What They Don't Want you to Know About Money. WTDWYTKAM Podcasts from Gerald centred on Personal Financial Planning, Wealth Creation and Career Development. Gerald is an Entrepreneur, Wealth Planning and Global Speaker. Gerald is active in the media and supports financial literacy by contributing as a published author, International Speaker, Entrepreneur, Freelance financial journalist and providing expert commentary with his own TV shows and radio spots. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients Globally.
Wed, March 12, 2025
Fri, February 21, 2025
Is it a good idea to pay off your homeloan or mortage bond quickly. Gerald and the BEST MORNING breakfast team have a quick chat on the benefits of paying off your Bond quickly.
S10 E10 · Fri, February 07, 2025
Pabi Moloi was in conversation with Award Winning Financial Entrepreneur, International Speaker And Author Gerald Mwandiambira. We discuss the pros and cons of having a Credit Card.
S10 E1 · Mon, January 27, 2025
The world would be an awful boring place if we were all the same, so it’s OK to have different attitudes and philosophies towards money. What’s important is being able to communicate those feelings and to understand your partner’s habits and tendencies. Financial honesty is one of the toughest things in a relationship, but it can be done. We got tips from Gerald Mwandiambira, a personal finance expert on how to manage money conflicts in relationships.
S7 E69 · Fri, December 27, 2024
Does your money personality change over the holidays? How does down time influence your financial behavior? We discuss things to consider over the Christmas holiday We are deep in December celebrations and there is something about the festive season’s excitement that comes with the temptation to overspend, be it on gifts, holidays, or celebrations. We speak to Gerald Mwandiambira on how to understand your money personality so that you can make responsible spending decisions this December and into 2025
S5 E100 · Fri, December 20, 2024
Pabi Moloi was in conversation with Director Of Atlas Finance Brett Caminsky & Award Winning Financial Entrepreneur, International Speaker And Author Gerald Mwandiambira on Smart Financial Planning For 2025: Key Steps To Take Before 2024 Ends for Money Monday.
S5 E99 · Tue, December 03, 2024
Tshego Moagi was in conversation with Director At R-J-S Attorneys Inc, Reitumetse Senaoana & Award Winning Financial Entrepreneur, International Speaker And Author Gerald Mwandiambira on The Importance Of Financial Planning For Death: Ensuring Your Children’s Future
Mon, November 04, 2024
Gerald and the Breakfast Team discuss First Home Finance, formally known as FLISP. This housing Subsidy is available to all South Africans and permanent residents.
Wed, August 28, 2024
Does true love still exist, or are all relationships now just financial arrangements. Are you, or do you know someone who is choosing Money over Love? Would you date a broke person. Gerald and The Big Breakfast team discuss.
Wed, August 21, 2024
Debt Counselling or Debt Review are options to reduce monthly repayments on Debt. Are they a good idea Though? Gerald and the Big Breakfast Team discuss the pros and the cons.
Wed, August 14, 2024
With the increase in the cost of living, Private School Fees are becoming a burden to many families. Is there another way to access quality education without breaking the bank. Gerald and the Big Breakfast team discuss.
S7 E2 · Fri, July 19, 2024
Gerald and Pabi discuss the reality of being a young varsity graduate. The pros and cons, and finances of a young person starting out in life.
S7 E1 · Sat, July 13, 2024
While every South African child has a constitutional right to a basic education, there are still many challenges that prevent equal access for all, especially in tertiary and higher education. Education protection policies are supposed to grow in line with the costs of education each year to cover the actual costs of education. We are in conversation with Certified Financial planner, Gerald Mwandiambira as we unpack educational policies, how they work and whether it's worth investing in one.but most importantly what do you do if you feel you have been hard done by an insurer.
Wed, July 03, 2024
Most people expect banks to be one of the safest places to keep their money, and the people that work in these institutions to be of the highest integrity. This conversation with Pabi Moloi on Power FM looks at Banks and if they truly are as safe as they should be. Do you trust your bank?
Fri, June 28, 2024
A follow up episode on the TWO POT PENSIONS system being introduced in South Africa on 1 September 2024. Radio 2000 callers call in on The Big Breakfast with DJ SBU, Lelo and Nathi with Gerald answering the financial questions.
Mon, June 24, 2024
On 1 September, the pensions savings law in South Africa will change. A "two pot" system of savings will be used which allows one withdrawal. The Big Breakfast on Radio 2000 tackled this topic with Gerald Mwandiambira, the resident financial expert.
Tue, June 18, 2024
Do you have more than one relationship? What is the cost of maintaining multiple relationships and is it worth it? Gerald and the team discuss the pros and cons financially of being a cheater.
Mon, June 03, 2024
Gerald chats with Kgopedi about Money, wise Financial deceisions and surviving . This interview from 2019 is a goodie from The Vault.
Sat, May 25, 2024
Data from Floatpays, an early-wage payment solutions provider, has found that 76% of South Africans regularly run out of money before the end of the month, and more than half run out halfway through the month. Gerald Mwandiambira talks to Faith Mangope about the importance of saving and investing our money to make it through the rainy days.
Thu, May 16, 2024
In a world where unexpected fortunes can seemingly appear overnight, the exhilaration of newfound wealth often eclipses the need for prudent financial planning. Whether it's winning the lottery, receiving a windfall inheritance, or striking gold in the stock market, sudden wealth can be both a blessing and a curse if not managed wisely. As exhilarating as it may be to contemplate the endless possibilities that come with a substantial sum of money, it's crucial to approach this windfall with caution, foresight, and sound advice. Gerald and Pabi Discuss
S8 E2 · Mon, May 13, 2024
In this conversation, we speak about investment policies and their terms and conditions which people often do not take seriously, but also why an insurer would decline a payout, and what to do when you are not happy with your insurer. Pabi and Gerald discuss the importance of understanding your financial contracts (policy documents).
Tue, May 07, 2024
The death of a loved one is a traumatic experience. It is even more traumatic to find out that they left you debt. When is this debt passed to you when is is it not your responsibility? Gerald an Touch discuss a listeners voicenote.
S8 E66 · Wed, May 01, 2024
Pabi and Gerald discuss the options to recover financially after a slump. What are the options available?
S1 E15 · Sat, April 27, 2024
There will be job losses in COVID19. Are you prepared, do you know what to do. Mr. G discusses some of the options you need to consider if you are retrenched. It could happen to you! Or share this podcast with affected friends and family. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E11 · Tue, April 23, 2024
COVID19 has forced us to rediscover what we value most? What is your true worth and going forward will you increase your worth? This virus has brought an EQUALIZER where many of our life values may be reset, will you emerge smarter, faster and worth more. How do you perceive wealth and worth. A thought provoking podcast with Gerald https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E23 · Thu, April 18, 2024
Who is Gerald 'Mr. G" Mwandiambira ? My Story is a testimony of how we ended up here, you listening to this podcast. An intimate look at a life with challenges and successes. The story is still being written. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
Fri, April 12, 2024
What is the principal behind giving financially. Is there a correlation why the biggest givers also happen to the wealthiest people on the planet. Does giving trigger wealth, or is it the wealth that triggers giving. Either way, we cannot ignore the close relationship between giving and accumilation of more wealth. Nathi and Gerald discuss this on the Morning Buzz. South African leading public broadcaster breakfast show.
S8 E2 · Tue, April 09, 2024
In a high interest rate environment, is it too late to set your mortgage rate. Gerald, Glenn, Nathi amd Lelo discuss this on THe morning Buzz Breakfast show.
Mon, April 08, 2024
When life happens and you face challenging financial times, when is it appropriate to share this information with children? Should your children even know about any financial challenges that you face? Nathi and Gerald discuss this topic.
