In order to achieve growth, discomfort is unavoidable. So why not seek it out? Yes Theory co-founders Matt, Ammar, and Thomas are turning off the cameras and turning on the mics to reflect upon how Discomfort actually might hold the keys to meaning and happiness. The Yes Theory Podcast shares behind-the-scenes stories and talks with expert guests to gather insights about the world at large, our place in it, and one another.
Thu, December 14, 2023
Thank you for everything. I will love you forever…and ever. -Matt Link to review book: Link to newsletter: Get a signed copy of ‘Talk To Strangers’ here:
Fri, December 08, 2023
Link to buy book: Link to review book (means the world!): Hi guys, The book launched four days ago and the support from this community has been unbelievable. Thank you to each and everyone of you who ordered. Your support doesn’t go unnoticed. It truly is life changing for me. I’m already getting so many positive messages from so many of you who binged it (some of you in just a few hours!), and it’s just the best. Alrigthty, here is a podcast I did about a month ago in Montreal with my best friend and co-writer of Talk To Strangers, Mr. Derin Emre. Derin is just the best. He doesn’t hold back and in this one we go into where we went after leaving Yes Theory, what it was like tackling such a daunting project together, and our honest opinions about the book. Prepare yourself for one hell of an honest and hilarious conversation. Love you all!
Thu, November 30, 2023
Newsletter: Preorder the book: Preorder the book in EU: Hey all, Three days away from launch. And what better way to run this final mile than with my best friend and brother, Ammar. Aka Habibs. The man who has pushed me to grow more than anyone in my life. The brother with whom I’ve had the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. In this podcast we don’t hold back. We show you the hard parts of our relationship and we also share what we mean to each other. There’s so much here. Per usual, I think you’ll love it. Thanks for being here. Thanks for riding with me on this journey. Next time we’ll be talking, the book will be out. What a wild thought. Love you so much, Matt
Wed, November 22, 2023
Newsletter: Preorder the book: Preorder the book in EU: Hi ladies and gents, Wow wow wow. DECEMBER 3RD IS SO CLOSE. So crazy to think about. So surreal that the launch day is nearly here. If you want to take advantage of the preorder bonuses like our Live Q&A, raffle to join the launch party in LA, and signed copies, then make sure to preorder at before November 25th. If you’ve already ordered or supported in any way, I FREAKING LOVE YOU. Okay, now to the podcast. This is one of my best friends. You know him from our videos. This year Staffan Taylor became a full-time host and member of Yes Theory. He embodies the Yes Theory philosophy more than anyone I’ve ever met. There’s so much in this conversation that Staffan and I have never shared that will remind anyone watching and/or struggling that they are not alone and things will get better. Alrighty, that’s enough from me. Enjoy the pod! Love ya, Matt
Tue, November 14, 2023
Newsletter: Preorder the book: Preorder the book in EU: Hello you lovely people, What you’re about to watch is the equivalent of finding a never-seen-before species in the wild. Very few people have shaped Yes Theory as much as Tom. Yet no one outside of our inner circle knows about Tom. Tom is very private. He likes being behind the scenes. He’s like Charlie from Charlie’s Angels. Tom has also never done a podcast. So this is really really special…a moment I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. We recorded this conversation a few months ago in his home of Brighton, UK. I think you’re going to love it. -Matt PS - DECEMBER 3RD IS SO CLOSE. If you haven’t pre-ordered yet, you’re missing out on our Live Q&A coming up soon :)
Thu, November 09, 2023
Newsletter: Preorder the book: Preorder the book in EU: Hey everyone, So happy to be back with you. Two quick things: - We have a new book launch date: December 3rd - We will now be releasing two podcasts a week (Mondays and Thursdays) - With everything happening in the world, the guys and I want to give back financially to foundations focused on children affected by war. More on that soon. Alright, now this podcast… Ben and Dave, my two guests, are not only my close friends but also my biggest inspirations. When I was 19 I came across a show called The Buried Life. It was about four best friends (Ben, Dave, Duncan and Jonnie) crossing off their bucket list and helping others to do the same. The Buried Life became the seed and catalyst for Yes Theory, as you’ll learn about in this episode and the book. Getting to sit down with them to do this was a dream come true. 19 year old Matt would be bugging out if he saw this :) I hope you’ll get as much out of this conversation as I did. SO many gems!! Love, Matt
