The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite new place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education re...
Mon, December 16, 2024
In this episode I travel to MJBizCon to participate in a tech conference when I realize that for every American Tech company showcasing their technology there was 10 firms trying to steal it. Fentanyl the Chinese Dragon was pleased with his underlings stealing so much from America, and I was the first there to film in. In the episode I also get an exclusive interview with Big Mike, CEO of Cannabis leading company Advanced Nutrient showing the depth of the inner workings of the market. A must see for anyone interested in cannabis and keeping America safe from Chinese tech theft.
Thu, August 01, 2024
In this episode I have on CBD expert Inesa Ponomariovaite and we go deep exploring the healing properties of CBD.
Mon, July 15, 2024
In this episode I go through all the memes and tweets the internet has seen, reading them all outlaid, showing videos and footage that nobody else is sharing. So much covered in this episode. We must stay vigilant during these challenging times and hunker down till November! We will overcome!!
Thu, June 27, 2024
It's been a while since I have posted, so I made an episode to update the public on all the different things I been involved with, including the creating of a new law in California.
Mon, June 03, 2024
Pfizer Whistle Blower Melissa McAtee joins me and shares buckets of information on the global Pfizer operation and shares actual confidential documentation. This smoking gun episode must be seen and downloaded, before the feds take us down. Please share this information and reach out to @TheAdamKingShow on X if you would like Melissa McAtee on your show! We must spread the word before they censor us again!
Wed, May 08, 2024
Sun, April 28, 2024
Rabbi Benjamin Blech, 60 year professor at yeshiva University, joins me to discuss his personal experiences with Pope John Paul II and artifacts that were shown to him under Papal supervision, ranging from Temple Treasures to single editions of certain books and manuscripts that the Vatican has seized from Jewish communities and other nations throughout history.
Fri, April 26, 2024
Karlyn and I chill out over some marxist bullshit as we make fun of the "current thing" all the haberdashery that goes along with it. This is a really fun episode...
Fri, April 26, 2024
The Stewpid Peters debate where he gets his ass kicked...
Fri, April 05, 2024
Yesterday Stew Peters debated Adam King and Byron Stinson, the man who found the Red Heifer. After a dismal and embarrassing defeat infront of 70,000 people, Peters deleted the video to limit its audience, but not before we were able to rip it. Censoring information is not our way of life, and it is important for every American to truly look at those that lead them and judge them critically. This man wants everyone to direct their animosity exclusively toward the Jews, ignoring every evil in the world believing that behind every bad thing is a Jew in secret. These ideas are toxic for our society, are antithetical to God, and only create cover fire distractions for evil to never be named and prosecuted. We must save our world, and that is not to the exclusion of one specific group. The Red Heifer will happen, and evil will fall...
Wed, April 03, 2024
In this episode I interview Byron Stinson, the man who found the red heifer, organized its transportation, and shall receive first its blessing! We have an enthralling discussion about Jesus, God, the Salvation of the world, and all things pertaining to The Red Heifer. Byron will most certainly be back on my show and he is open to come on others. DM me on X if you want to get him on your podcast, together we can save the world!
Thu, February 29, 2024
In this episode I host Candidate for LAUSD Board of Education district 1, Rina Tambor to discuss all the pending issues that our community is facing. District 1 encompasses all of Beverlywood and the majority of the Jewish community of Los Angeles.
Tue, February 13, 2024
Bryson Gray joins us in this episode to clown on the Super Bowl, talk about Jesus and the early christians, his pathway to Jesus, his new up and coming movie, and of course his music. Toward the end of the episode we have a little free style session. This is how we win the culture war! The Messiah is coming!!
