➣ Health for Fitness Podcast (all platforms) https://healthforfitness.podcastpage.io/➣ Youtube Channel:https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ Instagram: @hmaewalshHi, My name is Heather. My mission is to help 1 million people simplify their health and wellness without losing their mind through strategies, frameworks, and advice for busy people. If you've been dieting on and off for years, have a million things going on, and just never seem to get it to stick long term - this is for you. Anybody can be healthy, I've proven it...
Mon, February 03, 2025
Send us a text ✅ The Supplements Mentioned (All third party tested, NSF Certified)** - **Creatine** (performance, recovery, brain function). - https://s.thorne.com/CRSRx - **Caffeine** (energy, focus, endurance) - https://s.thorne.com/kI4DJ - **Whey Protein** (if you struggle to hit protein intake). - https://s.thorne.com/emFVt - **Omega-3s** (for brain, heart, & joint health). - https://s.thorne.com/cfP6Q - **Magnesium** (for sleep, stress, & recovery). - https://s.thorne.com/oSHVT - **Vitamin D + K2** (for bone & immune health). - https://s.thorne.com/cdcOL - **Probiotics** (for gut health & immunity). - https://s.thorne.com/XDzMc - **Multivitamin** (for overall nutrient support). - https://s.thorne.com/S0qS2 Episode Citations 1. Creatine – Performance, Muscle Retention & Brain Health Kreider, R. B. et al. (2017). "International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine." 🔗 https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-017-0173-z 2. Caffeine – Energy, Focus & Performance Booster Grgic, J. et al. (2020). "Caffeine ingestion enhances exercise performance: A meta-analysis." British Journal of Sports Medicine. 🔗 https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2020/03/06/bjsports-2019-101765 3. Whey Protein – Muscle Growth & Fat Loss Hulmi, J. J. et al. (2010). "Effect of protein/essential amino acids and resistance training on skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A case for whey protein." The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 🔗 https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/92/5/1080/4597392 4. Omega-3 (DHA & EPA) – Brain, Joints & Inflammation Support Calder, P. C. (2018). "Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory processes: Nutrition or pharmacology?" 🔗 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6130902/ 5. Magnesium Bisglycinate – Sleep & Stress Management Abbasi, B. et al. (2012). "The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial." Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 🔗 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1756464612002466 6. Vitamin D + K2 – Bone & Immune Health Holick, M. F. (2007). "Vitamin D deficiency." New England Journal of Medicine. 🔗 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2687140/ 7. Probiotics – Gut Health, Digestion & Immunity Ouwehand, A. C. (2018). "A review of gut microbiota and its impact on obesity and metabolic disorders." Journal of Functional Foods. 🔗 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6359935/ 8. Multivitamin – Nutrient Insurance for Deficiencies Gaziano, J. M. et al. (2012). "Multivitamins in the prevention of cancer in men: The Physicians' Health Study II rand
Mon, January 27, 2025
Send us a text Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Mon, January 20, 2025
Send us a text Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Thu, January 02, 2025
Send us a text Hello, beautiful people and welcome back to the show. Look, don't shoot the messenger on this one. I am not here to call you out. I have just seen this year after year and I am sick and tired of it. I am so sick and tired of it. I'm going to give you the most common themes. I see across all resolutions, all clients, all backgrounds, but the most common underlying issues with the resolutions and how they tend to pop up and If you can get ahead of them and address them ahead of time and maybe your own resolutions or your own goals for this year. Ideally, that's all we're doing is we're making it easier and we're making it more efficient for you to get where you want to be. Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Mon, January 01, 2024
Send us a text Today we answer the questions: - How much do I eat? (With or without tracking) - What do I drink? - When do I stop eating? - Can I drink alcohol? And, you'll leave with several action steps to get started on 2024 and beyond. Partial Transcript: today we are back in the new years revolution series, we are revolutionizing the way you do new years, and we're making sure that you never have to have a generic new year's resolution that ends in February every single year. And we're back at it the next ever, ever again. They're really two questions. When someone comes and they say, you know, I want to lose weight or whatever. First one is what do I eat? And the second one is how much do I eat? Today, we are going to focus on the, how much, and it's going to steer you in the right direction anyway, but we will focus on what you are eating as well. That is just as important. And we will go into that as the series goes on. Today talking about how much you eat. We're going to split it up into two possibilities, essentially. If you are tracking your food and if you are not tracking your food, and if you have no idea what that means, you are not tracking your food and that's okay. Tracking your food is something that I actually used to start nearly every single client on, like, unless they told me that it really stresses them out or it really just doesn't work for them. Or the technology thing is just like way too much. I started almost everyone there and I don't necessarily think that that's wrong. I think I'm now just more experienced and able to see that it's just not going to be a long-term solution for a lot of people. So I basically try to mash them together the best I can in the beginning to make sure I really understand what they're eating and we can make improvements. However. The