Music to collect dust by.
Fri, April 28, 2006
I'm on the road this week, so I don't have time for detailed show notes. All the music on the show can be found on the Podsafe Music Network. I will update the song names/artists later. Direct link to show.
Wed, April 19, 2006
Dustcast #4. Relax. Meditate. Collect dust. All songs available on the Podsafe Music Network. The Come Down by DJ Topshelf (pmn link) 2005-09-04 by Cinema Volta (pmn link) (at 6:43) Calling Card 2 by Darkroom (pmn link) (at 9:51) Last...
Mon, April 10, 2006
Dustcast_003 Loss of Feeling by Blind With Rain (pmn link) Ma Schaun by Diego (pmn link) About Us by Christophe Goze (pmn link) Fire Night by Black Adam (pmn link) Noise by dreamfresh (pmn link) 7777777 by Chub Creek Music...
Fri, April 07, 2006
Show #2 - The first official length show. Don't operate heavy machinery while listening. "Book of Sand" by Disparition (pmn link) "Dharma" by Will Grega (pmn link) "Feelings in Tranquility" by amb26 (pmn link) "Sjörök" by Ambient Light (pmn link)...
Tue, April 04, 2006
Proof of Concept show. This is to iron out all the bugs. "White Tomb Stone" by aegis. (pmn link) "8EnV.5" by 2-RD. (pmn link) Direct link to show.