Neal O'Carroll spins hilarious offbeat comedy monologues fueled by untethered imagination generic energy drinks and a unique twist on Irish wit and dry humour, with absurd analogies, unexpected laughs around every corner. In the distant far future? In a flying space car perhaps? Feed dilapated? Site gone? Everybody dead? Search on Archive dot org for Into Your Head or Neal from Ireland or Neal O'Carroll to find the permanent archives of Into Your Head.
Wed, March 19, 2025
Neal EXPOSES how motorists are disappearing in a secret holding pattern, MAKES the case for appetisers for a better drip feed regime, EXPLAINS how things that skip generations are never lost, SHOWS how statues of rubber things can demolish boundaries, DEVELOPS a new folding building bricklaying technique in real time, RECALLS a decade watching a boat grow in a driveway and DISCUSSES listener dog segment consumption notes, emergency landings on Street Cleaning Night, life behind your unopend eyelids, mapping a closed fridge, shameful mathematician verbal habits, the condition Boy Scout Neck, the post knot era, wireless charging versus childrearing. an unexpected song from the musicals, rescuing harmonicas, tandem design, brick design, Muppet helmet design, cloning the historic Bray Town Hall McDonalds, selling your regenerated body double, how architects work, helmet design for animal Muppets and more. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit . LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See . INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - Go to . LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of shows on Archive dot org.
Thu, March 06, 2025
Neal offers fresh advice to parents on handling the Boogeyman. explains our primitave plateware to far future listeners, wonders why nobody talks about obelixes, argues against walking to school and discussea the wrong way to arrive at your new school, liquid desserts for visiting dignitaries, growing wheat in city streets, a disappointing school shop, The Hardy Boys and their vehicles, travel logistics on Criminal Minds, iron lungs, Joe Rogan's sensory deprivation tank, Nick Cave's alternative Gladiator II, Naylor's Cove (public baths ruins off Bray Head, County Wicklow), ancient aliens bearing chocolate gifts and more. Book mentioned: To School Through the Fields: An Irish Country Childhood by Alice Taylor. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit . LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See . INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - Go to . LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of shows on Archive dot org.
Tue, February 25, 2025
Neal reveals how ducks prevented him settling in the US, uncovers your treadmill cat's OCD hell, closes in on the surprising identity of the oligarchs of knitting, offers practical advice on self facing voodoo doll feedback loops for your active retirement, remembers The Onion print edition and discusses the sick, sick world of wireless earphones,actuaries and the Mandela Effect, fresh thinking on bus basements, taking too long to choose a hobby, a career in head stitching, Irish folklore's Fionn Mac Cumhaill and the Salmon of Knowledge, the trouble with asking yourself a question, the book I am a Strange Loop by Douglas Hofstadter, the childhood bear hoax, actuary snobbery, pre wired garments, a spontaneous dog, a bootlegging cat, air conditioning versus guns, navigating American multi layered doors, childhood paper rounds on sitcoms and more. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit . LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See . INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - Go to . LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of shows on Archive dot org.
Wed, February 12, 2025
In a packed hour, Neal discusses work life balance in the American Wild West, making Spielberg's Duel (1971) on an even lower budget, unexplained generational gaps in the wasp community, a simple device that could inadvertently cause you to speak in tongues, why we celebrate cistern noises, vomiting for the privileged, a one size fits all argument for reviving dead languages and people, how to outrun a car, Moses baskets, an international standard system for asking strangers how they are, breakfast and tourism in the American wild west, educational podcasts and brown bread, understanding porridge people, recycling body fat, a branding experiment for wrestling producers, the case fpr audio only concert tickets, the first word ever created, arbitrary dictionary sizes, how to choose a page randomly, trouble with learning a word a day, understanding strangers' accents in the Wild West, whiskey in the pre rocks era, saying dog without a tonsillectomy, a childhood doctor doppleganger of veteran newscaster Charles Mitchell, remembering town centres, a Saint Bernard dog, Bob Newhart and 1990s in-flight entertainment, childhood memories purchasing Butcher's tongue, privacy issues in a language laboratory, why kids are shunning earphones on public transport, early 1980s Thomastown in County Kilkenny, lighting the inside of a mouth and more. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit . LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See . INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - Go to . LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of shows on Archive dot org.
Mon, January 27, 2025
Neal recreates some special moments from the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert. advises on talking to adults about your dead arm, wonders if you should add blood to your hydration regime, provides an overview of the human-dog-dinosaur societal overlay structure and discusses wardrobe culture, smalltalk in the information age, standout past wardrobes, a surprising life lesson from Breaking Bad, slow readers, slow watchers, Bill Hicks versus Denis Leary, boxing style weigh-ins for firefighters, George Michael, Robbie Williams, not Robin Williams, rules for calling yourself Robert, why dinosaur burial sites are not sacred, who stands to gain from reclassifying Pluto and Brontosauri, seeing Red Bull for the first time, men on TV swallowing pills, bonsai aliens, Pluto's branding problems, dumb dogs of Disney, cartoons in Andromeda, why the modern dog is a sell out, Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds, how nineties kids navigated their first rave and more. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit . LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See . INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - Go to . LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of fossilised episodes on Archive dot org.
Mon, January 20, 2025
Neal considers insect consumption norms, identifies a new actor level below extras, exposes a town with a landmark brown stain, confuses the movies Stand by Me and Sleepers, remembers TV's greatest sketch show: classic Sesame Street, invents a self policing public toilet cleanliness system and discusses introducing city kids to rivers and creeks, mixed messaging from a Schwartzenegger branded fly, walking school buses, why you incorrectly think you were home schooled, underground toilet memories, anti salt waiters in popular culture, igniting your gas hob with piped fire, geographic limits on warehouse sizes, listener concerns about warehouse toilet hell endorsements, getting to the creek, the Mr Men book and TV franchise, logistics of recording a talking torso, shit creek without a paddle, one person operated motorbikes versus push and pull trains and more. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit . LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See . INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - Go to . LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of shows on Archive dot org.
Tue, January 14, 2025
Neal reinvents the ensuite and consequently food ingredients labelling, evaluates modern prodding techniques, changes your mind about ghost trains and Microsoft Windows Paint, evaluates a possible alternative history of Mars, composes a special experiment for tourist excursion helicoptor pilots, tries to recall the name Andy Kauffman and the song I've Been to Paradise but I've Never Been to Me and disucusses seating arrangements in US classroom dramas, the justfication for third party forewords, passive international election observer dogs, tracking your child's astronomy career, the show TAXI, your mouth’s overflow system, impulse buys for people who like shopping lists, disposable thoughts, sight tests for dogs, a vending machine for soundwaves, monitors in TV emergency wards, latin in medicine and gardening, continuity issues, a virtual armchair and more. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit . LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See . INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - Go to . LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of fossilised episodes on Archive dot org.
S839 E838 · Mon, January 06, 2025
Neal reveals what every flightless bird knows, considers the surprising pros and cons of chopsticks and cutlery, administers a very special listener test, assesses the opportunities for carving pork as a McDonald's customer and discusses demanding more from our fingernails, a trio of Tom Hanks characters, how offices outgrow the alphabet, a land mass with windows, Hitler-related time travel ethics, 2010 as a baseline, advice for HR staff handling the conseqeunces of the opening segment, renting a VCR, renting a television, how stone beaches stabilise property markets, typing on a microwave, two wrong ways to ingest liquid nitrogen, life before standard wheelie bins and more. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit . LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See . INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - Go to . LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of fossilised episodes on Archive dot org.
Wed, December 25, 2024
In a Christmas Day episode not for younger ears, Neal discusses identifying insects by smell, tag teaming citrus fruits, declaring dead weight at Customs, why ripping out entrails is a non violent act, what you Australians demand of Santa, watching Star Trek: The Next Generation in black and white, margarine related TV repair memories, the trouble with police drama finales, why TV won’t let you just enjoy a plane crash, December in other hemispheres, sleigh driver regulation, the argument against relief pilots on long haul, how crosswords could make air travel safer, cats in cockpits, WWF tag team The Natural Disasters, walking the earth on other planets and more. CONTACT THE SHOW: Visit . LOW BITRATE EDITION: A new lightweight alt feed of Into Your Head for the bandwidth impaired - See . INTO YOUR HEAD SHORTS: On YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or on site - See . LICENSE: Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll - Far future humans can find hundreds of fossilised episodes on Archive dot org.
Mon, December 16, 2024
Neal proposes a thought exercise for listeners in traffic, identifies a new use for the top of your head, explains how to listen via medical stethescope, diagnoses his audience with a phobia of bodily noises including speach and discusses Nick Cave's Harry Potter exposure, why fire brigades study age related temperal anomolies, how to assemble a pop band, understanding binary traffic lights, McCauley Kulkin's former self, the conscious self in a nutshell, a weird US TV bandleader, experimenting with speed, proving to your toddler that you're not a giant, plumbers in binary pairs, rotating your internal crops, vomit fridge etiquette, seeking and receiving approval from Dropbox and more.
Mon, December 02, 2024
Neal sets out his one big problem with both Radiohead and Gilbert O'Sullivan, makes the case for traceable dog food, maps out the next evolutionary step for handwriting and discusses experimental wasp fictions life in a hundred year old choir, chairs on trains, an innovative way to use the word Christmas, how to tell if Roy Orbison is dead, Jive Bunny, dropping dead of a car crash, page-a-day books in museums, when to stop learning, the trouble with seeing your favourite orchestra on tour, a promise to any listener who starts a choir podcast, different signatures for work and home, burglar dogs, dog prison uniforms, cow-related office work, deadstock, washing raw chicken in other jurisdictions and more.
Mon, November 25, 2024
Neal corrects the listener's delusions about auto pilot, illustrates the differences betwen humanoid cats and Edward Scissorhands and discusses the anatomy of a commercial earworm, understanding you Americans and your Spring Break, how songwriters think, appreciating instant mashed potato, what a thousand cavemen can achieve without typewriters, the life expectancy of a harmonica, Stevie Wonder's name change, token tamborine use, workplaces that can't sustain a mad drummer, choosing your dog size, securing the food chain against dogs, Madonna's cartoon versus Bucks Fizz's Land of Make Believe, an unintended Guiness Odlums Flour crossover and more.
Fri, November 15, 2024
Neal reveals what it would take for him to name a fourth cat after a UN Secretary General, recalls the one comic book in every Christian Brothers School library and discusses Neighbourhood Watch mythology, dog anomolies on Bray Head, learning Irish by projection, things legally banned in classrooms, next door's overreaching attic, the song Frere Jackques , a pharmacy Advent calendar, inaminate emotional support animals, how Full House paved the way for jobsharing at the UN, logistics of hot dog trolleys in staired stadiums, tea trolleys in comic strip based radio sitcom Bristow, an inaudible new mouth sound, checking this podcast for secret codes, how an anethesist would produce this episode and more.
Thu, November 07, 2024
Neal discusses encoutering your postman in another neighbourhood, playing Dr Suess, a terrifying futuristic garage, reinventing the painted ostrich egg, Ireland’s sheep filled desert, idenfiifying a mouth's postal address, remembering what you buried in the sand, how deserts evolve into casinos, understanding speakeasy, Stephen King’s car burial tale, what you could legitimately be giving your kids pints of at breakfast, a portrait microwave, how a dog handles a mirage of a desert, landlord teethmark inspection protocol, how ostriches fool predators, electrical tape misadventures, how to get a letter in The Irish Times, plugging a boat with a newspaper letters page, a surprise for non-podcast listeners, an opposite newspaper clippings exchange, a better use for LInkedIn, rejecting dopamine shamers and more.
Thu, October 31, 2024
Neal looks at the presumed defacto diplomatic relationship allowing the moon to slosh our seas around, reveals which of his arms is the least interesting and discusses sailing in boiling water, mouthwash retail licensing, substitute priests, how to say mass, mouthwash as a sleep hygiene product, Richard Simmons RIP, new ways to say no, a military childhood, the trouble with flight simulators, fast food service simulators, impressionists who do other people’s sitcom characters, Phantom of the Opera, Freddie Mercury versus Sid Vicious versus opera snobs, handling pre decimilisation currency, sensible non-mockable names, the argument for flying in reverse, Titanic pride, defining crashing a ship, bidirectional sweat glands, the argument against making your cat purr and more.
Thu, October 24, 2024
Neal discusses apple core cowardice, treadmills for swimming, documentaries about little Timmy falling down a well, how and why to properly record your breakfast, corporate espionage podcast snobbery, cultivating a nasal helmet in medieval times, Sunday driving and your metabolism, navigation apps for rabbits, heirlooms versus genes, generational puppet acts, The Sooty Show, working breakfasts in McDonalds, how surgeons put your leg to sleep, the truth about people who work on aeroplanes, monacle heirlooms, ventriloguist dummies versus proper puppets, Bill Nigh the Science Guy, Pee Wee Herman versus Ernest, how townfolk recognise helpful travelling dogs and more.
Thu, October 24, 2024
Neal discusses apple core cowardice, treadmills for swimming, documentaries about little Timmy falling down a well, how and why to properly record your breakfast, corporate espionage podcast snobbery, cultivating a nasal helmet in medieval times, Sunday driving and your metabolism, navigation apps for rabbits, heirlooms versus genes, generational puppet acts, The Sooty Show, working breakfasts in McDonalds, how surgeons put your leg to sleep, the truth about people who work on aeroplanes, monacle heirlooms, ventriloguist dummies versus proper puppets, Bill Nigh the Science Guy, Pee Wee Herman versus Ernest, how townfolk recognise helpful travelling dogs and more. IYH Shorts - Now on their own separate YouTube channel, TikTok and the new, bigger website. Lost Episodes Appeal: Message the Show: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via Far future humans in flying space cars can search Archive dot org for "Into Your Head podcast Neal O'Carroll" to find hundreds of preserved episodes.
Tue, October 08, 2024
Neal exposes a surprising truth about smartphone fires, considers issues of scale at a doll’s house tea party, advises on conditioning one’s fingers not to gesticulate, imagines what it’s like to have a co-host, attempts a moritorium on feces talk and discusses a house’s undergarment, what age twenty-four is in frozen pea years, handling exotic food at the North Pole, reverse engineering a yak, the Madwaves MadPlayer of the harmonica world, testing car technology on animals, yaks in soap operas, drawing a yak under tremendous stress, possible new futures in yak trunk evolution, plausibile deniability stationery, what a cat would do with your homework, the 3M logo versus New Scotland Yard, understanding America’s New England, Supermacs putting down stakes in Times Square, naming cities twice, naming nuclear power stations twice, iinking chalkboard scraping syndromme to energy drinks, American atitudes to Conneticut, the cola rodent, Ireland’s Barak Obama Plaza and more.
Tue, October 08, 2024
Neal exposes a surprising truth about smartphone fires, considers issues of scale at a doll's house tea party, advises on conditioning one's fingers not to gesticulate, imagines what it's like to have a co-host, attempts a moritorium on feces talk and discusses a house's undergarment, what age twenty-four is in frozen pea years, handling exotic food at the North Pole, reverse engineering a yak, the Madwaves MadPlayer of the harmonica world, testing car technology on animals, yaks in soap operas, drawing a yak under tremendous stress, possible new futures in yak trunk evolution, plausibile deniability stationery, what a cat would do with your homework, the 3M logo versus New Scotland Yard, understanding America's New England, Supermacs putting down stakes in Times Square, naming cities twice, naming nuclear power stations twice, iinking chalkboard scraping syndromme to energy drinks, American atitudes to Conneticut, the cola rodent, Ireland's Barak Obama Plaza and more. IYH Shorts - Now on their own separate YouTube channel, TikTok and the new, bigger website. Lost Episodes Appeal: Message the Show: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via Far future humans in flying space cars can search Archive dot org for "Into Your Head podcast Neal O'Carroll" and find hundreds of preserved episodes.
Mon, September 30, 2024
In a sub-standar episode not recommended for newbies, Neal considers how to poach eggs in their shells, the logistics of sieve use for gold hunters and drugs mules, use-by dates on precious metals, podcasts for dogs, other podcasts like this, finding a use for your dog, Dante’s magic gondola, a loophole for Marc Maron guests, faking your own death as an art installation, rooms without walls, misdefining a spare room and more.
Mon, September 30, 2024
In a sub-standard episode not recommended for newbies, Neal considers how to poach eggs in their shells, the logistics of sieve use for gold hunters and drugs mules, use-by dates on precious metals, podcasts for dogs, other podcasts like this, finding a use for your dog, Dante's magic gondola, a loophole for Marc Maron guests, faking your own death as an art installation, rooms without walls, misdefining a spare room and more. IYH Shorts - Now on their own separate YouTube channel, TikTok and the new, bigger website. Lost Episodes Appeal: Message the Show: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Far future humans in flying space cars can search the Wayback Machine for to view archives companion site. Please also invent a way to let me know if it works.
Thu, September 19, 2024
Neal discusses what wiki editors say about you in meetings, sizes and brands of dog, understanding British Bulldog, graceful vacuum handling in a laboratory setting, what tailors do with the pins, the woodchipper in Lidl, beverageware in Terminator 2, how Lidl works, misremembering traditional supermarkets, planning your first Mona Lisa, a non-editbable encyclopedia, what MTV was, what Buggles did, what Trevor Horn does, duties of a stock footage city shopper, the trouble with far writers, anatomy of a sawn-off vacuum nozzle, over ambitious toe socks, regaling a wannabe recluse, protecting your shoes from lightning, reinventing the anti glove-loss cord system with chemicals, an ominous calling card, why vomiting is a matter of height and more. Lost Episodes Appeal: Message the Show: IYH Shorts: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Far future humans in flying space cars can search the Wayback Machine for to view archives companion site. Please also invent a way to let me know if it works.
Thu, September 19, 2024
Neal discusses what wiki editors say about you in meetings, sizes and brands of dog, understanding British Bulldog, graceful vacuum handling in a laboratory setting, what tailors do with the pins, the woodchipper in Lidl, beverageware in Terminator 2, how Lidl works, misremembering traditional supermarkets, planning your first Mona Lisa, a non-editbable encyclopedia, what MTV was, what Buggles did, what Trevor Horn does, duties of a stock footage city shopper, the trouble with far writers, anatomy of a sawn-off vacuum nozzle, over ambitious toe socks, regaling a wannabe recluse, protecting your shoes from lightning, reinventing the anti glove-loss cord system with chemicals, an ominous calling card, why vomiting is a matter of height and more.
Mon, September 09, 2024
Neal invadvertently creates a bespoke music radio jingle while trying to prove a point, takes a refreshingly positive look at the Dark Ages, proposes an innovative new scam vulnerability discount, tells his future self some home truths and discusses understanding The Beachcombers, belch symmetry, how radio forgot what hello means, Arthur Guinness’ Oprah Winfrey moment, when the vet was your family mechanic, Henry Ford versus Dr Kellogg’s brother versus Dr Kellogg, planning your family’s horse and cart needs, how law enforcement interacts with your cat, the wheel rotation scam, appreciating Shakespeare plays as much as dog stories, people who drink Cidona, Breaking Bad for children, 3-2-1 Contact, The Bloodhound Gang, when a bathroom door takes you out of the fantasy, The Famous Five, the listener who can’t forget, what Lucozade is for, swinging from a crane, bloodwork as an occupation. this podcast’s quality control regime, a one pant primer and more.