older I've gotten. You have to remember. So when I started taking clients, we started the gym. I was still a senior in college. I was an idiot I was 20, 21. Yeah. 21. So this is not. Uh, wisdom filled human being that we're talking about when I started this and as I've gotten older and life has gotten more stressful and more real. And we went through the pandemic with the gym and I've just had times where I really understood. Fitness being on the back burner and like, couldn't even imagine trying to fit a workout into my day. Like I get it and I don't think I fully got it before. But for the past couple of years, I found that most people transition out of tracking towards the end and we make, and us making sure that that transition goes smoothly is really kind of the end of their journey with me. And then I graduate them, quote, unquote. When you're listening to kind of both ends of this, I don't want you to think, o
Mon, December 18, 2023
Send us a text Throw out your resolution , it's time for a revolution on the way we approach New Years. Subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts (FREE) and turn on notifications. We'll be here every Monday morning to walk you through your new year, new routine. We suggest listening to episodes the day they come out to stay on track! If you have failed resolutions in the past. You don't have mountains of effort to give to these things. You're tired of giving up and starting again . This is for you. New year's resolutions. I swear to God are designed to make people gain weight in the end. And I'm going to walk you through how you're going to set up your new year so that you can still get excited about your health. You can still make a change, but you'll be setting up permanent change rather than focusing on individual actions, we're going to focus on setting up for change. So this is the first part of your new year series. There will be one each week. We are going to set up all of the aspects of your life, your habits, your surroundings, your bedroom, your sleep, all of those different things. And we're going to make sure that you don't have to ever. Have a new year's resolution ever again. So let's dive into it for those of you who are new here. I know some people are joining us for this series specifically. I have been a nutritionist for six plus years. At this point, I've helped hundreds of people sustain long-term weight loss. I know what sticks. I know what drives people nuts. And I know what is realistic advice and what is going to go in one ear and out the other. So we're going to stick with things that actually make sense and that I've seen work over and over. Today is all about making the thing easier before we even start the thing. Right? So if your thing is just eating better, if it is losing weight, whatever it is today, we're going to set you up to succeed. And we're going to talk a lot about what that means. Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Mon, December 04, 2023
Send us a text Hello Everybody! This Q+A was recorded previously - I'm sick and sounding like the cookie monster as far as acoustics go, so you're welcome basically. (adore you all thank you for your patience!!) Partial Transcript: This week, rather than doing a one set topic type episode, I thought that I would go through and answer some of the questions from previous Instagram Q and A's, versions of questions that I tend to see a lot, things like that. So let's get going. First question I have, I don't want to get bulky. I know, I know, but I'm dealing with some body image issues. How can I get stronger without putting on unwanted muscle? Okay. Let's imagine that you got your license at 16, right? And you drove for like a year and you're driving and you have your license and that's great. And all of a sudden you're accidentally a NASCAR driver. That's sort of what you're thinking is going to happen. And I know that sounds a little condescending, but please let me explain. You as a natural born woman, you're not going to bulk up. That's really unfortunately not how it works. So, or fortunately for you. So the good thing for you here is that strength is not based on muscle. It's neural. All that means is that big muscles don't Equate to being strong and small muscles don't equate to being weak. It sounds like you want to start lifting weights. It sounds like you're just afraid that you'll accidentally put on too much mass. And I don't want to invalidate that because that's valid. Like you're allowed to look however you want. So it's not wrong to say that, but Luckily strength is a neural adaptation, so it's central nervous system based and it's going to come from adaptations that happen not due to your muscle size. If you kind of want to know what I'm talking about, go look up the lightest weight classes, especially in like Chinese lifters. They start so, so young. That they kind of develop through the weightlifting system and a lot of them stay relatively light and they're really small. Like you would walk past them in a grocery store in the lightest weight classes, and you would never know that these people are some of like the strongest, most athletic people on the planet look that up and you'll kind of start to see that, yeah, these people are throwing hundreds and hundreds of pounds over their head, but they're like 120 pounds. How is that possible? And it's possible because their goal and their sort of objective within their training is not to put on muscle. It's to get as strong as possible. And those are different. So if you need a more relatable example, when I was the strongest I've been in my life, I had less muscle mass than I do right now. Now, I would say I probably squat close to 30 to 40 pounds less than I used to. And I have more muscle mass now. Then I did when I
Sun, November 26, 2023