Tue, February 06, 2024
Roger Stone joins me in this episode answering many of my questions and hearing many of my comments on all things Trump, giving tremendously relevant insight into President Trump and 2024. There was so much to ask, and I didn't get to ask every question, but I did get to read off all the additional questions that I had that wouldn't be answered in the piece that I think we all should be asking and thinking about. I was the original Trump supporter in my world. The day I saw him come down the escalator at Trump Tower I said, that is my candidate. This was way before I ever saw that Simpsons time traveler episode where he was coming down the elevator, mind blowing! But none the less I campaigned HEAVILY for Trump in 2015. I made a few alliances and got really in with the right crowd surrounding the 45th president. When we won the election I couldn't believe it. In fact I even put my life on hold to see if there were ways I could help out, and I did! Winning 2016 was the most surreal experience I ever had, and I came to DC for inauguration living halfway between there and LA for the first half of that year. One of my rabbis, Rabbi Marvin Heir was one of the clergy swearing in the president, some of my close personal friends were some of the early major donors to Trump, and I got brought along for the ride since I was a very early and outspoken Jewish Trump supporter. I had invitations to every event going on, including the inaugural ball which was other worldly. I met so many of President Trump's personal friends, and to this day still visit Bedminster to hang with the gang. A total surreal experience to have felt so close to the festivities of the swearing in of the president. It made me feel so connected to America, and I remember walking barefoot on the Washington Mall lawn in front of Congress thinking to myself, "my 7th generation grandfather died falling off a ladder painting a house because he was so poor, and here I am 7 generations later walking my family into the hallways of The American Legacy so VIP around The President of The United States of America." It was a truly surreal experience to see such power, and I was in the room with President and Vice President several times, not as a speaker unfortunately. After the four years that followed, I never thought we would lose 2020. It was devastating to me, and we all have seen the suffering that has occurred as a result. Yes, we didn't lose and it was stolen from us, but we should have known better and prevented it. Trump spoke of voter fraud long before 2020, he knew the problem that could occur, and covid exacerbated the situation so much further and I felt he could have done more to prevent what has happened, we all can armchair quarterback every Sunday, and I am aware of this. I also understand that good men can lose, and good men can even make a come back. George Washington lost The Battle of Manhattan which some thought would be the end of the war before he regrouped and led his c
Wed, January 10, 2024
In this episode we discuss Adam's up and coming debate with Nick Fuentes, the global elites who control the world, nazis in Antarctica, Javier Milei, El Salvador and more!
Wed, December 13, 2023
Hayden McDougall joins us in studio as we dig through groyper memes that claim the Talmud speaks poorly about Non Jewish people. We open the Talmud in its original language of Aramaic to explore these claims. What we find not only shocked us, but it will shock you too! Holocaust claims discussed in the first half, Talmud in the second...
Mon, December 11, 2023
In this episode I host the luminary mundane astrologer George Lewis who walks us through the Black Swan Event that Astrology has in store for humanity in 2024. MUST WATCH!!!
Sun, December 03, 2023
In this episode Adam is joined by Yale historian Matthew Mausner to discuss the untold story of Palestinian Liberation movement efforts, its deep connections to both Nazism and Stalinism, and Palestinian attempts since the Ottoman Empire to genocide and expel Jews from The Holy Land.
Thu, November 16, 2023
In an exclusive interview Adam debates Libertarian Caucus Chair of the Likud Party, Amir Weitmann, who was recently viral o n RT for saying Israel will make "Russia pay in Ukraine." Adam grills him on his comments on Russia, covid and more as the two engage in a fierce debate over Israel's future...
Thu, October 26, 2023
In this episode Adam, the only Orthodox Jew on Banned.Video, gives an interesting take on the situation in the Holy Land that is not being discussed by anyone in the media. A must see if you care to exit the echo chamber of both sides and hear an original take on the situation.
Sun, September 24, 2023
In this episode, top hip hop producer who helped create NWA, Easy E, Snoop Dog, Ice Cube and more sits down with Adam to discuss every topic under the sun from Charlamange the fake god vs Biden, the school system in the black community, abortion being racial genocide, and many issues pertaining to culture and the deterioration of our society.
Tue, August 29, 2023
Adam King is joined by revolutionary doula Emmy Robbin to discuss natural birthing and how to break free from trauma inherited by children in the process. This episode is a must see for anyone who has a child on the way or wants to have children.
Wed, August 09, 2023
In this episode Adam King, freshly nominated for Best Analysis Broadcast is joined by one of the founders of The American Liberty Awards, Matt Baker, for a comedic tour of our world and an overview of what to expect at The American Liberty Award Ceremony taking place on August 12th. This Cali duo is larger than life, tune in now!!
Wed, August 02, 2023
In this episode Rob Agueros and Adam King discuss activism, January 6, Nick Fuentes being controlled opposition, and a variety topics such as Tartaria and Nazis in Antartica. We discuss how people can get involved at InfoWars, some backstage stories at InfoWars that are only found on the show, and many other subjects that will blow your mind! TUNE IN NOW!!!
Thu, July 27, 2023
In this episode Adam hosts Hayden McDougall, founder of Angry Patriot Media where he teaches the audience how he got 600,000,000 views from all the different clips he's made for people such as Andrew Tate, Jesse Lee Peterson, and so much more! Take notes on this one, secrets to viral success are found here!
Fri, July 21, 2023
Adam King hosts Owen Benjamin for comedic perspectives, deep insights and all sorts of shenanigans.