Mon, September 09, 2024
Neal inadervently creates a bespoke music radio jingle while trying to prove a point, takes a refreshingly positive look at the Dark Ages, proposes an innovative new scam vulnerability discount, tells his future self some home truths and discusses understanding The Beachcombers, belch symmetry, how radio forgot what hello means, Arthur Guinness' Oprah Winfrey moment, when the vet was your family mechanic, Henry Ford versus Dr Kellogg's brother versus Dr Kellogg, planning your family's horse and cart needs, how law enforcement interacts with your cat, the wheel rotation scam, appreciating Shakespeare plays as much as dog stories, people who drink Cidona, Breaking Bad for children, 3-2-1 Contact, The Bloodhound Gang, when a bathroom door takes you out of the fantasy, The Famous Five, the listener who can't forget, what Lucozade is for, swinging from a crane, bloodwork as an occupation. this podcast's quality control regime, a one pant primer and more. Lost Episodes Appeal: Message the Show: IYH Shorts: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via
Mon, September 02, 2024
Neal uncovers a massive parallel between Bruce Willis’ The Sixth Sense character and 1960s Muppets precurser Sam and Friends , proposes an ingenius new type of mnemonics that will change your life and discusses the practicalities of shooting yourself in the foot, being obsessed with Sesame Street, inadequate media explanation of kneecapping, being unimpressed by The Snufflelopacus, how to test a documentary idea, how to use a single solitary bar stool in a crowd, the argument against bathroom windows, appreciating TV masts, narrator inception, The Willy Wonka Show, A realistic sitcom reboot, oral chemistry exams, dogs versus cats in bars, how to defuse a spoiler, wartime gender-based duplication, when cats bum everybody out and more.
Mon, September 02, 2024
Neal uncovers a massive parallel between Bruce Willis' The Sixth Sense character and 1960s Muppets precurser Sam and Friends , proposes an ingenius new type of mnemonics that will change your life and discusses the practicalities of shooting yourself in the foot, being obsessed with Sesame Street, inadequate media explanation of kneecapping, being unimpressed by The Snufflelopacus, how to test a documentary idea, how to use a single solitary bar stool in a crowd, the argument against bathroom windows, appreciating TV masts, narrator inception, The Willy Wonka Show, A realistic sitcom reboot, oral chemistry exams, dogs versus cats in bars, how to defuse a spoiler, wartime gender-based duplication, when cats bum everybody out and more. New expanded website with decades of writings and comics: Message the Show: Lost Episodes Appeal:
Wed, July 24, 2024
Neal discusses Roald Dahl’s shed boundaries, demolishing and redeveloping a mountain, how sculptors manage Phil Lynott and Luke Kelly’s hair, designing a bridge over troubled waters, Henson-Disney’s post merger pre death plans, the trouble with the new generation of kittens, the house of detention, when to use Bob Dylan, a feature request for the sun, life as a pocket torch owner, Fatima children, Children of Lir, what swans know, how I spent Freddie Mercury’s last year, Capetown’s so-called Table Mountain, blood transfusion death preferences, accountants on the small screen, Tales of the Unexpected, spying something beginnning with A, kitten feces revenge, a podcast playlist hostage sitation, the truth about concrete and more.
Wed, July 24, 2024
Neal discusses Roald Dahl’s shed boundaries, demolishing and redeveloping a mountain, how sculptors manage Phil Lynott and Luke Kelly's hair, designing a bridge over troubled waters, Henson-Disney’s post merger pre death plans, the trouble with the new generation of kittens, the house of detention, when to use Bob Dylan, a feature request for the sun, life as a pocket torch owner, Fatima children, Children of Lir, what swans know, how I spent Freddie Mercury’s last year, Capetown’s so-called Table Mountain, blood transfusion death choices, accountants on the small screen, Tales of the Unexpected, spying something beginnning with A, kitten feces revenge, a podcast playlist hostage sitation, the truth about concrete and more. Lost Episodes Appeal: See Contact the Show: Visit IYH Shorts on YouTube or TikTok: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Far future humans can find hundreds of episodes on Archive dot org.
Sat, July 13, 2024
Neal delivers an overview of the second hand sock market, considers how a method actor tackles Superman, wonders whether scalding the roof of your mouth would soften your Cs and discusses the presumptiousness of Stan and Olli e (2018), songs from T he Producers (1967) , how Steve Jobs made phone screems seem real, the trouble with real crime docu-dramas, digital de-aging versus hair dye, how to watch sci-fi, staff literacy on Star Trek: The Next Generation, defending Chaplin from you Americans, why smells are a loss leader, Bono’s train station shame, striped clothes in windows, assessing your child’s first words, a pea picking childhood, an overture to this episode, the science of reducing pure drivel to something purer, calling your children maidens, Marlon Brando’s Digital Corpse and more.
Sat, July 13, 2024
Neal gives an overview of the second hand sock market, considers how a method actor tackles Superman, wonders whether scalding the roof of your mouth would soften your Cs and discusses the presumptiousness of Stan and Ollie (2018), songs from The Producers (1967), how Steve Jobs made phone screems seem real, the trouble with real crime docu-dramas, digital de-aging versus hair dye, how to watch sci-fi, staff literacy on Star Trek: The Next Generation, defending Chaplin from you Americans, why smells are a loss leader, Bono's train station shame, striped clothes in windows, assessing your child's first words, a pea picking childhood, an overture to this episode, the science of reducing pure drivel to something purer, calling your children maidens, Marlon Brando's Digital Corpse and more. Lost Episodes: Appeal: Contact the Show: I IYH Shorts: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Future humans: Use Wayback Machine to view custom-made archive companion site.
Tue, July 09, 2024
Neal considers how a cat learns to smoke in the current regulatory environment, explains your child’s hunger for paramilitary-style balaclavas and discusses risky versus risqué, Jesus’ disastrous impact on local fishing, changing atitudes to water bombs, edible versus digestible, Inbred fish sandwiches, why lay ministers can’t wipe, using Buddah’s name in vain, landfills versus volcanoes, anatomy of a racehorse injury, showground gates versus school gates, you Americans and your canyons, cats but not the nice type, the trouble with jungles, the lack of urination on Breaking Bad, reheating stout, dog licking versus cat licking, extras in bars, the correct way to end a podcast, surviving a zombie TV series and more.
Tue, July 09, 2024
Neal considers how a cat learns to smoke in the current regulatory environment, explains your child's hunger for paramilitary-style balaclavas and discusses risky versus risqué, Jesus' disastrous impact on local fishing, changing atitudes to water bombs, edible versus digestible, Inbred fish sandwiches, why lay ministers can't wipe, using Buddah's name in vain, landfills versus volcanoes, anatomy of a racehorse injury, showground gates versus school gates, you Americans and your canyons, cats but not the nice type, the trouble with jungles, the lack of urination on Breaking Bad, reheating stout, dog licking versus cat licking, extras in bars, the correct way to end a podcast, surviving a zombie TV series and more. Lost Episodes Appeal: C ontact: Follow IYH Shorts on YouTube or TikTok: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Future humans: Use Wayback Machine to view custom-made archive companion site.
Sun, June 30, 2024
Neal puts beekeeping under the spotlight, recounts an old cat-related head injury, imagines how normal people say “dog” and discusses bin day in a Stephen King novel, belch fraud, virus creation hobbiests, anti meditation vigiilantism, unsubscribing, unsubs, ONSUG, how Criminal Minds helps podcasts, turning a juggernaut around, listener correspondence, dog movements versus bowel movements, dandruff versus nits versus measles, new anti-meditation vigilantism technologies, how to label dead things, why bars should pump in air from Chernobyl, growing two non Bowsies, the underground trade in saplings, harmonica spontaneity, artificial air colouring, new ways to enjoy fresh air, iodine tablet memories, what replaced oxygen bars, oxygen weight inflation, having someone shoot you in the foot and more.
Sun, June 23, 2024
Neal discusses what they did to Craig Ferguson, humanoid cats fraternising with regular cats, what to do if your president freezes, elastic band fracture science, a deep dive on overthinking, interpretating foreign languge gestures, how non wilful ignorance works, Irish kids who reference the feds, hotdesking on procedural dramas, why the second cat never features in the two cats walk into a bar stories, disloyalty to yourself, life as a nine to five actor, songs with cold opens, Meatloaf coming up too often, streamlining the cola dregs system, the risk of becoming a classic hits format, and more.
Sun, June 23, 2024
Neal discusses what they did to Craig Ferguson, humaniod cats fraternising with regular cats, what to do if your president freezes, elastic band fracture science, a deep dive on overthinking, interpretating foreign languge gestures, how non wilful ignorance works, Irish kids who reference the feds, hotdesking on procedural dramas, why the second cat never features in the two cats walk into a bar stories, songs with cold openings, disloyalty to yourself, life as a nine to five actor, songs with cold opens, Meatloaf coming up too often, streamlining the cola dregs system, the risk of becoming a classic hits format, and more. Lost Episodes Appeal: C ontact: Low attention span? Patholological hatred of long form? Try IYH Shorts: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce this attribution for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org”
Sun, June 16, 2024
Neal examines what we know about farm animal cravings, contemplates career progression in a firm of guitarists, reimagines Sinéad O’Connor’s SNL pope photo protest, exposes the restaurant toothpick scam and discusses humanely expelling a wasp, why movie trailors shouldn’t be free, recreational self injury (non-psychotic), rib geneology, taking the weight off your hands, comparable dog segments on other podcasts, guitar anatomy and calcium, how stage magicians find a balance, standing desks versus counters, the problem with the back office on Cheers, Charlie Brown’s original teacher, the trouble with Guinness Plus, a fictional Joe Rogan experience, a non-existant barman’s existential crisis, a cat’s cuss-word therapy, papier mache solid fuel memories and more.
Sun, June 16, 2024
Neal examines what we know about farm animal cravngs, contemplates career progression in a firm of guitarists, reimagines Sinéad O'Connor's pope photo protest (tasteful), exposes the restaurant toothpick scam, and discusses humanely expelling a wasp, why movie trailors shouldn’t be free, recreational self injury (non-psychotic), rib geneology, taking the weight off your hands, comparable dog segments on other podcasts, guitar anatomy and calcium, how stage magicians find a balance, standing desks versus counters, the problem with the back office on Cheers, Charlie Brown's original teacher, the trouble with Guinness Plus, a fictional Joe Rogan experience, a non-existant barman's existential crisis, a cat's cuss-word therapy, papier mache briquette memories and more. Lost Episodes Appeal: C ontact: IYH Shorts on YouTube or TikTok: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce this attribution for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.”
Mon, June 10, 2024
Neal proposes a twelve step approach to ET and discusses nine to five life for the shipwrecked, anti-social astronauts, saving on invisible ink, how raisons d’etre work, the truth about gout, a new understanding of you Americans, learning from Orson Welles, modesty on public transport, spitting in the theatre of the mind, why x-ray glasses never took off, a logically unsound Meatloaf track (not that one) debuting rafts, rebranding spaceships in the Elongated Musket era, a real doctor’s take on edible paper, mouthwatering tree bark, judging your fictional creations, Identifying with Shithead, a bar asshole by proxy, wasting a cat’s time, cat pants the right way, Let it Be versus Que Sera, and more.
Mon, June 10, 2024
Neal proposes a twelve step approach to ET and discusses nine to five life for the shipwrecked, anti-social astronauts, saving on invisible ink, how raisons d'etre work, the truth about gout, a new understanding of you Americans, learning from Orson Welles, modesty on public transport, spitting in the theatre of the mind, why x-ray glasses never took off, a logically unsound Meatloaf track (not that one) debuting rafts, rebranding spaceships in the Elongated Musket era, a real doctor's take on edible paper, mouthwatering tree bark, judging your fictional creations, Identifying with Shithead, a bar asshole by proxy, wasting a cat's time, cat pants the right way, Let it Be versus Que Sera, and more. C ORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS: Tom Hanks was in fact talking to a football on a stick. Lost Episodes Appeal: C ontact: NEW - IYH Shorts: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce this attribution for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.”
Sat, June 01, 2024
Neal discusses black boxes in popular culture, a role for camels in health spas, TV casket reunions, ambidextrous banking, a foot-related tip for smokers, a cat’s analysis of the songs of Genesis, wishful thinking about superjet lounges, recording off TV in 2024, songs about administrative work, a cat’s take on Peter Gabriel’s career phases, telling other people what their point is, an alarming decline in brand-name toilet paper, why losing pens is a sign of intelligence, cold sore watch, haircut syncing for television, when ice takes you out of the movie and more.
Sat, June 01, 2024
Neal discusses black boxes in popular culture, a role for camels in health spas, TV casket reunions, ambidextrous banking, a foot-related tip for smokers, a cat's analysis of the songs of Genesis, wishful thinking about superjet lounges, recording off TV in 2024, songs about administrative work, a cat's new light on Peter Gabriel's career phases, telling other people what their point is, an alarming decline in brand-name toilet paper, why losing pens is a sign of intelligence, cold sore watch, haircut syncing for television, when ice takes you out of the movie and more. Lost Episodes Appeal: Are you a squirrel who inexplicably collects podcasts instead of nuts? Have you survived Winter? If so, can you help fill some gaps in my archive? Please visit for details. Contact the Show: Low attention span? Pathalogical hatred of long form? No problem! Follow IYH Shorts on YouTube or TikTok: License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce this attribution for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.”
Sun, May 26, 2024
Despite some poor audio in places due to production misadventure, Neal exposes the abhorrent life of the cranberry sauce obsessive, remembers a disturbing mass produced heart surgery portrait and discusses whiskey in sit-coms, two very different ways to appreciate crabs, why dogs’ mouths are impractical, Stephen King’s so called stand, a bus tour of nondescript houses, the cost of hand washing, skipping rope philosophy via Black Mirror, fudge’s one saving grace, how children stole cycling, decanting defined, life on one third of a hill, shortcut shame in a mature neighbourhood, ordinary house tourism, living on an island versus living on an island. being a crab and a hermit, revinventing seafood display tanks, shortcuts to other seas, life and death grammar explained by a cat, fly by wire Internet explained to a cat, when birds had runways, the ludicrious Road Runner, adapting Paul McCartney’s songwriting method, The Ant and the Aardvark cartoon, failing to remember the name Jackie Mason, Rodney Dangerfield’s menu, featherless aircraft, a dog in a cat food restaurant, a face set several rows back, impractical two-faced dog studies and more.
Mon, May 13, 2024
Neal makes an empassioned case for the return of the sitcom theme song, considers assembling a whale stomach survival kit, provides a brief orientation for new listeners, has a go at defining the parameters for a study of the interchangeability of potato and chicken skins, proposes a Russian doll solution to the property crisis and discusses catcher glove anatomy for couriers, the trouble with swimming hats, an extra level between parents and offspring, the baker’s fillet, The Million Dollar Homepage (and Frank from The Overnightscape's pixels), contact lenses user psychology, a rare blindness rant involving shoving lasers somewhere, how Spielberg boosted your self confidence using intervals, why Batman needs his own genre, a cure for credits overruns on The Office (US TV), Mr Belvedere (US TV), a career in xylophony, AI that swears at you, Ever Decreasing Circles (BBC TV), how to confuse barman, cat and narrator, cat bar stories on The Moth podcast, dealing with psychics when you’re dead, what happens when your cat inherits or purchases a car, repurposing the rain trouser, trouser knowledge as an IQ measurement and more.
Sun, May 12, 2024
Test – Please Ignore – Will delete Will delete this shortly. It’s just an audio file of three or four seconds to test a few innovations that will make it easier for me to do things such as posting tests.
Wed, May 08, 2024
Neal looks at how dogs instintively guard agains snout detachment, how the savvy traveller uses their tailwind Time Savings, why your burner phone doesn’t make you a loser. Stephen King’s afterlude process, fun toilet cistern disposal methods, the entrhalling possibilities of 360 degree facial philosophy, a plumbing experiment of which the listener will already knows the outcome, why frostbite stopped being fun, the something very special that the chef made just for you, anticipating a Phil Hartman crimomentary, a confusing 2016 reboot of Falling Down (1993) and I don’t mean Comedian (also 2016), stock motionising this podcast in the style of Morph (BBC) to make it believable, Rome being built in a day and the marketing thereof, pros and cons of tailwind underruns, how to animate The Joker with glass and paint, legitmate dog-related academia, Dropbox settings lessons from Aron Ralston’s canyon self-amputation survial, bookkeepers versus librarians, considering just-in-time logistics for libraries, an Italian chef’s far superiors atitude illustrated by fortune cookie and more.
Wed, May 08, 2024
Neal looks at what a dog knows to do if it suspects it’s snout has fallen off, how the savvy traveller uses their tailwind Time Savings, why your burnder phone doesn’t make you a loser. Stephan King’s afterlude process, fun toilet cistern disposal methods, the entrhalling possibilities of 360 degree facial philosophy, a plumbing experiment of which the listener will already knows the outcome, why frostbite stopped being fun, the something very special that the chef made just for you, anticipating a Phil Hartman crimomentary, a confusing 2016 reboot of Falling Down (1993) and I don’t mean Comedian (also 2016), stock motionising this podcast in the style of Morph (BBC) to make it believable, Rome being built in a day and the marketing thereof, pros and cons of tailwind underruns, how to animate The Joker with glass and paint, legitmate dog-related academia, Dropbox settings lessons from Aron Ralston’s canyon self-amputation survial, bookkeepers versus librarians, considering just-in-time logistics for libraries, an Italian chef’s far superiors atitude illustrated by fortune cookie and more.
Sat, April 13, 2024
Neal illustrates the Mandela Effect phenomenom using Status Quo’s discography, reevaluates Popeye, changes your mind about socks and discusses what we know about helicoptors, how elevators should work, a clever trick for locating a cordless phone with ham, why holes in food are useful, why the sausage thing last time was a bit much, defining the face’s perimeter, the trouble with peeling, why boiled sweets and gum are superfoods, a new way to think about litter, an itch no McDonalds breakfast can scratch and more. Then concludes with some helpful orientation for the recent influx of new listeners, assuming they use the same bus route. CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS: The song I mentioned with incorrect tune and incorrect lyric “There’s something going on (repeat ad nauseum)” in fact goes “…stop, children, what’s that sound? Everybody look, what’s going down?” I knew it had t be something along those lines.
Mon, March 25, 2024
Neal discusses popping your Bs, the trouble with playing a zombie, how to purchase free tap water in pubs, BB Max and other nemeses, apple seed myths, the globalisation of bin day, a tip for listeners who don’t enjoy this voice, a card game nation, an entrepreneur’s guide to counting money, why Nickelodeon goes over children’s heads, the trouble with Jack and the Beanstalk, hospitality versus hostelry, Coolio’s big mistake, water on draught, how to store a tonne of bricks, the limitations of the word giraffe, getting the fliuch out of here, Ireland’s new Tasioghiflghiush (prime minister), how to manage your president and more.
