A lifelong student of the game discusses his favorite methods of training and news from the world of professional squash.
Mon, October 09, 2006
An abbreviated session this week -- guided interval training builds endurance quickly!
Mon, October 09, 2006
The season is about to get underway! Get in shape now with this guided interval training session.
Sun, September 10, 2006
Extended PSA Update. Round robbins and community building.
Sun, September 03, 2006
The components of a succesful weekly training program -- balancing on-court and off-court training.
Sun, August 27, 2006
Regular solo practice will improve your game! We present a sample solo practice program.
Sat, August 19, 2006
How watching pros on DVD can be helpful to your game.
Sat, August 12, 2006
Hashim Khan Book review