S8 E6 · Tue, April 02, 2024
It’s youth month! And on this money Monday, we decided to speak about what young people are spending their money on, , considering our tough current economic period as a country, what should young people direct their spending towards? And what are some bad habits that young people need to let go of? Certified financial planner Gerald Mwandiambira joins us.
S1 E26 · Sun, March 31, 2024
A candid chat about money and experiences on SIDEBAR WITH DR.SINDI on Kaya FM. Entertaining chat covering all aspects of Money between Gerald and the late Sindi van Zyl, MHSRIP... https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S8 E1 · Thu, March 28, 2024
Spring cleaning your finances involves evaluating and organizing your financial situation to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. Gerald Mwandiambira speaks to Pabi Moloi.
S1 E52 · Tue, March 26, 2024
Are you applying God's Word in your Finances? Are your Finances Pleasing to God? If God was to inspect you Financial Habits? Would you miss the mark , fall short, SIN? Are you sinning or promoting Sin with your Money. A look of Christian Financial Planning.
S6 E2 · Wed, March 20, 2024
Sumitra Nydoo and Gerald Mwandiambira discuss budgeting and saving
S1 E27 · Tue, March 19, 2024
A growing reality for many people is job loss. How can you pick yourself up and what challenges may lie ahead? An honest testimony on how to deal with the horror of losing your job.
S2 E17 · Mon, March 18, 2024
Whats money got to do with love? The answer is......EVERYTHING. Should you say "I do" to that person. Gerald and Aphelele discuss
Sun, March 17, 2024
Nathi and Gerald discuss the joys of being a parent. How much does it cost to have a baby in 2024. The Morning Buzz team on the leading breakfast show in South Africa have a chat.
S2 E6 · Wed, March 13, 2024
Can you earn a second income? Do you have a side hustle? Aphelele and Gerald discuss second income options. https://anchor.fm/gerald-chemunorwa-mwandia/episodes/GERALD-ON-POWER-FM-MONEY-TUESDAYS-The-Side-HustleSecond-Income-eccv3o
Tue, March 12, 2024
Your tax affairs do need to be a hinderance or scary topic. Take control of your taxes and reap the benefits. Touch and Gerald discuss the importance of understanding you tax matters.
S1 E105 · Fri, March 08, 2024
As a general rule, prescription occurs when a debtor’s liability to pay a specific debt is extinguished as a result of the passing of a prescribed time period. As soon as a debt prescribes, a debtor is no longer under any obligation to pay it. It is still legal for the creditor to demand payment or even sue for a prescribed debt. The debtor will then, however, be able to raise the defence of prescription. It is for this reason, that debtors need to be aware of prescription – to protect themselves from debts they are no longer liable for. On the other hand, creditors must also be cognizant to pursue claims timeously. Gerald and Touch discuss a caller voicenote on this topic.
Thu, March 07, 2024
Many of us are afraid to negotiate prices when buying items, but what most also most do not know is that the higher the price, the more negotiable the item. Nathi and Gerald discuss the pros and cons of negotiating prices for things that you purchase with YOUR MONEY.
S1 E65 · Wed, March 06, 2024
Faith is in conversation with Adjudicator at Ombudsman for banking services Kwanda Vabaza, Acting CEO of the South African Savings Institute (SASI) Gerald Mwandiambira, President of the Lungelo Lethu Human Rights Foundation and Tshepo Mojapelo of Mojapelo Attorneys about Foreclosure and the processes thereof.
Fri, March 01, 2024
In this impromptu chat, we discuss exclusion of black people from buying properties in certain areas. Touch and Mr G discuss the harsh facts of buying premium property in post apartheid South Africa. Mr G and Touch are both professional Property Practitioners.
S6 E67 · Mon, February 26, 2024
Faith is in conversation with CEO and Founder of Venture builder Aions Creative Technology Mitch Adams and Acting CEO and Chief Strategist for the South African Savings Institute Gerald Mwandiambira about Venture Capital for Money Mondays.
S6 E65 · Sat, February 24, 2024
Faith is in conversation with Acting CEO and Chief Strategist for the South African Savings Institute Gerald Mwandiambira, Financial Advisor at NMG Benefits Andrew Smythe and Personal finance architect at Emphasis Wealth Advisory Dez Tswaile about financing the big career leap of faith.
Fri, February 23, 2024
Debt Counselling is an important tool used to lower monthly debt repayments. It is a process that is however being abused and many people do not trust the system. Touch and Gerald discuss the facts on Debt Counselling and whether it will work for you?
S5 E15 · Thu, February 22, 2024
Faith is in conversation with Personal Financial Planner and personal finance educator Gerald Mwandiambira and Tax Consultant Sidney Fletcher about taxes for freelance contractors and independent workers.
S7 E5 · Thu, February 22, 2024
We discuss the small business Tax environment in South Africa. Find out why it is important to pay your taxes and the benefits of paying tax.
Tue, February 20, 2024
Is medical aid worth it? With the rising cost of living, how can I maintain Health Insurance? Should I cancel? Touch and Gerald discuss the pros, cons and challenges of Medical Aid.
Thu, February 15, 2024
We all know the phrase "Time is Money". How can you make the most of your time and create wealth or Income? Gerald and The Morning buzz Team Discuss.
S6 E99 · Sun, January 14, 2024
Gerald and Lerato Kganyago standing in for Tbo Touch discuss tge consequences of a default judgement and missing installments.
Sat, December 23, 2023
A caller needs help clearing their credit cards. She already spends almost half her salaray paying just the minimum payment Required. How can she actually start eating into the money she owes and take control of her finances.
Mon, December 18, 2023
Why do banks charge for their services? An how do you choose tthe best bank for your lifestyle?
Thu, December 14, 2023
Glenn , Nathi and Lelo chat with Gerald about the best plan for your 13th pay check or bonus pay packet? What is the best plan for your cash?
Sun, December 10, 2023
Geralds and the Touchdown team discuss how currency manipulation affects you and me? Is it something to really worry about or a storm in a teacup?
S8 E14 · Mon, November 20, 2023
Touch and Gerald discuss the listener voicenote, she is considering joining a stokvel or Investment Club. Is it worth it? Are these Clubs not for Grannies and old women? The new generation of stokvels is buying stocks and Time share holiday units. Are you part of this new generation?
Thu, November 16, 2023
Do you know what your trigger status symbol is? And when will you choose to be wealthy? When will you know that you are Wealthy? Money is about the decisions you make....
S8 E13 · Mon, November 13, 2023
We all waste plenty of food, especially perishable food. How can we manage the wastage and in turn also save in our finances? Lelo and Gerald discuss this topic on The Buzz Breakfast Show.
S9 E2 · Tue, November 07, 2023
The voicenote today has a listener who has been offered MORE CREDIT on their credit card. Should they take up the offer. Is a Credit Limit a target you must aim for, or a plan to keep you in debt? Touch and Gerald and the team explore. To take or not to take, that is the question!
Tue, November 07, 2023
There is no one who has not made money mistakes. We all have, to varying degrees made mistakes that have cost us financially. And some of this mistakes can still be haunting us to this day. How can you forgive yourself, pick up the pieces and move on? We discuss the things you need to consider and steps you can take....
Mon, November 06, 2023
How important is the township economy? How can one start and thrive in the township? Are they still "townships"? Are they not "New CITIES" that are growing that deserve infrastructure as such? Gerald and Nathi discuss on The Morning Buzz .
S9 E1 · Sat, November 04, 2023
The listener wants to cut expenses by canceling some services. Is this a good idea? Gerald, Touch and team explore the possibilities..
Mon, October 30, 2023
We discuss how to start the journey of educating a child about Money. Children learn from watching parents and care givers. What kind of example are you to children watching your money behavior?
S8 E17 · Thu, October 26, 2023
The listener voicenote is requesting advice on how to manage a situation where she is behind on her car repayments. What can she do? She does not want to lose her car.