Thu, March 07, 2024
Neal takes an objective look at Hansel and Gretel and discusses the trouble with heroin, basement-attic philosophy, the IRA on Everest, the argument against thought experiments, broken leg mysteries, the rainy day myth, advice for News Junkies, Einstein’s dog equation, dog narratives versus dog stories, how a trained actor drinks piss, declaring garden weed to the authorities, pisswaffles, the stroopwaffel era of this podcast (circa 2007), reforming how we name our children, pre-registering your death, registering drugs found in your garden, fairy tale time shiftability, things Einstein presumably explained and more . CLARIFICATIONS : Rev Ian Paisley, deceased DUP leader, was not one of the joint recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Sun, February 25, 2024
Neal discusses Bivouacs, shoes in radio dramas, traversing North Korea, how to talk to your child about podcasting, the phrase t eaching your grandmother how to suck egg s, urinal troughs on trains, inventing the commuter picnic, cartoons about puppets, attitudes to scarecrows, curing the listener’s pencil sickness, major life lesson from Man Versus Food , how a bishop moves in Chess, Worzel Gummage (ITV), alternate universe binary code, winning in the confessional, Muppet Babies format confusion, a Mary Poppins of the drugs world, typewriter versus typ er writer, myths about oats, the fates of Murder She Wrote’ s Jessica Fletcher and Family Guy ‘s Mayor Adam West, paracetamol versus cocaine versus audiobooks, Harbour Hotel ( RTE Radio 1) and what replaced it, honey monster capsules. what an AI barman experiences and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Sat, February 17, 2024
Neal discusses things to consider when falling to Earth, the impenetrable mechanics of swatting a fly, victim-blaming a fly, nondescriptness, a dog’s attempts to line it’s stomach, why the Littlest Hobo should learn better posture, why dinosaurs could have been pets, assessing the moon’s flammability, a fly relates to Billy Joel’s No Man’s Land, how air crash investigators measure customer satisfaction, the difference between a lighthouse and the sun, the role of rear view mirrors in space travel and more.
Sat, February 03, 2024
Neal discusses explaining Pink Floyd to a cat, understanding the Middle East, how parrots work, cars that are very wide and very short, how to dress a performing seal, Chevies, levees, levies, Daewoo, the building layout in Cheers, imagining what it’s like to have undiagnosed haemorrhoids, advice for U.S. homeowners, Led Zeppelin’s creative process, using local language on the podcast, a non-unionised dog, a unionised dog, proof my brain exists, a fraudulent dog, determining what the listener wants and more.
Fri, January 26, 2024
Neal presents a new original Quentin Tarantino dialogue about a bank heist of a bulding that once housed Robin Island jail (tasteful), and discusses assisting an elephant with self exploration, a bland thing that you’re sucking on all day, mapping your face, addressing the far-future listener as ancestor, a non-corporeal Maître D’ versus a cat, Logan’s Run (1976) for fish, podcasts versus comic books, a French dining experience, how I imagine you drive a car, a concienctious elephant’s data protection worries, peanuts as an epsresso, how they made Resevoir Dogs (1992) on a budget, writing dialogue, the undernourished gear stick, the term “shitting on”, recyclable tissue drinking straws, Mrs Brown’s Boys (BBC / RTE), Keeping the dream alive, how to end a conversation in real life, how this podcast stays authentic and more .
Thu, January 25, 2024
Neal presents a new original Quentin Tarantino dialogue about a bank heist of a bulding that once housed Robin Island jail (tasteful), and discusses assisting an elephant with self exploration, a bland thing that you’re sucking on all day, mapping your face, addressing the far-future listener as ancestor, a non-corporeal Maître D’ versus a cat, Logan’s Run (1976) for fish, podcasts versus comic books, a French dining experience, how I imagine you drive a car, a concienctious elephant’s data protection worries, peanuts as an epsresso, how they made Resevoir Dogs (1992) on a budget, writing dialogue, the undernourished gear stick, the term “shitting on”, recyclable tissue drinking straws, Mrs Brown’s Boys (BBC / RTE), Keeping the dream alive, how to end a conversation in real life, how this podcast stays authentic and more. About the show: Get in touch: Visit <p class="has-text-align-lef
Sun, January 21, 2024
Neal discusses what happens to your child if they listen to this, what your cat does to feel alive, how to organise a legalised crime purchase regime, reporting future cold cases, Demolition Man (1993), prepping your child for an era of burning and drowning, how to row your dog, Dinasaur versus Alien, an horrific nursery rhyme. forty years of non-violent teaching, a tonne of bricks versus a tonne of blessings, understanding shoe leather, a brief overview of flies in popular culture, the movie that wasn’t about the fly (1997) - not to be confused with The Fly (1996) , a pact with the listener regarding the papacy, sourcing snake oil, is it okay to laugh at a dog and more.
Sun, January 14, 2024
Neal discusses a problem he has in common with Beatle Paul McCartney, a surgeon and a tree surgeon comparing notes, truly hollow fruits, the body as a trickle down economy, doctors berating the comatose, the very worst thing to take on a plane, manicure and footwear logistics for upright cats, cranberry sauce nuts, outsourcing your bedtime thoughts, the face as a fake shopfront facade, dropkick me Jesus through the goalposts of life, toothbrushing on TV, “coming right up” as a catchprhase, child avoidance for cats, Edward Scissorpaws, toothbrushing in the military, that movie with the Dude (1998), blood in the heads of Guiness, tackling the roof of your mouth, belching as a by-product, the argument against sleeping, Judge Judy tries to help, defining a field, scaring your child with wooden houses, redesigning the toothbrush, the argument for timber skycrapers, two places where coffee is inappropriate, a flying bucket, Fortycoats (RTE TV), body parts as co-workers and more.
Mon, January 08, 2024
n a podcast laden with twists and nail-biting revelations as we sit in on a jail-hardened dog’s parole review, Neal considers what an M and M is, Mother Nature’s periodic landscapes, a doctor’s views on bi-directional blackboard scraping, the dog bitch to dog Hitler ratio, dog parole board makeup, the French resistance on ‘Allo ‘Allo (BBC1), what home means to a dog serving life, lingusitics versus comas, putting yourself in the dog’s shoes, something I learned watching Letterman (Columbia Broadcasting Systems), adults and Freddo bars, a shocking reveal about the dog convict’s year, ditto the parole officer’s year, employee Christmas dinner ratios, trying it with two dogs; two Shanes, a mutton decoy, a French podcast you might prefer and more.
Mon, January 01, 2024
n the first show of 2024 Neal discusses the term “west brit”, Trevelyan, a cat avoiding New Year’s beer scams, a dog’s dealings with the registrar of deaths and stuff, defining hella dodgy, Hurricane Charlie mountain memories, songs about meatloaf, accepting that toilets trigger thirst, Chas and Dave but not Status Quo, realities of building a road to the Moon, a show-permeating glasses incident, fine line between Nowhereland and Doctor Who, what is a dog’s business?, civil defence raincoats, Brendan Grace wrote that combine harvester song, a moveable psychic prediction, counterintuitive office animal demographics, how dogs experience repetition and more.
Tue, December 26, 2023
In a Christmas special culminating in the heartwarming story of a foulmouthed fake Santa who holds up bars, Neal discusses face cloth enthusiasts, introducing your child to A Clockwork Orange (1972), conversations with a working dog, a guide to shooting yourself in the foot, dogs in soap operas, how parenting ends, a deleted undersea mountain climber story, watching Highlander (1986) for the Queen songs, a barman’s secret life, a barman’s alternative work ethic, inventing a trailor system for homeless pets, what the term Jesus Christ on a popsicle stick means to a cat, the nights of Christmas Day, a dog who relates to post-Gabriel Byrne episodes of In Treatment (HBO / Sky Atlantic), people who have multiple shoes, one fell swoop, managing a five mile leash, drawing artificial trees on heads of stout, consulting the bar security cat aging expert from last week, reimaging Slimer, an overtrained dog, panting versus laughing and more.
Wed, December 20, 2023
Neal discusses reassuring a fast food operative who’s seen Michael Douglas in Falling Down (1993), the trouble with one-way vocal chords, whodunnits at mass, thoughts of a depressed eternal dog, bar security’s guide to aging a cat, a new way to deliver heating oil, misinterpreting a blue moon, temporal extradition, custody of a padlock, cat linguistics, commissioning the word bespoke , smuggling toast, smiting technique, TV sets versus alters, nasal linguistics, portable church memories, cinema glasses for cats, you Americans do the news incorrectly, ditto late night talk shows, multitasking with your mouth, minimum word-lengths in academia, dangers of generic juice, probabilities explained properly, penography, philantropicality, a new way to value postage stamps, a non-scalable podcast, ordering milk in bars, bridge versus drunkard, operating an old fashioned telephone, why dogs pant, reinventing the afterlude and more.
Mon, December 11, 2023
Neal discusses sit-com bunk bed envy, takey-offey parachutes versus landy parachutes, a dignified way to kill off libraries, eternal peanuts, where cabaret fits in the grand scheme of things, a curtailed feed remnant advisory for returning listeners, fooling yourself with documentaries, Everest without a Walkman, measuring hell-broken-loose levels, steamboats and whitewashing, long distance stewing, casting then uncasting the dead parents on Diff’rent Strokes, the right elephant for the job, rebooting Air Crash Investigation, legalities of shooting messengers who happen to be elephants, elephants versus character actors, actor David Kelly RIP, a revised history of storytelling and firelighting, falling by design, penny drop moment for a trainee air crash investigator, statistical probabilities of different species entering a bar, bunk kitchens, failing to remember the word bittorrent, inauthentic endings on travel shows and podcasts, drawing a stairs on volume two of Colliers Junior Classics and more, before assigning the listener an important comprehension exercise as homework.
Tue, December 05, 2023
In an 800th episode during which he may have overdone the energy drinks somewhat, (although the Cat Stevens part is true) Neal discusses how a loophole for toddler movie producers, what he learned in his days in a Dublin boxing arena, achieving immortality by outwitting his future self, merry-go-rounds versus the events depicted in The Deer Hunter (1978), sit-com revolving door tropes, novel advice for joggers, you could fry an egg on the rocks – if you had an egg (1980s commercial) ukulele talk, a scathing attack on the first four hundred episodes of this series, a hall of mirrors versus a horsehoe-shaped bar, learning from The Walking Dead, self-aware fictional characters on strike, revisiting Short Circuit (1986) versus revisiting Sesame Street, robot windscreen wipers are robots, the chimney revenge woman, Cat Stevens at an accountancy seminar (1994), a contraption to achieve mouth lubrication equilibrium, time machine form factors, reassessing Short Circuit (1986) , Spielberg and Schindler’s charming misunderstanding in a bar, a Netflix branded cereal, what real raw milk does to cereal and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce the following attribution text in full with this exact wording for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via / – Many episodes also findable on Archive dot org.”
Tue, December 05, 2023
In an 800th episode during which he may have overdone the energy drinks somewhat, (although the Cat Stevens part is true) Neal exposes a gaping loophole for toddler movie producers and discusses merry-go-rounds versus the events depicted in The Deer Hunter (1978), what he learned in his days in a Dublin boxing arena, achieving immortality by outwitting his future self, sit-com revolving door tropes, novel advice for joggers, you could fry an egg on the rocks / stones / sidewalk – if you had an egg (1980s Irish commercial) ukulele talk, a scathing attack on the first four hundred episodes of this series, a hall of mirrors versus a horsehoe-shaped bar, learning from The Walking Dead, self-aware fictional characters on strike, revisiting Short Circuit (1986) versus revisiting Sesame Street, windscreen wipers are robots, the chimney revenge woman, Cat Stevens at an accountancy seminar (1994), a contraption to achieve mouth lubrication equilibrium, time machine form factors, Spielberg and Schindler’s charming misunderstanding in a bar, a Netflix branded cereal, what real raw milk does to cereal and more.
Sat, November 25, 2023
Neal discusseses the imaginary listener’s secret existential crisis, approximating the taste of grass for the discerning diner, a new way to measure your height, whether crosswords count as relaxation, changing atitudes to chimneys, what’s under your face, the first humans ever to see a bridge, canal tow-path horse height issues, harmonica design mysteries, Lovely Daaaaaaaaaay versus a barking barman, canal tow path issues, demons in undergound systems, a horse’s head versus a railway bridge, impressing a giraffe with our bar licensing system, how giraffes pat you on the head, Lovely Daaaaaaaaaay versus a barking barman, what happens when two “Two cats walk into a bar” stories walk into a bar and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce the following attribution text in full and with this exact wording for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via / – Many episodes also findable on Archive dot org.
Sat, November 25, 2023
Neal discusses the imaginary listener’s secret existential crisis, approximating the taste of grass for the discerning diner, a new way to measure your height, whether crosswords count as relaxation, changing atitudes to chimneys, what’s under your face, the first humans ever to see a bridge, canal tow-path horse height issues, harmonica design mysteries, Lovely Daaaaaaaaaay versus a barking barman, canal tow path issues, demons in undergound systems, a horse’s head versus a railway bridge, impressing a giraffe with our bar licensing system, how giraffes pat you on the head, Lovely Daaaaaaaaaay versus a barking barman, what happens when two “Two cats walk into a bar” stories walk into a bar and more.
Tue, November 21, 2023
In an hour culminating in an elightening explanation, using the story of his recently departed mother’s 1950s or early 1960s Atlantic crossing, of how silence works, Neal discusses why animals need to become gardeners, your chances of getting a pharmacist to sell you tea or paracetemol or cocaine, the movie “Downsizing”, quicksand on a playing field, the pros and cons of having Anthony Hopkins as your family doctor, how cats buy rounds, the folly of wine tasting, Robin Williams, Robbie Williams, an over-empowered sweet shop proprietor, the philosophy of characters who exist only in a podcaster’s imagination, an old zoological gardens song, how The Beatles’ new song Now and Then has advanced this podcast, and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International with attribution: “Neal from Ireland via “
Tue, November 21, 2023
In an hour culminating in an elightening explanation, using the story of his recently departed mother’s 1950s or early 1960s Atlantic crossing, of how silence works, Neal discusses why animals need to become gardeners, your chances of getting a pharmacist to sell you tea or paracetemol or cocaine, the movie “Downsizing”, quicksand on a playing field, the pros and cons of having Anthony Hopkins as your family doctor, how cats buy rounds, the folly of wine tasting, Robin Williams, Robbie Williams, an over-empowered sweet shop proprietor, the philosophy of characters who exist only in a podcaster’s imagination, an old zoological gardens song, how The Beatles’ new song Now and Then has advanced this podcast, and more.
Mon, November 13, 2023
Neal discusses turning against Tom Hanks, a cat versus Pope Benedict XVI, Apple Pencils in banks, turning against Monopoly, a beverage based on some woman off Deep Space Nine, misexplaining Occupy Wall Street, off-air cat songs, debriefing a temporary cat, why you should have something wrong with you, fonts in the blood, transmitting barmen over the Wicklow Mountains, taking up space, IT security as entertainment, cistern noise analysis, treadmills versus conveyor belts and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International with attribution “Neal from Ireland via “
Mon, November 13, 2023
Neal discusses turning against Tom Hanks, a cat versus Pope Benedict XVI, Apple Pencils in banks, turning against Monopoly, a beverage based on some woman off Deep Space Nine, misexplaining Occupy Wall Street, off-air cat songs, debriefing a temporary cat, why you should have something wrong with you, fonts in the blood, transmitting barmen over the Wicklow Mountains, taking up space, IT security as entertainment, cistern noise analysis, treadmills versus conveyor belts and more.
Tue, November 07, 2023
Neal discusses filling a bath from the bottom, an anti-prelude, harmonica haters, witchhunts under Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, isolated tool-blaming, the case for (domestic) cats vomiting on each other, QED memories, a particularly taxing song for harmonica, what to drink in a vomitorium, understanding bass guitar operators, misunderstanding Queen’s John Deacon, vomitorium enthusiasts in academia, navigating company law for vomitoriums, the IT role in a vomitorium, the life of an off-duty vomitorium manager, judges playing peek-a-boo in procedural dramas and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International with attribution “Neal from Ireland via m” 2VKYK5qrrKKN7Qf30Qp1 2VKYK5qrrKKN7Qf30Qp1
Tue, November 07, 2023
Neal discusses filling a bath from the bottom, an anti-prelude, harmonica haters, witchhunts under Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, isolated tool-blaming, the case for (domestic) cats vomiting on each other, QED memories, a particularly taxing song for harmonica, what to drink in a vomitorium, understanding bass guitar operators, misunderstanding Queen’s John Deacon, vomitorium enthusiasts in academia, navigating company law for vomitoriums, the IT role in a vomitorium, the life of an off-duty vomitorium manager, judges playing peek-a-boo in procedural dramas and more.
Fri, November 03, 2023
Neal deals with how head transplants do or don’t work, cinematography of Pope John Paul II and Oscar Schindler, how donkeys are processed hygenically, the problem with Steve Jobs RIP, a cat purchasing fake magic in a laundrette, elephants in a library, the problem with the human digestive system, surviving a long weekend in prison, what to do after you’ve made lemons into lemonde, talking microbes with guns (fictional), what Bob Geldof was right about, a synopsis of Better Caul Saul, awards versus nominations, and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International with attribution “Neal from Ireland via “
Fri, November 03, 2023
Neal deals with how head transplants do or don’t work, cinematography of Pope John Paul II and Oscar Schindler, how donkeys are processed hygenically, the problem with Steve Jobs RIP, a cat purchasing fake magic in a laundrette, elephants in a library, the problem with the human digestive system, surviving a long weekend in prison, what to do after you’ve made lemons into lemonde, talking microbes with guns (fictional), what Bob Geldof was right about, a synopsis of Better Caul Saul, awards versus nominations, and more.
Sat, October 21, 2023
Neal discusses pre-recorded bungee jump commentary, training podcast listeners, fighting fire with actual fire, gorillas in the news, PC disposal vesus bear disposal, finding a milkman in 2023, life as a margarine factory line foreman, the real reason for the seven year hiatus, how a cat verifies podcast listeners, that excellent ten-part drama about either Freud or Einstein, conversations in a margarine factory, cooking a load of crap, milk truck misconceptions, predecessors to pigs, Apple’s harmonica firewall, how harmonicas could revolutionise healthcare, a song about how Paul McCartney wrote in his sleep and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International with attribution “Neal from Ireland via ”
Sat, October 21, 2023
Neal discusses pre-recorded bungee jump commentary, training podcast listeners, fighting fire with actual fire, gorillas in the news, PC disposal vesus bear disposal, finding a milkman in 2023, life as a margarine factory line foreman, the real reason for the seven year hiatus, how a cat verifies podcast listeners, that excellent ten-part drama about either Freud or Einstein, conversations in a margarine factory, cooking a load of crap, milk truck misconceptions, predecessors to pigs, Apple’s harmonica firewall, how harmonicas could revolutionise healthcare, a song about how Paul McCartney wrote in his sleep and more.
Sun, October 15, 2023
Neal discusses the brief seven year interlude since Show 792, a prodical son, how lemonade works, coffee shop marzipan violence, a civilised summons, single use gold, Siskel or Ebert or Roeper or the other one, the podcast co-host protection system, zero on the dog scale, Make my day versus Be my guest, off duty dog helmets, dog licensing, vocal experiments, acapelo singers’ concerns about the word bollocks, alienating dog owners, armchair liars, a bag of salted peanuts in a bag of salt and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International with attribution “Neal from Ireland via “ Read more : Show 793: Armchair Liars Read more : Show 793: Armchair Liars
Sun, October 15, 2023
Neal officially unretires Into Your Head podcast after seven years! Topics include the brief interlude since Show 792 came out in 2016, a prodical son, how lemonade works, coffee shop marzipan violence, a civilised summons, single use gold, Siskel or Ebert or Roeper or the other one, the podcast co-host protection system, zero on the dog scale, Make my day versus Be my guest, off duty dog helmets, dog licensing, vocal experiments, acapelo singer concerns about the word bollocks, alienating dog owners, armchair liars, a bag of salted peanuts in a bag of salt and more.
Fri, October 06, 2023
A short test transmission as Into Your Head prepares to emerge from it’s brief seven year absence. Show 793 will be along in a week or so. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International with attribution “Neal from Ireland / “
Fri, October 06, 2023
Show 792A - named 792 point 5 on some apps. A short test transmission as Into Your Head prepares to emerge from a brief seven year absence.
Sat, September 16, 2023
Subscribe buttons here Show 792 from 2016 was the last ever episode, if by ever you mean “for seven years”. But here in October 2023, Into Your Head is back. A load of archive episodes are already back up here on the new site and feed, thanks to audio hoarders Frank and Jan Eric for keeping them safe all these years. You can subscribe using the links here . For nerds,the raw feeh URL to copy and paste is I’ve had to change how I do everything thanks to sight loss. but I’m determined to get back to grips with it. The site is a mess but it’ll get there. The world needs acquir
Wed, October 26, 2016
This episode, from 2016, Show 792: “Pilot” was the last ever episode of Into Your Head. Until Oct 2023, when it’s coming back. Please subscribe to the new brand new podcast feed .
Wed, October 26, 2016
This 2016 episode, coincidentally named PILOT at time, turned out to be the last Into Your Head until it returned seven years later in October 2023.
Wed, January 27, 2016
Another episode of Into Your Head from just before it went on a brief seven year interlude.
Mon, November 16, 2015
Pies for minors, hiring a pilot, Paint Monsters, prepping a hair bal and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Thu, November 05, 2015
The racist listener, ear wax theatre and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sat, October 17, 2015
Deconstructing a pyramid, controlling the sun, nutrition advice for zombies and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, October 07, 2015
How hospital staff access your legs, reading notes to yourself in real time, thinking with a sore neck, something about cows, something about the end of the world, something about a dog in a vomitorium and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, October 04, 2015
The original description claims that this is a short comeback episode to start a new season of Into Your Head, failing to predict a looming seven year hiatus. Sorry about that.
Wed, March 25, 2015
Description to follow.
Wed, March 25, 2015
Misunderstanding baseball, legislating for beverage-recycling, how to pre-own a plumbing tool, emergency cat names, defining a trialogue, toughening your brain toughness training, eradicating philistines, wheelie bin leasing issues and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, March 04, 2015
Pancakes and ashes, cloning a toaster, self inflicted sock-stuffing, how to cook a Universe, playing with adhesives, second-guessing a smoke detector, Louis Armstrong at The Sphinx, the problem with drops, how to throw an analogy out the window and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, February 18, 2015
The problem with time, anatomy of a comb, The Penn and Teller of the Cat World, Gymnasticians, A career in toothpaste design, A giant hole / Robert De Niro, underestimating your own intelligence and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, February 18, 2015
The problem with time, anatomy of a comb, The Penn and Teller of the Cat World, Gymnasticians, A career in toothpaste design, A giant hole / Robert De Niro, underestimating your own intelligence and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Sun, February 01, 2015
Placebo aviation, amateur surgery, the argument against fiction, podcasts as penance, mice in zoos, the dirty little secret behind inanimate objects, the battle for damp skin, home made beverages and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. There’s also a classic episode of Athy Weekly World News with Shainne Greoige.
Sun, January 18, 2015
Why Top Gear won’t use my cats, how to ask for a helicopter, The link between space exploration and accountancy training, how to avoid offending a glove puppet operator, non-expiring Near Year greetings, remembering “Eat the Peach” and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Thu, December 18, 2014
Description to follow
Thu, December 18, 2014
In-cat purchases, Meatloafs tin foil issues, energy drink placebos, cats in Bethlehem, working in a Christmas tree factory, making monkey nuts seasonal, Winter sports days, stand-up violence, things that don’t kill you, Elvis’ family tree, repeating everything you’ve ever done, and lots more. It’s the 2014 Christmas special, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Mon, December 15, 2014
Description to follow.
Mon, December 15, 2014
Cats in police stations, the downside to knowing how to fly, reinventing the telephone, Kurt Cobain naming rights, what’s behind your face, drinking on fast ferries, why motorists wear rubber soles and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Tue, December 09, 2014
Tue, December 09, 2014
The grass in France, determining what day it is, how to play Rock Paper Synthesiser, teacup weather science, patronising an inanimate object, selling Baileys by the pint, divvying up the Moon, a classic instalment of Shainne Greoige’s newspaper review and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Wed, November 12, 2014
Description to follow.
Wed, November 12, 2014
How eyelids place athletes on an equal footing, Podcast Theology, Defunding Ebola, Reinventing sliced bread, Pottery in pop culture, waiting for a cold, reconstructing Annie the cat, John Malkovich’s fourth wall and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Thu, November 06, 2014
Description to follow.
Thu, November 06, 2014
Vacuum-packed data, Learning to spell, Rebooting a fly, Something profound about Ebola, stuff, things, other stuff and lots more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Sun, November 02, 2014
Description to follow.
Sun, November 02, 2014
The argument against apples, teaching toddlers about death and nutrition, getting a fish on board, why I won’t vote for JFK, the argument against Halloween and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.” License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Fri, October 24, 2014
Description to follow.
Fri, October 24, 2014
A cat in a barm brack factory, shopping bag pension schemes, reasons to bring a ham to a Census office, ending stationery abuse, bags for death, losing the run of it on a treadmill and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Mon, September 29, 2014
Description to follow. Perhaps. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported [ ] Attribution: “Neal from Ireland via “
Mon, September 29, 2014
Amoebas versus Astral Physicists, life beyond the cat inter estate highway wall, why cats don’t understand the free market economy, orange on television and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Mon, September 15, 2014
Description to follow.
Mon, September 15, 2014
The tourble with Ouentin Tarantino, Barber beheadings, trojan politics, overlooked fables, topical crap and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, September 03, 2014
Description to follow. Possibly. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported [ ] Attribution: “Neal from Ireland via “
Wed, September 03, 2014
How to be retrospectively greedy, confectionery ingredient bars, a false luxury and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, August 20, 2014
Another fine episode of Into Your Head podcast with Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported [ ] Attribution: “Neal from Ireland via “
Wed, August 20, 2014
Turning orange by stealth, what to call your roommates, living next door to Bono, overhead property rights in space and lots more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Thu, August 07, 2014
Concluding a short season of Temporarily Daily Summer Shows. Back with normal Into Your Head episodes soon. Thanks for listening. With your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Wed, August 06, 2014
Another instalment of Into Your Head in Temporarily Daily Summer Show mode. With your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Tue, August 05, 2014
Week 2 of the Temporarily Daily Summer Show version of Into Your Head. With your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Mon, August 04, 2014
Week 2 of the Temporarily Daily Summer Show version of Into Your Head. With your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Fri, August 01, 2014
Into Your Head podcast’s alternative format of short daily shows is back for a Summer run. With your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Thu, July 31, 2014
Into Your Head podcast’s alternative format of short daily shows is back for a Summer run. With your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Wed, July 30, 2014
Into Your Head podcast’s alternative format of short daily shows is back for a Summer run. With your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Tue, July 29, 2014
Into Your Head podcast’s alternative format of short daily shows is back for a Summer run. With your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Mon, July 28, 2014
Into Your Head podcast’s alternative format of short daily shows returns for a Summer run. With your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Fri, July 04, 2014
An excessive primer, puppets in court, paper clip economics, cat photocopiers, bespoke plastic things, Sting versus a one-eyed cat, the Garth Brooks controversy, Irish sports and more, with your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Fri, June 27, 2014
Ponytails versus human hair, a very special hall of mirrors, an elephant’s USP, self-conscious fingers and more, with your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Sat, June 21, 2014
In which your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland, sits in and does a podcast on the hottest day of the year. We’ll forgo the topic-listing formalities if you don’t mind. It’s too damn hot. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Sun, June 15, 2014
Harry Potter versus Steve Jobs, Stephen Hawking versus Morgan Freeman, shunning windows on starships, believing in books, the problem with the atmosphere, obsessing over who made things, a no-frills vomitorium, Dr Drew pretending to look at you, dogs as police officers, drama versus fake news and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, June 01, 2014
Elitist bouncy castles, why that woman in the movie Titanic was a hypocrite, cat based lubricants and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, May 25, 2014
Wigs, snowmen, signing for contraceptives, IRA songs about the weather, soliloquies, rose tinted highlighter pens and lots more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Fri, May 23, 2014
How Netflix handles infinity, The Gong Show versus The Goon Show, how rhetorical twin fences think, pharmacists versus bartenders and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, May 07, 2014
Wed, May 07, 2014
Technology-assisted witch trials, cat cloud perspective, natural furniture legs, how strangers work, Bon Jovi philosophy, scratch media and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Tue, April 22, 2014
Back with a new episode and quite a bit of throat-clearing, but it’s something,, anyway, hence the title, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Tue, April 15, 2014
Show 751A – Labelled 751 point 5 in some places. In which your common cold afflicted proprietor, Neal from Ireland, phones it in with a couple of specially selected archive episodes, including the one in which the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez walks into a bar.
Tue, April 08, 2014
If cats ran supermarkets, movies for yogic astral flyers, how to motivate a sick dog, and lots more with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Sat, April 05, 2014
Different types of powder, people who still run video rental shops, regulating the afterlife, what it’s like to own a private jet, whether Hitler might have been re-incarnated as a podcast listener, a cold closure and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Wed, March 26, 2014
Television’s Shainne Greoige returns with her occasional newspaper review and Neal discusses the McDonalds school of reincarnation, the brain as a ventriloquist, the dangers of counting sheep, how Dante avoided death threats, life as a dog and more.
Thu, March 20, 2014
Brain surgeons versus street cleaners, life as an Argos reservation number and lots more, with your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Tue, March 18, 2014
An advantage over Eminem, reflective light bulbs, foil topic wrappers, why everything is about the beer, checking that the laws of physics are operating, rearranging Professor Stephen Hawking and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sat, March 08, 2014
A special female centric episode of Into Your Head podcast, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Fri, March 07, 2014
Resuscitating a calculator, barter in Lidl, life as a ginger nut, a box bedroom versus the Sistine Chapel, the benefits of Spongebob nightmares and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, February 26, 2014
Defining the world, on-board motors versus fans, plant hygiene, how not to destroy a country and lots more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, February 23, 2014
In a double length episode, Neal discusses why society needs idiot savants, astrophysics with imaginary PlayDoh, whether the Elephant Man could been a dog, the deli beside the Ed Sullivan Theatre, frontal lode sweatshops, a surprise for Walt Disney, an experimental afterlude and lots more.
Wed, February 05, 2014
Classless peanuts, turkeys, the Radiohead school of cosmetics, simplicity demystified and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Thu, January 30, 2014
Previewing a Justin Bieber court case, creating an artificial Hell, why people can’t do Tarzan stuff, natural wastage involving the name Lou Reed, creating a new Irish culture to confuse the internation community for some reason, applying marketing principles to a cat story and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Fri, January 24, 2014
The problem with philosophy, accountancy in the slave industry, a fantastically profound thought about time travel that you won\’t have heard before, the problem with moccasins and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Mon, January 20, 2014
In a rather Freddie Mercury centric episode, Neal also deals with the argument against toy bullet proof vests, tooth care psychology, cat accountancy, stationery designs based on bees and more.
Mon, January 13, 2014
Drawing John the Baptist, specifically his head, the importance of seams in modern society, what happens in castles, how cavemen invented language, rebranding horse meat and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, January 12, 2014
One of two episodes that have at times claimed in to be number 737. Let's not worry about it too much. Elephant racism, hallucinating in a convenience store, vicarious spider hunting, knowing how to do things, Ryanair’s aircraft carriers, life in Cloud Cuckoo Land, unexpected solar eclipses and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Tue, December 31, 2013
Finale of this run of the Into Your Head Temporarily Daily Christmas Show. Back to regular shows next week.
Mon, December 30, 2013
It’s the Into Your Head podcast Temporarily Daily Christmas Show!
Fri, December 27, 2013
Into Your Head in Temporarily Daily Christmas Show mode, every weekday until January.
Thu, December 26, 2013
Another episode of the Into Your Head Temporarily Daily Christmas Show! Every weekday until January.
Tue, December 24, 2013
Continuing week two of the Into Your Head Temporarily Daily Christmas Show, which continues every weekday until 2014. Although admittedly week two only continues until the end of week two. You get the general idea though. With your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Mon, December 23, 2013
Starting week two of the Into Your Head Temporarily Daily Christmas Show, which continues every weekday until 2014. Although admittedly week two only continues until the end of week two. You get the general idea though. With your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Fri, December 20, 2013
Into Your Head continues in Temporarily Daily Christmas Show mode until the new year, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Thu, December 19, 2013
Into Your Head continues in Temporarily Daily Christmas Show mode until the new year, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Tue, December 17, 2013
Every weekday until 2014, Into Your Head is in Temporarily Daily Christmas Show mode. With your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Mon, December 16, 2013
Into Your Head cpmtomies in Temporarily Daily Christmas Show mode until the new year. With your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, December 15, 2013
Into Your Head continues in Temporarily Daily Christmas Show mode until the new year. With your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Fri, December 06, 2013
Equal rights for hiccup sufferers, Nelson Mandela\’s imprisonment experience versus this common cold, unpasteurised medicine, naming cats after UN secretaries general and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, December 01, 2013
Show 723A – Labelled 723 point 5 in some systems. In which Neal appears, coughs his lungs out, apologises, says something disgusting and proceeds to introduce some fine material from the archives.
Tue, November 19, 2013
BB King at an open mic comedy spot, time-travel toilet issues, the problem with over-explaining, the duties of an off-duty police officer, your wall versus my wall, biblical nicknames, retuning a commute and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sat, November 16, 2013
The original show notes just say description to follow. I can only assume I wore myself out coming up with the title.
Thu, November 14, 2013
What happens when cats in a podcast become self-aware? Do Acts of God have free will? What would Alanis find ironic today? What happens when you replace cornflakes with potato crisps in your milk? These and other questions addressed, with real life examples, by your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, November 13, 2013
Using a multi track mouth, life in a two dimensional office, reggae songs about washing powder, different types and sizes of Bono, obsessing over death, yawning experiments and lots more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Fri, November 08, 2013
Teaching shoelace management, understanding the sleeporial mind, non-profit vomitoriums, karate bullets, intrusive ventriloquism, how to annoy the people of The Netherlands, bookkeeping in space and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, October 16, 2013
Description to follow. Or not, apparently.
Mon, October 14, 2013
In this movie length special, Neal explains why plastic bags are the future and discusses understanding the concept of time, how to attack yourself with stones, surviving a government shutdown, waivers for windows, mentalists versus environmentalists, corporeal skepticism and more. This episode also has a very special experimental appendix that starts around forty five minutes in.
Sat, October 05, 2013
A portable drive through restaurant, what to do about Steve Jobs, putting manners on a coffee machine, travelatory incontinence, non linear bar visits and lots more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Tue, October 01, 2013
The logistics of shooting somebody in bed, casting actors as inanimate objects, making things catchy, diluting fish, modern day hippies, managing Einstein, urinating over New Jersey, how John Lennon wrote, bean puns and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, September 25, 2013
A glass half full of poison, how to eat news, how to survive in a desert, the meaning of life and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, September 22, 2013
Recognizing the sun, George Orwell as a German discount retailer, testing witchcraft products on pets,stage two common colds, pretending to edit the present, things you cannot joke about, explaining the economy to a bottle of deodorant and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, September 15, 2013
Back with an extended episode after the commonc cold debacle, Neal discusses, how deja vu works, a single M and M, plumbing for phlegm disposal, inquisitivity, learning manipulateability from spiders, fingers versus the media, trading listeners and more. Historical note: This episode has comee o be despised due to hours spent trying to fix various feeds that failed to handle the brand name M and M, with the correct and approprate apostrophies, which get rejected as miswritten code.
Tue, September 10, 2013
Show 711A – labelled 711 point 5 on some systems. Your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland has a disgusting cold, so has assembled this care package of previously released material, to tide you over. Back with new shows soon.
Tue, September 03, 2013
The argument for urine in fast food, remembering Ireland’s Seven Eleven, specifically the store they had in Ballsbridge, Dublin in the late 1980s before pulling out of Ireland, artificial panic mechanisms, the problem with ball games, flowers and drugs versus stabbing people, understanding keys, James Joyce’s Ulysses versus Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, September 01, 2013
A special episode, the content of which is too difficult to describe here. With your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland, or some version thereof.
Sat, August 31, 2013
A slightly more overcaffeinated Neal than usual discusses bandages versus beards, how to use an information kiosk, breaking down in a barber shop, a digital heart, unregulated home surgery, filming The Invisible Man, stabbing a cartoon character and more.
Sun, August 25, 2013
Degrees of roundness, reasons not to call a spade a spade, bar water management, stuff versus things, 22 Jump Street, analysing chicken crap, the dark ages of television, colourising rain, axe murders versus axe suicides, fish flasks and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, August 21, 2013
Experiment episode, whatever that means. Teaching cats about pint glasses, from data entry to a patented Professor Stephen Hawkins, a new anti vomit device, churches doing it in English, competing with the Sistine Chapel and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, August 18, 2013
In another extended episode, we look at teaching common sense to architects, cleaning up after the dinosaurs, shiny new European currency, a wasted chalkboard, how to know if you are in the wrong house, philosophising with a dog and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sat, August 17, 2013
In this overly lengthy episode, a look at reimagining Rio De Janeiro with balloons, cloud beverage storage, why respecting illiterate cats is good PR, ways to make things longer, how to stop starting, walking with a bear on your head, marketing cabbage in cola drinks, a new approach to airport runways, the argument against musicianship, punctuation for dead people such as recently deceased fitcional junior announcer Glen Acton and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Tue, August 13, 2013
Another fine episode of Into Your Head with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland, who apparently isn’t in a description writing mood today.
Wed, August 07, 2013
How Columbus laid the way for satellite TV, elephant inspired fashion, how to dissuade a cat from drinking, catering for arachnophobia sufferers and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sat, August 03, 2013
A dog’s eye view of the world, regulating wicker, bringing under cooked steaks to a bloodbank, a fresh idea about wheelchair use, the dangers of over compensating, language based duels, duck tours in Space, pride in the Titanic and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, July 31, 2013
A machine for managing sitcom enjoyment, dogs who blaspheme, belch-based evolution, a critique of tree genealogy, politically correct cinema snacks, allowing dead trees to rot, a cat in an M and M factory and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, July 28, 2013
Back from the podcast’s short Summer break, Neal discusses obnoxious translators, juicing versus vomiting, lessons for the bartending industry from WWE wrestling, living a vagueness-based life, pulling wool over a human’s eyes, drinking cider in front of a pope, transmogrifying weeds, Dr Doolittle’s Achilles’s heel and more.
Wed, July 10, 2013
Unregulated surgical implements, worms versus a worm, Jesus and his baker’s dozen, demystifying Bob Dylan, the future of self service checkouts and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Mon, July 08, 2013
A lesson about misplaced violence, the world before cow sandwiches, a special song for Monday morning and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sat, July 06, 2013
Into Your Head celebrates seven years of existence! Eggshell carpets, life as an OCD clergyman, how cats avoid hot day scams, life before writing implements, an food pipe, European monkey nut diplomacy and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Mon, July 01, 2013
Religious surveys by supermarkets, when to give up water, one dimensional faces, zoo style literacy, artificial feces flavoring, percentiles and how they do not work, how to name a child and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Thu, June 27, 2013
Being normal, round things versus square things, ear plug issues, a brief history of masking tape, internal teeth, freezing nuts, nuts in McDonalds, the language of popsicle sticks, entertaining Hitler, how squirrels work and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sat, June 22, 2013
Three dimensional roundabouts, existentialism in cats and lots more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Fri, June 21, 2013
Bono versus a fly, remembering frogspanwing, more about flies, something about monkey nuts and a lot more about flies, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Tue, June 18, 2013
Sháinne Greoige returns with a unique look at the newspapers and Neal discusses recasting Larry Hagman, starting a country without founding fathers, cat milk versus Murphy\’s stout, how to break eggs, unlimited mutual exclusivity, how to lose Masterchef, Willy Wonka calling the kettle black and more.
Mon, June 10, 2013
A brief history of reaper fearing, generic metaphors, sleeping in the desert, generic horses, listener correspondence, generic Guinness, over rated multitasking, the meaning of life and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Thu, June 06, 2013
Cow chemistry, sheep sociology, pollen versus washing powder, soundstages for cats, brownie politics, a new system for documenting cat names and lots more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, June 02, 2013
First time listeners should avoid. Neal discusses how reverse evolution works, a circus style education, paper as a drug, learning about balance from fish scales, Paula Abdul and her cat, and more.
Thu, May 30, 2013
Corporal punishment in offices, how religious debates occur in the afterlife, applying TV set design principles in the real world, Frankenstein fences, understanding paint tins and more. with your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Wed, May 29, 2013
How actors deal with toilet scenes, disease branding, using Latin as filler, filler free sandwiches, entertaining the vulgar masses, permeable bongo tops, the expression Away in a hack, chalkboard fingernail psychology, things they never covered on Oprah, importance versus value, creating fictional universes and more. With your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Fri, May 24, 2013
Overcoming monkey nut related vomiting, naming TV doctors, songs about holocaust deniers, serving feces in bars, learning through Latin, recognizing Brian May and much more.
Sun, May 19, 2013
Quadrophenia by The Who in real life, why kids should have guns, what tinned apples tell you about going outdoors, knowing too much about dogs, a brief history of agoraphobia, disclaimers versus reclaimers, Judge Judy and her similarly occupied husband, incentives for hygiene, model airways, living down under and more, with your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Thu, May 16, 2013
Shaving versus piloting a helicopter, modern attitudes to fingernails, self administered reprimandation, the mind's eye versus jelly, thesaurus crimes, do monkeys bite their fingernails, the woman on the Pepsi Max bottles and more, with your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Sun, May 12, 2013
How to look at a windmill, repurposing a PostIt note, memorable phone numbers, running a pharmacy from a pub, podcasts via telephone, bar philosophy and more
Thu, May 09, 2013
Orange according to Stanley Kubrick, furniture delivery logistics, how giraffes get served in bars, pilot episodes, apostles versus disciples, Dragon\’s Den versus Shark Attack and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sun, May 05, 2013
A new, minimalistic Garden of Eden, chicken by-products, how to live in a face-based world, America\’s Next Top Model Airplane and more, with your humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce this attribution for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.”
Wed, May 01, 2013
Becoming one of THEM, the plant equivalent of elephant tusks, the over domestication of cats, what happens when an over caffeinated podcast creator walks into a bar and more.
Mon, April 29, 2013
Neal considers applying retail management techniques to spinsters, how Eminem composes lyrics, monkey nuts in the news, self inflicted tongue injuries, Blues Brothers versus Reservoir Dogs, listener correspondence an easier way to turn water into wine, the chicken distribution policies of Bob Geldof and more.
Thu, April 18, 2013
The flawed abbreviations of Tom Cruise, why all comparisons are pointless, putting houses on wheels, Spiderman’s headphone cable, defining the outside world, the advantages of receiving military honours at your funeral, happy medium puns and more.
Mon, April 15, 2013
Neal discusses mental sandboxes, malls versus jumbo jets, communicating with penguins, a town full of Pippins, depicting stuff without showing it and more.
Sun, April 14, 2013
How to live in chronological order, Recycling wax, competing with the sewage system, weedkiller antidotes, Glen Acton and his anniversary, fly shortages in the TV industry, avoiding eye contact with dead birds and more.
Tue, April 09, 2013
Meeting a muppet as an adult, the limitations of being interesting, building things from cigarettes, Margaret Thatcher versus zombies and more.
Sat, April 06, 2013
Neal discusses fertiliser versus sugar, double placebos, dealing with black holes, the value of building your house in a hole, identifying natural gas in a bar and more. Also the first occasional instalment of a new vehicle for our fictional newsreader, Shainne Greoige.
Mon, April 01, 2013
This episode sees the return of the occasional segment Athy Weekly World News with Shainne Greoige. Also, Neal discusses the laws governing poetic license, sub standard versus bog standard, attitudes to swearing during the Second World War, traffic light diplomacy, covering up for a cold remed and more.
Thu, March 28, 2013
Forest philosophy, shopping on soap opera sets, how organised religion has influenced maths, listener Manny and his Eggs Benedict, the mailman in Cheers, standard HD television, being disturbed on Boston Common and more.
Mon, March 25, 2013
Listener correspondence, glasses at the drive through, mountain climbing versus shopping, how to count sheep, nineteen eighties TV weather, secretly mastering the harmonica and lots more.
Thu, March 21, 2013
How to look at a face, how the Universe thrived by not existing, guessing about women, letting monkeys off the hook, how monarchies work and more.
Sun, March 17, 2013
In a sub standard but nonetheless released episode, Neal discusses how to admonish your future self, the problem with digging, life without a mouth, a pope without cats, practicing science in the Garden of Eden, appreciating an extra head, doing science in your head and more.
Wed, March 13, 2013
How common sense works, Lady Madonna’s harmonica, how to make a curry, New York’s phlegm retardant Eskimo index, Ryan Seacrest invades Dublin, artificial fists, you Americans who use the term Patty for Ptrick, two Skid Rows, defining a street, viral videos versus AIDS, human pockets, doing your best with a Beamish, cat optimism, regulating chewing, caninular versus felinular, Pope Benedict Emeritus and his cat, making the most of going nowhere and more.
Sat, March 09, 2013
Legal implications of “extras” in real life, bird faeces in fine cuisine, natural icing on trees, how invisible people could end the recession, my apparently fake memories, Walt Disney versus garden peas, how to televise a silent brainstorming session and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce this attribution for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.”
Sun, March 03, 2013
Underground passport control, vanity searches by Shakespeare, bottle deposit economics, Microsoft holographic keyboard, how to surviveshow 666 osthumously fueling flowers, cat hexakosioihexekontahexaphobics in bars and more.
Thu, February 28, 2013
Horse meat snobbery, escaping a bear, unattended yoyos, George Orwell’s fake forks, fear of the light, owning encyclopedias, Pope Benedict and his new pasttime, wine for cats and more.
Mon, February 25, 2013
Life before spatial awareness, how Stephen King started writing, facial organs in 2D, irresponsible weather management by ancient civilisations, convenience stores versus dinosaurs, that song about the hole in the bucket, washing cheese, chaos as a lifestyle, the argument in favour of cheese and omelettes, contextual cat selection, the Sun at night, repurchasing The Whizzkid’s Handbook by Peter Eldin, that song Lanigan’s Ball and more.
Wed, February 20, 2013
Maintaining a clean dental record, feminine hygiene in the Garden of Eden, earthing an aircraft to the ground, how to interpret rudeness positively, how the brain works, Russian doll stationery, random crap falling from space and more.
Tue, February 19, 2013
A slightly hoarse Neal discusses verifying so-called fiction, round boxing rings, why Mother Nature should specialise more, how to instantly live in the future, a new way to breed free range chickens, hygiene in a world without poverty, OCD friendly podcasting, why we don’t have hemp newspapers, how supreme beings create infinite time and waste it, How dogs decide where to pee and more.
Wed, February 13, 2013
Sewing a cotton ear bud, chain link fence art, minority kitchen utensils, cow names for humans, taking pride in exhaling carbon dioxide,a little pizza history, originality on the bongos, fictional relativity in a Bonsai country, putting cows in your head, Nazi grooming equipment on a pawn shop reality show and more.
Sun, February 10, 2013
The problem with coin operated time machines, why centipedes have to be vigilant against BS, tin foil underhats, pronouncing animal noises, quantum physics, drawing a line in a bar, digesting limbs, life before time travel, the chances of a time travelling dog winning the lotto and more.
Tue, February 05, 2013
Magic versus miracles, salt culture, silencing negativity with maths, Adam and Eve and their cow versus the Mona Lisa, the theme from The Fall Guy, Glasses in World of Warcraft, how this show helps the third world, hedgehog geometry, misunderstandings about fresh fish and more.
Fri, February 01, 2013
Adapting lost keys, why it’s rude to say restroom, the fallen tree approach to medicine, catwalks versus runways, getting the most out of a PostIt note, how to know that there’s more to life than knowing everything, The Two Ronnies versus Schrodinger and his cat, people who change their names, reinventing the virtual window, how an orange drink could wipe out the oceans, transparency versus invisibility and more.
Wed, January 30, 2013
Continuing the third and last week of Into Your Head podcast\’s Temporarily Daily Christmas Show. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported [ ] Attribution: “Neal from Ireland via “
Tue, January 29, 2013
Why giraffes look smaller than they are, post JFK libraries, life as a bacterial organism, how to make a mockery, how to quantify a pee, words that never get used, removing elbow grease, a kumquat psychiatrist and lots more.
Fri, January 25, 2013
Apologies for the sub par sound quality. When food addicts start injecting, when beverages wear clothes, when nail scissors bend, when brains get tattooed, when piss gets mispronounced, when rocket scientists discover their limitations, when people enquire about the history of popsicle sticks, when brain surgeons go mad and more.
Tue, January 22, 2013
Saying no to gullet cleansers, how deaf dogs get by, controlling your dreams, Latin in the nineteen eighties, expanding my musical arsenal, clamping calendars to things and more.
Fri, January 18, 2013
Life as a dog prostitute, bone bread, analyzing your own brain, an artificial hernia, using the outside of your throat, elephants versus optimism, friendly sports, how to store the tongue of a cow, doing business with Neanderthal man, identical different things and more.
Wed, January 16, 2013
OCD TV chefs, reinventing the clock, renting time versus selling it, why dogs steal, medicinal pies, the problem with NIke, eating without dining, gravity versus levity, learning from Adam Carolla’s dad, defining inanimate, making animal tails interesting and more.
Fri, January 11, 2013
Harvesting dog ears, Investing in coal, mugs versus souls, spitting in the office, tangerines, OCD magicianship, sorting junk mail, the problem with the sardine industry, distracting magicians in bars and more.
Tue, January 08, 2013
Extended episode! Why children should be given coffee, the Rules of the Road through the eyes of a dog, making capsules from piss, midnight postal deliveries, the Cat Inter-Estate Highway, glorifying water, defining indefinable, podcast openings, facial openings, some news about the word antidisestablishmentarianism, legislating for cat marmalade, carousels versus arousal and lots more.
Fri, January 04, 2013
Fakely disposable mugs, sexing an inanimate object, tracing the word vomit, how to prepare your home for fossilisation, why it’s not really January, SIC versus LIC, a Town Hall McDonald’s, questioning Satanism, having the Universe assessed by a third party, why new year’s resolutions fail, beginnings, middles and ends, insects who swear and more.
Fri, December 21, 2012
Neal discusses Coke obsessed polar bears, a noteworthy dog, a cooking with frankincense, roast monkey chestnuts, what to get the king who has everything and more. There’s also a seasonal edition of Shainne Greoige’s Athy Weekly World News.
Wed, December 19, 2012
The physics of coffee making, dressing up to play sports, alleviating listener blame, why Sting is not a punk, Tony Hawks “Round Ireland with a Fridge”, round the word with Ruben from, child-based families, how Jon Stewart gets respect despite being a clown, discussing human resources with cutlery, being humbled by inanimate objects and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O'Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Fri, December 14, 2012
The monkey nut marketing principle, scenes from a 1980s Ethiopian bar, an appearance from deceased junior announcer Glen Acton, another new bulletine of Athy Weekly World News with Shainne Greoige, scraping versus melting a bucket, how to make a song about Mondays and more.
Tue, December 11, 2012
Redesigning the boiled egg, applying principles from The Dukes of Hazard to pub architecture, how swearing causes species to go extinct, alternative mouth architecture, Hitler versus Pinky and the Brain, Intellectual Property Squatting, a new instalment of Athy Weekly World News with Shainne Greoige and more.
Tue, December 04, 2012
There’s another brand new Athy Weekly World News with Shainne Greoige and Neal discusses bodily fluid snobbery, horizons versus coasts, a tale of two Hitlers in a bar, psychic leakage, trying to make dogs interesting, running things up flagpoles and more.
Sun, December 02, 2012
Recovering from a Terminator shooting in a bar, how cat vomit fits into the circle of life, manual pen holders, a closer look at rigmaroles, why Jesus wants people to breed monkeys, a story about a story, enjoying weather indoors and more.
Sat, December 01, 2012
Violent ball games, Sausages for free spirits, How the emergency services deal with lions in bars, Racket rackets, Why there’s no tomorrow but it’s not a problem and lots more.
Fri, November 23, 2012
Exposing Alanis Morissette, drunk glove puppets, trucks that carry dead space shuttles, monkey nuts in the future, flashcards for pubs, why this isn’t a Pink Floyd album, fake free bowls, one person operated languages and more.
Tue, November 20, 2012
Alcohol concierges for cats, psychic dog walking, catching diseases off yourself, a perpetual circumnavigatory phone call, bags for life versus flowers, the problem with long words, the post writing implement era, cat bar inspection tales, introducing Shainne Greoige to new listeners and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Fri, November 16, 2012
On today’s episode, your host is a little over caffeinated and talks very fast. If you can keep up, you’ll hear about treating the sea as a giant marinating pot, non-opposable thumbs, the drunk dog psychiatric therapy sales scam, a quick guide to anti sunburn ceilings, what happens to fictional characters when narration ends, what orchards tell us about evolution, problems with metaphorical trains, infra red one way traffic lights, the latest breakfast cereal fashions and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Tue, November 13, 2012
A tale of two Beatles in a bar, swearing versus binary code, distinguishing pudding bowl haircut wearers from each other, judgemental prehistoric amoebas, Unnecessarily naming dots and more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Fri, November 09, 2012
Why the Schrodinger cat deserves a name, things with bubbles in them, alternatives to using names of deities in vein, why presidents don’t need names, piddling and alliterating at the same time, a real time manhole interruption, collecting shades of green, a Creutzfeldt Jakob lemonade production failure, the problem with the popcorn industry and lots more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Tue, November 06, 2012
The Italians and their tomatoes, Shakespearean language versus the modern day sandwich, fun with Braille, dealing with electrical tape, listener correspondence about helicopters, audience harmonica survey, binary performance art, life as an inanimate electric carving knife and more. With your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Sat, November 03, 2012
Breakfast in a Sanatorium, how evolution will triumph over Miriam Webster, breaking an amoeba\’s legs, stool shapes, touch screen devices for cats, biology versus space exploration, going to hell in a hand basket, how to worry about the world, biscuits versus bars, the true story of a monkey who was really a duck, waggley tails versus spoons and lots more, with your humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Wed, October 31, 2012
This is a stream of consciousness nonsense humour podcast that does not in any way condone or support disgraced former pop star Gary Glitter - Paul Franciss Gadd - and his horrific crimes. Neal discusses gospels for scientists, the work ethic of x ray operators, a tale of two refreshingly honest paedophiles in a bar, a listener complaint about burping, a listener comment about narcotics, How burning records could destroy Christmas, how to sit on the fence and more.
Sun, October 28, 2012
The trick or treat scam, life as an adhesive tape dispenser, being dismissive towards cows, truffles versus edible gold, begging for things that grow on trees, Glen Acton returns with a new tirade and lots more, with your host and humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Tue, October 23, 2012
Why birds are paedophile scumbags, how the tax system deals with bags of scum, the pronunciation of elocution, what there was before the universe existed, why rocket scientists are terrorists and lots more, with your host and humble proprietor, Neal from Ireland.
Fri, October 19, 2012
A slightly hoarse Neal explains why NASA should search for ashes and discusses languages versus sandwiches, accidental pourage versus spillage, depressing news for data input clerks and more.
Tue, October 16, 2012
Neal discusses off road jaywalking, how to be a police officer, tear related hygiene issues, borrowing a name, responsibilities of bear owners, the practicalities of life in a children’s story book, Shakespeare-influenced podcasting and lmore.
Sun, October 14, 2012
Another episode of Into Your Head podcast, with an informative description.
Thu, October 11, 2012
Neal discusses the problem with Satan, manufactured noises in supermarkets, the world through a model aeroplane, the Jamiroquai view of life, heating coal mines, painting a keyboard and lots more.
Tue, October 09, 2012
Another fine episode of Into Your Head podcast with Neal from Ireland,
Sun, October 07, 2012
How porn scripts get made, Cosmetic testing on vegetables, perspiration technology, how to approach a traffic cop, the late Glen Acton explains why moss gathering is under-rated, how to make a drama out of a brutal axe murder, teaching kids how to handle monkey nuts, milk in chocolate bars in bars and more. With your host and humble proprietor Neal from Ireland.
Thu, September 27, 2012
Neal discusses being a number in a bar, stoicism on TV news, exploring beyond the North Pole, the principles of caffeine management, how music and books work and more, attempts a mashup of Stevie Wonder song I Wish with some Eminem thing or other, and a bit of the Will Smith Wild Wild West soundtrack, then concludes by leaving the listener with some empowering thoughts to survive the weekend.
Tue, September 25, 2012
Neal performs a song about delegation in the postal service and discusses souls versus mugs, how cloud computing may cause murders, using zebras to teach road safety to children, the Irish Jim Henson - Eugene Lambert - biblical beards, the average monkey or human and more. There’s also an open letter to Sir Anthony Hopkins about cannibalism.
Sun, September 23, 2012
Neal discusses the problem with binary coffee, Professor Stephen Hawkins and his fast food franchise, Walt Disney and his suspended animation, whether Hitler had cats, serving alcohol in zoological gardens and more, and performs a thought control experiment on the listener.
