In this poetically beautiful short film by Irish nature filmmaker and illustrator, Vincent Hyland, the plight of the Atlantic Salmon in Ireland is dramatically depicted from the Salmon's point of view. Recently, a ban on drift net fishing of these magnificent fish was enacted in Ireland.
The drift net ban originated by pressure from the European Union which is
taking the Irish Government to Court over non-implementation of laws to
protect wildlife and habitats based on scientific research showing a near fatal
collapse in Salmon stocks and a very persuasive game angling lobby - who
are powerful, well-financed and organized. Their argument is that
catchment management, conservation, bag limiting and catch and release
are the best way to manage Salmon stocks. They also point out that a
Salmon caught on rod and line bring far more revenue into the local
community than those caught commercially.
Even though the Government created a hardship fund (known as a net
buyout fund) so that Salmon drift net fishermen would cease fishing and
hand over their nets, to date no Salmon fishermen have received
compensation due to the Government dragging the issue out. A number of
Salmon Anglers in the Southwest of Ireland have threatened to defy the ban by
putting nets back into the water. Recently a Basking Shark was washed
ashore this month entangled in a drift net - the fishermen deny that the
net is a drift net. So tensions remain high between Government and
fishermen. And what is at stake is the very future of the Atlantic Salmon of Ireland.
For more information on the wonderful work of Vincent Hyland, please visit his website at