S8 E15 · Mon, October 23, 2023
The Radio 2000 Breakfast team on the Morning Buzz discuss the signs of a gambling addiction and how it can impact on your finances with Gerald . How do you know that you are addicted, and how can you get out?
S8 E16 · Thu, October 19, 2023
The Listener is struggling to cope with bills due to the rising cost of living. How can one get a grip on bills that are running away? What is the best strategy to find success. Gerald discusses with Metro FM Touchdown Team.
Tue, October 17, 2023
The Matric Dance/Prom or Leavers Dance is the highlight of many teens high school years. How much is deemed enough to spend on this extravagant night. We discuss.
S8 E71 · Tue, October 03, 2023
Do you ever reverse debit orders? What are the consequences of such actions if any? Gerald and The Morning Buzz team consider the pros and cons of debit order reversals.
S8 E70 · Thu, September 28, 2023
When it comes to achieving financial stability and success, individuals often face the decision of whether to focus on building a strong source of income or pursuing multiple streams of income. Building a strong source of income involves dedicating time, effort, and expertise to a single primary income stream, nurturing it to generate a substantial and reliable flow of money. On the other hand, pursuing multiple streams of income involves diversifying income sources, spreading risk, and potentially increasing overall earnings. Founder of Thuthuka SA Phumelele Ndumo and Financial advisor Mwandiambira Gerald speak to us.
S8 E69 · Mon, September 25, 2023
How do you cope with Financial and Money stress? What are your coping mechanisms? Glenn Lewis and Gerald discuss on the Morning Buzz, Money Mondays.
S8 E72 · Sun, September 24, 2023
Gerald and Metro FM, The Touch my Money team discuss : TODAY’S VOICE-NOTE: Hi Touch and team I’m behind on some of my instalments including car and one or two others. The institutions I owe keep sending me this message: Contact our Call Centre. If you have made payment or an arrangement, please ignore this message. My first instinct is to dodge the whole thing and make payment when I do actually have the money. Please advise, should I continue dodging or call the places and when I call what do I say because, for real I don’t have the money.
S8 E69 · Mon, September 18, 2023
Emigration is becoming an option for many people. Would you consider leaving South Africa for "greener pastures" temporarily or permanently? What are the considerations. Gerald and Glenn discuss this on Money Mondays, on The Morning Buzz on SABC Radio 2000
S8 E70 · Sat, September 09, 2023
Gerald on Touch my Money with Metro FM drive team. Gerald and Touch talk ways of killing debt and improving your credit score.
S8 E65 · Mon, September 04, 2023
Is Home Ownership still a dream? Why commit to such a long term Investment? Find out why as Gerald chats with THE MORNING BVUZZ TEAM.
S8 E20 · Mon, July 31, 2023
Pabi Moloi, Gerald and Psychologist discuss if shopping is an addiction. How to manage the addiction and if there is a cure.
S1 E70 · Mon, July 17, 2023
The cost of raising a child is one of the most important considerations for most parents. Parents often make it their life goal that their children should prosper and enjoy a better quality of life than themselves. This is an even bigger challenge when raising a special needs child. I discuss some important factors in this podcast. Do not forget to include your own health and planning when going through the motions of setting up this plan.
S8 E10 · Mon, June 26, 2023
Being a man comes with Societal pressures of being able to provide Financially. What if you lose your job? How can you cope? Gerald, Glennm Nathi and Lelo on THE MORNING BUZZ breakfast show discuss the internal pain of men who are unemployed.
S8 E7 · Mon, June 19, 2023
Glen, Lelo and the team chat with Gerald on wheather a relationship can survive without Money. Can Money really buy Love? A very interesting and animated chat on the leading Breakfast show in South Africa.
S8 E4 · Mon, June 12, 2023
Set boundaries around your money with your family.. Gerald and the Morning Buzz Team discuss the challenges.
S8 E3 · Mon, June 05, 2023
Is it ok to borrow money from an Ex Lover? And how will you pay it back. The Morning Buzz Team and Gerald discuss the Pros and Cons of Financial transactions between Ex Lovers.
S8 E5 · Thu, May 25, 2023
Interest rates are at the highest they have been since 2009! Home loan repayments up 40% plus in two years, currency at its lowest, cost of living has us all in a corner. Is there any light at the end of the tunnel?? LETS DISCUSS
S8 E1 · Tue, May 23, 2023
More and more households have a Woman as the Primary income earner or breadwinner. What are the challenges faced when managing a female led home's finances. Gerald and the Morning Buzz Team discuss the challenges. Glenn Lewis, Nathi Ndamase & Lelo Mzaca & GERALD "MR.G" MWANDIAMBIRA discuss how Women lead Households Financially on THE MORNING BUZZ, The Breakfast show on Radio 2000 South Africa.
S7 E8 · Mon, April 24, 2023
What process should you take when setting financial goals? How do you stick to your goals, Gerald on Radio 2000 discusses
S7 E7 · Mon, April 17, 2023
What is the difference between investing and saving?
S7 E6 · Mon, April 10, 2023
How important is financial education at a young age? Should children be learning about money at school. We discuss this on Radio 2000 Breakfast show.
S7 E4 · Mon, March 27, 2023
Gerald and the 2 million gang gang discuss the pain of those stuck in a marriage because of money. Where you cannot end a relationship because of finances!
S7 E3 · Mon, March 20, 2023
Gerald on Radio 2000. Should your spouse be privvy to all your finances?
S7 E2 · Mon, March 13, 2023
Gerald, Bongani , Nala and Lonwabo chat on Breakfast show Radio 2000 SABA. How can you create a secondary income?
S7 E1 · Tue, March 07, 2023
Faith Mangope is in conversation with Gerald Mwandiambira, Financial Advisor and Kits Kerr, Consciousness and relationship coach on whether love can exist and grow without money.
S6 E68 · Fri, November 18, 2022
Gerald and the Radio 2000 Team explore the concept that TIME IS MONEY! How do you spend your time? Are you creating wealth?
S6 E67 · Thu, November 10, 2022
Gerald and #THETAKEOFF team discuss how much you as a parent should spend on a High School Leaving Dance or Ball. Teenagers are a fussy bunch and what you consider small is often "life or death" in a developing adolescent mind.
S6 E72 · Thu, November 03, 2022
What Financial myths have you heard about women? Are women compulsive spenders and irresponsible when it comes to finances. Gerald and THETAKEOFF Team discuss the myths and facts around women and finances.
S6 E71 · Wed, October 26, 2022
Woman are often oppressed and prevented from being financially independent. Gerald shares his opinion and views on why every Woman should be free financially. THETAKEOFF Breakfast team discuss this topic.
S6 E70 · Sat, October 15, 2022
How do you collect Debts from Family and Friends? Is it even a good idea to loan family and friends. Gerald and the two million gang gang discuss the pros and cons. Clip from award winning breakfast show THETAKEOFF with Lonwabo, Nala and Bongani.
S6 E69 · Wed, October 12, 2022
Gambling is an addiction that destroys family and lives. How do you cope with the addiction or a family member that is addicted to gambling? Gerald and THETAKEOFF team of Bongani, Lonwabo and Nonala discuss this challenging topic.
S6 E68 · Tue, September 27, 2022
Gerald and THETAKEOFF breakfast team discuss the importance of Keeping Receipts. Are receipts important to you or just useless pieces of paper?
S5 E61 · Fri, August 19, 2022
Audio from WTDWYTKAM Video channel. Check it out on youtube. just a promotional audio clip.
S5 E50 · Thu, August 18, 2022
Interested in engaging i a life long Wealth journey. Listen this audio to YOUTUBE Video available on channel WTDWYTKAM.
