The OrganizedPreneur's Podcast Launchpad

039 The 3 Ts of Stewardship Talent


January 17, 2023 10:00am


Jesus taught that we must use our gifts wisely. Most of you on the call are quite familiar with the parables of the talents.

One of the lessons is that we must use our talents and abilities, as well as our wealth, in God's service. If we do not use our gifts wisely, God will consider us to be wicked and lazy like the third man in the parable.

For the sake of time, I’m providing Scriptural references for you to read and study in your quiet time. There are two familiar passages where Jesus taught about the Parable of the Talents are Matt. 25:14-30, Luke 19:11-27.

But I want to share an experience that really brought home a lesson on stewarding talents.


With the organizedpreneur, you’ll get the right tips, tools, and resources to help simplify your life so you can organize your business with ease. This Podcast is hosted by Aldreama Harper and is dedicated to providing Faith Building strategies for Female Entrepreneurs.
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