We love Jesus and His words that bring life. Join us as we explore the word of God whose power will break chains, heal bodies, and restore the weary mind. Broken hearts will be made whole, and lives will be changed forever.
Thu, June 16, 2022
Communion is a essential part of our lives with Christ. We have made it a service instead of a lifestyle. Let us come back to communion lifestyle!
Wed, August 04, 2021
Join us for a time of reflection about the Kingdom and it's principles.
Mon, March 22, 2021
We have got to change our mindset when it comes to God the Father. He is unfathomably good if we the children and the church come to the fullness of the knowledge of His goodness. We will become an unstoppable force
Fri, January 01, 2021
The Lord is calling back his people into the Holy Priesthood to minister to him and then to mankind. We are Kings and Priests, for to long we majored on the kingship but not enough on the priesthood our Father is calling us back to priesthood
Tue, October 27, 2020
It is high time the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ kick the devil out of our lives our church buildings out of every area! he is a weak and defeated foe that has been given way to much credit we are more than conquerors in Christ let us therefore rise up and take our place
Thu, August 06, 2020
To progress in the kingdom, We have to forget what is behind and move forward looking only to Jesus. Looking back can destroy us. Dont look back
Wed, July 15, 2020
We need to come to a place where the weight of our worship and prayer becomes a drawing fragrance to Heaven. A irresistible smell to the Father of true worship in Spirit and truth.
Wed, May 20, 2020
Look toward the High calling of Christ
Tue, July 23, 2019
If the Church of Jesus Christ Would just stir itself up and come to worship already being kindle with fire we would be in revival now!
Sat, May 04, 2019
For the most part we have learn't to pray towards Heaven, in hopes that our prayers would be heard, The Word of God teaches us we should pray from Heaven.Why you ask. Because we are seated in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6
Thu, July 26, 2018
We have only one goal as believers, and that is to be conformed to the image of God's dear son Jesus. Jesus is the goal we are to be like him. Nothing else is the goal no ministry ideology nor any great man of God is the mark. The Mark is Jesus. Is it impossible? No! With God all things are possible.
Sat, June 16, 2018
Discover what the Heavenly Father has hidden and why only some have discovered these secrets.
Sat, June 09, 2018
David a young shepherd, lonely and rejected by family, became one of the greatest kings ever recorded. What was his secret? Let's find out.