Tue, February 26, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: Due to length, this prayer has been recorded ONCE, for agreeing and repeating. PLEASE DO NOT PRAY THIS PRAYER, OR ANY SPIRITUAL WARFARE PRAYER, IN A CARELESS OR HAPHAZARD FASHION. BE SURE TO READ THROUGH AND/OR LISTEN TO THIS PRAYER FIRST, PRIOR TO SPEAKING THE PRAYER WITH INTENTION AND DETERMINATION. The text used for this recording is included below. The original prayer was designed for persons seeking to renounce a particular cultic organization in South Africa, but we have here adapted the language for more general use. A separate portion dealing with marriage has not been included here. We recommend that you read or otherwise download and refer to the FREE PDF BOOKLET giving the full content and background, via the link at the bottom of this page. Deliverance minister and author Amanda Buys has stated, "These prayers have been written according to personal opinions and convictions, which are gathered from many counseling sessions and our interpretation of the Word of GOD, the Bible. In no way have these prayers been written to discriminate against any persons, churches, organizations, and/or political parties.... What does it mean to renounce something? To renounce means to speak of one’s self. If something has been renounced it has been rejected, cut off, or the individual is refusing to follow or obey. Other words that fit with the subject of renunciations include refuse, repudiate, and resist. It is a joy to realize that by the act of our repentance, we can appropriate the finished work of Messiah Y’shua (Jesus). His shed Blood reverses all curses... We have seen the effect in so many people’s lives of confessing, repenting, and turning away from the idolatry and demonic covenants that have permeated their very existence.... To confess involvement, the prayer is read out loud, preferably with one or more witnesses present, as well as with a trained counselor... The counselor now comes in agreement with the individual and conducts spiritual warfare against the kingdom of darkness as the Holy Spirit leads to deal with each one of the elements that is contained in the prayer... These prayers are however only a guideline. If there are concepts or sections that the Holy Spirit highlights for you as you pray, then we encourage you to address these, and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you on how to bring the breakthrough". PRAYER OF RENUNCIATION: False Apostles, Teachers, and Religion FATHER, I come to You i
Sun, February 24, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. This short episode is a reading of verses, in the book of Psalms only, containing the Greek word "ὄνομα" (on'-om-ah), which means "name". "ὄνομα", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. name 2. character 3. reputation This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. It is our hope that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Not ALL of the verses containing "ὄνομα" have been included here. The following considerations have been made in choosing verses: 1. Only passages containing the GREEK word "ὄνομα" have been included. This means that there may be passages in the HEBREW sources or ENGLISH translations which use such words or phrases effectively signifying "name", "fame", etc., but which are not given as "ὄνομα" in the Greek texts, and so are not included. 2. Some verses have been omitted due to the fact that the context would require a longer, perhaps unclear, citation. Translations have mainly been drawn from the ASV, KJV, NASB, ESV, and Brenton Septuagint. Text source: Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here: https://lexicon.katabiblon.com/index.php?lemma=ὄνομα
Thu, February 14, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. Psalm 58 (ESV) Do you indeed decree what is right, you gods? Do you judge the children of man uprightly? No, in your hearts you devise wrongs; your hands deal out violence on earth. The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray from birth, speaking lies. They have venom like the venom of a serpent, like the deaf adder that stops its ear, so that it does not hear the voice of charmers or of the cunning enchanter. O God, break the teeth in their mouths; tear out the fangs of the young lions, O LORD! Let them vanish like water that runs away; when he aims his arrows, let them be blunted. Let them be like the snail that dissolves into slime, like the stillborn child who never sees the sun. Sooner than your pots can feel the heat of thorns, whether green or ablaze, may he sweep them away!c The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked. Mankind will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely there is a God who judges on earth.”
Thu, February 14, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. For the REPEATING version, please see the next episode. Psalm 58 (ESV) Do you indeed decree what is right, you gods? Do you judge the children of man uprightly? No, in your hearts you devise wrongs; your hands deal out violence on earth. The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray from birth, speaking lies. They have venom like the venom of a serpent, like the deaf adder that stops its ear, so that it does not hear the voice of charmers or of the cunning enchanter. O God, break the teeth in their mouths; tear out the fangs of the young lions, O LORD! Let them vanish like water that runs away; when he aims his arrows, let them be blunted. Let them be like the snail that dissolves into slime, like the stillborn child who never sees the sun. Sooner than your pots can feel the heat of thorns, whether green or ablaze, may he sweep them away!c The righteous will rejoice when he sees the vengeance; he will bathe his feet in the blood of the wicked. Mankind will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely there is a God who judges on earth.”
Thu, February 14, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Deliverance ministry veteran Scott Hensler recommends this form of prayer prior to any deliverance session, or any prayer session where spiritual warfare is expected. We recommend that you visit Scott's website for further prayers and deliverance information, and to order his valuable deliverance manuals. Scott also hosts a frequent online radio show, The Scott Hensler Show, which covers a very wide range of critical topics, from science to society, all from the Christian spiritual warfare perspective ( http://www.blogtalkradio.com/scott_hensler_show ). You will also find some of Scott's material through THIS podcast, in these earlier episodes: Selected Readings Part 2: Blessings and Curses, by Scott E. Hensler https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/selected-readings-part-2-blessings-and-curses-by-scott-e-hensler/ Selected Readings Part 3: Breaking Curses, by Scott E. Hensler https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/selected-readings-part-3-breaking-curses-by-scott-e-hensler/ Selected Readings Part 4: The Kundalini Spirit, by Scott E. Hensler https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/selected-readings-part-3-the-kundalini-spirit-by-scott-e-hensler/ Selected Readings Part 5: Witchcraft and Spiritual Death, by Scott E. Hensler https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/selected-readings-part-5-witchcraft-and-spiritual-death-by-scott-e-hensler/ Deliverance Focus: The Oaths, Curses, and Spirits of Masonry (brief version) https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/deliverance-focus-the-oaths-curse
Thu, January 31, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer of renunciation has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and repeating. PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION BELOW, CAREFULLY, BEFORE PROCEEDING TO PRAY THIS PRAYER OF RENUNCIATION. First: We STRONGLY recommended that you listen to the preceding episode, "Why a Christian Alternative to Yoga?", in order to understand more fully what yoga is truly about. We recommend, furthermore, that you download and read the through free booklet, "Prayers of Renunciation -- Eastern", prior to engaging the renunciation of anything associated with Eastern spiritual involvements. Second: This prayer is presented here for personal use in rejecting, renouncing, and repenting for any and all levels of involvement in yoga. For some, this may be a sufficient major step -- maybe even a complete step -- towards deliverance from yoga. However, for others, this may be only the important FIRST step. THERE MAY BE, FOR OTHERS, MORE YET TO BE DONE. It cannot be emphasized enough that involvement in yoga is a very serious matter. Yoga is a powerfully affecting form of spiritual witchcraft and the consequences of yogic practice may range from seemingly trivial effects to major demonic strongholds and influence. The evil spirits which, through yoga, are invited into one's life may range from the comparatively small and weak, to viciously strong and difficult to confront and dislodge. Certain spirits connected to Eastern religious practices have a wide set of influential power, and they are notorious not only for being capable of hiding in areas of the human body, but also in masking themselves as spirits seemingly completely disconnected from yoga. These spirits are able, in many cases, to locate, latch onto, and amplify some of the worst weaknesses and tendencies in individual persons: pride; lust; addiction; laziness; obsession; and so forth. Confronting Eastern spirits may produce a pushback from spirits who still have a right to affect a person because of hidden and/or unconfessed sin. Therefore, if you are going to pray this prayer, it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that you set your heart to see the deliverance process through to its end -- AND THAT MAY TAKE TIME TO GET THROUGH. You will need to decide to TRUST in the authority and power of Jesus Christ, NO MATTER WHAT. The step of renounc
Wed, January 30, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode features sections of the webpage "Why a Christian Alternative to Yoga?", written and collated by former long-time yoga practitioner and instructor, Laurette Willis, who has now developed PraiseMoves, a truly Christian alternative to the soul-destroying forces of the spiritual system known as "yoga". We recommend that you carefully read through the article of the same title, along with its accompanying articles and materials, at the link provided below; or else download this free article in PDF format here: http://www.praisemoves.com/calt.pdf . The following items are addressed in this instructive episode: 1. the increasing influence of yoga in mainstream culture 2. necessary christian concerns about yoga 3. how yoga draws people in and leads them into darkness 4. what hindus -- and especially their spiritual leaders -- state emphatically about the root, essence, intent, focus, and fruits of yoga 5. YOGA's explicit role as a hindu "missionary" program 6. what the bible says about yoga and similar arts 7. the institution of yoga into children's school programs 8. the true origins of "christian yoga" 9. what disciples of jesus christ must know and do Laurette Willis is the developer of PraiseMoves, a Christian stretching program specifically based upon historical scriptural features and elements. The PraiseMoves website provides the following information, and much more, about this truly CHRISTIAN ALTERNATIVE to yoga: "PraiseMoves postures are integrated with corresponding Bible scriptures. For example, during a posture named 'The Altar' we consider the scripture from Romans 12:1: 'I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.' "Dr. Steven J. Scafidi, a chiropractor in New Jersey writes, 'I have been experiencing terrific results using PraiseMoves and have been recommending it to my patients. I am thankful to Laurette for a program that combines Christ-centered worship with the physical benefits often attributed to yoga.' "There are several PraiseMoves DVDs , and we are blessed to train people interested in becoming Certified PraiseMoves Instructors, starting their own Fitness Ministry to bring this Christian alternative to churches, gyms, health clubs and recreation centers across the U.S., Canada, in Europe, South Africa and Australia. "Holly Robaina, in article entitled 'Take a Pass on Yoga' on ChristianityToday.com doe
Thu, January 24, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: Due to length, this prayer has been recorded ONCE, for agreeing and repeating. This prayer is recommended to all disciples of Jesus Christ. These things are important to spiritual warfare against curses on bloodlines, because of ancestral practices both known and UNKNOWN, as well as terrible land curses which have been incurred all over the world due to bone-based witchcraft and corresponding bloodshed. *PLEASE BE SURE TO LISTEN FIRST TO THE EXPLANATION OF BONE AND RELIC WITCHCRAFT IN THE EPISODE PRIOR TO THIS ONE. This prayer covers: 1. Asking for help from the Holy Spirit, in understanding and repenting for this manner of witchcraft 2. Repentance for cultural, religious, bloodline, family, and personal worship of false gods, and for human and animal relic worship and magic. 3. Breaking the curses of Accidents, Rejection, Degenerative and Inflammatory Affliction, Apollyon / Abaddon, Shadow of Death, Death and Hell, and Fear of Losing Salvation 4. Loosing the harvest bounty which is part of the inheritance of those who have Life in Jesus Christ. Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Prayer - Death, the Grave, and Hell, p.27-34 http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Thu, January 24, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode features the content section of "PRAYER: Death, the Grave, and Hell", a deliverance overview and prayer booklet written by Amanda Buys, a South Africa-based veteran of deliverance ministry. We recommend that you download the free PDF booklet and read it carefully. Deliverance prayer against bone magic and curses is provided by the episode following this one. The ground covered here includes general scriptural address of bones, as well as certain forms of bone magic. These things are important to spiritual warfare against curses on bloodlines because of ancestral practices, as well as terrible land curses which have been incurred all over the world due to bone-based witchcraft. The following items are addressed in this instructive episode: 1. The Biblical truth about bones 2. Some factors which produce unhealthy bones 3. Some factors which produce healthy bones 4. Babylonian roots, and Roman Catholicism 5. GOD FORBIDS WORSHIPPING OF THE BONES AND THE DEAD 6. African and other witchcraft traditions 7. Bone Magicians: Secrets of the Bone-Magi 8. Consequences of Demonic Covenants with Bones 9. GOD will scatter the bones! Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Prayer - Death, the Grave, and Hell, p.12-25 http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Wed, January 09, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of scripture verses containing the Greek word "οὐαί". Some of the most important warnings in the Bible are made by use of this word. "οὐαί", by meaning and in translation, indicates generally "Woe!" or "Alas!" For this episode, we have selected verses announcing WOE, which is the uttering of divine denunciation. This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. It is our hope that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Some of the language may have been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible. Translations used: KJV, ESV, NASB, ASV, BRENTON Text source: Not all verses containing "οὐαί" have been included here, but those presented in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here: https://lexicon.katabiblon.com/index.php?lemma=οὐαί
Wed, January 09, 2019
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The prayer in this episode has been drawn from the text of "Prayer For Dealing With Death, The Grave, And Hell", as published by Kanaan Ministries in South Africa. The original publication is more extensive but also more specific against certain types of witchcraft, including bone magic; thus we have here selected and augmented portions of the prayer for more general usage, to target the spirits of Apollyon, Death, Hell, Depression, and Theft. We recommend that you visit the website of Kanaan Ministries, and download and read the full free document carefully. Prayer Against Spirits of Apollyon / Death / Hell / Depression / Theft FATHER, I repent for my own sins, and the sins of my forefathers, in knowingly or unknowingly worshipping Apollyon or Abbadon, and making demonic agreements with this and any other spirit of death. Lord, you have said, the gates of hell will not prevail against me and my household. The abundant life of GOD is my inheritance. Lord Jesus, you came to give me life, that I would have it more abundantly [John 10:10]. In the Name of Jesus, I stand against death and hell binding my life and my harvest. I declare the release of my life and my harvest out of the jaws of death and hell. In the Name of Jesus, I break every family curse that has brought the destruction of Apollyon / Abbadon into my family line. I choose to break all subtle agreements with death that my family and I have made, unknowingly binding ourselves to destruction. I renounce all covenants with death, in the Name of Jesus. I choose to reject every word and all words of death that have been spoken over my life that are not in agreement with GOD's covenants. I bind the demons assigned to those words and break their power and their legal right of death from my life. I render those words powerless, in the Name of Jesus. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but Mighty through GOD to the pulling down of these strongholds. I declare that the very mouth and jawbone of death and hell will be broken off my life. I declare over my life: “Destruction will not overcome me, but destruction will be overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word
Thu, December 27, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. In this episode, we present the profoundly heartfelt prayer of Nehemiah, who longed to depart from Babylon to assist with the reconstruction of Jerusalem. This prayer offers us a model of asking God to turn the hearts of men in favor of His people, the Church. The original scripture text is given here, and the expanded prayer text is provided thereunder (with alterations in upper-case letters). Nehemiah 1:4-11 (KJV) [4] And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven, [5] And said, I beseech thee, O Lord God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his commandments: [6] Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, day and night, for the children of Israel thy servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I and my father's house have sinned. [7] We have dealt very corruptly against thee, and have not kept the commandments, nor the statutes, nor the judgments, which thou commandedst thy servant Moses. [8] Remember, I beseech thee, the word that thou commandedst thy servant Moses, saying, If ye transgress, I will scatter you abroad among the nations: [9] But if ye turn unto me, and keep my commandments, and do them; though there were of you cast out unto the uttermost part of the heaven, yet will I gather them from thence, and will bring them unto the place that I have chosen to set my name there. [10] Now these are thy servants and thy people, whom thou hast redeemed by thy great power, and by thy strong hand. [11] O Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants, who desire to fear thy name: and prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. For I was the king's cupbearer. BELOW Nehemiah Prayer: Expanded for General Use [5] WE beseech YOU, O Lord God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that KEEPS covenant and mercy for THOSE that love YOU and observe YOUR commandments: 6] Let YOUR ear n
Thu, December 20, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. 2 Chronicles 20 serves as the template for this prayer of warfare against the seemingly overwhelming powers of the enemies of God and His Church. The original scriptural text is of itself a powerful confirmation of the purposes and integrity of God, who will always intervene to safeguard the inheritance of His Son. As we are the very members of the Body of Christ, and God is our Father, it is our need and duty to call upon the Lord to protect us against the enemy's firepower. Listen to the original text here: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/spiritual-warfare-scripture-the-prayer-of-jehoshaphat-and-the-lords-answer-2-chronicles-20/ The expansion and focus here, of the original psalm language, is intended as a representative example of praying by using the scriptures as a framework for our immediate need. The text of the scripture is in lower-case type, while all additions (and modernized language) are included in upper-case type, below. HEAVENLY FATHER, WE ACKNOWLEDGE AND CONFESS OUR SINS AND ASK FORGIVENESS AND WASHING IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS. WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO HAVE CURSED US AND USED ALL MANNER OF WITCHCRAFT AGAINST US, FOR WE DO NOT KNOW WHOM YOU MAY YET HAVE CHOSEN FOR SALVATION IN JESUS CHRIST. LORD, WE PRAY THAT YOU WILL SAVE THOSE WHO ARE AT THIS TIME CAPTIVE TO THE DEVIL'S WILL. TURN TO YOUR GOOD PURPOSES WHAT THE DEVIL HAS MEANT FOR EVIL, AND TURN TO YOUR GLORY AND PRAISE WHAT THE DEVIL HAS MEANT FOR ACCUSATION AND BLASPHEMY. O Lord God of our fathers, AND OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, ARE YOU not God in heaven? FOR WE KNOW, BECAUSE YOU HAVE TOLD US, THAT YOU ARE GOD, THAT YOU ARE IN HEAVEN, AND THAT YOUR NAME IS HOLY. DO YOU not RULE over all the kingdoms of the EARTH? and in YOUR hand is there not power and might, so that none is able to withstand YOU? FOR WE KNOW, BECAUSE YOU HAVE TOLD US, THAT YOU DO RULE OVER ALL, AND THAT THERE IS NO POWER OR MIGHT BUT YOURS, AND THAT NO MAN, OR WOMAN, OR RULER, WHOEVER THEY MAY BE, GREAT OR SMALL, IS ABLE TO WITHSTAND YOU. O LORD, ARE YOU not our God, who CREATED ALL THINGS ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN WIL
Mon, December 17, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. This short episode is a reading of New Testament verses containing the Greek words "κράτος" (krat'-os) and "ἰσχύς" (is-khoos'). Though each of these two words occurs hundreds of times in the Old Testament, there are but a handful of occurrences in the NT. "κράτος", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. force, strength 2. power, might: mighty with great power 3. a mighty deed, a work of power 4. dominion "ἰσχύς", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. ability 2. force 3. strength 4. might This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. It is our hope that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Not ALL of the verses containing these words have been included here. The following considerations have been made in choosing verses: 1. Only passages containing the GREEK words "κράτος" and "ἰσχύς" have been included. This means that there may be passages in the ENGLISH translations which use such words as "power" or "might", but which are in fact based upon other Greek terms, and so are not included. 2. There are several verses in the Bible where both of these two terms are used. Each such verse has been recorded only once. 3. Some verses have been omitted due to contextual considerations. Translations have mainly been drawn from the KJV, NASB, ASV, and ESV. Text source: A
Wed, December 12, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This passage of scripture has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, praying, meditating, and memorizing. For this episode, some of the scripture text has been adjusted for clarity and emphasis. The full text is provided here below. 2 Chronicles 20:1-18 (KJV 2000) 1. It came to pass after this also, that the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and with them others besides the Ammonites, came against Jehoshaphat to battle. 2. Then there came some that told Jehoshaphat, saying, There comes a great multitude against you from beyond the sea on this side of Edom; and, behold, they are in Hazazon-tamar, which is En-gedi. 3. And Jehoshaphat feared, and set his face to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. 4. And Judah gathered themselves together, to ask help of the LORD: even out of all the cities of Judah they came to seek the LORD. 5. And Jehoshaphat stood in the congregation of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of the LORD, before the new court, 6. And said, O LORD God of our fathers, are not you God in heaven? and rule you not over all the kingdoms of the nations? and in your hand is there not power and might, so that none is able to withstand you? 7. Are not you our God, who did drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel, and gave it to the descendants of Abraham your friend forever? 8. And they dwelt in it, and have built you a sanctuary in it for your name, saying, 9. If, when evil comes upon us, as the sword, judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we stand before this house, and in your presence, (for your name is in this house,) and cry unto you in our affliction, then you will hear and help. 10. And now, behold, the children of Ammon and Moab and mount Seir, whom you would not let Israel invade, when they came out of the land of Egypt, but they turned from them, and destroyed them not; 11. Behold, I say, how they reward us, to come to cast us out of your possession, which you have given us to inherit.
Tue, December 11, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365 This episode features portions of Part II of OBSTACLES TO DELIVERANCE, a booklet written by Pastor Frank Hammond, a longtime veteran of the deliverance ministry. The ground covered here includes some of the basic objections and questions concerning the reality, relevance, and exercise, of deliverance from demonic oppression. This is a short and straightforward presentation, and is meant primarily both as a refresher for those who have found themselves unable to answer such basic objections, or as an initial set of considerations for those who know very little about demonization and deliverance. No matter the level of knowledge you have, reviewing such critical basics on a regular basis is a useful and complementary exercise, reminding us of small points and details we may have forgotten, and so this episode is recommended for all listeners. Author: Pastor Frank Hammond Text source: Obstacles to Deliverance, pp.14-25* (Impact Christian Books, www.impactchristianbooks.com, Kirkwood, MO: 2011) This title is available through online purchase. We highly recommend the books, manuals, CDs, and DVDs available through Pastor John Goguen’s online store: Agape Bible Church Bookroom https://agapebiblebr.com "Obstacles to Deliverance" may be found at this location: https://store.agapebible.net/obstacles-to-deliverance-2002/ *Some of the language of the booklet has been abridged, adjusted, or augmented for this broadcast, for the purposes of clarity.
Wed, December 05, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Psalm 10 serves as the template for this prayer of warfare against the wickedness of our day. To be certain, the original scriptural text is of itself a powerful prayer, describing the aspects and intentions of evil men which do not vary or change from millennium to millennium. The expansion and focus here, of the original psalm language, is intended as a representative example of praying by using the scriptures as a theological and meditative framework. PSALM 10 IN EXPANDED WARFARE PRAYER FORMAT Heavenly Father, we cry out to you from your Word and in your Spirit. Why do you stand afar off, O Lord? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? We know that you are near, and we know you are at work, for those who seek you for the sake of your name. The wicked ones of the earth are proud. They exercise their power against those who have no defense but God. They scheme to find new ways to steal the resources of very life. Their eyes are ever searching for new ways to capture and enslave the poor. Let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined, and turn their schemes back upon their heads. The wicked ones of the earth boast of their hearts' desires. They delight in those who are greedy like them, those whom the Lord abhors. The wicked will not seek after God : God is not in all their thoughts. They look upon the earth through the pride of their countenance, the pride of their profane religious mysteries, the pride of their flesh and of their perversions, the pride of their wealth and strength, even the pride of their rapacious appetites of lust and death. Their ways are always grievous, and they cannot cease from sin. As for all their enemies, they gnash their teeth at them and plot vengeance. They have said in their hearts, I cannot be stopped, I will never need to change my ways: for I am a sovereign spiritual being; I have all power and freedom, and so I shall never suffer adversity. They cannot see the judgments of God. The decrees of the Lord are far above out of their sight. Their mouth is full of cursing a
Wed, December 05, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This psalm has been recorded ONCE, for listening and agreeing, praying and memorizing. Psalm 10 (KJV) [1] Why standest thou afar off, O Lord ? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble? [2] The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined. [3] For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the Lord abhorreth. [4] The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God : God is not in all his thoughts. [5] His ways are always grievous; thy judgments are far above out of his sight: as for all his enemies, he puffeth at them. [6] He hath said in his heart, I shall not be moved: for I shall never be in adversity. [7] His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity. [8] He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor. [9] He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lieth in wait to catch the poor: he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him into his net. [10] He croucheth, and humbleth himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones. [11] He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it . [12] Arise, O Lord ; O God, lift up thine hand: forget not the humble. [13] Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it . [14] Thou hast seen it ; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with thy hand: the poor committeth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless. [15] Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man : seek out his wickedness till thou find none. [16] The Lord is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his land.<span class="Apple-co
Thu, November 29, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: Due to the high percentage of scripture in this episode, this prayer has been recorded ONCE, for listening, reading along, and agreeing. We suggest first listening to the entire recording at least once, then reading along and agreeing. This method will be more effective towards learning and memorizing the scriptures and the prayer language. A Prayer To Renounce Fear * Father, help me to know and understand that I am a child of Your love. Help me to agree with You that I am not subject to fear, that you have not given to me a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. It is written in Romans 8:15-16, "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father... The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Lord, I believe your Word -- help my unbelief! Cause me to live in your Word, by the working of the Holy Spirit. Send the Holy Spirit to systematically expose and destroy every lie of the devil that I have accepted and that keeps me in bondage to fear, and replace every lie with the truth of your Word and of your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. I ask this, Father, in Jesus' name. In the Almighty Name of Jesus Christ: I reject fear of the future, for I believe that the future is in Your Hands. It is written in Psalm 31:15, "My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies." I reject fear of evildoers, for Your Word says, “Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident...For He will hide me in His shelter in the day of trouble; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent; He will lift me high upon a rock.” I renounce fear of rejection, for it is written in Psalm 27:10, "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up." I renounce fear of witnessing about Christ, because it is written in Proverbs 29:25, "The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe." Therefore, I choose to fear You more than I do any human being. I affirm what is written in Psalm 118:6, "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?" I renounce the fear of losing my property and possessions, for Your Word says,<span class="Apple
Fri, November 23, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of both Old and New Testament verses containing the Greek words "φρόνησις" (fro-nay-sis) and "σοφία" (so-fee-ya). "φρόνησις", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. knowledge 2. understanding 3. practical wisdom: understanding which leads to right action 4. intellectual or moral insight 5. divinely granted wisdom causing love for the will of God "σοφία", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. wisdom 2. intelligence 3. insight 4. skill This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. It is our hope that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Not ALL of the verses containing these words have been included here. The following considerations have been made in choosing verses: 1. Only passages containing the GREEK words "φρόνησις" and "σοφία" have been included. This means that there may be passages in the ENGLISH translations which use these words, but which are not included. 2. Most verses containing repetition have been excluded. 3. Selective emphasis in the Old Testament has been placed on passages in the Writings and the Prophets (which are where most uses of these words occur). Translations have mainly been drawn from the KJV, ABP, NASB, ASV, and Brenton Septuagint. Text source: Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the sites linked to here: http://lexicon.katabiblon.com/index.php?lemma=σοφία <a href="http://lexicon.katabiblon.com/ind
Mon, November 19, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. It is written in Leviticus 20:4-5 (KJV): [4] And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not: [5] Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people. Though the people of Israel were charged with executing holy justice against the wicked, God made a pledge nonetheless that He would see to it that judgment would be given and executed, whether or not the people obeyed His voice. Exodus 15:1-8 contains the warfare victory prayer sung by the Hebrews, following their passage through the Red Sea. We bring together these and other passages from the scriptures together in a single warfare prayer. LEVITICUS 20 AND EXODUS 15 WARFARE PRAYER Heavenly Father, we come before you now to ask you to go to war, by the power of your Holy Spirit and with your angels, to fight the battles that we cannot fight with our hands but only with praise, prayer, and petition to you, in the name of Jesus. We lift up in prayer those in the army of the enemy that may yet be saved. we pray for them as we would have them pray for us: that you would send to them your Word and your Holy Spirit, to convict them of their sins and turn their hearts to your truth, Jesus Christ. We ask you to look upon the evil works of the enemy, and those of his spiritual agents, and of his reprobate human accomplices, and we ask you to give and execute judgment against them. Lord, you have commanded us, in Leviticus 20, not to hide our eyes from the wickedness of those who kill the innocent. We declare right now that we hide not our eyes from the evils of the reprobate who delight in evil. We call for the light of your Word, your son Jesus, and your Holy Spirit, to shine as a burning fire upon their dark and hidden deeds, to expose them before all the world and all of creation, that they might be judged and brought down by their own love of wickedness, so that all might see the manner of their destructio
Tue, November 13, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The language of the text has been adjusted for general use as a prayer for all believers. Jonah 2:1-10 KJV [1] Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly, [2] And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord , and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice. [3] For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas; and the floods compassed me about: all thy billows and thy waves passed over me. [4] Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple. [5] The waters compassed me about, even to the soul: the depth closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped about my head. [6] I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was about me for ever: yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O Lord my God. [7] When my soul fainted within me I remembered the Lord : and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple. [8] They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy. [9] But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord. [10] And the Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land .
