November 02, 2006 7:28pm
Researched and written by: Michael QaissauneeIn Death by Powerpoint, we talked about becoming a better presenter, but we
(myself included) take for granted
that the copious notes
students take in class capture the key aspects of our
great lectures, are well organized, and
will provide what students need to retain for tests and for further
Have you ever looked at your
students' notes? As an
exercise, try collecting and reviewing notes from a cross-section of your
classes. Most faculty won't be
surprised to learn that good
note-taking is a lost art. This got me to thinking ...
Where do our students and our kids learn to take
notes? What I've concluded is that we don't, at any level, do any formal
education on note-taking - it's all ad-hoc; most teachers are rightly focused on
the content. But what's really troubling here, is that good note-taking is a
critical part of learning and clearly we don't do enough to teach it and to
reinforce with students the importance of good note-taking.
What I'd like to introduce to you today is the Cornell
Note-taking method. Developed by Cornell's Walter Pauk
to help Cornell University students better organize their notes, this system
is just one of many different strategies designed to help students take more
effective notes. No one method is better than another, the goal is to find a
method that works for you. I encourage you to share this method with your
students and encourage them to give the method a chance. At the very least, it
will get them and you thinking about how they take notes.
The Cornell Note-Taking System
To use this system, separate your page into 3 separate sections
illustration here), as follows:
The Notes
(6-6.5 inches
wide on
right) is the largest and primary
section. This is where the notes go,
whether they're lecture or textbook
notes. Stress
using bulleted lists for easy skimming,
as well as economy of language -
abbreviations (see resources
below), short sentences and
fragments and eliminating all unnecessary words.
The Cues
(2-2.5 inches wide on
is used to highlight main ideas, clarify meanings, give examples,
draw diagrams, or link ideas and
examples. If done well, this area is where you do the
bulk of your studying from.
The Summary
inches high on
is used to reinforce concepts and provide an
overview area where you write a sentence or two to
summarize the notes on the page. This section is great for skimming your
notes and locating information.
Now for the
You didn't think I'd do a blog without including some sort of technology did
you? I really don't have the time nor the inclination to sit with pencil,
paper and a ruler to layout the Cornell method. So instead, here are a couple
useful links: