Showcasing some of the best underwater short films being produced today by filmmakers all over the world. For High Definition versions of these underwater video podcasts, please check out our DiveFilm HD Video Podcast here at iTunes! Featuring footage of all kinds of marine life, short films by divers all over the world, interviews with interesting people, and information on underwater imaging.
Sun, February 20, 2011
Humpback Whales give hope for our ocean's future in this award-winning short film by Simon Spear. Award winner in the Our World Underwater Conservation Video Competition hosted by and More info on filmmaker Simon Spear at For a high definition version of this podcast, please go to DiveFilm HD Video podcast at iTunes!
Wed, December 15, 2010
From birth on the Antarctic ice to life underwater, a rare look at the southernmost mammal on Earth. Video Production by Mary Lynn Price. Learn more at . For a high definition version of this podcast, please go to DiveFilm HD Video podcast at iTunes!
Wed, November 17, 2010
Graceful divers, magnificent animals, unforgettable pups! Working in Antarctica with a research team continuing one of the longest running population studies ever of a long-lived mammal, on the most remote continent on earth. Video production by Mary Lynn Price. More information at . For a high definition version of this podcast, please go to DiveFilm HD Video podcast at iTunes!
Wed, September 01, 2010
Howard Hall. Cocos Island Submersible. Gorgeous. Howard and Michele Hall explore Cocos Island by deep sea submersible for an unforgettable experience of this famed Pacific island off Costa Rica. More info on Howard Hall Productions at
Tue, August 31, 2010
Ocean catfish yearning to be free. Mike Elliott's playful look at a sunken car full of daydreaming critters. More info on Mike at
Sun, August 15, 2010
Scooters. Wreck diving. 5D Mark II. The Backscatter folks take us scooter imaging with the Canon 5D Mark II in beautiful blue Caribbean water, and talk about how they got the shots. More info at Music by Luce. More info at
Sat, July 31, 2010
Danish seas. Spectacular marine life. Bent J¿rgensen of Chilbal Film presents a glimpse of a new three part Danish television education series on the underwater world beneath the waters of Denmark. More info on Chilbal Film at
Mon, July 19, 2010
Cave diving. Big Sharks. Australia. Jon Shaw's fastpaced visual tour of Fish Rock Cave, New South Wales, Australia. More info on Jon at
Sat, July 03, 2010
Tony Wu's rare glimpse with Capt. Craig DeWit of extreme remote PNG diving. More info at
Wed, June 16, 2010
Simon Spear on our deep connection to the ocean world. More info at
Sun, May 30, 2010
Eric Cheng's stunning whale imaging from Dominica. More info at
Tue, May 04, 2010
Howard Hall, RED One, Maldives. Gorgeous. More info at
Fri, April 23, 2010
Leandro Blanco's playful homage to Nat Geo's 1952 Book of Fishes, narrated by David Doubilet.
Sun, April 04, 2010
Rare sights from the sea to benefit ocean conservation! More info at
Mon, March 29, 2010
Renowned imager Tony Wu brings us Lembeh Strait, Indonesia at its beautiful best. More on Tony, his wonderful work and travel at and
Wed, March 24, 2010
Stunning underwater imaging of our ocean world by photographer Joe Dovala. More on Joe at
Sun, March 21, 2010
Underwater HD filmed entirely on a compact camera diving in the Philippines by Huw Jenkins. More info on filmmaker Huw Jenkins at
Wed, March 03, 2010
From Giant Pacific Octopus to brilliant blue glacial ice, the Inside Passage is a stunning visual water adventure. More info on filmmaker Mike Boom at
Wed, February 24, 2010
Top honors garnered by this Belgian entry at 2010 OWU show.
Fri, February 05, 2010
Fantastic trailer for new Sensational Seas Two DVD!
Sat, January 30, 2010
Antics of Ocean Ladybugs. Tiny. Incredible.
Mon, January 25, 2010
Bat rays, diving birds and ethereal light in this favorite by Mike Boom.
Sat, January 16, 2010
A wild world of crustaceans!
Thu, January 07, 2010
Winning Wetpixel entry for the new Sensational Seas 2 DVD!
Fri, December 25, 2009
Jill and Kelly, great divers with an unusual story.
Sun, December 20, 2009
Little fish with a surly attitude, Sarcastic Fringehead duke it out in this award winning short film by Walter Marti.
Fri, December 11, 2009
Freediving training in Kona, Hawaii with the fantastic folks of Performance Freediving International--blue water, spinner dolphins and great instruction!
Tue, December 01, 2009
Alaska's Inside Passage is the diving locale for Eric Hanauer's great short film, from an Alaska dive expedition on board the Nautilus Explorer. Camera by Eric Hanauer and Karen Straus, editing by Eric Hanauer. This was an audience favorite at this year's San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition. More about Eric and his beautiful work at his website, More on Karen's fantastic birding images on her website,
Fri, November 20, 2009
Champ Williams won two Emmys with this fantastic short film about a keyhole limpet's "secret weapon."
Tue, November 10, 2009
We recently had the opportunity to do some fantastic diving with Dive Damai from Komodo to Bali, Indonesia. This is a fun short video of some of the interesting underwater life we encountered on that expedition. Footage by Mary Lynn Price, Mike Elliott and Steve Perez. More information on Dive Damai at
Thu, October 29, 2009
In this fantastic short video, underwater filmmaker Richard Brooks presents a glimpse of Palau's vibrant and beautiful underwater world. Micronesia has some of the world's most beautiful reefs and offers fantastic diving. Richard, underwater imager with Fish n' Fins in Palau, has the enviable opportunity to dive these waters and experience the marine life there on a regular basis. You can see more of his work in the Photoshop section of the Fish n' Fins website:
Mon, January 19, 2009
Dr. Stacy Kim is a Benthic Ecologist and diver who studies sea floor creatures in Antarctica waters that are below freezing. Her research team has developed a cool new ROV named SCINI (Submersible Capable of Under Ice Navigation and Imaging) for deployment beneath the ice to study depths below where divers can go. In this video, Stacy tells about diving the extreme cold water beneath Antarctic ice, and how SCINI makes possible even greater capabilities to explore and record the sea floor life in polar regions. Video includes wonderful underwater footage by Henry Kaiser of Stacy with SCINI diving beneath the Ross Sea ice near the Antarctic Base, McMurdo Station.
Sun, September 14, 2008
"Choice for Change" features manatees and their vocalizations. It garnered filmmaker Mark Santa-Maria showings and awards at the prestigious International Wildlife Film Festival, Our World Underwater Film Festival, Beneath the Sea Film Festival, Grays Reef Ocean Film Festival, the San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition, and several others. His work has also appeared on several broadcast and cable channels. This film received the First Place Award in the Conservation Video category of the 2008 Our World Underwater/Wetpixel/DivePhotoGuide competition, and has led to heightened attention being brought to manatee dive operator procedures and safety guidelines, and an outpouring of support for increased protection of these amazing animals. For more information on award-winning filmmaker Mark Santa-Maria, please visit the Filmmakers Page at
Mon, June 02, 2008
The coastal waters and diverse marine life of Western Australia are the subject of this award-winning conservation film from the 2008 OurWorldUnderwater/Wetpixel/DivePhotoGuide Competition by underwater filmmakers Paul and Kelly Wags. Paul and Kelly Wags, based on the Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia, are producing some of the best underwater video available today. Wags is also a video forum moderator at For more information about Wags & Kelly, and to see more of their work, please visit their website, .
Mon, May 05, 2008
In this wonderful video, Guille Cervera takes us to dive the Illes Medes National Reserve in the beautiful Mediterranean Sea off the Costa Brava of Spain. The Illes Medes archipelago is located just off shore from the seaside resort town of L'Estartit, Spain, and is a world-renowned diving location with protected National Park status.
Wed, February 20, 2008
Resort videos are an art form in their own right, and many underwater filmmakers get their start creating short dive resort promos. In this episode, Jon Shaw has crafted a fine example of this video format in his depiction of what it is like to dive the waters of Papua New Guinea, and experience the surroundings of the Tufi Resort located there ( About this video Jon says, "the location is idyllic, you can only fly in to TUFI, [and] the resort sits on top of a 1000 ft deep Fjord with access to pristine untouched diving. From the ‘muck’ of the fjord with fantastic macro life, to the coral bommies with hammers, grey reefs, silver tips, white tips and fantastically diverse coral life." The resort itself is gorgeous, staff fantastic, amazing food and to top it off you have the history, the culture and the surrounding villages to experience and visit. All in all an absolutely breathtaking experience." For more information on Jon Shaw and his work, please visit his website at:
Sat, December 22, 2007
Invented by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Jean Mollard, the Soucoupe plongeante or "Diving Saucer" was a small two-person submarine that could dive to depths of over 1000 fsw. Back in the early 1960s, Professor Emeritus Dr. Doug Inman of Scripps Institution of Oceanography and other deep diving scientists from Scripps explored the deep underwater canyons off the California coast in the famed Cousteau Diving Saucer. These explorations led to a better understanding of how these deep canyons are formed over time by powerful "turbidity currents." Combining vintage underwater film footage from the 1916 silent film "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" with Scripps Archives images of the Cousteau Diving Saucer and underwater images from deep water canyon dives, Dr. Douglas Inman tells some of the stories of these historic scientific voyages into the deep water canyons.
Mon, November 19, 2007
An audience favorite at the recent 8th Annual San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition, "Green Water, White Mirth" is a delightful look at the mischievous antics of juvenile Harbor Seals on one of Mike Boom's dives in the colder waters of the Monterey Bay along the Northern California Pacific Coast. "I shot this video on a single dive in April of 2006 in Monterey Bay with friends from my dive club. We were in sight of the Monterey Bay Aquarium when we dropped in. We had 3 or 4 juvenile harbor seals who checked us out for the first half of the dive, then decided to come in and have their way with us during the second half. It was hard to shoot much video because 1) the seals kept me too busy (one tucked his head under my arm asking to be scratched) and 2) I was laughing too hard." Mike is an underwater filmmaker based in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. His short films have delighted audiences at numerous underwater film festivals and gatherings around the United States. To learn more about Mike and his high definition underwater video work, please visit his website,
Tue, October 16, 2007
In this newly revised version, legend Stan Waterman narrates, as only he can, this beautiful and moving new film by Leandro Blanco. This powerful and provocative masterpiece is quite possibly Leandro's best work to date. It speaks clearly from the heart about the one ocean on which we all depend, and yet so far have failed miserably to care for. To learn more about Spanish filmmaker Leandro Blanco, please visit Leandro's entry on the Filmmaker's Page at
Thu, August 30, 2007
DiveFilm proudly presents filmmaker Leandro Blanco's latest masterpiece, "Uno Para Todos," or "One For All." This beautiful, powerful and provocative film is quite possibly Leandro's best work to date. It speaks clearly from the heart about the one ocean on which we all depend, and yet so far have failed miserably to care for. To learn more about Spanish filmmaker Leandro Blanco, please visit the Filmmaker's Page at
Thu, July 26, 2007
In this poetically beautiful short film by Irish nature filmmaker and illustrator, Vincent Hyland, the plight of the Atlantic Salmon in Ireland is dramatically depicted from the Salmon's point of view. Recently, a ban on drift net fishing of these magnificent fish was enacted in Ireland. The drift net ban originated by pressure from the European Union which is taking the Irish Government to Court over non-implementation of laws to protect wildlife and habitats based on scientific research showing a near fatal collapse in Salmon stocks and a very persuasive game angling lobby - who are powerful, well-financed and organized. Their argument is that catchment management, conservation, bag limiting and catch and release are the best way to manage Salmon stocks. They also point out that a Salmon caught on rod and line bring far more revenue into the local community than those caught commercially. Even though the Government created a hardship fund (known as a net buyout fund) so that Salmon drift net fishermen would cease fishing and hand over their nets, to date no Salmon fishermen have received compensation due to the Government dragging the issue out. A number of Salmon Anglers in the Southwest of Ireland have threatened to defy the ban by putting nets back into the water. Recently a Basking Shark was washed ashore this month entangled in a drift net - the fishermen deny that the net is a drift net. So tensions remain high between Government and fishermen. And what is at stake is the very future of the Atlantic Salmon of Ireland. For more information on the wonderful work of Vincent Hyland, please visit his website at
Sun, July 01, 2007
Clown Fish are a loved and dissed subject for underwater imagers--we have great difficulty admitting our attraction to filming and photographing these little guys. And yet they are a delight to viewers young and old. Leandro Blanco, one of the best and most creative underwater short filmmakers working today, turns his artistic attention to the world of Clown Fish. And true to his passion for the conservation and respect of marine life, Leandro also makes a powerful statement about the adverse effects of unsustainable practices of the aquarium trade. It is an honor to present Leandro Blanco's wonderful short film, "Clown Struck." For more information on Leandro and his work, please visit the Filmmakers Page at
Tue, May 29, 2007
Hagfish are amazing ocean fishes! They are found nearly worldwide mostly in deeper ocean environments, and are some of the most primitive fishes in existence today. They feed primarily on dead or dying fish and mammals on the ocean bottom by burrowing inside and eating from the inside out. Hagfish are blind, although they possess eyespots on either side of their heads. They have a unique defense mechanism of sliming. If moved, disturbed, or bitten by a predator, Hagfish can very rapidly produce copious amounts of slime from glands along the sides of their long, eel-like bodies. This slime allows them to escape potential predators, and consists of a filamentous protein that is highly hydrophilic. Scripps Institution of Oceanography Marine Technician, Eddie Kisfaludy, introduces us to the weird world of Hagfish, in particular that of Eptatretus stouti, or the Pacific Hagfish, found off the coast of La Jolla, California. With the help of marine biology intern Lily Bolig, we get a first-hand account of Hagfish slime.
Tue, May 08, 2007
In April of 2007 the Nautilus Explorer took a group of dive explorers, scientists and underwater imagers from Mexico, the United States and Canada to the remote and uninhabited Clipperton Island located some 500 nautical miles off the coast of Acapulco, Mexico. Clipperton has a long and fascinating history, including two Scripps expeditions with research diving pioneer Conrad Limbaugh in the 1950s. In 1956, Connie Limbaugh described the sharks of Clipperton Island as so numerous and aggressive that researchers had to cut short their diving operation. Limbaugh returned in 1958 with a number of other scientists as part of the Scripps Doldrums Expedition, this time bringing with him shark cages in which to safely dive and study the sharks. In part one of this two-part podcast, Mary Lynn Price discusses some of the history of Conrad Limbaugh's visits to Clipperton Island in the 1950s and what the 2007 Nautilus Explorer expedition discovered diving the reefs of Clipperton for five days. Historic images and footage from the Limbaugh Collection at Scripps Archives, as well as rare 1958 news footage from San Diego's KFMB TV Channel 8, depict the Limbaugh expeditions in the 50s. Current underwater video and images by Mary Lynn Price, dive explorer Roberto Chavez Arce and nudibranch scientist Alicia Hermosillo show what the marine life of Clipperton Island is like today. What the divers find is abundant healthy coral, numerous small and medium-size fishes, a variety of colorful nudibranchs, and the beautiful endemic Clipperton Angelfish (Holacanthus limbaughi, named in honor of Conrad Limbaugh). However, the divers are struck by the sad reality of very few sharks--and old long-line from commercial long-line fishing criss-crossing the otherwise pristine reefs nearly everywhere they dived. Without conservation protection and enforcement, it is likely that the sharks of Clipperton Island will not have much of a future. For more information on the Nautilus Explorer, and to read the Clipperton entries in the Captain's Log, please visit Part two of this two part podcast will include interviews with scientists, dive explorers and longtime fishermen about the issues facing the sharks of Clipperton Island, and what might be done to better protect them.
Thu, April 05, 2007
Featuring some of the best underwater images being produced today by Paul and Kelly Wags of Exmouth, Australia. Ningaloo Reef is the location for this video, and includes some of their footage of turtles, nudibranchs, whale sharks, mantas and reef fishes of many varieties. We know you'll enjoy this taste of Ningaloo--naturally! For more information on Paul and Kelly Wags, and their HD underwater images and filmmaking, please visit their website, To watch this in high definition on your HDTV using AppleTV, please visit our new DiveFilm High Definition Podcast Video available for free at iTunes!
Thu, March 15, 2007
Both Cocos and Mapelo Islands in the Eastern Pacific Ocean are home to an abundance of marine animals, including numerous species of sharks, rays, dolphins and whales. Cocos Island is some 300 miles southwest of Costa Rica, and has been designated a Marine Park and World Heritage Site by Costa Rica. Malpelo Island is a little over 300 miles off the coast of Colombia and is designated as a Colombian Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, and marine protected area. The waters off both islands are considered by divers to be among the most exciting areas in the world for big animal sightings. The immense schools of Hammerhead Sharks that gather in these waters leave divers awestruck. The biodiversity is rich and vulnerable. Join Shawn Heinrichs as he takes us there to experience the magnificence of these animals and many other marine animals that abide in the rich waters surrounding the islands of Cocos and Malpelo. Shawn Heinrichs is a conservation filmmaker based in Longmont, Colorado, USA. To learn more about Shawn and his work, please visit his website,
Sat, February 24, 2007
These unusual bubbling reefs are located in Kattegat off the coast of Denmark. Methane seeps into the shallow waters in the northern Kattegat off the Danish coast to form spectacular submarine landscapes - the 'bubbling reefs' - due to carbonate-cemented sandstone structures which are colonized by brightly coloured animals and plants. Hans Christian Andersen has been working for some time to document these bubbling reefs, and offers us a fascinating glimpse in this special DiveFilm Podcast version of his documentary, "Bubbling Reefs." His website on the reefs,, garnered the prize for the best website in the promotional category at the World Festival for Underwater Pictures at Antibes, France. To learn more about Hans and his work, please visit his website,
Tue, February 13, 2007
Renowned underwater cinematographer and pioneer, Chuck Nicklin, has long been known for his "big animal" work filming all kinds of whales and sharks. Recently, however, he's dived into making high definition videos of the strange, small inhabitants of Lembeh Strait, Indonesia. This video was a judges and audience favorite at the most recent San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition. To learn more about Chuck, his work and his dive travel, please visit his website,
Mon, January 29, 2007
Underwater imager and writer, Eric Hanauer and nature imager and writer, Karen Straus dive with a mother Humpback Whale, her calf, and a male escort, off Roca Partida, a rocky island about 250 miles off the coast of Cabo San Lucas, Baja del Sur, Mexico. This is some of the most fantastic Humpback footage you'll ever see! Narrated by both Eric and Karen, who both also shot the HDV footage, as well as the accompanying still photographs, this film was one of the judges' and audience's favorites at the most recent San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition. Beautifully edited by Eric. To learn more about Eric and see more of his work, please visit his website, Karen is a skilled bird photographer as well as an underwater imager of many years. You can see more of her work at her new website, DiveFilm Podcast Video is proud to announce that this film is the first one to be released as one of DiveFilm's new High Definition Video Podcasts and Web Videos. To learn more, visit
Fri, January 12, 2007
This powerful film portrays the tragic decimation of sharks and shark populations by humans and the shark fin industry. Underwater filmmaker and conservationist Shawn Heinrichs juxtaposes beautiful images of lush tropical marine settings with the all-too-common scene below the surface of dead sharks littering the bottom, their fins cut off to feed an insatiable market for shark fin. Shark populations have dropped 90 percent in areas due to this unsustainable practice, threatening the very survival of numerous species of sharks, and disrupting fragile ecosystems worldwide. For more information on Shawn Heinrichs, his videos and his conservation work, please visit his website, Shawn is a conservation forum moderator at, and a regular contributor to the video forums.
Mon, December 25, 2006
In this funny and beautifully creative short film, Jeff Leicher presents an aspect of diving with which we are all familiar: bubbles. With the light touch of a filmmaker clearly enjoying his work, Jeff depicts bubbles and bubble rings in ways that are imaginative, transfixing and unforgettable. A cast of dozens, many of whom you may recognize, contribute to the fun of this film (don't miss the out-takes after the end credits!), and the well-chosen soundtrack by Ray Lynch and Tom Canning is the perfect touch for an all-in-all delightful short film. Jeff Leicher is an underwater videographer and filmmaker based in Kona, Hawaii. He is an owner and managing partner of Jack's Diving Locker in Kona, where he is an instructor and USCG Captain. To learn more about Jeff, visit Jack's website,
Sun, December 10, 2006
Kathy & Mike Schnetzer's "DeepSee" submersible adventure video documents what it's like to descend to the depths in a small deep sea submersible craft. Diving to depths of 1000 fsw, Kathy and Mike explore the waters off Cocos Island and Malpelo, Columbia in a three person submarine, and bring back high definition video of their dive. DeepSee is a custom built one-atmosphere submarine, capable of carrying one pilot and two passengers down to a depth of 1,500 feet (475 m). It is the first deep submersible designed and developed from its keel up with the ocean enthusiast and underwater explorer in mind and as a dedicated filmmaking observation vehicle. This cool short video by an underwater filmmaking couple who travel the world in search of unusual and intriguing marine animal behavior gives a good feel for what it's like to descend deeper than most divers have ever experienced. The video was an Official Selection at the 2006 San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition, where Kathy and Mike are an annual presence. To learn more about Kathy and Mike, please visit their website,
Thu, November 30, 2006
In this episode of DiveFilm Podcast Video, Nick Martorano movingly portrays the underwater shipwrecks of Palau, Micronesia and the marine life that inhabits them. The wrecks are primarily Japanese from World War II, and are now home to a variety of fishes, corals, crusteceans and other diverse marine life forms. Many of the wrecks still contain ghostly indications of their past human inhabitants such as shoes, tools, machinery, bottles and eating utensils. Nick Martorano is an underwater videographer and digital video producer currently based in Carpinteria, California near Santa Barbara. His videos can be seen at underwater film festivals around the world. Check out Nick's website at
Sat, November 18, 2006
Video producer John Williams and his Still Hope Productions, Inc. present "Sea Inside, Pacific Northwest," a feature TV series on the waters and creatures of the Northwest Pacific coast of the United States. In this podcast, John gives us a glimpse of the images captured by a number of underwater imagers who have all contributed their footage to this educational effort. "Sea Inside, Pacific Northwest" is available on numerous cable TV stations throughout the U.S., and is part of an effort to raise awareness about the marine life that abounds in these rich, cold waters. To learn more about John Williams, Still Hope Productions and the TV series, "Sea Inside, Pacific Northwest," visit
Sun, October 29, 2006
Join us as we travel to the Kingdom of Tonga to swim with the endangered southern Humpback Whales. In Tonga, swimming with Humpback Whales is allowed under strict regulation. The Kingdom has foregone the old days of whaling for an approach to the whales based on respect and eco-tourism. Pioneer whale cinematographer, Chuck Nicklin, discusses his experiences diving with and filming the whales of Tonga as he shares footage from the recent expedition he led there to swim with the whales. Whale guide, Karen Varndell of Dive Vava'u talks about the Southern Humpbacks and the threats they face today from whaling and pollution. Whale guide Buluno Fifita describes his country's view of the importance of these magnificent animals, and what it was like for him the first time he swam with them. Longtime underwater videographer, Roger Norman, tells what it's like to come eye to eye with a young Humpback as he shares some of his footage of that incredible encounter. Interviews and additional whale footage by Mary Lynn Price and Steve Perez. As Iceland resumes openly hunting endangered Fin Whales in violation of international restrictions, and Japan readies to illegally hunt endangered Fin and Humpback Whales in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary, this podcast reminds us of the beauty and intelligence of these animals, and the importance of protecting them. Support Whale Conservation. Stop the Killing of Whales!
Tue, October 17, 2006
Bryce Groark beautifully portrays the cleaning behaviors of Hawaiian marine life. In this wonderful film about cleaning symbiosis among Hawaiian reef fishes, morays, sea turtles, and cleaner shrimps we are privy to these mutually beneficial practices of the animal world. Bryce is an underwater videographer based in Kona, Hawaii, where he documents the local fish behaviors on the Hawaiian reef and teaches Coral Reef Ecology classes to visitors aboard the FairWind II in Kealakekua Bay. To learn more about Bryce and his work, please visit his website, "Hawaiian Showers" is an Official Selection of the 7th Annual San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition.
Sun, September 24, 2006
Critter Comforts is a beautifully edited, short compilation of macro images from the warm tropical waters of Yap and Palau. Nudibranchs, Squid, Shrimp and other beasties come under the steady camera controls of filmmaker Mark Thorpe as this diverse world unfolds. For the most part overlooked by many divers the macro world of sea critters in its diversity keeps some enthusiasts engaged for years. Sit back and relax as the world of the bizarre, the beautiful and the curious parades across your screen in a stunning array of color and strange beauty. Originally hailing from England, Mark Thorpe set out some 15 years ago on a career path that has thus far taken him to many of the world's pristine dive areas. Currently based on the island of Palau he spends his time running his own underwater imaging concession at the Fish 'n Fins dive shop. His professional clients to date include NGTV&Film, YLE - Finland, SBS - Korea, GMA - Philippines and many others. He also produces his own short films and products.
Tue, September 12, 2006
Paul Wags is a scuba instructor, videographer and filmmaker. (He's also a video forum moderator at!) Kelly is a divemaster, videographer, and our host for this wonderful visual introduction to their "Video Lives," both underwater and above. Wags and Kelly are based in Exmouth and the Ningaloo region of Western Australia. The Ningaloo region is a remote and varied wilderness, where the rugged West Australian desert meets a pristine tropical reef. The region is evolving as an ecotourism mecca. However, it also faces increasing pressure from opposing uses of resources including mining and commercial fishing industries. The town attracts a varied population, from those dedicated to conservation to those whose sole motivation is economic development. This divides the community to a degree. However, as is often the case in small towns, neccessity overcomes emotion and in the times when mother nature throws Exmouth a curve ball, such as category 5 cyclone Vance in 1999, the differences are put aside and the town rises to the challenge. To learn more about the lives and video work of Wags and Kelly, please visit their website,, and subscribe to their podcast, Wag's & Kelly's Underwater Podcast Video.
Thu, August 31, 2006
Underwater filmmaker Steve Douglas considers Cocos Island, located midway between Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands, to be among his all-time favorite dive destinations. This film shows why. The marine life found in the waters of this small Eastern Pacific Island is diverse and prolific, including Scalloped Hammerhead, Silvertip and Whitetip Reef Sharks, and the magnificent Whale Shark. Join Steve Douglas for a visual journey to one of the most beautiful underwater locations in the world. To learn more about Steve and his filmmaking, see his bio on the Filmmakers Page at To learn more about his travels, visit his website at
Fri, August 18, 2006
One of the founders of, Hardy Jones is a former journalist with CBS News and UPI. He has been making television documentaries about the oceans and marine mammals in particular for more than 20 years. "The experience of forcing Japanese fishermen to release hundreds of dolphins simply by pointing a camera at them led to the original concept of," says Jones. "The advent of the internet has given us a tool of unprecedented power to end some of the brutalities committed against marine mammals and the oceans." Co-founded by actor Ted Danson, draws on the hundreds of hours of film produced by Hardy Jones/Julia Whitty Productions, a leading production company specializing in films onthe marine environment. In October, Hardy Jones will return to Japan in an effort to stop the Japanese dolphin drive by raising awareness about what is happening with a camera and the newly launched Video Podcasts available through iTunes Music Store. Please visit to learn more, and iTunes Music Store to subscribe to the Video Podcast.
Tue, August 01, 2006
In this hauntingly beautiful footage of pelagic marine animals in the dark of night, Matthew D'Avella takes us into a realm rarely entered by scuba divers: Black Water. Many divers are familiar with Blue Water diving where the diving takes place in open ocean. Much of the marine life encountered is found only or primarily in this pelagic, or open ocean, environment. This film is about the open ocean animals that come out at night, and more specifically the nocturnal open ocean animals off the Kona coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. Matthew D'Avella is currently based in Kona, Hawaii and works most nights as a boat captain and dive guide at the famous Manta Ray Night Dives of Kona. By day, Matthew is a woodworker and produces one-of-a-kind custom furniture. He also produces some stunningly beautiful video. To learn more about Matthew, please check out his website at, and his bio on the Filmmakers Page at We hope you enjoy this podcast!
Wed, July 19, 2006
Underwater photographer, digital wizard, musician and writer, Eric Cheng of recently decided to add underwater videography to his repertoire. In this recent interview with Mary Lynn Price, Eric talks about his first underwater video experience diving with Tiger and Bull Sharks in about a three knot current. He also discusses the aspects of his still photography work that helped him in the transition to underwater video, and what new skills and knowledge he needed to acquire for good underwater video. This episode features some of Eric's amazing underwater images, both still and video. To learn more about Eric and his work, please check out his website,, and, the website for underwater digital imagers. has teamed up with to bring DiveFilm Podcast Video to divers and ocean lovers around the world through iTunes and other video podcast aggregators.
Fri, July 07, 2006
"Nobody Loves You" is Leandro Blanco's homage to sharks, and his expression of deep concern for their future. In this short beautifully edited film, a number of disturbing facts about shark fishing, shark finning and shark population decline are presented. Images of graceful healthy Tiger Sharks are juxtaposed with tragic scenes of shark fishing and finning, all set to Leandro's original song, "Nobody Loves You." Born in Spain, Leandro Blanco is an internationally acclaimed filmmaker who has a background in music composition, recording and production. He is a professional airline pilot with a passion for nature and underwater imaging. His film editing and compositing techniques distinguish his work; and the awards he has received internationally are too numerous to mention. For more information on Leandro, please go to the Filmmakers Page at
Fri, June 30, 2006
We at DiveFilm Podcast Video are delighted to kick off the summer season with three short public service announcement flicks from Submit your own web flick PSA to and win cash and prizes, and help make a difference in the future of the ocean. Please visit for more information! From their website: "Shifting Baselines is a "media project" -- a partnership between ocean conservation and Hollywood to help bring attention to the severity of ocean decline. We are not an action group and we do not have any membership to join. If we have done our job well and you are motivated to help protect the world's oceans, then PLEASE join one, some, or all of our PARTNER groups. They are the people really doing things. They have the "Get Involved" buttons, the Action Plans, and the Grassroots Activities. They need your help and are seeking donations. If you would like to donate to The Shifting Baselines Ocean Media Project, please contact us at"
Fri, June 16, 2006
Well-known and loved as a great American folk singer, 89 year old Sam Hinton was also curator of the old Scripps Aquarium Museum from the mid 1940s through the mid 1960s. Sam inspired millions of people, young and old, in their love of the ocean and marine life. He began collecting creatures for the aquarium as a helmet diver for Scripps, then went on to learn Aqualung diving from the legendary Conrad Limbaugh on one of the first Aqualung units in the U.S. Naturalist, artist, author, teacher and folk singer, Sam Hinton is a true treasure. I hope you enjoy this recent interview with Sam about his Scripps Years. A special thank you to Sam Hinton's biographer, Adam Miller, for all his help with images, music and a wealth of knowledge about folk music and Sam. Adam is also an incredible folk singer in the the great Sam Hinton tradition. For more information on Sam Hinton, please go to For more information on Adam Miller, please go to And for more information on the current work of the Birch Aquarium at Scripps, please go to
Wed, June 07, 2006
In this wonderful podcast, Walter Marti explores the lives and loves of the opisthobranchs. These animals are commonly known as sea slugs, and include nudibranchs and sea hares. Members of the Phylum Mollusca, Class Gastropoda, Order Opisthobranchia, these colorful and captivating creatures are characterized by a single gill behind the heart. Footage includes predation, reproduction and other interesting behavior vividly captured in digital video. To learn more about Walter Marti and his work, please visit's Filmmakers Page.
