayer? Why is it important? How and why should we pray?
Sun, January 13, 2013
What does it really mean to be a Christian? How do you follow Jesus? How do you commit every part of your life to Him? In this message, Pastor Rod begins this new series about what it really means to be a Christ follower.
Sun, January 06, 2013
As we start a new year, Pastor Rod looks at the qualities of a healthy church - what makes a church that is effective and outward-focused?
Sun, December 30, 2012
This is one of the most incredible stories in the Bible. This is the story of two very different men, who both had visions from God. It's a story filled with danger, intrigue, surprise, and adventure. It's the story of a villain, who became one of the most well known Christ followers in history. What can we learn from these two men as we look forward to a new year?
Sun, December 23, 2012
Do you ever feel like your life is out of control - like you just can't take it anymore? As you look back on the year, has it been a peaceful one, or has it been a year filled with stress and anxiety? We all face stress. The question is: how will you handle it?
Tue, December 11, 2012
Many people struggle with loneliness, but it's hard to admit when we are lonely. But feeling lonely doesn't make you a failure. It isn't silly. It's something we all face at some point. The good news is: if you are lonely, there is help!
Mon, December 03, 2012
God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was just a regular girl. The disciples were all normal, regular, unimpressive people, but God used them to change the world. What do we need to do for God to use us for His will? What is the cost?
Mon, November 26, 2012
Do you consider yourself and ungrateful person? Most people don't. We are usually blind to our own ingratitude. It's not that we don't want to be grateful, we just forget. The difference between being grateful and being ungrateful is a lot more than just two letters! In this message, Pastor Patrick Lander encourages us to live a life of gratitude!
Mon, November 19, 2012
Nothing is impossible for God. Even if sickness or disease strike our lives, when it seems impossible. What do you pray when you need healing? What words do you say? Is there a "correct" way to pray for healing? Featuring two stories from First Assembly friends, this message will inspire and remind you that God is a God of healing!
Mon, November 12, 2012
Everybody needs help at some point. You need help from other people, even if you don't want to admit it. You need help from God. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness! Often, asking for help is a sign of wisdom!
Tue, November 06, 2012
Pastor Rod Loy concludes the series with more inspiring stories of places that seemed impossible.
Sun, October 28, 2012
Some things are impossible for people. We don't have the ability and will never have the ability. But for God? Nothing is Impossible. With God, all things are possible.
Mon, October 22, 2012
Jesus said we were to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel. It seems like an impossible task. But is the impossible possible?
Sun, October 14, 2012
Everyone knows the phrase "pride comes before a fall," and it is true. When we gain some success, it is so easy to forget what God did for us. In this message, Rod Loy talks about some key principles we all need to follow when things are going well.
Sun, October 07, 2012
An unlikely hero, a seriously overweight king, and a story that seems like it is right out of a spy thriller. We can learn some important things from this unusual story. God can and wil use the most unlikely people!
Sun, September 30, 2012
One of the central themes of the Bible is this -- nothing is impossible for God. God is not intimidated by our difficult circumstances. What seems impossible for us, is entirely possible for God. He specializes in the impossible!
Sun, September 23, 2012
It's an unbelieveable Bible story with a powerful lesson about a common problem in our lives.
Sun, September 16, 2012
Have you ever done something stupid? Pastor Rod Loy shares the story of a group of Israelites who just don't seem to learn from their mistakes and how the story relates to us today.
Sun, September 09, 2012
Have you ever made a discovery that was so good you were tempted to keep it to yourself? Pastor Rod Loy shares the story of three outcast who became unlikely heroes when they stumbled upon great news--and decided to share it with other.
Sun, September 02, 2012
Pastor Brian Dollar teaches us to plant the seeds of Outward Focus in our families. Learn how to become a family who is obedient, generous and who sacrifices.
Mon, August 27, 2012
What you plant in your family is what will grow. Learn how to avoid planting the wrong seeds and how to plant beneficial ones instead.
Sun, August 19, 2012
How do you avoid passing negative things down to the next generation? How do you avoid reproducing the seeds that were planted in you? Maybe your family model wasn’t healthy. Maybe that unhealthy, dysfunctional family model has been passed down for generations. You desperately want to end the cycle, but aren’t sure how. Rod Loy outlines steps toward change.
Mon, August 13, 2012
Unplanted seed is useless and worthless. For it to be effective, it has to be planted. To grow your family, you have to plant the right seeds pointed toward the right harvest. It's not enough to know what to do. You have to actually do it!
Sun, August 05, 2012
Raising a healthy family, building a healthy marriage and maintaining healthy relationships takes time, effort, hard work, intentionality, a lot of love, a lot of help, and a lot of prayer. What are you planting in your family today?
Sun, July 29, 2012
Average Pete, a hotheaded guy who made bad decisions, was transformed by Christ into a "super" version of himself. This former fisherman became a great leader of the faith. God sees the "super" in you, too - you don't have to be average!
Sun, July 22, 2012
How can we disagree without our disagreement dissolving into a church fight? People can lose sight of what really matters and get a church off mission. The true test of our faith is this - how will we conduct ourselves and will we resolve those issues?
Sun, July 15, 2012
Some of us spend every day in prison. Not a literal prison, but we are held captive by depression, addictions, fear. It is a dark cell that makes some days a struggle just to move through life. But God can set us free from our prisons! This message is by Pastor Randy Jumper, our missions and young adult pastor.
Sun, July 08, 2012
God used a preacher with a prejudice and a Gentile seeker to change the church world at that time, and for all time. It is because of this moment that the whole world was open to the Gospel!
Sun, July 01, 2012
God used a preacher with a prejudice and a Gentile seeker, searching for God, to change the church world at that time, and for all time.
Mon, June 25, 2012
A testimony is meant to be told. If God has done something wonderful for you, there is power in sharing your testimony! Your miracle will lead to others believing. Your story will inspire faith and hope in others!
Mon, June 18, 2012
We sometimes want God to save us from the consequences of our mistakes. But, thank God that He doesn't rescue us from every consequence. They are great teachers! God loves you enough to let you learn from your mistakes.
Sun, June 10, 2012
Bible characters sometimes seem like superheroes: larger than life, always on top. But they weren't. They made mistakes, and said stupid things. If God can use ordinary, flawed men and women to make a difference, God can use you!
Sun, June 03, 2012
How to spot "friends" who are working against God's plan for your life.
Sun, May 27, 2012
Is life performance based? Or, is there a different standard?
Sun, May 20, 2012
How do we treat people that society ignores?
Sun, May 13, 2012
Are you crippled? We're talking about people who have endured crippling experiences in their lives. Maybe it was rejection, or abuse, or divorce. Whatever it is, you are not alone. God has not forgotten you!
Sun, April 29, 2012
It's probably the most unpopular financial concept in our society: delay. We want everything now, but in this message, Rod Loy lays out the benefits of waiting.
Sun, April 22, 2012
The second important word to remember when dealing with money is Pay: pay cash, pay off your credit cards. Heavy credit card debt is the root of a lot of marital problems, and definitely a major source of stress. In this message, Rod Loy talks about why it is important to avoid being a slave to debt.
Sun, April 15, 2012
If we want God to bless our finances, we need to obey His instructions.
Tue, April 10, 2012
Everyone wants to go to heaven, but we have some interesting ideas about how to get there. Sometimes we think if we do enough good deeds, or if we work hard enough to be a good person, we'll get there. But is that what it takes?
Sun, April 01, 2012
In this series, we've talked about the kinds of friends we need in our lives. In this message, we learn more about the most important friend of all: Jesus!
Sun, March 25, 2012
Like Meshach in the Bible, we all need friends in the fire, in the hardest times in our lives.
Sun, March 18, 2012
In this message, Pastor Rod talks about loneliness, and if you are only going to have one friend - this is the friend you need!
Sun, March 11, 2012
You need a friend like Jonathan, who knows that God is not intimidated by impossible odds!
Sun, February 26, 2012
Sometimes, we all need a friend who can look at our situation and tell us the truth we really need to hear.
Sun, February 19, 2012
We all need a friend like Moses in our lives, a friend that can forgive us and help restore us.
Sun, February 12, 2012
We all need an older person in our lives to learn from, and a younger person to teach and carry on wisdom and faith.
Sun, February 05, 2012
We need friends who are passionate, creative, and determined about getting us closer to Jesus!
Sun, January 29, 2012
We all need a friend like Silas, someone who will stick with us in the tough times, when we are under pressure.
Sun, January 22, 2012
Barnabas was a disciple in the Book of Acts who was a great encourager to other believers. We all need encouragers in our lives. And, we all should be encouragers for other people.
Sun, January 15, 2012
We are not supposed to be alone. We were designed and created for connection. We not only need other people in our lives, we need the right people in our lives. Who are those right people, and what type of friends are important in your journey to be a lifelong follower of Christ?
Sun, January 08, 2012
What makes a healthy church? What are some things that can keep a church from becoming inward focused and dysfunctional. Using the early church in the Book of Acts as a guide, Rod Loy examines the healthy church.
Sun, January 01, 2012
Don't make any New Year's resolutions until after you've heard this message - Pastor Rod will challenge you to look at resolutions in a whole new way!
Tue, December 27, 2011
Pastor Brad's original song for Christmas, recorded live at First Assembly on Christmas Day, 2011.
Tue, December 27, 2011
How many people celebrate Christmas, but miss the point?
Sun, December 11, 2011
Rod Loy shares some practical ways that you can keep going in the right direction toward what God wants for us, and away from our past.
