GracePoint Kitsap Podcast

THE HOLY SPIRIT (Part 1) • "Fully God" • Barry Bandara


May 06, 2024 3:43pm


• This Series: The Trinity is the most difficult biblical doctrine for the human brain to understand: There are 3 distinct aspects of singular Godhead. We can understand God the Father and we can identify with God the Son because we can read stories about Jesus. However, God the Spirit is a mystery to most people. This series will help you understand this amazing Helper that Jesus left for His followers.


• This Week: Before people experienced the blessings of the radio and the microwave, you would have been pressed to explain that although they cannot be seen by the naked eye, there are radio waves and microwaves that are real and can be measured. Explaining who the Holy Spirit is like this. The foundation to this series is the biblical truth that the Holy Spirit is indeed God.


Key Phrase: “The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him. For he lives with you and will be in you.” John