Wed, November 08, 2023
Hey everyone, We’re putting everything on pause due to what’s happening in the Middle East. The team and I are figuring out how to act in a constructive way that is aligned with Yes Theory’s value of love over fear. Sending you all so much love. -Matt
Thu, October 12, 2023
Hey all, Matt here :) Thanks for tuning in once again. Today is a very exciting day…We are FINALLY showing you the book cover. But that’s not all. In this podcast I sit down with Dez. Dez is Yes Theory’s social media editor and the brains behind the whole promotion of this book. She even designed the cover with me. All of this to say, I wouldn’t be here without her. In this episode you’ll get to hear about what the past year has been like for us as we’ve worked to get this book out to all of you. Hope you enjoy it! And let us know what you think of the cover in the comments!! Love, Matt
S3 E5 · Thu, October 05, 2023
Newsletter: Preorder the book: Preorder the book in EU: Hey everyone, Thomas and I have worked through a lot behind the scenes, especially in the past six months. It’s been really challenging, and at times our relationship was in serious jeopardy. Thankfully, we’ve gotten through it. In this podcast, we dive into all of it. Not just our relationship, but also how we see the world, advice for someone in their 20’s or 30’s, and reflections on our Yes Theory experience. I’m very grateful this is real life. That my best friend and I get to do this. Relationships take work, especially through big changes, and this one has been no different. I hope you’ll get something out of this for your own life and for your ties with those closest to you. Thank you for the support. Sending you all love, Matt Timecodes: 0:00 Intro 1:25 Podcast begins, addressing the nerves 6:07 Thomas turning 30 & setting goals 17:14 Power of intention 27:35 Thomas’ first heartbreak & motivation it gave him 37:45 Change yourself = Change the world 41:40 Fear of things falling apart 47:58 The struggles of our relationship the past three years 50:30 Matt explains his gradual decision to leave 56:40 Filming our first video after 3 years 1:02:55 Thomas and Ammar’s perspective on Matt leaving 1:07:28 Reconnecting & evolving in our relationship 1:20:30 Dealing with fame 1:29:30 What Matt saw in Thomas from the beginning 1:31:19 Thomas’ reflections on the book
S3 E4 · Thu, September 28, 2023
Newsletter: Preorder the book: Preorder the book in EU: Hey all, I wanted to introduce you to one of my best friends, Bonnie. Bonnie is a therapist at UCLA and since 2018, has been not only a friend but also pretty much the Yes Theory team therapist. She is a huge part of the book as she’s been an instrumental part of mine and Yes Theory’s growth. For those of you who plan on getting the book, I think this will be especially cool since you’ll get to actually see who she is. Enjoy!
S3 E3 · Thu, September 21, 2023
Hey everybody, so excited for this one :) Pedro Paiva is the Head of Operations at Yes Theory. He’s been with us for two years. When he first arrived, our system was in shambles. We needed someone to come in an re-organize the ship. He’s done an incredible job since then and has become such a good friend, that I felt it would be awesome for you guys to get to know him. This podcast is for anyone with a dream job or anyone who is curious about how things work behind the scenes here. I think you’ll love it :) Enjoy! -Matt Newsletter: Preorder the book: Timecodes 0:00 Intro 1:07 Pedro’s story 11:30 Pedro finding Yes Theory 13:23 Pedro applying for Yes Theory job 19:29 Difficult time in Yes Theory 24:26 Doing what you love is hard 28:10 Adjusting to getting older 30:54 Being affected by metrics 32:14 Creator burnout 36:15 Why are we doing Yes Theory? 39:18 Views vs. Sustainability 42:18 Theme of the book 46:31 Stepping into the unknown 50:00 Matt’s fear of leaving Yes Theory 58:30 Matt thanks Pedro 59:15 Pedro’s final words to the community
S3 E2 · Thu, September 14, 2023