Mon, December 05, 2011
So many people who look back at their old lives do it based on a revised history, filled with faulty memories. They remember the good times, and not the bad things that caused them to turn to God in the first place. Satan likes to remind us of the good times while blinding us to the consequences. We need to make sure to remember God's grace and how far He has brought us!
Mon, November 28, 2011
Even good people with good intentions can get totally distracted from what's right and do things that make absolutely no sense. But in spite of all that, we need to continue to move forward. We should continually grow in our faith and relationship with Christ.
Mon, November 21, 2011
At one point in our lives, we were all slaves to sin. When we found relationship with God through His Son, Jesus and decided to follow Him, we left all that behind. But, we've all seen it happen: for some reason, some people turn back to the life they left behind. Why?
Sun, November 13, 2011
God saves us from our old life. We find joy and peace in Him. Why is it so tempting then, to return to our old ways? If you feel that pull, or your life seems to be an endless series of ups and downs, back and forth, check out this series - we want to see you move forward!
Sun, October 16, 2011
Worship is an attitude, a mindset, and a way of life. People worship a lot of things: money, fun, power and position. If you truly worship God, He is first in your life. It's not about styles of music, or how we worship, it's THAT we worship!
Sun, October 09, 2011
Anyone can love those who love them. Jesus presents a higher standard. Love your enemies. Treat them as forgiven friends. Pray for them and love them. Our love for each other is the evidence that we are followers of Jesus Christ. If we do not love others, what does that say about us?
Mon, October 03, 2011
In fashion, you want to fit in. In life fashion, you definitely do NOT want to fit in.
Sun, September 25, 2011
You should be able to spot a life-long follower of Jesus. Someone who "dresses" with Jesus is different. They stand out - not by how they dress, but how they act and react. You can tell the difference by what they do and don't do, what they say, and don't say, and by how they treat others. If you are a Christian, can anyone tell?
Sun, September 18, 2011
What does is a Christian supposed to look like? When you are clothed with Christ, it affects how you treat others. What we "wear" can attract people to, or repel people from God.
Sun, September 04, 2011
Pastor Brian Dollar talks about labels. We have a lot of labels for people, don't we? We have a tendency to label others based not on who they are, but what we think they are. How should we think about others?
Sun, August 28, 2011
Why do people like watching reality shows like "The Biggest Loser?" Maybe because it's awesome to look back and see what someone was and now see what someone is - made over, changed, transformed. Too many people want to put on Jesus, but they want to keep their old habits and attitudes. It's time to be made over, changed, and transformed!
Sun, August 21, 2011
What does it mean to dress like Jesus? No, it doesn't involve a robe and sandals! The apostle Paul, writing to believers in Rome, said that Christians should "clothe themselves with the Lord Jesus Christ." How can we do that?
Mon, August 15, 2011
This part of the Lord's Prayer helps us keep our focus: our goal should be to build His kingdom, not ours.
Sun, August 07, 2011
With his simple prayer, Jesus reminds us what we all know too well. Temptation is everywhere and we are all vulnerable. What did He mean when He prayed "...lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil..."?
Sun, July 31, 2011
We hear a lot today about debt. In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus wasn't talking about deficits, or credit cards. What does "forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors" mean?
Sun, July 24, 2011
How radically would it change your life if you recognized everything you have, and everything you receive as God's gift? How much easier would it be to respond to His call to give to others if you recognized everything you had came from Him? When we make requests of God in prayer, it's not just supposed to be about us. We are asking Him to give to others, too.
Mon, July 18, 2011
We pray that we want God's will to be done in our lives, but what do we have to do to ensure that happens? How can we get out of the way to allow God's perfect will to work in our lives?
Mon, July 11, 2011
How do we pray? It's a wonderful question, one asked by the disciples of Jesus, and one many Christians ask today. Jesus taught the disciples a pattern for prayer, and in this series, Rod Loy will walk us through the pattern and its importance in our prayer lives.
Sun, June 26, 2011
Our final post it note is also one of the final messages of the Bible. Jesus is coming back soon. Although people have tried for centuries to predict when that will be, the Bible says nobody knows. What do we need to know about Christ's return?
Thu, June 23, 2011
Pastor Rod talks about the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship, and also at what makes relationships healthy.
Wed, June 22, 2011
Are there days you feel like quitting? Everyone has those moments. In fact, people quit all kinds of things, all the time. Most of us understand, that bad days happen. That's part of life. Tomorrow is a new day. Some things seem more serious, though. What would God say to us about quitting?
Tue, June 14, 2011
The Bible says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God wants to forgive! This song finished the message - it's a live recording featuring Pastor Brad Russell and the First NLR worship team. Use it as a reminder that we are forgiven!
Sun, June 12, 2011
We recently spent time talking about forgiveness, and we heard that many people struggle not with forgiving others, but forgiving themselves. They feel bad for something in their past and don't know how to move on. How do you forgive yourself and move beyond your past? What does God have to say to us about it?
Mon, June 06, 2011
In this message, Pastor Rod interviews Michael and Tiffany Richardson, missionaries from our church who are working with the DeToog people, a tribe in a remote region of Tanzania. Even the most forgotten people in the most remote land are not forgotten by God!
Thu, June 02, 2011
Pastor Brad Russell continues the Post it Notes from God series with this message about God's crazy love for us.
Sun, May 22, 2011
We live in a busy, fast-tracked world. Society considers multi-tasking a virtue. But what would God say to us about our busy schedules?
Sun, May 15, 2011
When company is coming, you clean your house. Before a date, you clean out your car. When something is important to you, you keep it clean. But there is too much trash in our words, in our attitudes, and in our actions. There's way too much trash in our lives. It's time to take out the trash!
Sat, May 14, 2011
We have had a lot of requests for the song Pastor Brad wrote for the Arkansas District Council Ordination Service, so we are making it available for download here. It's a great song about living the dream God wants for you!
Mon, May 09, 2011
It's not easy when plans for life don't work out - when everything you thought you could be, should be, and would be isn't, won't be, and doesn't look like it ever will be. What message does God have for us in these times?
Tue, May 03, 2011
After hearing the stories of the ladies involved in human trafficking, Pastor Brad wrote this song. We wanted to share it with you. We took an offering, but please keep them in your prayers!
Sun, May 01, 2011
For years, people have used those little yellow notes to remind themselves or others of all kinds of things. If God left a post it note for you, what would He say? What would He want you to remember?
Mon, April 25, 2011
Is life not going as you expected? It's not fair. It hurts. You ask, why me? What did I do to deserve this? Has God forgotten me? If God is supposed to be a loving God, how could this happen?
Mon, April 18, 2011
Pastor Rod finishes "Average Pete" with one of the most encouraging passages in the entire Bible. If you've messed up or failed, there's still hope for you!
Sun, April 10, 2011
The story of Peter is one of high highs and low lows. On one hand, he walked on water with Jesus, and on the other, he denied he even knew him when it mattered most. Why are the low points included in the Bible? It may be so we can see the danger signs that lead to ultimate failure. By taking a closer look at the story, we can identify and avoid those same mistakes in our lives.
Sun, April 03, 2011
Why did Jesus, the Son of God, wash the feet of His disciples? What was He trying to teach them, and us?
Mon, March 28, 2011
The apostle Peter is known to history as a great leader of the early church. But early on, he was basically a loudmouth fisherman. At one point, Peter chastized Jesus for predicting strife ahead for his followers. Jesus gave him a harsh public rebuke, calling him Satan. Ouch! Why did Jesus do that? He wanted his followers at the time, and today, too, to understand that following Him carries a price. Rod Loy looks at this story in this very important message for all followers of Christ. Are we willing to pay the price?
Mon, March 21, 2011
Sun, March 13, 2011
Why should we forgive? How do we forgive? What does it mean to forgive? This is a subject we need to talk about often because this one issue often keeps people locked in the past - in a cycle of bitterness, anger, hurt, and regret. Unforgiveness paralyzes families, destroys marriages, and ends long-term friendships. Excuses don't change the fact that not forgiving hurts you, not the person you refuse to forgive.
Sun, March 06, 2011
It's a famous story - when Jesus walked on the water during a storm, and it's Pete, average, normal, regular Pete, who briefly walks on the water with Jesus. What can we learn from this encounter during our storms of life?
Sun, February 27, 2011
There is a cost to following Jesus. So many people miss out on the adventure, because they aren't willing to obey and sacrifice. They opt out and never really make a difference.
Sun, February 20, 2011
Bible characters sometimes seem like superheroes - bigger than life people in extraordinary circumstances, like Moses, Noah, David, or Daniel in the lion's den. The truth is, though, people in the Bible made mistakes, said stupid things, and often acted foolish. Through this, God shows us He can use anyone, even an average joe like Peter, a rough fisherman from a tiny town.
Sun, February 13, 2011
In this message, Pastor Rod talks about the signs of a healthy church.
Sun, February 06, 2011
Pastor Brian Dollar finishes up the Five for the Fight series with this message on Ephesians 6:10-17 - what is the full armor of God?
Sun, January 30, 2011
The apostle Peter warns us that Satan is constantly looking for ways to attack Christians. He says we should expect it and be alert. But he also gives us a promise we can find in God!
Mon, January 24, 2011
Sometimes in life you may feel overwhelmed with loneliness, like nobody understands you, or that nobody else is with you. It's almost like it's you against an entire army. Today we take a look at a passage of scripture that can help! Today's verse is 2 Timothy 4:18
Sun, January 16, 2011
Sometimes in life, it seems like the odds are stacked against us. Sometimes we try to come up with our own plans that can get us in more trouble. In this message, Rod Loy looks at three principles for fighting when the odds are against you.
