With Good Reason

London Fog, LA Smog


July 15, 2021 9:51am


For generations, Englishmen grew food on public land. They sustained their families with these gardens, and with fish and animals they hunted and killed. Then almost overnight, in a new and becoming industrial age, the commons were closed. Katey Castellano says this disconnected people from rural land, forcing them into the city for industrial wages. Plus: There was a time where bowling in the street was considered a top felony. These and more serious crimes were the bread and butter of Victorian newspapers. Ed Jacobs says newspapers have long been a battleground between the elite and the poor. Later in the show: Children’s books are much more than pretty pictures and fantasy lands. Deanna Stover says stories like Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland are all about teaching children how to see the world. And: We romanticize London fog about as much as we romanticize chemtrails. But Margaret Konkol says it's all pollution, and it's hard to see our human impact.