Canned Heat Podcast



January 25, 2021 12:00am


Hello Earthlings!  Join me for Episode 6 as I recap Impact's Hard to Kill PPV & our regularly scheduled wrestling programming.  In addition to the weekly roundup I bring you my conversation with the Melo of "Big Starkz Brand," the incomparable Billie Starkz.  You won't want to miss this episode and make sure you keep your eyes on you Miss Starkz as I have no doubt she will be a shooting star across the sky in no time.  AS always, huge shout out to my producer, Lucy Fishwall, for keeping the interviews as crispy as humanly possible. RATE. SUBSCRIBE. REVIEW. UNSUBSCRIBE. RESUBSCRIBE. RERATE. REREVIEW. You can always reach me at (513) 580-7273

Next week I will be bringing you the Royal Rumble Review Extravaganza!  You won't want to miss that either :) Talk to you soon!

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