Tue, January 11, 2011
You lose your job, you have an unexpected medical expense, sales go down, scholarships fall through, you get a tough report from the doctor, you are called in for a meeting...what's your normal first reaction? Fear. You don't know what's next. You don't know the answers. In this message, Rod Loy looks at what to do when you realize you are in the middle of a fight, and you're not sure what to do.
Mon, January 03, 2011
We are in a fight. We are in a war. But we are not fighting against each other, progress, other churches or followers of Jesus, culture, politicians, or even against sinners. The Bible says our struggle is against the Devil and his forces of evil. The church in America has often been distracted from the right fight. In this series, Pastor Rod is going to share insight into five different scripture verses - powerful weapons against our true enemy.
Mon, December 27, 2010
Are you disappointed? Sometimes we feel disappointment if we don't get what we want for Christmas, but it is usually a lot deeper. What happens when you are disappointed with life? How do you deal with it?
Tue, December 21, 2010
This is Pastor Brad's original theme song for our new Five for the Fight series, which starts in January 2011. Go ahead and download the song and start listening! This is going to be an inspiring, energetic way to start the new year!
Tue, December 14, 2010
Pastor Rod ends the giant series with this inspiring message. Just like the underdog David, you can defeat the giants in your life! Your victory will inspire others to tackle their giants.
Tue, December 07, 2010
One of the most powerful speeches in the Bible was delivered by a young shepherd boy. It was undoubtedly inspired by God. It's just 124 words long, but filled with meaning. If you are facing a big challenge, a struggle, a giant in your life, you need to make this speech your declaration and your prayer!
Mon, November 29, 2010
What is the one thing in your life that is holding you back from your potential? What is the one area you've struggled with, but can't seem to overcome? What is your giant? We all face difficult battles and tests, but we have a big God on our side. You + God = an overwhelming majority!
Mon, November 22, 2010
Everyone deals with critics. Believe it or not, if you choose to take on your giant, not everyone will be pleased. They might question your motives. Why aren't other people always supportive of your efforts to defeat your giant?
Sun, November 14, 2010
In this series, we have been facing the giants in our lives: the one thing that holds us back from what God wants us to be. You may not feel qualified to tackle your giant. You've been wanting to learn the latest technique, or talk to an expert. God doesn't need an expert. He uses unlikely heroes. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the God you serve.
Sun, November 07, 2010
What is the big thing in your life that is holding you back? What is it that keeps you from being everything God wants you to be? Is it a hurt, illness or financial setback? If you could pick one area of your life to overcome a weakness, habit, or tendency, what would it be? What is your giant? Get ready to fight!
Mon, October 11, 2010
Storms in life can take many different forms. You may have a financial or health storm, or you've lost a loved one. You have survived the initial storm, but just when things start looking up, something else happens. In this message, Rod Loy looks at what happens when One More Thing hits you.
Mon, October 04, 2010
The storms of life - at one time or another, we all face them. The question is, how do you survive a storm?
Sun, September 26, 2010
Sometimes, our lives are thrown into storms through no fault of our own. You might lose a loved one, your finances take a sudden turn for the worse, or your older years are not what you anticipated. What should we do when we are tossed into a storm?
Sun, September 19, 2010
If life is a cruise, nothing is more difficult than a shipwreck. Shipwrecks in your life aren't like the ones from old movies or television shows. They result in pain, devastation, and death. You think everything is great, but then the storm hits. Many times, we have no control over a shipwreck, but there are times when your ship of life wrecks because of bad decisions. You should have known better, but there you are, in the middle of a shipwreck.
Mon, September 06, 2010
An interesting story about the Israelites, after the famous battle of Jericho, involves one guy who thought nobody would know what he did in secret. It ended up costing him everything. In this message, Pastor Patrick Lander looks at the story of Achan.
Sun, August 29, 2010
Do you ever get tired of waiting? We all get tired in doctor's waiting rooms, at stop lights, and so on. But do you get tired of waiting on God? Do you see others experiencing blessings while you wait? How do you respond when it seems like your answer is never going to come?
Sun, August 22, 2010
We tend to bring our rational, logical American mindset into our relationship with God. We want everything to make good, solid logical sense. We want to be able to figure it out. But, God doesn't always work that way. What do you do when God's instructions don't seem to make sense?
Sun, August 15, 2010
A lot of us have a fear of the unknown. What makes it so difficult is the uncertainty. When you know what is coming, you can brace yourself for it. When you don't know what's ahead, you don't know how to prepare yourself. How can we deal with this fear? What's the best way to handle things when you are facing the unknown?
Sun, August 08, 2010
No matter how big or strong you are, there is something you fear. Whether we want to admit it or not, we all face fear. But for some of us, it's bigger. They face fear daily, and it controls their lives. They are consumed with fear. If you are struggling with fear, what should you do? How do you deal with fear?
Mon, August 02, 2010
Almost everyone fears something - heights, closed spaces, snakes, and more. These fears don't really control your life that much. But there are some fears, real fears that can dominate your thinking and control your life. Some of us face those fears daily: rejection, change, failure, other people's opinions, the unknown. What do you fear? What keeps you from doing and being everything God made you to be and do?
Mon, July 26, 2010
In this message, Pastor Rod looks at the third preparation principle. We can never accomplish what God has for us without spending time in His presence.
Sun, July 18, 2010
Do you ever get impatient with God? We're impatient these days. We like stuff to happen right now. We know He has a plan for our lives, but sometimes it seems to take too long. What can happen if we decide to "rush" things and not wait for God?
Sun, July 11, 2010
We don't like preparation all that much. It's not always fun. We'd rather jump right in to what we want to do or what we feel God wants us to do. We see in the Bible, though, when God called someone, there was often a time of preparation. When we are ready to go, often God says, "Wait."
Sat, July 03, 2010
Have you ever met a spiritual snob? You know, someone who feels they are better than you, because of their exalted faith? Jesus had a lot to say about spiritual snobs. In this final message in the Between the Lines series, Rod Loy examines the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
Sat, July 03, 2010
In this message, Pastor Rod looks at the Parable of the Sower. What was Jesus saying with this parable? What should we do in response?
Sat, July 03, 2010
In this message, Pastor Gary Tomlinson talks about people who are hoarders: those who have a lot, but are stingy with God. Are you a hoarder?
Sun, June 06, 2010
Prejudice. It's about more than black and white. And it strikes at the core of what it means to be a Christian. In Luke, chapter 10, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. What does it have to do with prejudice? A lot, when you read between the lines...
Sun, June 06, 2010
Pastor Brad's special song for Project Rescue. Learn more about them and their work at
Tue, June 01, 2010
In the parable of the Unjust Steward, Jesus tells a curious tale about a wealth manager who learns he is to be fired. He uses his influence to cost his employer money, while setting himself up for the future. Strangely, once his employer finds out, he commends his dastardly former employee for his shrewdness and cunning. Why would Jesus teach using this story? What does it have to teach us today?
Sun, May 23, 2010
What does Jesus think about empty seats in a church?
Sun, May 16, 2010
Jesus often taught using stories, called parables. In this particular story, about the Prodigal Son, He did not explain the meaning of it. He left it up to the listeners to figure out its meaning. In this message, Pastor Rod doesn't tell us the meaning either. The congregation helped decide what lessons we can learn from this parable, and the results are interesting!
Sun, May 09, 2010
Do you have talent? We see it in the media every day, and everyone is good at something. You've got a choice. You can use the talents God gave you for personal gain, or you can live according to God's priorities. It's not a meaningless choice. The way you live on earth determines where you live forever! (This podcast also includes Pastor Brad Russell's spur of the moment instant Mother's Day songs!)
Sun, April 25, 2010
Have you ever been afraid to share a difficult truth? Paul asks, "Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?". Telling the truth can cause divison, it can make enemies, and if we make truth-tellers our enemies then we become blind to the truth. How can we be brave enough to tell the truth and strong enough to hear it?
Sun, April 18, 2010
When we find ourselves in a low valley--when we've spectacularly failed--we often ask questions like: "Why me? How could I fail like this? How did I ever let myself get to this place? What went wrong?" Whether you have been there, or will someday, this message will be an eye-opener. Are you trying to live your life through your strength, or God's?
Sun, April 11, 2010
With so many messages bombarding us every day, who do we listen to? How can we really please God? What does it mean to follow Jesus?
Mon, April 05, 2010
Sometimes, we find ourselves in traps: addiction, pornography, and many other things can keep us trapped in sin. Like a mouse attracted to cheese, there was initially something appealing in the trap. What looked good, easy, and fun at first didn't stay that way. It was a trap. All you want to do is get out, but you can't get yourself out of a trap. You need a Rescuer.
Sun, March 28, 2010
What do you do when you are facing a big challenge, a huge test, or a devastating disappointment? It can be frightening, uncertain, emotional, and unsettling. Jesus faced what you are facing. He experienced the same emotions and thoughts. In this message, Rod Loy looks at how the Bible gives us an inside look into how Jesus prepared Himself for the biggest battle of His life.
Sun, March 21, 2010
People pick a church for a variety of reasons, but what really matters in a church is whether it is healthy or not. What is a healthy church? What are the core values of a church that is striving for health?
Sun, March 14, 2010
We voted on one more scripture to include in the Ten for Life series, and chose Romans 8:38,39. As a culture, we like love stories and love songs, but there's a love that is bigger than all that. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God!
