With Good Reason

Magic And Miracles

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May 04, 2023 1:50pm


At markets in the ancient world, silver-tongued magicians hawked their wares of amulets, cursed tablets and even spells. But Shaily Patel says early Christians developed the concept of divine miracle to distinguish themselves from magic. And: From 1968 to 2001, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood defined generations of childhoods. John Thompson says many of the life lessons Fred Rogers shared on the show embody principles of an ancient Chinese tradition known as daoism. Later in the show: Does God exist? We’ve all grappled with the question. In his latest book - Is There a God? A Debate - Kenny Pearce debates his colleague and avowed atheist, Graham Oppy, on the existence of God and the merits of believing in a higher being. Plus: Buddhism is widely-known as a peaceful tradition deeply committed to non-violence. But Christie Kilby says Buddhism actually has a lot to teach about warfare. She consults for the International Committee of the Red Cross, exploring connections between Buddhism and the laws of war.