Send us a text Habit Calendar PDF (FREE) file:///Users/heatherwalsh/Downloads/Pg.8NewYrsChllnge(Habit%20Calendar).pdf Partial Transcript: So if your past Thanksgiving did not go perfectly, according to your health and fitness plans, we are going to sort through today. We're going to talk about why these things happen. Each of the characters that tend to come into play and sort of how we can take these experiences and prepare for next year and the holidays to come for the rest of the holiday season. I want you to bring yourself back to the scene of the crime. You're sitting at the Thanksgiving table. You look around. Let's start with the aunt that has been on a diet since she was two years old. This could be the Allmand mom of the group. If you will. This is the person that is not only always on a diet. They're also telling you about it and they're weirdly making you feel kind of shitty for eating like a normal person, even though, you know, they're crazy. Let's start with that character at the table. This person is the best possible example of one of the extreme ends of the spectrum. We'll talk about today. The almond ONT is the representation of overthinking. This is the person that dessert is put on the table and you can't help, but notice they've literally only stared at it, but they haven't taken any and they're staring at yours and they're staring at, and it's like, everyone's food is so their business. That person did not just wake up one day and decide to be a Dick. Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Mon, November 20, 2023
Send us a text These are the things I see go wrong most commonly with my clients who have 1-2 years of health and fitness experience. They've come a long way, but they're not quite where they'd like to be. For beginner mistakes, start with THIS EPISODE Partial Transcript: A lot of the time, it is the more common explanation being, you get close enough to your goals and you sort of get comfy because you're much more comfortable than you were before when you were farther away. I think that accounts for a lot of it, I don't want to dismiss that. I also think there's a massive component that we sort of ignore that. What gets you from point a to point B. You're at point B now. It's not the same thing. That's going to get you to point C. It's a massive misunderstanding. We can talk about this sort of two ways. I want to talk about it logistically and then sort of just conceptually as well. Like literally, what does that even look like? First, if you think about weight loss from a caloric perspective, when you lose weight. You eat less calories, you lose weight. A lot of people look at these calories as their weight loss calories, call it. Those aren't your weight loss calories. In a simplified way, your really getting to a new maintenance of just a different weight when you're doing that. So if you're cutting calories, it's because you're trying to get to a point where you're eating for the body that maintains at a lower weight. When we get to that lower weight, but it's not the weight we ultimately want. And weight could be anything. In this instance, it could be your back squat PR. It could be anything when we get close, but not where we want to be. . . . . . Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Mon, November 13, 2023
Send us a text * AUDIO IS UNCLEAR AT CERTAIN SEGMENTS - WE APOLOGIZE! Guest Today: Rob Migliaccio Running list of best Health + Fitness Black Friday Deals Here! Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Sun, November 05, 2023
Send us a text SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW FOR THE NEW YEARS (FREE) SERIES Leave a review if I've helped simplify health and fitness for you in any way, or share the show if you feel it would help others - I truly, truly appreciate it. Partial Transcript: I'm going to tell you five things that I'm going to stick to this week. Despite feeling like I just want to go to bed. Like I'm not mad. I'm not upset. Like nothing's wrong. Like, I'm just fucking tired Hello, beautiful people. And welcome back to the =show==. Today's episode is going to be a little bit different. So I want to start by saying that I've been encouraged by those close to me. She'd be more vulnerable on the social media. And I do agree. I don't share a lot of the struggle, the business background stuff, like the like massive failures I have all of the time. You know, it's not, I'm not a person that owns a multi-billion dollar brand. I'm not a person that has broken world records. I'm not a person that has done anything and I'm not discrediting myself here like objectively. I am not a person that has done something extra, extra extraordinary. I don't necessarily feel like I need to share my struggle because it's like, I don't know. I feel almost that I had to believe that that's reserved for people that their lives almost appear like two dope I don't know. I think it's still good to be vulnerable. I think that if anybody gets anything out of what I have to say or feels like they can relate to it in some way it's worth it. So I don't really know why. I struggle with it. This is my first attempt. I am burned out to shit right now. So I thought, why not record a podcast episode about it? Cause when better. Then when I'm completely over it. I want to talk about burnout. What that kind of means when I say burnout, because I think burnout is different for everybody. I'm just going to talk you through how I tend to deal with burnout and some of the things that I do to kind of trick myself into feeling better. Nothing is wrong and everything is good by the way. Like, I don't want anybody to think that anything is going on that's big or like looming doom and glooming. It's not that at all. I have just been working a lot of hours. I'm just dealing with a lot of random business, dumb things that pop up and go wrong. It's just a lot of moving parts. As the business kind of grows and expands, which I'm so, so grateful for because they feel like it was so not the case for so long. I would have begged for these problems before. It took us this long to grow. The business, because we were so bad at business. And it's honestly a miracle that we made it through the pandemic. We made it by the skin of our teeth and that was a huge accomplishment, but it was, we just l