Oh baby, here we go! First podcast with the one and only Mark Manson. Mark is a multiple #1 New York Times best-selling author, including his mega hit ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck’. The main themes of this conversation were around change and how to deal with a major identity shift as well as how to find the necessary spark for creativity. I feel so blessed to get to share these conversations with you and hope you enjoy it. Make sure you check out Mark’s YouTube channel: Here are the links mentioned at the beginning: Newsletter: Preorder the book: Love you all dearly, - Matt
S3 E1 · Sun, September 10, 2023
Hey guys, Thanks for being here :) This video’s been a long time coming. I feel really grateful to be able to finally speak to you about where I’ve been, where things are at, and what’s going to happen next. I’ve missed you dearly and I hope you can feel it. I hope you enjoy this first podcast of my going away party. Also, here are the links that are mentioned: Newsletter: Pre-order for the book: See you next Thursday 🙂 Love, Matt Timecodes 0:00 intro 0:14 This is strange 0:40 Hello Again / Reintroduction 3:00 What to expect from this podcast 3:40 This is a Goodbye 7:14 The book (hardest two years of my life) 13:50 When I thought the book was done 15:00 Quitting the book 18:00 Ammar pushing me to not quit 21:00 Deciding to start the book over with Derin 22:54 Going back to Montreal for the first time in 6 years 28:02 The moment the book was actually DONE 30:00 Issues in my relationship with Thomas and Ammar 32:49 Reconnecting with the guys 35:15 Thinking about how to release the book 35:40 Starting to promote the book, making the podcast 39:05 Book launch date 39:22 Doing meetups for the first time in 3 years 41:25 I’m gonna be back in Yes Theory videos 42:10 Name of the book 42:43 Changing my last name 44:44 Preorder the book
Wed, September 15, 2021
While we often seek discomfort, sometimes, it finds us. Our internal discomforts over the course of our careers have shaped who we are and how we deal with situations at hand. On today’s episode, we bring on our close friend, Eric Tabach. Eric, like many of us, has gone through his own internal discomforts over this past year and beyond that have overall landed him in a better place. So stick with us to hear more about the internal conflicts that we have faced this year and how we turn these discomforts into positive attributes in our collective lives.
Wed, September 08, 2021
Growing older is definitely an odd feeling. One moment we’re young 21 year olds starting up a YouTube channel, and then we seemingly blink and six years have flown by. On today’s episode we bring on the one and only, Tommy Dajer. Tommy is Matt’s little brother and has grown up with us along our journey of saying yes. So join us on this episode as we discuss our experiences growing up in Yes Theory.
Wed, September 01, 2021
Mentors can be a huge driving force in how we carry out our life’s path. From teachers to coaches, parents and even friends, having someone to look to for guidance can help to set you on the right path with clarity and confidence. On today’s episode we bring on one of Ammar’s mentors, Maha Abouelenein. Maha is a fellow podcast host and one of the most fearless networkers we have ever met. So stick around to learn a bit more about how we choose our mentors, what they mean to us, and why they are so invaluable to our success.
Wed, August 25, 2021
Spirituality is a convoluted subject. With Ammar being raised as a Muslim and myself being raised mainly agnostic, we had two extremely different experiences growing up with religion. On today’s episode, we are also joined by Rotana Tarabzouni. Rotana was raised under Sharia law in Saudi Arabia and brings her own unique perspective to the table for this conversation. So join us today as we explore religion, faith and spirituality.
Wed, August 18, 2021
If you know Yes Theory, you know that we love to travel. On this episode we sit down with Lexie Alford. Lexie is the Guinness Book World Record holder for being the youngest person to travel to every country, and she has some amazing stories to share along with her journey. So join us to hear more about how getting out of your comfort zone can lead you to some of the most amazing experiences that life has to offer.
Wed, August 11, 2021
You are what you eat!
Wed, August 04, 2021
Turn your weakness into a super power!
Sun, August 01, 2021
HiberNation is out now from Headspace Studios. Binge the first season now.
Wed, July 28, 2021
Identity...crisis? None of that here. Tune in to hear how Yes Theory deals.
Wed, July 21, 2021
Feeling stuck can get you down. Here's how Thomas and Ammar break through it.