Fri, November 09, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This short episode is a reading from ANNIHILATING THE HOSTS OF HELL, Book 1, from the chapter titled "Religious Deception: Reincarnation and Demon Spirits". The ground covered here includes a brief overview of the following: 1. a true and accurate description of how and why some persons believe in reincarnation; 2. the role of demonic inhabitation in the reincarnation concept; 3. the respective roles of witchcraft, familiar spirits, and bloodline curses. Author: Win Worley Text source: Annihilating the Hosts of Hell, Book 1 Chapter: "Religious Deception: Reincarnation and Demon Spirits" [1981: WRW Publications, Lansing, IL, USA] ABOUT PASTOR WIN WORLEY Win Worley pastored at Hegewisch Baptist Church in Highland, Indiana, from 1970 to 1996. Pastor Worley is rightly considered to have been, by the grace of God, one of the most influential and ground-breaking deliverance ministers of the past century. Pastor Worley traveled the globe teaching about deliverance, and meanwhile authored several classic books on the subject. He produced as well a series of dozens of booklets covering a wide range of doctrinal and spiritual warfare topics. Win Worley’s books and booklets may be purchased at the following locations: HEGEWISCH BAPTIST CHURCH http://hbcdelivers.org *HBC also offers a generous amount of free Win Worley booklet preview material, as well as numerous links to Pastor Worley’s audio and video teachings. WRW Publications, INC. (Hegewisch Church’s storefront website) http://www.wrwpublications.com Agape Bible Church Bookroom https://agapebiblebr.com ALSO BE SURE TO LOOK FOR PASTOR WORLEY’S AUDIO SERMONS AT THE INTERNET’S PREMIERE DELIVERANCE PODCAST AND MAGAZINE: www.omegamanradio.com
Wed, November 07, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. REPENTANCE PRAYER FOR THE SEVEN ABOMINATIONS* Heavenly Father, it is written in your word, in 1 John 2, "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." Father, I know and confess that in my flesh, in my carnal mind, and in my deceiving heart, there is no good thing. I know and confess that I have pride in my heart, and in my pride I continue to be drawn away from you, time and again, by the lusts of my flesh and the lust of my eyes. My pride and my lust entice me and in me conceive sin. Although I am not able to fully comprehend the depths of my own wickedness and depravity, I know according to your word the sins that all men commit, the sins that you hate, because you are perfect in holiness and righteousness. It is written in your word, in Proverbs 6: 16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Father, I confess that in the past I have done these sins that are an abomination to you. I repent of and renounce having a proud look, having a lying tongue, having hands that shed innocent blood (because I have hated other people in my heart, and in your eyes this is equal to murder). I confess having a heart that deviseth wicked and vain imaginations, and feet that are swift in running to mischief. I have many times been a false witness and have spoken lies both to myself and to others. In my self-serving ways, I have sown discord among my brothers and sisters in the Lord, whether in my own family, in a church community, at work, at school, or among other groups of people, and with my mouth and in my heart I have expressed evil thoughts which are slander against others, even my fellow believers in the Body of Christ. Father, I repent of these sins. Please forgive me. Help me to walk in the light, as your Son, Jesus, is in the light. In the name of Jesus, I break any word curses that I have spoken against anyone, especially including brethren that I name
Thu, November 01, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode is a reading from ANNIHILATING THE HOSTS OF HELL, Book 1, from the chapter titled "Curses". The ground covered here includes a brief overview of the following: 1. how and why curses are real; 2. how all persons -- including disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ -- can and do open the door to both curses and the evil spirits which follow with them; 3. why no person is automatically protected from the pragmatic, real-world consequences -- including curses -- of their own sins, and the sins of others; 4. various specific types and durations of common curses, as known from both scripture and experience; 5. basic steps to break curses off from oneself and one's family; 6. how curses operate as strongholds for demonic entities; 7. how agents of the kingdom of darkness exploit the weaknesses of believers; 8. the central role of the Word of God both in understanding and in destroying curses; 9. the protection which only the Word of God can provide. Author: Win Worley Text source: Annihilating the Hosts of Hell, Book 1 (Chapter: "Curses"), p.48-54 [1981: WRW Publications, Lansing, IL, USA] ABOUT PASTOR WIN WORLEY Win Worley pastored at Hegewisch Baptist Church in Highland, Indiana, from 1970 to 1996. Pastor Worley is rightly considered to have been, by the grace of God, one of the most influential and ground-breaking deliverance ministers of the past century. Pastor Worley traveled the globe teaching about deliverance, and meanwhile authored several classic books on the subject. He produced as well a series of dozens of booklets covering a wide range of doctrinal and spiritual warfare topics. Win Worley’s books and booklets may be purchased at the following locations: HEGEWISCH BAPTIST CHURCH http://hbcdelivers.org *HBC also offers a generous amount of free Win Worley booklet preview material, as well as numerous links to Pastor Worley’s audio and video teachings. WRW Publications, INC. (Hegewisch Church’s stor
Thu, October 25, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ Ungodly soul ties with the dead are no small matter but are a very serious spiritual problem that must be confronted if there is to be deep spiritual growth and the following of the Lord's spiritual purposes for one's life. Please see the previous episode, titled "SELECTED READINGS: Soul Ties With the Dead" (by Ivory Hopkins), for a fuller understanding of ungodly soul ties with the dead. Author: Pastor Ivory Hopkins http://pilgrimsministry.org **We highly recommend the books, manuals, CDs, and DVDs available through Pastor Hopkins’ online store. Text Source: "Soul Ties With the Dead" (as published in OMEGAMAN Magazine, Issue #6, p.50-57) **All issues of OMEGAMAN Magazine are available as free PDF downloads at www.omegamanradio.com
Thu, October 25, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode features a short article written by Pastor Ivory Hopkins, a longtime veteran of the deliverance ministry. The ground covered here includes the basics concerning the general matter of emotional, mental, and spiritual chains which may hold living persons in bondage to the memory of a deceased loved one. This type of ungodly burden of grief is for certain an open doorway to demonic presence and harassment, and even the amplification of the roles of already-present evil entities. The consequences of such unresolved grief may range from chronic bouts of sadness, to mild or severe depression, to chronic or recurrent sickness, to terminal illness, and even to suicide. Severe cases risk, furthermore, the instigation of demonic curses that may begin to follow the family line. Ungodly soul ties with the dead are no small matter but are a very serious spiritual problem that must be confronted if there is to be deep spiritual growth and the following of the Lord's spiritual purposes for one's life. A prayer for self-deliverance closes this episode. This prayer is also being published as a separate short episode. Author: Pastor Ivory Hopkins http://pilgrimsministry.org **We highly recommend the books, manuals, CDs, and DVDs available through Pastor Hopkins’ online store. Text Source: "Soul Ties With the Dead" (as published in OMEGAMAN Magazine, Issue #6, p.50-57) *The text of the original article has been significantly streamlined and rearranged in order to render the material suitable for audio broadcast. **All issues of OMEGAMAN Magazine are available as free PDF downloads at www.omegamanradio.com
Wed, October 24, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of scripture verses containing the Greek word "φῶς". "φῶς", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. light 2. a source of light: a star, a lamp, a torch, fire, etc. 3. the divine light of God 4. the pure light of truth This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. It is our hope that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Some of the language may have been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible. Not ALL of the verses containing "φῶς" have been included here. The following considerations have been made in choosing which verses to include: 1. Only passages containing "φῶς" have been included. This means that there may be passages in the ENGLISH versions which use the word "light", but which are not included, because the original Greek texts uses a word or words other than "φῶς". 2. Most verses containing repetition have been excluded. 3. Selective emphasis has been placed on choosing passages which use "φῶς" to refer to light in its spiritual senses or in reference to truth. Due to the source from which the verses were extracted, most of the verses are phrased according to the American Standard Version (ASV), or the Revised Version (RV), while some verses are drawn from literal Greek translations or the KJV. Text source: Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here: <a href="http://lexicon.katabiblon.com/index
Wed, October 17, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The repentance and warfare prayer language of Psalms 79 and 80 has been conjoined, and augmented with additional scripture fragments, to create this powerful appeal to our Redeemer and the Lord of the Hosts of heaven. Thus we come boldly before the throne of grace, to obtain mercy; and before the Captain of the Armies of God, to petition for holy judgment. The original text is taken from the KJV, but has been adjusted in modern expression. Additions are marked in capitals. PSALMS 79 AND 80 Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest YOUR PEOPLE like a flock; thou that dwellest IN THE HIGHEST HEAVEN, THAT DWELLS IN OUR SPIRITS, shine forth. Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. YOU HAVE COMMANDED THAT WE BE FED with the bread of tears; YOU HAVE giveN US SORROWS AND STRUGGLES to drink in great measure. Thou makest us a strife unto our neighbours: and our enemies laugh among themselves. We are become a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to them that are round about us. Turn us again, O God of hosts, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved. How long, Lord ? wilt thou be angry for ever? FORGIVE US OUR SINS OF SELF-CENTERED AND CARELESS IDOLATRY. HOW LONG, LORD, shall thy jealousy burn like fire? O remember not against us former iniquities: let thy tender mercies speedily REVIVE us: for we are BEING BROUGHT LOWER AND EVEN LOWER. Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake. Thou hast brought YOUR CHOSEN PEOPLE out of THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS: thou hast cast THE DEVIL out OF HEAVEN, and YOU HAVE planted YOUR CHURCH. Thou preparedst room before YOUR CHURCH, and didst cause it to take deep root, and it HAS filled the WORLD. BUT WE HAVE BEEN WEAK AND FOOLISH AND GREEDY. OUR WA
Thu, October 11, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The wording of this prayer has been adjusted for this podcast (as indicated in capital letters). The original text, and many additional prayers, may be found at the ministry website linked to below. Father, in the name of Jesus I choose to forgive everybody who has ever hurt me, disappointed me, or willingly cursed me. HERE ARE THE NAMES OF THOSE I CHOOSE TO FORGIVE: (Take a minute to name them.) I release them from anything they may have owed me and I bless them in the name of Jesus! Lord, forgive me for holding unforgiveness and bitterness toward others. Father, I ask for the blood of Jesus Christ, Your Son, to cleanse me from all these sins I have confessed and renounced, to cleanse my soul, my mind, my emotions and every part of my body which has been affected by these sins. Father and Lord Jesus, I ask forgiveness FOR every curse of MY OWN evil tongue, AND FOR every word I've spoken that has brought a curse on me. I RENOUNCE AND REPENT OF EVERY curse right now, EVERY CURSE THAT WENT OUT AND EVERY CURSE THAT I HAVE REAPED. LORD, HEAL MY TONGUE WITH the blood of Jesus, AND PUT MY TONGUE UNDER COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. I SUBMIT MY TONGUE TO YOUR WILL, FATHER, IN JESUS' NAME I command all OF my words to be turned into BLESSINGS for the glory of the Lord. I break the curse of POISON AND malice under the tongue, and EVERY evil tongue CURSE, by the blood, WORD, AND SPIRIT of Jesus CHRIST. Father and Lord Jesus, I ASK YOU TO break the curse of the bitter waters and wormwood. I ASK YOU TO release the cross of Jesus Christ and the blood of Jesus AND THE SALT OF MY COVENANT WITH YOU into the FOUNTAIN OF THE water OF MY LIFE. I thank you Jesus that the waters OF MY LIFE are now sweet, AND THAT the curse of bitterness and wormwood is gone. IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, I command my body to be healed from head to toe and to come back into complete alignment with the Word of God in the name of Jesus! I speak life into my stomach, bowels, and intestines in the name of Jesus! Father and Lord Jesus, I THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME. Thank you for setting me free. I give you all glory, Father, through your son Jesus Christ, in Jesus' name, amen. Author: Peter Johnson Keys to the Kingdom Deliverance Ministry http://deliveranceministry.com.au
Mon, October 01, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This very short but very powerful prayer must constitute an essential component of our corporate spiritual warfare in this end-time hour. We recommend that you pray this prayer (or its equivalent) at least once a week, along with your (at least) weekly prayers for local and world leaders. If you are praying this prayer alone, we suggest that you preface the prayer in this way: "Father, I join my heart, voice, and prayers now with all of my brothers and sisters in the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ". This prayer is drawn directly from the events described in Acts 4:23-31. The gathered disciples prayed this prayer together after the apostles Peter and John had been imprisoned, warned, and then released by the priests and Sadducees. The original text is given below. For the purposes of this prayer, the details of the prayer have been adjusted to reflect our contemporary context. Acts 4:23-31 (NASB) 23. When they had been released, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them. 24. And when they heard this, they lifted their voices to God with one accord and said, “O Lord, it is You who MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA, AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM, 25. who by the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of our father David Your servant, said, ‘WHY DID THE GENTILES RAGE, AND THE PEOPLES DEVISE FUTILE THINGS? 26. ‘THE KINGS OF THE EARTH TOOK THEIR STAND, AND THE RULERS WERE GATHERED TOGETHER AGAINST THE LORD AND AGAINST HIS CHRIST.’ 27. “For truly in this city there were gathered together against Your holy servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, 28. to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined to occur. 29. “And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence, 30. while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.”<span class="Apple-convert
Thu, September 27, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers- https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Isaiah 37:14-29 When Jerusalem was besieged by King Sennacherib of Assyria, his envoys conveyed a message of mockery and disdain against the God of Jacob. Hezekiah brought the matter before the Lord, and prayed for deliverance. The Lord answered Hezekiah's prayer and saved Israel from Sennacherib, even ultimately sending an angel to single-handedly slaughter 185,000 Assyrian troops. Not long after that, Sennacherib was assassinated by two of his own sons. This episode presents the prayer which Hezekiah prayed to the Lord, and also the Lord's response as it was communicated through the prophet Isaiah. The wording has been adapted for a more general spiritual warfare context, making this prayer a declaration of war against the reprobate mockers of the present time. Many of the major figures in the Old Testament prayed prayers -- some longer, some shorter -- which have been recorded in the scriptures both as examples for us and for our use directly. These powerful prayers bring both praise and supplication before the Lord, His holiness and His judgments against the wicked and the proud. It is well worth the time to learn and to pray these prayers, to speak against the kingdom of darkness that the Lord Jesus Christ is seated, victorious, upon His sovereign throne.
Thu, September 27, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Many of the major figures in the Old Testament prayed prayers -- some longer, some shorter -- which have been recorded in the scriptures both as examples for us and for our use directly. These powerful prayers bring both praise and supplication before the Lord, His holiness and His judgments against the wicked and the proud. It is well worth the time to learn and to pray these prayers, to speak against the kingdom of darkness that the Lord Jesus Christ is seated, victorious, upon His sovereign throne. Hannah's Song of Thanksgiving 1 Samuel 2:1-10 (NASB) My heart exults in the Lord; My horn is exalted in the Lord, My mouth speaks boldly against my enemies, Because I rejoice in Your salvation. There is no one holy like the Lord, Indeed, there is no one besides You, Nor is there any rock like our God. Boast no more so very proudly, Do not let arrogance come out of your mouth; For the Lord is a God of knowledge, And with Him actions are weighed. The bows of the mighty are shattered, But the feeble gird on strength. Those who were full hire themselves out for bread, But those who were hungry cease to hunger. Even the barren gives birth to seven, But she who has many children languishes. The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to Sheol and raises up. The Lord makes poor and rich; He brings low, He also exalts. He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap To make them sit with nobles, And inherit a seat of honor; For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, And He set the world on them. He keeps the feet of His godly ones, But the wicked ones are silenced in darkness; For not by might shall a man prevail. Those who contend with the Lord will be shattered; Against them He will thunder in the heavens, The Lord will judge the ends of the earth; And He will give strength to His king, And will exalt the horn of His anointed.