Sun, October 29, 2023
Send us a text If you're wondering why your results are as random as your workouts, let's chat. Today we'll review examples of specific exercises to create: - the illusion of a smaller waist - a rounder butt - a bigger butt / more developed glutes - More lift under your butt - Back of the arms "batwings" - Getting the "two lines on her stomach * points aggressively * !" - Diet strategies to compliment each of the above This is to ANSWER COMMON QUESTIONS. You do not have to want these things, nor should you give a sht if other people do or don't. Take it or leave it my friends. Bands Mentioned: Glute Bands (on sale at time of posting, under $10) Resistance Bands ($15.99 at time of posting) Partial Transcript: Oh, and also like add body weight to your search. If you don't have any equipment, it will just come up with things that you don't need equipment for. And they're usually also like, Targeted for at-home exercising. So they usually the popular ones won't take up a ton of space either, which is really helpful. Let's talk about the food side. Revealing muscle versus just having less fat is something that I see all the time. And it sucks. It's just when it happens so bad. So. Revealing muscle means you lost weight. You were in a calorie deficit, but you maintained your protein intake and you were resistance training. In some capacity, you reveal a muscle base, which is what everyone wants when they say they want to tone. So. The other side of this. You are dieting in a calorie deficit everything's magical and wonderful and you're losing weight and you're finally, yay. We're really close. What the fuck? Where are my abs? That feeling sucks so badly that I want to explain to you why it happens so that it never happens to you. When you are leaning out or losing fat. There has to be something underneath that fat to reveal. If you want a shape difference. That's not so fun. If you have never worked out before and you just lose a bunch of weight, your not going to look toned and have that muscle definition, because you've never built it before you kind of cut down. That doesn't mean you have to do like a bulking phase, by the way. That's not what that means. What it does mean is that you don't necessarily want to just lose as much fat as possible and exercise as much as possible to just get a result. Like you can very strategically aim for something and progress your way there. And that sounds, I think, basic in the. Topics that I go through on this show, but it really, I think is misunderstood. Like you have to have the correct inputs to create certain outputs, but on the flip side of that, just starting in perfectly is still better than not starting. Cause you're also goin
Sun, October 22, 2023
Send us a text The episode is also on youtube, I'd love your (constructive and kindly worded) thoughts! Partial Transcript: We are going to talk about something that is a little bit controversial. And my opinion on it is also controversial. Shocking. I know. I know you guys don't come here for the vanilla bullshit, but we're going to get into it today. So. Before we start. I want to say that everything I say today, Is meant to empower you. It is not meant to make you feel less than it is not meant to make you feel like you are stuck where you are, and it is not meant to tell you how to feel about yourself. What it is meant to do is empower you, despite certain things that are set in certain narratives that I think are very, very common right now. And these thoughts that I think a lot of people are having, they won't say out loud. So I'm going to say them out loud.. They do not want to tell people that they think these things or feel this way or whatever it is. And yet so many people because of my job position are coming to me with these things. It's not uncommon at this point and it needs to be addressed. So we're going to dive into it today, body positivity. We're in talking about weight loss and how those two things play into one another. Are they mutually exclusive? Do you have to either love yourself or lose weight? Can you do both? Can you not do both? Why or why not? All of these things are all of the arguments that you hear, but body positivity, I think. As a movement. Was very good intentioned and like most movements. The second it got extreme shit. Stop making sense. Body positivity. What even is it? What are we talking about? Body positivity as listed by Wikipedia. Body positivity is a social movement focused on the acceptance of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, tone, gender, and physical abilities. While challenging present day beauty standards as an undesirable social construct. That is what body positivity. Is according to the interwebs. Body positivity to me. Has become. A lot of other things. That is not that let's first talk about this idea of radical self-love because I think it's important. A lot of people walk around hating themselves. And that isn't good either. So how do we deal with the balance of this? As far as evidence goes... Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Sat, October 21, 2023
Send us a text The official ad + trailer of The Health for Fitness Podcast hosted by Heather Mae Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Sun, October 15, 2023
Send us a text In this episode, we cover how much cardio is too much cardio and how it can impact your progress. If any of my episodes have helped you, please leave a review! Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Sun, October 08, 2023