Wed, July 14, 2021
What have we been up to since last season? Well...
Wed, June 30, 2021
We are so excited to welcome you back to yet another season of the Yes Theory Podcast presented by Headspace Studios. This season, we will take deep dives into topics that are near and dear to our heart, exploring the internal discomforts that allow us to learn as we grow on this crazy journey. We can't wait for you to join us.
Mon, November 09, 2020
Things are changing in our little Yes Theory world, as well as the broader world, and we aren’t sure what the future holds. Thomas is headed back to Europe for the foreseeable future, and Matt’s stepped back from hosting. It really feels like the end of a chapter (with a new one coming close behind). To celebrate and close the last chapter properly, and to end the season on a high note, we took a new spin in this episode. Just like in Episode 8, there are no guests (besides the people that just pop into the recording). Instead, we travel with Ammar, Thomas, and Matt to the demolition site of their first home together, and listen as they bury their very own treasure -- a time capsule full of memories from this last chapter together. They reflect on the spirit that brought them together, and how unlikely it was that they were able to get this podcast into the world this year. We started the season talking about how crazy, uncertain, and out of control this year has felt. That hasn’t changed so much of the course of these last 10 weeks. The lesson we’ve learned is to just -- make the best of it. Keep growing, trying, bumping around. Find some stillness when you can. Fight the burnout. Maintain hope. Lean into your closest relationships. Make your life meaningful, and just take it day by day. It’s a wrap on Season 1 of the Yes Theory Podcast. If you’re just joining us, start from the top or choose your adventure. It’s completely up to you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, November 02, 2020
Have you ever seen someone staring back in the mirror that you didn’t like? We all experience “mirror moments” -- where we see ourselves and the paths we’re headed down clearly. In these moments, we can decide to continue the course or make a change. Sometimes we are seeking big changes -- like choosing to pursue a completely new career or end a relationship. Sometimes we’re vying for simpler -- like just choosing to meditate for five minutes a day or get dressed in the mornings. No matter how big or small the change you want to make is, it can be tough to get yourself to the breaking point -- where you actually commit… fully. So, today, we called on the decorated, plant-powered endurance athlete Rich Roll for some inspiration. He shares with us some of his most intense transformational moments -- from when he first decided to get sober to when he began running endurance races. His repeated transformation proves that you are never too old or too late to change. And that there is always another level to the change you can make. Thomas Dajer, also known as Tommy, TD, and Yes Theory’s lead editor shares his story of personal transformation as well -- from dropping out of college to now starting to host episodes on the Yes Theory channel. And Ryan Holiday, author of so many of the Yes Theory team’s favorite books, stops by to talk about the pitfalls of ego -- the force that often gets in the way of trying to make a significant change. He colors in the full picture, and shows us that often the battle of seeking change is much more internal than external. This week, Yes Theory is brought to you by: Green Chef - Use code "YesTheory80" to get $80 off your first month at The World As We Know It - Available now, wherever you get your podcasts. Talk Space - To get $100 off your first month at use promo code "YES THEORY" at checkout. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, October 26, 2020
Matt, Thomas, and Ammar have a picturesque kind of friendship. They’ve made memories on nearly every continent, built a business, and chased down their wildest dreams… together. But what you don’t see on screen is that their friendship isn’t always easy. In fact, it rarely ever is. As is the case with many things in life, it’s leaning into the hard, uncomfortable parts that makes all of the beautiful parts possible. For Matt, Thomas, and Ammar that looks like a mix of going off and doing tough personal work alone, and coming back together to have hard, honest, and deep conversations as frequently as possible. It’s love, commitment, and discomfort -- on repeat. So in this episode, we’re switching it up a bit. There are no guests. We travel into Yes Theory’s basement to listen to one of many raw, vulnerable conversations between Matt, Thomas, and Ammar. They talk to each other about some recent struggles, how their relationship has changed throughout the years, and what they’re hoping for in the future. They also share publicly for the first time why Matt has officially stepped back from hosting on the YouTube channel, and what it took to make that decision. The entire episode is really just a reflection on how our closest relationships shape us, call up our deepest insecurities, and push us to become better. It’s also a primer for how we can make long-term partnerships last, lean on other people without becoming too dependent, and push forth a collective vision while still maintaining true to ourselves. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, October 19, 2020