Wed, September 26, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of scripture verses containing the Greek word "οὐκέτι". Some of the most powerful promises in the Bible are made by use of this word. "οὐκέτι", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. no more: a ceasing after a certain point 2. no longer 3. not any more 4. no further This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. It is our hope that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Some of the language has been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible. Not ALL of the verses containing "οὐκέτι" have been included here, but the majority have. Due to the source from which the verses were extracted, most of the verses are phrased according to the American Standard Version (ASV), or the Revised Version (RV). Text source: Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here: http://lexicon.katabiblon.com/index.php?lemma=οὐκέτι
Fri, September 21, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This short prayer is appropriate for guiding and strengthening families, and especially children, especially as there is great pressure to participate in spiritually defiling seasonal rituals. It is only September at the time of the publication of this prayer, but already the stores and other marketing locations are filling up with the grotesquerie of the most black and wicked phase of the "holiday season", Halloween. This is a time when ugliness and fear are magnified, and treated as things of delight and fun, when they are in reality a terrible deception aimed at creating ungodly terror in persons young and old. Over the past several decades, the general public celebration of this dark "holiday" episode has become increasingly bloody, violent, sickening, sexualized, and outright satanic. Halloween, and its symbols and rituals, has no place in the lives and households of Christians. DISCERNING CHRISTIANS WITH FAMILIES MUST TAKE A STAND TO PROTECT THEIR CHILDREN AND THEMSELVES FROM THIS SEDUCTIVE GATE TO THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS. Prayer Text: Father God, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I renounce any involvement I have had with this pagan holiday known as "halloween". I also renounce any involvement that my forefathers might have had with Halloween, and by renouncing it, I cancel all the worship that Satan received through their involvement. I give Satan this notice, that I will not be involved in things that represent him or his works, and I choose to do that which represents my Lord Jesus Christ only. Dear Jesus, you suffered and died so that we might live in you. We ask you to turn this season of death to one of life in the Spirit. We ask that as we sow the Word of God into our own hearts and into the body of Jesus Christ that we would receive a harvest of one hundred-fold blessings, and an increase in the number of souls coming into the Kingdom of God, so that the darkness of the devil's Halloween would be reversed into a time of glory and praise to you. We pray all these things with joyful expectation, in Jesus' name, Amen. Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Prayer - Renouncing Halloween The Druidism Root and Its Fruits, p.73 http://www.k
Thu, September 20, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. PRONUNCIATION NOTE: We have opted for simpler pronunciations of the names in this prayer. The original spellings and pronunciations are Gaelic and/or Welsh, so in order to make the prayer easier to hear and follow, we have not attempted to replicate the native sounds but have rather used a comparatively straightforward phonetic reading. EXPLANATORY NOTES: If you have ancestry coming from any of the following locations, we recommend that you also pray the Renunciation of Druidism prayer, since there is a real possibility that you have had Druid associations somewhere along your bloodline: England Scotland Ireland Wales France Holland Belgium Germany Austria Eastern Europe Macedonia WHY is this renunciation of DRUIDISM being offered here, as pertaining to HALLOWEEN? Author Amanda Buys has this (and much more) to say about the intimate historical and spiritual connections between Druidism and Halloween: "To pray against Halloween, you have to find the root of Halloween, which is in Druidism. Therefore, understanding Druids, and the Ancient Religion they practiced, is to understand Halloween and what you are battling against. "Halloween is also known as Samhain, Shadowfest (Strega), Martinmas (Celtic/Scottish). Many religions have ceremonies relating to Halloween – the Druidic and Shamanic roots are seen today in Pagans, Wiccans, Satanists, New Age believers. and various other occultic religions all celebrate on 'Halloween' what was originally a Druidic or Shamanistic festival. The Druidic New Year began at Samhain - named for the primeval Lord of the Dead, Samana. Samhain is the Witches' New Year, representing one full turn of the seasonal year. Halloween is the last of the three Pagan harvest Sabbaths marking the end of the growing seasons. "Druids held
Wed, September 19, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. It is only September at the time of the publication of this prayer, but already the stores and other marketing locations are filling up with the grotesquerie of the most black and wicked phase of the "holiday season", Halloween. This is a time when ugliness and fear are magnified, and treated as things of delight and fun, when they are in reality a terrible deception aimed at creating ungodly terror in persons young and old. Over the preceding several decades, the general public celebration of this dark "holiday" episode has become increasingly bloody, violent, sickening, sexualized, and outright satanic. DISCERNING CHRISTIANS WITH FAMILIES MUST TAKE A STAND TO PROTECT THEIR CHILDREN AND THEMSELVES FROM THIS HUGE GATE TO THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS. If you have ancestry coming from any of the following locations, we recommend that you also pray the Renunciation of Druidism prayer, since there is a real possibility that you have had Druid associations somewhere along your bloodline: England Scotland Ireland Wales France Holland Belgium Germany Austria Eastern Europe Macedonia The Renunciation of Druidism will be published soon, as an accompaniment to this general anti-"Halloween" prayer. May the Lord protect you and your loved ones during this season and in the seasons to come. Author: Peter Johnson Keys to the Kingdom Deliverance Ministry http://deliveranceministry.com.au Text source: Warfare Prayer Against Halloween http://deliveranceministry.com.au/warfare-prayer-halloween/
Tue, September 18, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, first for listening, agreeing, and praying. This prayer is based closely on the book of Lamentations, chapter 3. But where Lamentations tells of the travails of Israel as they suffered punishment for their rebellion against God, this prayer describes the cry of an individual believer who is experiencing the just and righteous chastisement of the Lord. The struggle against besetting sin can be a long and vicious wrestling match. The believer who relapses into sin, because of the overwhelming force of the enemy, must at one and the same time never lose their determination to repent, keeping faith in the Word and the sovereignty of God, but keep in mind that true seekers of God from the beginning of the world have suffered from these same failures and doubts. Heaviness, affliction and sorrow, because of sinful failure, are in fact causes for hope and not for despair. HEBREWS 12:5-13: 5. My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; 6. For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives. 7. If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? 8. But if you are WITHOUT chastening -- of which ALL have become partakers -- then you are bastards and not sons. 9. Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? 10. For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He chastens us for our good, that we may be partakers of His holiness. 11. Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been corrected by it. The first and foremost message preached by all of the prophets, including John the Baptizer and Jesus Christ himself, was and is "Repent". There are times when the Lord allows us to be confronted by the fathomless wickedness of our own hearts; but that
Sun, September 09, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer is a composite of portions of each of the Psalms ranging from 38 to 42. The struggle against besetting sin can be a particularly long and vicious struggle, sometimes spanning an entire lifetime, and often even more so for those who have suffered through the terrors of sexual and emotional abuse, ritual abuse, strong manipulation, mind control, and deep involvement in the dark arts of magic and sorcery. The believer who relapses into sin, because of the overwhelming force of the enemy, must at one and the same time never lose their determination to repent, keeping faith in the Word and the sovereignty of God, but also ever keep in mind that not only have true seekers of God from the beginning of the world suffered from these same afflictions of temptation, failure, guilt, doubt, and despair, but their failures and their feelings are spoken of in clear and certain terms in the scriptures. There is almost nothing more wretched and painful than to be a believer who has relapsed into besetting and recurring sins, especially where the reality of demonic presence and oppression is altogether discernible within that field of struggle. The enemy is merciless in their mockings, accusations, condemnations, and declarations of damnation, in threatening complete failure and the loss of salvation in Jesus Christ. This prayer describes the cry of bitter pain and dread, as given to us by the Word of God, when a believer has been worn out, beaten up, falling backwards or down, even to the point of wondering if they have been abandoned by God. Any believer suffering in this state must keep in mind not only the Psalms included in this prayer, but also these: James 1 2. My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 4. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Hebrews 10 15. And the Holy Spirit also testifies to us; for after saying, 16. This is the covenant that I shall make with them after those days, says Yahweh:
Tue, September 04, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. It is hoped that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures. The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of scriptures containing the Greek word "εξουσία" ("exousia"). "εξουσία", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. authority; the right to do something 2. jurisdiction 3. dominion 4. power 5. strength 6. liberty This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Due to the source from which the verses were extracted, most of the verses are phrased according to the American Standard Version (ASV), or the Revised Version (RV); others are based on the KJV. Some of the language has been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible. Not ALL of the verses containing "εξουσία" have been included here, but the majority have. Text source: *Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here. http://lexicon.katabiblon.com/index.php?lemma=ἐξουσία
Wed, August 29, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. It is hoped that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to pervasive Biblical themes, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures. The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of the majority of New Testament verses containing the Greek word "κόσμος" ("kosmos"). "κόσμος", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. the world, the universe 2. the circle of the earth, the earth 3. the inhabitants of the earth, the human family 4. all men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ 5. world affairs, the aggregate of things earthly This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Due to the source from which the verses were extracted, most of the verses are phrased according to the American Standard Version (ASV), or the Revised Version (RV). Some of the language has been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible. Not ALL of the verses containing "κόσμος" have been included here, but the majority have. Text source: *Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here. http://lexicon.katabiblon.com/index.php?lemma=κόσμος
Fri, August 24, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. It is hoped that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to such pervasive Biblical themes as Salvation and Deliverance, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures. The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of the majority of Bible verses (both Old and New Testaments) containing the Greek word "σωτηρία" ("soteria"). "σωτηρία", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. deliverance; salvation 2. preservation; safety 3. welfare; prosperity 4. Messianic salvation This broadcast presents only those verses containing "σωτηρία", which is a Noun -- and not, for example, verses containing the Verb form, "σῴζω" ("sozo"). This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Due to the source from which the verses were extracted, most of the verses are phrased according to the American Standard Version (ASV), or the Revised Version (RV). Some of the language has been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible. Not ALL of the verses containing "σωτηρία" have been included here, but the majority have. Text source: *Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here. http://lexicon.katabiblon.com/index.php?lemma=σωτηρία
Tue, August 21, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This reading has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorizing. This episode is a reading of the majority of New Testament verses containing the Greek word "αἷμα". It is hoped that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to Biblical themes; to provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures; and to encourage more frequent scriptural examination. "αἷμα" generally indicates the following meanings: 1. blood, of man or animals 2. the seat of life 3. of those things that resemble blood, e.g., grape juice* (*mainly an Old Testament usage, and not found in this episode) This episode is one of a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Due to the source from which the verses were extracted, most of the verses are phrased according to the American Standard Version (ASV), or the Revised Version (RV). Some of the language has been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible. Not every one of the verses containing "αἷμα" has been included here, but the majority have. Text source: *Any of the verses contained in this broadcast (as well as any verses that were omitted) may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here. http://lexicon.katabiblon.com/index.php?lemma=αἷμα
Sun, August 19, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This material has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and committing to memory. The presentation of this episode is simple: a reading of the majority of Bible verses (both Old and New Testaments) containing the Greek word "σῴζω" ("sozo"). It is hoped that this presentation will broaden our listeners' exposure to such pervasive Biblical themes as Salvation and Deliverance, and in addition provide a vehicle for memorizing important scriptures. "σῴζω", by meaning and in translation, indicates variously: 1. to save, to deliver, to rescue 2. to keep safe, to protect 3. to make well, to heal, to make whole, to restore to health 4. to cause to rest, to cause to have peace (i.e., being delivered from strife) This broadcast presents only those verses containing "σῴζω", which is a Verb -- and not, for example, verses containing the Noun form, "σωτηρία". If the Lord is willing, this will be the first in a series of broadcasts which focus exclusively on presenting scripture by centering around the uses of specific terms. Greek is useful as the language of choice for collating the scriptures in question, since certain primary sources of both Old and New Testaments are available in Greek, whereas the same cannot properly be said of Hebrew. Due to the source from which the verses were extracted, most of the verses are phrased according to the American Standard Version (ASV), or the Revised Version (RV). Some of the language has been slightly adjusted in order to make the context and meaning of each verse as intelligible as possible. Not ALL of the verses containing σῴζω have been included here, but the majority have. Text source: Any of the verses contained in this broadcast -- as well as any verses that were omitted -- may quickly and easily be located by visiting the site linked to here: http://lexicon.katabiblon.com/index.php?search=σώζω
Tue, August 14, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer is intended to prevent demonic interference with the deliverance process, but may also be used more generally when either a group or an individual is praying over matters which would constitute direct aggression against the operations of the kingdom of darkness. As a general rule, it is good and well-advised to refuse, verbally, all involvement or interference from the demonic when praying, and this can be done by stating, “I refuse all involvement and interference from the devil and his agents, and I cut them off from my heart, mind, and spirit, in Jesus’ name”. However, it is especially advised, when there is concerted deliverance or renunciations involved, and where there needs to be clear inter-communication with the Holy Spirit, to seal off the praying area with this fuller form of prayer. Authors: Roly and Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: PRAYERS OF RENUNCIATION: GENERAL (p.12-14) “Sealing-Off Prayer BEFORE Deliverance” http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?did=46
Sun, August 12, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365 NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. This prayer was originally written by Robert Mattern and published by Pastor Win Worley, and was scripted with concern to the United States. The wording has been generalized here in order to make it applicable as a prayer for any nation. The prayer was designed for group or corporate prayer, but certainly may be used by individuals. Scriptures used in this prayer include the following: Psalm 2:4 Isaiah 42:22 John 14:10-14 Acts 12:1-11 Eph 1:4 Eph 1:21 Eph 1:3 Eph 2:6 Eph 2:19-22 Eph 3:10 I Timothy 2:2 I John 1:9 Judges 11:13-24 Dan 2:21 Joel 2:25 Gal 3:16, 29 II Cor 1:20 Acts 12:1-11 Joshua 10:12 Isaiah 55:6 II Chronicles 7:14 Psalm 82:11 Exodus 22:9 Hebrews 17:7, 14 Isaiah 11:2 Psalm 45:7 Psalm 119:126 Acts 20:28 Joel 2:28 Acts 2:17-21 Amos 5:24 Zech 12:10 Psalm 50:14 Isaiah 58:12 Daniel 4:32 Psalm 50:14-15 Daniel 7:18, 22, 25, 27 John 13:13 </
Wed, August 08, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365 NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. This prayer was originally scripted by Pastor Win Worley. Further information about Pastor Worley, his books, booklets, and his video and audio recordings — a great many of which are currently available for free — is provided below. PRAYER OF CONFESSION FOR YOUR PASTOR "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (I Timothy 2:1,2). Father, in the Name of Jesus, we pray and confess that the· Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon (name of pastor); the spirit of wisdom and understanding; the spirit of counsel and might; and the spirit of knowledge. We pray that as Your Spirit rests upon (Pastor) it will make him of quick understanding because You, Lord, have anointed and qualified him to preach the Gospel to the meek, the poor, the wealthy, the afflicted. You have sent (Pastor) to bind up and heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the physical and spiritual captives and the opening of the eyes and of the prison for those who are bound. (Pastor) shall be called the priest of the Lord people will speak of him as minister of God and he shall eat the wealth of the nations and the glory shall be the Lord's. We pray and believe that no weapon which is formed against (Pastor) shall prosper and that any tongue that rises against him in judgment shall be shown to be in the wrong. We pray that You prosper (Pastor) abundantly, Lord - spiritually, physically & financially. We confess that (Pastor) holds fast and follows the pattern of wholesome and sound teaching, in all faith and love which is for us in Christ Jesus; that (Pastor) guards and keeps with the greatest love, the precious and excellently adapted Truth which has been entrusted to him by the Holy Spirit, who makes His home in (Pastor). Lord, we pray and believe that, each and every day, freedom of utterance is given (Pastor), that he will open his mouth boldly and courageously as he ought to do, to get the Gospel to the people. Thank you, Lord, for the added strength which comes superhumanly, that You have given him. We hereby confess that we shall stand behind (Pastor) and undergird him in prayer. We will say only that good thing which will edify (Pastor). We will no
Tue, August 07, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The scriptures are replete with descriptions of those who choose to trust in the world, and in the work of their own hands, without rather trusting in God to provide. This is an area of faith where most of us experience a real and difficult struggle. It is all the more necessary therefore to repent of relying on the systems of this world — which world is under the profound influence of the enemy — and to begin to seek and exercise faith in the one and only Provider. This prayer covers: Acknowledging the Lord’s admonishments, concerning the perils of trusting in ourselves rather than in Him Confessing our own inability to change our situation Repenting of building on false foundations Renouncing and repudiating agreements with worldly systems of provision Asking God to bless our work as we trust in Him Breaking curses that have followed upon self-exalting efforts, and commanding out all associated demons Asking for guidance in giving back into the Body of Jesus Christ Repenting of practicing — and allowing in spirits of — fear, distrust, double-mindedness, an evil heart of unbelief, and additional transgressions Breaking agreements based on deception and compromise Thanksgiving to our Deliverer Author: Peter Johnson Keys to the Kingdom Deliverance Ministry http://deliveranceministry.com.au Text source: Breaking Satan’s Provision & Coming Out Of The Worldly System http://deliveranceministry.com.au/breaking-satans-provision/
Wed, August 01, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365 NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer was originally scripted by Pastor Win Worley. Further information about Pastor Worley, his books, booklets, and his video and audio recordings — a great many of which are currently available for free — is provided below. OVER A CHILD WHO HAS BECOME INVOLVED IN CULTS, EASTERN RELIGIONS, FALSE RELIGIONS, ETC. As a priest of God in my child's life, and purchased by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I now renounce and repudiate all the sins of my son/daughter according to II John 5:16. "If any man sees his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death." I pull down all strongholds in which Satan has blinded the mind of (name) so that the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ cannot shine through them. I break the power of (name cult, false religion, etc) over my child and ask You, Father, to loose a spirit of truth upon him/her. I blind all spirits of mind control and psychic powers that may have my child's mind bound and ask Father, that You send your ministering spirits to snip and break all bonds or fetters on (name)'s mind. Father, I now call You to remembrance of Your word as written in II Cor 4:6 and ask that You command the light to shine out of the darkness, to shine into the heart of my child (name) and to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ to my son/daughter. In the name of Jesus Christ I break and loose (name) from the curse of the law. I ask You Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal to (name) the redemption that Jesus paid in full for him/her, and I thank You Father and praise You for the immediate release of (name) from error and false religion. Author: Win Worley Text source: Win Worley Booklet #4: Warfare Prayers, p.5 *available for free PDF download: https://davidblum61.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/warfare-prayers-win-worley.pdf ABOUT PASTOR WIN WORLEY Win Worley pastored at Hegewisch Baptist Church in Highland, Indiana, from 1970 to 1996. Pastor Worley is rightly considered to have been, by the grace of God, one of the most influential and ground-breaking deliverance ministers of the past century. Pastor Worley traveled the globe teaching about deliverance, and meanwhile authored several classic books on the subject. He produced as well a series of d
Tue, July 31, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365 NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer was originally scripted by Pastor Win Worley. Further information about Pastor Worley, his books, booklets, and his video and audio recordings — a great many of which are currently available for free — is provided below. THE COVENANT OF THE BLOOD* Through the blood of Jesus, I am redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Through the blood of Jesus, all my sins are forgiven. The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, is cleansing me now from all sin. Through the blood of Jesus, I am justified, made righteous, just as if I had never sinned. Through the blood of Jesus, I am sanctified, made holy, set apart for God. My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, sanctified by the blood of Jesus. I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son - body, soul and spirit. His blood protects me from all evil. Because of the blood of Jesus, Satan has no more power over me, no more place in me. I renounce him and his hosts completely and declare them to be my enemies. Jesus said: "And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils: ...." (Mark 16:17). I am a believer, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I exercise my authority and expel all evil spirits. I command them to leave me know, according to the Word of God and in the name of Jesus. *NOTE FROM PASTOR WORLEY: This prayer is an adaptation of one used by Derek Prince, and has proved very helpful in breaking the power of demons. Author: Win Worley Text source: Win Worley Booklet #4: Warfare Prayers, p.20-21 *available for free PDF download: https://davidblum61.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/warfare-prayers-win-worley.pdf ABOUT PASTOR WIN WORLEY Win Worley pastored at Hegewisch Baptist Church in Highland, Indiana, from 1970 to 1996. Pastor Worley is rightly considered to have been, by the grace of God, one of the most influential and ground-breaking deliverance ministers of the past century. Pastor Worley traveled the globe teaching about deliverance, and meanwhile authored several classic books on the subject. He produced as well a series of dozens of booklets covering a wide range of doctrinal and spiritual warfare topics. Win Worley’s books and booklets may be purchased at the following locations: HEGEWISCH BAPTIST CHURCH http://hbcdelivers.org *HBC also offers a generous amount of free Win Worley b
Tue, July 31, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365 NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer was originally scripted by Pastor Win Worley. Further information about Pastor Worley, his books, booklets, and his video and audio recordings — a great many of which are currently available for free — is provided below. PRAYER FOR LEADERS Lord, we pray that leaders who govern unjustly will make many mistakes in decisions, especially involving world evangelism (Psalm 109:29); leaders who despise You will fall from power through improper advice (Psalm 5:10, 19:14); leaders who are truly searching for understanding will find knowledge and wisdom in Your word (Proverbs 28:2). Let the leaders who live in darkness receive a personal message of Your love (Psalm 52:15); leaders who live in war-torn nations will grow weary of continual bloodshed (I Kings 5:3-4); leaders who lead corrupt governments will recognize their evil ways and turn to You (II Chron 33:12-13); leaders who boast of power will realize that their earthly kingdom was given to them by You (Daniel 2:19-22). Author: Win Worley Text source: Win Worley Booklet #4: Warfare Prayers, p.10 *available for free PDF download: https://davidblum61.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/warfare-prayers-win-worley.pdf ABOUT PASTOR WIN WORLEY Win Worley pastored at Hegewisch Baptist Church in Highland, Indiana, from 1970 to 1996. Pastor Worley is rightly considered to have been, by the grace of God, one of the most influential and ground-breaking deliverance ministers of the past century. Pastor Worley traveled the globe teaching about deliverance, and meanwhile authored several classic books on the subject. He produced as well a series of dozens of booklets covering a wide range of doctrinal and spiritual warfare topics. Win Worley’s books and booklets may be purchased at the following locations: HEGEWISCH BAPTIST CHURCH http://hbcdelivers.org *HBC also offers a generous amount of free Win Worley booklet preview material, as well as numerous links to Pastor Worley’s audio and video teachings. WRW Publications, INC. (Hegewisch Church’s storefront website) http://www.wrwpublications.com Agape Bible Church Bookroom https://agapebiblebr.com ALSO BE SURE TO LOOK FOR PASTOR WORLEY’S AUDIO SERMONS AT THE INTERNET’S PREMIERE DELIVERANCE PODCAS
Tue, July 31, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365 NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, once for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer was originally scripted by Pastor Win Worley. Further information about Pastor Worley, his books, booklets, and his video and audio recordings — a great many of which are currently available for free — is provided below. The impetus for the writing of this prayer comes from Psalm 78:49, Isaiah 4:4, and Psalm 35, amongst many other supporting scriptures which describe both the authority and warfare tactics of the Lord of Hosts to include: 1. commanding even the evil spirits to execute His will; 2. turning the weapons of His enemies against themselves and each other. The method of the prayer is in one part acknowledging and declaring the Biblical legalities of any situation where the renegade forces of darkness have sought to interfere with God’s decrees, promises, and provisions as SPECIFIED in the scriptures. The second application of the prayer is both to ask Almighty God to judge and to act, and to identify, rebuke, and speak commands against the agents of the devil, that they desist and depart, and that they be given over to confusion and internal discord. The scriptures referenced directly in this prayer include the following: 1 John 4:18 2 Timothy 1:7 Micah 3:8 John 8:32 Job 20:3 Exodus 28:3 Eph 1:17 John 14:17 1 John 4:6 Psalm 77:6 Psalm 51:12 Genesis 24 1 John 3:14 Eph 1:6 Romans 14:18 Romans 8:15 I Kings 17- 21 Luke 1:17 II Kings 9 II Kings 9:36 Mark 11:22-26 Matthew 26:41 Mark 14:38 Prov 8:22 Psalms 32:2 Romans 12:11 Ez 18:31; 36:36 Neh 9:20,30 Psalm 51:10 Prov 17:27 Daniel 6:3 Isaiah 61:3 John 4:24 I Cor 14:15 I Cor 4:21 I Peter 3:4 Job 32:18 Psalm 34:18 Psalm 51 :17 Isaiah 4:4;28:6 Isaiah 57:15,66:2 Gal 5:22-23 Eccl. 7:8 Prov 11:12 I Cor 4:21 Gal 6:1 Prov 16:19,29:23 Isaiah 57:15 I Cor 12:8-10 II Corinthians 4:13 Rev 19:10 Matt 18:10 Zech 12:10 II Cor 2:6 Rev 11:11 Luke 1:80 Isaiah 11:2 Rev 1: 4,3:1,4:5,5:6 John 6:63 Matt 12:22-32 Mark 3:20-30 Luke 11:14-23 Judges 7:22 II Chron 20 Exodus 23:28 Deut. 7:20 Luke 11:20 Matt 12:43-45 Luke 11:24-26 Author: Win Worley Text source: Win Worley Booklet #4: Warfare Prayers, p.6-11 *available for free PDF download: https://davidblum61.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/warfare-prayers-win-worley.pdf ABOUT PASTOR WIN WORLEY Win Worley pastored at Hegewisch Baptist Church in Highland, Indiana, from 1970 to 1996. Pastor Worley is rightly considered to have been, by the grace of God, one of the mos
Tue, July 24, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365 NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer was originally scripted by Pastor Win Worley, who pastored at Hegewisch Baptist Church in Highland, Indiana, from 1970 to 1996. Pastor Worley is rightly considered to have been, by the grace of God, one of the most influential and ground-breaking deliverance ministers of the past century. Pastor Worley traveled the globe teaching about deliverance, and meanwhile authored several classic books on the subject. He produced as well a series of dozens of booklets covering a wide range of doctrinal and spiritual warfare topics. Further information about Pastor Worley’s books, booklets, and video and audio recordings — a great many of which are currently available for free — is provided following the prayer text below. Prayer For Adopted Children Heavenly Father, I declare that as the head of my family, I have spiritual authority over each member in it and I am responsible for them. You have promised that my house is marked for salvation according to Acts 16:31. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I praise my heavenly Father that He has entrusted to me my adopted child (give name). I accept all responsibility that God places on me as parent and priest of God in (name)'s life. As a priest of God, in my child’s life, purchased by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I here and now renounce and repudiate all the sins of (name)’s blood ancestors (Lev 16). In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I cancel out all demonic working that would be passed on to (name) through (name)'s blood line. I declare to Satan and all of his forces that I now cover (name) with the protection of the blood of the Lord Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit. As one who has authority over all powers of darkness through my union with the Lord Jesus Christ, and as one who is seated with Him in heavenly places, I renounce any and every way in which Satan may claim ownership of (name). I pull down all blindness which Satan would put on (name)'s eyes to keep (name) from understanding spiritual truth and growing to love and serve our Lord and Savior. As the legal parent in the eyes of God and as a priest of God in (name)'s life, I cancel and take back all the ground given to Satan by (name)'s ancestors. I claim that ground through the victory over Satan achieved by the Lord Jesus Christ in His redemptive work and cover all ground with His precious blood that Satan may have no claim against (name). All of t
Sat, July 21, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode is THE SECOND OF A TWO-PART SERIES. BEFORE YOU LISTEN, please be certain that you have already listened to the first installment — otherwise, this episode will not likely make much sense. This installment features the second half of the eighth chapter of WAR ON THE SAINTS. The 2nd half of Chapter 8 addresses the following issues: [1] Challenges faced by the believer, as he or she battles to ascertain truth and thereby disentangle himself from demonic bondage. [2] A review of the many circuitous vectors of demonic deception. [3] Meeting force with force; overcoming the dangerous and destructive roots of passivity. [4] Scripture is the primary weapon against demonic oppression. It is the use of scripture, during the fight against sinful tendencies, which provides definitive answers as to the presence and activity of oppressing spirits. [5] Summaries of what has thus far been discovered and discussed, concerning the order of Attitude and Action: the steps to deliverance; hindrances to deliverance; and overcoming passivity. [6] An overview of both godly and evil attitudes towards the past, present, and future, as well as towards evil spirits themselves. [7] The importance of having a clearly defined understanding of a “normal condition” to which the battling believer is striving to return. [8] A description of the blessed condition of the believer who has been freed from demonic oppression. WAR ON THE SAINTS is an eminent classic work on spiritual warfare and deliverance. WAR ON THE SAINTS was first published more than 100 years ago, yet it is as absolutely relevant and on-target now as then — and perhaps even more so, because we see now the ceaseless growth of deception in ways and at levels heretofore unrivaled in human history. Authors Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts identify the very heart of the plots and procedures employed by the enemy to ensnare and mis-direct the disciples of Jesus Christ. There are no holds barred, and no compromise found, in this presentation of the wiles of evil: spiritual warfare is WAR, meaning that the fight is long, the battles bloody, the work difficult, and the need for the power of God desperate. There can be — and is — only ONE victor in this fight: the Lord Jesus Christ. *IMPORTANT NOTE: The author of WAR ON THE SAINTS uses “possession” to describe the action of evil spirits, or demons, upon and against a Christian. This term is, in current times, usually replaced with “oppression” (or “harassment”, or similar words), to indicate that evil spirits are NOT in FULL POSSESSION of a real Christian but still manifest formidable