Mon, March 08, 2010
Many religions claim to know the way to Heaven, but Jesus has a pretty specific and very counter cultural statement: "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Mon, March 01, 2010
Ever had a bad day? How about bad times that last a little longer than a day? What should our attitude be in difficult times?
Sun, February 21, 2010
Every day, you make decisions based on priorities. And every day you send a message with those decisions. Where do we spend most of our time? How should we spend our time?
Sun, February 14, 2010
Have you ever been in a place where the world seemed to be closing in on you? You may have felt overwhelmed and overloaded, like there was just no way you could handle anything else. In this message, Pastor Brian Dollar talks about Philippians 4:13: "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." This passage of scripture was written by the Apostle Paul to people who were suffering. The passage has a lot to say to us today!
Sun, February 07, 2010
In Matthew 22, the Pharisees ask Jesus, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" His answer was clear and simple for them, and for us. If you wan to know how to be a life-long follower of Jesus Christ, this is the starting place.
Sun, February 07, 2010
In this message, Rod Loy looks at the signs of an unhealthy relationship. This is an important message for anyone, from students to adults!
Sun, January 31, 2010
The fifth message in the Ten for Life series, in which Rod Loy examines ten scriptures that are key to the Christian faith. In this message, Pastor Rod looks at Joshua 1:9. If we are to live the lives God has for us, we have to be courageous!
Sun, January 24, 2010
The fourth message in the Ten for Life series, in which Rod Loy examines ten scriptures that are key to the Christian faith. We don't try to run our cars for very long on empty, so why do we run our lives that way? In this message, Rod Loy looks at the cure for burnout. Is. 40:31 "…those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Tue, January 19, 2010
The third message in the Ten for Life series, in which Rod Loy examines ten scriptures that are key to the Christian faith. This week: 2 Chronicles 7:14 - "...if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Sun, January 10, 2010
The second message in the Ten for Life series, in which Rod Loy examines ten scriptures that are key to the Christian faith. This week: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
Sun, January 03, 2010
The first message in the Ten for Life series, in which Rod Loy examines ten scriptures that are key to the Christian faith. This week: Proverbs 3:5,6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will keep your paths straight."
Tue, December 29, 2009
What does being content mean to you? What makes you discontent? In today's society, marketers play on our tendency to want the newest, best, and shiniest. In the final message from the Gift series, Pastor Rod Loy unpacks another of God's gifts to us: contentment.
Mon, December 14, 2009
A lot of our destructive behaviors, inappropriate actions, and a lot of negative circumstances are because we are searching. We don't have peace. Peace is not something we need every once in awhile. We need it every single day. Everyone needs peace. How can you find peace?
Sun, December 13, 2009
Pastor Brad Russell wrote a special song, "Stay Right Here," for our message about peace. The song is available for download here. For lyrics, go to
Tue, December 08, 2009
What is joy? It is an inner feeling of contentment that is far greater than a temporary happiness. It's a life outlook -- a different perspective. It's hard to explain, but easy to spot in others. True joy is a gift from God! But how do you get joy? Can you maintain it?
Tue, December 01, 2009
How do you know what something is worth? You know what it's worth by what people are willing to pay for it. Jesus paid the ultimate price for us. What does that tell you about our worth to Him?
Wed, November 25, 2009
You can't buy it, you can't earn it, but you can have it. In this message, Pastor Rod talks about wisdom.
Wed, November 25, 2009
Pastor Randy Jumper talks about another of God's gifts: Freedom!
Sun, November 08, 2009
Grace: You can't earn it, you can't buy it, but you can have it.
Sun, October 11, 2009
So far in this series, we've talked about how we can forgive. In this message, we come at it from the other side. What do you need to know and what do you need to do when you are the one who requires forgiveness, when you are the offender?
Sun, October 04, 2009
You are going to be hurt in life. It's inevitable. When it happens, though, our response is our choice. The Bible says we should forgive. Great - now how do we do it?
Sun, September 27, 2009
We have to learn to forgive. People who decide not to forgive are consumed, held captive, and defined by the hurt they refuse to forgive. But how? How can we forgive?
Sun, September 20, 2009
Why is forgiveness one of the hardest things we have to do? A lot of times, we don't really understand forgiveness. In this message, Rod Loy uncovers what forgiveness really is, and why it's important to forgive.
Sun, September 13, 2009
Another myth we sometimes carry about God is that he can't use us, and doesn't have a plan for us, because we aren't perfect. Only "perfect" people can do great things for God. Well, a short look through the Bible shows that God used plenty of imperfect, and sometimes plain messed up people, for great things. You feel messed up? Join the crowd!
Sun, September 06, 2009
We believe a lot of myths. Sometimes, our myths are formed from our attempts to understand difficult situations. We can't find a logical reason why we haven't been healed or helped, so we reach incorrect conclusions about God. We decide that we are too small, and God is too busy, to care about us.
Sun, August 30, 2009
You can convince yourself of almost anything. What starts with a feeling can become a fact. We sometimes talk ourselves into a self-concept, and even a God-concept, that has no basis in fact. Are you really hopeless? Is anyone too far gone for God to care about?
Mon, August 24, 2009
Many people view God as angry and unforgiving. But in the Bible, we see a different story. In this message, Rod Loy looks at how Jesus dealt with betrayal.
Sun, August 16, 2009
One of the challenges of so many religious systems being taught today is too much emphasis on ourselves: if we accomplish enough, if we do enough good, we can obtain miracles or salvation. Even many Christians feel that if they don't have enough faith, God may not provide miracles. Is there a formula? Does your healing or your miracle really depend on what you say or do?
Sun, August 09, 2009
Have you ever felt like you don't matter? Like you are worthless, insignificant, and overlooked? Sometimes people think God sees them that way, too.
Sun, August 02, 2009
People believe a lot of myths about God. One of the biggest ones people struggle with is "I've messed up too many times. I believe in a loving God, but I'm beyond that. I don't think God would want someone like me. I need to clean up my life before I can go to church." In this message, Rod Loy looks at this myth and talks about the truth of God's love for everyone.
Sun, July 26, 2009
Life in a family is often a lot of fun. But, challenges can arise and hard times come. At some point, every person and every family will find themselves facing an unexpected crisis. What do you do? What role does your faith play in how you deal with life's unexpected problems?
Sun, July 19, 2009
People don't like to talk about death and loss. But when someone close to you dies, you are forced to think about it. In this message, Rod Loy covers what happens when we grieve and what to do if you or someone you know is going through grief.
Sun, July 12, 2009
In this message, Rod Loy talks with six couples from different stages of life about the challenges and lessons they've learned from their marriages.
Sun, July 05, 2009
It's easy to have opinions and theories on raising kids if you don't have any. One thing parents find is that no one formula works for their kids. The Bible says, "train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." That's a great passage, but how do we do that? In this message, Rod Loy looks at some thoughts about what's important when you are raising kids.
Sun, June 28, 2009
It's not a popular topic on Christian TV, and it doesn't sell many books, but the Bible deals constantly with the topic of suffering in a believer's life. How should a Christian respond to persecution, hard times, suffering, and hardship?
Sun, June 21, 2009
All too often, when Christians encounter opposition from the world, they freak out, busying themselves with forwarding e-mails, and getting angry at the government, or whatever is the target at that time. What if Christians took all the time they spent being angry and instead spent that time praying? In the book of First Peter, Peter gives us strategy about not how to react to the world around us, but how to influence it through love.
Sun, June 14, 2009
Living for Jesus and demonstrating your faith is easy at church. It's accepted and popular. But it's not so easy everywhere else. Like it or not, we have to live out our faith in the real world. So, how do you do it?
Sun, May 31, 2009
Unresolved conflict -- broken relationships between people who claim to be followers of Christ -- is the reason many unchurched people want no part of church. We often try to pretend such conflict doesn't exist. What does the Bible say about conflict? What should we do when this happens to us or to other Christians?
Sun, May 24, 2009
The church should be a hospital for the broken - for people with a past, for people who have messed up. It is a place where people can be restored. Too often, though, the church is known as a place where they shoot their wounded. How should the church react to people who've messed up? What is our role as Christians in helping broken people get whole again?
Mon, May 18, 2009
How could a loving God allow me to hurt like this? Why haven't I been healed? Why hasn't God answered my prayers? Rod Loy looks at these and other questions in this message.
Mon, May 11, 2009
Just like the ill-fated egg of the nursery rhyme, sometimes it seems like we will never be able to put it all back together again. In this message, Rod Loy looks at how to get your life back together when everything seems broken.
Sun, May 03, 2009
There are studies that indicate that the average American household carries between $8,000 and $10,000 balance on their credit cards with interest rates in the high teens. Many owe much more. Being in debt is like being in chains: your decisions are based on how much you owe on your cards. In this message, Rod Loy challenges some commonly-held attitudes about credit and debt.
Mon, April 27, 2009
Most Americans are crisis-oriented. We wait until there is a problem, most likely a major problem, before we take action. We say "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," but we don't live that way. When a problem comes, we want a quick solution, a bail out, when we should have been working to prevent the problem all along. It's especially like that with our finances. In this message, Rod Loy looks at "preventative" measures with our money.
Mon, April 20, 2009
TV, newspapers, and the Internet have been filled with bad news about the economy. As economic pressure increases, people are becoming increasingly worried. Why does it make us worry, and what can we do about worry in uncertain times?
Mon, April 13, 2009
Re-start. Reboot. Control, Alt, Delete. The answer to every problem in the computer world is to re-start. And when you do? Miraculously, when the computer comes back on after re-starting, everything works again. That's all it takes. A re-start wipes out your mistakes - like they never happened. What if life was like that? Have there been times in your life you wish you could just re-start?
