Daily Dancer posts videos of himself dancing to different songs. Look for a new video at least three times a week.
Sun, June 10, 2007
[Apple format] [Windows format] Toxic
Sun, June 10, 2007
[Apple format] [Windows format] Rasputin
Mon, December 18, 2006
Hey, all you fans. Last night, I went to my company's holiday party and had a great time. Like last year, we had an "idol"-like competition where four competitors tried to win the votes of their colleagues with their singing talent. Of course, I was one of the competitors. Click below to watch my performance. [Apple format] [Windows format] I Wanna Rock I hope you enjoyed that bit of twisted fun. I won the competition this year, although I must say that the other three competitors were very, very, good. That's all for now. - Daily Dancer
Sun, September 03, 2006
Ahhhhhh, there's no better place to dance to a Michael Jackson song than in a playground with young children around. OK, maybe that was more true about 20 years ago. Anyway, click below to enjoy my little moonwalk in the park. :) [Apple format] [Windows format] Billie Jean That's it for now! Have a great week. - Daily Dancer
Mon, August 14, 2006
Hi. I feel it is a good time to respond to my fans regarding the not-so-nice commenters on my site. First of all, that was not me who left the comment "don't use God's name in vain... thanks". It was an impersonator. And, I am aware that a few of my faithful fans were also impersonated. It is unfortunate that people exist out there who have fun trying to ruin a good thing. But, fighting them only gives them gratification for what they do. The more response they get, the more enjoyable it is for them. And stopping them is not easy. They are protected by the boundaries of cyberspace, so, unless we are to hunt them down and show up at their homes with baseball bats, they find no potential harm in causing trouble. My faithful fans and I are also protected by these same boundaries, so we needn't let the not-so-nice people bother us. I appreciate my fans who continue to visit my site and watch my dances, despite the decreasing frequency of my posts. And, as for the not-so-nice commenters, I am sure they are thinking of great comeback comments right now. Let's see what crafty words they can come up with for today's video. :) [Apple format] [Windows format] Fish Heads I hope you didn't have too much trouble keeping your eye on that video. I'll be back soon with a real dance video. See ya! - Daily Dancer
Mon, August 07, 2006
Whooo, it's been almost two weeks since I've last posted new content. And, I hope today's dance will make up for the wait. My two-year-old nephew has been enjoying my dances (his favourite has been "Bad Day"), and I think he wants to follow in the Daily Dancer footsteps. Click below to check out his slick moves. :) [Apple format] [Windows format] Ridin' Dirty That was fun. I'll have another dance soon. See ya! - Daily Dancer
Wed, July 26, 2006
Hi! I have another dance for you, from the place of growing greenery. Enjoy! [Apple format] [Windows format] Heaven Hey! So, we won last night's softball game. We have one last game tonight, which will, most likely, decide if we make the playoffs. It's gonna be fun. Later! - Daily Dancer
Mon, July 24, 2006
Hey! I have a new dance video, from a place long-time visitors should remember. Click, watch, and comment, if you please. :) [Apple format] [Windows format] I Write Sins Not Tragedies Ahhhhh, good ol' Plantland. Lots of fun to be had there. I'll have more from there in a few days, if the heat doesn't kill me first. Bye! - Daily Dancer
Sat, July 22, 2006
Aw, heck. My trip to see Cirque du Soleil was so much fun, I think it is worth one more post on my blog. As always, click below to watch. :) [Apple format] [Windows format] Cirque du Soleil (4) This video was from within the gates, past the food stands that charged $15.50 for two hot dogs and a drink. Good thing we had a few sandwiches and bottles of water in our bag. But, the cost was my only complaint about the show. Otherwise, it was quite entertaining. Anyway, that's it for Cirque du Soleil. I've enjoyed doing these outdoor dances lately. It saves me from bothering the neighbours downstairs (yeah, I finally got complaints from below). Anyway, amongst all my tasks at work, and the closing out of a great softball season, I'll try to get you some good dances next week. Bonne soir! - Daily Dancer