Sun, July 16, 2023
In this episode Adam King and Harrison smith go deep on the subject of whether Trump is a patriot in the America first movement or if he is controlled opposition. We explore the vaccine roll out, poor hiring, words of inspiration and so much more. Is Trump with us or against us? you decide!
Fri, July 07, 2023
In this episode I asked Leo Zagami about his recent comments online about Alex Jones receiving millions of dollars from the Jesuits. In addition we speak on the Sabbatean Frankists, the Illuminati, and more. Leo's apology is in the beginning of the episode and the material found inside is hot hot hot!
Mon, July 03, 2023
In this episode I have the one and only Goyshiach Adam Green on to debate Kabbalah, Jesus and Zionism. This episode is incredible, take notes and pay attention to the references.
Mon, June 26, 2023
Today is the day of the Toronto elections for Mayor, Chris Sky, Christopher Saccoccia, #82 on the ballot is up 70 points, and he is going to be the next mayor of Toronto. He joins us to discuss this landmark victory before it goes down...
Sun, June 25, 2023
For the 40th milestone episode I am joined by Joel Bauman and Kristi Leigh and together in this extended interview we interview an anonymous Dalton Student in disguise and get a first hand look at what it was like going to school where Jeffery Epstein taught. Its Fast Times at Dalton High as we explore deeply the connection between Jeffery Epstein and Donald Barr, Bill Barr's father. We also explore the characters of both Bill Barr and Jeffery Epstein. Our anonymous witch student shares with us personal experiences and encounters with Donald Barr and the disgraced pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. A look at high school parties Epstein attended, private groups of students within the school that meet secretly with Donald Barr, the reasoning for his firing and many more really unique details filling out the story of who Jeffery Epstein really was. In this episode you see an undeniable connection between Donald Barr and Jeffery Epstein and hear stories never told! This episode is so unique and one of a kind, you definitely don't want to miss it.
Thu, June 15, 2023
In this crucial episode I have on the managing partner of Hakimfar Law to discuss the indictment of President Donald J. Trump. David Hakimfar shares with us new information regarding Walt Nauta, the man co-indicted in the indictment of the 45th President. We read transcripts from the Indictment, private released messages between Trump and his personal counsel, and cover a variety of opinions connected to the issues surrounding the Trump Indictment.
Fri, June 09, 2023
In this episode Adam hosts John Doyle to discuss the latest hypocrisies in the world including an entire segment dedicated to Chris Christies weight issues, ya we fat shame the bastard! George Washington is the best president we have ever had. We also go through the Loomering of James Comey and John gives his opinions on the entire debacle...
Thu, May 25, 2023
In this episode Adam is joined by MMA superstar and founder of the Jimmy Kimmel Challenge, Joel Bauman, AKA King Bau. The two discuss all the nasties happening in world events, spiritual insights on how we overcome, and great information about MMA including commentary on Andrew Tate, Logan and Jake Paul. Tune in and see who King Bau wants to fight next!
Thu, May 18, 2023
This episode is just downright hilarious. Chase Geiser the host of The One American Podcast joins me to discuss a variety of topics raging from the latest gossip at InfoWars, Elon Musk's new CEO hire, Trump being on Epstein's plane Jan 5th 1997, gun collections, IRS avoidance and so much more, WE had a lot of fun, please check out the episode!
Thu, May 11, 2023
Adam is joined by the legend himself, Greg Reese, host of the Reese Report on InfoWars for an hour long exclusive interview. The conversation takes a spiritual turn as the two discuss Antartica, comparative religion, the world at large, and Greg gives his top 5 evil doers list that must not be missed.
Thu, May 11, 2023
The one and only Laura Loomer crushes it with Adam for an hour long episode. The two deep into breaking news stories, behind the scenes conversations in republican politics, cancel culture, the genocidal vaccines in Israel led by the Israeli Nazi Bibi Netanyahu, rape and underage brides in the Koran and so much more.
Tue, April 25, 2023
Adam brings on special guest Don Aman, CEO of Minute Men Coffee, one of the largest patriot owned/veteran owned coffee companies in the United States. The two go through so many subjects including the Vegas Shooting which Don was present and a medic for. Later in the show the two are joined by Eric Christie, J6 political prisoner who calls in from the DC Gulag. This episode is really fun with a lot of surprises.