From climbing up snow-capped mountains in our boxers to running marathons with no training, one of the core pillars of Yes Theory is seeking out the big heart-pumping, mind-bending physical experiences that force us beyond our limits. But what’s the point of doing all this? Are big challenges effective at helping us build daily exercise and wellness habits? Or is it more for show? The science -- of extending past our physical limits -- is layered and complex. But at the most basic level -- the real reason we take on challenges outside our comfort zones is to prove to ourselves that we can. When you do something you thought you couldn’t do, you get to tell yourself a new story about who you are. And that story is priceless, or more precisely the cost of pushing through the challenge itself. In this episode, we hear from Matt, Thomas, and Ammar about various experiences they’ve had -- pushing themselves physically, and committing to daily habits -- in the pursuit of re-writing their own stories. For each of them, the scope and nature of the challenge is different, and it provides a unique perspective into the obstacles we face in our physical lives. We also hear from Dianne Bondy, an acclaimed yoga teacher and social justice activist, who shares how Western culture impacts the way we think about physical discomfort, and helps us question some of our most basic assumptions. And Aaron Ferguson, a decorated celebrity physical trainer, shares his experience training and competing in an Ironman alongside Matt. He helps us question when we’ve gone too far, and what the purpose of the pursuit really is. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, October 12, 2020
Ever struggled to do your laundry, re-register your car, or make time to go to the dentist? It might make you feel like you’re terrible at “adulting,” but it turns out that’s actually more normal than you think and there might be a pretty solid explanation: burnout. Anne Helen Peterson, author of Can’t Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation, joins Matt in this episode to talk about the costs of living in an achievement-obsessed culture, how monetizing what you love can get in the way of building a life, and the systemic issues that have perpetuated a system of workaholism. We also hear personal burnout experiences from members of the Yes Theory community. And through these accounts, we realize - we’re all struggling to find a sense of balance in our lives. Generationally, we have no safety net. Job security feels like an illusion and pension-style retirement packages are a relic of the past. And the alternative offer of personal freedom - to work wherever, whenever - comes with a lot of costs to health and happiness. We are tethered to our devices, and feel like insufficient human beings when we aren’t being productive. Though we’ve been trained to believe we need to do more to be more, maybe it’s actually the other way around. But how do we start altering the system and building lives that we don’t feel the need to escape from? That’s what we’re getting into in this episode. To learn more on the topic of generational burnout, check out Anne’s book. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, October 05, 2020
“Hope makes you follow your dreams,” says actress Dina Shihabi, from the Amazon Original Jack Ryan. “I would have nothing in my life if I didn't have hope.” We’re living through a pretty dark time right now. There’s this constant stream of negative news coverage and criticism. It’s hard to feel certain or confident about anything. Which is why it’s more important than ever to tap into our collective reserve of hope - the belief that life can be better tomorrow than it is today. In today’s episode, Ammar sits down with Dina to talk about how growing up in Arab countries shaped how they view themselves and the world, and how hope was (and still is) the backbone to their wildest dreams. They share personal stories of needing to overcome cultural friction and disbelief, and finding ways to fuel that inner hope when no one else believed in them. Through Ammar’s and Dina’s stories of growing up, moving away from home, and chasing their dreams we come to see: hope is a resilient, beautiful, and messy force that requires us to confront cynicism and fear. Hope isn’t just a passive feeling; it’s an action. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, September 28, 2020
Pandemics and vast uncertainty aside, life is hard. And for whatever reason, it seems to be getting harder. Studies have shown that the average kid today experiences more anxiety than the average psychiatric patient in the 1950s. It feels like there’s this undercurrent of anxiety to everything we do. But instead of dealing with it, we fill our calendars with back-to-back appointments and our lives with endless distractions. We do everything we can to avoid having that anxiety bubble up. But what if we didn’t? What if we stopped trying to numb and distract? What would it look like to just accept anxiety as a fact of life and deal with it head on? That’s what we’re getting after in this episode. Along the way, Matt shares the intimate details of how he’s grappled with anxiety through the years and Ammar discusses his inability to meditate. Most importantly, Andy Puddicombe, the former monk and co-founder of the meditation app Headspace, stops by to help us to identify ways to cultivate a more mindful approach to life, deal with emotions as they come, and find more presence. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, September 21, 2020