Sun, April 05, 2009
We say it all the time, "Every Soul Matters to God." But do we really believe that? Did Jesus really die for everyone's sins? Are there some people who are just too bad for God to forgive?
Sun, March 29, 2009
In our world, we want everything right now. This even applies to answers from God to our prayers. God works on a different time scale, however, and in the end we always see that He has perfect timing.
Sun, March 22, 2009
Nobody likes it when life is like a roller coaster - filled with high highs and low lows, and frightening twists and turns. We'd prefer that things sail along, always getting better. But that's not how it usually works! In this message, Rod Loy looks at what we can learn from both the highs and lows of life.
Sun, March 15, 2009
Are you in a storm? Not a weather event, but has something happened in your life that has completely rocked you, whether its health, financial, or relational problems? In this message, Rod Loy shares some observations about what to do when you find yourself in a storm.
Sun, March 08, 2009
We all have a past. Sometimes people are afraid to come to church, because they think they will be condemned for their past. This was not the model Jesus showed us though. In this message, Rod Loy looks again at the encounter between Jesus and the woman with a sinful past. The way Jesus transformed her life is the way He can transform your life!
Mon, March 02, 2009
The gospel of Luke records that one of the Pharisees invites Jesus to his house for a meal. This was not a friendly gesture, as the Pharisees meant to question Him, and try to trip Jesus up and put Him in His place. Why would Jesus even go into such a situation? Because he knew someone would be there who would need her sins forgiven. Rod Loy looks at the story of this meeting between Jesus and an "unclean" woman.
Mon, February 23, 2009
It's a famous story in the Bible. Some men bring their friend, who can't walk, to Jesus, so He will heal him. The crowd in the house is so thick that they actually lower their friend down from the roof. Jesus did something that nobody expected, though. In this message, Rod Loy looks at the greatest miracle that happens in an encounter with Jesus, which often receives little notice.
Sun, February 15, 2009
There are people in the world today that other people don't want to think about. If you see someone with a "Will Work for Food" sign, you try to ignore them and hope they don't see you. There are many people that society considers invisible. Maybe you are made to feel invisible by the people around you. In this story, and today, Jesus sees the the "invisible." And He sees you.
Sun, February 08, 2009
Does it seem like life is falling in on you? Things may seem hopeless, but Jesus sees not only your need, but He sees you. In this message, Rod Loy looks at the story of Jesus and the Blind Man.
Sun, February 01, 2009
Maybe you sit in church, watch a Christian television show, or listen to a podcast. You may even go through the motions of being a believer, but deep down, you just aren't sure about the whole thing. You are a doubter. Maybe you want to believe, but you still have questions. It's okay to have questions. Doubters are welcome. In this message, Rod Loy looks at one of the most famous doubters in the Bible: the disciple Thomas. Through him, we can learn what to do when we doubt.
Sun, January 25, 2009
In this message, Rod Loy looks at the Biblical story of Jesus and the woman who was caught in adultery. His reaction to her speaks volumes to us today. It's sometimes hard for us to understand, but God offers us grace, and will transform us from our old lives into something new!
Sun, January 18, 2009
A transformation is a significant, all inclusive, life-changing moment. You move from something to something else. A transformation is a God-enabled, supernatural shift in your nature or character. Where is the best place to start a transformation? A healthy church! In this message, Rod Loy examines the traits that make up a healthy church.
Sun, January 11, 2009
There are some things in life that you can "sort of" do. If you go swimming, you can actually jump in and swim, or you can sit on a raft, or just put your feet in the water. That way, you're "kind of" swimming. But there are things in life that you can't "kind of" do. Following Christ is one of them. In this message, Rod Loy looks at the problems we can face we don't give every part of our life to God.
Sat, January 10, 2009
At the beginning of every year, a lot of people make resolutions. They are usually about exercise, family time, getting out of debt, and so on. These are all good things! But what if you need more than a resolution? What if you need a total transformation?
Fri, January 09, 2009
This is the concluding message of the Lift! series.
Wed, December 10, 2008
Who are your favorite people to spend time with? Chances are, they are people that make you feel better about yourself. Some people are lifters--they make you feel good when you are around them. Other people are "downers," and have the opposite effect on you. What can you do to be a lifter in the lives of others?
Wed, December 10, 2008
There are three kinds of people: those who are "hot," meaning they are close followers of Christ, those who are "cold," meaning they have no knowledge of God, and those who are "lukewarm," meaning they are supposedly followers of Christ, but don't live according to His Word. In other words, they are hypocrites. What happens when you are "lukewarm"? In this message, Rod Loy examines how people become lukewarm, and how they can get "hot" again.
Mon, December 08, 2008
You can tell a lot about someone by what comes out of their mouth. What would someone listening to you think about you? Even more, if you are a Christian, would anyone know it by the words you say? In this message, Rod Loy examines the importance of our words.
Thu, December 04, 2008
Certain times of the year or events can cause us all to feel blue and even get depressed. What causes this issue in our life? How can we fix it?
Thu, December 04, 2008
Feeling down about yourself? Feel like you're not good for anything? You need a lift! In this message, Rod Loy looks at the causes of poor self-esteem, and how we can find our worth in God.
Wed, November 26, 2008
Why should we stay stuck in the same rut we've always been in? It's time to lift! In this message, the first of the Lift! series, Rod Loy examines habits and how they have control of our lives and how we can change for the better.
Tue, November 25, 2008
In the race of life, we eventually will finish. We need to take as many with us across the finish line as possible!
Wed, November 05, 2008
In this message, Rod Loy examines one of the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation: Philadelphia. The primary message? Jesus is coming soon! Regardless of political or economic problems, take heart: God is in control, and Jesus is coming soon!
Mon, October 27, 2008
We are running a race. It's a race to share the Gospel of Jesus with the world. Sometimes things get tough. Don't quit! In this message, Rod Loy continues the missions series, The Race. (Note: certain names and places have been edited to protect believers in hostile countries).
Tue, October 21, 2008
Jesus gave the church instructions on what we should do: preach the gospel to all the world. With those words, He started the most important race in all history. Time is counting down. The race is on. It's time to jump in and run the race. Today, not later. Today!
Mon, October 06, 2008
How do you succeed? That's what everyone wants - to be a success. When you start anything, that's the goal. You don't plan to fail. In school, in your marriage, in your business or ministry - your goal is to succeed. So, how do you do it?
Mon, September 29, 2008
We all know someone who has gone through some kind of tragedy. It seems odd that even good people can be stricken by illness or other disaster. Many will ask why, if God is so good, does He allow these things to happen? In this message, Rod Loy answers the question, why do bad things happen to good people?
Fri, September 26, 2008
Are you so busy working and doing things for God that you've forgotten your initial love for Him? What happens to the fervor of a new Christian as he or she matures?
Mon, September 22, 2008
It's relatively easy to forgive the guy who cuts you off in traffic. You don't have to see him again. It's over and done. The people closest to us, however, are harder to forgive. Their wounds hurt the most. The memories stay fresh. The offense lingers. Why should we forgive? Why not get revenge?
Mon, September 15, 2008
We understand - bad things sometimes happen in life. We shrug it off, laugh it off, or have a good cry and move on. But it's different for others. They begin to expect bad things to happen-and more bad things to follow. They become pessimistic. How can you avoid negative thinking?
Mon, September 08, 2008
Nobody is out of the reach of God, who is willing to go to great lengths to bring them back to Him. How does God get through to someone whose conscience has been seared, cut off from feeling - who no longer feels or knows the difference from right or wrong?
Mon, September 01, 2008
Sometimes we get in situations in our lives that everything seems hopeless. We wonder where God is, and why isn't He doing anything? In this special message, Rod Loy looks at story of Joseph, and how he went from prisoner to ruler.
Sun, August 24, 2008
It's not a fun topic to talk about. We want the Christian life to function as a predictable formula. No surprises or setbacks, just blessing after blessing. But when problems happen, and they will happen, it can test our faith. How should we handle life when it throws problems our way?
Sun, August 17, 2008
Every day, we are bombarded with temptations that would draw us away from our responsibilities and our families. There aren't too many news cycles that don't include the latest story on a politician or preacher who has failed morally. Is it possible in today's world to stay pure?
Tue, August 12, 2008
As kids, we all had dreams - hopes for what we want for the future. It's easy to get discouraged about dreams, though. How do we know if a dream is the real deal? In this message, Rod Loy talks about how we can tell if a dream is from God.
Tue, August 05, 2008
Many people have hurt and pain caused by their families. If your family was, or is, dysfunctional, is there hope for you to overcome your past? Is there hope for you?
Sun, July 27, 2008
This series is titled Family Survivor, but really, you want to do more than survive. There are times that just surviving is a victory, but for the most part, surviving isn't winning. You want to do more than survive. You want to win!
Mon, July 21, 2008
Not all family moments are fun or funny. Life is not one long fun-filled vacation. Challenges arise. Hard times come. How do you not only survive tough times with your family, but grow closer as a result?
Fri, July 18, 2008
Have you ever wanted to kick someone out of your family for doing something stupid? Unlike reality shows, we really can't kick someone off our "island," but in every home, in every relationship, conflict will arise. Solving conflict in a Biblical manner is key to a healthy home.
Fri, July 18, 2008
Life is pretty hectic these days, isn't it? The average family doesn't even eat dinner together that often anymore. In this message, the first in the Family Survivor series, Rod Loy talks about the importance of keeping your family together in a busy world.