Wed, April 05, 2023
In this episode Adam is joined once again by the world famous Kabbalist, Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum and the two discuss several movements where non jewish people have infiltrated the Jewish nation and have attempted to destroy the Jews from within. The episode focuses on Bibi Netanyahu and Ehud Barak, two recent prime ministers of Israel and their obsession with the Nazi driven World Economic Forum. The episode goes over the Sabateans, the Rothschilds, the Frankists, the Kuzaris, the Eruv Rav, the Hollywood Elite and more who have infiltrated the Jewish nation, pose as Jews, and wreak havoc upon Judaism and the world.
Tue, March 21, 2023
This episode is information packed breaking two news stories into two segments. In the first segment Roger Stone joins us to discuss his latest legal troubles with Hunter Biden and the plans moving forward to battle the deep state; and in the second half we are joined by Eric Christy, a J6 political prisoner calling in from federal prison and his attorney, Carol Stewart who represents seven J6 victims who are being wrongfully imprisoned under barbaric conditions where their constitutional rights are being rejected. This episode is simply epic and not to be missed!
Tue, March 07, 2023
This episode is packed with news breaking information and is a must see! In this episode Adam interviews the Attorney General of West Virginia, Patrick Morrisey, over his recent win in the Supreme Court against the EPA. West Virginia vs EPA sets the precedent that bureaucratic institutions are not able to make laws and that laws can only be enacted by congress. In the coming months and years this ruling will severely limit the deep states ability to leverage the unelected bureaucracy to dominate the people. Patrick takes us on a tour of his victories and up and coming battles including tax relief in the supreme court against ARPA, School Choice, Pistol braces and his lawsuit against the ATF, transgendered sports bans, and most impressive - his battle against the SEC and Gary Gensler/Black Rock/Vanguard and ESG's. Take notes on this one!
Thu, February 23, 2023
In this episode Adam King joins up with SoCalFights and Englebrecht Productions to host Fight Night in a sold out airplane hangar with 1600 fans. In this episode Adam takes the audience through an adventure of 5 fights; three of them are boxing matches, one MMA fight, and a sword fight! Hosted by the owner of the league Donald Hateley, Adam broadcasts from the owners box interviewing some of the most interesting people including several sports franchise owners. This episode is entirely non political and is just here for entertainment. We hope you very much enjoy the fights!
Wed, February 15, 2023
Adam King is picking up the pace in his pursuit of justice against the deep state globalists in this new edition where he is joined by Dr. Margaret Aranda to discuss viral shedding and how it works. However due to the drastic news of the mass environmental disaster in Palestine, Ohio the episode starts with a segment focused on bringing awareness to the media blackout of all the recent train accidents and Pete Buttigieg's failure to respond. With big special announcements in the beginning segment, the episode is packed with news segments that are not being spoken about, including the suggestion that Trump might have been a CIA/FBI deep state agent. Dr. Aranda makes comments on Dr. Peter McCullough's recent announcements on spike proteins and at the very end of the episode is a InfoWars special report from Greg Reese on Biden blowing up the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline and the hardcore proof that may just stav off a US war with Russia!
Fri, February 10, 2023
In order to break the algorithms of youtube and the social media tech overlords who continuously censor us over the pettiest things, I have made an extremely entertaining non-political episode about art to break the Algos. In Art is War I take two of my friends, art royalty John Solomon and and Shlome Hayun, and we walk through a gallery collection of 40 magnificent pieces of art in both private and public collections containing untold personal stories of Andy Warhol, Cristo, Nam June Paik, Drake and many more. We discuss the artists process, some amazing street art all over the globe, and there is a lot of humor. Within the first 5 minutes of this panel of guests you will realize you are hearing history, and it is art. There is nothing political about this show, and that is why Art is War, because we will break the Algo's with our art, our memes, and our culture. SPREAD!!!
Mon, February 06, 2023
In this episode Adam King hosts former secret society member, Nick The NYPatriot1978 (Instagram), to discuss different occult groups, the new world order, OTO and Alester Crowley and others. The episode tangents into Kabbalah where Adam discusses the vast differences between Kabbalah and Witchcraft and gives an explanation of what Kabbalah actually is. The episode is a bit Sci-Fi weird and cool, especially as we focus on Antartica and secret Nazi bases there. Its a fun episode you wont want to miss!