Wed, July 19, 2006
Yo, yo! So, on Monday, I said that I went to see Cirque du Soleil the day before. One great thing about Cirque, besides the comedic and athletic performances, is the music. At the show I watched, they had a bunch of live musicians playing some pretty catchy tunes. We could hear the music from the previous show while we were waiting outside the gates. And that made me dance! [Apple format] [Windows format] Cirque du Soleil (2) We arrived at the gates very early, so there weren't many people around. But the Cirque workers recognized me, and after a while, I began to draw a small crowd of them. And they watched me dance to this one very upbeat tune... [Apple format] [Windows format] Cirque du Soleil (3) B'y, that was fun, I tell ya! I slept in a bit this morning, as I needed it after playing softball two nights in a row. Monday night, our opponent barely beat us. Tuesday night, my team prevailed. We have two more games left before playoffs. Yeehoo! Anyway, I'm outta here. - Daily Dancer
Mon, July 17, 2006
Hey! Yesterday, I went with the G and the G-Momma and friend to see Cirque du Soleil . It was a great show! Anyway, while waiting to get in, we found some music playing, which prompted me to make things a little more fun. [Apple format] [Windows format] Cirque du Soleil And that's not all the dancing I did that day. I just wish I could've been part of the show. Heehee! I'm off to start another work week. See ya! - Daily Dancer
Thu, July 13, 2006
Ahhhh, summertime. A nice time to get outdoors and enjoy some live music. Here's a video I found that we took last summer. In the background, you will hear the music of a great African group, who were giving a free show. Clap along, if you feel like it. :) [Apple format] [Windows format] African Dance Outdoor dances are fun! It is especially funny to see the people who pop up in the shot. Especially little kids, who are amazed by my dancing skill. Yeah, right. Anyway, I'll have something new in a few days. If you are really good, maybe you'll see more of my sister soon. Later! - Daily Dancer
Mon, July 10, 2006
You know what's great about visiting a home where kids live? There are lots and lots of toys! And toys mean props for dancing. Woohoo! Here's another dance from my sister's place. Enjoy! [Apple format] [Windows format] Da Funk There it is! I'm off! See ya! Au revoir! - Daily Dancer
Fri, July 07, 2006
Hellooooooo! It's been a few days, but I hope you got to enjoy watching me dance with my sister. She is nice, and she has two very cute kids. And no, she is not a stripper, as some commenters have guessed. Anyway, do you remember my post about Greek Day? Well, I said I had more video where that came from, so I bring that to you today. Click to watch! [Apple format] [Windows format] Greek Day (2) Well, I think that is enough Greek dancing for a while. I'll have something a little more hip next week. Opa! - Daily Dancer
Tue, July 04, 2006
Yo, yo, yo! So, you may already know that my family has found about my little thing on the Internet. And, what do they think? Do they think I'm crazy? Nah, I think they've taken it pretty well. Anyway, I've been spending a lot more time with my sister, lately, which is nice. Today, I have a video that I recorded recently at her place. Enjoy! [Apple format] [Windows format] Crazy Oh man, it's crazy! Where I am, the weather has been hot and sunny. I'm not a big fan of the heat, but it is better than a downpour of rain. I'll have another dance in a few days. DD out! - Daily Dancer
Fri, June 30, 2006
Allo! Bonjour! In many places, football means soccer, and soccer is life. Have many of you been following along with the World Cup excitement? Either way, I hope that this little boogie scores a goal with you. Click and watch! [Apple format] [Windows format] The Cup of Life I believe I danced to this song over a year ago, when I tried out Dance Dance Revolution. You can find that poor attempt in my video archive, under "All Videos". I'll have more dancing for you next week. Au revoir! - Daily Dancer
Wed, June 28, 2006
