Drive It - Convert It, is the Internet marketing podcast about driving more traffic to your site and converting that traffic once it's there. Drivers include Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (which adds online advertising, vertical search, directories and pay per click - PPC to the mix), podcasting, blogs and blogging, ezines and newsletters, and more. Converters include Landing Page design, website design and analysis, content creation and copywriting, conversion tracking and more. Each episode will focus on a different aspect of increasing traffic to your web site or turning that traffic into leads, prospects, and sales. Tactics...
Thu, October 21, 2010
What’s worse than overcharging for SEO – undercharging for SEO. I just received an email blast from my phone service provider – AT&T. It caught my eye because two of the three calls to action were for SEO. Now I … Continue reading →
Fri, October 06, 2006
(Note: This podcast was originally published 1n 2006 under another domain name – In 2010, the blog was later migrated to this site. Some links may be outdated or there may be issues with RSS feeds) Local search tactics offer a huge opportunity whether you are local or not. Suggested Tags: seo, sem, web design, website design, search engine optimization, internet marketing, web marketing, local search, web promotion Show summary: Local search defined. The numbers are all pointing to more and more local searches being done online by Internet users. A 10 step plan to get started with driving more traffic to your web site through optimizing for local search. Download and Subscription Links: Download the Podcast Subscribe to Drive It – Convert It! Join our Email list to be informed about future podcasts Links to resources mentioned in this podcast: comScore’s Local Search press release Google – add your local listing Yahoo – add your local listing MSN – add your local listing infoUSA – add/verify your information advertising Verizon†s advertising – vertical search engine – vertical search engine Hi and welcome to Drive It – Convert It!, for October 6th, 2006. This is episode #12: Getting Started with Local Search They say that all politics is local. Is that the same for search – listen and find out. Drive It – Convert It! is the podcast where Small and Medium Sized businesses learn the marketing strategies and tactics behind Driving More Traffic to their website and Converting that Traffic into qualified leads and sales. Drive it, convert it. Iâ€<img src="
Tue, August 29, 2006
(Note: This podcast was originally published 1n 2006 under another domain name – In 2010, the blog was later migrated to this site. Some links may be outdated or there may be issues with RSS feeds) Don’t put all your eggs in one web marketing strategy. The key to short and long term success is diversity. Suggested Tags: seo, sem, web design, website design, web site conversion, online sales, ecommerce, internet marketing, web marketing, trust, credibility, web promotion Show summary: SES San Jose – A little about the recent Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose Diversification – Be careful about jumping too soon AND jumping too late. Longevity is one more reason to diversify now, though. Think your safe with SEO or Pay Per Click – think again. Upcoming podcasts – Switching back to the Drive side of Drive It – Convert It! Look for the new Getting Started series to help get you started with new Internet Marketing vehicles and for those that want some extra tips on doing it effectively. Download the Podcast here Subscribe to Drive It – Convert It! here Read a full transcript here … Hi and welcome to Drive It – Convert It!, for August 29th, 2006. This is episode #11: Internet Marketing Diversity Drive It – Convert It! is the podcast where Small and Medium Sized businesses learn the marketing strategies and tactics behind Driving More Traffic to their website and Converting that Traffic into qualified leads and sales. Drive it, convert it. Well it’s been over a month sine the last Drive It – Convert It! podcast. Thanks for sticking with me. It’s been a busy summer. I went on vacation. They tried to catch up. Then I went to a conference. Then tried to catch up. I little more vacationing, and I’m still trying to catch up. But the podcast gods were calling my name and promising retribution if I didn’t get things going again. Actually, I have been dying to get podcasting again. There’s a ton going on. I’m fresh from the latest Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose and clients are keeping us on our toes here at Bastion Internet. We’re pushing some limits and exploring into new territory. If you want the details of my vacation – send me an email. From here on in, this podcast is all about driving traffic to your website and converting it once it’s there. We’ll start by reviewing the summer Search Engine Strategies conference. That’s going to lead me into what’s hot, what are the trends in Internet Marketi