Tue, September 18, 2012
Neal completely reinvents the crossword again, explains how to pluck a pheasant and discusses prying guns from dead hands, menu evidence bags, smell punching, potato profiteering, why buckets should be seen and not heard, how to inject new words into society and more.
Sun, September 16, 2012
Neal discusses Justin Bieber versus Alanis Morissette versus people called Ron, the arguments against transparency, headless football, stereophonic chemicals, how Economists misuse arrows when discussing bananas, how to become a worldwide local chain and more.
Thu, September 13, 2012
Neal discusses donating tap water to US Presidential candidates, life as an undereducated anteater versus life as a doornail, how Adam and Eve went about procreating, life as a fictional character in a story about the prohibition era and more.
Tue, September 11, 2012
Another episode of Into Your Head podcast.
Sun, September 09, 2012
Another episode of Into Your Head podcast. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Thu, September 06, 2012
Neal discusses marketing pistachio nut paste at children, American attitudes to biscuits and repairing a horse’s hind legs. He also attempts some harmonica-based Eminem-style rapping and considers the ramifications of advising a stabbing victim, speaking without saying anything, what if this episode was a sentient being, protecting a wireless mouse from burglars and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O'Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Tue, September 04, 2012
Neal proposes a new nature documentary format based on the Olympics and discusses the role of monkey nuts in alien evolution, the argument in favour of psychiatrists taking stool samples, recreating dragons, why lyricists have it easy, schizophrenia’s part in his imaginary friend’s downfall and more. Deceased fictional junior announcer Glen Acton also pops his decomposing head in. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O'Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Sun, September 02, 2012
Neal predicts his own toaster-urine-related death and discusses deodorant testers, sweet ‘n’ sour cream diarrhoea, modern fish scales, rose tinted contact lenses, cats in circuses, an influx of foreign breakfasts, clowns in banks, life on a curved playing field and lots more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O'Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Thu, August 30, 2012
Neal investigates the abuse of drugs by several listeners and discusses the use of stingers by post offices, the original pre-cartoon 3D era, competing with Karen Carpenter at the checkout, modernising castles, installing pencil sharpeners and other accessories in antique clocks, the availability of cat milk in bars and more, License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O'Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Tue, August 28, 2012
Neal revisits last week’s pre-death Neil Armstrong space urination question debacle and discusses Robert De Niro’s prison training, chemically reconstituting monkey nuts, cow flesh moccasins, checking whether the world still exists, the need for chicken bones, how toy manufacturers are intentionally accelerating the evolution process and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O'Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Sun, August 26, 2012
Neal sets out the argument against punching taxi drivers in the face and discusses the limitations of fictional time travel, the undead versus the non-dead, fish based ball games and something about silent farting, an unhelpful description of blood oranges, having a hangover and more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O'Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Thu, August 23, 2012
Neal discusses, among many other things, getting NASA union rights for every human being on Earth, and why that might be a bad thing. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O'Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Tue, August 21, 2012
Neal discusses the dangers of becoming too light, the subconscious topic bucket, a gaping flaw in the Olympic equestrian games, holding your breath on Mars, cats and their attitudes to bones, defining a glove puppet and more.
Tue, July 24, 2012
Another episode of Into Your Head podcast.
Sun, July 22, 2012
Neal discusses, among other things, the role that bars, faeces and even the movement of the planets play in the something something of our planet. What happens when two further cats walk into a bar, the imminent removal of new house magnolia and more.
Thu, July 19, 2012
Another episode of Into Your Head podcast.
Tue, July 17, 2012
In a rare drunken episode Neal discusses the politics of the Titanic, sirens through the ages, living in a dead end, how to identify the end of time, having more cats than Freddie Mercury, dates on cows, how to spell compliance, Fionn McCumhaill and the mythical salmon of knowledge for the MTV generation and more.
Sun, July 15, 2012
Neal discusses a range of issues that he finds quite difficult to describe in textual form, but which are nonetheless fascinating and entertaining as always when listened to aurally from the enclosed MP3 file.
Thu, July 12, 2012
Neal explains licensed gutter-water cat breeding, proposes a contingency plan for rescuing Professor Stephen Hawking in the event of a flood, and discusses cantilever giraffes, the deshelling of goobernuts and more.
Tue, July 10, 2012
Neal discusses the good old days when kids would run away to join a pirate ship & the Ireland of the 1970s, the complications involved in diagnosing monkey nut poisoning, the truth about cavemen hunting practices and more.
Sun, July 08, 2012
This episode ends abruptly. Don’t panic, you don’t miss anything important. Today, Neal explains why you might need a shit eating grin, and discusses the problem with measuring things against crow flight, how the parable of The Loaves and the Fishes is dealt with in catering colleges, Carnivorous birds on Boston Common, how to tar an Earth-shaped monkey nut with one brush and lots more including an unintended but unharmful abrupt ending.
Thu, July 05, 2012
Neal discusses the different types of bottomless buckets, pimps on MTV, bars in Russia, Mary Magdalene’s cat, monkey nuts from the point of view of a cat, what happens to the worst laid plans of mice and men and more, and deceased fictional former junior announcer Glen Acto makes an appearance.
Tue, July 03, 2012
Neal explains why boxers are hypocrites, why walls don't need ears, why you would want an exact replica of the Universe and more.
Sun, July 01, 2012
Today Neal discusses America’s imminent exposure to the world of Eskimos, the definition of, the Phlatus experiment, cats being passed off as badgers on children’s television, a proposal to become intentionally mentally ill in conjunction with the listeners and more.
Thu, June 28, 2012
Neal explains how something as simple as a cat urinating on some monkey nuts may have prevented us from ever understanding the true nature of human existence.
Tue, June 26, 2012
Neal explains how Adam and Eve produced a mixed race, how meat becomes salted, why cats don’t like skimmed milk, how to name an air disaster movie, how physics probably works and more.
Sun, June 24, 2012
Neal discusses, among other things, the true nature of the standard so called rabbit sanctuary and what it’s going to take for the automobile industry to start producing blood sausages.
Thu, June 21, 2012
Neal discusses bucket list management, Mother Teresa and her footwear, selling viruses online, the show COPS, Yuri Geller and his anti spoon tirade, how cats imagine and more.
Tue, June 19, 2012
Listen and be merry. That’s literally all the original description says.
Sun, June 17, 2012
Neal proposes a new way to tackle ignorance and deals with the anti hoody brigade, bipolar bears and more.
Thu, June 14, 2012
In one of the finest episodes of Into Your Head ever made, Neal unveils his unique and revolutionary new concept for an alterative to freezing food and more.
Tue, June 12, 2012
Neal discusses the responsibilities associated with creating fictional cats, why cats don’t use anti perspirant and more.
Sun, June 10, 2012
Neal discusses peanut bigotry, retaining toilet waste for religious reasons, how to split hairs, demystifying nuclear weaponry, attitudes to banana slicing,rose tinted superheroes, how to properly assess the weather, a defence of I am Idiot Podcast episode 84 - 2024 edit: Sadly I am Idiot is no longer online unless my website’s link checker is cruelly lying to me - and lots more. There’s also a vulgar and objectionable audio column by Neal’s oldest bear Bowsy, about Christopher Reeve and The Muppets, and more.
Thu, June 07, 2012
Neal discusses red letters, mongooses versus phlegm and more.
Tue, June 05, 2012
Neal discusses 1984 versus 2001: A Space Odyssey, pet mice versus uninvited mice, the dangers of fiction in commercials, Beelines versus crow lines and lots more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce this attribution for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.”
Thu, May 31, 2012
Neal doles out a few home truths about the listener’s judgemental and hypocritical attitude to bird killing cats.
Wed, May 30, 2012
585A - labelled 585.1 on some systems - Bonus episode! A short, unscheduled, nothing expected in return, don’t expect too much out of it, extra thing for your Thursday enjoyment. Neal deals, in quite some detail, with some correspondence from Cork listener and blogger Gammagoblin. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Tue, May 29, 2012
A still hoarse Neal tells of a suspected rabid cat, the invention of the fried fish and potato dinner, a misjudged philosopher in a bucket and more.
Mon, May 28, 2012
A slightly hoarse Neal returns to discuss, among several other things, what happens when two cats walk up to two separate bars at the same time and Judge Judy gets involved, who guards the venison steaks in Lidl, and the nature of the human face.
Tue, May 22, 2012
Neal discusses steering a house, advice for Morgan Spurlock, pre empting droplets, Moonlighting versus Hart to Hart, how to avoid being executed, pre empting eggs, a blushing cat, in praise of a fictional Professor Stephen Hawking, a song about temperature, misconceptions about whiskers, compensating for not having a commute, no more ploughing, Lidl on Saturdays, avoiding the post deliverer and more.
Sun, May 20, 2012
Neal discusses the ideal font size for an insect to read (hypothetical) admitting defeat, making bureaucracy sound bad, admitting the feet, living with leprosy, snow, hermetically sealed nuts, rebelling against the pharmacist’s bag, conversing in cat language, church mathematics, replacing Judge Judy, stage versus television, laughing at Tommy Cooper’s death, conversing with an inanimate object, over-rated locusts, fake theatre audiences, miracle fleas, recycling urine, admitting a feat and more.
Thu, May 17, 2012
Special episode! Neal embarks on a mission to redeem a below par episode. Listen on to find out whether he succeeds.
Tue, May 15, 2012
Part of this description is missing, wo cats walk into a bar story and lots more. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International - Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Sun, May 13, 2012
Neal lays down a few home truths about the weather, fleas, snowflakes, death, science, cats, thinking, planning, mindreading paradoxes, posthumous Beatles and more.
Thu, May 10, 2012
A fantastic Friday episode in which Neal discusses everything and does some other surprise stuff. A must listen according to this, the original description.
Tue, May 08, 2012
Neal deals with piles, funerals, chopsticks, straws, vomitoriums, cats, monks, marijuana, landings, cannibalism tips, posthumous releases and more.
Sun, May 06, 2012
Fixed and reuploaded this episode from 2012 as the original post was misbehaving. Thought this was show 588 but there's already one of those, so think of this as a mystery box.
Thu, May 03, 2012
Neal tells a long and fascinating story about a dog.
Tue, May 01, 2012
Another apparently indescribably instalment of Into Your Head podcast.
Mon, April 30, 2012
Tonight’s Topics Include: I dunno.
Fri, April 13, 2012
The second half of today’s super-long show degenerates into an unusual after dark quantity over quality thing. Which is absolutely fantasti of course, but not before Neal discusses monkey nut butter, the world’s addiction to props, the legalities of intrusions from a perpendicular universe, exploring a cat puppet, knowing a BB King song, space helicopters, what the Police do when you run over an aircraft and more.
Thu, March 01, 2012
No episode description so it must be good.
Thu, August 25, 2011
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable.. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Wed, August 24, 2011
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable.. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Tue, August 23, 2011
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable.. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal teaches humility to a mug of coffee, puts clowns and microwave turntables into perspective and discusses the next Schindler’s List re-make, using black and white photography to tackle racism and more.
Mon, August 22, 2011
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal teaches humility to a mug of coffee, puts clowns and microwave turntables into perspective and discusses the next Schindler’s List re-make, using black and white photography to tackle racism and more.
Fri, August 19, 2011
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal launches the first ever official Into Your Head Mind Induction Scholarship, unveils a musical extravaganza by Cork blogger Gammagoblin, starts the search for the creator of this Universe, launches the Into Your Head theoretical carbon credits donations system, deals with listener correspondence and more.
Thu, August 18, 2011
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal explains why neither he nor Jesus can swim, re-enacts the first ever English language conversation, explains how humanity is going to evolve from here and more.
Wed, August 17, 2011
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal discusses becoming Doogie Howser MD, commenting on Rip Torn, summoning Mike Schmidt, standing on the shoulders of Manny the Mailman, being eaten by cats and more.
Tue, August 16, 2011
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Today: Neal compares the UK rioters to Hershey bars and discusses making fake versions of bad things, the endless lengthening of spoiler alert periods and lots more.
Mon, August 15, 2011
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal explains, among other things, how the evolution of the domestic cat relates to modern Theology, and researches the phrase Call the police, there’s a madman around.
Fri, August 12, 2011
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable.. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal deals with listener mail, most of which pertains to Professor Stephen Hawking or cats or both.
Fri, July 01, 2011
This is a previous era of a podcast that’s evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different now. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. current episodes first. Neal channels the spirit of Ronald Reagan and discusses the legalities of threatening hot-dog vendors, Daffy Duck being in the same Universe as David Letterman, walls through history, medical qualifications of hot dog vendors, that movie with Robert DeNiro where the kids killed the street vendor with his trolley, determining whether something needed to be [rest of description lost]*oj1il8*_ga*OTIzNDQxMTE1LjE3MTcwNTk2MTI.*_ga_6MD8SMG8NT*MTczMzY0Njg5OS4zOTAuMS4xNzMzNjUzMjc1LjYwLjAuMA..
Sun, April 24, 2011
Beware - This is a previous era of a podcast that’s evolved gradually over 18 years and 800 episodes and sounds very different now. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later show first. OVER YOUR HEAD is a series of ten special Into Your Head shows made specially for The Overnnightscape Underground. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License . Attribution: by Neal from Ireland – more info at and First released April 2011 on The Overnightscape Underground (, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts.
Wed, March 16, 2011
On this, the eve of another day of Saint Patrick, Neal discusses a myriad of nonsensical issues in this all new episode. Over Your Head is a series of ten Into Your Head shows made specially for The Overnightscape Overground , a fantastic podcast feed and community of freeform mostly monologue talk contributors, created and maintained by Frank Edward Nora of The Overnightscape . Over Your Head is a mixture of new and old segments, although this particular episode is all new.
Sat, January 08, 2011
This is a previous era of a podcast that’s evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different now. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. In which Neal discusses old school kettles, prolonging the half-life of an apple, puncturing camels, cats in the emergency services, excess regulation of dog-petting, how fire was discovered, how early archaeologists passed the time, crisp sandwiches and more, and climaxes with an impassioned plea for the return of common sense. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Fri, December 31, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. An extra long episode in which Neal ends the year discussing the regulatory ramifications of crapping into concrete, assumptions about aliens, potato famine versus the Wild West, understanding the phrase guns at dawn, Harvie Krumpet and his English cousin, grabbing time by the neck, doubts about the horizon, blaming placebos and more.
Tue, December 21, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Mon, December 13, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal discusses finding trunks on maps, farces, town criers advertising fashion stores, security in huts, Mini Volkswagen vans, setting low fish preparation standards selling fire to cavemen grading failures in music exams, Tom Lehrer or somebody like him and more.
Thu, December 09, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original description: A substandard yet ultimately not deleted episode in which Neal discusses short wave podcasting, Winter cat litter issues, Toilets on stilts in India, Creepy Mother Nature and more.
Sat, December 04, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Wed, December 01, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal discusses Celtic snow tigers, an unfeasible way to examine snowflakes, Travelling to biblical times for verification purposes, how to prepare the perfect slice of toast, and more.
Thu, November 25, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal looks at how the legal system deals with anatomical differences between birds, and more.
Sat, November 13, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal celebrates the three hundred and fiftieth episode of Into Your Head with an extravaganza of music and stories, claims the original description.
Tue, August 31, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Mon, August 16, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal discusses the issues of the day, including bendy vehicles, drugs mules versus drugs camels, doldrums versus deldrums, driving to the levy, billable syllables and more.
Fri, August 13, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Mon, August 09, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Fri, August 06, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. The original description is even less inspiring: This is another sub standard show. That’s two in a row now. Sorry about that. Can’t be helped, apparently. I’m led to believe the only solution is to continue driving until clear of the puddle. Anyway, thanks for listening!
Tue, July 06, 2010
Over Your Head is a series of ten Into Your Head shows made specially for The Overnightscape Overground , a fantastic podcast feed and community of freeform mostly monologue talk contributors, created and maintained by Frank Edward Nora of The Overnightscape . Over Your Had is a mixture of new and old segments. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License . Attribution: by Neal from Ireland – more info at and Released July 2010 on The Overnightscape Underground (, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts.
Fri, June 18, 2010
Please beware: These are early incarnations of a podcast that’s evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different now. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. Over Your Head is a series of ten Into Your Head shows made specially for The Overnightscape Overground , a fantastic podcast feed and community of freeform mostly monologue talk contributors, created and maintained by Frank Edward Nora of The Overnightscape . Over Your Head is a mixture of new and old segments. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License . Attribution: by Neal from Ireland – more info at and This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License . Attribution: by Neal from Ireland – more info at and – Originally released June 2010 on The Overnightscape Underground (, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts.
Thu, June 03, 2010
Fellow podcaster and friend of the show Brian Jude takes over for a day, creating, hosting and producing his fun alternative take on Into Your Head. Some of you know BRIAN from his works, including THE BRIAN JUDE SHOW at and the eponymous @BRIANJUDE Twitter feed. BRIAN JUDE also acts, teaches, writes screens, makes movies, directs plays, is a bandmember who plays instruments properly, and was the first man ever to podcast from space. It is widely believe that he does not know how to sleep. License for this special episode: Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivative Works 3.0 United States. Attribution: by Brian Jude – more info at ONSUG dot com.
Mon, March 01, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Thu, February 25, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Today’s Into Your Head includes, among other things, a sneak preview of Neal’s sing along pilot for Nick Junior.
Sun, February 21, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Thu, February 18, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Wed, February 17, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Tue, February 16, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Mon, February 15, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Sun, February 14, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Sat, February 13, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Fri, February 12, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Mon, February 08, 2010
Please beware: These are early incarnations of a podcast that’s evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different now. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. Tonight’s Topics Include: and more.
Sun, February 07, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Sat, February 06, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original description: Not a show. I just got some great new studio equipment and am in the middle of setting it up, so here’s some audio of me getting to grips with it. Just a test.
Thu, February 04, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Mon, February 01, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. I n this episode Neal advises on what to do if you have liver damage, and discusses faecal matter with reference to the movie “Shrek”, among other things. Excuse the poor sound quality, we are still waiting for the new equipment to arrive from some fly-by- night outfit who don’t seem to know where it is.
Thu, January 28, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Fri, January 22, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Today’s topics include Muppets Tonight, something about Conan O’Brien, punching the transporter guy in “Star Trek – The Next Generation, and more.
Fri, January 22, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Fri, January 22, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Thu, January 21, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. It says here that this was another interim show, with unfeasibly bad sound quality, as we still waited in joyful hope for new equipment or something. I warned you not to go back and listen to the old shows, didn’t I? But did you listen? No. And now here we are, just like the scene in the cop car at the end of Fringe.
Wed, January 20, 2010
Please beware: These are early incarnations of a podcast that’s evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different now. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. Original description: Another interim show, as we still wait in joyful hope for the coming of the new equipment. Frankly, It’s a miracle that I’m managing to record anything at all at the moment, given that this old recorder is just a biro sellotaped to a cat. Anyway, thanks for listening.
Sat, January 16, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Another dollop of drivel on which the title speaks for itself.
Sat, January 02, 2010
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Mon, November 23, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. 2nd Hotel Trilogy – Parts XI and XII Excuse the variable sound quality, but here’s the last batch of recent recordings from the comfort of a hotel room somewhere in Ireland.