Greek! For! A! Day! Da da, da da da da. If there was a Greek version of Green Day -- let's call them Greek Day -- then "Greek For A Day" would be one mean hit! I can just imagine their front man, Baklava Joe Armstropolous, on stage, giving the crowd one great show. Anyway, speaking of Greek Day, I attended the Greek Day celebrations in Vancouver, BC, this past weekend. It was lots of fun! There was great music, of course, and you know what I do when I hear great music. Click below to watch the clip! [Apple format] [Windows format] Greek Day What a day! I have more video where that came from. Come back on Friday to watch another new dance. Greek out! - Daily Dancer
Mon, June 26, 2006
No, this isn't the Orient Express, although that would be one heck of a train ride. This is, however, the train of Daily Dancer, and I'm calling on all of you to come on and ride it. Toot, toot! [Apple format] [Windows format] Come On and Ride It Ladies and gentlemen, we have now reached our cruising altitude of zero feet above sea level. The captain has just switched off the seatbelt sign, ... ummmm... wrong mode of mass transportation. Anyway, I have a bus ride to work that I should catch. And I have a softball game, tonight, against the top team in our league. Check back on Wednesday for more dancing excitement. - Daily Dancer
Fri, June 23, 2006
Hey! So much to do and so little time. Luckily I found time to fit in a little dance to a requested song. Enjoy! [Apple format] [Windows format] Turning Japanese That was fun. Just so you know, I'm still busy catching up on the flood of e-mail I've gotten this past month. Anyway, have a great weekend! - Daily Dancer
Wed, June 21, 2006
Hey, padres! I'm back at my apartment and ready to do some dancing. But, what kind of dancing? Well, I was thinking that it has been a while since I've last done a strip tease. So, here we go! [Apple format] [Windows format] Buttons How did you like those buttons, eh? That's it for today. I hope you enjoyed my vacation dances from this past week. I enjoyed them. See you on Friday! - Daily Dancer
Tue, June 20, 2006
Hello. Today, I'll finish the story of our vacation to the East Coast of Canada. After over a week in Newfoundland, we worked our way back to Nova Scotia. Working our way back involved a lot more driving, and a rough ferry ride. We spent one night at my uncle's place, and then spent another night in Halifax. And then, we flew back West, back to the apartment we all know and love. :) In our travels, we played lots of mini-golf. Most courses along our way weren't in great shape, but they kept us occupied. We played one great course in Halifax, but we forgot our camera that day. One other course we played, which will be nice when they get it cleaned up, is at the base of Marble Mountain, near Corner Brook, Newfoundland. It certainly had the theme of Newfoundland, and I decided to dance there to celebrate a great holiday. [Apple format] [Windows format] Holiday So, that's all I will say about our vacation. I hope you found my story enjoyable to read. In a few days, I'll have a new dance for you, from a familiar place. Bye! - Daily Dancer
Sat, June 17, 2006
On our trip back East, I did lots of activities, such as fishing and golfing. However, all that outdoor activity left me with a body covered in mosquito bites and a huge sunburn. Click on the images below to see. For today's dance, I continue my little car dance I posted on Thursday. It's a great song for doing actions. Mmmmmmm, now I'm hungry for pie. :) [Apple format] [Windows format] American Pie (Part 2) I have one more dance video from our trip. I'll bring that to you on Monday morning. After that, it's back to the living room. Have a great weekend! - Daily Dancer
Thu, June 15, 2006
Hello, fellow travelers! My wonderful companion and I did lots and lots of driving on our trip back East. We drove through Nova Scotia, from Halifax to North Sydney, to catch our ferry to Newfoundland. Then, in Newfoundland, we drove a few more hours to reach our final destination. Whoooo! And when we arrived, we were well rewarded with great food. Check out the pics below! Yeah, you can tell that I had some good fun with my food. Do any of you recognize the shape I made with my steak? And check out the size of that lobster claw! And yes, all that lobster was mine to eat, and I ate every bit. On our trip, my wonderful companion did most of the driving, but I got my share as well. When I wasn't driving, I had to keep myself occupied, so I did what I do best. Click below to watch! [Apple format] [Windows format] American Pie (Part 1) That's it for today, but I have more where that song and story left off. I'll continue on Saturday morning. Bye! - Daily Dancer