This podcast was created by Grade 4L at Overnewton Anglican Community College in Melbourne, Australia. 'EcoRadio' is our podcast about sustainability, and other wonderful issues that we discuss in class. Listen, enjoy and give us feedback.
Mon, February 06, 2017
The students of Year 6W have created a podcast on topics they love or care about. it's all connected with the values of Respect, Integrity and Courage.
Sun, December 09, 2007
In our second Christmas special, we hear an interview with Georgia and her dad Frank. In our 'Coming To Australia' project we asked family members what it was like arriving in Australia for the first time. We also hear another interview with our Campus Chaplain, Mrs Stephens. She talks about the meanings and traditions of Christmas, and tells how she will be celebrating.
Wed, December 05, 2007
Enjoy our first Christmas episode. Listen to our interview with Santa, who is in a bad mood. Learn about some healthy recipes to make for your Christmas feast. Find out about how you can choose the right toy to donate to Anglicare. Enjoy our Christmas songs sung in Indonesian.
Mon, December 03, 2007
Who or what is Ducky? He's a little water-saving shower timer. Find out what happened when students took Ducky home. On our excursion to Ceres, we interview students to find out what they learnt. Hear us play 'Advance Australia Fair' on the anklung, an Indonesian musical instrument.
Mon, December 03, 2007
Hear our interviews with a snake, an earthworm and with a schoolyard bin. Find out if the school staffroom is a sustainable place and what can be done about it.
Mon, December 03, 2007
Find out all about the hybrid car. What makes this a sustainable vehicle? Our 'Canteen Show' is packed with interviews and suggestions on how to think about what you buy for lunch.
Mon, December 03, 2007
Mr Laussen, our College Principal, tells us all about the sustainable design aspects of our new S.P.A. Complex on the Keilor campus. Find out what happens in our drain system in 'The Stormwater Show'. Listen to some tips on how NOT to be sustainable.
Mon, December 03, 2007
Part 2 of our show about the growling grass frog.
Mon, December 03, 2007
On an excursion to Ecolinc Environmental Education Centre in Bacchus marsh we met the growling grass frog. This endangered species is coming back into the area because of the improved environment. Find out all about this frog.