S1 E69 · Thu, August 04, 2022
On POWER Weekend Breakfast Pabi Moloi and Mvangeli Nzuza are in conversation with financial planner Gerald Mwandiambira about the responsible use of credit and minimising credit card risk
S5 E16 · Sun, July 31, 2022
The Future of BEE in South Africa Faith is in conversation with Black Business Council Vice-president, Gregory Mofokeng, Shadow Minister of Trade and Industry, Dean Macpherson and the Managing Partner, Sugar Creek Wealth, Gerald Mwandiambira about the future of BEE.
S5 E10 · Fri, July 29, 2022
Gerald and the TWO MILLION GANG GANG discuss the power of Networks. How can you Monetize existing relationships!
S1 E56 · Thu, June 30, 2022
The second issue of DIVITIAE (WEALTH) Newsletter from Gerald Mwandiambira and Sugar Creek Wealth. Black Friday is discussed together with Emigration opportunities as a result of a deteriorating South African Economy. Would You Emigrate? Finally, a few conversation ideas for you and your family this December!
S1 E12 · Wed, June 29, 2022
SA Workers are highly stressed. What Financial Wellness interventions may help the stressed workers. Gerald , Bongani, Lonwabo and Nala discuss the options on the #THETAKEOFF with the TWO MILLION STRON listeners. "The 2 million Gang Gang"
Mon, June 20, 2022
When you are self employed it is harder to raise finance for a car or home. How can you increase your chances of success. Gerald and the #THETAKEOFF Breakfast team discuss the challenges.
Mon, June 20, 2022
Are you middle Class. Who defines the "classes"? Are you Poor? Gerald, Nala, Lonwabo and Bongani discuss the case of middle class vs poor!
S1 E64 · Wed, June 08, 2022
Gerald, Lonwabo, Nala and Bongani discuss court judgments on air. With spiralling personal debts, many financial contracts are ending up in court. Know your rights and fight the system. Do not lose by DEFAULT...
S5 E4 · Fri, June 03, 2022
Award winning breakfast show #THETAKE off with 2 million listeners on Radio 2000. Gerald share weekly financial insights and lessons in conversation with Bongani, nala and Lonwabo. How do you ask for a raise when so many people are getting laid off?
S1 E54 · Tue, May 31, 2022
This Money Talk explores African Money, it explores the origins of Money and challenges us to reestablish these money and wealth systems. Does your family have the courage to create Wealth for a common goal or will individual greed and ego win? COMMONWEALTH..... The TRUTH ABOUT MONEY AND WEALTH! Let this episode go viral by forwarding to all the people you love and kinsmen. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
Mon, May 30, 2022
Gerald and the breakfast team #THETAKEOFF discussing topics that affect the ordinary man in the street. This weekly segment allows callers to share their financial experiences. Should you invest in your appearance and outward personal brand.
S5 E2 · Sat, May 28, 2022
Gerald and the breakfast team #THETAKEOFF discussing topics that affect the ordinary man in the street. This weekly segment allows callers to share their financial experiences. Bongani, Nala, Lowabo discuss the lessons we all learnt from our mothers on managing money.
S1 E69 · Thu, May 26, 2022
Are you or your family caring for a special needs child? Gerald and Fifi Peter's discuss the challenges and planning needs for such a child. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S5 E1 · Wed, May 25, 2022
Gerald and the breakfast team #THETAKEOFF discussing topics that affect the ordinary man in the street. This weekly segment allows callers to share their financial experiences.
S7 E6 · Tue, May 17, 2022
Who has the loudest say at your family events? Is it the wealthiest family? How do you choose a suitable husband or wife and when it all his the fan, how to deal with divorce. Trilogy of Episodes in English and Shona (Shonglish) https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E71 · Tue, May 17, 2022
Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't view money the same way as you do has its advantages and disadvantages. On the pro side, dating (or being married to) someone with an opposite money personality can give you insight into a different financial perspective. If you're the spender in the relationship, for example, dating a saver could expose you to positive money beliefs and habits that you may not have experienced growing up. Or, if you're the saver, you could be the one to set a positive money example for your spender partner. The downside, of course, is that money can become a source of disagreement between the two of you. For instance, you may each have certain money deal breakers that could make the relationship a no-go. That might include things like: Being in debt Having a poor credit score Lying about or hiding money Being unwilling to discuss money Gerald breaks the ice in getting couples to freely discuss money in their relationship. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S3 E4 · Tue, May 17, 2022
Bertha and Gerald discuss Financial Infidelity. Is your spouse cheating on you with money. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S7 E5 · Tue, May 17, 2022
Whats love got to do with money? And can money lead to infidelity. Find out in the duo of episodes in English and Shona.
S1 E18 · Tue, May 17, 2022
A candid and mature discussion discussing marriage, finances, cheating and the consequences thereof. No moral judgements, a look at how much money you are spending on love. Gerald challenges listeners on their love choices affecting their finances. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E23 · Wed, May 11, 2022
Are you really in control of your F.A.T.E financially. Can you save on any expenses? The future has many unknowns , it is important for you to be in control of your Finances. This Podcast looks at areas in which you can save money.. Money you may need in an uncertain future. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S2 E7 · Tue, May 10, 2022
Car purchase plans? Aphelele and Gerald discuss the things you should look out for. Content from popular and ground breaking Personal Finance Show. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E3 · Tue, April 12, 2022
Conversation on hugely popular finance segment with Aphelele Somi on money mistakes made by young people. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E82 · Sat, April 02, 2022
#MoneyMonday| Fresh from the 2021 Local government elections , sometimes choosing a bank can be as confusing as choosing a political party. You might even feel like you lose either way….Just like a political party a bank should fit your needs, but it doesn’t necessarily live up to your expectations. What are some of the best tips when it comes to choosing a bank? Is your bank serving your needs? Guest: Gerald Mwandiambira , Award winning CFP® Professional ,Speaker and Author For professional financial planning and wealth creation and management, visit www.askgerald.co.za Twitter: @AskGeraldCFP
S1 E16 · Fri, March 25, 2022
What is Black Tax? How can it destroy your finances? What can you do to manage your family expectations on your money and what can you do to get control of your money back? Are you a family ATM? Gerald discusses the ever popular topic. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E71 · Thu, March 24, 2022
He or She is promising you the world, you will be the richest person next week. Here are ten secrets of dodgy financial advisors. No integrity, no ethics, do not be taken for a ride by these fithy beasts . They tarnish the industry and the names of Professional Financial Advisors.
S1 E71 · Tue, March 22, 2022
Small businesses are drivers of economic growth and development in South Africa. They play a key role in combating unemployment in the country as the formal sector continues to shed jobs. But, for most entrepreneurs, business insurance might seem like just another unnecessary expense. Gerald discusses why your business needs insurance. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E46 · Thu, March 17, 2022
Many people believe that once goods are repossessed, the debt is settled. However, banks and financial institutions lend Money, if the amount they gave you as loan is not recovered, they are coming for MORE! Know your rights and take charge of your fate. Gerald and Mpho discuss repossession!
S1 E13 · Thu, March 17, 2022
The COVID19 Pandemic will affect your small business or practice. Will you survive and how can you save your beloved business. Gerald introduces his business "guru like: ABCD process to apply now during lockdown. No gloss, just a serious sober look at your reality. Business focused ABCD. Next podcast will look at clients with the same ABCD process. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E19 · Thu, March 17, 2022
The COVID19 Pandemic will affect your small business or practice. Will you survive and how can you save your beloved business. Mr. G introduces his business "guru like: ABCD process to apply now during lockdown. No gloss, just a serious sober look at your reality. Business focused ABCD. This podcast will look at clients with the same ABCD process. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S2 E10 · Thu, March 10, 2022
The "S" word. How to start saving and creating wealth. Aphelele and Gerald discuss. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E38 · Thu, March 03, 2022
When things get from bad to worse, and you cant pay bills, you may eventually receive a legal summons to appear in Court. How do you manage this and if you ignore the summons what are the consequences? Bongani, Nala and Gerald discuss.