Thu, May 25, 2006
The Cephalopods are Mollusks, like clams and nudibranchs. The Class Cephalopoda includes Octopuses, Squids, Cuttlefishes and Chambered Nautiluses. These are invertebrate marine animals that are intelligent and carnivorous. Cephalopoda means "head foot" and the group has the most complex brain of any invertebrate. Kathy and Mike Schnetzer's wonderful short film includes footage of numerous species of Cephalopods found off the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia, including the deadly Bluering Octopus and the fascinating Wunderpus. Some great behavioral footage, including mating, hatching, and predation. This film was an official selection of the 2005 San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition, and one of the audience favorites. To learn more about Kathy and Mike Schnetzer's work and their Lionfish Films, LLC, please check out their website:
Sun, May 07, 2006
Author David Helvarg discusses his latest book, "50 Ways To Save The Ocean," at a recent event at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography to kick off festivities celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the Scripps Center for Marine Diversity & Conservation (CMBC). Helvarg shares hope and practical suggestions for making a difference in the future of the ocean and the conservation of marine life. Digital video by Mary Lynn Price. To learn more about the Blue Frontier Campaign and the Seaweed Rebellion, visit To learn more about the 5th Anniversary and work of Scripps Center for Marine Diversity & Conservation, visit To learn more about the work of the Birch Aquarium at Scripps, visit
Thu, April 27, 2006
In this episode, we visit the ocean waters off the island of Beqa, Fiji. Fijian songs and meke (traditional dance) are interwoven with footage of some of Fiji's diverse marine life, where coral reefs, a variety of reef fish, and Bull Sharks make for great diving. In late 2005, the first of Fiji's planned Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) were established by local villages. Director of Dive Operations for Aqua-Tek, Brandon Paige, discusses the importance of this conservation effort, and how it benefits both visiting divers and local villagers. Fiji’s Great Sea Reef is the third longest barrier reef in the world. It is hoped that by 2020, an MPA Network covering 30% of the country's waters will have been established. For more information on the locally managed MPAs of Fiji:
Thu, April 13, 2006
Historic images, a recent interview with Scripps Diving Officer Emeritus Jim Stewart, and modern ROV footage of the underwater site take us on an ocean journey through time to revisit the 1965 underwater habitat experiment called SeaLab II. Part of the Navy's "Man in the Sea" program, this 45 day project involved 3 teams of 10 Aquanauts, with each team living in the ocean habitat for 15 day periods at a depth of 205 feet. Scripps Institution of Oceanography divers worked as support for the SeaLab II project which took place not far off the end of Scripps Pier in La Jolla, California. A special thank you to Jim Stewart, Kevin Hardy, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Scripps Archives, Scripps Library, and Walt Mazzone.
Wed, March 29, 2006
Traveling to Thailand and the Burma Banks (off what is now called Myanmar), Steve Douglas introduces us to the diverse marine life of the tropical waters there. Footage includes beautiful Cuttlefish, Silvertip Reef Sharks, and resplendent Nudibranchs. We also are treated to a glimpse of the spiritual side of Thai culture and the arts. For more information on Steve and his travels, please visit his website,
Sun, March 19, 2006
Scandinavian diver and underwater filmmaker, Hans Christian Andersen, takes us diving in his home waters off the coast of Skagen in northern Denmark. Here where the two seas, the Skagerak and the Kattegat, meet at Denmark's most northerly point, the diving can be most challenging for an underwater videographer. Hans meets the challenge, and presents some beautiful footage of ancient ship wrecks and interesting ocean creatures. To learn more about Hans, his underwater videography and his home land of Skagen, Denmark, please visit his website at
Wed, March 08, 2006
Mick Hutchins films fluorescence in ocean creatures by using special lights and filters underwater. With these special lights we are able to view reef animals that are capable of giving off different light than the light they absorb. Narrated by Matthew Robinson. Technical assistance from Charlie Mazel,
Thu, March 02, 2006
Pioneer underwater cinematographer Chuck Nicklin describes diving with the strange ocean creatures recently encountered in the Lembeh Straits of Indonesia. Often referred to as "muck diving," exploring the relatively shallow near-shore waters off Indonesia's volcanic islands rewards divers with unusual creature encounters. This episode features High Definition Video Footage by Mary Lynn Price and Chuck Nicklin.