Send us a text linktr.ee/hmaewalsh Partial Transcript: Hello, beautiful people. And welcome back to the show. Today. I want to go through my top do's and don'ts in general for health, fitness, wellness all around. So these are going to hopefully apply to most, if not all of you. So. I don't want to waste any of your time. Let's get right into it. The first thing, and I see this all the fucking time. I see this more often than probably anything else on this list. 10 times over. Don't. Overhaul. There is no reason that you were going to wake up tomorrow. And to live a completely different life. The one you've currently had set up. There's no reason that all of a sudden you're going to be this person that wakes up at 5:00 AM and only eats lettuce. And does this and bow and all of the things that you would already set into place like your family and your job and all of these things that you have set up in your life. Those can not all be overhauled all at once and you expect to sustain it. That is a great way to just kind of feel like you failed, even if you didn't. I beg of you to stop trying to change everything at once this overhaul everything, I'm going to be a completely new person tomorrow, nothing from my previous life. Like that person is dead. It's, it's just not sustainable. Like there's a reason your life is set up the way it is. It's a series of habits and preferences and all of these things, and you're not going to suddenly have none of those habits or preferences and trying to go against all of them at once. Oh, it doesn't go so well. Instead, I always recommend small tweaks. Look at your life. Look at everything you do day to day. Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Sun, October 01, 2023
Send us a text Socials + Links: Scroll to bottom Partial Transcript: Hello, beautiful people. And welcome back to the show today. We are going to talk about fat loss, maintenance, muscle gain body. Recomposition all of these crazy terms that everyone throws around. And I don't really think that there's much explanation on the basics anymore. And I don't really know why I'm seeing that trend to maybe it's. I mean, algorithms are so weird. Maybe I'm seeing something different, but I'm seeing so many common questions under the videos on complex topics. That are very foundational. And I think that sometimes revisiting the foundations, if you think about who's making content in any industry anybody that is somewhat of an expert or has built a following because of their knowledge on something. That person is in that. Bubble. Every single day. They're only thinking about those things for as long as you think about whatever you work with, whatever you do day to day, whether you have kids and that's that's your life or your job is to manage a bunch of other people. And that takes up all your time. You're doing that thing for the bulk of your hours when you are in, for example, the fitness bubble that I live in. In the fitness bubble, we use ridiculous vernacular and all of these weird words to describe things. And there's different names for the same movements and all of those things, nobody would ever fucking know. Why would you know that I spend all day doing this? So of course I know those things, what happens is the people making the content, are those people living in the bubbles and the bubble, you forget that the basics in your bubble are not the basics and other people's bubbles. What I really want to do with this is get down to the basics to make sure you understand about these things. Not so much exactly what they are, but really how they apply and what they actually look like in practice. And what if this, and what if that, that's what I want to get into with these things, because I think these terms are thrown around and oftentimes misunderstood or misinterpreted, and it can lead you to just not doing the right things. And nobody wants to make mistakes when they're on any sort of like fat. Loss journey or fitness journey wasting time is wasting time. So I'm going to try to not waste any more of yours. Let's get right into it. Let's start with calorie deficit versus, you know, clean, eating, all of that good stuff. This is a ridiculous argument. Because to say that one is the most important. Is. Uh, a massive oversimplification. In any way you spin it and you see people that have like very, very influential platforms like preaching that calories are the only thing that matters and sour patch kids for dinner. And I FYM. Or it's like the complete opposite end of the spectrum, like test your blood sugar e
Mon, September 25, 2023
Send us a text Rob's Twitter: https://x.com/rjmigliaccioiii?s=21&t=UZXAAZe_TjtHB_l6R83x8Q Patreon Podcast Offer: patreon.com/hmaewalsh Partial Transcript: Hello, beautiful people. And welcome back to the show. First, I want to give you an offer that I am posting nowhere else. I have sort of gathered all of the nutrition resources from everything I've ever made. Um, which is a lot between the gym and my own nutrition work and everything that I've done with 23 hour health. Um, there's a shit ton of these like cheat sheet, grocery lists, sample meal plan type things. And I put them all on Patrion. So that link will be in the description of the episode. There is a special offer for just you guys. Um, there is only a few of them available. You will see it. It's very obvious. It's the first pricing tier do not pay for the more expensive one. I repeat, do not pay for the more expensive one there's a cheaper one. Do that one. So today we're talking about strength. We're going to go into what that means. I want to welcome Robert to the show. Hello, Rob. Hello? Hello? Hello. We are going to get right into it. What is strength and what does that mean for most people? . Does being muscular mean being strong. I mean it doesn't. Not mean that, but it doesn't. It does not the same. Right. . How strong does the average person need to be like, and how do they actually compare where they're at? Like, it's probably not safe for everyone to go, just test their one rep max back squat. So how do you know if you're strong enough? What does that mean for the average person who wants to be very functional in their day-to-day life? Oh, there, you have to figure out what is strength, I mean, it's the ability to create force, and force. Is what in lifestyle and every day for the average parent, what is that? . You need to be stronger than the forces that you experienced in your everyday life. So, I mean, If you trip