Wed, July 18, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode features the first half of the eighth chapter of WAR ON THE SAINTS, an eminent classic work on spiritual warfare and deliverance. WAR ON THE SAINTS was first published more than 100 years ago, yet it is as absolutely relevant and on-target now as then — and perhaps even more so, because we see now the ceaseless growth of deception in ways and at levels heretofore unrivaled in human history. Authors Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts identify the very heart of the plots and procedures employed by the enemy to ensnare and mis-direct the disciples of Jesus Christ. There are no holds barred, and no compromise found, in this presentation of the wiles of evil: spiritual warfare is WAR, meaning that the fight is long, the battles bloody, the work difficult, and the need for the power of God desperate. There can be — and is — only ONE victor in this fight: the Lord Jesus Christ. *IMPORTANT NOTE: The author of WAR ON THE SAINTS uses “possession” to describe the action of evil spirits, or demons, upon and against a Christian. This term is, in current times, usually replaced with “oppression” (or “harassment”, or similar words), to indicate that evil spirits are NOT in FULL POSSESSION of a real Christian but still manifest formidable powers and effects against and upon individual Christians. The authors were in agreement with this contemporary perspective, but they made use of the terminology of the period in which the book was written. The eighth chapter of WAR ON THE SAINTS addresses the following issues: [1] When an evil spirit hides himself very subtly in the mind, or body, then deliverance will not be obtained by "casting out" only, but by the truth being given to the mind, and the will of the person actively refusing and disowning the ground. [2] The first step to freedom is the knowledge of the truth, as to the source and nature of lies which have been accepted by the believer, giving grounds for the enemy to enter. [3] A Christian must understand and acknowledge not only the thorough corruption of the human condition, but the reality that he or she not only can be, but is, deceived by the enemy, before any fundamental deliverance from evil spirits can be hoped for. [4] The Scriptural ground for obtaining deliverance is the truth concerning Christ's full victory at Calvary. [5] As the deceptions of Satan are recognized, and the will of the person is set to reject them, the believer can, on the basis of the work of Christ at Calvary as set forth in Rom. 6: 6-13; Col. 2: 15; 1 John 3: 8, and other passages, claim their deliverance from the workings of the devil. Author: Jessie Penn-L
Wed, July 11, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for REPEATING. The podcast episode preceding this one contains information vital to an understanding of Jealousy, and also features the LISTENING version of the prayer. It is strongly recommended that you listen to that episode first. We do not recommend praying the prayer against Jealousy, without first listening to the preceding episode. This prayer covers: Before the Lord, acknowledging and confessing that evil covenants have been made. Petitioning the Father for sovereign judgment against these covenants, for annulling and dissolving any power or jurisdiction they may have facilitated. Affirming the superior covenant between Jesus Christ and the members of His Body. Petitioning for removal of all effectual protection that former evil covenants had facilitated for agents of the kingdom of darkness. Binding and isolating every evil agent that has now been disempowered and exposed. Affirming the covenant rights of blessing and liberty, for those who stand in covenant with Jesus Christ. Petitioning for the identification of all persons responsible for evil speaking, false reports, and curses which were intended to interfere with the blessings and liberty of the members of the Body of Jesus Christ. Petitioning for the dissolution of all unjust and indefensible agreements between persons and agents of the kingdom of darkness, particularly agreements which opened doors to the spirit of Jealousy. Asking for removal of all false and lying accusations, and for curses to be changed into blessings. Honor, thanksgiving, and praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Praise to the name of Jesus the Victorious King. Authors: Roly and Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: “Prayer: Dealing With Jealousy” (p.17-18) http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Wed, July 11, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: The REPEATING version of this prayer has been recorded and published separately. This episode has two parts: 1. A brief examination of the devious operations of the spirit of Jealousy, which works in partnership with other demons to hide itself and to conceal and complicate the legal grounds it claims as the basis for oppressing a person. 2. A reading of the deliverance prayer for expelling the spirit of Jealousy, along with its demonic partners. We recommend this reading and prayer to all believers seeking deliverance, particularly due to the insidious character of Jealousy. However, one of the most critical lessons to be learned here is that spiritual warfare, and of course deliverance from demonic oppression, is an ongoing fight and a lifelong commitment. Warfare against the schemes of the spirit of Jealousy is almost never a clear-cut situation, hardly ever a one-time engagement, and certainly a struggle that will take an indefinite amount of time until decisive victory is manifested in the life of the disciple of Jesus Christ. There is no quick or simple strategy, and no single prayer session, that will result in a firm and enduring expulsion of the spirit of Jealousy and its evil co-conspirators, without any further concern. The power of the Holy Spirit, and persistent warfare in the Word of God, are needed for certain victory against this evil spirit. Authors: Roly and Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: “Prayer: Dealing With Jealousy” (p.17-18) http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Mon, July 02, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The purpose of this prayer is to address the very real issue of witchcraft and curses that use personal items and objects as the focus point and conduit for evil working. Certain of the other prayers we have posted have briefly addressed this threat, within their greater respective prayer framework (see the links below); however, this prayer is mainly directed against this particular matter, and it is recommended to all believers to make use of this prayer language on a regular basis. This prayer covers: Thanks and praise for the perfect work of Jesus Thanksgiving for Jesus’ Cross and Blood Repentance and forgiveness Submitting all of self and property to the Lord Asking for the severing and destroying of all links to any type of item which may be used as a conduit for evil works Asking for the shields of faith and favor Breaking all power of curses and witchcraft Prayer for the salvation of human tools of the enemy Requesting righteous judgment against the reprobate Receiving sanctification by faith in the power of God Thanks and praise Related prayer language: “Father, I ask You to remove my DNA and the DNA of my family from any hair, blood, or any other contact object in the hands of the enemy, and break all conduits to our physical bodies”. (Morning Prayer and Spiritual Warfare https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/morning-prayer-and-spiritual-warfare-improved-repeating-format/ ) “Father, I ask that you would remove our blood, DNA, images, and information from every object, location, and device in the hands of the enemy, and that you would cover our blood, DNA, images, and information with the blood and the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ, to make us invisible to all tracking, surveillance, monitoring, and interference from the kingdom of darkness”. (Major Warfare, Part 1: Almighty God Provides, Protects, and Delivers https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/major-warfare-part-i-almighty-god-provides-protects-and-delivers/ ) Authors: Dr. William & Mary Schnoebelen With One Accord Ministries http://www.withoneaccord.org Text source: adapted from “Prayer to Sever Object Links and Thwart Curses” http://www.withone
Mon, July 02, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The purpose of this prayer is to address the very real issue of the use of mirrors as the focus point and conduit for astral projection and the assignment of evil entities. It is an established certainty that mirrors are used by human agents of the kingdom of darkness for several types of witchcraft. To confront this fact is not to promote fear of mirrors, but to recognize that it is not a matter to be dismissed as superstition or rumor; and therefore this issue should be dealt with preemptively by cleansing, consecrating, and blessing every mirror in your home. While the home in general needs to be cleansed and consecrated, it is never a waste of time to cover and bless SPECIFIC TYPES OF OBJECTS that are well-known to be tools used by witches and sorcerers. We will not provide here any specifics concerning the means and methods of mirror magic(k), as such information is easily discoverable to anyone who decides to educate themselves against this particular type of witchcraft — however, it ought to be stated that there been a dramatic upsurge in reports of “night visitations” from entities both human and demonic, and this is in proportion to the number of people worldwide who are increasingly embracing the dark arts of astral projection, remote viewing, and sexual sorcery. In typical fashion, the “entertainment” industry has been promoting the morbid enticements of “demon lovers; and in many parts of the world it is taken as common knowledge that human agents are able to make use of mirrors for remote viewing and travel, for the purposes of planning further witchcraft attacks and dispatching evil spirits into specific locations. This prayer covers: Consecrating the mirror to the Lord’s service Formal dedication of the mirror to the Lord Jesus Christ Commanding out any evil infestations Declaring the power of the Blood and Cross of Jesus Sealing the mirror against the intentions of the enemy Asking for the shields of faith and favor over the mirror Thanks and praise to our God Authors: Dr. William & Mary Schnoebelen With One Accord Ministries http://www.withoneaccord.org Text source: “Prayer to Bless, Anoint, and Seal Electronic Devices and/or Mirrors in Your Home” http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html
Wed, June 27, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. In her classic primer on spiritual warfare, WAR ON THE SAINTS, Jessie Penn-Lewis wrote much concerning truth and deception: ‘“Deception" has to do with the mind, and it means a wrong thought admitted to the mind, under the deception that it is truth. Since "deception" is based on ignorance, and not on the moral character; a Christian who is "true" and "faithful" up to the knowledge he has, must be open to deception in the sphere where he is ignorant of the "devices" of the devil (2 Cor. 2: 11), and what he is able to do. A "true" and "faithful" Christian is liable to be "deceived" by the devil because of his ignorance.... ‘The knowledge that it is possible to be deceived, keeps the mind open to truth, and light from God; and is one of the primary conditions for the keeping power of God; whereas a closed mind to light and truth, is a certain guarantee of deception by Satan at his earliest opportunity.... ‘For the knowledge of truth is the first essential for warfare with the lying spirits of Satan, and truth must be eagerly sought for, and faced with earnest and sincere desire to know it, and obey it in the light of God; truth concerning ourselves, discerned by unbiased discrimination; truth from the Scriptures, uncolored, unstrained, unmutilated, undiluted.... ‘The shock is great when the believer first apprehends the truth of deception and possession as possible in himself, but as the ultimate issue is realized, the joy of the one who sets himself to understand, and fight through to full deliverance, is more than words can tell. Light pours in upon the unsolved problems of years; both in the personal experience, and in the perplexities of environment; as well as on conditions in the Church and in the world. ‘As he seeks for light from God, the subtle inroads of the deceiving spirits into his life, slowly become clear to the open minded believer; and their many devices to deceive him stand revealed, as the searchlight of truth goes far back into the past, revealing the cause of unaccountable difficulties in experience and life’. This prayer covers: Repentance for sins known and unknown Asking for the cleansing Blood, and Living Water Submitting to the will of the Father Asking for the Holy Spirit to be given to anoint and guide Asking for all received deceptions to be revealed Asking for the Holy Spirit gift of Discernment Embracing the Truth, the Word of God, Jesus Christ Desiring the Word of God as the heart’s true treasure Praying for warning conviction from the Holy Spirit, so th
Mon, June 25, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening, understanding, and agreeing, and then again for repeating. This prayer is recommended first of all as a standalone prayer, to repent of ignorant involvement in situations where witchcraft may have been conducted over food of any kind, or where witchcraft agendas were mixed into social or business gatherings involving any kind of food or drink. The wording of the prayer may be adapted to cover households with children who are still under the authority of their parents. It is a horrifying fact of reality that a great many hidden witchcraft agendas are actively exercised over food and drink, whether at the source of production, or at the point of being purchased or consumed. There have been innumerable testimonies concerning situations where food and social contexts were being used by hidden evil powers to influence and affect those partaking, whether or not they were aware of anything foul taking place. We must be on guard, vigilant, and pre-emptive in our fight against all such hidden sources of spiritual contamination, defilement, and potential destruction. The central concepts of the prayer (i.e., repenting of ignorant involvement in witchcraft; breaking curses over all food; praying for protective covering in any situation involving persons outside the home and family) ought to be included in daily warfare covering prayers. This prayer covers: Bringing all past food and social contexts before the Lord Asking forgiveness for ignorant involvements in hidden agendas Forgiving those who have used witchcraft Severing and releasing all ties and all salt covenants Canceling evil words and rituals Nullifying blood sacrifices by the Blood of Jesus Wielding the sword of the Holy Spirit against the weapons and effects of enemy warfare Canceling all traps and evil timing in the spirit realm Glorifying the Father through His Almighty Son Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Prayer for Breaking of Salt Covenants, p.17 http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Thu, June 21, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening, understanding, and agreeing, and then again for repeating. (WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE SOUND DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE FIRST AND SECOND RECORDINGS.) WARNING: This prayer is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR INDIVIDUALS who are praying alone and unsupported. This prayer is appropriate for any community or congregation of believers where the leaders have had some experience in intercession and spiritual warfare — and who unwaveringly understand and know the authority of Jesus Christ and his Body. It is of paramount importance that the members of the congregation, church, prayer group, etc., be able to uphold each other daily in prayer, because prayers of this sort will provoke a backlash from the enemy. We recommend the concurrent and regular use of the prayers available through this podcast and website which pertain to protection from the weapons and backlash of the kingdom of darkness. This prayer covers: Declaring Who God Is, and His sovereignty Magnifying the will and purposes of God Inviting the Holy Spirit to work in power Opening the gates to the presence of the Lord Submission to God Invoking and applying the Blood of Jesus Rebuking, resisting, and frustrating the enemy Exalting the Name of God Declaring the complete victory of Jesus Christ Overthrowing the chariots of the enemy Crying out for the water and fire of the Word and Spirit Proclaiming the Lord’s day of vengeance Asking for the release of warring and ministering angels Honoring and giving glory to Jesus Glorifying the Father through His Almighty Son Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: “PETITIONS” COMPILATION HANDBOOK, p.70-74 http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Wed, June 20, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. WARNING: This prayer MUST NOT be prayed over any land or property where the persons praying DO NOT HAVE any legitimate authority or invested spiritual rights. It is both foolish and dangerous to wage spiritual warfare unless the Lord has indicated AND CONFIRMED the mandate to do so. This prayer SHOULD be prayed over every place of residence, but may also be prayed over any property where the persons praying have any real, vested presence and involvement. It is especially recommended to pray this prayer if there has been any dark or malevolent spiritual activity (e.g., recurring nightmares; poltergeist manifestation; frequent accidents; sudden strong incursions of witchcraft; etc.) which has not been broken and dispelled by cleansing the home or property at the surface level. Deliverance minister William Schnoebelen writes, “The owner or renter of the property should stand on the property (ideally assisted by a pastor or minister of the gospel, or a veteran prayer warrior) and prayerfully declare this”. This prayer covers: Speaking the Word of God to establish the prayer context Following the biblical model of applying the blood of sacrifice Acknowledging and declaring the power of the Blood of Jesus Asking the Father to administer the Blood of the Lamb Recognizing the cleansing work of Jesus’ blood Commanding out all evil spirits whose rights have been removed Asking for the installment of angelic guardians Forbidding further incursions of the kingdom of darkness Agreeing to all points, in unity in Jesus Christ Author: William Schnoebelen www.withoneaccord.org Text source: Prayer to Remit the Sin of the Shedding of Innocent Blood over the Land http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html
Fri, June 15, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode features chapters 1 - 4 of PROTECTION FROM DECEPTION, written by Derek Prince (1915-2003). Derek Prince is justifiably considered by many to have been one of the most influential and exemplary establishers of deliverance ministry in the 20th century. Derek Prince has been particularly unique in the field of deliverance ministry, in that he brought together a sturdy and measured scholarship, sober scriptural study, and a strong anointing into his teachings. We highly recommend all of Derek Prince’s video, audio, and written materials, many of which are available in several languages. You will find hundreds of free video teachings at https://m.youtube.com/user/DerekPrinceMinistry/videos . Additional free resources are featured at the website of Derek Prince Ministries, www.derekprince.org . Derek’s own complete three-part presentation of PROTECTION FROM DECEPTION, with accompanying transcripts, is available through this link: https://www.derekprince.org/Groups/1000065032/DPM_USA/Archive_of_UK/Keys/Protection_from_Deception/Protection_from_Deception.aspx The following issues and questions are addressed in this instructive episode: CHAPTER 1 Are miraculous — or otherwise supernatural — events and experiences of God, or of the devil? How can we tell the difference between what is of God, and what is not? What help can scripture give us, that we may discern between God’s truth and the devil’s deceptions? The importance of confession of sins, and true repentance Five examples of supernaturally-charged ministries that fell into serious error CHAPTER 2 Five ways the Holy Spirit validates His genuine presence and work (i.e., five fruits of the Holy Spirit) CHAPTER 3 Who is the Holy Spirit? What kind of person is He? How does He relate to the Father and the Son...and to us? CHAPTER 4 How does the Holy Spirit work within both individual believers, and the Church? What are the differences between the true Holy Spirit of God, and counterfeit spirits? What role can we hope — and expect — the Holy Spirit to play in our lives? What are the consequences of ignoring or discounting the Holy Spirit? Author: Derek Prince Ministries www.derekprince.org (as collated from previously unpublished material by Derek Prince) Text source: Protection from Deception
Mon, June 11, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Past sexual abuse of any kind creates tremendous long-term disruptions, not the least of which may be a painful inability to be truly intimate with one’s spouse. Pastor Ivory Hopkins writes, “In the spirit, I have found demons operating through and behind rape and incest, causing generational and life-changing damage to both the victim and the perpetrator.” He notes, furthermore, that even as faithful and Holy Spirit-led prayer is absolutely necessary to break the power of the kingdom of darkness and bring release from the bondage of past evils, a vital role is also played by spiritual and professional counseling in the healing process. This prayer is very straightforward, simple, and clear: a cry to our Father for the deep healing and restoration that only HE can provide. Author: Pastor Ivory Hopkins http://pilgrimsministry.org **We highly recommend the books, manuals, CDs, and DVDs available through Pastor Hopkins’ online store. Text Source: (adapted from) Deliverance from Spirits of Sexual Abuse *As published in OMEGAMAN Magazine, Issue #5, p.27: available as a free PDF download at www.omegamanradio.com
Thu, June 07, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer is for the purpose of all who are seeking a fuller measure of the Gift of Discernment. This prayer covers: Thanks, praise, and honor to God Asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit Asking for the Gift of Discerning of Spirits Acknowledging God’s fatherhood over all Acknowledging God as the giver of all wisdom Asking for divine discernment of the enemy’s weapons, plans, and timing Asking for preparation and warning, from the Holy Spirit Asking for an indwelling of His Light, Truth, and Love Authors: Dr. William & Mary Schnoebelen With One Accord Ministries http://www.withoneaccord.org Text source: adapted from “Prayer for Discernment” http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html
Thu, June 07, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for listening and repeating only. This prayer is specifically for the purpose of parents who are seeking God’s wisdom, guidance, and protection over the life of their child. This prayer covers: Thanks, praise, and honor to God Asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit Asking for the Gift of Discerning of Spirits Acknowledging God’s fatherhood over all Acknowledging God as the giver of all wisdom Asking for divine discernment of the enemy’s weapons, plans, and timing Asking for preparation and warning, from the Holy Spirit Asking for an indwelling of His Light, Truth, and Love Authors: Dr. William & Mary Schnoebelen With One Accord Ministries http://www.withoneaccord.org Text source: Prayer for Discernment http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html
Tue, June 05, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode features the second chapter (“Is There a Witchdoctor in the House?”) of HOODOO VOODOO, a deliverance overview and application manual written by Scott E. Hensler, a veteran of deliverance ministry. The ground covered here includes the basics concerning the general names and forms of divination and witchcraft, as well as the unequivocal position of the Word of God on these matters. A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT WITCHCRAFT IS, AND ITS MANY DECEPTIVE FACES, IS INDISPENSABLE FOR ALL FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST. The following items are addressed in this instructive episode: Defining “divination” and “witchcraft” Identifying and understanding what the Bible says about these things Naming popular and widespread forms of witchcraft Describing the deception of “good” witchcraft Why good intentions cannot excuse the use of witchcraft Identifying unexpected or unseen types of witchcraft Understanding the dire consequences of all witchcraft Understanding what it means to “test the spirits” Explaining how the Old Testament law is relevant now Understanding “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” Shamans, witchdoctors, and voodooists The growing witchcraft infection of society Exhortation to fight the good fight Dependence upon God for any and every victory Author: Scott E. Hensler www.scotthensler.org Text source: HooDoo VooDoo *used by permission HooDoo VooDoo First Edition -1.0 Spirit Realm Series -Volume IV By Scott E. Hensler Scott Hensler Network Ministries Copyright © 2014 Scott Hensler Network Ministries ISBN: 978-0-578-15132-8 All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted by any means without written permission from Scott Hensler Network Ministries. Published in US by Conceived Innovations
Mon, May 28, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, first for listening, agreeing, and repeating. This prayer is appropriate for — and recommended for — individuals, families, or any community or congregation of believers. In this time of ever-increasing deception and seduction, we need the Lord to do what only HE can do: protect us, with the Light of Truth which is Jesus Christ, the Word of God, by the working of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 14:32 tells us, “The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.” While there are many deliberate deceivers in the world, a false prophet is not necessarily someone who intends to deceive — nevertheless, an untruth is given while being described as coming from God. Deceptive words may be great, or they may be small; they may be delivered to an individual, or to a prayer meeting, or to a global audience. In any case, every “word from the Lord” must be tested against scripture and against the witness of the Holy Spirit. And we must EXPECT deception. We must be on guard against it, because no matter who you are or where you are in the Body of Jesus Christ, the devil is going to come against you with lies, misdirections, and deliberate error. It is incumbent upon us therefore, if we are intelligent believers, not only to repent for receiving and believing lies in the past, but to pray in advance of all coming deceptions. This prayer covers: Declaring Who God Is, and His sovereignty Drawing humbly before the throne of grace Acknowledging our complete dependence upon God Recognizing and honoring the Blood of Jesus Christ Repentance for sins that opened the way for deceptions Repentance for accepting, receiving, and believing false prophecies and false prophets, without testing the spirits Repentance for the extended effects and consequences Repentance for despising the true prophetic word Repentance for spiritually “killing” true prophets Repentance for putting money in the coffers of false prophets Repentance for curses that followed upon these transgressions Renouncing all lies, rebellion, and stubbornness Renouncing and rejecting the deceiving powers of darkness Negating the assignments of deceptive entities Asking God for forgiveness and cleansing Asking God to change curses into blessings Asking God for deliverance from our enemies Asking God to sever between false prophets and the Church Asking God to cut off and destroy all fountains of deception, and all of their evil works Binding and removing the devil’s gatekeepers Asking for angelic gatekeepers Asking for restoration and establishment
Wed, May 23, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and understanding, then again for leading a child. The prayer recorded here is for leading a young child in taking part in his or her own deliverance. Have no doubt: even children are well able to exercise authority over demons, in the name of Jesus, provided they have at least one parent who is washed in the Blood of the Lamb and who will guide their child in this matter. The child being so led must be old enough to have at least a rudimentary understanding of the situation: which is, “I know I have been doing some wrong things. Jesus is going to help me get the bad things out of me”. Please first review the prayer text below, and the listening version of the prayer, so that you may be ready to lead your child smoothly and confidently. For a better understanding of ministering to youths, we recommend the excellent book series by Bill Banks. https://www.facebook.com/authorbillbanks IMPORTANT NOTE: IF THERE SEEMS TO BE NO CHANGE IN THE CHILD FOLLOWING THIS AND/OR ADDITIONAL DELIVERANCE PRAYERS, THEN THERE MAY BE A REPENTANCE ISSUE WITH THE PARENTS, OR THERE MAY BE AN UNBROKEN FAMILY OR BLOODLINE CURSE THAT MUST BE DEALT WITH IN ORDER FOR RELEASE OF THE CHILD TO BE EFFECTUAL. If you find that deliverance for the child is not forthcoming, we recommend that each parent download and pray in sincerity all pertinent prayers of repentance and curse-breaking. In the meantime, parents should regularly (at least once or twice daily) pray additional deliverance prayers over their child, whether or not they are present, asleep, or awake. Please carefully choose the relevant prayers in the Full List of Available Prayers (click on the link at the top of this page). Author and text source: Deliverance for Children & Teens, by Bill Banks (p.142) Published 2008, Impact Christian Books https://www.facebook.com/authorbillbanks Prayer text: Lord Jesus, I am sorry for all the bad things I have done. Please forgive me. I love you, I belong to you, and I want to live for you. I forgive everybody who has hurt me, made me mad, or made me cry. I forgive my mother and my father for anything they did that upset me. Now, I ask you to make the things that cause me to do wrong things to get out of me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Tue, May 22, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode is Chapter 7 of HOODOO VOODOO, a deliverance overview and application manual written by Scott E. Hensler, a veteran of deliverance ministry. Chapter 7 deals primarily with the character and operation of the “Kundalini” spirit. A WORKING AWARENESS AND DISCERNMENT OF THE KUNDALINI SPIRIT, AND RELATED SPIRITS, IS INDISPENSABLE FOR ALL FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST. Related topics, issues, and spirits include: The long-term goals of the Kundalini spirit The true purposes of Hinduism The truth about Yoga The deception of submissive meditation Witchcraft vs. Kundalini Demonic mind control Territorial spirits Demonic influence in human culture Spiritual perversions that fool Christians Author: Scott E. Hensler www.scotthensler.org Text source: HooDoo VooDoo *used by permission HooDoo VooDoo First Edition -1.0 Spirit Realm Series -Volume IV By Scott E. Hensler Scott Hensler Network Ministries Copyright © 2014 Scott Hensler Network Ministries ISBN: 978-0-578-15132-8 All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted by any means without written permission from Scott Hensler Network Ministries. Published in US by Conceived Innovations
Mon, May 21, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Acknowledging and giving thanks for the sacrifice and blood of Jesus, for the scriptures, and for the Holy Spirit Acknowledging complete dependence upon God Commitment to God’s will Renunciation of all deceptions and lies which we have allowed or accepted Standing against, and driving out, lies and deceptions Embracing the Truth of the Son, the Word, and the Spirit Asking for an indwelling of Truth alone Author: Derek Prince www.derekprince.org Text source: Protection from Deception, p.237-238 Published 2008 Derek Prince Ministries Int’l Whitaker House, New Kensington, PA
Thu, May 17, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. (*For a version of this prayer that may be used specifically for deliverance from NIGHTMARES, please download the prayer titled “DELIVERANCE FOCUS for Very Young Children: Deliverance from Nightmares”.) This prayer may be used to effect deliverance from any manner of spirit tormenting an infant, toddler, or young child. Prayer may be done whether the child is asleep or awake (see the quote below from minister Bill Banks). The prayer recorded here is in basic template form. The prayer text below provides suggestions for the TYPE of information you need to insert (e.g., two parents; male child; spirit of rebellion), but the recording leaves the most critical words blank for your adaptive use. Please first review the prayer text below, and the listening version of the prayer, so that you may be ready to adapt the language to your particular situation (for example: one or two parents; male or female child; type of spirit(s); etc.). **PLEASE REMEMBER THAT, IF THERE SEEMS TO BE NO CHANGE IN THE CHILD FOLLOWING THIS AND/OR ADDITIONAL DELIVERANCE PRAYERS, THEN THERE MAY BE A REPENTANCE ISSUE WITH THE PARENTS, OR THERE MAY BE AN UNBROKEN FAMILY OR BLOODLINE CURSE THAT MUST BE DEALT WITH IN ORDER FOR RELEASE OF THE CHILD TO BE EFFECTUAL. If you find that deliverance for the child is not forthcoming, we recommend that each parent download and pray in sincerity all pertinent prayers of repentance and curse-breaking. In the meantime, continue regularly (at least once or twice daily) to pray this deliverance prayer over your child, whether or not they are present, asleep, or awake. Minister and author Bill Banks writes: “The simplest ministry is to the infant or very small child, because the will [of the child] has not yet become fully developed... One of the most simple, yet effective, techniques for ministering to children, regardless of age, is to pray over them while they are sleeping... The demon(s) can hear us even when the child is asleep.” Author and text source: Deliverance for Children & Teens, by Bill Banks (p.132-133) Published 2008, Impact Christian Books www.impactchristianbooks.com PRAYER TEXT Lord Jesus, [ I / We ] come to you, for [ I / we ] know that you are the Deliverer. As the parent(s) of [ this child ], [ I / we ] thank you for [ him / her ], and acknowledge [ him / her ] to be a blessing from you. Now, in the power of your name, Lord Jesus Christ, [ I / we ] bind the spirit of [ rebellion ] which has been tormenting [ him / her ] with [