Sat, February 18, 2006
In this episode, John Williams of Still Hope Productions. Inc., uses beautiful underwater video of amazing ocean creatures to tell the story of the seasonal changes underwater and the importance of plankton as the basis of the food web. Almost all of the underwater footage in this video is from Bainbridge Island, Washington, U.S.A. John F. Williams, founder and President of Still Hope Productions Inc., began in 2000 to create underwater videos that would portray the marine environment as a part of our own backyard. During eighteen years as a sea-going scientific technician and fifteen years of SCUBA diving, John developed a deep concern for the way in which momentous decisions were being made about our marine resources. He decided to improve the decision making process by promoting marine education via his underwater videos. You can learn more about the entire DVD, as well as other recent works, by visiting his website at
Mon, February 13, 2006
Peter and Wendy Benchley traveled to Isla Guadalupe in the Pacific Ocean off Baja Mexico, to dive with the Great White Sharks in November of 2004 aboard the Horizon. On the transit return to San Diego, California, Peter expressed concern for the future of our oceans, and encouraged young people to get involved in marine conservation efforts.
Sun, February 12, 2006
"Squid Run!" (Part 2) concludes our two-part series with Dr. John McGowan discussing the strange life cycle of this species, the ocean predators that take advantage of the mass squid spawning events, those red worms that appear in the squid egg beds, and amazing baby squid! Baby Squid footage includes Lance Milbrand's beautiful close-ups of squid larvae inside the eggs, baby squid hatching and swimming off. Also featured is incredible microscopic footage of squid larvae originally produced by Leslee Matsushige of the Birch Aquarium, John Moore of and Mary Lynn Price. Marty Snyderman's wonderful footage and images of Rays and Blue Shark that feast on all the squid, and Bob Bayer's footage of Lobster, Sheepcrab and Scorpionfish feeding on squid give a sense of all the ocean animals that take advantage of the mass spawning events. Bob Gladden's images of those strange red worms round out the scene of animals often seen among the egg cases. Mary Lynn Price's underwater footage opens and closes this episode, as she documents a 2001 Squid Run, featuring diver Stephie Vierkotter experiencing her first Squid Run.
Mon, January 30, 2006
The first of a two-part special video podcast on the Mass Spawning of Common Squid (Loligo opalescens) off the shores of California in the Pacific Ocean. A combination of historical images and more recent underwater footage, together with expert interviews, depict this incredible ocean wonder. In Part 1, the phenomenon is described by Dr. John McGowan, one of the very first scuba-diving scientists to study these mass spawning events. Dr. McGowan is now Professor Emeritus at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Dr. John Butler of the National Marine Fisheries Service discusses the unusual life-cycle of these intelligent animals. Part 1 features underwater footage by Marty Snyderman, Mary Lynn Price and Bob Bayer. Still photographs of Blue Sharks among squid by Marty Snyderman. Part 2 will focus on various predators that show up for squid spawnings, those strange red worms that grow among the squid egg cases, fascinating images of Baby Squid, and squid conservation issues.
Tue, January 17, 2006
Marty Snyderman teams up with co-producer Mary Lynn Price to present an excerpt on "non-stereotypical" sharks from the DVD, "Sharks and Their Kin." Featuring Marty's stunning footage and still photographs of Angel Sharks, Wobbegongs, Long-nosed Sawsharks, Horn Sharks and Leopard Sharks, filmed in oceans around the world. Written, directed and produced by Marty Snyderman. Co-produced, edited and additional footage by Mary Lynn Price. Marty Snyderman is a renowned underwater filmmaker, still photographer and author, and currently serves as the Marine Life Editor for Dive Training Magazine.
Fri, January 06, 2006
Underwater video and topside archive footage. In 1943, a P-38 fighter plane on a training flight crashed into the Pacific Ocean off Del Mar, California. Today she rests in 130 feet of water, providing divers with a glimpse into World War II history. Archival footage combine with underwater stills and video to take you on a tour of this wreck without getting wet. This film premiered at the 6th Annual San Diego Undersea Film Exhibition.
Fri, December 30, 2005
Night Diving with the Manta Rays of Kona, Hawaii. Underwater video of these magnificient animals as they swoop and swim among divers as the Mantas feed on tiny plankton drawn by the underwater lights. It's an incredibly beautiful ocean ballet starring some of the Earth's most graceful creatures. Interviews with Manta specialists Keller Laros and Kara Osada describe the world of these animals, the threats to the future of Mantas, and what can be done to help them.
Tue, December 06, 2005
In this short digital film, shark wrangler Jessie "SharkChick" Harper talks about her introduction to shark wrangling, the sharks she works with, and her concerns for their future. Underwater video of the Great White Sharks, Mako and Blue Sharks was shot off the Pacific Ocean coasts of Southern California and Guadalupe Island, Mexico.
Tue, December 06, 2005
Travel to the cooler oean waters of beautiful Alaska. Not often considered a diving destination, Alaska can be as stunning underwater as she is above.
Mon, December 05, 2005
DiveFilm Podcast Video opens the season with Episode 1. Featuring underwater video of the ocean world--Angel Fish, Turtles and Tiger Sharks, Barracudas and friendly Conch Creatures. Welcome to DiveFilm Podcast Video!