S1 E15 · Wed, March 02, 2022
COVID19 will present a number of business or income earning opportunities. This podcast introduces us on a few basic questions to ask when considering opportunities and how to spot opportunities. What is a "Passion Opportunity"? Find out as Mr. G talks opportunities. https://anchor.fm/gerald-chemunorwa-mwandia/episodes/MONEY-TALKS-S1-E15-THE-EQUALIZER-PT-2--SPOTTING-OPPORTUNITIES-ed3f7g
S1 E12 · Tue, March 01, 2022
Do you realize that COVID19 will be an equalizer in many ways. Right now we are still trying to find the bottom of this crisis. However, are you able to process reality and think beyond the pandemic. How will you be employed and create wealth? Mr.G covers 5 points of what you will need to get ahead in an equalized world. APOLOGIES ABOUT SOUND LEVELS. Still mastering the art of the Podcast https://anchor.fm/gerald-chemunorwa-mwandia/episodes/MONEY-TALKS-S1-E12-THE-EQUALIZER---COVID19-ect56j
S1 E57 · Fri, February 25, 2022
When someone dies, their debts become a liability on their estate. The executor of the estate, or the administrator if no will has been left, is responsible for paying any outstanding debts from the estate. In this interview, Aldrin speaks to certified financial planner Gerald Mwandiambira to explore the complexities of dealing with the debt of a spouse or a loved one which you have lost and how one can best navigate the situation should they find themselves in it. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E20 · Thu, February 24, 2022
An alternative investment is a financial asset that does not fall into one of the conventional equity/income/cash categories. Private equity or venture capital, hedge funds, real property, commodities, and tangible assets are all examples of alternative investments. Mr.G looks at a few alternative investment options https://anchor.fm/gerald-chemunorwa-mwandia/episodes/MONEY-TALKS-S1-E20-Alternative-Investments--A-different-way-of-Investing-edk33n
S2 E2 · Thu, February 17, 2022
Gerald Mwandiambira and Aphelele Discuss buying a Home.
S2 E1 · Mon, February 14, 2022
A conversation with Aphelele Somi on DIVORCE. From hugely successful and ground breaking Radio Money Segment on POWER FM.
S1 E24 · Wed, February 09, 2022
Refilwe speaks to Gerald Mwandiambira CFP and Managing Partner of Sugar Creek Wealth. We’ve been deconstructing some economic concepts during our business corner on Fridays, a sort of Econ 101. Earlier this week we heard from a listener who has is seeking some advice on growing her nest egg. Right now, it’s just sitting in a bank account, bearing very little interest!
S1 E69 · Mon, January 31, 2022
What do you do when you deposit cash into the wrong account or someone sends you money by mistake? We have all been there, do you spend the cash or leave it. When you sent cash to the wrong person, did they spend it or return it?
S1 E71 · Wed, January 26, 2022
Entrepreneurs are brave, innovative and forward-thinking individuals who take on the risks associated with being self-employed and making a success of a business venture – these risks are outweighed by the satisfaction that comes from living your dream, making a tangible difference in people’s lives and having a story to tell that can inspire future generations. How do you manage Money as an Entrpreneur? Gugu Mfuphi and Gerald discuss his insights.
S7 E7 · Tue, January 25, 2022
We explore the merits and dangers of private schooling in Zim. Is it worth bankrupting yourself to fund education? Trilogy of episodes. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E29 · Sun, January 23, 2022
Gerald Mwandiambira CFP and Managing Partner at Sugar Creek Wealth provides useful advice on managing family financial requests. Lending money to family and friends is often fraught with emotions and complications. Issues around whether you charge interest, timeframes for repayment, or if it will be repaid at all are some of the challenges involved. Gerald Mwandiambira CFP and Managing Partner at Sugar Creek Wealth provides useful advice on managing family financial requests. Gerald and Refilwe chat
S1 E65 · Sun, January 23, 2022
Most African Cultures not have a word to describe "Retirement". In modern day society, how does one discuss this topic with parents? Discussion on how to break the ice and start this important discussion?
S1 E22 · Thu, January 20, 2022
The current Pandemic could represent a significant financial setback for you and your family. You may stand to lose a job, home or business. Do you have what it takes to BOUNCE BACK. Mr. G takes a critical look at what it may take to bounce back if this pandemic takes all you have away. Part 2 of 2 part podcast. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E21 · Fri, January 14, 2022
The current Pandemic could represent a significant financial setback for you and your family. You may stand to lose a job, home or business. Do you have what it takes to BOUNCE BACK. Mr. G takes a critical look at what it may take to bounce back if this pandemic takes all you have away. Part 1 of 2 part podcast. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E34 · Fri, January 07, 2022
The concept of building generational wealth is easy. You simply have to acquire assets or save cash that you don’t intend to spend in retirement. Then you pass those assets along to your children when you pass away. This sounds easy in concept but can be difficult to put into practice. If you are struggling to build your savings, then saving for the next generation can sound overwhelming. And that is completely understandable! We discuss Generational Wealth. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E19 · Wed, January 05, 2022
Mr. G shares his experience as he walked into the office. It was scary as Hell.... A mental block, sitting in front of a desk for hours and not knowing what to do. Are we ready, it will be a major barrier to your success... Are you mentally ready for work? Is it too soon? https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S2 E12 · Thu, December 30, 2021
Can your finances affect your physical wellness. Aphelele and Gerald discuss. You may be physically ill because of your finances. Recover and get stronger again. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S3 E43 · Tue, December 21, 2021
This last in a series of 4 podcasts allows you to dream BIG, to take charge of our financial destinies. It is possible to be in charge of your money . There is a future and its never too late to get started in wealth creation.
S3 E42 · Tue, December 21, 2021
How do you find financial freedom? How do you save and invest? The third of our family meeting podcasts discussed saving and investing. Apologies for sound issues in certain parts. The message is clear, you need to save and invest.
S3 E41 · Tue, December 21, 2021
Black tax is a term used in South Africa for money that a Black (or other person of color) professional provides to their family every month outside of their own living expenses, usually out of obligation. How do you manage this situation? How can we find a positive spin with our famililies ? The second in a series of family building podcasts to create wealth.
S3 E40 · Tue, December 21, 2021
Are you an accountable person? Are you accountable for your actions, and with your finances , are you accountable. This is the first in a series of podcasts for sharing with your family. Accountability also comes from others holding you accountable, or developing a family corporate accountability for each other.