Thu, May 17, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The prayer recorded here is specifically for praying deliverance from nightmares. However, the template form of the prayer may be used to effect deliverance from any manner of spirit tormenting an infant, toddler, or young child. Prayer may be done whether the child is asleep or awake (see the quote below from minister Bill Banks). Please first review the prayer text below, and the listening version of the prayer, so that you may be ready to adapt the language to your particular situation (for example: one parent; female child; etc.). For a version of this prayer that may be used for other demons and afflictions, please download the prayer titled “DELIVERANCE FOCUS: General Deliverance of Very Young Children”. **PLEASE REMEMBER THAT, IF THERE SEEMS TO BE NO CHANGE IN THE CHILD FOLLOWING THIS AND/OR ADDITIONAL DELIVERANCE PRAYERS, THEN THERE MAY BE A REPENTANCE ISSUE WITH THE PARENTS, OR THERE MAY BE AN UNBROKEN FAMILY OR BLOODLINE CURSE THAT MUST BE DEALT WITH IN ORDER FOR RELEASE OF THE CHILD TO BE EFFECTUAL. If you find that deliverance for the child is not forthcoming, we recommend that each parent download and pray in sincerity all pertinent prayers of repentance and curse-breaking. In the meantime, continue regularly (at least once or twice daily) to pray this deliverance prayer over your child, whether or not they are present, asleep, or awake. Minister and author Bill Banks writes: “The simplest ministry is to the infant or very small child, because the will [of the child] has not yet become fully developed... One of the most simple, yet effective, techniques for ministering to children, regardless of age, is to pray over them while they are sleeping... The demon(s) can hear us even when the child is asleep.” Author and text source: Deliverance for Children & Teens, by Bill Banks (p.132-133) Published 2008, Impact Christian Books www.impactchristianbooks.com PRAYER TEXT Lord Jesus, [ I / We ] come to you, for [ I / we ] know that you are the Deliverer. As the parent(s) of [ this child ], [ I / we ] thank you for [ him / her ], and acknowledge [ him / her ] to be a blessing from you. Now, in the power of your name, Lord Jesus Christ, [ I / we ] bind the spirit of [ nightmares ] which has been tormenting [ him / her ] with [ fear ], and [ I / we ] command it to come out of [ him / her ] now. [ I / We ] loose [ him / her ] now from the hold of the spirit of [ nightmares ], f
Wed, May 16, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The devil will never cease to seek to tempt us, throwing every kind of wicked thought into our minds. While there is lust in our carnal hearts, many of the temptations we face, even seemingly overwhelming ones, are weapons of the enemy hitting us right when we are most vulnerable. This prayer is intended for general warfare against temptations. The basic scriptures and template of this warfare prayer may be used, and should be used, as often as needed, against all manner of fiery darts from the enemy and even against the wickedness in our own hearts. Please read over the prayer text below before listening, and be prepared to NAME THE OPPRESSING SPIRITS OF TEMPTATION during the prayer. BE PERSISTENT. Pray this prayer; memorize it; quench the enemy’s darts; throw out the offending spirits; and above all, trust in the Word of God. Prayer text: Lord, it is written in: Philippians 4:7 — The peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 — We have the mind of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 — Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; Joel 2:32 and Romans 10:13 — Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered. Father and Lord Jesus, I commit my mind and heart to you. Please quicken your Word in me. Let no iniquity have dominion over me. Father, deliver me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil. In the name of Jesus, I command every thought in my mind to come into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ. Satan, the Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you. I rebuke you in Jesus' name. I command that every spirit of [NAME THE OPPRESSING TEMPTATIONS] leave me now". Lord Jesus, thank you for delivering me. Holy Spirit, establish my thoughts and my ways according to the Father’s will, in Jesus’ almighty name. Scriptures: Philippians 4:7 1 Corinthians 2:16 2 Corinthians 10:5 Joel 2:32 and Romans 10:13 Proverbs 16:3 Psalm 119:25,50,107,133,154 Matthew 6:13 and Luke 11:4 2 Timothy 4:18 Zechariah 3:2 Matthew 10:8
Mon, May 14, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and memorization. The devil will never cease to seek to tempt us, throwing every kind of wicked thought into our minds. It is important to understand and remember that while there is lust in our carnal hearts, many of the temptations we face, even seemingly overwhelming ones, are weapons of the enemy hitting us right when we are most vulnerable. This prayer has been recorded specifically against temptation to unforgiveness, but the scriptures and format are intended for general warfare against temptations. The basic scriptures and template of this warfare prayer may be used, and should be used, as often as needed, against all manner of fiery darts from the enemy and even against the wickedness in our own hearts. BE PERSISTENT. Pray this prayer; memorize it; quench the enemy’s darts; throw out the offending spirits; and above all, trust in the Word of God. Prayer text: Lord, it is written in: Philippians 4:7 — The peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 — We have the mind of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 — Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; Joel 2:32 and Romans 10:13 — Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered. Father and Lord Jesus, I commit my mind and heart to you. Please quicken your Word in me. Let no iniquity have dominion over me. Father, deliver me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil. In the name of Jesus, I command every thought in my mind to come into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ. Satan, the Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you. I rebuke you in Jesus' name. I command that every spirit of [unforgiveness, bitterness, grudge, spite, revenge, retribution, retaliation, and emotional self-satisfaction] leave me now". Lord Jesus, thank you for delivering me. Holy Spirit, establish my thoughts and my ways according to the Father’s will, in Jesus’ almighty name. Scriptures: Philippians 4:7 1 Corinthians 2:16 2 Corinthians 10:5 Joel 2:32 and Romans 10:13 Proverbs 16:3 Psalm 119:25,50,107,133,154 Matthew 6:13 and Luke 11:4 2 Timothy 4:18 Zechariah 3:2 Matthew 10:8
Mon, May 14, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The devil will never cease to seek to tempt us, throwing every kind of wicked thought into our minds. It is important to understand and remember that while there is lust in our carnal hearts, many of the temptations we face, even seemingly overwhelming ones, are weapons of the enemy hitting us right when we are most vulnerable. This prayer has been recorded specifically against sexual temptation, but the scriptures and format are intended for general warfare against temptations. The basic scriptures and template of this warfare prayer may be used, and should be used, as often as needed, against all manner of fiery darts from the enemy and even against the wickedness in our own hearts. BE PERSISTENT. Pray this prayer; memorize it; quench the enemy’s darts; throw out the offending spirits; and above all, trust in the Word of God. Prayer text: Lord, it is written in: Philippians 4:7 — The peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 — We have the mind of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 — Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; Joel 2:32 and Romans 10:13 — Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered. Father and Lord Jesus, I commit my mind and heart to you. Please quicken your Word in me. Let no iniquity have dominion over me. Father, deliver me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil. In the name of Jesus, I command every thought in my mind to come into captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ. Satan, the Lord Jesus Christ rebuke you. I rebuke you in Jesus' name. I command that every spirit of [auto-eroticism, lewdness, uncleanness, adultery, fornication, perversion, pornography, and vanity] leave me now". Lord Jesus, thank you for delivering me. Holy Spirit, establish my thoughts and my ways according to the Father’s will, in Jesus’ almighty name. Scriptures: Philippians 4:7 1 Corinthians 2:16 2 Corinthians 10:5 Joel 2:32 and Romans 10:13 Proverbs 16:3 Psalm 119:25,50,107,133,154 Matthew 6:13 and Luke 11:4 2 Timothy 4:18 Zechariah 3:2 Matthew 10:8
Fri, May 11, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Pastor Ivory writes, “A saved grandparent has tremendous power in the spirit to break strongholds over their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Even if the parents are not saved, or are backslidden, that does not stop you from rising up and superseding the parents’ authority, if they won’t pray over their own child or grandchild”. This prayer covers: Petitioning for covering and protection with the Blood of Jesus Binding witchcraft, curses, backlash, and soul ties Binding spirits of sexual destruction and gang activity Binding spirits of murder and untimely death Binding spirits that destroy relationships and families Binding spirits that operate to prevent salvation in Jesus Christ Binding spirits of rejection, abandonment, and backsliding Commanding release from witchcraft and bondage Thanksgiving to the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ Author: Pastor Ivory Hopkins http://pilgrimsministry.org **We highly recommend the books, manuals, CDs, and DVDs available through Pastor Ivory’s online store. Text Source: Warfare Prayer for Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren* *As published in OMEGAMAN Magazine, Issue #2, p.12: available as a free PDF download at www.omegamanradio.com
Thu, May 10, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and then for repeating. We are releasing this prayer in an improved format with better pacing and sound quality. This prayer covers: Declaration of love and faith Praise and worship Crying out for help Declaring God’s love and promises Asking for mercy and grace Submission and surrender Receiving the armor of God Casting the burden upon Jesus Confession of weakness and dependence Asking for truth, correction, and guidance Thanksgiving and resting in God Praying from the scriptures: Isaiah 63:9 Jeremiah 31:3 2 Corinthians 6:18 Jeremiah 10:10 Matthew 22:32 Hebrews 1:1,2 Psalm 50:15 James 4:7 Ephesians 6:10-18 Romans 11:26 Matt 22:37 John 16:12-14 Psalm 139:23,24 Ephesians 5:18 1 John 5:14,15 Author: Dr. Victor Matthews https://drvictormatthews.org Text source: A Prayer for Times of Trial https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer
Mon, May 07, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This Biblical prayer has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and prayerful meditation. The Word of God is our greatest source of prayer language. This presentation of THANKSGIVING and PRAISE is taken directly from Psalms 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, and 102. WORSHIP is the first and foremost weapon of spiritual warfare, because in our praise of God, we let a throne be made for His presence. The power of the presence of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ breaks the power and schemes of the enemy and drives away the atmosphere of the kingdom of darkness. We pray that this psalm-based prayer will be a vehicle for the Holy Ghost to set His presence permanently into the heart, mind, and spirit of each person who hears, agrees, and gives glory to the Lord. Text source: The Holy Bible (King James Version)
Sat, May 05, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. We strongly recommend downloading and reading the full free copy of Prayer of Renunciation: Germanic Roots, available at the links to Kanaan Ministries below. If there is any possibility that you have Germanic, Nordic, or even Celtic blood in your family, this renunciation prayer is for you and your family and your descendants. While certain parts of this prayer concern Nazi Germany, and you may not have any known ties to Germanic blood from that period of time, it must be remembered that Nazism was only one recent derivation of much older occultic traditions. Consider also the possibility that spiritual ties (and therefore curses) may be brought upon a family line even through social or commercial connections. Author Annemaria Malkusch writes: “It is so important that EVERYONE become aware of the ‘gaps in the fences’ that have been caused by the actions of their forefathers, which have opened doors creating the legal ground for the enemy to be at work in our lives... We may know of the actions of our forefathers, but it is equally true that we will not necessarily know everything. We are called to respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit to address any open doors we are unaware of... “There is so much ignorance and carelessness amongst people today – even in the Church! Many Christians don’t believe in dealing with generational curses – they hold onto Romans 8:28, that all things will just work out... This is foolishness. “Having this attitude that all is covered by the Blood and we cannot be affected by the sins of out forefathers is ignorance in how generational curses work, and what is involved in the process of sanctification... “In our own strength, we cannot identify the exact mix of iniquity [forefathers] and idolatry [own choices] in our bloodlines – however, the Holy Spirit is our Perfect Counsellor and leads us into all TRUTH. Please ask Him to lead you in this – again, we encourage you to humble yourself and read the information with an open heart, seeking Truth.” Author: Annemaria Malkusch www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Prayer of Renunciation: Germanic Roots http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/ http://www.kanaanministries.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2014/02/Prayers-Of-Renunciation-GERMANIC-ROOTS.pdf
Thu, May 03, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: Each of the prayers presented here has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. These four prayers deal with curses, but each has its own specific focus. While there are innumerable types and forms of curses, due to the fact that there are innumerable types of individual sinful acts, it is never a waste of time to repent of and renounce sins and curses that occur in more general categories. Please remember that there are many additional prayers on this site dealing with other types of curses: it is recommended that you pray your way through each and every one of them, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and pray through you. For a better understanding of curses, we recommend that you take the time to listen to all SELECTED READINGS episodes that address curses. Of a certain, the prayers presented here are not dependent upon your knowledge of curses — we pray all such prayers as these, in faith, and having only a little understanding, trusting in the faithfulness of God. However, increasing your understanding of sin, and of the works of the enemy through curses, will serve to strengthen your confidence in the grace and power of God. The approximate starting time for each of the four prayers is provided below. (00:05) Prayer to Break Curses Author: Dr. William Schnoebelen, With One Accord Ministries http://www.withoneaccord.org Text source: Sample Prayer to Break Curses (Based on material from Thomas White, FRONTLINE MINISTRIES) http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html (04:53) Prayer for Breaking Generational Curses Author: Dr. William Schnoebelen, With One Accord Ministries http://www.withoneaccord.org Text source: Prayer to Break Generational Sin Curses http://www.withoneaccord.org/Liberation-Deliverance_ep_52.html (10:53) Prayer Breaking Any Covenant Or Agreement with Satan Author: unknown (16:43) Prayer Breaking Inheritance Curses Author: unknown
Tue, May 01, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode is the second half of Chapter 14 (“Blessings and Curses”) of HOODOO VOODOO, a deliverance overview and application manual written by Scott E. Hensler, a veteran of deliverance ministry. The ground covered here includes the basics concerning the essential elements and mechanics of breaking off curses and casting out the attached demons. A WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF BREAKING CURSES IS INDISPENSABLE FOR ALL FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST. The following items are addressed in this highly instructive episode: Blessings and curses in DEUTERONOMY 28 Generational and family curses The Curse of the Bastard Types of curses Procedure for breaking curses, with explanations Author: Scott E. Hensler www.scotthensler.org Text source: HooDoo VooDoo *used by permission HooDoo VooDoo First Edition -1.0 Spirit Realm Series -Volume IV By Scott E. Hensler Scott Hensler Network Ministries Copyright © 2014 Scott Hensler Network Ministries ISBN: 978-0-578-15132-8 All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted by any means without written permission from Scott Hensler Network Ministries. Published in US by Conceived Innovations
Tue, May 01, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. We are releasing this prayer in an improved, repeat-only version. For the faster listening version, please go to the Full List of Available Prayers (link provided above) and select ”Daily Warfare Arsenal Prayer”. This prayer covers: Taking thoughts captive to Jesus Christ Binding evil works and malevolent spirits Breaking evil assignments and deceptions Binding the roots of sin Loosing blessings and restoration Author: Mel Novak www.melnovak.com Text Source: God’s Arsenal of Protection Prayer http://melnovak.com/new/warfare-prayers/
Mon, April 30, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This episode is an excerpt from Chapter 14 of HOODOO VOODOO, a deliverance overview and application manual written by Scott E. Hensler, a veteran of deliverance ministry. The ground covered here includes the basics concerning the reality, forms, and vicissitudes of curses, as well as their origins; and their relation to the demonic beings that execute and enforce them. A WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF CURSES IS INDISPENSABLE FOR ALL FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST. The following questions are considered, and dealt with in this episode: What are curses? Are they something to be taken seriously? Are Christians guaranteed a curse-free existence? Why not? What is the relationship between curses and the Law? Do Christians and non-Christians have the same relationship to curses? How do curses relate to demonic categories and types of infirmities? Can demons and curses generally be dealt with separately? Why not? What weapons do we have against curses? Are family curses different from curses upon individual persons? Who is affected by Curses of Deception, and how? What effects can curses bring to bear against innocent children? Can an entire nation come under a curse or curses? Curses are bad, but how seriously do we really have to take them? Why? Author: Scott E. Hensler www.scotthensler.org Text source: HooDoo VooDoo *used by permission HooDoo VooDoo First Edition -1.0 Spirit Realm Series -Volume IV By Scott E. Hensler Scott Hensler Network Ministries Copyright © 2014 Scott Hensler Network Ministries ISBN: 978-0-578-15132-8 All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted by any means without written permission from Scott Hensler Network Ministries. Published in US by Conceived Innovations
Thu, April 26, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. We are releasing this prayer in an improved, repeat-only version. For the faster listening version, please go to the Full List of Available Prayers (link provided above) and select the earlier prayer with same name as this one. This prayer covers: Giving thanks to God Declaring blessings from the Word of God Asking for forgiveness and provision Asking for favor and angelic assignments Praying from the scriptures: Hebrews 13:20-21 Romans 1:8 1 Corinthians 1:3-8 2 Corinthians 13:11 Ephesians 1:16-18 Philippians 1:3-6,9-11 Colossians 1:9-15,22-23,26-27 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 Author: psalm71.com
Thu, April 26, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. We are releasing this prayer in an improved, repeat-only version. For the faster listening version, please go to the Full List of Available Prayers (link provided above) and select the earlier prayer with same name as this one. This prayer covers: Binding evil works and malevolent spirits Breaking curses and deceptions Declaring God as Father Resisting the devil and his works Asking for angelic protection and ministering Taking up the armor of God Forbidding physical and spiritual intrusions Declaring and receiving the armor of God Declaring the leading of the Holy Spirit Declaring the lordship of Jesus Christ Declaring the faithful blessings of God Asking for guidance in ministry Author: Scott Hensler www.scotthensler.org Text Source: http://scotthensler.org/Daily%20Prayer%20Covering(1).pdf
Thu, April 26, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. We are releasing this prayer in an improved, repeat-only version. For the faster listening version, please go to the Full List of Available Prayers (link provided above) and select the earlier prayer with same name as this one. This prayer covers: Declaring the sovereignty of God Asking for and receiving God’s protection Declaring the Word of God Binding the kingdom of darkness Loosing the power of the Kingdom of God Author: Mary Lake Text Source: UPDATED PRAYERS FOR RELEASE (scroll down the page at the link below) http://kingdomintelligencebriefing.com/resources/healing-for-victims-of-trauma-and-abuse-with-dissociative-identity-disorder-series-by-mary-lou-lake/
Thu, April 26, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. We are releasing this prayer in an improved, repeat-only version. For the faster listening version, please go to the Full List of Available Prayers (link provided above) and select the earlier prayer with same name as this one. This prayer covers: Declaring the sovereignty of God Asking for and receiving God’s protection Confession of sins The armor of God Binding the kingdom of darkness Loosing the power of the Kingdom of God Breaking occult and technological powers Author: Mary Lake Text Source: UPDATED PRAYERS FOR RELEASE (scroll down the page at the link below) http://kingdomintelligencebriefing.com/resources/healing-for-victims-of-trauma-and-abuse-with-dissociative-identity-disorder-series-by-mary-lou-lake/
Wed, April 25, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: Due to length, this prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. The pace is a bit faster than some of the other prayers, because there is a lot of ground to cover. The devastating influence and effects of Masonry are pervasive throughout the world. The oaths and curses brought into family lines may have — DO HAVE — incredibly destructive spiritual consequences, passing down through the generations as a terrible inheritance of bondage. Due especially to the LONG-TERM CONSEQUENCES OF SECRET SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP, there are few bloodlines untouched by Masonry. Renunciation of Masonry and secret societies is strongly recommended for all believers. Deliverance minister Scott Hensler writes, “I have found if I am not successful in exorcising out a particular demon, or I am unable to break the curse, then there is Freemasonry in the bloodline of the individual I am trying to deliver and they did not even know it. Maybe it was through a father, grandfather or great-great grandfather. Most people who come in for deliverance have some Freemasonry in their families on one side or the other.” This prayer is one of a few longer variations, intended to cover every type and degree of Masonic lodge and rank. (Side note: The pronunciations of “secret passwords” in this prayer are meant only to be intelligible, not precise.) The publishers of this prayer make the following statements: “If you were once a member of a Masonic organization or are a descendant of someone who was, we recommend that you read through this, then pray this prayer from your heart, aloud, with a Christian witness present. You may repeat after the witness, if you prefer. “Christians should pray for Masons without judging them. Bring their sins to God in an attitude of love, petitioning the Father for His mercy, binding in the name of Jesus Christ the spirits of deception, antichrist, witchcraft, and death. Most men have no perception of the spiritual deception they have entered. “Please remember that ‘We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places’ (Ephesians 6:12). This is a spiritual battle, and should be treated accordingly.” If you have no one to pray with or for you, or if you wish to pray privately, we recommend that you first pray the prayer “Declaring Confidence in God’s Protection”: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/declaring-confidence-in-god%E2%80%99s-protection/ Then listen carefully to, and repeat, the
Mon, April 23, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The devastating influence and effects of Masonry are pervasive throughout the world. The oaths and curses brought into family lines may have — DO HAVE — incredibly destructive spiritual consequences, passing down through the generations as a terrible inheritance of bondage. Due especially to the LONG-TERM CONSEQUENCES OF SECRET SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP, there are few bloodlines untouched by Masonry. Renunciation of Masonry and secret societies is strongly recommended for all believers. The prayer here is a shortened version of longer prayers, in order to cover Masonry generally. The longer versions are recommended especially to those who know the names and RANKS of family line members who were or are involved in secret societies. Those longer prayers may be downloaded, in printed form, from the text sources listed below. Deliverance minister Scott Hensler makes the following statement: “If you or someone you love is a descendant of a Mason, I recommend that you pray through the following prayers from your heart. Don't be like the Masons - please review it carefully first so you know what is involved. It is best to pray aloud with a Christian witness or counselor present.” If you have no one to pray with or for you, or if you wish to pray privately, we recommend that you first pray the prayer “Declaring Confidence in God’s Protection”: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/declaring-confidence-in-god%E2%80%99s-protection/ Then listen carefully to the prayer here, followed by the repeating version, then followed by the prayer versions of Psalms 71 and 31. Psalm 71: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/psalm-71-1514880044/ Psalm 31: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/psalm-31-a-powerful-biblical-prayer/ Given the seriousness of secret society curses, it is imperative that you continue to spend time daily in prayer and studying the Word of God. We also recommend seeking assistance from an experienced deliverance minister, especially if release does not seem to be forthcoming. Author: PRAYER OF RELEASE FOR MASONS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS. These Freemasonry prayers are taken from Unmasking Freemasonry -Removing the Hoodwink" by Selwyn Stevens and used with permission. Published by Jubilee Publishers, PO Box 36-044, Wellington 6330, New Zealand. (ISBN 0 9583417-3-7). Copying of t
Sat, April 21, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This episode is a collection of short excerpts from the published writings of several longtime veterans of deliverance ministry. The ground covered here includes the most plain questions and basics of deliverance and spiritual warfare, making this especially useful and helpful for individuals who are new to spiritual warfare, and for those who want a solid refresher in what deliverance ministry is really all about. The following questions are considered, and dealt with simply and directly: WHO IS ABLE TO BE AFFECTED BY DEMONIC SPIRITS? HOW COULD IT BE POSSIBLE FOR ANY TRUE CHRISTIAN, EVEN A BORN-AGAIN, HOLY SPIRIT-FILLED CHRISTIAN, TO BE AFFLICTED BY DEMONIC BEINGS? WHO NEEDS DELIVERANCE? WHAT ARE THE INDICATORS THAT DELIVERANCE MAY BE GREATLY NEEDED? WHAT ARE THE MOST BASIC RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE BELIEVER, SIN, AND DEMONIC BEINGS? WHAT IS THE CENTRAL CHARACTER AND PURPOSE OF DELIVERANCE MINISTRY? IS THE CHRISTIAN LIFE PASSIVE SUFFERING OR ACTIVE WARFARE? WHAT ARE THE NECESSARY AND KNOWN CONSEQUENCES — BOTH PERSONAL AND IN THE CHURCH — OF DENYING THE REALITY OF DEMONIC POWERS, AND THEIR INFLUENCE UPON TRUE BELIEVERS? We pray that this episode and the information herein will bless you and be a vehicle for the Lord to speak directly to your heart, mind, and spirit. **Please note that some of the material cited in this broadcast has been altered slightly, in order or wording, to make the flow of the presentation smoother. In any case, we have made every effort to maintain the integrity and intended meanings of the original material. AUTHORS AND TEXT SOURCES The Big Red Deliverance Manual, Sec. 1 of 7 Gene and Earline Moody www.genemoody.com (See the ANNOUNCEMENT below for further information about obtaining this and additional FREE deliverance resources.) Spiritual Warfare Training Manual Ivory Hopkins (Includes citations of “War on the Saints”, by Jesse Penn-Lewis) Pilgrims Ministry of Deliverance www.pilgrimsministry.org Deliverance for Children and Teens Bill Banks https://www.facebook.com/authorbillbanks (This and additional books by Bill are available at http://www.impactchristianbooks.com/products.aspx?Auth=383 ) Annihilating the Hosts of Hell Win Worley *Book available at Agape Bible Bookstore ( https://agapebiblebr.com ) and major online retaile
Thu, April 19, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. The Renunciation of PRIDE was previously recorded as a standalone prayer (see the full list of prayers). It is here given in combination with a deliverance prayer against the spirits of Leviathan. This prayer covers: Confession of personal and ancestral pride Asking for mercy and deliverance Asking for the revealing light of the Word of God Asking for the purging fire of the Word of God Sealing up the evil doors that were opened by pride Inscribing the Word of God on the tablets of the heart Thanksgiving Renouncing, rebuking, binding the forces, powers, and beings associated and partnered with Leviathan Casting out Leviathan Asking for removal of spiritual blindness and pride Asking for cleansing and sanctification Cutting curses associated with Leviathan Destroying the enemy’s rights and grounds Praise and glory to our Deliverer Glory to the Father through Jesus Christ Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Pride, Leviathan, and Other Water Spirits, p.41-44 PRAYERS: Renunciation of PRIDE LEVIATHAN Prayer: release from the Spirit of PRIDE http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=23&sortby=title&dlpage=2
Tue, April 10, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded TWICE, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Confessing weakness Seeking the strength of God Submitting to the power of God Giving the burden to Jesus Christ Casting down temptations to lust and pride Repenting of and turning away from lust Refusing the lies of the enemy Asking for a pure and steadfast heart and mind Asking for the full armor of God Asking for discernment, protection, sanctification Receiving and declaring victory in Jesus Thanksgiving for deliverance, strength, cleansing Praise, honor, and glory to Almighty God Author: Peter Johnson Keys to the Kingdom Deliverance Ministry http://deliveranceministry.com.au Text source: Warfare Prayer Against Lust http://deliveranceministry.com.au/warfare-prayer-lust/
Tue, April 03, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. Deliverance minister Peter Johnson states concerning auto-immune diseases: “WHEN YOU COME OUT OF AGREEMENT WITH GOD’S WORD YOU CAN COME INTO AGREEMENT WITH A SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY. “LIKEWISE, AN UNLOVING SPIRIT AND SELF-HATRED WILL PRODUCE ALL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES. “IN ORDER TO BE HEALED OF ALL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES YOU WILL HAVE TO LEARN TO ACCEPT AND LOVE YOURSELF AS GOD MADE YOU, AND RECEIVE THE LOVE OF GOD.” It is important to understand the deliverance and healing process much the way that the process of sanctification is laid forth in the Word of God. Some battles are relatively brief, and completed in a short time, while other aspects of warfare may be ongoing and require fortitude and enduring faith, by the grace of God alone. The Lord God has told us plainly: Deuteronomy 7:22 And the Lord your God will drive out those nations [ENEMIES BOTH SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL] before you by little and little: you may not consume them at once, lest the beasts of the field [AGENTS AND TOOLS OF THE DEVIL] overwhelm you. Much deliverance and healing — spiritual and physical — comes about only during a committed process of prayer, fasting, and bible study. Matthew 17:20-21 KJV If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. We are praying for your deliverance, healing, and strength, in Jesus Christ. Author: Peter Johnson Keys to the Kingdom Deliverance Ministry http://deliveranceministry.com.au Text source: Deliverance Prayer For Autoimmune Diseases (on Peter’s website, click on the “Prayers” link)
Mon, April 02, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE PRAYING THIS PRAYER: We are told plainly by the Word of God that bondage to any sort of drug is a matter of grave spiritual concern, particularly any drug which produces changes in perception and behavior. These types of drugs are today known as “pharmaceutical” drugs: this word is derived directly from the Greek word “pharmakon”, meaning “sorcery”, as in a type of witchcraft. (We are not speaking here of medicines for general bodily medical problems.) Any mind-altering drug which has been used to the point of control over a person’s life is a danger to the spiritual condition of the user, and it bears the risk of terrible consequences. Revelation 9:20-21 KJV [20] And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: [21] Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (φαρμάκων pharmakon), nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. It is our belief that this prayer of faith will not be prayed in vain, no matter how frightening or uncertain your condition may seem to be right now. Here is what deliverance minister Bill Schnoebelen has to say about this dependent condition, and the prayer recorded here: “We advise praying this prayer after seeking Abba Father for His Wisdom. Consult with your Health Care Professional concerning any prescription drugs you currently take and the effects of stopping or changing your medication. If, after this consultation, you do not feel comfortable with changing your medications, pray “Prayer Against Spirit of Pharmakeia: Prayer II” [available at Bill’s website — see the link below]. Either way, it will be a great help!” PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE IN NO WAY ADVOCATING THE FALSE “Word of Faith” APPROACH, WHICH IS TO PRAY RECKLESSLY AND TO ABANDON ALL MEDICATIONS IN A SUDDEN AND POSSIBLY DANGEROUS WAY. We recommend, rather, that you pray this prayer as needed, regularly, waiting for the Lord to answer and to move upon you according to HIS timing and HIS wisdom. Commit yourself to prayer time, to the reading of the Word of God, as you are able, and WAIT UPON THE LORD. If you have anyone to pray with you, seek that fellowship also. Know that this prayer has also been prayed for you and over you, by us. We bless you, and believe for your healing, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Authors: Dr. William & Mary S
Thu, March 29, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Personal and generational confession of the sin of unbelief Confession of the sins of impatience and willful blindness Asking for personal forgiveness and healing Asking for healing of the land Renouncing the devil, his lies and his works Renouncing agreement with unbelief Renouncing and casting out spirits of unbelief Renouncing and casting out spirits of deafness and dumbness Declaring the ownership and residence of God in His temple Giving honor, thanks, and praise to the Lord Authors: Dorman Duggan and Frank Hammond Text source: The Strongman of Unbelief, p.37-38 **This and many more books, e-books, audio recordings, and DVDs may be previewed and ordered at www.impactchristianbooks.com .