Tue, January 31, 2023
EP025: The Kabbalah Of The Ukraine January 30, 2023 Adam King is joined by one of the worlds most renown Kabbalists and Torah thinkers of his generation, the head of The Azamra Institute, Rabbí Avraham Greenbaum to talk about Henry Kissinger, the geopolitical landscape of Ukraine, China, Middle East and how it fits into the context of Ezekiel 38 concerning the prophecies about The End of Days. In this must see episode we learn that geopolitics is an aspect of spirituality and whether you are a person of faith or an not, tune in to this episode to discover what the anchor issues are that are driving the world closer to redemption! THE ADAM KING SHOW | THIS ISN’T A TALK SHOW …IT’S A BATTLEGROUND! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: iHeart: Overcast: Pandora: <a href="https:
Sat, January 28, 2023
EP024: Full Court Press On Pfizer January 27, 2023 Adam King is joined by Rachel The Judean, and David Blue, two time EuroLeague MVP Champion of Maccabi Tel Aviv B.C. Basketball Club to discuss the latest Project Veritas drop and issues relating to Pfizer’s vaccines. Especially Pfizer’s vaccine roll outs in Israel. As MVP of the EuroLeague, David speaks out on Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s dark vaccine roll out, his related personal experiences of how hard it was for him since it was Bibi who honored him with a celebration for winning the EuroLeague. Also, on this episode Rachel The Judean comes to terms with the fact that Netanyahu might actually be compromised by the Nazis, you can see how deeply effected one is when forced to change their opinion on someone when presented with the truth. THE ADAM KING SHOW | THIS ISN’T A TALK SHOW …IT’S A BATTLEGROUND! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: iHeart:
Wed, January 25, 2023
EP023: Neil Gorsuch At War January 24, 2023 Adam King is joined by supreme court expert Ted Siegel and "Job Anon," a high ranking entertainment executive friend of Adam's who wishes to be able to speak on Banned.Video yet remain anonymous as to not disrupt his job. The trio goes deep into the ATF Bump Stock issue, Michael Cargill, Moore vs. Harper, Neil Gorsuch war against the bureaucratic state, and other important cases that will shape 2023. THE ADAM KING SHOW | THIS ISN’T A TALK SHOW …IT’S A BATTLEGROUND! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: iHeart: Overcast: Pandora:
Tue, January 17, 2023
EP022: Israel Is Compromised By Nazis January 16, 2023 Adam invites Matthew Mauser back on the show to question the narrative that Nazis have compromised Israels leadership so to specifically discuss that subject deeper, they look at how Nazi influenced Israel’s leaders mainly through Pfizer Corporation to strips Jews of their sovereignty in Israel and attempts to usher in the fourth Reich. THE ADAM KING SHOW | THIS ISN’T A TALK SHOW …IT’S A BATTLEGROUND! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: iHeart: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM:
Thu, January 12, 2023
EP021: Taking On The 118th Congress January 10, 2023 Adam is joined by the one and only Ali Alexander for his third appearance on the show where they talk about the latest house vote for speaker to which Ali was very instrumental in negotiating. The two take a detour when Ali announced his admiration for Ye for President 2024, which led to the conversation down a rabbit hole totally unrelated to the original topic and exploring Jewish and Black sentiment, Ye’s comments on Gavin McInnes, Ye’s relationship with Demna Gvasalia and much more. This is an episode you don’t want to miss, especially if you want to know whats happening in the 118th Congress! THE ADAM KING SHOW | THIS ISN’T A TALK SHOW …IT’S A BATTLEGROUND! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: iHeart: Overcast:
Bonus · Sun, January 08, 2023
TALKING EP020: Is Netanyahu A Nazi? January 5, 2023 Host Adam King, Matthew Mausner, and cohost Rock Breath breakdown EP020 and give some additional insight on whether or not Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu a Nazi. THE ADAM KING SHOW | THIS ISN’T A TALK SHOW …IT’S A BATTLEGROUND! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: iHeart: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: <a href="
Sun, January 08, 2023
EP020: Is Netanyahu A Nazi? January 5, 2023 Adam King and his friends Zach Grashin and Matthew Mausner sit down to discuss evidence leading to Adam’s question …Is Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu a Nazi? Guests Zach Grashin, Matthew Mausner THE ADAM KING SHOW | THIS ISN’T A TALK SHOW …IT’S A BATTLEGROUND! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: iHeart: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: <
Bonus · Sun, January 01, 2023
Adam King appears on One America News to talk about three generations anti-American advocacy by the current U.S. envoy to Iran. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! Adam King is everybody’s favorite new podcast host featuring news, the most interesting and factual commentary on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | ADAM KING SPECIAL APPEARANCES Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: iHeart: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: Pocketcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: <a href="
Wed, December 28, 2022
