Strategy + Action

Ep53 Anshar Seraphim - The Real Power of Personality Types


October 17, 2022 12:59pm


Today on the show, Strategy + Action = The Real Power of Personality Types

Welcome to Episode 53 of Strategy + Action.  

Today is part two of my interview with Anshar Seraphim. If you haven't checked out part one, make sure you go and do that because as much as you'll learn from Anshar in this episode, you'll have even more context around his expertise and some of the things leading into today's discussion. 

In this episode, we're digging into one of my favorite subjects that I first heard him speak about, which is different personality types.  And I think most folks in the business world, the coaching world, and certainly in Corporate America, have heard about the different kinds of personality tests you can take.

People's reactions to them range from thinking, "Oh, it's a bunch of nonsense," to believing the tests are the Gospel - and everything in between.  I'm fascinated with them because they are an insight into people.  And people, of course, fascinate me. 

And there's a baseline that these tests give us that allows us to make sure that line of communication is flowing the way it's supposed to so that we're not speaking in a way that's not being received by the other person in the way that we intend, and vice versa.  So it's really powerful to have any kind of insight into people in a quick and efficient manner so that as soon as we meet someone, we can navigate that conversation in a much better way.  

Also, this isn't about putting someone in a bucket and leaving them there forever because you've decided who they are from the beginning.

This is simply a way to start.  This is a way to better navigate a relationship with someone, however high-level and casual or deep and intimate.  It's amazingly powerful and Anshar educates us on not only understanding our own personality type and figuring out what some of the others are but also how to quickly use that knowledge and apply it in all these different ways.  Alright, let's jump in.