Thu, March 15, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This Biblical prayer has been recorded ONCE, for listening, agreeing, and prayerful meditation. The Word of God is our greatest source of prayer language. This presentation of Psalm 31 is a composite of both the Greek and Hebrew texts. Preserving the meaningful variations found among the text sources gives us a rich and powerful prayer, inspired by the Holy Spirit. We pray that this psalm-based prayer will be a vehicle for the Holy Ghost to convict, heal, and edify each person who hears it. Text and translation sources: Psalm 31 HaMiqraot/Hebrew-Greek-English color-coded Interlinear text, edited by Lanny Mebust http://www.bayithamashiyach.com http://www.bayithamashiyach.com/Psalms_31.pdf English-Greek Interlinear texts https://studybible.info/interlinear/psalm%2031
Mon, March 12, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This deliverance prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. The components of the prayer were assembled from related sections of Gene Moody’s deliverance manuals, which are available for free at the locations given below. The general format and content may be varied according to the specific sin areas where victory and sanctification are needed. Specific lists of evil spirits and demons to be cast out are provided at length in many sections of the Big Red Deliverance Manual. This prayer also includes short portions of our previously published Major Warfare Part I: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/major-warfare-part-i-almighty-god-provides-protects-and-delivers This prayer covers: Honoring God alone Repentance for idolatry and self-idolatry General repentance Casting out spirits of idolatry Thanks and praise to God alone Author: Gene and Earline Moody www.genemoody.com Text sources: Big Red Deliverance Manual, Sec. 2 of 7 Renouncing Idol and Self Worship, p.95 Big Red Deliverance Manual, “MASS DELIVERANCE MANUAL”, Sec. 6 of 7 List of Demons of "Bad Habits of Thinking and Reacting", "Ingratitude" and "Self", p.279-280 Short Deliverance Prayer (by Derek Prince), p.272 Basic Renunciation and Taking of Authority, p.273 ANNOUNCEMENT! The Prayer Manual, as well as all 7 sections of brother Gene Moody’s Big Red Deliverance Manual, and further deliverance and teaching materials, may be downloaded free of charge at the following online locations: Free PDFs or for ordering hard copies: http://www.genemoody.com/manuals.html Free PDFs only: http://kingdomskeysministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/
Thu, March 01, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This much-needed prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Speaking the Word of God Thanksgiving for the righteous judgment of God, in setting up and bringing down those He chooses Declaring the position of the Body of Jesus Christ, in unity of opposition and warfare against mass witchcraft By faith, taking up and bringing into service all armor and weapons of spiritual warfare, given to us in Jesus Asking Almighty God to disrupt and destroy the tools and evil works of mass witchcraft participants Asking for, and loosing, warrior angels to disrupt dark rituals Wielding and applying the Blood of the Lamb of God, against all practitioners and tools of witchcraft Petition on behalf of intended victims of sacrifice Asking for, and loosing, high-ranking angels to apprehend and dispel all wicked spirits, entities, and powers Asking for, and loosing, angels to invade enemy camps with praises and songs giving glory to the King of kings Sending spirits of confusion and infighting to the enemy Prayer for the salvation of the spiritually blind Giving glory to God Author: Robert Coker Text source: Prayer Against Witchcraft, Curses, Etc. http://theministryofsalvationfellowship.org/resources/prayer-witchcraft-curses-etc/
Mon, February 26, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Acknowledging the gift and office of parenting a child Bringing petition before the Lord, for a godly future spouse Asking for the future spouse to be protected, sanctified, and blessed with Holy Spirit giftings Asking for stability of the marriage and family Asking for unity and concord between family groups Acknowledging, inviting, and praising the sovereignty and gracious mercies of God Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: “PETITIONS - English” HANDBOOK p.15 http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Sat, February 24, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: Due to length, this prayer has been recorded only ONCE, for listening and agreeing. This passionate, forceful prayer aims to cover, as completely as possible, most of the major, general categories of defensive and offensive warfare prayer on behalf of the Church, the Body of Jesus Christ; interceding for those who are still lost; and bringing the total victory of Jesus Christ into direct confrontation against the camps of the enemy. Scores of scriptural references have been embedded in the language, making this a prayer well worth repeating and memorizing until you have become thoroughly acquainted with each section. The prayer may be divided into these general parts (with some overlap between certain parts): Praise, honor, and glory to God Prayer over all equipment, communications, and media of the Body of Christ Warfare prayer against all equipment, communications, and media of the kingdom of darkness Prayer over the leadership and ministries of the Body of Christ Asking for workers to be sent out into the fields of harvest Asking for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit Prayer of intercession and supplication for preachers of the Gospel A cry to the Lord for mercy and compassion, against the infiltrating darkness Confession of the progressive apostasy in the nominal Church A cry to the Lord for conviction, repentance, sanctification of the true Church Warfare prayer against all plots, strategies, and tools of the enemy Asking for the light of Truth to expose all hidden agendas and agents of darkness Prayer for unsaved family members and sinners Warfare prayer against treason, anarchy, tyranny, and heresy Warfare prayer against the slaughter of innocents Declaring and wielding the perfect victory of Jesus Christ, the Man of War Crying out for judgment against corrupt powers Prayer for protection and covering of mothers, fathers, and children Surrender and submission to the will, power, love, and wisdom of God Praise, thanks, blessings, and honor to our Father, our Saviour Author: Pastor Augusto Perez www.theappearance.com Text source: N/A online. These prayer components were originally presented as part of a set shared by Pastor Augusto Perez with prayer teams at The Appearance Ministries. Hundreds of hours of Pastor Perez’s video and audio broadcasts, as well as articles and additional instructional materials, are offered via the ministry website, free of charge. The Appearance Ministries is recommended to believers who are hun
Fri, February 23, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: Due to length, this prayer has been recorded only ONCE, for listening and agreeing. This prayer aims to cover, as completely as possible, most of the major, general categories of daily covering prayer. Scores of direct scriptural references have been embedded in the language, making this a prayer well worth repeating and memorizing until you have become thoroughly acquainted with each section. The prayer may be divided into these general parts (with some overlap between certain parts): Praise and honor to God for His reality, perfection, character, and power Thanksgiving for all of God’s works Declaring and submitting to the sovereignty of God Praise and honor to Jesus Christ: the Word, the Lamb, the Son, the Lion Thanks and praise for God’s profound humility Thanks and honor to the Holy Spirit Confession of sin Repentance for sin Asking for transformation, healing, sanctification, renewal Receiving forgiveness Forgiving others Praying for unsaved family members Repentance for ancestral sins Receiving the armor of God Applying the Blood of Jesus to heart, spirit, and mind Applying the Blood of the Lamb to shut the doors of destruction that were opened by sin Declaring the complete victory of Jesus Christ and the subjection of all His enemies Receiving and exercising authority to bind and cut off all entities and powers of darkness Asking for all evil works of darkness, made possible because of sins, to be destroyed Asking for the praises of God to overflow from the heart Inviting Almighty God to inhabit His people’s praises Asking for the Holy Spirit to go before and with us Asking for ministering, guardian, and warrior angels Prayer for persecuted Christians Prayer for salvation for persecutors of the Church Warfare to destroy sounds, frequencies, and wavelengths Asking for cleansing of air, food, water, environment Specific warfare against all manner of curses, witchcraft, and diabolical and demonic assignments Warfare against enemy technology and mind control By faith, receiving every divine provision and resource Binding and casting out every malevolent and unclean spirit Asking for restitution to be required of the enemy Asking for the Word and Spirit of God to fill all sanctified ground Asking for the time to be redeemed and for abundant spiritual fruit Thanks, praise, honor, and glory to God
Thu, February 08, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: These nine short, to-the-point prayers have been recorded ONCE only, for repeating. The starting time for each of the individual prayers is provided in the list below. (00:03) General Confession of Jesus as Lord and Saviour (01:45) Personal Commitment to Jesus Christ (03:10) Coming to Jesus, the Deliverer (05:25) Forgiveness Prayer (08:12) Occult Confession Prayer (09:56) Hereditary Bondage Prayer (for sins of ancestors) (12:40) Breaking Curses Confession (16:00) Loosing from Witchcraft and Dark Arts (18:05) Loosing from Domination / Breaking Soul Ties Author: Pastor Ivory Hopkins http://pilgrimsministry.org Text Source: Spiritual Warfare Training Manual, p.100-101
Wed, February 07, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This short prayer was originally composed for use by those who are preparing to minister to groups of people — for example, giving a talk or lecture at a conference; or ministering evangelistically to an unknown audience. However, the language could easily be adapted to make this a short daily prayer before going to work, school, or an otherwise unfamiliar location where there may be close contact with other people. The entire text of the prayer is given below. To adapt the prayer, simply change the bracketed portions to suit the situation. Heavenly Father, I [we] thank You for Your loving kindness and goodness so bountifully given to me [us] through the Lord Jesus Christ. I [we] ask that You would give me [us] discernment in this work of Yours – to understand how to pray and obey You in resisting Your enemies and mine [ours]. Whatever there may be in these facilities [this place or location] that is of Your work, then I [we] accept it and thank You for it. But whatever there may be here, Heavenly Father, that is not of You, I [we] take authority over it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I [we] stop any and all work of the enemy, resist it and command that work and every demonic presence to leave and go where the Lord Jesus sends it. Please come dear Lord, turn Your searchlight on whatever You want me [us] to cleanse or change. I [we] accept all those whom You have brought into my [our] life. I [we] choose by faith to bless them and love them. In Your name Lord Jesus I [we] cancel and break down any relationship the enemy has been able to set up or plans to set up with anyone I [we] will meet today and command all effects of those relationships to go where the Lord Jesus sends them. Enable me [us] to live today covered with the armor of Your truth, righteousness, peace, and salvation. I [we] hold up the Shield of Faith and take into my (our) hands the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Teach me [us] how to use Your Sword today. Come and reign over me [us], Lord God. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Author: Dr. Victor Matthews Text source: A Prayer for Cleansing and Protection https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer
Fri, February 02, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Scripture before prayer: Ephesians 5:3-6,13-16 KJV [3] But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; [4] Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. [5] For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. [6] Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. [13] But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. [14] Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. [15] See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, [16] Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. This prayer covers: Coming before the Throne of Mercy and Grace in a spirit of humility and grieved confession Confessing and repenting of personal sins Confessing and repenting of familial sins Confessing and repenting of bloodline sins Confessing and repenting of national sins Confessing and repenting of the sins of the Church Confessing and repenting of endemic human sins Confessing and repenting of the sins of specific corporate and social groups and systems *AND INCLUDING: The confession prayer in the book of Daniel, chapter 9 (adapted for use here) Author: Amanda Buys Text source for this prayer: PRAYER OF REPENTANCE Step-by-Step DID Manual, p.53-56 http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=36 Text source for most of Kanaan Ministries’ prayers and literature (there is also an online store at this site): http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads
Thu, January 25, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This powerful prayer of faith has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Before praying the repeating part of this prayer, repent of all sins, and ask the Holy Spirit to search you and pray through you. (*A Brutally Honest Confession of Sin https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/a-brutally-honest-confession-of-sin /) This warfare prayer was produced by Kanaan Ministries as the result of hard-fought battles in spiritual warfare, and deep Biblical studies, by which the Holy Spirit has revealed many seemingly unusual or perhaps unexpected ways that the enemy wages war upon the Body of Jesus Christ and upon the peoples of the Earth. The vocabulary and language of this type and depth of spiritual warfare may at times seem unfamiliar, even strange, to those who are new to it. You do not need to be intimidated by this: victory over the enemy comes where there is submission to the will of God, in the righteousness and authority of Jesus Christ, invited to work in us and through our hearts and spirits, by prayers of faith. The Lord Almighty has equipped us with His Word, His Name, and the power of the Holy Spirit, and He is faithful to those whom He has called to fight. When we fight the kingdom of darkness, we speak words of faith in prayer, both in petition to God and as missiles against the works of the enemy. It is the express will of God that we have knowledge and experience in spiritual warfare, and that we learn from those who have gone before us into battle. Just as a person is able to pick up and use a sword that was forged by another person with a specific type of knowledge and experience, so we are able to pray the prayers of spiritual warfare that others have written, based on their experience in fighting the enemy. Many of the devices and techniques of the enemy have been exposed through difficult warfare. To those faithful who have stood their ground against the enemy, who in knowing their own weakness have learned to submit to the will and power of God, the Holy Spirit has given greater knowledge, greater weapons, greater tactics, and more efficient strategies — yet strictly in accordance with the scriptures, the Word of God. This warfare prayer is one such prayer. It is recommended that you read the excellent scripture-based explanatory literature offered by Kanaan Ministries, before praying this prayer and other prayers from Kanaan Ministries. However, this prayer, as with any PRAYER OF FAITH, may be wielded even as a sharp metal sword may be wielded without having an under
Tue, January 23, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer is here recorded only for REPEATING. This prayer was previously published as PRAYER FOR VICTIMS OF TRAUMA AND FRAGMENTATION, and as listening-only (at this link: http://psalm71.podbean.com/e/prayer-for-victims-of-trauma-and-fragmentation /). There have been a few additions and changes, but otherwise it is the same powerful prayer. At first thought, it might seem that this prayer is only for those who have suffered overt forms of abuse or mind programming, but in reality the enemy’s devices of abuse and programming have become global and society-wide in reach; furthermore, there is much accumulated sin and iniquity on most or all family bloodlines. As such, this prayer is almost certainly to be of a measure of benefit to anyone who prays it in faith and trust. This prayer covers: Submission to God Acknowledging the price Jesus Christ paid Confessing and asking for forgiveness of sins Forgiving others Severing soul ties Binding the enemy Loosing the power of the Kingdom of God Asking for anointing to break bondage Asking for restoration, protection, and healing Canceling evil oaths and covenants Taking authority over the enemy Asking for continuing liberation Declaring trust in God Author: Mary Lake Text Source: UPDATED PRAYERS FOR RELEASE (scroll down the page at the link below) http://kingdomintelligencebriefing.com/resources/healing-for-victims-of-trauma-and-abuse-with-dissociative-identity-disorder-series-by-mary-lou-lake/
Mon, January 22, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This brief but purposeful prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Thanksgiving for goodness and protection Declaring God’s sovereignty over the day Declaring / confessing the Word of God Taking up authority in Jesus’ name Arresting and binding the powers of darkness Asking for ministering and protective angels Asking for Holy Ghost fire Prayer for the Church Prayer for the nation Prayer for Israel and the Jewish people Prayer for leaders Asking for a double portion of blessings Asking for favor with God and all people Submitting to the will of God Thanksgiving for every good gift Blessing and cleansing of food Commitment to God of all thoughts and ways Author: Gene and Earline Moody www.genemoody.com Text source: Prayer Manual, page 5 ANNOUNCEMENT! The Prayer Manual, as well as all 7 sections of brother Gene Moody’s Big Red Deliverance Manual, and further deliverance and teaching materials, may be downloaded free of charge at the following online locations: Free PDFs or for ordering hard copies: http://www.genemoody.com/manuals.html Free PDFs only: http://kingdomskeysministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/
Mon, January 22, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This brief but purposeful prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Thanksgiving for goodness and protection Declaring God’s sovereignty over the day Declaring / confessing the Word of God Taking up authority in Jesus’ name Arresting and binding the powers of darkness Asking for ministering and protective angels Asking for Holy Ghost fire Prayer for the Church Prayer for the nation Prayer for Israel and the Jewish people Prayer for leaders Asking for a double portion of blessings Asking for favor with God and all people Submitting to the will of God Thanksgiving for every good gift Blessing and cleansing of food Commitment to God of all thoughts and ways Author: Gene and Earline Moody www.genemoody.com Text source: Prayer Manual, page 5 ANNOUNCEMENT! The Prayer Manual, as well as all 7 sections of brother Gene Moody’s Big Red Deliverance Manual, and further deliverance and teaching materials, may be downloaded free of charge at the following online locations: Free PDFs or for ordering hard copies: http://www.genemoody.com/manuals.html Free PDFs only: http://kingdomskeysministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/
Sat, January 20, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This critically important and relevant prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer was produced by Kanaan Ministries as the result of hard-fought battles in spiritual warfare, and deep Biblical studies, by which the Holy Spirit has revealed many seemingly unusual or perhaps unexpected ways that the enemy wages war upon the Body of Jesus Christ and upon the peoples of the Earth. It is not a stretch to understand that the majority of persons in the world —including followers of Jesus Christ — are more or less unaware of the enemy’s hierarchy of authorities and powers and agents, due in large part to the fact that the enemy prefers to operate in obscurity and deception. The vocabulary and language of this type and depth of spiritual warfare may at times seem unfamiliar, even strange, to those who are new to it. You do not need to be intimidated by this: victory over the enemy comes where there is submission to the will of God, in the righteousness and authority of Jesus Christ, invited to work in us and through our hearts and spirits, by prayers of faith. The Lord Almighty has equipped us with His Word, His Name, and the power of the Holy Spirit, and He is faithful to those whom He has called to fight. When we fight the kingdom of darkness, we speak words of faith in prayer, both in petition to God and as missiles against the works of the enemy. It is the express will of God that we have knowledge and experience in spiritual warfare, and that we learn from those who have gone before us into battle. Just as a person is able to pick up and use a sword that was forged by another person with a specific type of knowledge and experience, so we are able to pray the prayers of spiritual warfare that others have written, based on their experience in fighting the enemy. Many of the devices and techniques of the enemy have been exposed through difficult warfare. To those faithful who have stood their ground against the enemy, who in knowing their own weakness have learned to submit to the will and power of God, the Holy Spirit has given greater knowledge, greater weapons, greater tactics, and more efficient strategies — yet strictly in accordance with the scriptures, the Word of God. The Petition for Protection is one such prayer. It is recommended that you read the excellent scripture-based explanatory literature offered by Kanaan Ministries, before praying this prayer and other prayers from Kanaan Ministries. However, this prayer, as with any PRAYER OF FAITH, may be wielded even as a sharp metal sword may be wielded without having an understanding of metallurgy.
Fri, January 19, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This powerful cry out to God has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Ministering to the Lord in thanks and praise Repenting for the sins of the Body of Christ Closing demonic doorways Praying for and blessing our enemies Asking for judgement against the evil unrepentant Breaking curses of forefathers Declaring, asking, prophesying the Word of God Petition for the persecuted Church Crying out to our Father for protection Asking for the Holy Spirit Praise, honor, and glory to God Author: Gene and Earline Moody www.genemoody.com Text source: Prayer Manual *This prayer was collated from shorter prayers found in the Prayer Manual, pages 3-15 ANNOUNCEMENT! The Prayer Manual, as well as all 7 sections of brother Gene Moody’s Big Red Deliverance Manual, and further deliverance and teaching materials, may be downloaded free of charge at the following online locations: Free PDFs or for ordering hard copies: http://www.genemoody.com/manuals.html Free PDFs only: http://kingdomskeysministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/
Thu, January 18, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This short but significant prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Asking for help and guidance Thanksgiving for the love of God Thanksgiving for the sacrifice of Jesus Asking forgiveness for unloving sins Confessing manipulation and domination Forgiving the offenses and sins of others Recognizing Godly love versus ungodly love Casting off resentment and bitterness Breaking curses off family line and self Asking for wisdom concerning God’s love Author: Gene and Earline Moody www.genemoody.com Text source: The Big Red Deliverance Manual, section 4, p.202 ANNOUNCEMENT! All 7 sections of The Big Red Deliverance Manual, as well as other deliverance and teaching materials, may be downloaded free of charge at the following online locations: Free PDFs only: http://kingdomskeysministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ Free PDFs or for ordering hard copies: http://www.genemoody.com/manuals.html
Wed, January 17, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This short but incisive prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. SPECIAL NOTE: Please take the time to read the important explanatory text (at the Text source link below) before praying this prayer. The full text is about 14 short pages, and contains information essential to understand and confront the spirit of Jezebel. As stated by the author of this prayer, “Standing in opposition to any spiritual force is serious business, but one as determined as Jezebel takes extra preparation and precaution.” This prayer covers: Asking for a clean heart and willing spirit Loosing the hounds of heaven Binding and rebuking all Jezebelic spirits Casting out all Jezebelic spirits Asking for Holy Spirit anointing Cutting off evil assignments Rejecting Jezebel’s defiling table Breaking off curses Proclaiming the victory of Jesus Christ Author: http://kingdomskeysministries.com Text source: Jezebel — Fight to Win the War http://kingdomskeysministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Jezebel-Fight-to-win-the-war.docx Please also see this deliverance prayer: Repentance and Renunciation: Casting Out the Spirit of Jezebel https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/repentance-and-renunciation-casting-out-the-spirit-of-jezebel/ *Text and supporting literature: PRAYER OF RENUNCIATION OF THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT AND TO BREAK JEZEBELIC CURSES http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Tue, January 16, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Confessing and repenting for financial sins Renouncing idolatry Cleansing and sanctification of financial seed Breaking curses on finances and prayers Breaking the power of evil seasons Petition against all evil entities and assignments Severing all attachments to agents of the devil Taking authority over the enemy Asking for restoration of stolen and hindered provisions Asking for angelic enforcement Asking for the windows of heaven to be opened Consecrating all things to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Declaring the lordship and faithfulness of Jesus Thanksgiving Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Petition for Finances In the “PETITIONS - English” handbook, p.22 http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10 Text source for most of Kanaan Ministries’ prayers and literature (there is also an online store at this site): http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/
Mon, January 15, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This compact, powerful prayer covers five critical areas in the process of deliverance from oppression: Asking, giving, and receiving forgiveness Praising God for who He is and what He does Receiving and wielding the authority of Jesus Christ Binding and breaking the enemy’s power Asking for the presence and gifts of the Holy Spirit These deliverance components were originally presented as part of the excellent teaching series by Pastor Augusto Perez, “Deliverance —The Children’s Bread”, available at www.theappearance.com. Hundreds of hours of Pastor Perez’s video and audio broadcasts, as well as articles and additional instructional materials, are offered via the website, completely free of charge. The Appearance Ministries is seriously recommended to believers who are hungry for deep Bible teaching, and for discipleship in Jesus Christ, and who hear the call of the Lord Jesus to join the fight against the devil and his kingdom. Author: Augusto Perez www.theappearance.com Text source: “Prayer of Repentance, Deliverance, and Protection from Oppression and Bondage” *As transcribed from Deliverance — The Children’s Bread, episode #20 https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLAroi3xAOpHXkFI5b3gfsRA0xqOL_P7LJ&v=PXR8zh45Di8 *and “Prayers of Self-deliverance”, as transcribed from Principles of Spiritual Warfare, episode #14 https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLAroi3xAOpHXZYwokXIqSddv47t2PEQEZ&v=zWqfOLoSiek Link to all videos in the “Deliverance —The Children’s Bread” series: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAroi3xAOpHXkFI5b3gfsRA0xqOL_P7LJ Link to all videos in the series “Principles of Spiritual Warfare”: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAroi3xAOpHXZYwokXIqSddv47t2PEQEZ
Sun, January 14, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This incredibly important, and critically relevant, prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer was produced by Kanaan Ministries as the result of hard-fought battles in spiritual warfare, and deep Biblical studies, which revealed some of the great extent to which the enemies of God use TIME, in all its many, many aspects and applications, to wage war upon the Body of Jesus Christ, and upon the peoples of the Earth. It is not a stretch to state that the majority of persons in the world —including followers of Jesus Christ — are more or less unaware of the enemy’s weapons and tactics of temporal warfare, deceptions, impositions, manipulations, distortions, witchcraft, and simulacra. In reality, many of the enemy’s weapons are too sophisticated and complex, and technologically advanced, for us to understand. However, our Lord God does not ask or require that we have a PhD in such things. Psalm 131:1,3 KJV Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me... On God’s part, He asks of us to trust in HIM, to obey Him, to study His Word, to love righteousness, to seek His face in intimate prayer time with Him, and to exercise His authority in His Name. The enemy has many time weapons — but God Himself is our weapon. Genesis 15:1 KJV Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. Exodus 14:14 KJV The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. The vocabulary and language of this type and depth of spiritual warfare may at times seem unfamiliar, even very strange, to those who are new to it. You do not need to be intimidated by this: victory over the enemy comes where there is submission to the will of God, in the righteousness and authority of Jesus Christ, invited to work in us and through our hearts and spirits, by prayers of faith. 1 John 5:3-4 KJV For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Psalm 143:1 KJV Hear my prayer, O Lord , give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness. James 5:15 KJV The prayer of faith shall save the weary and faint person It is the express will of God that we have knowledge and experience in spiritual warfare, and that we learn from those who have gone before us into
Sat, January 13, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This much-needed prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Confession of the sins of resentment and bitterness Giving and receiving forgiveness Acknowledging the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ Asking for all bitter roots to be pulled up Honoring the unconditional love of God Casting out rejection Casting out related malevolent spirits Asking for a fresh immersion in love Thanksgiving and praise This deliverance prayer was originally presented as part of the Weekend Vigilante broadcast, with guest Pastor Augusto Perez. Hundreds of hours of Pastor Perez’s video and audio teachings, as well as articles and additional instructional materials, may be found at www.theappearance.com , completely free of charge. The Appearance Ministries is seriously recommended to believers who are hungry for deep Bible teaching, and for discipleship in Jesus Christ, and who hear the call of the Lord Jesus to join the fight against the devil and his kingdom. Author: Augusto Perez www.theappearance.com Text source: “Prayer for Deliverance from the Spirit of Rejection” *As transcribed from Augusto’s broadcast with Shiela Zilinsky, posted 06-19-17 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HlcGfe13UJY Link to all of Augusto’s appearances on the Weekend Vigilante broadcast: (scroll down the page until you see “Sheila Zilinsky Radio Show”) http://www.theappearance.com/audio-files-2.htm Also recommended: All videos in the series “Principles of Spiritual Warfare”: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAroi3xAOpHXZYwokXIqSddv47t2PEQEZ
Sat, January 13, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This compact, powerful prayer covers five critical areas in the process of deliverance from witchcraft: 1. Asking, giving, and receiving forgiveness 2. Renunciation of all witchcraft sins, for oneself and one’s family line 3. Breaking curses 4. Casting off bondages 5. Closing doors against the kingdom of darkness These deliverance components were originally presented as part of the excellent teaching series by Pastor Augusto Perez, “Principles of Spiritual Warfare”, available at www.theappearance.com . Hundreds of hours of Pastor Perez’s video and audio broadcasts, as well as articles and additional instructional materials, are offered via the website, completely free of charge. The Appearance Ministries is seriously recommended to believers who are hungry for deep Bible teaching, and for discipleship in Jesus Christ, and who hear the call of the Lord Jesus to join the fight against the devil and his kingdom. Author: Augusto Perez www.theappearance.com Text source: “Prayers of Self-deliverance” *As transcribed from Principles of Spiritual Warfare, episode #14 (posted 09-30-16) https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLAroi3xAOpHXZYwokXIqSddv47t2PEQEZ&v=zWqfOLoSiek Link to all videos in the series “Principles of Spiritual Warfare”: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAroi3xAOpHXZYwokXIqSddv47t2PEQEZ
Fri, January 12, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. We recommend that you learn the essential language of this prayer, along with the language in the Prayer for God’s Will in the Workplace. Use this prayer as a learning tool: listening to it, agreeing with it, and praying it earnestly each day, until the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit begin to generate a personalized prayer in your heart. Wherever you go, wherever you find that God has put you — even if (and probably especially if) you can’t stand it, and you wonder why on Earth you have been put there — if you are a child of God and a disciple of Jesus Christ, be assured of this: GOD HAS PUT YOU THERE TO PRAY. God is looking for someone who is willing to suffer unpleasant and trying circumstances in the place you have been put, because the people in that place need someone who will pray for them. Whether you love or dislike your job, you are there because people need your prayers, and there may be no one else on the planet that is doing it on their behalf. This prayer therefore includes portions pertaining both to the employee, and to the employer and other associates. Author: N/A See also: Prayer for God’s Will in the Workplace
Fri, January 12, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ Wherever you go, wherever you find that God has put you — even if (and probably especially if) you can’t stand it, and you wonder why on Earth you have been put there — if you are a child of God and a disciple of Jesus Christ, be assured of this: GOD HAS PUT YOU THERE TO PRAY. God is looking for someone who is willing to suffer unpleasant and trying circumstances, because the people in that place need someone who will pray for them. Whether you love or dislike your job, you are there because people need your prayers, and there may be no one else on the planet that is doing it. This prayer therefore includes significant portions pertaining both to the employee, and to the employer and other workplace associates. As a longer prayer set, this overall prayer is obviously not meant for daily use. However, it is highly recommended that you learn the essential language of the repeating section, along with the language in the Daily Prayer Before Starting Work or School. Use this prayer as a learning tool, listening to it, agreeing with it, and praying it earnestly as many times as needed, until the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit begins to generate your own personal work prayer. NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. THE FIRST PORTION (28.5 minutes) of the prayer is scripture-intensive, and is intended as preparation for the repeating section. THE SECOND PORTION (16 minutes) of the prayer is the prayer text only, for repeating. This prayer covers: Thanksgiving for God’s generous provision Thanksgiving for employment Confessing pressures and failures in the workplace Declaring God as our shield and reward Commitment to firstfruits offering to God Asking for Holy Spirit guidance in giving to others Asking for help in being a witness to others Asking for overflowing blessings as a witness Asking for prosperous labor and a good reputation Blessings for the employer Asking for a praise-filled heart and tongue Inviting the presence of God Praying for the salvation of colleagues Submitting restraint of the tongue to God Declaring citizenship in the Kingdom of God Declaring and submitting to the Lordship of Jesus Warfare against the agents, weapons, and unlawful actions of the kingdom of darkness Praise and glory to God Author and text source: *The basic framework for this prayer was drawn from the “Prayer for Work Environment” by Julia Shalom Jordan http://www.shalo
Tue, January 09, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Wife, you will need to prepare yourself before the repetition version of the prayer, by selecting three things about your husband for which you are genuinely grateful and appreciative. This prayer covers: Acknowledging God’s perfect gift-giving Thanksgiving for the gift of Jesus Christ Thanksgiving for the gift of a husband Specific points of thanksgiving for your husband Confessing past failures as a wife Acknowledging God’s commandments Commitment to seek God more diligently Commitment to righteous behavior Trusting in the will and guidance of God Inviting Jesus into the marriage relationship Standing against all interference of evil Asking for blessing and protection Author and text source: *Adapted from a template by Dr. Victor Matthews My Prayer of Thanksgiving and Resolution https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer/
Tue, January 09, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Husband, you will need to prepare yourself before the repetition version of the prayer, by selecting three things about your wife for which you are genuinely grateful and appreciative. This prayer covers: Acknowledging God’s perfect gift-giving Thanksgiving for the gift of Jesus Christ Thanksgiving for the gift of a wife Specific points of thanksgiving for your wife Confessing past failures as a husband Acknowledging God’s commandments Commitment to seek God more diligently Commitment to righteous behavior Trusting in the will and guidance of God Inviting Jesus into the marriage relationship Standing against all interference of evil Asking for blessing and protection Author and text source: *Adapted from a template by Dr. Victor Matthews My Prayer of Thanksgiving and Resolution https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer/
Tue, January 09, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Acknowledging the gift of childlike faith Acknowledging Jesus as the giver of faith Submitting to dependence upon God Confessing weakness and helplessness Expressing the desire for deep faith Asking God to search mind and heart Asking that the Lord’s purposes would be done Surrendering to the will and power of God Trusting in God for what only He can do Author and text source: *Adapted from a template by Julia Shalom Jordan Supernatural Prayer for Faith like a Child http://www.shalombewithyou.com/prayer/supernatural-prayer/supernatural-prayer-for-faith-like-a-child/
Fri, January 05, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE. The FIRST PORTION (32 minutes) is a reading of New Testament scriptures speaking of the Holy Spirit. This portion has been recorded for listening, learning, and agreeing. The SECOND PORTION is a set of three prayers, which have been recorded for REPEATING: 1. Declaring the roles the Holy Spirit plays your life 2. Asking for baptism in the Holy Spirit 3. Inviting the Holy Spirit, in all of His ways, to fill you May the love and power of the Holy Ghost fall upon you and anoint your life, and lead you into all of the Father’s purposes for you, in and through Jesus Christ. Prayer authors and text sources: “Holy Spirit, You Are...”, by Mike Shreve Shreve Ministries http://shreveministries.org/cms/index.php?page=articles Prayer for Baptism of the Holy Spirit, by Julia Shalom Jordan http://www.shalombewithyou.com/prayer/spiritual-healing/prayer-for-baptism-of-the-holy-spirit-2/ Loosing God’s Spirits, by Peter Johnson Keys to the Kingdom Ministries http://deliveranceministry.com.au/loosing-gods-spirits/
Thu, January 04, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded ONCE only, for listening, learning, and agreeing. The many scriptures referenced in this prayer are given below, roughly in order as they are used in the prayer. Isaiah 11:2, 54:17, 58:6, 61:1,6,7 2 Chronicles 16:9 1 Tim 2:1-2 Ps 34:7,9,10, 55:22, 91:2,5,11,14, 112:7,10 1 John 4:4, 5:4,5 Galatians 1:4 Colossians 1:13 Ezekiel 22:30 Matthew 16:3, 18:18 Proverbs 3:26, 10:22 Deuteronomy 8:18, 30:19, 32:30 Joshua 23:10 Job 1:8 Zechariah 3:1,2 Mark 3:26 Luke 10:18, 22:31 Acts 26:18 Romans 16:20 2 Corinthians 2:11, 11:14 Author: Dr. Preston T. Bailey Text Source: Prayer of Victory http://spiritualwarfarecenter.com/prayers.html
Wed, January 03, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Repentance for hardheartedness Forgiveness for husband’s / wife’s offenses Binding the powers of the kingdom of darkness Binding malevolent spirits Canceling and nullifying evil assignments Breaking curses Asking for Holy Spirit conviction Asking for truth, love, and patience Asking for healing of past wounds Asking for rekindled unity and passion Declaring the Will and Heart of God for marriage Author: Peter Johnson, Keys to the Kingdom Ministries Text source: Prayer Against Marriage-Breaking Spirits http://deliveranceministry.com.au/prayer-marriage-breaking-spirits/
Tue, January 02, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: The original King James (KJV) text is the basis for this reading, with some adaptations. Psalm 71:1-24 KJV [1] In thee, O Lord , do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion. [2] Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me. [3] Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: thou hast given commandment to save me; for thou art my rock and my fortress. [4] Deliver me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked, out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man. [5] For thou art my hope, O Lord God : thou art my trust from my youth. [6] By thee have I been holden up from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee. [7] I am as a wonder unto many; but thou art my strong refuge. [8] Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day. [9] Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth. [10] For mine enemies speak against me; and they that lay wait for my soul take counsel together, [11] Saying, God hath forsaken him: persecute and take him; for there is none to deliver him . [12] O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste for my help. [13] Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul; let them be covered with reproach and dishonour that seek my hurt. [14] But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. [15] My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof . [16] I will go in the strength of the Lord God : I will make mention of thy righteousness, even of thine only. [17] O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. [18] Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come. [19] Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee! [20] Thou , which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth. [21] Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side. [22] I will also praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God: unto thee will I sing with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel. [23] My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed. [24] My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt.
Tue, January 02, 2018
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Those who have been under heavy addictive bondage may need to pray this prayer more than once, over a period of weeks and months, along with general renunciation and deliverance prayers, until the grip of the enemy has been thoroughly dismantled. May God bless you with mercy and grace as you diligently seek the freedom that Jesus Christ bought for us with His own Blood. This prayer covers: Thanksgiving for God’s love, mercy, and grace Confession of weakness and compromise Crying out to God for His help Forgiveness for others, according to His strength Receiving the forgiveness of the Lord Casting burdens upon Jesus Commitment to receiving grace and healing Praise and thanks Author: Peter Johnson, Keys to the Kingdom Ministries Text source: Prayer For Addiction/False Comfort http://deliveranceministry.com.au/prayer-addictionfalse-comfort/
Sat, December 30, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Repentance for sexual immorality Renouncing and breaking ties with past partner(s) Breaking curses, bondage, and dependency Asking for deep and permanent healing Casting out reinforcing spirits Receiving forgiveness and grace Thanksgiving Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Prayers of Renunciation - Break a Soul Tie (pg.30) http://www.kanaanministries.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2015/02/Prayers-Of-Renunciation-GENERAL.pdf
Sat, December 30, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. Those who have been under heavy sexual bondage may need to pray this prayer more than once, over a period of weeks and months, along with general renunciation and deliverance prayers, until the grip of the enemy has been thoroughly dismantled. May God bless you with mercy and grace as you diligently seek the freedom that Jesus Christ bought for us with His own Blood. This prayer covers: Repentance for opening evil doors Identifying and renouncing Asmodeus, Jezebel, and Lilith Rejecting lies and choosing the Truth Tearing down unholy altars Cleansing and sanctifying mind, body, and home Breaking all powers of bondage and magic Severing ungodly soul ties Nullifying wicked agreements and covenants Destroying all records, footprints, codes, and triggers Deliverance from evil gifts and powers Reclaiming and re-dedicating spent resources Renewing commitment to marriage / future spouse Casting burdens upon the Lord Jesus Christ Asking for protection against backlash Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: PETITIONS (p.65) http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Sat, December 30, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This “prayer for healing” is a collection and mixture of separately produced prayers, each of which addresses one or more factors which have a significant bearing upon the healing process. These prayers have been recombined here in order to cover as much critical ground as possible. Some of the important areas of praying for healing, such as repentance and forgiveness, are addressed by more than one of the prayers. AREAS ADDRESSED: Speaking the Word of God Repentance and Forgiveness Pulling out roots of bitterness Submission to God’s will and purposes Declaring God’s sovereignty Healing past wounds Freedom from captivity Presenting the LEGAL arguments Taking legal authority over afflictions Renouncing and rebuking afflictions Casting out evil entities and powers This is a long prayer, at about 80 minutes, and so it is presented only in listening format. The length of the prayer is not meant to suggest that it is therefore somehow “more effective” than shorter prayers. The long format is intended to provide a large and varied amount of exposure to the issues, scriptures, and verbiage essential to Bible-based healing prayer. If you are in need of personal healing, it is recommended that you download and save this prayer, and play it continually and repeatedly, until you have become thoroughly acquainted with and versed in the verbiage and flow of healing prayer. It is of the greatest importance that you ask the Holy Spirit to guide your listening and your praying, so that He might direct your heart and faith toward the scriptures and issues most pertinent to your own situation. This long prayer is of course also a useful tool for those who desire to learn how to pray for the healing of others. May God reward your diligent seeking for His face and His touch of mercy and grace. Authors and text sources: Peter Johnson, Keys to the Kingdom Ministries Healing Prayer Healing Cancer Prayer http://deliveranceministry.com.au/healing/ http://deliveranceministry.com.au/healing-cancer-prayer/ Dr. Victor Matthews PRAYER IN TIMES OF TRIAL https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer Bill & Mary Schnoebelen, With One Accord Ministries PRAYER - HEALING STRONGHOLDS PRAYER - Bitter Roots – Forgiveness PRAYERS—Emotional Healing for people with Captive Spirits <a
Fri, December 29, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This short prayer is presented in a very slow and low-key tone so that the listener may choose to hear and repeat while preparing to sleep. This prayer covers: Speaking the Word of God Asking forgiveness for sins Cleansing by the Blood of Jesus Washing in the Water of Life Asking for angelic protection and enforcement Receiving the authority of the Name of Jesus Binding and casting out oppressive evil spirits Entering the Rest of the Lord Thanksgiving Text source: *Adapted from “Prayers for Insomnia & Sleep” Original format by Peter Johnson, Keys to the Kingdom Ministries http://deliveranceministry.com.au/prayers-insomnia-sleep/
Thu, December 28, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The listening portion is about 20 minutes; the repeating portion is about 40 minutes long. SPECIAL NOTE: This version of the prayer is to be prayed FOR the one undergoing surgery, by family, loved ones, and all concerned. This prayer covers: All major and minor steps, persons, and equipment involved in the surgery process, before, during, and following. This prayer also addresses the needs and concerns of the patient’s loved ones, family, congregation, etc. Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Petition for HOSPITAL and SURGICAL Procedures http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Wed, December 27, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. About this prayer: This prayer is NOT a request for vengeance or destruction against personal enemies. This is NOT, in any way, a prayer of petty complaint or of personal vendetta. This prayer includes two main parts, the first being confession of and repentance for personal sin; the second, bringing before the throne of God the unrighteous persecution of the Church, which is the Body of Jesus Christ, and of every believer who suffers for the sake of the name of Jesus. The one praying this prayer does not have to be the one who is suffering persecution, but any member of the Body of Christ may pray this prayer on behalf of their brothers and sisters who are suffering tribulation. True followers of Jesus do not seek revenge; however, they do cry out to God for His righteous judgments to be fulfilled. Deuteronomy 32:3-4,35,41,43 KJV I will publish the name of the Lord : ascribe greatness unto our God. He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. The Lord has said, “To me belongs vengeance, and recompence... I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.” Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people. Revelation 6:9-10 KJV And when the angel had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, do you not judge, and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” We recommend praying this prayer regularly, in combination with Prayers and Blessings for the Body of Christ. http://psalm71.podbean.com/e/prayers-and-blessings-for-the-body-of-christ/ Authors and text sources: Everett Cox, Deliverance Ministries, Inc. Excerpt from “Door-Closing Prayer” http://delmin.org/ministry-tools/ Amanda Buys, Kanaan Ministries PETITIONS (p.55: Petition Against My Enemies) http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Tue, December 26, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Expressing the desire to be obedient to God’s Word Honoring God as the giver of righteous desires Expressing the desire to have a child Honoring God as the sole giver and sustainer of life Commitment to godly parenting Commitment to the union of husband and wife Praising the goodness and mercy of God Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Preparing, Expecting And Welcoming Our Next Generation PETITION TO BECOME PARENTS http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10&sortby=title&dlpage=3
Mon, December 25, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Declaring the Word of God Receiving and believing the New Covenant Forgiving and praying for those who have cursed Author: Peter Johnson, Keys to the Kingdom Deliverance Ministry Text source: http://deliveranceministry.com.au Click on the Prayers link, or go to: http://deliveranceministry.com.au/prayer-to-turn-curses-into-blessings/
Sun, December 24, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The text of this prayer is nearly 100% scripture, placed directly into a prayer format. The scriptures are listed below. Please be sure also to listen to and pray “Prayers and Blessings for the Body of Christ”, which uses a similar format and set of verses. http://psalm71.podbean.com/e/prayers-and-blessings-for-the-body-of-christ/ Scriptures used in this prayer: Ephesians 1:17-23 Ephesians 3:14-21 Colossians 1:9-14 Philippians 1:9-11 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3 Text source: APOSTOLIC PRAYER, by Daniel Duval https://www.bridemovement.com/apostolic-prayer/
Sat, December 23, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Acknowledging the Creator’s gift of life Presenting the child’s difficulties before God Praying against all factors causing damage or harm Asking for a work of complete restoration Petitioning for unlocked abilities and potential Thanksgiving Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: PETITION FOR THE MEETING OF BASIC NEEDS http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Fri, December 22, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Presentation of confident petition Confirmation of divine and marriage covenants Breaking curses of divorce and adultery Severing the spirits of death, Jezebel, the world, deception, seduction, Abaddon, and Baal Severing evil soul ties Nullifying evil contracts and agreements Breaking and canceling evil rituals Counter-petition against satanic accusations Asking for God’s voice of judgment Declaring the marriage seal anew Thanksgiving and praise Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Petition - Marriage http://www.kanaanministries.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2017/05/Petition-Marriage.pdf
Thu, December 21, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Thanksgiving for the gift of children Invoking covenant promises in God’s Word Declaring the testimony and commands of Jesus Commitment to godly upbringing of children Receiving the Father’s good and perfect gifts Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Preparing, Expecting And Welcoming Our Next Generation http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10&sortby=title&dlpage=3
Wed, December 20, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. As with many of the prayers on this site, this prayer is intended to be used on a regular basis (for example, weekly), not because God is deaf, but because prayer is an ongoing dialogue, repentance is a progressive process, and the revelation of the Truth of Jesus comes with diligent seeking. This prayer covers: Repentance for sins of parent and child Asking for exposure of hidden sins and cursed objects Cleansing and consecrating the home Remitting the sin of shedding of innocent blood Commanding out the agents of darkness Asking for angelic enforcement and protection Cleansing and consecrating the family Breaking curses and witchcraft Declaring the Word of God Praising the grace and mercy of Almighty God Authors: Dr. William and Mary Schnoebelen Text sources: PRAYER TO CLEANSE A HOME OR APARTMENT PRAYER TO CLEANSE THE SIN OF THE SHEDDING OF INNOCENT BLOOD PRAYER FOR SINGLE MOTHER & HER CHILDREN http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html
Tue, December 19, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Thanksgiving for and receiving God’s armor Praying against defilement and evil rituals Declaring the sovereign ownership of God Proclaiming the Cross, the Resurrection and the Ascension Destroying the works of the enemy Praying for protection of family and innocent children Praying for salvation of the children Praying for salvation of the enemy’s human agents Cutting off and crushing the powers of darkness Declaring victory in Jesus Christ Authors: Dr. William and Mary Schnoebelen Text source: Warfare Prayers for Protection during Dark Days http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html
Mon, December 18, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer is a sequence of four short, separately authored components, brought together here to cover several necessary prayer points that should be lifted up on a daily basis. (Some original wording has been slightly changed, and some wording has been added, to fit the specific purposes of this podcast.) 1. Confession and Renunciation Author: Dr. Victor Matthews Text source: Prayer of Apology / Renunciation of the Enemy https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer 2. Putting on the Armor of God Authors: Dr. William and Mary Schnoebelen Text source: The Full Armour of YAHUWAH http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html 3. Praising God and Declaring His Word Author: Daniel Duval Text source: Power Prayer https://www.bridemovement.com/power-prayer/ 4. Exposing and Casting Out the Devil and his Agents Authors: Dr. William and Mary Schnoebelen Text source: Short Prayer for Deliverance http://www.withoneaccord.org/Liberation-Deliverance_ep_52.html
Sun, December 17, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Confession of personal and ancestral pride Asking for mercy and deliverance Asking for the revealing light of the Word of God Asking for the purging fire of the Word of God Sealing up the evil doors that were opened by pride Asking for the Word of God to be permanently inscribed Thanksgiving Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Pride, Leviathan, and Other Water Spirits http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=23&sortby=title&dlpage=2
Sat, December 16, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: Due to the 30-minute length, this prayer has been recorded only once, for listening, learning, and agreeing. You may choose to listen to it, in whole or in part, on a regular basis, to edify your spirit and to deepen your understanding of the New Covenant and the character of Almighty God. This prayer covers: Honor and praise to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit Asking for baptism, fire, and gifts of the Holy Spirit Confession and repentance Declaration of dedication and intention to make a covenant Asking for the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant Declaring the covenant Stating the character and names of God Repudiating the kingdom of darkness and its evil spirits Thanksgiving and praise IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL NOTE: This Covenant prayer was originally composed to be followed by the taking of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, to seal the Covenant. That portion of the prayer may be found in the original text. However, it is greatly recommended that you read the entire source text, and make a full confession of sin, before completing and committing to this prayer, especially if you desire to partake of the sacrament of communion. Covenant vows — in fact oaths of any type — are an issue of the utmost gravity, and must NEVER be given or taken lightly. Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Covenant Prayer and the Blood of Jesus http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=23
Fri, December 15, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: Due to the extremely personal and intimate character of this prayer, this prayer has been recorded only for listening, learning, and agreeing, but not for repeating. This prayer is a confession of deep sin, and it calls for a particularly focused, honest, and heartfelt attitude which could not be effectively mediated by repetition. Those who truly desire to confess their sin and turn away from it are recommended to download the source text and pray this prayer in private, meditating and pouring out the soul, over each step of confession. I pray that Almighty God’s unfathomable mercy, favor, and peace will come to rest on every believer who commits to praying this prayer in faith and brokenness. Author: Dr. Victor Matthews www.drvictormatthews.org Text source: O LORD God — Hear My Confession https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer
Wed, December 13, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. NOTE: If you are struggling with any harmful habit of alcohol consumption, it is recommended that you carefully read the short explanatory booklet, BREAKING THE CURSE OF ALCOHOLISM, at http://www.kanaanministries.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2013/05/Breaking-Curse-Alcoholism.pdf before praying this prayer in earnest. This will help you understand both the spiritual AND personal roots of the struggle, and give you additional conviction and knowledge as you pray to the Father and Jesus Christ for help. This prayer covers: Confessing sins of self and family line Asking for curses and patterns to be broken Choosing to break the curses and patterns Commanding out controlling unclean spirits Releasing Resurrection Life into the mind and body Reclamation and restoration through the mind of Christ Asking for cleansing, purging, and healing Confessing lies and nailing them to the cross Committing to the process of continued repentance, renewal, and sanctification Submitting to God’s sovereign healing power Thanksgiving Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=23
Tue, December 12, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. The listening-only portion is about 20 minutes, and the repeating portion is about 40 minutes. Some of the original prayer wording has been slightly altered to make it suitable for self-deliverance, but the general format is suitable for deliverance ministry. Find a place and time to do the whole prayer completely. If possible, after you have finished the renunciation process, go to the Daily Affirmation of Faith prayer and pray along. Spend time praying and reading your Bible, especially the Psalms, after every renunciation or deliverance. During this prayer, you may feel the need to cry, cough, yawn, spit, clear your nose, or perhaps vomit. This is often part of the process of expelling unclean spirits, so do not try to hold it in. This prayer covers: Confession of guilt for self and forefathers Submitting to the righteous judgement of God Repentance for sins committed Asking for forgiveness and cleansing Asking mercy and salvation for those who were sinned against Asking forgiveness for allowing the five-fold operation of the spirit of Jezebel Asking for the Jezebel spirit to be cut off and uprooted Renouncing Jezebel and taking up the Sword of the Spirit against the five-fold bondage Declaration of spiritual divorce, cancellation, nullification, and renunciation Asking for curses to be broken and converted into blessings Asking for judgement and utter destruction of all jezebelic altars and temples Declaring the establishment of the Throne of Jesus Christ Thanksgiving Authors: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10 Deliverance counselor Amanda Buys gives a further suggestion: “You may also want to perform a mikvah (baptism), to symbolize a cleansing after deliverance. Remember too to enter into praise and worship and fill yourself with the FATHER’s Presence. For additional study, read the free book online, Understanding Water Baptism And The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit, which you may download at http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=27
Tue, December 12, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Acknowledging and honoring God Recognizing our position in Jesus Christ Declaring forgiveness and justification Receiving the armor of God Submitting to Jesus’ authority Binding demonic forces Declaring the Blood and the Word Declarations of faith Asking for Divine and angelic warfare Asking for wisdom and spiritual fruit Giving thanks Scriptures referenced: Matthew 6:9 Genesis 17:1 Hebrews 4:16 Ephesians 1:20-21 2 Corinthians 10:4 Revelation 12:11 Matthew 6:14 1 John 1:9 Galatians 2:20 Luke 9:23 Galatians 5:24 2 Corinthians 4:11 Ephesians 6:17 Ephesians 6:14 Ephesians 6:15 Ephesians 6:16 James 4:6-7 1 Peter 5:6-9 Matthew 16:19 Revelation 7:1 Hosea 2:6 Zechariah 2:5 Hebrews 1:14 Romans 6:4 Ephesians 5:18 Matthew 18:18 John 16:13 Psalm 35:4, 26 1 Corinthians 15:57 Luke 6:38 Ephesians 1:17-19 Galatians 5:22-23 Psalm 34:7 Hebrews 13:5 John 14:13-14 Author: Dr. Preston T. Bailey Text Source: Prayer of Protection http://spiritualwarfarecenter.com/prayers.html
Mon, December 11, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, once for listening and understanding, and then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Acknowledging God’s gift of Life Choosing God’s Life and not death Asking for grace to redeem the time Declaring God’s Love for His children Asking for all lies to be destroyed Forgiving those who have caused deep pain Asking forgiveness for anger and hatred Asking for God’s Light against all darkness Asking for softening of the heart Asking for restoration of what was broken and taken Thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness Author: Bill Schnoebelen www.withoneaccord.org Text source: Emotional Healing for People with Captive Spirits http://www.withoneaccord.org/Emotional-Healing-Prayers_ep_57.html
Sat, December 09, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, once for hearing and understanding, then again for repeating. The author of this prayer makes this suggestion: “Please use this prayer each day for a week. And then, pray it again, once a month”. This prayer covers: Statement of desire to surrender Worshipping and honoring God Asking for freedom from hypocrisy Asking for conviction of sin Confession of surrender Asking for Holy Spirit transformation Surrendering all possessions and times Asking for Holy Spirit instruction Asking for complete sanctification Statement of dedication to God’s will Author: Dr. Victor Matthews Text source: Prayer for Personal Dedication https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer
Sat, December 09, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, once for listening, and then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Declaration of the lordship of Jesus Declaring the Word of God Asking for God’s choice of husband / wife Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Fri, December 08, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Coming to God as His child Confessing need for healing Confessing stubbornness and hardheartedness Asking forgiveness for not yielding Asking for the Fear of the Lord Asking for the Holy Spirit to expose hidden sin Asking for the walls of separation to be broken Renouncing all evil and everything profane Surrendering all to the Father’s will Asking for cleansing in Living Water Authors: Bill and Mary Schnoebelen Text source: http://www.withoneaccord.org/Emotional-Healing-Prayers_ep_57.html
Thu, December 07, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, first for listening and agreeing, then again for repeating. This prayer covers: Repenting for all family and generational sins which have caused iniquity, curses, and malevolent spiritual interference to accrue on the bloodline. Breaking curses and blood guiltiness Removing yokes and bondages Asking for restoration of blessings and fruitfulness Thanksgiving for faith, grace, and mercy Author: Everett Cox Text source: Prayer to Break the Curse of Poverty http://delmin.org/ministry-tools/
Wed, December 06, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, once for listening and agreeing, then a second time for repeating. (Please note that the scripture quotations have NOT been slowed down for repeating — these are for hearing and agreeing, and for watering your faith.) This prayer covers: Declaring the Word of God Forgiving enemies and transgressors Blessing those who have cursed Resisting the devil and his works Driving out the power of darkness Entering the blessings of Abraham Thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness Author: Derek Prince Text source: Voodoo Background and Prayer of Repentance http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10&sortby=title&dlpage=3
Tue, December 05, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, once for listening and agreeing, then a second time for repeating. Please note that most of the scripture quotations have NOT been slowed down for repeating — these are for hearing and agreeing, and for watering your faith. The main verses used in this prayer are listed below. This prayer covers: Declaring the Word and Promises of God Prayer based on the declared Word Receiving and wielding the authority of Jesus Christ Declaring the Lord’s times and seasons Rejecting and binding failure Acknowledging the favor of the Father Receiving the favor of the Father Committing all need into the Father’s hands Submitting to the Father’s perfect will - Proverbs 3:3-5 - Revelation 3:8 - Psalms 5:12 - Romans 13:8 - 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 - 2 Corinthians 9:8 - Philippians 4:6-7 - 2 Corinthians 1:3 - Philippians 4:19 - Ecclesiastes 7:14 Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Petition for New Work / Job http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Tue, December 05, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, once for listening and agreeing, and again for repeating. Before repeating the prayer, it is important to name the person that you are praying for. (Suggestion: “Father, I now come before you in prayer for [name]”.) This prayer covers: Asking for eyes to be opened to the Truth Asking for revelation and understanding Asking for softening of the heart Praying against hindrances and strongholds Praying against bondage and evil roots Praying against the weapons of the deceiver Asking the Father to reveal Jesus Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: How to Intercede for the Lost http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?did=357
Mon, December 04, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Praying the prayer given to the disciples, by Jesus Christ, as written in Matthew 6 and Luke 11. The prayer is prayed line-by-line, with numerous scriptures included, to declare and magnify the Word of God. Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: The Lord’s Prayer and the Ministry of Intercession http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=23&sortby=title&dlpage=3 (Please note that some of the wording of the original text has been slightly altered to make it adaptable for this podcast.) NOTE ON PRONUNCIATION OF HEBREW NAMES: An effort has been made to choose pronunciations that reflect the Hebrew forms but which are still easily recognizable to speakers of English.
Sun, December 03, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, once for listening and again for repeating. Offer up this prayer immediately following any deliverance session. Deliverance counselor Amanda Buys gives a further suggestion in her deliverance manuals: “You may also want to perform a mikvah (baptism), to symbolize a cleansing after deliverance. Remember too to enter into praise and worship and fill yourself with the FATHER’s Presence. For additional study, read the free book online, Understanding Water Baptism And The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit, which you may download at http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=27 .” (Please note that the original published form of the prayer is for the deliverance counselor or minister. The format for this podcast has been altered to adapt the prayer for self-deliverance.) This prayer covers: Thanksgiving for God’s sovereign work Asking for protection from backlash Declaring and setting the Cross and the Blood between the believer and the enemy Declarations of faith in Jesus Christ’s kingship Shutting and sealing all points of access Author: Amanda Buys Text Source: Wrapping-up Prayer After Deliverance Preparing, Expecting And Welcoming Our Next Generation, pg.92 http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=11&sortby=title&dlpage=2 OR: Text source: Petition Against Suicide, pg.16 http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10
Sat, December 02, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, once for listening and again for repeating. This prayer covers: Thanksgiving to the Father and Jesus Christ Declaring the eternal truth of the Word of God Declaring the sovereignty of God Rebuking ailments in faith Author: Daniel Duval Text source: https://www.bridemovement.com/healing-prayer/
Sat, December 02, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Breaking Generational Curses Prayer for Purpose and Goals in a Child’s Life Prayer for Deliverance and Protection for a Child Declaring Scriptural Blessings over a Child Confessing a Multitude of Blessings over a Child’s Life NOTE: This prayer has been recorded twice, once for listening and a second time for repeating. If you are following the repeating prayer without having the prayer text, stop the prayer briefly when you get to the Prayer for Purpose and Goals, and speak the name(s) of the child or children (suggestion: “Father, I now lift up to You this prayer for [name or names]”) and then continue with the prayer. Some of the scriptures in the repeating section have not been slowed down for repetition: these are for hearing the Word of God, and you do not need to repeat, only listen and agree with the Word. If you want to pray the prayer using the child’s/children’s name(s) more thoroughly, click on the Praying for Children link on the Home Page www.psalm71.podbean.com and insert the name(s) into the prayer. Please note that the original prayer texts differ slightly from the wording that was adapted for use in this podcast. Some, but not all, of these changes have been included in the prayer format posted on the website. Authors and Text sources: Generational Curses: INHERITING THE WIND Prayer Against Lack of Purpose and Goals in a Child By Dr. William J. Schnoebelen http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html Prayer for Deliverance and Protection for a Child DECLARATION OF THE blessings of fruitfulness By Amanda Buys Preparing, Expecting And Welcoming Our Next Generation pgs. 60-61, 68-70, http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=11&sortby=title&dlpage=2 BLESSING CONFESSION By Everett Cox https://delmin.org/ministry-tools/
Fri, December 01, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Declaration of Confidence in God’s Protection Petition Against Curses and Spirits of Suicide (LISTEN / AGREE) Petition Against Curses and Spirits of Suicide (REPEAT) NOTE: This prayer process has been recorded so that you may first listen to the Petition being prayed FOR and over YOU. Then, listen again, and repeat the words to pray over yourself. During this prayer, especially when unclean spirits are being commanded out, you may feel the need to cry, cough, yawn, spit, clear your nose, or perhaps vomit. This is often part of the process of expelling unclean spirits, so do not try to hold it in. Find a place and time to do the whole prayer completely. If possible, after you have finished the deliverance process, go to the Daily Affirmation of Faith prayer and pray along. Spend time praying and reading your Bible, especially the Psalms, after every deliverance. Deliverance counselor Amanda Buys gives a further suggestion in her deliverance manuals: “You may also want to perform a mikvah (baptism), to symbolize a cleansing after deliverance. Remember too to enter into praise and worship and fill yourself with the FATHER’s Presence. For additional study, read the FREE book online, Understanding Water Baptism And The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit, which you may download at http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=27.” Authors: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Derek and Ruth Prince www.derekprince.com Text source: Petition Against Suicide http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?category=10 For the prayer text only: www.psalm71.podbean.com
Thu, November 30, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded here TWICE. The first is for listening and coming into agreement. The second is for repetition. This prayer covers: Declaring the Word of Yahweh God Rebuking angelic and celestial beings Declaring the sovereignty of God Declaring the victories of Jesus Christ Asking for angelic enforcement Petition for destruction of enemy plans and weapons Commanding the enemy to leave Authors: Dr. William & Mary Schnoebelen Text source: Prayer Against Fallen Angelic Visitations http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html
Tue, November 28, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Opening Prayer Deliverance Prayer Closing Prayer NOTE: This 40-minute prayer process has been recorded so that you may repeat the words. Some of the original prayer wording has been slightly altered to make it suitable for self-deliverance, but the general format is suitable for deliverance ministry. Find a place and time to do the whole prayer completely. If possible, after you have finished the deliverance process, go to the Daily Affirmation of Faith prayer and pray along. Spend time praying and reading your Bible, especially the Psalms, after every deliverance. During this prayer, especially when unclean spirits are being commanded out, you may feel the need to cry, cough, yawn, spit, clear your nose, or perhaps vomit. This is often part of the process of expelling unclean spirits, so do not try to hold it in. Text sources: DELIVERANCE PRAYER https://delmin.org/ministry-tools/ MINISTRY SET-UP AND CLOSING PRAYERS https://www.rgmconnect.com/free-resources.html
Tue, November 28, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This prayer has been recorded so that you may repeat the words. This prayer covers: Repenting for all idolatry Repenting for all forms of rebellion Repenting for all ancestral rebellion Choosing to walk in the will of God Surrendering to the will of God Breaking ungodly ties and cords Asking God to restore, heal, and seal Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?did=46
Fri, November 24, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ NOTE: This is a 30-minute declaration prayer. MORE THAN 100 SCRIPTURE VERSES ARE QUOTED AND REFERENCED IN THIS PRAYER. This prayer covers: Thanksgiving for the Blood of the Lamb of God Declaring the power and character of the Blood of Jesus Receiving the covering of the Blood of Jesus Christ Prophesying over parts of the body: the Heart the Bones and Joints the internal Jerusalem the Head the Face the Mind and Thoughts the Eyes, Ears, and Nose the Tongue, Teeth, and Throat the Mouth and Words the Neck and Shoulders the Arms, Forearms, and Hands the Ligaments the Chest and Emotions Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Covenant Prayer and the Blood of Jesus (p.30) http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?did=113
Fri, November 24, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Thanksgiving and praise Entering into the seven covenant blessings: Life Protection Healing / Health Provision / Abundance Grace Favor Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Altars and Covenants (p.40) http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?did=96
Thu, November 23, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Giving thanks to the Father for Jesus Christ Inviting Jesus to walk through past memories Reviewing major life events Asking for healing of pain and fear Healing family relationships Healing trauma Thanksgiving for cleansing and wholeness Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Prayers of Renunciation: General (p.29) http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?did=46
Thu, November 23, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Breaking demonic seals Asking for angelic enforcement Renouncing evil covenants, curses, and contracts Applying the Blood of the Covenant Nullifying evil agreements Canceling physical marks Destroying altars of wickedness Renouncing all evil works Casting out malevolent spirits Entering divine inheritance Release from collective captivity Loosing divine fire Canceling evil judgments Disowning duplicates and effigies Reversing arrows of failure Cutting evil cords Thanksgiving for victory in Jesus Christ Author: Amanda Buys www.eu.kanaanministries.org Text source: Altars and Covenants (p.41) http://www.kanaanministries.org/downloads/?did=96
Sat, November 18, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Declaration of love and faith Praise and worship Crying out for help Declaring God’s love and promises Asking for mercy and grace Submission and surrender Receiving the armor of God Casting the burden upon Jesus Confession of weakness and dependence Asking for truth, correction, and guidance Thanksgiving and resting in God Author: Dr. Victor Matthews https://drvictormatthews.org Text source: A Prayer for Times of Trial https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer
Fri, November 17, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Declaring the sovereignty of the Creator Asking for multi-dimensional deliverance Asking for angelic enforcement Asking for protection and anointing Asking for transformation and equipping Sealing off evil Sealing the Believer Author: Bill Schnoebelen www.withoneaccord.org Text source: Prayer for Dimensional Deliverance http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html
Fri, November 17, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Binding malevolent spirits Renouncing evil Taking back territory Surrendering to God Dedicating and consecrating Declaring the Blood and the Word Asking for angelic protection Giving thanks Author: Dr. Preston T. Bailey Text Source: http://spiritualwarfarecenter.com/prayers.html
Fri, November 17, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Acknowledging and declaring the blessed and victorious position of the Believer who overcomes the world, in and through Jesus Christ Author: Daniel Duval www.bridemovement.com Text source: https://www.bridemovement.com/over-comer-prayer/
Fri, November 17, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Applying the Blood of Jesus Canceling attacks Shutting down intrusions Asking for angelic enforcement Forestalling alter activity Overturning curses and witchcraft Author: Daniel Duval www.bridemovement.com Text source: https://www.bridemovement.com/the-technology-prayer/
Fri, November 17, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Asking for consecration Commanding and rebuking evil presences Declaring the ownership of God Sanctification and sealing Author: Bill Schnoebelen www.withoneaccord.org Text source: Prayer for Blessing Electronic Devices or Mirrors http://www.withoneaccord.org/Spiritual-Warfare-Defense_ep_51.html
Fri, November 17, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Binding malevolent spirits Renouncing sins of ancestors Renouncing witchcraft Canceling evil works Taking back lost ground Dedication to Jesus Christ Author: Dr. Preston T. Bailey Text Source: http://spiritualwarfarecenter.com/prayers.html
Tue, November 14, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Giving thanks to God Declaring blessings from the Word of God Asking for forgiveness and provision Asking for favor and angelic assignments Praying from the scriptures Author: N/A Prayer text: https://psalm71.podbean.com/p/prayer-and-blessings-for-the-body-of-christ/ (Or click the link at the top of the page.)
Mon, November 13, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Crying out to God for mercy Standing in the gap for family Asking help of the Holy Spirit Casting down strongholds Applying the Blood of Jesus Calling for angelic intervention Casting burdens upon Jesus Praising God for his faithfulness Author: N/A Prayer text: https://psalm71.podbean.com/p/praying-for-lost-family-members/ (Or click on the link at the top of the page.)
Sun, November 12, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Identifying the weapons of the enemy Declaring the sovereign Voice of God Asking for angelic support Asking for praises to flow Inviting the presence and power of the Holy Spirit Binding and canceling out the enemy’s weapons Author: N/A Prayer text: https://psalm71.podbean.com/p/prayer-against-sonics-and-frequencies-1510507942/ (Or click on the heading at the top of this page.)
Sun, November 12, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Warring against all diabolical plans and devices Author: Augusto Perez www.theappearance.com For further teachings on the principles of spiritual warfare, by Augusto Perez: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAroi3xAOpHXZYwokXIqSddv47t2PEQEZ
Sun, November 12, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Praise and worship Submission to God’s will Resisting the devil and all his works Receiving the will and the armor of God Author: Dr. Victor Matthews Text Source: For many additional prayers, as well as mp3 recordings of prayers by Dr. Matthews: https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer
Sun, November 12, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Declarations of God’s works Submission to God Author: Dr. Victor Matthews Text Source: For many additional prayers, as well as mp3 recordings of prayers by Dr. Matthews: https://drvictormatthews.org/prayer
Fri, November 10, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Pleading the Blood of Jesus Taking thoughts captive to Jesus Christ Binding evil works and malevolent spirits Breaking curses, witchcraft, and dark arts Breaking evil assignments and deceptions Binding the roots of sin Breaking evil voices and judgements Loosing blessings and restoration Praying for the salvation of lost souls Receiving supernatural life and power Declaring the love and protection of God Author: Mel Novak www.melnovak.com Text Source: http://melnovak.com/new/after-ministry-warfare-prayer/
Fri, November 10, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Taking thoughts captive to Jesus Christ Binding evil works and malevolent spirits Breaking evil assignments and deceptions Binding the roots of sin Loosing blessings and restoration Author: Mel Novak www.melnovak.com Text Source: http://melnovak.com/new/warfare-prayers/
Fri, November 10, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Binding evil works and malevolent spirits Breaking curses and deceptions Declaring God as Father Resisting the devil and his works Asking for angelic protection and ministering Taking up the armor of God Forbidding physical and spiritual intrusions Declaring and receiving the armor of God Declaring the leading of the Holy Spirit Declaring the lordship of Jesus Christ Declaring the faithful blessings of God Asking for guidance in ministry Author: Scott Hensler www.scotthensler.org Text Source: http://scotthensler.org/Daily%20Prayer%20Covering(1).pdf
Fri, November 10, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Thanksgiving and praise Pleading the Blood of Jesus Asking for angelic protection Breaking curses, witchcraft, and dark arts Casting out malevolent spirits Forbidding physical and spiritual intrusions Declaring and receiving the armor of God Author: Daniel Duval Text Source: https://www.bridemovement.com/evening-prayer/ If you are a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), you may obtain further information via Daniel’s podcasts. Search your podcast provider for Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval .
Fri, November 10, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Declaring spiritual war Declaring the sovereignty of God Breaking curses and witchcraft Binding evil spirits and works Breaking satanic bondage Taking back ground Repenting and renouncing Yielding to the lordship and authority of Jesus Christ Prayer text: https://psalm71.podbean.com/p/basic-declarations-of-spiritual-warfare-1510506384/ (Or click on the heading at the top of the Home Page.) Author: Augusto Perez www.theappearance.com Spiritual warfare teachings from Augusto: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAroi3xAOpHXkFI5b3gfsRA0xqOL_P7LJ
Fri, November 10, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Confession of Sins Statement of belief in Jesus Renouncing the works of the devil Receiving the lordship of Jesus Christ Prayer Text: https://psalm71.podbean.com/p/prayer-for-salvation-in-jesus-christ-1510506526/ (Or click on the heading at the top of this page.) Author: Augusto Perez www.theappearance.com Further spiritual warfare teachings, by Augusto Perez: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAroi3xAOpHXZYwokXIqSddv47t2PEQEZ
Tue, November 07, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Submission to God Acknowledging the price Jesus Christ paid Confessing and asking for forgiveness of sins Forgiving others Severing soul ties Binding the enemy Loosing the power of the Kingdom of God Asking for anointing to break bondage Asking for restoration, protection, and healing Canceling evil oaths and covenants Taking authority over the enemy Author: Mary Lake Text Source: UPDATED PRAYERS FOR RELEASE (scroll down the page at the link below) http://kingdomintelligencebriefing.com/resources/healing-for-victims-of-trauma-and-abuse-with-dissociative-identity-disorder-series-by-mary-lou-lake/
Tue, November 07, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Confessing ancestral sins Cleansing of DNA and bloodlines Declaring the victory of Jesus Christ Binding the enemy Loosing the power of the Kingdom of God Asking for restoration Author: Mary Lake Text Source: UPDATED PRAYERS FOR RELEASE (scroll down the page at the link below) http://kingdomintelligencebriefing.com/resources/healing-for-victims-of-trauma-and-abuse-with-dissociative-identity-disorder-series-by-mary-lou-lake/
Tue, November 07, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Declaring the sovereignty of God Asking for and receiving God’s protection Declaring the Word of God Binding the kingdom of darkness Loosing the power of the Kingdom of God Author: Mary Lake Text Source: UPDATED PRAYERS FOR RELEASE (scroll down the page at the link below) http://kingdomintelligencebriefing.com/resources/healing-for-victims-of-trauma-and-abuse-with-dissociative-identity-disorder-series-by-mary-lou-lake/
Tue, November 07, 2017
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link: https://psalm71.podbean.com/e/full-list-of-available-prayers-1513057365/ This prayer covers: Declaring the sovereignty of God Asking for and receiving God’s protection Confession of sins The armor of God Binding the kingdom of darkness Loosing the power of the Kingdom of God Breaking occult and technological powers Author: Mary Lake Text Source: UPDATED PRAYERS FOR RELEASE (scroll down the page at the link below) http://kingdomintelligencebriefing.com/resources/healing-for-victims-of-trauma-and-abuse-with-dissociative-identity-disorder-series-by-mary-lou-lake/