EP019: In Studio Series, Emily Saves America December 23, 2022 I our first installment of the In Studio Series Adam King sits down with Emily Wilson, host of Emily Saves America to discuss the developments in the COVID vaccine world, the war in Ukraine, and how it all tie in to the global pedophile elites. Guests: Emily Wilson, Host of Emily Saves America… Fighting for common sense in Los Angeles. Emily Wilson is the host of the Emily Saves America podcast where she fights for common sense in Los Angeles. A native to Orange County, Emily has been brought up as a free thinking conservative determined to fight globalism and the enemies of America. Prior to The Emily Saves America Podcast, Emily was a news commentator at NewsMax. Emily Saves America On Instagram Emily Saves America On YouTube THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast:
Fri, December 23, 2022
EP018: Mystery Theater 3001, Ukraine’s White Privilege December 22, 2022 Adam King and Emily Wilson, host of Emily Saves America, break down every line from the Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s speech to the Joint Houses of Congress while Zelenskyy is illuminating us with the truth behind his every lie. Guests: Emily Wilson, Emily Saves America THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: iHeart: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: <a href
Tue, December 20, 2022
EP017: What’s UP With Crypto? December 19, 2022 Guests: Gordon EinStein Summary: Adam King hosts crypto legend Gordon Einstein, the CEO of Crypto Law Partners based in Dubai for an extended session answering questions from the audience and giving strategic advice on how to manage and setup a plan for your crypto assets in 2023. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: iHeart: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcas
Mon, December 19, 2022
Episode Notes EP016: Love, Pandemic Style December 8, 2022 Guests: Lara Pacifico, Layla Book Summary: Adam King is joined by professional matchmaker to the stars Layla Book, and real estate mogul Lara Pacifico to discuss dating in a pandemic, love and marriage, and they give insightful tips and answers to some very important questions. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: <a href=""
Thu, December 15, 2022
EP015: Doctors Against Medical Tyranny December 12, 2022 Guests: Dr. Margaret Aranda, MD, PHD, Dr. Shannon Kroner Summary: Adam King is sits down with Dr. Shannon Kroner, a leader of the religious exemption movement and a twenty year hero of the anti-vaccine movement, along with Dr. Margaret Aranda to discuss the most up to date issues related to covid vaccines and medical mandates. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: <a href="https
Fri, December 09, 2022
EP014: Pedogate, December 8, 2022 Guests: Avery Williamson, Noel Kachaturian Summary: Adam King is joined by NFL Linebacker Avery Williams and Agent 355 founder Noel Kachaturian to expose elite pedophilia and sex cults in the fashion industry which lead much further and far deeper than beyond Balenciaga. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine:
Trailer · Mon, December 05, 2022
Ami Kozak Impersonating Alex Jones - Promo For The Adam King Show THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: Pocketcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: https:
Mon, December 05, 2022
EP013: Ye Or Ne? Adam King is joined by his good friends Ami Kozak and Dr. Margaret Aranda to take a hard look into child pedophilia by elite world leadership, they back-and-forth to a live feed of InfoWars, where Alex Jones and Ye West talking about free speech in America, and they offer very personal opinions on their feeling in regard to the hot topics discussed by Ye. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: BANNED.VIDEO: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine:
Bonus · Thu, November 24, 2022
EP007 EXCERPT: Adam King - On Cannabis Industry In California Adam King, Roger Stone and Jason Beck speak on legislation of the cannabis industry in California. 00:00:00:09 - 00:00:31:12 Adam King In California before legalization, our GDP was $30 billion in cannabis and now the numbers at the reporting of $5 billion. L.A. lost over 20,000 jobs to legalization. Now leave it to California politicians to figure out how legalization means more prohibition without criminality. But if we're talking about securing our position as America, the leading, dominating force in cannabis globally, we have to make sure that our politicians stay out of the way. 00:00:31:13 - 00:00:54:03 Adam King We don't have another California. We don't have another Oregon, another Colorado, another New York. God forbid. And you hit it on the head right there, Jason. And that's really what I wanted to segway. And then what Roger was talking about in his article that he wrote about the need for this schedule izing it. Because if there's if it's schedule ized, there's no regulation. 00:00:54:06 - 00:00:56:08 Adam King We want no regulation on the cannabis. Well. 00:00:56:22 - 00:01:31:05 Jason Beck There would still be some some regulation. But the problem is, is that any form of rescheduling would put us directly in the hands of oversight under the FDA. And the FDA regulates everything by the molecule, not by the actual substance. And so, therefore, every single product that is on a shelf, in a dispensary in any state across the entire country would be deemed an illicit product with any form of rescheduling, because the FDA currently holds drug preclusion on THC for Marinol and CBD for EPIDIOLEX. 