and fall, you need to be stronger than it takes to stand back up. You should probably be strong enough that lifting the groceries and the big bag of dog food is not something you need a warm up for. She'd be like a relatively low percentage of your strength to get something from the ground to your ways your, from the ground to your shoulder, like. That that's why you would train, strengthened me on top of that. People experience a lot of pain when they're not strong because they used. Musculature, they use patterns that are not literally not stronger than gravity or not stronger than the object that they're trying to do. The other thing is just, you know, people living a life that doesn't make them stronger on a long enough time horizon. People get hurt and you get hurt living a regular life because you are, you're not stronger than the stuff you're asking your body to do. The number of people who get hurt shoveling because. How
Sun, September 17, 2023
Send us a text This is one of my favorite episodes. I walk you through an exercise I do with 99% of my clients that maps out success into easy action steps for good times and bad. If you enjoy the episode, I do not advertise - PLEASE LEAVE A RATING OR REVIEW ❤️ Instagram: @hmaewalsh PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT:Hello beautiful people and welcome back to the show today. I am going to hand you the keys to success And that is a promise i'm going to deliver on I really am going to hand you the key to your own success in your health and wellness journey so success, what is success? In your everyday routine when you're at home and you can go play. grocery shopping and all of those other things is not going to look the same as what success looks like on vacation, where you can't weigh or measure your food. If you're tracking macros or you may not have control over every single meal, what does success look like in that circumstance? The first failure that always seems to stop people is defining success as one thing. And it's success is completely circumstantial because we're circumstantial as humans, right? With our resources we have available at the time we have available with whatever. So the first thing I want you to do is take a second and think about What is success at home look like? Does that mean that you had protein at every meal? Does it mean you drank water? Does it mean you went for your walk that day? Does it mean you got your workout in? What is the list of things that when you finish the day, if you did those things, you're like, that was a great day. That was a very successful day in the pursuit of my best self. Figure those things out. Once you have that list, that is going to be your framework. So, say you're going on vacation, right? What we're going to do is we're going to take our original list and you're going to circle things that you absolutely can get done without ruining your experience. For example, drinking enough water. That isn't going to inhibit your vacation, you're not going to miss out on anything, that's a non negotiable. Circle it. Go through the list, find every non negotiable that you can reasonably stick to in any circumstance. So, craziest of the crazy, you can drink enough water, circle it. Cool. Now we have our absolute non negotiable list. You're going to put this in a note in your phone. You're going to put this in a note on your desk, on your mirror, wherever you will see it, and you will add to it. This is the start of your success list, which we're going to get into in a little bit. These things are your new bare minimum. These are the things that you have to do every single day because it's simply what you do. There's no more questioning it, there's no more decisions. How I want you to get this done is I want you to stack it on to
Fri, August 25, 2023
Send us a text *Sorry for the weird pause at the beginning, intro music did not load! Do you overthink your health routine? This one's for you. I'm hoping that by the end of this, you feel a little bit better and you also feel like you can weigh yourself and understand it and not just have that panicky feeling. Cause I think that comes from really not knowing what it means and the fear that obviously it can never be undone or I, once I gained weight, it's so hard to lose it. There's a million things and they're all valid. So basically your weight is a culmination of everything that's going on, right? It's everything that has entered and inflamed and hydrated or dehydrated or any other process, your body in the past 24 ish hours. Most of the things that affect your weight day to day are not fat or muscle or fat loss or anything like that. That's really hard to come to terms with when weight is such an accurate predictor over time for fat loss, we all look at our weight over time. Like, did we lose weight? And that makes sense, because over time it is a decent measure of body fat because you're not going to lose, , 150 pounds of heart mass. That's not really how it goes. So. there's a few big things that I think really affect your weight. That maybe if you can pay attention to them, you can kind of understand if the skill spikes one day, why that may be. So first thing, salt, if you have a super salty meal and you're not adequately hydrated, your body's goal is essentially to maintain a balance of salt and water, and that's going to affect how viscous your blood is. There's a certain level that your body wants to keep it at, right? So we need a good balance of both. When one of those levels gets too high, AKA. K you have a super salty meal. You don't drink enough water. You're not hydrated going into it, whatever it is. That's when we can see that like puffiness in the morning, we might feel a little bit bloated, whatever it may be. Your body's holding onto a little bit more water in order to make that ratio of salt to water, more efficient for your blood flow. Pretty important, right? It doesn't really care that you're on a diet and you're going to be sad about what the scale says. Instagram: @hmaewalsh Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Sat, June 17, 2023
Send us a text www.23hourhealth.com for your free personalized macro + calorie calculation. instagram: @hmaewalsh Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
Mon, May 08, 2023
Send us a text Get your macro + calorie intake estimate for free below: www.23hourhealth.com/calorie-calculator/ Instagram: @hmaewalsh @23hourhealth Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S2 E22 · Sun, January 30, 2022
Send us a text Follow My Amazon StoreFront to be notified of Fitness Deals: www.amazon.com/shop/hmaewalsh APPAREL + PROGRAM: https://norwottuck-online.myshopify.com/ Norwottuck Online Workout Program: Norwottuckonline.com Instagram: @norwottuckonline Online Group Program: $27.00/month, access to coaches, minimal equipment options, track your progress, app for community access: Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh healthforfitness.us Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hmaewalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. *Some links may be affiliate links in which I make a small commission* Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S2 E21 · Tue, December 21, 2021
Send us a text APPAREL + PROGRAM: https://norwottuck-online.myshopify.com/ Norwottuck Online Workout Program: Instagram: @norwottuckonline Online Group Program: $27.00/month, access to coaches, minimal equipment options, track your progress, app for community access: Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh healthforfitness.us Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hmaewalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S2 E20 · Thu, December 02, 2021
Send us a text Norwottuck Online Workout Program: Instagram: @norwottuckonline $27.00/month, access to coaches, minimal equipment options, track your progress, app for community access: https://norwottuck.wodify.com/OnlineSalesPortal/PaymentOptions.aspx?PaymentScheduleTemplateId=307746&IsMobile=True&LocationId=6162&OnlineMembershipId=198028 Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh healthforfitness.us Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hmaewalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E19 · Tue, October 05, 2021
Send us a text https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh Buy My Gym Programming: https://norwottuck.wodify.com/OnlineSalesPortal/PaymentOptions.aspx?PaymentScheduleTemplateId=307746&IsMobile=True&LocationId=6162&OnlineMembershipId=198028 Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh healthforfitness.us Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hmaewalsh Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E18 · Tue, September 21, 2021
Send us a text We are talking all things toxins, cleansing, skinny teas, detoxing, and what to do if you find you are symptomatic and don't know why. Taylor Sappington | Taylored Well Being Taylor's Instagram: https://instagram.com/tayloredwellbeing?utm_medium=copy_link Work with Taylor: https://www.tayloredtransition.com/application1 5 Day Gut Health Freebie: https://www.tayloredtransition.com/5DayFreeyourGut Taylored Talks Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/taylored-talks/id1529278762 https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh @healthforfitnesspodcast healthforfitness.us Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hmaewalsh Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E17 · Tue, September 14, 2021
Send us a text Do you find yourself in an argument (with yourself) every time you get hungry? If so, join as we dive into action steps and the explanation regarding hunger vs. appetite. https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh healthforfitness.us Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hmaewalsh Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E16 · Mon, September 06, 2021
Send us a text Sick of starting Monday? Perfect. How to actually get out of this loop, 101. https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh healthforfitness.us Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hmaewalsh Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E15 · Mon, August 30, 2021
Send us a text In this episode, we dive deep. Talking about Keto, chronic illness, what people are missing in their weight-loss journey, and different stories where all aspects come to life. Adam is the host of "Low Carb Hustle" and "Podcasting Business School." He is a former gym-owner turned business coach who maintains his 100+ lb weight loss through the Keto Protocol. Where to Find Adam: Instagram ( @lowcarbhustle ) ( @podcastingbusinessschool ) Website : www.podcastingbusiness.school Podcasts: (Low Carb Hustle) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-low-carb-hustle-podcast/id1138490044 (Podcasting Business School) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/podcasting-business-school/id1439327697 https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh healthforfitness.us Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hmaewalsh Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E14 · Mon, August 23, 2021
Send us a text * To Enter Giveaway: Share your favorite episode to Instagram, Share my latest IG post to your story, or Leave a Review for the show on Apple Podcasts - If you are on private or your name is not attached please send me a screenshot to ensure you are entered!* Kate's Instagrams: @CFKate @CrossfitterwithSign https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh healthforfitness.us Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hmaewalsh Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E13 · Mon, August 16, 2021
Send us a text "If I want to _______ what kind of coaching do I need?" Find out here! https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh healthforfitness.us Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/hmaewalsh--- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E12 · Mon, August 09, 2021