Remember the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated? You probably learned it in kindergarten. Chances are you haven’t really upped your kindness game since. Most of us haven’t. The older we get, the more responsibilities, anxieties, and personal pursuits take over. And kindness simply doesn’t make the to-do list. It’s not that we think kindness is any less important than in kindergarten. No, it’s the opposite. Most people agree that practicing kindness is more important than ever. But there’s a gap, between what we say we value as a society, and what we do. In this episode, we’re getting to the source on how to close that “kindness gap.” Houston Kraft, a kindness advocate and educator, explains how we can overcome what gets in the way of deep kindness and start incorporating it into our daily lives. François Clemmons, also known as Officer Clemmons on the acclaimed Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, shares stories about Fred Rogers, and how he showed him the true meaning of kindness on and off camera. For more on how to live a more kind life, check out Houston’s brand new book Deep Kindness here: This episode is sponsored by: PayPal - PayPal is making it easy to pay safely, quickly, and easily. Download the PayPal app today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, September 14, 2020
Before Yes Theory, we were just three guys trying to figure out what we wanted to do in life. We didn’t know much, just that we didn’t want to walk predictable paths. Luckily, we each had mentors that inspired us to stop thinking and start doing--anything and everything outside our comfort zones. In this episode, we call back two of those early mentors to talk about why having novel experiences is so crucial for creativity, meaningful relationships, and business. And how it is truly the foundation for making any dream happen. Jason Silva is the host of the award winning show, Brain Games, and is a self-described epiphany junkie. Ben Nemtin is the acclaimed writer, public speaker, and television personality from Matt’s favorite MTV show, The Buried Life. Together, these two wise stages help us figure out - how do we start breaking routine and chasing our dreams (even in the world’s current conditions)? Is now really the time to prioritize our personal goals? And above all else, how do we push through the fear of trying new things? This episode is sponsored by: LinkedIn - Get $50 off your first job post at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, September 07, 2020
If 2020 was a question, it would be… how the heck do you make the best of a situation when you can’t even understand the situation? When we asked Harvard Professor and Atlantic columnist, Arthur Brooks, he said so matter of factly, “You have to be an entrepreneur about your life.” And when we asked Ozan Varol, the self-described perpetual dropout (but more importantly the rocket scientist, lawyer, professor, and author behind the book Think Like a Rocket Scientist), he told us the story of why he dropped out of a comfortable, well-paying career in the middle of a pandemic. Together, these two brilliant academics help us understand - is now the time to play it safe or take risks? What can we do to make the best of this year? How can we move through this vast uncertainty, and make 2020 a year worth remembering? Or should we just follow Thomas’s lead and ditch this whole year and find some buried treasure? This episode is sponsored by: Liquid I.V. - Get 25% off your first order when you use code YESTHEORY at Green Chef - Visit and get $80 off your first month. Talkspace - Use promo code YESTHEORY at for $100 off your first month. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mon, August 31, 2020
Welcome to Yes Theory — the audio experience. We’re your hosts Thomas Brag, Ammar Kandil, and Matt Dajer. You may know us from our YouTube channel with the same name, or maybe not. We believe the best things in life are outside your comfort zone. We’re talking about meaning, connection, you know all the good stuff. Over the last 5 years, we’ve made a habit of seeking discomfort and creating videos about it. We’ve had the unthinkable honor of traveling around the world, conquering everyday fears - with friends, strangers, celebrities, and each other. In this show, we’re going to reflect on some of the experiences we’ve never shared before, digging into our own personal archives. We’ll also be chatting with expert guests and friends to find out why this idea of “seeking discomfort” is so powerful. We’re super excited to bring you this show. Subscribe wherever you’re seeing this trailer. New episodes drop weekly—starting very, very soon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit