With Good Reason

Science Out in the World


November 25, 2019 11:02am


There’s a lot to learn in science class: the periodic table, the stages of a butterfly, but also how to be an American citizen. Alix Fink (Longwood University) says learning science is also learning how to participate in our democracy. And: Ben Casteel (Virginia Highlands Community College) grew up with a passion for the Appalachian landscape all around him. He believes in the value of native plants and promoting biodiversity. Plus: After the 2011 earthquake in Japan, nematodes traveled all the way from Japan to California. Ashleigh Smythe (Virginia Military Institute) is studying the tiny worms and learning about their miraculous migration. Later in the show: If you’re poor in Botswana, lions and elephants aren’t cool wildlife—they’re threats to your crops, your herds, and your family. But protecting a robust wildlife population is a high priority for a country whose wealthy and middle classes rely on tourism. Kathleen Alexander (Virginia Tech) is working in Botswana to bridge the gap between conserving wildlife and helping impoverished communities. Plus: Could creating an imbalance between the sexes in a mosquito population help solve the Zika problem? Zhijan Tu (Virginia Tech) says it might be possible to slow the spread of Zika and other viruses like Dengue and Chikungunya by making female mosquitos scarce.