S4 E3 · Fri, December 17, 2021
Bruce Whitfield and Gerald Mwandiambira discuss Black Tax. Family Responsibility taking its toll on your finances? Listen to this. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S2 E16 · Fri, December 03, 2021
Is it possible to get back on your feet after big financial mistakes? Aphelele and Gerald put everything into perspective. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S2 E18 · Fri, November 26, 2021
Aphelele joined by Gerald Mwandiambira Certified Financial Planner. Are you addicted to debt? This is a strange question is it, and one would probably say there is noway anyone would enjoy drowning in debt – except we live in a credit consumption society – the economy may sometimes make us feel like we have no choice but to live on debt. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E26 · Fri, November 26, 2021
Nobody should get married in community of property, warns Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Gerald Mwandiambira (Sugar Creek Wealth) chatting with Refilwe Moloto. There are three types of “marriage regimes”: In community of property (what’s mine or yours is ours) Out of community of property without accrual (what’s mine is mine and what’ yours is yours) Out of community of property with accrual (what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours – what accrues after we get married is ours) https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E81 · Mon, November 15, 2021
#MoneyMonday| If you are thinking of letting out a property you need to know what you are getting into upfront and should consider a few vital elements before taking the step to becoming a landlord Guest: Gerald Mwandiambira , Award winning CFP® Professional ,Speaker and Author For professional financial planning and wealth creation and management, visit www.askgerald.co.za Twitter: @AskGeraldCFP
S1 E80 · Wed, November 10, 2021
TheTakeOffInterview| #MoneyMonday| With Black Friday and the festive season around the corner and we’re going to be bombarded with so called “specials “ or “savings “ …Let us talk about impulsive buying and how to go about avoiding it? Guest: Gerald Mwandiambira , Award winning CFP® Professional ,Speaker and Author For professional financial planning and wealth creation and management, visit www.askgerald.co.za Twitter: @AskGeraldCFP
S1 E84 · Mon, November 08, 2021
Gerald Mwandiambira on Power Lunch Stand-in host Morio Senyane is in conversation with certified financial palnner Gerald Mwandiambira and insurance expert Mojalefa Motlhamme regarding the perks and disadvantages of Balloon payments, further understanding if we can use balloon loans to our advantage
S2 E14 · Thu, November 04, 2021
Children are our pride and joy, we will do whatever it takes to give them the best. Is your child's education leading you to bankrupcy? Aphelele and Gerald discuss the challenges of financing childrens education . https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E2 · Tue, October 19, 2021
EPISODE 2 CONCEPT SHOW . We continue to explore the meaning of money. What are your financial goals. Can we all really be millionaires? or BILLIONAIRES https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E75 · Thu, October 14, 2021
Are you thinking of buying a car? This chat with The Radio 2000 award winning breakfast team chats about the Pros and Cons of buying a car.
S2 E5 · Thu, October 07, 2021
Do you need a financial Planner? Aphelele and Gerald Mwandiambira discuss the pros and cons. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E77 · Thu, October 07, 2021
Home ownership is a goal for many people. Are you thinking of buying a home. Lonwabo, Nala and Gerald from the Award Winning Radio 2000 Breakfast Show #THETAKEOFF chat on the choices available and decisions to be made.
S1 E75 · Thu, October 07, 2021
Gerald and the #THETAKEOFF breakfast team discuss the financial challenges faced by Women. From Child Maintenance to Divorce to single parenting, many women navigate a range of daily financial challenges.
S1 E12 · Fri, October 01, 2021
This is a podcast for Financial Planning Professionals and Advisors discussing current and future challenges. The first of several podcasts, Gerald speaks in a personal capacity to industry peers to encourage debate and discussion and share ideas. THESE ARE ALL PERSONAL OPINIONS AND NOT RELATED TO MY PROFESSIONAL WORK , RELATIONSHIPS & CONTRACTS https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
Wed, September 29, 2021
What is a trust? who needs one? What should you know? A tricky topic simplified by Gerald https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S6 E1 · Fri, September 24, 2021
My day on Influential Fridays. KAYA FM is a leading Johannesburg Radio Station for Adult contemporary music and Afro Pop. Gerald hosted a 3 hour segment, this is part of that broadcast. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E4 · Wed, September 22, 2021
Concept show idea, music and money pitched to Zim Radio. A continuation of our look into Mari, what is it? Can you be without your Money? https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E28 · Fri, September 17, 2021
Have you received the axe? It is an unfortunate and unforeseeable circumstance we all pray never happens to us. But when it does you might fear paying off your debts for the months to come, don't cash out your pension just yet. Early withdrawal from your pension can mean paying more tax at retirement and leave very little to live off on. This advice may come too late for those who have already been retrenched, the solution is to live like you could lose your job tomorrow. How can you better prepare for retrenchment? Lester Kiewet and Mr.G https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E3 · Tue, September 14, 2021
MONEY CHAT WITH MUSICAL INTERLUDE Who are You and what does Money mean to you? Are you a money master or money slave? We talk MONEY PERSONALITIES https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S3 E7 · Fri, September 10, 2021
Bertha Charuma and Gerald discuss the merits of having a professional advisor on your finances. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S2 E12 · Fri, September 03, 2021
How do you fix an impaired credit record? Aphelele and Mr G discuss if this can be done. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E42 · Wed, September 01, 2021
Annual reviews are important. Do you have an annual spring clean of your finances. maybe you should! Gerald, Nala and Bongani discuss. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E1 · Tue, August 31, 2021
PILOT EPISODE OF LIGHT LOOK AT MONEY WITH MUSIC BACKGROUND. We introduce the concept of money as a means of payment or storing value. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E72 · Sat, August 28, 2021
Tired of the preponderance of Money "experts", Gerald reminds us why we need Financial Experts. It looks so easy, spend, save, invest, repeat... why on earth do I need a professional? Gerald takes a candid look at why without an expert you are potentially DOOMED! https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S3 E7 · Fri, August 20, 2021
We tackle listener questions with Bertha Charuma https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S5 E1 · Wed, August 11, 2021
A recent survey by one of SA’s top financial institutions reveals that more that half of SA’s middle class spend their salaries in five days (or even less). Although this is shocking, it also leaves room for us to analyse why this is happening? Are South African’s not earning enough? Is debt suffocating the middle class? Or is it just a lack of financial management? On #SAfmLifeTimeLive with Criselda Dudumashe spoke to Gerald Mwandiambira - Entrepreneur, author, financial expert. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S7 E2 · Wed, August 11, 2021
What does Money mean to you? https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E25 · Sun, August 08, 2021
Women still earn less than there male counterparts, argues a certified financial planner. Gerald Mwandiambira, CFP and Managing Partner at Sugar Creek Wealth, says women are more responsible with money than men. Many head up single-income households and have to ensure that the money goes a long way, he says. Mwandiambira says Men take more risks but women, with their more nurturing nature, always ensure the family is secure. He says often male spouses die first, and the onus is even greater on women to ensure they have a good retirement plan. Take a listen to these insights into how women should approach saving, investments and growing financial wealth https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients fom SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S3 E1 · Sat, August 07, 2021
Women are beautifully, uniquely , specially made with the ability to manage finances. This podcast is a tribute to the Women of the World. Gerald discusses important financial pillars for women. A must listen for EVERY WOMAN https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E7 · Fri, August 06, 2021
Fresh Breakfast money spot https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S4 E2 · Thu, August 05, 2021
Bruce Whitfield from 702 Talk Radio and Gerald review his book MY MONEY,IMALI YAMI, CHELETE YAKA, MY GELD https://www.takealot.com/my-money/PLID46989410 to buy the book https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E68 · Fri, July 30, 2021
A light hearted reflection on the challenges and woes of being Zimbabwean, and a Zimbabweans understanding of Money and Wealth
S1 E68 · Tue, July 20, 2021
On financial matters we are joined by "Mr G" - Gerald Mwandiambira, Financial Expert, Entrepreneur, Author And financial planner on the necessary mindset to navigate through economic and social unrest, specifically at this time. http://askgerald.co.za/#
S1 E65 · Sat, July 17, 2021
Can you go on a spending fast. A period where you do not buy anything you absolutely do not need. Gerald and Bongani, Nala and onwabo explore if this can be done.
S1 E30 · Thu, July 15, 2021
Emigration is the act of leaving a resident country or place of residence with the intent to settle elsewhere (to permanently leave a country). Conversely, immigration describes the movement of people into one country from another (to permanently move to a country). Hence one might emigrate from one's native country to immigrate to another country. Both are acts of migration across national or other geographical boundaries. This is a quick tips chat on why more South Africans are considering Emigration. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S1 E68 · Thu, July 15, 2021
On this segment, Gerald .Bongani, Nala and Lonwaba on #THETAKEOFF breakfast show on Radio 2000 explore adult dependents. When must children or family members be forced out of the family nest. With more and more people choosing to remain home after adulthood, is this still even an option?
S1 E41 · Wed, July 14, 2021
How do you create Perpetual Wealth? Is it possible. We discuss the essence of Wealth that outlasts your lifetime. I discuss my opinion on one of the most powerful vehicles to create Generational Wealth and ultimately Perpetual Wealth if repeated from one generation to the next.
