Welcome back! Hoping you are all staying safe. After coming back from a Quarantine hiatus, we have been able to reformat our show by adding a fresh new hot voice for your ears. Not only is his voice like a mental orgasm, but he has brains too!
Getting to know our newest Gay Best Friend, Ross! Direct from Singapore, by way of Autralia and stopping many places along the way, come get to know him.
We play a rousing game of 20 Questions where we touch upon everything from simple questions from his age all the way to his favorite porn site to the type of guys that he is looking for.
Ross will be a regular moving foward bringing a worldy point of view that is like no other.
Contact us both at:
YourGayBestFriend@hotmail.comInstagram: @DwayneAnthony1977
Facebook: @UrGBF