The Resilient Writers Radio Show

Finding the Shape for Memoir, with Beth Kaplan


May 16, 2024 2:00pm


This week, I'm speaking with Beth Kaplan -- a fellow Canadian author -- about writing non-fiction. We get into finding the right shape for memoir,  finding the thematic "hot moments" for your story, and the true nature of drafts.

Beth is a former actrress and the author of a biography and two memoirs -- All My Loving and Loose Woman. The latter was a finalist for the Whistler Independent Book Award. She also the author of True to Life, a textbook guide to creative writing. She has taught nonfiction writing at two Toronto universities for thirty years and is the winner of the University of Toronto’s Excellence in Teaching award.

Her new memoir-in-essays, Midlife Solo: Writing through Chaos to Find my Way in the World, was described in a newspaper review as “an extraordinary life, written with tremendous heart, insight, and humour.”

It’s currently available from the publisher, Mosaic Press, 

More information about Beth, her teaching, books, articles, and blog, on her website