S5 E2 · Wed, July 07, 2021
According to Statistics South Africa, the total value of new credit granted in 2019’s first quarter (Q1), increased by more than 5% to over R134 billion in Q2. Those in the consumer market say that consumers have become slaves to credit. This then begs the question over whether it is possible to live a debt-free life? These days people even take groceries on credit the store cards that promise rewards. How did we get to where we are?
S7 E3 · Thu, June 24, 2021
Are you thinking of a Baby? Here are things to consider https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S4 E1 · Wed, June 16, 2021
Arabile Gumede and Gerald talk the financial mistakes to avoid when young. https://linktr.ee/GERALDMWCFP to book financial planning session with Gerald. Gerald can advise International Clients from SA, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya, UK, USA, Australia , Canada and Beyond.
S3 E1 · Wed, June 16, 2021
Bertha Charuma and Gerald on Money Tuesdays and then Weekend Money. Popular spots on SABC National Radio station Radio 2000.
S1 E72 · Mon, June 14, 2021
A cash only life involves a little more work, dedication, and planning but will be worth all the hassle when you are debt free and free from the added expense of interest and fees that accompany credit cards. Gerald, Lonwaba, Nala and Bongani discuss if one can live a cash life with little on no debt. #THETAKEOFF Breakfast show on SABC Radio 2000
S1 E5 · Thu, June 10, 2021
Pilot shows. Light hearted money discussion with music. Money and Love
S1 E71 · Thu, June 10, 2021
Gerald and the Radio 2000 Breakfast crew discuss how our Money Habits have been changed forever. How has your attitude toward money been changed by COVID 19? For Better or for Worse
S1 E63 · Tue, June 01, 2021
Gerald , Nala and Bongaini discuss the challenges when one party of the relationship controls the finances, to the detriment of the other. A challenging situation where love meets money. The Take Off on SABC Radio 2000
S7 E1 · Sun, May 23, 2021
Your personal economy is unique.... Who are you panyaya dzemari?
S1 E6 · Sun, May 23, 2021
Money and Love part 2. Setting goals with your partner. Pilot concept show for Zim audience. Not taken up by any station. Money makes the World Go round
S1 E67 · Sat, May 15, 2021
In this episode of #THETAKEOFF breakfast show on Radio 2000 Money Mondays, Bongani, Nala and Gerald discuss Preparation for Divorce. You are in that space and ready to call it a day. A few tips to guide you through this challenging time.
S1 E68 · Tue, May 11, 2021
A podcast where I talked about nothing and everything. Listen, you may learn nothing or learn much... Sacrifice, Commitment and Discipline
S1 E67 · Mon, May 10, 2021
A short summary podcast to get you in the mood to trade. It doesn't matter what you decide to trade , be it currencies, stocks, cryptocurrency, commodity or derivative, the basics are the same. We talk the basics of trading , why not give it a shot?
S1 E66 · Fri, May 07, 2021
Despite reservations for many years, I have been converted, MADE MY FIRST CRYPTOCURRENCY TRADE. A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology—a distributed ledger enforced by a disparate network of computers. A defining feature of cryptocurrencies is that they are generally not issued by any central authority, rendering them theoretically immune to government interference or manipulation.
S1 E66 · Sat, April 10, 2021
As we begin a new month, many residents will be paying 15% more for electricity. Not forgetting that the Petrol price is increasing by R1 a litre at midnight. We can’t even imagine what the food prices will be like after these increases. But then seeing how many people are hard hit by the lockdown restrictions, what are the most practical ways one can navigate their finances with the current salaries that have probably not increased? How tight can we tighten our belts? To help us through this difficult subject, we are joined on the line by… GUEST: Gerald Mwandiambira – CEO South African Savings Institute
S1 E61 · Sat, April 03, 2021
Gerald, Bongani and Nala discuss additional income options. The team discuss Network Marketing and other options on Money Monday on top rated breakfast show THE TAKE OFF on Radio 2000.
S1 E60 · Fri, March 26, 2021
Bongani, Nala and Gerald tackle a caller question on dealing with informal lender debt, commonly referred to as loan shark. Can you escape the vicious circle of high interest.
S2 E13 · Wed, March 24, 2021
Retirement always seems a long time away and distant. Aphelele and Gerald discuss how to start planning early.
S1 E63 · Mon, March 22, 2021
Some people call it "Black Tax", others "Ubuntu" or simply Family Responsibility. We all have different views on this emotive topic. Bongani , Nala and Gerald explore this topic on #THETAKEOFF.
S1 E62 · Thu, March 18, 2021
Retrenchment is becoming a reality for many people as a result of Covid. How can you survive and navigate this event. The Take Off team of Bongani and Nala chat with Gerald
S2 E8 · Wed, March 10, 2021
Aphelele and Gerald Mwandiambira discuss Insurance. Do you need an Insurance Policy.
S3 E9 · Fri, March 05, 2021
Have you ever been a victim of cybercrime? Aphelele and Gerald discuss this growing threat.
S3 E3 · Thu, February 25, 2021
Thami Ngubeni and Gerald talk Retirement.
S2 E4 · Wed, December 30, 2020
A controversial discussion on pyramid schemes with Aphelele Somi. The hot topic on that day was MMM Pyramid Scheme.
S1 E59 · Tue, December 08, 2020
2020 was a challenging year. But was it all doom and gloom ? Are there positives that we can carry into 2021? What mindset do we need to be in that inter-generational wealth mode? A look as some of the important podcasts I did in 2020, The Equalizer, The ABCD of Business, Alternative Investments, Emigration, Bouncing Back after a financial Fall, African Commonwealth, Control your F.A.T.E, Perpetual Wealth and Inter-Generational Wealth. Spread the podcasts and share the messages, and be safe over the Christmas Holidays. See you in 2021
S1 E8 · Sat, December 05, 2020
The Drive on Metro FM with Masechaba Ndlovu and MO FLAVA.
S1 E28 · Sat, November 28, 2020
Investing in gold is a good idea, especially right now. Gold's value has increased by over 21% in the last year, and is expected to rise further. It is an excellent investment in times of stock market risk, a foil against long-term currency inflation, and a good option for diversifying an investment portfolio. A look at Gold as a potential investment
S1 E57 · Tue, November 24, 2020
Online shopping is convenient, easy, and allows consumers to compare prices, find coupons, and check reviews in a way that can’t be done in brick-and-mortar stores. However, the immense popularity of online shopping has given rise to rip-offs, so buyers must be vigilant to avoid online shopping scams. While online shopping is undoubtedly convenient, many consumers continue to have concerns over the safety and security of their information, especially as mobile sales become more commonplace. I discuss tips you need to know before you start online shopping.
S1 E51 · Mon, November 23, 2020
Caller advice on Radio 2000. Two callers seek guidance on Education Planning as well as hiding money from a spouse. Gerald, Bongani and Nonala.
S1 E55 · Mon, November 23, 2020
Bongani, Nonala and Gerald tackle everyday money problems from Radio 2000 #thetakeoff breakfast show listeners. In this pod, we have a caller entangled with Loan sharks, how can he escape? And another who runs out of money days after payday! Is there a way to solve these perennial money challenges? The Take Off is one of South Africa's leading breakfast shows on the fastest growing radio station.
S1 E29 · Fri, November 20, 2020
It's the hardest question to answer in personal finance: Who can you trust (or, as my mother would insist, whom can you trust)? There's a world of self-serving advisers out there, laser-focused on getting a piece of your money. A candid chat discussing whom you should trust for financial advice or wealth management.