Sun, November 22, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. 2nd Hotel Trilogy – Parts VIII through X Excuse the variable sound quality, but here are more recent recordings from the comfort of a hotel room somewhere in Ireland. More to come over in the next few days.
Fri, November 20, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. 2nd Hotel Trilogy – Parts I through IV Excuse the variable sound quality, but here are some recent recordings from the comfort of a hotel room somewhere in Ireland.
Wed, October 14, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Fri, October 09, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. The conclusion of a five part trilogy, recorded in the sanctuary of a hotel bedroom and bathroom, somewhere in central Ireland.
Thu, October 08, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Part four in a trilogy of five, recorded in the sanctuary of a hotel bedroom and bathroom, somewhere in central Ireland.
Wed, October 07, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Warning: Dubious sound quality in places, in the bonus material which was mostly recorded on a phone. Our trilogy of five shows recorded in the sanctuary of a hotel bedroom and bathroom in central Ireland, will continue tomorrow. Meanwhile, as an interval act, here are some shorter recordings made during the same period, and previously uploaded via iPhone as mini podcasts on AudioBoo. The sound quality is variable, I’m afraid, but that’s because I was recording on a frigging telephone.
Tue, October 06, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Part three in a trilogy of five, recorded in the sanctuary of a hotel bedroom and bathroom, somewhere in central Ireland.
Mon, October 05, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Part two in a trilogy of five, recorded in the sanctuary of a hotel bedroom and bathroom, somewhere in central Ireland.
Sun, October 04, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Show 222: Hotel Trilogy – Part I Part one in a trilogy of five, recorded in the sanctuary of a hotel bedroom and bathroom, somewhere in central Ireland. Today’s topics include insuring hotels against Michael Hutchence, a wardrobe recording disappointment, porters who refused to assist with death, a virtual toast rack a wish for prison-style breakfast plates, and more.
Tue, September 22, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Today Neal declares that this show, along with Shows 219 and 220, officially do not exist in Into Your Head canon, and that we shall start afresh next week.
Mon, September 21, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If yo are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. A cat afterbirth song and god only knows what else, in this uninspiring instalment.
Sun, September 20, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Topics include sit-down dentistry, President Obama’s cat, fake sex changes, lions in packs of ten and more.
Thu, September 17, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Topics include young people and oral obsessions, a series of tubs, curing things that aren’t disorders, Alice Cooper’s mother, Cole Porter, doing things with buttermilk and lots more.
Wed, September 16, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Another dollop of drivel from Athy’s least well known creative venture.
Wed, September 09, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Neal reminisces about childhood vegetable gardening, finding gold, growing cows, spreading bird flu, growing things in jars, picking peas and a recent trip down the stairs, among other things.
Tue, September 01, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Today Neal discusses Trojan teeth rotters, chickens foetuses containing eggs, a third visit with the toy penguin, retaliating with fake guns, Trojan cats, manure profit margins, measuring an ant’s height on a curved Earth and more.
Thu, April 30, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Thu, April 30, 2009
Please beware: These are early incarnations of a podcast that’s evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different now. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. current episodes first. This morning’s topics include the repair of moral compasses, prison trading systems and dead brown stuff. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.
Wed, April 29, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Disposal of deodorant bottles, ancient Chinese proverbs stalkers and fictional cartoon serial killers who run multinational food conglomerates. With thanks to Jerry from SoCal for the topic suggestion.
Mon, April 27, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. On today’s show: Penicillen. Why we must never invent it again.
Fri, April 24, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original description: “Happy Friday! It’s not a new one today. We’re rerunning some classic IntoYourHead, in which Neal discusses pigeons and Hitler and stuff.
Thu, April 23, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Wed, April 22, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Happy Wednesday! This morning’s topics include joyless automated murder, the advantages of spreading manure more thinly and doorstep etiquette.
Mon, April 20, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. In our continuing series of short daily shows, Neal discusses his obession with Professor Stephen Hawkin, explains how the brain intervenes when you see a brown lemonade sauce, takes a look at President Obama’s inability to own a cat, and talks about Professor Stephen Hawkin’s early schooldays.
Fri, April 17, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. It’s Friday! Or at least it will be when you hear this, unless you save it for your Monday morning commute. In which case you’ve misunderstood the purpose of this season of short daily shows. But thanks for listening, nonetheless.
Fri, April 17, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Thu, April 16, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original descritpion: It’s Thursday! We haven’t got bored of this yet! We take a look at what Professor Stephen Hawkin thought about drug addicts, and try out some generic political comedy satire that you can apply to your respective country, wherever it may be.
Thu, April 16, 2009
Please beware: These are very early vintage shows from a podcast that evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different today. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. It’s Thursday! We haven’t got bored of this yet! We take a look at what Professor Stephen Hawkin thought about drug addicts, and try out some generic political comedy satire that you can apply to your respective country, wherever it may be.
Wed, April 15, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beomce somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Continuing the first ever run of Into Your Head’s Temporarily Daily Breakfast Show.
Tue, April 14, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. It’s the second instalment of the first ever run of Into Your Head's Temporarily Daily Breakfast Show.
Mon, April 13, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original description: It’s an exciting new era for IntoYourHead! This is the pilot episode of The Into Your Head Temporarily Daily Breakfast Show! We’ll be releasing a short new show in the early hours of almost every weekday morning for the next while.
Sun, March 29, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Sat, March 21, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Adorable original description: iPhone users can now download our shows ANYWHERE, without a computer! All recent IntoYourHeads are under 10mbs in size, so no restrictions, even without wifi!! Help / Info on the how-to-listen page at
Fri, March 20, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Sun, March 15, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Tragic orignal 2009 description for this three minute appearance: “A brief yet nonetheless dissatisfying comeback, after we’ve been offline for several weeks, for reasons with which we’ll no longer bore you. Thanks for still being here. You ARE still here, aren’t you? Please be still here. It’s taken two years to get you all here in such numbers, and I’d hate to think you’d stop being here, just because I forgot to pay my hosting bill and the site disappeared completely, and my home Internet got broken and I’ve been sick this week, and before that I couldn’t think of anything to say, anyway.” If I remember rightly this was the time when I finally found out my original broadband provider consisted of one man who was in over his head and trying to sell the company.
Sun, March 08, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Another dollop of drivel featuring Neal and Joanne. Includes a vibrating musical number, and a special lecture about cats and bars and stuff. The following is an adorable sentence from the original 2008 description: iPhone users can now download our shows anywhere, without a computer! All recent IntoYourHeads are under 10mbs in size, so no restrictions, even without wifi!
Thu, January 29, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Adorable original description, although it’s becoming a little repetitive now: iPhone users can now download our shows ANYWHERE, without a computer! All recent IntoYourHeads are under 10mbs in size, so no restrictions, even without wifi!
Sun, January 25, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original description: Phone users can now download our shows ANYWHERE, without a computer! All recent IntoYourHeads are under 10mbs in size, so no restrictions, even without wifi!! Help / Info on the how-to-listen page at
Sat, January 24, 2009
Please beware: These are very early vintage shows from a podcast that evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different today. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. Original 2009 description: iPhone users can now download our shows ANYWHERE, without a computer! All recent IntoYourHeads are under 10mbs in size, so no restrictions, even without wifi!! Help / Info on the how-to-listen page at License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce this attribution for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.”
Sat, January 24, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original description: Into Your Head’s dry spell is over. We’re back, finally ready for 2009 with a new season of regular shows all about nothing. And what’s more, I promise you we’re feeling full of hope for the future and all that sort of crap.
Sun, January 04, 2009
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original description: Final show of 2008! Ninety-six dollops of drivel is enough for one year Use the break to catch up in old shows. Or eat turkey. Up to you. Thanks for listening. Dedicated to Chilli the cat.
Fri, December 19, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Adorable original description from 2008: Phone users can now download our shows ANYWHERE, without a computer! All recent IntoYourHeads are under 10mbs in size, so no restrictions, even without wifi!! Help / Info on the how-to-listen page at . We’re back with a brand spanking new episode, packed to the brim with meaningless monologues and the occasional musical number!
Sun, December 14, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Topics include: This is a rerun, No mention of ones or zeros, Which Saturday is this? Demanding dogs, Composted roof material, Staring pets in the eye, Non-vulgar crackling analogy, Grass as dental floss, The non-consumable food cycle, Soap emergencies, My garden versus the planet, Issuing commands to cats, Malfunctioning cat languages, Colour co-ordinated pets, Insects and the metric system, How miles were invented, Planning a riot, A freak accident involving grass, Reasons for shooting the messenger, Questions to be asked, A corpse in court, Forward thinking, This was a rerun.
Wed, December 03, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Topics Include: This is a rerun, No mention of ones or zeros, Which Saturday is this? Demanding dogs, Composted roof material, Staring pets in the eye, Non vulgar crackling analogy, Grass as dental floss, The non-consumable food cycle, Soap emergencies, My garden versus the planet, Issuing commands to cats, Malfunctioning cat languages, Colour co-ordinated pets, Insects and the metric system, How miles were invented, Planning a riot, A freak accident involving grass, Reasons for shooting the messenger, Questions to be asked, A corpse in court, Forward thinking and more.
Mon, December 01, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. It’s a dark, wintery Monday morning. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You want to go on a shooting spree at your workplace, then turn the gun on yourself. But before you do, spare twenty minutes to enjoy another instalment of the unique online radio show that’s aimed at people who have an acquired taste, or want to get one.
Sat, November 29, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. It’s Friday! Unless you’re not on our side of the Atlantic, in which case it’s Thursday night, and you’re still busy being thankful for the fact that it’s Thanksgiving Thursday. Either way, all this can only mean one thing. It’s the first ever “Into Your Head Thanksgiving Blind Cola Bible Wars Taste Challenge Special”! Thanks for listening.
Tue, November 25, 2008
Original 2008 description which has aged well: Phone users can now download our shows ANYWHERE, without a computer! All recent IntoYourHeads are under 10mbs in size, so no restrictions, even without wifi!!
Fri, November 21, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are nw to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Mon, November 17, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Another installment of your regular dollop of drivel, in which Neal spouts utter nonsense about every topic under the sun, withunique in-house musical numbers, and occasional extra lectures and things from Joanne.
Wed, November 12, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Another instalment of your regular dollop of drivel, in which Neal spouts utter nonsense about every topic under the sun, with unique in-house musical numbers, and and today the start of a second series of special lectures Joanne at the Into Your Head Adult Learning Programme, specially tailored to make you less stupid.
Tue, November 11, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original descriptions: This is a special episode of Into Your Head, in which we. it’s difficult to explain. Thanks to Ruben: RubenerdShow dot com.
Sun, November 09, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Another installment of Ireland’s silliest online radio show.
Wed, October 22, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Sat, October 18, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original description: A special compilation of material that most listeners won’t have heard before, including some classic Shainne Greoige, and a lecture from Doctress Joanne. We’ll be back to normal soon, and not only that, we’re starting a second season of lectures from the Into Your Head Adult Learning Programme.
Thu, October 09, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. A description-free episode from the early days.
Wed, October 08, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original description: A special deluxe super bonus edition of your regular dollop of drivel, in which Neal spouts utter nonsense about every topic under the sun, interspersed with some special lectures by Joanne.
Tue, October 07, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Original Description:Another installment of your regular dollop of drivel, in which Neal spouts utter nonsense about every topic under the sun, with unique in-house musical numbers, and occasional extra lectures and things from Joanne.
Tue, October 07, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Sun, August 03, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. t’s the 100th Into Your Head! Two and a half hours of pure, unmitigated drivel. Tonight’s Topics Include: Rules of biscuit sandwich-making, Reaching the 100 pinnacle, Unseen bears in woods, Allocating eyes to humans, Defining your personal universe. That’s just the first eight minutes of our longest, most packed show ever.Also: Tons of other stuff, including several brand new musical numbers, a lecture or two from Joanne, Frank from The Overnightscape tastes a green liquid gum thing that’s been chewed by his cats, and additional audio entertainment from Eddie (then of Conspiracast and Manny. Record an online voicemail, post in the guestbook, e-mail us, mingle – Click here . Want to contribute a segment for future shows? Go ahead. Anything humorous welcome, just send us your audio. The promos are for Dadaist’s Cabaret and Eddie’s podcast of that era, Conspiracast. Thanks Manny and Dave for additional topic suggestionsLi
Thu, July 24, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Topics Include flying cars and the three-digit ea, Travelling against the flow of time, Travel sickness in the bedroom, Quad Etait Demonstrandum, Unsolicited extra education, The Bozo The Clown test, Declaring things null and void, Non-fatal ostrich eye injuries, The senior lifeguard’s big dilemna, Drawing lines in sand, A maths-based ball game in a bandstand.Also: Two brand new songs, specially produced to comply with trade descriptions regulatory requrements explained herein.
Thu, July 17, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. TTopics Include: Hospital-style sound recording, Feeling restricted, Avoiding excess pride, Helping the human octopus community, Policing surplus limbs, Policing slang, Editorial issues regarding the cat song, rebranding cat strangers, Additional vintage material: Ancestoral ice cream manufacturers, Snow is wet too, an automated invention machine, Ex-army cat stranglers, Dictators’ facial hair, Jesus and his ill advised Hitler moustache, tasting dog food. Also: Three brand new acapello cat songs.
Tue, July 15, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Topics Include: o ver here not over there, Two conscious selves, Area codes for humans in a George Orwell world, Mobile people, An obligatory introductory paragraph, An unrecorded interval, Caviar or popcorn, Being awake in an anaglogue cinematorium, The letter O versus the number zero, Racism in astronomy, Fake multi tasking, Exaggerating a Prime Ministerial CV, Vested interests in the black hole industry. Also: Some sort of song or something, and real evidence of my unused phone number.
Thu, July 10, 2008
Please beware: These are very early vintage shows from a podcast that evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different today. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. T opics Include: Advantages of vagueness, Disposable words, Partially pre-recorded conversations, Ninety something again, Literature-based mathematics, An example of an example, Live phone in, An unreliable time check, Supplying buckets for the coffee shop industry, A universe in my microwave, Facts about fiction, Blocking Charles Dickens’ IP address and more. Also: We experiment with our first ever entirely instrumental cat song.
Mon, July 07, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Wed, July 02, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Topics Include: Musical differences in the en-suite, A grave in the kitchen, Inadvertently making sense, Adam and Eve’s parenting skills, Cult-creating genes, How to gain hero status, Avoiding a Satan-style downfall, Protecting your cat’s street cred, What you’re thinking, I’m probably eating, Language difficulties, Learning three-digit numbers, Obeying motoring laws for kicks, Therapeutic Tetris, Catchphrase protection, Making artificial granite, Taxing artificial granite, Not missing you yet, Conserving water while surfing, Global warming myths, Three-ply issues, A useful Tetris-related cake analogy, Commissioning a Tetris gambling cheater programme, Audio freeware distribution, Estimated indoor wind speeds, Valuing a castle. A misnamed surgery and more. Also: Some sort of a cat song that involves two bathrooms, for some reason.
Wed, June 25, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: The make of it what you will clause, The book of this episode, Springm based entertainment, A day as a percentage of a week, Getting geared up for arithmetic, Appropriately numbered multpile choice answers, Contrasts in my voice, Avoiding another moon conspiracy, Debriefing my future self, Travelling at the speed of time, Fielding phone calls from ET, A world prejudiced against against repetition, Advertising televisions on television, A world prejudiced against long silences, Getting sued by Beethoven, Differenciating cat noises and more.
Tue, June 17, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: A natural speech deficiency, Concerns about my benign monarchy, Defining the non average listener, Representing 587 countries with only 243 people, Cheating the Euro currency, A very old catchphrase, How God invented the printing press while retaining his modesty, Balanced reporting in the New Testament, Jesus and his superfluous coffin, Trying to think of the word props, Being named after God, A piece with non-simultaneous commentary, Owning the listener, A pimple on a speck of sand and more. Also: Joanne returns with our first ever catfish song.
Sun, June 15, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Legalities of squatting in space and time, A cheap alternative postal system, A Chinese proverb about sadism, A thing with yokes on it, Allocating space for fishes, How goldfish stay dry, Rebelling against the food chain, Viewing the fridge inside out, A note about noteworthiness, My four level basement in your head, Inaudible bears in forests, A cure for tiredness, The Sweeny Todd cover-up and more. and more.
Fri, June 13, 2008
Please beware: These are very early vintage shows from a podcast that evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different today. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. Tonight’s Topics Include: How to re-read books, Famine and disease nostalgia, Guilt-free telethon viewing, Getting diseases for fun, Putting real rubber onto replica things, Rattling vitamins, Anticipating complaints, Frank Zappa’s moustache, Creative peoples’ trademarks, Making a name for Dilbert, Preaching about cats, I can’t hear the listener, “Back to the Future 4”, Small worried guys with beards, Justifying an early morning lunch, Canned stuff, Matching pear halves, A tour of my shed, Live wood-repairing, Domestic discussions, Security issues, A misnamed urination segment, More yellow than usual and more.
Thu, June 12, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: The monster in the toilet, Reusing laundry-based entertainment, Swearing in BBC rehearsals, Allaying listener worries regarding dehydration, Parental supervision expectations for this podcast, A token appearance, Inadvertently seeing potential top models, Three miles through my house, Proving computer competency, Challenging claims of non certification, Finding where to vote, Masculising women’s surnames, A wet cat and more.
Sat, June 07, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Avoiding a fire in my lap, A holographic laptop with holes, No flying cars yet, Starbucks mug for sale, Learning about taxes on whiskey, Cheap feathers, Why cat don’t eat fruit, Analysing your pet’s emotions, A possible Tetris sequel, Eating animals’ heads, Advertising aimed at cats, Kangaroo tomcats, An update about my lap, Deleted noises, How to be on your toes, Forever the host, Free will for feet and more.
Fri, June 06, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Biological sound-monitoring, Working with dry ice, My mistrust of books, Testing whether the world is round, How the world became flat and civilised, Fulfilling my prediction of a trip to Dublin, A tedium relief road, Lying on the bed telling lies, A circular route in my house, Herpes and the tourist industry, Lying about the Ring of Kerry, Toilet flushing as a Meteorological factor and more.
Thu, June 05, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Tue, June 03, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Turning off the listener, Automated video jockeys, Rowan and Martin’s name swap, An unplanned intelligence test, Power efficiency on a 1980s bicycle, Limiting your knowledge intake, An imaginary capital of Afghanistan, The millennium of the past, Large hand means large cat, Reading the palm of a deity, Sourcing protein and water on the moon, Overly conscious participants in analogies and sitcoms, One touch music creation, Some filler about institutions or something and more. Also: A special musical number to mark Chilli the cat and his upcoming operation.