00:01:31:09 - 00:01:43:14 Jason Beck And therefore, you also have the food, drugs and Cosmetic Act and therefore every single product on the shelf would be deemed an illicit product if there was any form of rescheduling done from anywhere from two to any other number that you want to imagine. 00:01:44:19 - 00:01:46:22 Adam King Wow. Roger, do you want to comment on that? 00:01:47:04 - 00:02:14:06 Roger Stone Yeah. Look, I totally agree with Jason. He's absolutely right. I think, in all honesty, there's a lot to criticize and a lot to praise, but there's also a lot to criticize in the Trump presidency. Matt Gaetz and I argue exactly what Jason is saying with the President in the closing days of that administration, we had a unique opportunity whereby the stroke of a pen, he could have scheduled this entirely, didn't need the Congress. 00:02:14:13 - 00:02:37:21 Roger Stone I mean, Barack Obama had both houses. Theoretically, he should have
Bonus · Thu, November 24, 2022
EP007 EXCERPT: Roger Stone - Nobody Owns Cannabis “In Los Angeles, there was a giant boycott because there are certain people on the left who think they owned this issue. I'm sorry. Nobody owns the issue of cannabis. It's been around for 2000 years. It's medicine. Nobody owns it.” ~Roger Stone ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: Pocketcast: RadioPublic: </p
Bonus · Thu, November 24, 2022
EP007 EXCERPT: Roger Stone - It’s Always Better To Be Infamous “It’s always better to be infamous, then never be famous at all.” ~Roger Stone The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: Pocketcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: Spotify:
Fri, November 18, 2022
Adam King is joined by professional matchmakers Layla Book, Layla Finds Love and Rabbi Shlomo Schachter discuss why people today are not getting married as often as they use to, and what you can do to find love. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: Pocketcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: <a hre
Mon, November 14, 2022
With a million problems surrounding the 2022 elections, Adam King and his guest Matt Bilinsky tackle and debate the legitimacy of these claims. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: Pocketcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: Spotify: <a href="
Sun, November 13, 2022
Adam King is joined by the heads of Physicians and Patients Reclaiming Medicine (PPRM) Dr. Margaret Aranda and Dr. Len Saputo to discusses the 2022 Mid-term Elections and what must be done to save America from medical tyranny. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: Pocketcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: https://rumb
Tue, November 08, 2022
Adam King and Marc Goldman discuss events leading up to the 2022 Mid-term Elections and what may come the following day. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Podvine: Pocketcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: Spotify: Stitcher: Tunein: Vimeo: YouTube:
Bonus · Mon, November 07, 2022
EP008 EXCERPT: Adam King - Adam shares his thoughts on Kanye’s views of jews. Adam King shares his thoughts on Kanye’s views of jews. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: 1001024866 Player FM: Podvine: Pocketcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: Spotify: Stitcher: Tunein: Vimeo: YouTube:
Sun, November 06, 2022
Host Adam King and special guest Dr. Margaret Aranda, MD, PHD sit down to discuss the state medical practice in America and how recent changes to it will effect you and your privacy, they talk COVID, home remedies, the spine, pain management, and much more. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. Guests : Dr. Margaret Aranda Dr. Margaret Aranda was born in Los Angeles, CA, the second of six girls and one boy. Perhaps best known on social media as "one of us", she is a physician-turned patient. She graduated high school at age 16, entering college just to come down with chicken pox. By 19, she had California Cosmetology and Real Estate licenses. She went to college to get her broker's license but became pre-med at the beckoning of Scotty Pedesky, Health Educator. As President of the Sepulveda VA's Pre-Med Club and winner of the Sigma Xi Research Symposium, then as recipient of the National Foundation for Biochemical Research Award, she studied cancer research with Dr. Steven Oppenheimer at California State University, Northridge. Dr. Aranda ("Margaret" or "Mags) is a Keck USC medical school graduate, and a Stanford alumni in anesthesiology and critical care. During 911, she served as Interim Chief of the Department of Anesthesiology at the Philadelphia VA. Her research ranged from clinical to hard science topics, as she also wrote $3 million in NIH Funding on hyperpolarized 3He-MRI. Margaret transferred to UCLA Anesthesiology when her father got Alzheimer's disease. Critically injured in a tragic car accident of 2006, she survives with The Rebel Patient active on today's healthcare issues on the forefront of real life. Her books include a memoir (No More Tears), which she still autographs. She wrote two children's books after her daughter (Little Missy Two-Shoes), Stepping from the Edge inspirational, Archives of the Vagina for women's health, and her newest is The Rebel
Thu, November 03, 2022