Fri, July 18, 2008
So, gas prices have you down? They keep getting higher and higher with no sign of coming down any time soon. Gas prices are causing a lot of people to rethink their spending. In this final message of the Living Large series, Rod Loy talks about more principles to share with your family about money and finances.
Fri, July 18, 2008
Ants are tiny creatures with tiny brains. Yet, they somehow know to put away food and supplies for the future. Are you as smart as an ant? In this message, Rod Loy talks about more principles to teach your children about finances.
Fri, July 18, 2008
Like Veruca Salt, the little brat in the Willy Wonka movie, we often want to buy possessions right now. Stewardship, though, involves spending our money more wisely. In this message, Rod Loy examines some more principles of stewardship.
Fri, July 18, 2008
Some people get nervous when a preacher starts talking about money in church. But today, everywhere you go, people are talking about money. It's on TV, in the newspapers and the internet. In this message, Rod Loy teaches some principles that can transform your financial life and future and positively impact the lives of the next generation.
Fri, July 18, 2008
In this message, Rod Loy looks at the story of King David bringing the Ark of the Covenant back into Jerusalem. From this story, we can learn some leadership lessons that affect our lives today.
Wed, July 02, 2008
People looking at your life would assume you to be incredibly happy. You wish that was true. If you have been trying to fill an empty spot in your life with money, power, fame, or position, you know it doesn't work. You can climb to the top in the world and still feel empty. There has to be something more, right?
Wed, July 02, 2008
Worship is more than a time in a church service when we sing. Worship is being in the presence of God anytime. In this message, Rod Loy looks at this principle: when you spend time in God's presence, blessings follow.
Wed, July 02, 2008
In this last message of the Life is a Highway series, Rod Loy looks at dead ends, and how they don't have to be the end for you
Wed, July 02, 2008
As we get older, our focus should shift from achievement to legacy. It's not about what we can do, but what we can pass on. In this message, Rod Loy looks at this principle: each generation has a responsibility to the ones behind it to serve as an example and leave a legacy of faith.
Mon, June 30, 2008
How do you know God's will for your life? A lot of people aren't sure what God wants them to do. God wants you to understand and know His will for you. He's not playing a celestial game of hide and seek, trying to keep you in the dark. In this message, Rod Loy talks about how you can know God's will for you in any situation.
Mon, June 30, 2008
Detours are usually not very fun. You are heading for a goal, and suddenly life throws up a detour. In this message, Rod Loy looks at what happens when our plans don't always seem to be working out.
Mon, June 30, 2008
It seems like freeways are always under some sort of construction. In this message, Rod Loy talks about how our lives should be under construction, too.
Mon, April 07, 2008
When you cruise down the highway of life alone, it's not too bad. But when other people have to merge with you on the road, that's when problems can happen. When you merge, you often clash. In this message, Rod Loy talks about conflict resolution.
Mon, March 31, 2008
On life's highway, the road isn't always smooth. We make some wrong turns, and occasionally lose our way. In this series, Rod Loy uses highway signs as memory helpers - so every time you see a road sign, you'll recall some truths about our journey through life. In this first message, he discusses the most common sign of all - Stop. With God's help, we can stop things that lead us down the wrong roads.
Mon, March 24, 2008
It's not certain where we learn it, the phrase, or even the concept that life is supposed to be fair. But one of the first phrases you learn as a kid is "That's not fair!" In this message, Rod Loy looks at the idea while life isn't fair, maybe that's a good thing.
Tue, March 18, 2008
When we mess up, whether it is little or big, we have a tendency to do whatever we can to cover it up. Confession is the furthest thing from our minds. After all, we got away with it. No one will ever know. But inevitably, something happens, and we get caught. What happens when we try to cover up our mistakes? Rod Loy takes a final look at the story of David and Bathsheba.
Mon, March 10, 2008
When you've realized you've messed up, you've blown it -- you have a decision to make. You can confess, or you can conceal. You can tell on yourself, or you can cover it up. What happens when you try to cover things up? What if you think you've gotten away with it? Will anyone ever know?
Tue, March 04, 2008
It makes people uncomfortable, but the church has been silent way too long--it's important for Christians to talk about sex and sexual sin. We cannot allow culture to shape our beliefs in this area. In the first message of this series, Rod Loy looks at the stranglehold that pornography has on many people in our society, our homes, and yes, even our churches.
Sun, February 24, 2008
In this message, Rod Loy asks the question: when people come back to God and church, how should we respond to them?
Mon, February 18, 2008
What is God's response when you run away, but then decide to finally come home? Is God waiting with a hammer to punish you? Is God going to pile on the lectures to make sure you've learned your lesson? What should you expect from God?
Mon, February 11, 2008
When you leave God and do your own thing, only to find it miserably fail, it should be easy to turn back to God. It sounds easy, but it isn't. We often make things harder for ourselves. Sometimes the road back home can be filled with obstacles. In this message, Rod Loy looks again at the story of the Prodigal Son, and what it means to those of us on our way back to God.
Mon, February 04, 2008
In this message, Rod Loy looks at the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship and what makes healthy relationships so important.
Mon, February 04, 2008
Many of us have run away from home. But, we're not talking about a foolish childhood runaway moment. There are runaways - who make the decision to run away from their spiritual home - from God, their faith, and everything familiar. So often, what looks like a life of friends, fun, and freedom turns out to be something else altogether. In this message, Rod Loy begins his study of the Prodigal Son, and those prodigals that we all know in our everyday lives.
Mon, January 21, 2008
Four More Years! is a chant you often hear at political conventions. If an elected president has done a good job--or even if he hasn't--his supporters wave banners and cheer "four more years!" There are four more years until our 100th anniversary as a church. What should a 100-year old church look like? What keeps a body healthy? In this message, Rod Loy lays out what our church, and what any church, should look like if they want to be a healthy, vibrant church in this century.
Sun, January 13, 2008
It today's world, it's easy to become cynical and have a bad attitude. Understand - your attitude is more than just what you say or do. It's also about what you feel. Your attitude is your choice. In this message, Rod Loy looks at Philippians Chapter 2, in which the apostle Paul talks about the attitudes we should choose to possess as followers of Christ. How can we choose to have a good attitude?
Tue, January 08, 2008
Most people make big plans for the new year - life-altering decisions, called resolutions. The goal is always to be better, to grow, and to improve. The problem is, most of the time, we waste the opportunity. Our "do over" becomes a "do again." We find ourselves in the same harmful habits and never ending ruts. How can we really change? The Bible has some answers!
Sun, December 23, 2007
Whether it's during the holiday season or not, many of us struggle with depression, stress, and anxiety. It seems like the hubbub of the holidays makes the stress level rise even higher. Jesus faced a lot of stress. How did he manage to be at peace under pressure? If you sometimes feel like you can't take it anymore, if life feels out of control, this message that looks at the teachings of Jesus could change your life!
Mon, December 10, 2007
We've all been lonely. Feeling lonely doesn't make you a failure. Feeling lonely isn't silly. It's something we all face at some point. In this message, Rod Loy looks at five common causes of loneliness and what we can do when we feel lonely.
Mon, December 03, 2007
At one point or another, most of us have struggled with depression. People tell you, "just be happy, deal with it." That sounds good, but when you are depressed, you don't know how to deal with it. You want to be happy, it's just not that easy. In this message, Rod Loy looks at what the Bible says to do when you are depressed.
Sun, November 25, 2007
Forgiveness is a tough issue - it seems that all of us have been in situations where friends or family members have hurt us in some way. Some of us have what seem to be good reasons to be offended. Why should we forgive? In this message, Rod Loy talks about the eternal importance of forgiveness.
Sun, November 18, 2007
Conflict between people is inevitable - in marriages, in families, at work, and even at church. The true test of our faith is - how will we conduct ourselves and how will we resolve those issues?
Wed, November 14, 2007
We all fear something. For some of us, though, fear dominates our thinking and controls our lives. Whether it's the fear of failure, rejection, sickness, or intimacy, there are many fears that can consume us. So, how do you deal with fear? What does the Bible say about overcoming it?
Mon, October 08, 2007
What makes you mad? Is it traffic? A relationship? The person in front of you with 15 items in the "10 items or less" line at the grocery store? What really makes you angry?
Mon, October 01, 2007
It's funny, isn't it? We should learn from other people's mistakes and failures. We should be able to apply those lessons to our own lives. We should, but often we don't. We are most likely to learn life lessons when we are forced to learn them, not unlike Jonah in the Biblical story. In this message, Pastor Rod Loy looks at the story of Jonah, and what it tells us today about running from God.
Mon, September 24, 2007
There are many people who are spending their lives running from God. Maybe you know someone like this. Maybe that someone is you. A runner is not physically sprinting from God, but they've made a decision to run away from God in their whole life, or in a particular area. In this message, Rod Loy talks about a predictable pattern that develops in the lives of people who are running from God.
Mon, September 10, 2007
What do you do when you survive a storm? Whether it's a storm in your marriage, your finances, or your health, you have been in survival mode. What happens when the storm is over? Survival mode doesn't work anymore. What should you do now?
Sun, September 02, 2007
Storms in nature can be frightening. Equally frightening is a different kind of storm, the kind that comes in life. Your marriage is breaking up, you lose someone you love, your finances take a turn for the worse, or your health takes a sudden downturn. When you find yourself in a storm, it seems like there is no way out. What should you do in the middle of a storm?
Mon, August 27, 2007
When we ask people about the challenges they face in living for Christ, one of the biggest is living for God and representing Jesus at work, school, and among their friends. It's not easy, is it? How can we stay true to faith while living in a world that becomes increasingly hostile to it?
