Well-known and loved as a great American folk singer, 89 year old Sam Hinton was also curator of the old Scripps Aquarium Museum from the mid 1940s through the mid 1960s. Sam inspired millions of people, young and old, in their love of the ocean and marine life. He began collecting creatures for the aquarium as a helmet diver for Scripps, then went on to learn Aqualung diving from the legendary Conrad Limbaugh on one of the first Aqualung units in the U.S. Naturalist, artist, author, teacher and folk singer, Sam Hinton is a true treasure. I hope you enjoy this recent interview with Sam about his Scripps Years.
A special thank you to Sam Hinton's biographer, Adam Miller, for all his help with images, music and a wealth of knowledge about folk music and Sam. Adam is also an incredible folk singer in the the great Sam Hinton tradition. For more information on Sam Hinton, please go to www.SamHinton.org. For more information on Adam Miller, please go to www.FolkSinger.org. And for more information on the current work of the Birch Aquarium at Scripps, please go to www.aquarium.ucsd.edu.