Adam King sits with Roger Stone and cannabis Industry leaders Matt Anderson, CEO of Vanguard Scientific and Jason Beck, President of AHHS to discuss the state of cannabis in America. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. Guests: Matthew Anderson Matthew is the Co-Founder of Vanguard Scientific™, the manufacturer of the pharmaceutical-grade extraction technology, he has been uniquely positioned to impact how the world’s leading processing, extraction and active-ingredient manufacturers work with cannabis, hemp, and other natural botanicals. Through private equity involvement, Matt’s ground level work on advanced cultivation, supply-chain integration, and technology advancement has fueled his passion as a Life Sciences Champion. Twitter @galtanderson LinkedIn/galtanderson Jason Beck , The Highest Republican Jason Beck is one of the first medical marijuana dispensary operators in the United States dating back to 2001 when he opened his first dispensary in San Francisco. He is also the longest continuous operator in the US with his location in West Hollywood being the oldest dispensary in the State of California still under the same ownership. He brings a very unique level of expertise that only such experience can provide. Jason also works on clemency and prison reform. and has a seat on the Advisory Board of The American King Foundation. Roger Stone Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative, speaker, pundit, and New York Times Bestselling Author featured in the Netflix documentary ‘Get Me Roger Stone.’ He’s a veteran of ten national presidential campaigns, he served as a senior campaign aide
Sat, October 22, 2022
EP006: Free Palestine Join Adam King and Mudar Zahran as they discuss issues relating to the vast oppression of Palestinians in Occupied Jordan. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Overcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Podvine: Pocketcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: Spotify:
Fri, October 14, 2022
EP005: Let’s Make A Movie Join Adam and friends Chidi Ajufo and Zach Grashin as they take a non political exploration through the world of film and media highlighting Chidi’s and Zach’s recent movies, their acting careers and their unwavering love for the movies. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations.
Bonus · Sun, October 02, 2022
Roger Stone on the misguided policies of the United States regarding the Ukraine, Russia, China, and Iran, and he prides Adam for his help in saving his wife’s life with cannabis and payer. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. ADAM KING PRODUCTIONS | THE ADAM KING SHOW Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Overcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: Spotify: Stitcher:
Sun, September 25, 2022
Host, Adam King sit down with one of America’s Most Want, Ali Alexander to talk about “Systems Thinkers”, and what must be done about the Republican Party. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. Homepage: Simplecast RSS Feed: Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Pandora: Player FM: Pocketcast: Overcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: Spotify: Stitcher: Tunein: <a href="
Fri, September 23, 2022
Adam is joined by his good friends Ami Kozak, Zach Grashin and Deepak Ramapriyan to discuss todays most relevant topics so listen in and see what everyone has to say about the legitimacy of conspiracies. Check it out, it will blow your mind! THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. The Adam King Show Homepage Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Pandora: Player FM: The Adam King Show Pocketcast: Overcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: Spotify: Stitcher: Tunein: Vimeo:
Mon, September 19, 2022
Host Adam King and his extraordinary panel of friends, Roger Stone, Ali Alexander and Darren Beattie discuss cancel culture, the war in Ukraine and the general haberdashery of the world. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. The Adam King Show Homepage Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Pandora: Player FM: The Adam King Show Pocketcast: Overcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: Spotify: Stitcher: Tunein: Vimeo: YouTube: <a href="https://yo
Sat, September 10, 2022
On the very first episode of The Adam King Show; host Adam King and his stellar "Stocks And Crypto" panel of guests ~ host of Money with Mike Michael Bardi, and crypto legend John Devine to discuss the future of stocks and crypto focusing on several nice up and coming plays in the markets while making fun of todays world around us. THE ADAM KING SHOW | ENTERTAINMENT FACILITATION AT IT’S FINEST! The Adam King Show is everybody’s favorite place for news and commentary, the most interesting guests on the planet, humor, arts and culture, spirituality, motivation, business, technology, cannabis, alternative health, ground breaking stories, and just plain old fashion fun. Every week host Adam King sits down with the most exceptional panel of guests ever assembled, some of which can only be found here on The Adam King Show, to talk about the most current and relevant news of the day. With a background in diplomacy and government relations, Adam offers unique insights into the world around us through a tremendous amount of experience and relationships. Adam is a world traveler, an entertainment facilitator, project advisor, and activist for many causes, and an education reform leader. He's a thought leader and activist in the Southern California area. Adam ran for public office and serves on the boards of various philanthropic organizations. The Adam King Show Homepage Apple Podcasts: Gaana: Google Podcast: Pandora: Player FM: The Adam King Show Pocketcast: Overcast: RadioPublic: Rumble: Spotify: Stitcher: Tunein: