Gordon And Mike's ICT Podcast

Network Security – With a Little Help from Our Friends [28:00]


March 23, 2010 6:28pm


In this podcast, we’d like to introduce Dr Sam Bowne – Professor of Computer Networking and Information Technology from City College of San Francisco. Gordon and I have known or known of Sam since 2004. Sam is a tremendous classroom instructor bringing his extensive expertise in and passion for networking and network security to his students and his colleagues. Sam is also generous with his knowledge, making his lectures and classroom materials available to anyone who wants to learn. In what we hope will be a recurring role, Sam joins us today to share his thoughts on security and provide us with a snapshot of the latest and greatest developments in the field of network security.

Here's some of the questions Sam answers:

1. Sam you have a BS and a PhD in Physics – how did you end up in networking and security?

2. You’ve been at CCSF since 2000 – what classes do you teach?

3. Ethical hacking? Sounds like an oxymoron – what do you mean by ethical hacking?

4. I know you’ve taken some of your students to DEFCON in Las Vegas. This conference of hackers is probably unlike anything our listeners have ever attended. Could you tell us a little about it?

5. Are most of the attendees self-taught or do they attend formal classes?

6. In terms of recent developments (threats, security solutions, and research), what’s been on your radar screen lately?

7. Sam how do you keep up with all of this information?

8. What about your own skills and knowledge? How do you keep these up-to-date?

9. If a student is interested in learning more about networking – in particular securing a network, how would you advise them to get started? What sort of characteristics – in a student – would make them a good candidate for this type of work?

10. Now for something from a chat session with a student:

  • my twitter account was hacked :( -- maybe i should hop on that security course just for some personal safety
  • do you, yourself actually keep different passwords for everything?
  • i'm freaked out and want to differentiate all my passwords
  • but, that's crazy!

What advice can you give my studemt?

Sam's class content, email and lots of other info can be found at http://samsclass.info/ Check him out!!