Podcasting Morning Chat

Crafting Captivating Podcast Intros and Embracing Mishaps


February 13, 2024 9:00am


Today, we peeled back the curtain on the sometimes unpredictable world of podcasting. From wardrobe mishaps to silent recordings, we shared our most memorable moments behind the mic. Then, we navigated the nuances of crafting an episode intro, dissecting the elements that make for an engaging start to your shows.

Timeline Highlights:

[3:25] Ice-breaker: Share a funny or unexpected moment you've had while recording in your studio.
[3:51] Disrobing on camera.
[7:04] Podcasting without pressing record.
[10:50] Recording embarrassment and self-consciousness.
[14:01] Recording and an unexpected visitor.
[15:51] Podcasting, bloopers, and human moments.
[26:59] Podcast editing and interview highlights.
[29:15] Podcast intros and their effectiveness.
[31:42] Intro structure and interview analysis.
[33:40] Podcast hosting and interviewing techniques.
[34:54] Consistency and change.
[38:24] Listener habits.
[45:24] Podcast sponsorship strategies.
[49:51] Creative sponsorship integration in podcasts.
[51:27] Podcast production techniques and challenges.
[54:42] Engineering problem-solving approach.

Links & Resources:

NextGen Podcaster: https://nextgenpodcaster.com
Song Swap Showdown: https://www.songswapshowdown.com
90 Day Wins Podcast: https://90daywins.com/podcast
Historical Drama with the Boston Sisters: https://www.michonbostongroup.com/bostonsisters
Engineering problem-soving approach: https://www.facebook.com/reel/804459257718143

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