Send us a text This is for those asking "what if I DON'T want to do things in moderation?" or who have extreme goals. Please note the multiple times that I highlight that near-perfection in your process for extremes will not work for most people. This episode will help you determine the areas you can be more extreme in and also the aspects that may not be as worth it to you. Website: healthforfitness.us https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E11 · Sun, August 01, 2021
Send us a text This episode is a coaching call as opposed to our normal format. My dear friend since I was a kid joins me for a nutrition consult that she agreed to record for these purposes. We go through her journey and she leaves with action steps to pursue here goals. If you like episodes like these, please reach out and we will continue them! https://buymeacoffee.com/heatherwalsh Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E9 · Mon, July 26, 2021
Send us a text If you are going through any sort of routine, it can be overwhelming to keep up with your nutrition and fitness plans. Here we talk about how to avoid spiraling and how you can ensure your vacation is fun, relaxing, and you keep your sh*t together. Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E8 · Wed, July 21, 2021
Send us a text This episode we dive a little deeper than normal, you could say it's even somewhat...serious. There's been a lot that has gone into the past decade to get me to where I am today. Going through the biggest lessons I've learned throughout my journey and what I'm doing to correct those things I was really far off on. Mentions of disordered eating are included, so please look after yourself if that isn't something you should be hearing at the moment. Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E7 · Mon, July 12, 2021
Send us a text In this episode, Heather and Rob tackle the things that most often derail people from reaching their goals. Starting off with more formal questions and leading into a more conversational style interview, this first guest is one for the books. Ever wonder what your coach does differently for professional athletes compared to you? Ever wonder what it's like to open a gym at 23 years old? This range and everything in between is covered right here. Instagram: @NorwottuckCrossfit --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E6 · Mon, July 05, 2021
Send us a text Diving into the basics of gut health, what that even means, what foods support it best, and how you can begin to address any gut-health concerns of your own. Plus, Heather hints at the first ever guest appearance coming next week. Instagram: @hmaewalsh Email List: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Find me on YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSvUIDHKM2wscCU3aGoeCbw --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E5 · Mon, June 28, 2021
Send us a text How many calories should you eat in a day? What is a macro? How do you count them? How do I stick to this shit? Fear not, grab a pen and paper and get ready for the answers. Don't forget to leave a review or share this episode, I may just be buying your coffee for the week :) Mentioned: https://www.precisionnutrition.com/nutrition-calculator https://www.jamessmithacademy.com/macro-calculator/ Instagram: @hmaewalsh Email List: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Find me on YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSvUIDHKM2wscCU3aGoeCbw --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E4 · Mon, June 21, 2021
Send us a text Hormones, fat loss, your cycle, and trying to navigate when all of them collide can be massively overwhelming. Here, we dive into the ins and outs of manipulating your cycle to work FOR you, not against you. Instagram: @hmaewalsh Email List: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Find me on YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSvUIDHKM2wscCU3aGoeCbw Women's Health Resources: Beyond the Pill- Jolene Brighton Period Repair Manual - Laura Briden Hormone Cure - Sara Gottfriend Woman Code - Alissa Vitti No Period, Now What - Nicola Rinaldi Taking Charge of Your Fertility - Toni Weschler --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E3 · Sat, June 19, 2021
Send us a text You are not too good for the basics, I promise you that. Here, we go over the foundation on which you can build your fitness empire. But first, let's talk about just adding some exercise into your life that doesn't make you want to end it all, shall we? Instagram: @hmaewalsh Email List: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Find me on YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSvUIDHKM2wscCU3aGoeCbw --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E2 · Thu, June 17, 2021
Send us a text Do you look for the first possible reason to abort mission the second that you see a glimmer of progress? Buckle up, we're talking about how to undo all the BS narratives you've internalized and giving you some immediate tips and tricks to implement. --- Support this podcast: Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh
S1 E1 · Sat, June 12, 2021
Send us a text ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh In this episode, Heather dives into her reasoning for starting the show. She goes through the ins and outs of fitness when layered on top of having normal responsibilities and vices. Some sarcasm, a few curse words, and good intentions are paving the way for this show. She goes through a few scenarios she sees often as a fitness professional, and why certain approaches tend to leave individuals farther from their goals than when they started. Join the email list: http://eepurl.com/hxxm0L No spam, just nutrition advice, for free. Follow me on Instagram: @hmaewalsh--- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/heather-walsh8/support Support the show ➣ Youtube Channel: https://www.Youtube.com/itshmae ➣ Free Calorie + Macro Calculator: CustomizedWeightLoss.com ➣ Third Party Tested + NSF Certified Supplements: https://www.thorne.com/u/customizedweightloss ➣ I nstagram: @hmaewalsh