Gordon And Mike's ICT Podcast

Hands-on with the iPad [44:29]


April 26, 2010 1:11pm


On Sunday (4/25/10) Mike Q shared his initial impressions after some hands-on time with an iPad. Mike does a great job describing the device along with some of his favorite applications for the device. Here’s some of the questions he answers:

  • So Mike you broke down and got an iPad - which one did you get?
  • Why only 16 gig?
  • So how long have you had it?
  • So give us some of your impressions. How is the battery life?
  • What about the screen?
  • What about the keyboard?
  • How much is the case?
  • Did you get any other peripherals? Can you connect it to a projector for presentations?
  • Have you been to the app store? What are some of your favorites so far?
  • What do iPhone apps look like on the iPad?
  • OK, how about some apps? Let's start with the iWork suite.
  • So what's your assessment of these apps?
  • What about Keynote?
  • Have you moved your Kindle content over? And, speaking of the Kindle I know you have a first generation one how do they compare as a reader?
  • What about some quick hits on some apps that you've found interesting ? 
  • Does it have a GPS radio? Have you tried out any of the location based applications?
  • What about some quick hits on some apps that you've found interesting ?
  • Whats up with Israel banning iPads?

Mike also provided a few screen shots from the device:

  • Here's a screen shot of a dictionary lookup created on the iPad.

  • Here's an OmniGraffle example created on the iPad.