Mon, August 20, 2007
Because we live in a world that evaluates amounts, we have developed some wrong ways of thinking about giving. In this message, Rod Loy looks wraps up this series on what God says about giving.
Sun, August 12, 2007
Set for life. For some of us, that's a goal. For others it seems like an impossible dream. Set for life. What does that mean? How much money does it take? In this message, Rod Loy continues his look at a different way to think about money and possessions.
Mon, August 06, 2007
When you give to God, generosity is not amount the amount you give, it's about your attitude. In this message, Rod Loy explores the different attitudes and approaches people take to giving and talks about a better way to live.
Sun, July 15, 2007
Often misunderstood and sometimes controversial, the Holy Spirit is an intergral part of a strong life of faith. The Bible has a lot to say about the Holy Spirit and his role in our lives and the ministry of the church. In this message, Rod Loy looks at the main roles the Holy Spirit plays in our lives.
Sun, July 08, 2007
What is the purpose of meeting together in church? It's for two reasons - to lead people to Christ and to grow our faith strong enough where we will lead people to Christ. That's why the Church exists. It's not to make Christians comfortable. Rock Solid faith replicates itself.
Mon, July 02, 2007
Has this ever happened to you? You are talking on a cell phone, when all of a sudden you realize the person on the other end has been dropped. You are doing a lot of talking, but nobody is listening. Do you ever feel that way about God? Are there times when you are praying, but it doesn't seem like it's getting through? Luckily, we don't have to use cell phones to talk to God. There aren't dead spots in His coverage of the world. In this message, Rod Loy talks about the importance of another building block of strong faith: prayer.
Mon, June 25, 2007
A lot of people think that worship is just the part of a church service where you sing. Worship is more than music, however. Singing is an outward reflection of an inward attitude. That inward attitude is worship. Worship is a way of thinking about yourself and God. In this message, Rod Loy looks at what worship is, what it isn't, and what happens when we worship God.
Mon, June 18, 2007
If you are going to be a Christ follower - if you are going to follow Him for life - through the good times and the bad, even in the storms, you need a solid foundation. You need rock solid faith. The starting point of rock solid faith is a personal relationship with Jesus. What does that mean?
Mon, June 11, 2007
Church should be a safe place. When you walk in the door of a church, when you see Christians interact with each other, you should sense and see love, forgiveness, and understanding. That's it -- the central message of the gospel -- love. What's love got to do with it? Everything!
Mon, June 04, 2007
In this message, Rod Loy tells the story of J.W. Tucker, an Arkansas missionary to the Congo who gave the ultimate sacrifice while working to share the love of Jesus. His legacy and its amazing repercussions are changing a troubled nation, but there is still much work to be done.
Mon, May 28, 2007
We sing love songs, we watch romantic movies, and over time culture forms our views on love - what it is, what it isn't, and how you express it. Our views on love are largely determined by our culture -- the influences around us. We were designed by God for relationship, to love and be loved. We search everywhere, looking for love. Why do we so often look in the wrong places?
Mon, May 21, 2007
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, how are you different from those around you? The Bible tells us that we are to be different from our society, but it also says that we should be "light" to our world. How can you be both? Where's the balance?
Mon, May 14, 2007
We are all familiar with courtroom dramas on movies or television. The judge is stern and intimidating. The lawyers are slick. The jury listens intently, waiting to render their decision--the verdict--guilty or not guilty. In the courtroom of life, we don't have to wait. We get to choose the verdict.
Sun, May 06, 2007
Dads are very important to their families. They are much more than just a paycheck. They are integral to the relational and spiritual development of their families. The absence of a father is the most significant factor in the breakdown of the family in America. In this message, Rod Loy challenges fathers to be everything they should be.
Sun, April 22, 2007
Preventive maintenance is less expensive in the long run than having to fix a problem. It's always better to check your car's oil than to end up on the side of the road with a non-functioning engine! Wouldn't the same approach to our marriages and families make sense? Why do we wait until there is a crisis to act? There are steps you can take now to prevent problems down the road. In this message, Rod Loy looks at preventive maintenance for marriages.
Thu, April 19, 2007
We all say we like change, but if you really get down to it, change makes us uncomfortable. That can be dangerous. Our comfort zones can keep us from experiencing all that God has for us and can hinder us from growing in our faith. How do you break out of a comfort zone so you can continue to grow?
Tue, April 17, 2007
If your car breaks down, you don't wait to see if it fixes itself. You take it as soon as possible to a mechanic. Trouble in your family? It makes no sense, but we often decide that we can't tell anyone. We have to figure it out on our own. Isn't your family more important? In this message, Rod Loy talks about what to do when you are faced with conflict in your family.
Mon, April 09, 2007
Freedom. Politicians promise it. Patriots cherish it. Soldiers fight for it. Prisoners dream of it. What is exactly is freedom?
Mon, April 02, 2007
What does Jesus need today? What does He need most of all? He needs us. He needs us to be His hands and feet - the demonstation of His love in a desperately hurting world. His mission on this earth is going to be accomplished through you and me. That's not always what the world defines as "normal." It might even seem weird.
Sun, March 25, 2007
Sometimes you hear people who say Christians shouldn't have problems. If people had enough faith, they wouldn't have difficulties. We know this isn't true, though, because Jesus said that we would have problems in this world. He also said He would be with us during our problems. But what happens when we feel like we go from one problem to the next and everything seems to be getting worse?
Thu, March 22, 2007
Forgiveness is a huge issue. We have all been hurt at different times, and it seems difficult to forgive. We usually don't want to forgive the person that hurt us. Why should we forgive? What's the point? What does the Bible say about forgiveness?
Mon, March 19, 2007
American Christians seem to believe that anything that puts us in difficult situations must be wrong -- it must be of the devil. We think difficulty is because we have a lack of faith, an attack of the enemy, or have caused the wrath of God. The fact is, sometimes doing right puts you in the fire. How should you react? In this message, Rod Loy looks at the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, people who had faith even when it was challenged with the threat of death.
Mon, March 12, 2007
It's one of the most famous stories in the Bible. Daniel is thrown into a lion's den by evil men. We all face lions in our lives. No, not literal hungry beasts trying to eat us, but we all face impossible situations, illnesses, addictions, disease, or lies from people who mean to do us harm. Rod Loy looks at how Daniel survived his night with the lions and what it has to tell us today as we face our lions.
Sun, March 04, 2007
There is a common theme in the Bible. People reject God and the Word of God. They don't want to hear any warnings or know that they are wrong. They want to do their thing, their way. The same pattern is apparent in people today: people fail and walk away from their relationship with God. How can you make sure that you stay close to God?
Wed, February 28, 2007
Pride is a dangerous sin. Pride is the underlying sin that causes many people to fail. It's easy to spot in others, but hard to admit in our ourselves. What happens when we let pride take over our lives?
Sun, February 18, 2007
If you are a parent, you've heard the excuse at one time or another: "But Dad, Mom, everyone is doing it." Every parent has a standard answer to that! But even if everyone is doing it, does that make it right? Unfortunately, this peer pressure is not limited to students. Everyone faces it at some point. In this message, Rod Loy looks at what you should do when "everyone else is doing it."
Sun, February 11, 2007
We are all born with names. But society, and sin, put different names on us. Liar, drunk, disappointment, rebel, junkie, loser. There are many names we can be tagged with in our lives. What name are you known by? By what name do you want to be known? God can give you a new name.
Sun, January 28, 2007
Fitness and health are topics not normally mentioned in church. After all, how we treat our bodies is a "secular" issue, right? It doesn't have anything to do with God or church. Or does it?
Sun, January 21, 2007
We live in a world where people are measured by what they have. If you drive the right car, wear the right clothes and have the right things you will be loved and accepted. That's the message our culture wants us to believe. We all know, however, that when you get caught in that mode, you can never escape. No matter what you have, you want a little bit more. But stuff doesn't make you happy. Isn't there a better way to live life?
Sun, January 14, 2007
The primary reason so many churches are struggling in America is that they are unhealthy. We hear a lot of talk about people concerned about the state of the church in America. What you don't hear is a lot of people saying "I am committed to changing. If the church is going to be healthy again in America, it starts with me. I am going to be a healthy part of a healthy church." In this message, Rod Loy looks at what it takes to be a healthy church.
Mon, January 08, 2007
Are you ready for change? Are you ready to find and fulfill God's purpose for your life? We're not talking about a New Year resolution - with God's help, living according to His Word and its principles, you can be radically changed - a brand new you!
Sun, December 31, 2006
Every January 1, millions of Americans will make their list of New Year's resolutions. A New Year's resolution is a vow to change, improve, or grow in a specific area in the coming year. But, life is busy and your busy schedule and packed priorities quickly edge out all those good intentions. Why is that? Why can't we change? Why do we keep giving up? Why is it another year--and same old me?
Wed, December 27, 2006
For a couple of days in December every year, everything focuses on one thing: Christmas. Offices are closed, the mail isn't delivered, stores shut down, schools are out. What's the big deal? In an increasingly secular society, why does everything shut down and everyone stop for Christmas?
Sun, December 03, 2006
You don't need anyone to teach you how to celebrate victory -- you've got that down. It comes naturally. You throw your arms in the air and run around the room. You shout. You high-five. You may even dance a little victory dance. You know what to do when you win. But, what do you do when you don't win? What do you do when not only do you not win, but you suffer a horrible defeat? What do you do when everything seems gone - there is no hope - when you've lost it all?
Sun, November 26, 2006
It's in our darkest hours that who we are really comes to light. Rod Loy looks at the story of Paul and Silas in prison and asks the questions: "Who am I chained to?" and "What song will I sing in the dark?"
