Podcasting Morning Chat

Exploring SEO & Advertising Strategies, Podcast Awards, and Our Fantasy Podcast Interviews


May 08, 2024 10:10am

1h 3m

Join us on today's special episode of PMC, where Dominic Lawson and Nick Nalbach step in to host, bringing a fresh and engaging twist to our regular programming. Dive into discussions on podcasting techniques, character studies from old sitcoms, and marketing & advertising strategies.

Episode Highlights:

[4:31] Ice-breaker: If you had the chance to interview somebody a TV or movie character from a podcast, who would that be?

[6:08] TV shows and characters for podcast interviews.

[14:11] Podcasting, disabilities, and pop culture references.

[20:18] Podcast awards, disability representation, and interviewing movie/TV characters.

[27:07] Marketing and awards in the media industry.

[31:33] Podcast marketing strategies, including video, audiograms, Facebook, LinkedIn, and paid advertising.

[38:35] Podcast advertising strategies and platforms.

[46:04] Podcast advertising strategies and platforms, including Overcast, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

[51:19] Using newsbreak and medium to reach a larger audience with free content.

[55:51] Using AI tools for content creation and automation.

Links & Resources:

Newsbreak: https://www.newsbreak.com/

Medium: https://medium.com/

AudioGo: https://www.audiogo.com/

Make: https://www.make.com/

If you found the session informative or entertaining, please consider rating, following, and sharing the podcast. Your support helps us continue delivering great content.

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Brought to you by ⁠iRonickMedia.com⁠ and ⁠NextGenPodcaster.com

Please note that some links may be affiliate links, which support the hosts of the PMC. Thank you!


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