S1 E49 · Mon, November 16, 2020
Radio 2000 caller has a new Job, but it pays way less. How does he navigate these new challenges. Live Radio Advice
S1 E53 · Sat, November 14, 2020
Even banks and insurers are in on the consumerist orgy, says Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Gerald Mwandiambira. SALE! DISCOUNT! DEALS! BLACK FRIDAY! BLACK NOVEMBER! CYBER MONDAY! November is the new December and retail mania is here (Pandemic? What pandemic?) There will be lots of deals, Black Friday is great IF you planned and budgeted for it. Africa Melane asked Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Gerald Mwandiambira what to consider before pouncing on a deal. Before you bite off more than you can chew, consider that much uncertainty still exists regarding the nascent economic recovery. Will a second wave of Covid-19 infections kneecap our economy once more, or will we avoid the fate of so many other countries that are suffering yet again? We just don’t know, so it’s best to chase deals only if you have surplus cash. Mwandiambira reminds “consumers” to look out for financial deals as some banks and insurers also have offers ahead of Black Friday.
S1 E51 · Fri, November 13, 2020
A talk that discusses the origins and Black Friday. Tips on how to save and make the most of the biggest shopping day of the year!
S1 E48 · Tue, November 10, 2020
Open Line on Radio 2000. Caller wants to know how to deal with Credit Card Debt. Live Radio Advice
S2 E15 · Wed, October 28, 2020
You have set your goals, how important is it to check your progress? Aphelele and Gerald discuss the importance of regularly checking your progress.
S1 E41 · Mon, October 26, 2020
Gerald replies a listener voicenote on Saving vs Investing. Do you know the difference? Are you Saving or Investing. Gerald with Bongani and Nonala on THE TAKE OFF Breakfast Money Mondays.
S1 E42 · Wed, October 21, 2020
Do you have a high risk appetite? Should you be considering alternative investments. What are the pros and cons? Bongani, Gerald and Nala discuss.
S1 E41 · Wed, October 14, 2020
Have you ever considered moving to settle in another country? What are the things to consider and is it a choice that may work for you? Gerald , Bongani and Nala discuss the pros and cons.
S5 E1 · Mon, October 12, 2020
This is the podcast version of the Divitiae newsletter. This newsletter introduces the three keys to Wealth creation. Are you looking to create Wealth? This is a useful podcast to get you started. To download the newsletter visit http://askgerald.co.za/category/blog/ A simple, plain analysis of wealth creation.
S1 E40 · Mon, October 12, 2020
The National Credit Act allows you to seek debt protection under Debt Review. Is this something for you to be considering? Gerald, Bongani, and Nala discuss.
S1 E39 · Wed, October 07, 2020
Are your personal details safe, what happens if you are a victim of a data breach or identity theft? Gerald, Bongani and Nala discuss.
S1 E37 · Wed, September 30, 2020
We all make impulsive financial decisions without much thought. Have we ever considered how these decisions cost us dearly in the long run. Gerald, Bongani and Nala chat.
S1 E36 · Mon, September 28, 2020
How do you say no to family and friends who need financial assistance? The difficult decision is discussed by Bongani, Nala and Gerald.
S1 E35 · Fri, September 25, 2020
How can your family survive on reduced income? What can be done? Bongani, Nala and Gerald explore the options available
S1 E27 · Mon, September 14, 2020
Have you received the axe? It is an unfortunate and unforeseeable circumstance we all pray never happens to us. But when it does you might fear paying off your debts for the months to come, don't cash out your pension just yet. Early withdrawal from your pension can mean paying more tax at retirement and leave very little to live off on. This advice may come too late for those who have already been retrenched, the solution is to live like you could lose your job tomorrow. How can you better prepare for retrenchment? Refilwe and Gerald chat.
S1 E23 · Fri, September 11, 2020
One of Gerald's favourite and entertaining topics. Is your partner cheating on you with Money, and where can it lead? Refilwe and discuss this topic.
S3 E2 · Mon, September 07, 2020
Bertha Charuma and Gerald discuss what money means to you.
S5 E3 · Fri, September 04, 2020
Are you cheating on your spouse financially?
S1 E22 · Wed, July 29, 2020
What are the direct and indirect costs of educating children? Refilwe and Gerald discuss this popular topic.
S1 E30 · Tue, July 28, 2020
The International Monetary Fund's executive board has agreed to extend a $4.3 billion (R70 billion) loan to support South Africa's response to the impacts of Covid-19 on the economy. The decision comes after months of engagement between Treasury and IMF management, and it is part of R95 billion being sought from multilateral institutions to support job creation, protection and businesses negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. These loans are accounted for in government's R500 billion stimulus package to support the economy. So far both the New Development Bank and the African Development Bank have agreed to loans of $1 billion and R5 billion respectively. A chat at the bad and the good!
S1 E24 · Tue, July 07, 2020
July is Savings Month in South Africa, and this year the focus is firmly on finding #waystosave and adapting financial plans as we face the challenges 2020 brings. The South African Savings Institute (SASI) will focus on financial education throughout July, bringing together financial experts to provide tangible insights on savings in the #waystosave Webinar Series. SASI acting CEO Gerald Mwandiambira spoke to us on #SAfmSoundAwake https://anchor.fm/gerald-chemunorwa-mwandia/episodes/GERALD-ON-SAFM-SavingsMonth-South-African-Savings-Institute-SASI-introduces-the-waystosave-Webinar-Series-this-July-eg73su
S1 E20 · Sun, July 05, 2020
How the Asian Tigers spoke to then finance minister Trevor Manuel about personal savings – a chat with the SA Savings Institute’s Gerald Mwandiambira. https://anchor.fm/gerald-chemunorwa-mwandia/episodes/GERALD-ON-MONEYWEB-RADIO-South-Africans-are-Poor-Savers-ecj29f
S1 E30 · Thu, July 02, 2020
How do you get going to save? What things should i consider? Maya Fisher-French and MR.G on Moneyweb Radio Share their thoughts. https://anchor.fm/gerald-chemunorwa-mwandia/episodes/GERALD--MAYA-FISHER-FRENCH-ON-MONEYWEB-RADIO-Saving-ecg914
S7 E4 · Tue, May 26, 2020
How can you teach and introduce children to money? How much pocket money is enough? And when things are tough, how do you tell your child your financial situation has changed? A trilogy of episodes.
S1 E9 · Wed, May 06, 2020
COVID19 will affect everyone, and every one should pay bills, but what happens when you cant? Or dont want to? How should I be managing and handling my finances, which bills are less important? A discussion on what options we have. When will this current crisis end? https://anchor.fm/gerald-chemunorwa-mwandia/episodes/MONEY-TALKS-S1-E8-To-Pay-or-not-to-Pay--COVID19-ecofng
S3 E16 · Sat, April 25, 2020
Aubrey Masango discuss the take outs from this important address by SA President Cyril Ramaphosa. These are the personal opinions of Gerald Mwandiambira.
S1 E9 · Tue, April 14, 2020
The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the South African Reserve Bank decided to cut the repo rate by 100 basis points. This takes the repo rate to 4.25% per annum, meaning South Africans will be paying less on their debt. The MPC meeting for May was moved forward to Tuesday. Last month, the central bank cut the repo rate by 100 basis points to 5.25%, citing a fragile domestic economic outlook, with the economy expected to contract this year and therefore it needed a boost. What gives???? I discuss options..
S1 E19 · Mon, April 13, 2020
What are the intended and un-intended consequences of the lockdown extension in South Africa? The COVID 19 is shutting down the world, and at what cost? Gerald and Aubrey Masango discuss these points minutes after a Presidential address by President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa extending the lockdown on day 14 of an initial 21. Lockdown now 35 Days.
S1 E6 · Thu, April 09, 2020
MR G on Metro Fm discussing downgrade
S3 E5 · Sun, April 05, 2020
Bertha Charuma and Gerald Mwandiambira talk Bitcoin and beyond.
Trailer · Tue, March 31, 2020