Sun, November 19, 2006
David was a little guy - a young shepherd boy. Goliath was a big guy. It's the classic story of big problem, little me. But really, it's not David who had the big problem, even though everyone thought he did. Goliath was actually the underdog. In this message, Rod Loy looks at what happens when we face big problems.
Sun, November 12, 2006
These are challenging times to raise kids. While there are many excellent books for parents, the Bible remains the best guidebook. Rod Loy examines five principles for raising life-long followers of Jesus.
Sun, November 05, 2006
Prejudice: It's an ugly subject, and it makes people uncomfortable. In the book of Acts, the apostle Peter received a very clear message from God on this subject. Pastor Rod Loy looks at this passage and asks the question: Is there room for prejudice in the church?
Sun, October 29, 2006
It can happen when you least expect it. Everything is rocking along fine. Your business is doing well. Your relationships are solid. Your family is together. Then, it all changes. Rod Loy examines what to do when you find yourself under attack.
Mon, October 23, 2006
How do you increase your hunger and desire to grow? Rod Loy looks at what it takes to become what God wants us to be.
Sun, October 08, 2006
One of the central themes of the Bible is this - nothing is impossible for God. God is not intimidated by our difficult circumstances. What seems impossible for us is entirely possible for God. He has no limitations. In this message, Rod Loy looks at the story of Jehoshaphat and the army of Israel. Surrounded by enemy armies in battle, he put the choir in front of the warriors. What was that all about?
Wed, October 04, 2006
In this special podcast, we feature our Music and Creative Arts Pastor, David Richards, as he speaks about what he learned during his fight with cancer.
Sun, September 24, 2006
The Bible is our guidebook for living. In the story we look at today, we discover that there have always been people who created their own gods. It's not a new conflict. It's not a new way to think. In fact, these gods are put to the test over and over, with the same result. Rod Loy looks at the story of Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal.
Sun, September 17, 2006
What is a miracle? Is it a grilled cheese sandwich bearing an image of the Virgin Mary? Is it finding a good parking spot at the mall? Is it your boss finally giving you a raise? We look for miracles in a lot of different places. Are they real? Do they still happen? Rod Loy looks at the subject of miracles.
Sun, September 10, 2006
It happens every year before football season starts. Every team talks about how this is their year to win the Super Bowl. At the end of the season, though, only one team wins. The battle, the game, proves who is the better team. It's that way in life, too. The battles we encounter make us better. Great moments are preceded by tough moments. Do you feel like you're in a battle right now? This is your chance for a great moment!
Sun, September 03, 2006
When you fail, God doesn't see your failure and run away. He isn't up in heaven waiting to club you over the head. Instead, when you fail, God initiates releationship with you. God is not focused on the failure. He is focused on you. Rod Loy looks at God's response to failure.
Sun, August 27, 2006
You choose whether or not to do right. It's not God's fault, your friend's fault, or Satan's fault. It's your choice. (Wow, pretty strong statement!) Rod Loy continues this look at the story of Adam and Eve and what we can learn from their decisions.
Wed, August 23, 2006
Rod Loy looks at the topic of depression.
Sun, August 20, 2006
Some of us try to do life on our own. People who aren't in a relationship with God often struggle. If you want to enjoy the blessings of God, you must be in a relationship with God. Rod Loy looks at the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and how it applies to us today.
Sun, August 13, 2006
You have a plan for your life. God has a plan for your life. But, there is one other factor in the equation - one other plan that exists for your life. Satan has a plan for you as well. His plan is predictable and is really the same for all of us. Rod Loy examines these tactics, that have worked from the beginning of time to today.
Mon, August 07, 2006
There is a myth when it comes to families: time heals all wounds. It would be nice if this was true, but it's not. In fact, time often makes wounds worse. How do you move beyond the hurts of the past and truly find healing?
Sun, July 30, 2006
Rod Loy continues this look at the ten things that every family needs. This week: every family needs, fun, flexibility, and balance. No family is perfect, but every family is different, and utilizing our different strengths makes for a stronger family.
Sun, July 16, 2006
We live in a society of disposable commitment. It used to be that nothing was more important than a person's word. Now, we have treated our word too lightly, whether in marriage, business, or relationships. In this message, Rod Loy examines the importance of commitment.
Sun, July 09, 2006
If your toilet breaks, you call a plumber. If you're sick, you call a doctor. If your car is having problems, you call a mechanic. So why is it when our families need help, we think we can handle it on our own? There is no perfect family! In this message, Rod Loy examines when families should call for help.
Sun, June 25, 2006
How much is enough? It's your choice. Are you going to spend the rest of your life fighting greed and suffering the consequences, or are you going to think about your stuff in a completely different way?
Thu, June 22, 2006
Pastor Randy Jumper looks at the difference between knowledge and wisdom, and how you can grow in both.
Sun, June 18, 2006
Complete this sentence: If I only had a ________, I'd be happy. No society has as much stuff as we do. The bottom line of every advertisement is: "You can buy happiness." Can you? Rod Loy looks at where our increasing desire for "more" takes us.
Mon, June 12, 2006
Wouldn't you like to live like a king? No worries, no cares, no financial pressure. In this message, Rod Loy looks at King David, who lived like a king, but in a different way.
Sun, June 04, 2006
Jesus had a lot to say about money. Why? Because God knows that our heart follows our money. In this message, Rod Loy covers some practical advice for handling our finances.
Tue, May 30, 2006
Pastor Randy Jumper addresses questions raised by the DaVinci code and talks about how Christians should respond to attacks on faith.
Sun, May 28, 2006
If you are a Christ-follower, can anybody tell? Wouldn't it be awesome if it was obvious just by looking at us that we are life-long followers of Jesus Christ?
Mon, May 22, 2006
Anger is on the rise in America. It seems everywhere we turn, whether it's our jobs, on the road, or a ballfield, we are faced with anger and even rage. Why do we get angry? What can we do about it?
Mon, May 15, 2006
Are you lost? Even with all the roadmaps that are available to us, we sometimes lose our way, both in a physical and a spiritual sense. It's devastating to realize you're lost. There's good news, though: You may be lost, but you don't have to stay that way. You can be found. Rod Loy examines what happens when you are lost and found.
Mon, May 08, 2006
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is one of the more controversial and misunderstood aspects of Christian life. Rod Loy takes a look at what the Bible has to say and answers some common questions.
Mon, May 08, 2006
It was one of our least favorite sayings when we were kids. "Good Things Come to Those Who Wait." When you're a kid, that phrase seems like a parental excuse to not give you the things you want. We don't want to wait. We want everything now! In Exodus 33, good things really come to the one guy, the only guy, who is willing to wait.
Sun, April 30, 2006
Have you ever done or said something that was extremely dumb? Everyone has, and it's nothing new. In the Book of Numbers, we encounter some people who acted stupidly. In the second part of the story, it's unbelievable how much "dumber" they get.
Sun, April 23, 2006
Fear is a factor for all of us. But, fear is primarily a matter of focus. You get to choose. Will you give in to fear? Will you let it control you?
Sun, April 16, 2006
There are many words, that when they are said to you or about you, instantly change your life: pregnant, cancer, terminal, divorce, guilty, addicted. Maybe you have heard those words, or maybe you are living one of them. In this message, Rod Loy looks at another word that can change your life.
Sun, April 09, 2006
First Assembly celebrates the completion of our first 100 church plants in our 100X100 campaign and looks ahead to the future. Whether it's a pastor on the front line or a churchgoer in the US who sends money to support them, we're all in this together.
Fri, April 07, 2006
One of the first places for Christ-followers to serve others is in their home church. Everyone has different talents and places for ministry. In this message, Rod Loy looks at the importance of teams.
Sun, March 26, 2006
Being lost. It makes for great TV shows, but it's frustrating in real life. What do you do when you're lost in life?
Sun, March 19, 2006
How do you react to victory? Like many professional athletes, we are often at our worst when we win. We gloat, taunt, and make sure everyone knows that we deserve all the glory. Is that how it's supposed to be? How should we react when we win?
Sun, March 12, 2006
What is your enemy? For some people, it's bills, sickness, addiction, or anxiety. When things are going wrong, when someone is doing us wrong, when we are under attack and surrounded, we have an alarming tendency to become focused on the wrong thing. We are enemy focused instead of mission focused, purpose focused, growth focused, or God focused. How should we handle these enemies of life?
Sun, March 05, 2006
Have you ever been there? Have you noticed how when things start out bad, they just seem to get worse? Somehow it seems like you never deal with just onebad thing--they pile on. It seems that everywhere you turn, there are more problems. You are under attack -- surrounded by your problems. Rod Loy looks at what to do when we are under attack.
Tue, February 28, 2006
It's not popular to talk about God's judgement, but as we see in the Biblical story of Moses and the Israelites in Egypt, God had a plan for His children so that they could escape judgement. He has a plan for us, too. Rod Loy looks at God's plan in this message.
Sun, February 12, 2006
Were the events of 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina judgments from God against our country? To hear some people, those major events were God's wrath poured out on a sinful nation. But is this really the case? Rod Loy looks at what happens when God judges and how it affects us all.
Sun, January 29, 2006
Sun, January 22, 2006
The second in Pastor Rod Loy's series "Hey God, Can I Ask You a Question?"
Sun, January 15, 2006
This is the first message in the series "Hey God, Can I Ask You a Question?"
Sun, January 08, 2006
A look at Solomon's writings concerning friendships. From the series, "Lessons From The World's Wisest Man".