Thu, May 29, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: A great leap forward, Bootleg recordings of Into Your Head, Park bench entitlement issues, Psychiatric movies featuring Robin Williams, Police intolerance of bank heists, A non-animal love interest, Which part of my brain routed this?, Imagining the repetition of a cat’s arrival, A description of where I’m pointing, Extinguishing the dog presence, Polluting ambient noises by breathing, Obliterating your head online, Avoiding a silly déjà vu joke, Evil-faced dog distraction, How gardeners track the sun, Comparing buttercups and tissue paper in the laboratory, Bonzai toilets as a scientific aid, An expensive imitation rooster, Short circuits in the brain, An example of deja vu, Comparing cats to lightning, Follow my forefinger and more. Also: Joanne returns with a couple of cat songs also known as anti dog songs
Tue, May 27, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: I should do something else today, Researching the god of dogs, Bad taste cat articles, Taking offense on behalf of others, How the media balances things, Writing backwards, Not accounting for my movements, A dog who might eat me, Evil faces and windows, Detecting invisible things, What marionette puppeteers do when they’re bored, Replaceability in the aviation industry, Knowing where you’re going, Petrol on a pedal cycle, Vicious circles in the grass-cutting industry, Spelling “meeughl-eulgh”, Learning in Zanzibar, Sydney Pollack’s wardrobe, Researching Woody Allen, A mis sighting of Dr. Suess, Deaths in breach of copyright, Tuxedo cats, Finding offensive material, Defending the use of the word ugly.
Sat, May 24, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: No mention of ones or zeros, Which Saturday is this? Demanding dogs, Fuzzy psychic reception, Composted roof material, Staring pets in the eye, Non-vulgar crackling analogy, Grass as dental floss, The non-consumable food cycle, Soap emergencies, My garden versus the planet, Issuing commands to cats, Malfunctioning cat languages, Colour co-ordinated pets, Insects and the metric system, How miles were invented, Planning a riot, A freak accident involving grass, Reasons for shooting the messenger, Questions to be asked, A corpse in court, Forward thinking, Postscript in the bathroom and more.
Fri, May 23, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Walking while using a laptop, Designing a front view mirror, Speculating about my eye sockets, The line between sympathy and violence, An editing note about an upcoming face, Loopholes in slavery and murder laws, Distinguishing bread eating noises, Half a urination session, A microwave and a cat, Kitchens for non-eaters, Something goes without saying, Extending the speechual content, Doing stuff ironically, Alanis Morrissete’s downfall, Using words in sentences, Buying music by telex, A caucus of fleas sounds right, Linking kidney-related foods, Turnip chips, The 79 milestone and more.T
Thu, May 22, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: A plausible lie for promotional purposes, Inventing a toy dog, Encouraging a disabled pet, A defeatist attitude, Bright yellow warthogs on the Internet, Customised modular phone Phillistines, Smothering things in wallpaper, A surprising attitude to kitchens, Encouraging stalkers, The Cherry Tree Principle, Instructions for my burial, Speculating about thorns worn under a hat. Better out than in, An horse philosiphising about pollution and more.
Sun, May 18, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Sat, May 17, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Wasting DC power, The merchandisers of the fire world, Limitations of yellow safety hats, Four birds with one stone, The veterinary niceness factor, Verifying listeners’ tax status, Heckling podcasters, Making amends for photographing books, Prooving that you learn something new every day, The Hoover of the soft drinks world, A forced belch, Fear of silence, A subtle axe stand, Imagining the word “end”, Today’s designated personality, Tetris filler, Being overtaken by a past past self, A contrived ending. Also: A master-class in how to make a synthesised cat song on your portable telephone.
Thu, May 15, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Seeking stimulation in the fridge, Disguising fish, Double cooked bread, Stairs ascension segment, A good excuse for two silent steps, Getting mis-spelt in the Irish media, The listener’s research duties, A non omitted outtake, Cutting through ones and zeros, Getting rid of vertical things, Going over your head, Watching cats in the garden, Comparing this to than blank space, Recording this recoriding session on the telephone, The Stumbly Show, Prooving stumbly is a real word, Thinking about Esparanto. Also: Two cat songs or something.
Fri, May 09, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Pretending it’s still the present, An artifical cat for illustrative purposes, Time travel in the bath, Trespassing in the seventies, Sci-fi as a reference tool, Sorry for changing the course of history, Treasuring a hole, A mould for sponges, Two kinds of pie, False triangles in the food industry, Demanding bite-size convenience, Linking laziness to starvation, Refusing to electrocute my cat, Profiting from urine-entertainment, Water on the brain is fine and more.
Fri, May 09, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Audio hyperlinks, Calling oneself from the bathroom, Getting your levels level, Exporting an accent for effective use abroad, English plus one, Finding morse code on an official translation, Profiting from the nineties clubbing culture, A conspiracy about my incompetence, Eaing cake in different countries, Collecting water or ice on a long distance bus, Traditional circumnavigation routes, Standing like a weirdo, Travelling on your ninth life, Joystick feedback, Misinterpreting a bus-related metaphor, Slowing down to let passengers on, Something in French, Referencing the Irish language, Eddie from Conspiracast hosts a sober phone in debate about terrorism or something and more.
Sat, May 03, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Taliban teacup disappointments, Satanic packaging, Child tea manufacturers, Differing attitudes to pet insects, A loophole in the tea selling laws, Greener tea, A politics-related hand mixup, Gift tax on beverages, Scientists with too much power, The monkey island experiment, Creating safer tree climbers, Weak tea bags and compost, Improvising with a sweeping brush, White wooly island garments, When to order hot burgers, Bunny-shaped sausage, Cottaging in the fast food sector, Replacing potatoes with bread, Arán versus Árann, Dazzled by the television, Avoiding Wikipedia, Issues with a green search engine, Accepting one twenty-billionth of the responsibility. Also: We advance the cat song genre another step using what’s available in the kitchen, and preview upcoming new character that we’re developing.
Sun, April 27, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Not strapped in, Shadowing a hunting cat, Properly processed poultry, Bogged down with alliteration, Ignoring small words, A nineteen seventies search engine, Underused portability shame, My 2D monitor, Testing a dimensional website, The Niagara Falls nano border, Obsessed with the bends, Thom Yorke’s lucky guess, Everybody knows an Aloysius, Experimenting with goodbyes, A hidden track, Sampling Professor Stephen Hawking, My pencil failings. Also: Our first ever aborted cat song. Nobody is to blame.
Sat, April 26, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Just a host, Small minds in the audience, An ill informed cow, Creating a cat on the fly, Getting stuff from users, pros and cons of papier mache limbs, Harrison Ford’s badly planned circus, Obvious sand-monsters, Linking role reprisals and death, Delaying the mail, Limitations for macho actors, The Spoiler Police, Accidentally liabling a police officer and more.
Sat, April 26, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Listenerimposed drugs test, Watching a marathon, Avoidng the word “pod”, Cannibalistic vegetables, Remembering the bread man, Grimacing in the front seat, Innapropriate product placement – an experiment, Blackberries and mungo juice, A double shot of beer, Fantastic typing, Slow-drying coke, Being frowned upon, The NYC Wingdings font conspiracy, Reading too much into the trees, Making use of a urination opportunity.
Fri, April 25, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Frightening episodes, Severed feet and the natural landscape, Poultry carving politics, Oxygen free chickens, No explosion without fire, Surviving on a forest planet, Counting the foot carers, An embassy to a neighbour, Planning a fictional World War, Some truths about ET and Elliot, How to be an information resource, Alternatives to Dr. Suess, Kitten basket distribution, Rearing an undercooked egg, Obsessing over paradoxes, Improving Wikipedia and more.
Thu, April 24, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. This is Today’s 2nd Show. Topics include: Sequentics in counting, Confusing colons, Randomnisation and the digestive system, Surplufluous skins on fruit, Eight miles of person, Outage outrages, Non facial expression, Caffeine as a coolant, What’s wrong with Meeveo?, In defence of fractions, A song about a specific cat, An insect not a router, Everybody puts chicken in, Strapped in and unable to urinate, Why humans don’t live past 100, Dressing for black and white movies, Invisible Man saturation, Hyperlink hype, Why I don’t record myself reading, Points for spraying a cat and more.
Thu, April 24, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Lack of ambient cat recordings, Stationery update, Big brother is watching paperclips, Non moving office supplies, Lying about “loling”, Political lauging gas, A stationery argument, Cat duplication to prove a point, Self duplicating cat-copyright infringments, Reliable paperclip information sources, Dead pigeons on the property ladder, An irrelelevent synthetic paperclip, A warning about other paperclip podcasts, Exchanging your goat’s head.
Sun, April 20, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. This is the first of two episodes that went out on the same date. For once it’s not a mistake. Topics Include: Garnering subsequency, Inefficient use of a hacksaw, Swapping out a big thumb, Getting on Discovery Channel, Legalities of killing two birds with one stone, Hand gestures on Judge Judy, Even better than a cat picture, Stressing the listener, Vegetables as evidence of a dog licensing conspiracy, Return of the urination session, Pronouncing prevarification, Waterfall production, The Irish podcasters’ video conspiracy, Listener concerns regarding guitar urination, Listener comment regarding hair, Prevaricating over an out-take, Lying about plants, The ridiculous Oxygen Cycle, Kitten dog eyes and more.
Sun, April 20, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. This is the second of two episodes that came out on the same date. Topics include: Between two consecutive days, Stupid place for a mountain, A fuel thief in the audience, Podcaster diplomacy issues, Black market petrol, A less gloomy cat song, The first pluck is the hardest, Pronunciation of Duran and Duran respectively, Two Delilahs under the microscope, No disrespect to Freddie Mercury, Wales’ secret cat song exporter, Not afraid to curtail things, Undressing the sky, Dealing with flem, Paws and pause in other languages, How to wreck a legal conference and a special selection of folkloric cat stories.
Tue, April 15, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Calculating the average listener, Exceling in music and hair, Acapello humming from my past, Fake folk music, The man who ate apples while moving, Cats and mice as a story-embellishment, Why virtual pets must be mortal, Charlie the lucky idiot, Cloud cuckoo land, Imaginary people, Avoiding axe murderers by text, Threatening a paperclip, Puddles of pee,Delusions about magnetic murder and Terminators, {Vintage material: Let’s blow into something, Our local crocadile hunter, Digestive biscuits, Inter-species nutrition, Inter-species marriage, Related by cat marriage, New rules for bank officials, Living with a fourth dimension, A makeshift holodeck, The new voiceover guy, Naming things after Karl Marx, The Definite Article}, Interupting my vintage self, Conlcusion of the paperclip incident, My President Bush lifestyle. Music: Twinkle Twinkle My Guitar by Dilbrent. Use restricted under the following Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Generic which can be viewed at
Sun, April 13, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Where here is, Measuring a country, Verifying listener credentials, Counterfeit podcasts, Submitting to scientific journals, Fun with dry ice and acid, Pointless fire-prevention research, Marking my words, Novelising this show, Tuning in to this show, Identifying with Bruce Springsteen, Investing in cat songs, Rock star cat deceptions, Peeing into a guitar, People hate urine, Exporting sewage to Australia, My new idea to save the planet with frozen urine, Faking a mouse click, Listener input system song, Songetic license, Ending gently, some listener e-mail, A song about Bruce Springsteen’s cat, and Shainne Greoige with a special investigative editorial about beanstalks and your children and more.
Mon, January 07, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: A super length special to celebrate the creation of our longest show ever.Tonight’s topics include: Act 1: Legitimately introducing oneself, Ways to analyse a fridge, Fulfilling your noise requirements, Unappreciated containers, A margarine feast, Preventing your dinner from freezing, Parmesan cheese as an egg substitute, Apple juice for your PC, Some egg sizing issues, A mayonaisse lottery, Buying listener merchandise, Surplus Stirring, Torturing yourself, Understanding real time and that’s just Act 1.
Fri, January 04, 2008
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Definitely not dandruff, Speaking less legibly, Decoffination, Interference if we’re lucky, Too late to avoid learning, Unintentionally saying “cat”, An entertaining microwave, TV events in the 1800s, Pretending to talk about psychiatry, Alphabetic bladder therapy, Personal issues with “X” and “Q”, A single entry phone book, Getting away from counting, Gravity not enough, Countdown to an ordinary midnight – an experiment, Making milk exciting, Ironing my thoughts, Bill Clinton’s handwriting, Functioning eyelids, Calculating the sun’s age, Illogical sizing of clock faces, Reconstructing the last word and more. Also : In a new feature, Joanne tackles some listener mail starting with a question about something, and delivers another lecture from the Into Your Head Adult Learning Programme.
Sat, March 24, 2007
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Say something worth saying, Sorry about the crucification thing, Vegan dairy products, Free range humans, Finding my weight in gold, Jesus mows the lawn, Fishmongers are nice, The scales on the fish on the scales, Optional extras for horse purchasers, The inappropriate scales of injustice, Misunderstood Satanism in schools, Helpless in the face of house theft, The big roofing fraud, Man’s best friend supposedly, A bittersweet trip to the toilet, Unfulfilled ice cream dreams, Dead cats in China, My futurecrime.Sháinne Greoige is on holiday but we have the latest update on the cat litter controversy from Athy Weekly World News, and Neal gives a unique guest-lecture for the Into Your Head Adult Learning Programme. Music composed on our Madplayer - an ancient and defunct device that creates bespoke music on the fly.
Fri, October 20, 2006
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Cardboard coincidences, My part in the Christmas industry, Economists drawing cats, Selling microscopic pets, Governing from a leather recepticle, Building a better future with the colour beige, Other people’s nuclear bombs, Scrambled eggs before Haloween, Ex-beings, Feet don’t grow overnight, The Madonna and foster-child, Mother Teresa’s skimpy attire, Martin Scorcesse’s blue crayons, Feed me feedback, A sense of the ridiculousALSO TONIGHT The first ever Tomo’ at Large, with our new Crime Correspondent, Athy Weekly World News with Sháinne Greoige , and another lecture from the Into Your Head Adult Learning Programme: Intermediate Psychology for Beginners, Joanne’s Weekly Cat Song 2. All music made on our Madplayer, a defunct and wonderful device that generates music on the fly.
Sun, October 15, 2006
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: A song for Pippy, This disconnected world, Taunted by the machine, Friday the 13th, Haphazard lunar movements, Tied down by the atmosphere, Redundant directional vocabulary, The wrong North Pole, Stop discovering empty spaces, Polar energy and Communism, My Regular Pony, Adolescence in other species, Self conscious turtles, Pippy caught a mouse, Self sufficiency, A talking turkey, Verifying the television news with dental records, Let’s see what’s on my cellphone, Limbo gets a reprieve, Don’t be a“people person. Also a lecture called A Beginner's Guid to Irony, and Athy Weekly World News with Shainne Greoige.
Tue, September 05, 2006
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Tue, September 05, 2006
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first.
Wed, August 30, 2006
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Includes a segment recorded in Belfast last weekend, and the first in our series of lectures tailoured to suit the needs of our listeners – An Introduction to Cannibalism. Eye Doctorers, Your car funds the health system, Soft drinks nosiness, Unneccessary nutrition, AA mug of air, Disgusting inventions, Unfeasible transportation systems and more.
Sat, August 12, 2006
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Cat toiletrees, You’ll be dead soon anyway, Michael Jackson and my mom, This beer might be a placebo, Billy Joel’s tale of downtrodden actresses, Kill your pets you selfish bamtard, Beer again, The Kildare Rockies, Geographical aids, Columbus’ round trip, Australian men, Cats again, Turnips, Inventing the Compact Disc, Turnips and uncreative gardening, Let’s not waste the moon, You’re not ready yet, Masking tape, Checking my toes, Nail organistation, Why computer programmes are full of bugs, Cheese premiere, Scallions, September 11th 1999, Send us your words, Don’t just soak and more.
Sun, July 30, 2006
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Non-viable circus police and impersonation thereof, This coffee jar will help, Differences between you and a cat, Thai sweat shops and toilet paper, The new “grandpa” in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Saint Patrick couldn’t drive for shit, Labor Day is funny, Arranging surgery for my neighbour, Happy Meals and alcohol, Is your child good anough for a cult?, Pope John Paul II’s ugly cross, Worshipping false and incorrectly-named gods, St. Paul the lizard, Jesus’ surprise comeback, What’s television?, I could bring telephony to Athy, Driving on public transport, My mopedity, Carrying pets on your bike, Trapeze perverts, euthenasi-cat, advice for pet owners and more.
Mon, July 24, 2006
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Time has no bearing, Where do words come out?, Breaking records is impolite, An elderly bear, Amoeba twins versus cellphones – and explanation, Seperating the sciences, Nixers, How Van Gogh lost his ear, Immortals get things done, Jesus’ sushi, How bird flu started, Time still has no bearing, How not to miss your stop when commuting, How Satan got wet, Toilet break warning, Read stuff and change the world, Women appreciate this crap, Sleeping lightly on the earth, Electric payments, Self burying pets, Children as mice-repellents, Teaching the teachers, Prof. Stephen Hawkin’s backwards astrology thing, Ambidextrous typewriters, Non-ambidextrous doors, Hidden messages in this show, Apalling disgraceful video games which I own, a cough and more.
Sat, July 15, 2006
Please beware: These are very early vintage shows from a podcast that evolved gradually over 18+ years and 800+ episodes and sounds very different today. If you’re new to Into Your Head, please try my later shows first. Tonight’s topics include: An Apology, my new bicycle, Tearing cats and dogs, People in heaven are bigots, I hope I die before I get confused, Queen Elizabeth for tea, Prime Minister Who?, Like father; like George Bush, Did you excuse me yet? Time travel might help, Some gratuitious insulting of the listener, Living near sea level, Disgusting trees, Faulty guitar, My life as a childhood mathematical biographer, Improvisation, Things on my table, Sue me, It’s not junk mail unless it smells, Mandatory current events coverage, Low fat beer, Birthdays are neccessary. Public Service announcements by Joanne Farrell: “Learn Irish, it’s great”, “Clean floors”, “Road Safety”. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – It is mandatory to reproduce this attribution for each episode: “Neal O’Carroll via – Many episodes findable forever on Archive dot org.”
Wed, July 12, 2006
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. T opics Include: Frowning pencils and the youth of today, People are weird about fish, How french fries are made, Shakespeare the third rate comedian, Interfering with old bookcases, Art on wheelie-bins, Disposing of dead puppies, How plastic is made, Adam and Eve’s trick on the dinosaurs, Cats in space, Today’s beverage, Hurricanes’ first names, Uneducateable children, Snow White and children’s footwear, Solar cooking, My secret band, Sun holidays to the North Pole, Unknowingly learning a percussion instrument, Getting stoned to death, my shakespearean Sonnet and more.
Wed, July 05, 2006
BEWARE - This is a vintage episode of a podcast evolved a lot over two decades years and close to a thousand episodes to eventually beome somewhat listenable. If you are new to the show, please try some current episodes first. Also, if you’re still here after reading that, please note this is an incomplete copy of Show 001. And if you’re still here after reading that , I shot a man in Reno. Thanks are due to Dustin who kindly pointed out, after hearing that I was having difficulty uploading this very first podcast back in 2006, that WAV files are very big and you’re supposed to convert them to MP3. This is a partially recovered copy of the fist ever episode of Into Your Head, in which the topics included: Getting cable, Being photogenic, Stealing picnic baskets, Deodorant, Lying about deodorant in podcasts, Uni-things, Guitar improvisation, Addicted to pipes, Willy Wonka, being a multi-millionaire, Jesus and The Cat in the Hat, Lying about being a multi-millionaire in podcasts, Being a dead musical genius, Trampoline holidays, Reviving dead puppies, Loose coffee leaves, I hope this podcast doesn’t attract weirdos, Early Irish cartoons, Farting clauses in mortgages, why Judy needs you, and introducing Smellbow.