The OrganizedPreneur's Podcast Launchpad
July 03, 2023 7:33am
Are you looking for ways to improve your discovery calls and impress potential clients? Here are four tips for coaches, consultants, and service providers for handling discovery calls. One key tip is to always stay in control of the call to avoid going off topic and wasting time. Additionally, being an active listener is important to catch key pain points and experiences that can contribute to a successful call. Providing value during conversations is also important to create an environment where the person feels valuable. This can be achieved through offering something like a checklist that makes the person feel served, whether or not they engage with the service. It's important to have a system in place for your discovery call and follow-up process. This system should have automated elements like a calendar link and email sequences. There are many platforms available to help with this process. Lastly, she offers additional support in their Dream Flow Formula program. Don't forget to share this valuable information with other coaches, consultants, and service providers. And always remember to listen more than you talk during discovery calls. Grab your Systems Audit Slot here
Entrepreneurship is a journey and one of the hardest jobs in the world. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur you must master the art of organizing, productivity, and time management to keep you motivated. This is where organizedpreneur comes in. With the organizedpreneur, you’ll get the right tips, tools, and resources to help simplify your life so you can organize your business with ease. This Podcast is hosted by Aldreama Harper and is dedicated to providing Practical Faith Building strategies for Female Entrepreneurs.
Thank you for listening to the podcast. I hope you got value for where you are in your entrepreneurial journey.
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