GracePoint Kitsap Podcast
November 20, 2023 4:17pm
• This Series: This 12 week series will look at the major themes in the book of Romans. This Epistle provides the fullest explanation of the gospel in the New Testament. It pulls no punches while describing man’s condition, the cause and effect of sin, and the transformational power of the gospel.
• This Week: The big problem in the early church and in today's church is when people spiritualize their preferences and opinions. This is called legalism. A legalist looks down on people who draw lines where they draw lines. Paul addresses disputes in the church where good people can have different positions with disputable issues. Paul's warning then is still a relevant warning today: Don't destroy the work of God for the sake of your opinion. During COVID, many churches split over the disputable issue of wearing masks. Sad but true. Let's not win the argument but lose our testimony in the process.
Key verse: "Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of _____." Romans