A satire based wrestling podcast where you can expect to get a little bit of everything.
S1 E11 · Mon, March 01, 2021
Good Morning IWC! Join me for Episode 11 as I bring you three of my favorite interviews from the first 10 episodes of the Canned Heat Podcast. I replay my favorites with Delmi Exo, Billie Starkz & Laynie Luck. No recap this week as my busy schedule disallowed me to be fully caught up in the week that was in pro wrestling. Next week I will return for our regularly scheduled programming and discuss AEW REVOLUTION! As always, the number to call in is (513) 580-7273 #wrestlemania #wrestling #aew #aewdynamite #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwenxt #impactwrestling #ringofhonor #podcast #zeloprowrestling www.cannedheatpodcast.com
S1 E10 · Mon, February 22, 2021
Good Morning IWC! Join me for Episode 10 as I discuss the week that was in wrestling. In addition to the weekly roundup I give you a few opinions on some storylines and general goings-on AND I bring you an extended Elimination Chamber Recap with the the incomparable V.A. Bennett. As always, call in at (513) 580-7273. #eliminationchamber #wrestling #aew #aewdynamite #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwenxt #impactwrestling #ringofhonor #podcast www.cannedheatpodcast.com
S1 E9 · Mon, February 15, 2021
Hello Internet Wrestling Community! Join me for Episode 9 as I discuss the week that was in wrestling. In addition to the weekly roundup I give you a few opinions on some storylines and general goings-on AND I bring you my recap and review of NXT Takeover: Vengeance Day! As always, you can call in at (513) 580-7273. NOTE: No Impact opinions this episode - I didn't get a chance to watch the episode so I didn't want to do a disservice. Hopefully I will be bringing an all Impact bonus episode later this week! #wrestling #aew #aewdynamite #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwenxt #impactwrestling #ringofhonor #podcast #wrestlemania www.cannedheatpodcast.com
S1 E8 · Mon, February 08, 2021
Hello Planet Earth! Join me for Episode 8 as I discuss the week that was in wrestling. In addition to the weekly roundup I give you a few opinions on some storylines and general goings-on AND I bring you my conversation with THE TOO TURNT PARTY UNICORN - LAYNIE LUCK! As always, you can call in at (513) 580-7273. Note: The interview was conducted via phone while both of us were trying to jam this in a couple of busy schedules - my producer Lucy Fishwall did her absolute best to bring you this interview uncut and as clear as possible. Cut her some slack as I keep her VERY busy with my shenanigans. #wrestling #aew #aewdynamite #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwenxt #impactwrestling #ringofhonor #podcast #royalrumble #zeloprowrestling #laynieluck www.cannedheatpodcast.com
S1 E7 · Mon, February 01, 2021
Hello Planet Earth! Join me for Episode 7 as I discuss the week that was in wrestling. In addition to the weekly roundup I give you a few opinions on some storylines and general goings-on AND I bring you an extended Royal Rumble Recap with the the incomparable V.A. Bennett. As always, call in at (513) 580-7273. Weekly Round-up: @2:20 Listener Voicemail: @16:20 Royal Rumble Recap: @22:14 #wrestling #aew #aewdynamite #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwenxt #impactwrestling #ringofhonor #podcast #royalrumble www.cannedheatpodcast.com
S1 E6 · Mon, January 25, 2021
Hello Earthlings! Join me for Episode 6 as I recap Impact's Hard to Kill PPV & our regularly scheduled wrestling programming. In addition to the weekly roundup I bring you my conversation with the Melo of "Big Starkz Brand," the incomparable Billie Starkz. You won't want to miss this episode and make sure you keep your eyes on you Miss Starkz as I have no doubt she will be a shooting star across the sky in no time. AS always, huge shout out to my producer, Lucy Fishwall, for keeping the interviews as crispy as humanly possible. RATE. SUBSCRIBE. REVIEW. UNSUBSCRIBE. RESUBSCRIBE. RERATE. REREVIEW. You can always reach me at (513) 580-7273 Next week I will be bringing you the Royal Rumble Review Extravaganza! You won't want to miss that either :) Talk to you soon! #wrestling #aew #aewdynamite #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwenxt #impactwrestling #ringofhonor #podcast #billiestarkz #bigstarkzbrand www.cannedheatpodcast.com
S1 E5 · Mon, January 18, 2021
Hello Planet Earth! Join me for Episode 5 as I discuss the week that was in wrestling. In addition to the weekly roundup I give you a few opinions on some storylines and general goings-on AND I bring you my conversation with the phenomenal MOUSE. We discuss how he got his start picking up a camera, his daughter being a wrestler and the creation of his brand. As always, call in at (513) 580-7273. My producer, Lucy Fishwall, is working extremely hard at getting everything to sound great and seamless so big shout out to her! #wrestling #aew #aewdynamite #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwenxt #impactwrestling #ringofhonor #podcast www.cannedheatpodcast.com
S1 E4 · Mon, January 11, 2021
Hello Earthlings! Join me for Episode 4 as I recap Wrestle Kingdom 15 & our regularly scheduled wrestling programming. In addition to the weekly roundup I give you a few opinions on Goldberg's return, Roman Reigns/Adam Pearce storyline & the mutual parting of ways between Marty Scurll and Ring of Honor. *a la the rock* FINALLY, THE INTERVIEWS HAVE COME BACK TO THE CANNED HEAT PODCAST! That's right, this week I have on Delmi Exo of Team Sea Stars for a fun and poignant conversation regarding her background, what it's like to work with her sister AND we play a fun game of Delmi Exo or Ashley Vox! As always, call in at (513) 580-7273. My producer, Lucy Fishwall, is working extremely hard at getting everything to sound great and seamless so big shout out to her! #wrestling #aew #aewdynamite #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwenxt #impactwrestling #ringofhonor #podcast #limitlesswrestling #teamseastars www.cannedheatpodcast.com
S1 E3 · Mon, January 04, 2021
What a year 2020 was! Saddle up for this rag-tag recap and rewards show with my good buddy, V.A. Bennett. Host of the podcast, "V.A. Knows a Lot of People," this seasoned wrestling fan brings a freshly squeezed take to the proceedings. The interviews will resume next week with Delmi Exo of Team Sea Stars. As always, call in at (513) 580-7273. My producer, Lucy Fishwall, is working extremely hard at getting everything to sound great and seamless so big shout out to her! #wrestling #aew #aewdynamite #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwenxt #impactwrestling #ringofhonor #podcast
S1 E2 · Mon, December 28, 2020
I recap the week of TLC, hot takes, mourn and pay tribute to Jon Huber (AKA Brodie Lee, FKA Luke Harper) with the help of my buddy V.A. Bennett. I also interview Vicious Vicki and take a couple of your calls! Kenneth Copiski (unfortunately) makes another appearance. www.cannedheatpodcast.com Twitter: Canned Heat Podcast (@CannedHeatPod) / Twitter Instagram: Canned Heat Podcast (@cannedheatpodcast) • Instagram photos and videos #wrestling #wwe #aew #impact #ringofhonor
S1 E1 · Fri, December 18, 2020
Greetings Earthlings! I'm so humbled and excited to bring you Episode 1 of Canned Heat Podcast. In this episode I give you a quick rundown of this week in wrestling, a few unsolicited opinions, I play a rather angry voicemail from a listener and FINALLY get a chance to speak with ProWrestling's Darkest Hour... MOTHER ENDLESS! This is just the beginning for CHP, there are a lot of great interviews and other fun things in the works. Also, take it easy on my producer, Lucy Fishwall - Covid makes everything a little more difficult!