With Good Reason

Our Walmart


April 26, 2019 9:33am


Christine Labuski and Nick Copeland (Virginia Tech) are the authors of “The World of Walmart: Discounting the American Dream.” They say there is a disconnect between the values that Walmart purports to champion and the reality of how it operates in our society. Plus: After 9-11, Brian Ulrich (Virginia Commonwealth University) has spent a decade photographing the landscape of consumerism across the United States. Later on: In the early 20th century, the border between Mexico and the United States was essentially open. What changed? Daniel Morales (James Madison University) is author of the forthcoming book The Making of Mexican America: The Dynamics of Transnational Migration 1900-1940. And: Appalachian communities are seeing a resurgence of organizing efforts, including the West Virginia teachers’ strike. Elizabeth Catte, author of What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia and co-editor of 55 Strong: Inside the West Virginia’s Teachers’ Strike, and public historian Josh Howard give their take on labor movements in Appalachia.