September 16, 2007 10:32am
Title: Sept 16, 2007 - Micro-bloggingIntro: You may
be thinking about starting a blog but feel you don't have the time or
maybe won't know what to write about. You may already have a blog and
are looking for ways to provide interesting content in real time.
Micro-blogging may be a great solution. In this session we discuss
micro-blogging and take a look at a few of the many free micro-blogging
applications.Mike: Gordon, I know you've really got into micro-blogging recently - could you describe what it is?
Wikipedia defines micro-blogging as:
"a form of blogging that allows users to write brief text updates (usually less than 200 characters)
and publish them, either to be viewed by anyone or by a restricted
group which can be chosen by the user. These messages can be submitted
by a variety of means, including text messaging, instant messaging, email, MP3 or the web."Gordon:
I think we've both developed a recent addiction to micro-blogging. Your
recently wrote a blog describing Twitter, Jaiku and Pownce. Many are
calling these social networks, or micro-blogs. Can you describe what
this means?In Twitter and
Jaiku you provide information about your thoughts, activities and/or
whereabouts. Some users update so often, that it's almost like
real-time updates. Pownce works similarly, but allows users to easily
share links, files and events. Twitter is still the most popular of the
three, but Pownce -
by invitation only
- seems to be gaining quickly. I'm not sure I understand the attraction
of these sites - maybe it's generational, but they're very popular and
seem to be addictive.Gordon: You wrote about a real-world use of Twitter by the
Los Angeles Fire Department.
Can you tell us about that?Members of the fire department provide real-time updates (known as tweets) of LAFD
activities and operations. Anyone interested can subscribe or follow
this Twitter. Imagine the uses at a college or university - we could
provide updates on availability of writing or math labs or even our
testing center. We could also provide registration information in
real-time, such as number of seats, new sections, cancellations etc. To
think of it, you could also use these tools to manage your office hours
- in real-time!Mike: You've been tweeting on Twitter frequently. What kind of content are you posting?I
find myself doing a lot of web surfing and I like to tweet the links
I'm reading for future reference. I had been tagging using digg (I
still do) but have found Twitter to be a little easier to use. I've
also got my Twitter micro-blog displayed on my full blog page. I like
tagging using Twitter because my tags are easier for others to find. If
you watch what I tag - I'm frequently tagging something one day and
then writing a full blog on it the next. I find this a very easy method.Mike: How are you posting to twitter? Are you using any browser plugins or add-ons?I've been using a Firefox add-on called Twitterbar. It's linked on the mozilla site - here's the download link: It's from Tony Farndon (tones) at