Canned Heat Podcast

Episode 4 - Delmi Exo of "Team Sea Stars"


January 11, 2021 12:00am


Hello Earthlings!  Join me for Episode 4 as I recap Wrestle Kingdom 15 & our regularly scheduled wrestling programming.  In addition to the weekly roundup I give you a few opinions on Goldberg's return, Roman Reigns/Adam Pearce storyline & the mutual parting of ways between Marty Scurll and Ring of Honor.  *a la the rock* FINALLY, THE INTERVIEWS HAVE COME BACK TO THE CANNED HEAT PODCAST!  That's right, this week I have on Delmi Exo of Team Sea Stars for a fun and poignant conversation regarding her background, what it's like to work with her sister AND we play a fun game of Delmi Exo or Ashley Vox!  As always, call in at (513) 580-7273.  My producer, Lucy Fishwall, is working extremely hard at getting everything to sound great and seamless so big shout out to her!

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