GracePoint Kitsap Podcast
July 15, 2024 4:53pm
• This Series: We all get squeezed by life, whether it’s an irritating driver, co-worker, neighbor, or anyone else who gets on our nerves. We all face frustrating life events such as car problems, unexpected bills, unmet expectations, or an end of a relationship. When we get squeezed by life, something WILL come out of us. It will either sweet or it will be sour. What comes out depends on how close we are walking with the Spirit.
• This Week: Once again, this fruit of the Spirit is rare today because our culture is nowhere near walking with God. Relationships, marriages, and commitments are broken easily whenever the situation gets difficult or inconvenient. Being faithful to your word used to mean a great deal. Walking in step with the Spirit will cause us to be the rare person today: someone who is faithful; one who others can count on.
Key Phrase: “The fruit of the Spirit is… faithfulness…” Galatians